Abstract of the lesson on the application of the ball. Application in the first and second junior group of kindergarten: topics of classes and methods of conducting. Big ball exercises

Olga Petrukhina

Target. Strengthen the ability to stick multi-colored balls of different sizes, colors from colored paper. Generate positive emotions at work.

learn to lay out the finished figures on the background and stick them, applying glue to the paper not from the color, but from the back, press the part tightly to the paper;

Develop practical knowledge and skills fine motor skills hands, eye; mental processes;

Cultivate accuracy in work; desire to help a friend.

move: caregiver: Guys, if you want I'll tell you a fairy tale about our favorite toys. Lived once balls, big and small. They were funny naughty, multicolored.

But one day, they became so sad. That they forgot how to play, jump.

So they came to visit you so that you could help them and show them how to have fun.

Conducted P / and "My happy ringing ball »

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you jump off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase after you.

Children toss the ball, then catch up with it.

Well, balls you liked our game. Will you play now have fun.

And now, with the guys, we will stick a lot of colorful balls. What else was more fun.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables.

You have on trays balls. What size are they?

Right big and small.

Take the biggest ball put it with the white side on the oilcloth. Take a brush, dip it into a jar of glue, remove excess glue on the edge of the jar and smear the white side ball glue like this - from the middle to the edges. Then our ball We put it on a sheet of paper and press it on top with a napkin so that it sticks.

Also, glue small ball. What beautiful multi-colored we got the balls.

balls did you like our colorful balls?

The guys were getting old, glued. And don't forget how to play.

Come visit us again. The guys will be waiting for you.

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Synopsis of direct educational activities
Nefteyugansk district municipal educational budgetary
institutions "Singapai secondary school"
Glushkova Olga Valerievna
Topic: "Big and small balls" (application) open.
Group: 34 years old
Duration: 15 minutes
Venue: group room
Date: 01.12.2017
Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of gluing.
learn to lay out ready-made figures on the background and stick them, applying glue to
paper not from color, but from the reverse side, press the part tightly against the paper;
develop practical skills, fine motor skills of hands, eye;
mental processes;
cultivate accuracy in work; desire to help a friend.
Integration of educational areas: socialization, communication,
security, knowledge, physical education.
Preliminary work: ball games for a walk; reading the poem "My
cheerful sonorous ball"; drawing "Big and small balls" (in free time
GCD time).
demonstration sample, display equipment, image of a gnome;
handout with background; preparation of balls for work; equipment for
applications; balls according to the number of children.
Introduction to the game situation.
Foxes with a background lie on the tables in front of the children with the colored side down.
Guys, do you like to play? (Yes)
Do you want to play now? (Yes)
Before starting the game, let's agree on how we will play: everyone should
participate in the game, play together, let each other say.
Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)
Then listen to my story.

(Work with
didactic manual "Let's play?"). In this fabulous forest grew different
trees, flowers, lived little bunnies, bears, squirrels, birds and others
fabulous forest dwellers. But the most important inhabitants of this magical
forests were little gnomes who never offended anyone, with
enjoyed working, playing and having fun. But there was one dwarf in this forest -
his name was Ai, who differed from others in that his work did not work out
In one fabulous country there was a small, magical forest.

as good as his friends. Because of this, the dwarf Ai was upset and sick. And
then friends decided to help him. Upon learning that our group is called
"Bees" and that all the kids are very friendly, funny, they decided to send
dwarf Ai to study with us. Dwarf Ai gladly agreed and now he
visit us.
Say hello to the gnome Ai. (Expose the image of the gnome. A little
consider a gnome with children).
Are you ready to help our new friend?
Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and, as in a fairy tale, the dwarf Ai will come to
to each of you. (Gnome image removed)
Turn over the sheet that lies in front of you, you see our new friend there,
dwarf Ay? (Yes)
Gymnastics for hands "Magic glasses":
In order to see our new friend dwarf Ai as best as possible, I suggest you
make such magic glasses out of your fingers and look at the gnome through them.
(Children make rings from their fingers, lean them against their eyes, and examine
image through "magic glasses")
Dwarf Ai loves to have fun, walk and roll different balls along the path.
Guys, it seems to me that our new friend is a little sad. What do you think,
why? (The gnome has no balls, he has nothing to play with)
What to do? How can we cheer him up? (give him balls)
Motivational game with the creation of a problem situation:
You have balls on plates. What size are they?
Take them and put them on the path: first the largest, then the smaller.
But suddenly the wind blew, and the balls rolled off the track. What to do, because
weed dwarf is not convenient to play.
Finding a way out of a problem situation:
We'll have to stop playing.
What can be done to prevent the balls from rolling off the track into the grass? (Need
stick the balls on the track)
Step-by-step work of children together with the teacher:
Let's help the gnome Ai with me and stick balls on the track.
Take the largest ball and place it white side up. Take
brush, lower it into a jar of glue, remove excess glue on the edge of the jar and
Spread the white side of the ball with glue like this - from the middle to the edges. Then
put the brush on the stand. Take the ball with both hands and glue it

on the track, blot excess glue with a napkin. Here's how we glued
the biggest ball on the track.
During operation, do not swing the brush around, otherwise you can do
hurt your comrade; if you get your fingers dirty in glue, do not put them in your mouth, but
wipe off with a napkin. Hands must be washed after work.
And now stick the remaining balls on the track yourself.
Independent work of children.
In the process of independent work of children, the educator ensures that
children correctly used the application equipment; of necessity
helps those children who are having difficulty in work.
Physical education:
I'll take
The ball is big
I will raise
Over your head
I'll arch my back
I throw the ball.
Summing up:
Who did you meet today? (With dwarf Ai)
What does dwarf Ai like to play? (In balls)
What balls did you give the gnome? (Large and small)
Did you like the game? What did you like the most?
You all did your best, the dwarf Ai thanks you and will be very happy to meet with
you again.

Elizabeth Angry
Summary of GCD for applications in the second junior group "Big and small balls"

Target: able to choose big and small round objects; paste the image on the landscape sheet.

Priority Education region: artistic and aesthetic development in the integration of educational regions: "cognitive development", "speech development", "physical development"

Technologies, methods, reception we: personality-oriented technology: communicative communication; technology for ensuring the emotional well-being of the child.

Material: album sheets, colored paper, paste, brushes, napkins, boards.

preliminary work: ball games, reading a poem "My cheerful sonorous ball"


Formation of the ability to choose big and small round objects.

Formation in children of the ability to apply glue with a brush on the form and smear it over the entire surface, applying glue to the paper not from the colored side, but from the reverse side, carefully stick the image on the landscape sheet, pressing it with a napkin.

Consolidation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bround objects, their difference in size.

Raising respect for materials.

Short run OOD

Problem situation:

The dwarf Vasya came to visit us. Are you ready to help and be friends with our new friend? Then sit down at the tables, close your eyes, and like in a fairy tale the dwarf Vasya will come to each of you. Turn over the sheet in front of you. Do you see our new friend Vasya there? Dwarf Vasya loves to have fun and ride different paths balls. But I think our new friend is a little sad. Why do you think? (The gnome has no balls, he has nothing to play)

What do we do? How to cheer him up? (give him balls) .

You have on trays balls. What size are they? Take them and put them on track: at first big, then smaller and the most small. Suddenly the wind blew and balls rolled off the path into the grass. What to do, because it is inconvenient for a gnome to play in the grass? What can be done to balls rolled off the path into the grass? (Need balls stick on track)

2.- Let's help the gnome Vasya and stick it on the track balls. Take the most big ball put it on the board with the white side. Take a brush, dip the tip into the glue and smear the white side ball glue like this - from the middle to the edges. Then put the brush on the stand. Take it with your fingers ball and stick it on the track. blot excess glue with a napkin. During operation, do not swing the brush around, otherwise you can do hurt your friend. If during work you get your fingers dirty in glue, do not put them in your mouth, but wipe them with a napkin. Hands should be washed with soap after work. Now stick the remaining balls on the track.

In the process of independent work of children, the educator ensures that the children correctly use the equipment for applications; helps those children who have difficulties in work, if necessary.

3. Reflection.

Who did you meet today? What does Vasya like to play? What kind you gave the balls to the gnome? What did you like most?

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In this and several subsequent lessons, we will teach the child to glue the finished images on their own. We will need:

Flour or starch paste, glue stick, PVA glue.
. Multi-colored paper of various degrees of density. When gluing finished images, it is better to use double-sided colored paper so that the kids do not confuse on which side of the figure the glue should be applied. Use paper that is dense in texture, in this case, while spreading with glue, it will not curl, wrinkle or tear.
. Thick white paper, colored cardboard.
. Foam rubber sponges, brushes, napkins, oilcloth, etc.
. Toys (for playing the plot).

Target: To teach children to apply glue to the image with a finger, apply the image with the glued side to the paper, press it with the palm of your hand and smooth it with a cloth or napkin; learn to arrange images on a sheet of paper; consolidate knowledge about different colors (sensory development); generate interest and a positive attitude towards the application.
Materials: Multi-colored circles (diameter about 4-5 cm - circles can be the same or different sizes), cut out of thick double-sided paper; a sheet of thick white paper; flour or starch paste; rags or napkins; multi-colored balls; application sample "Balls".

Application methods: Spreading glue with fingers; sticking.

Lesson progress:

Start your lesson with a ball game.

- Look, here are colorful balls. Let's play with them.

My cheerful, sonorous ball...
Poems by S.Marshak

My cheerful, sonorous ball
Where did you jump,
Yellow, red, blue,
Don't chase after you.

I clapped your hand
You jumped and stomped loudly
You fifteen times in a row
Jumped to the corner and back.

And then you rolled
And never returned
Rolled into the garden
Ran up to the gate.

Here he rolled under the gate,
Ran to the turn
Got hit by a wheel
Popped, popped, that's all.

Now let's put the balls in the box.

Then show the baby the multi-colored circles cut out of colored paper and the sample application.

- Here are the circles. True, they look like multi-colored balls? Look: in the picture all the circles-balls are also in the box.

Give your child some multi-colored circles.

- Let's hide the paper balls in the box, as in the picture.

Help your child lay out the circles on a piece of paper. Then lift the sheet so that the circles fall. Pay attention to the baby that the circles are glued on the sample.

Why do you think the balls rolled away? Let's glue them to the paper - like this.

Demonstrate how to apply glue to the image by spreading it with your finger from the center to the edges in an even layer. Show how to apply the image with the smeared side to a sheet of paper, press it with the palm of your hand and smooth it with a napkin or cloth.

Invite the child to stick the circles on their own. In order for the skill to be fixed correctly, help the baby by acting with his hands.

You can stick any number of circles. Pay attention to the child that the circles should be placed evenly on a sheet of paper, not overlapping each other.


The following book was used in preparing the lesson:
E.A. Januszko Application with young children (1-3 years old). Toolkit for educators and parents. - M.: Mosaic synthesis, 2006 - 64 pages.

Summary of directly educational activities for applications in the 2nd junior group.

Topic: Big and small balls.

Integration of educational areas:

"Social and communicative development"

"Cognitive Development"

« Physical development»

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


Develop children's imagination and creativity;

- consolidate knowledge of colors, size and shape of a given subject;

- to consolidate the ability to properly hold the brush in the hand;

Arrange parts in order;

Develop color perception.

Methods and techniques

Practical: observation, application, physical minute;

Visual: showing tricks;

Verbal: teacher's story, questions.

Materials and equipment: ½ landscape sheet, cut out circles different sizes- large, medium and small, brush, liquid glue, cloth.

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities



Cognitive research




Artistic and aesthetic


Logic of educational activity.

AT:- Hello guys! Today on our occupation we will be with you, engage in application . And the theme of our class is called: "Big and small balls"! Let's remember what shape the ball has? : - That's right guys! And what size are the balls? AT:-That's right guys, what good fellows you all know! Guys, look, please, on your plate there are circles of different colors and different sizes. Our task today is to arrange them on a sheet of paper in decreasing order. Like, I did it! The teacher shows the children a ready-made sample of glued circles on a piece of paper in decreasing order .

Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, consider the sample.

Interest, preparation for work.

Physical moment. "Bears"!

Bear cubs lived in more often,

They turned their heads

Like this, like this, like this

The cubs were looking for honey.

Friendly tree rocked:

Like this, like this, like this.

And then they danced

They raised their paws higher

That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it!

Children perform a variety of movements.

Perform all movements correctly.

AT:- And now guys, it's time for us to put on our aprons and get to work!

AT:- Together with me, take a large red circle in one hand and brush it on the other side with a brush dipped in glue. Glue it first on one side of the sheet, and now again with me, take a yellow circle that is smaller than a large circle and glue it next to it. You see guys, our balls seem to be shrinking. Well, now guys, let's take with me the last green circle, it is the smallest of all the circles, now we will glue the circle on the back side with glue and glue it next to the yellow circle. Look guys, what interesting and beautiful balls we got! Do you know what they look like? At the traffic lights! Guys! Only in diminutive order!

Children listen to the teacher, repeat the order of the application.

Children follow the correct order.

AT:- I'm glad! And now guys, it's time for us to return to our garden to tell the other guys about our balls that we made together in our workshop!

Children finish work, put their jobs in order.

The children enjoyed their work and helped to put their jobs in order.