J michaels slim figure in 30 days. Gillian michaels weight loss principles. Arm press up and down from an inclined standing position

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Slimness is easy if you methodically approach the formation of the body. Regularly performed exercises, the right pace, perfect technique, self-discipline will help get rid of problem centimeters, tighten shapeless zones, lose the cherished few kilograms. Well Jillian Michaels A slim figure in 30 days confidently creates you beautiful figure. You just need to get started!

What is the success of the course "Slender figure in 30 days"

The success of the popular complex is facilitated by the personal result of the coach, clearly visible in all photos and videos. Gillian demonstrates an enviable figure that has retained feminine outlines even with constant training. Michaels was curvy as a child, so the girl is intimately familiar with the complex problems of weight loss. The course of exercises has been tested, corrected by the coach, confirmed by a real personal result, which proves its effectiveness.

An important role in the success of the Gillian complex for a slim figure is played by several more factors:

  • a short duration of classes, allowing the most active ladies to set aside time for exercises from Michaels;
  • strict sequence of exercises from Jillian Michaels, evenly involving all muscles;
  • lack of special equipment, allowing you to start building a figure without going to a special sporting goods store;
  • the availability of exercises for girls with any level of training, which gives a chance to improve the figure even for the first time acquainted with physical education.

A set of exercises for weight loss from Jillian Michaels

The course is designed to tighten and engage all muscles. They will not stay to rest, the muscles of the chest, arms, buttocks, hips, and back will work in exercises. An intense pace encourages you to give your best so that the result of the classes begins to impress after several workouts. The Michaels course is conventionally divided into three sections:

  1. Strength exercises - duration 3 minutes.
  2. Emphasis on the press - duration 1 minute.

cyclicality different exercises does not let you get tired, keeps you in good shape, sets an active rhythm. This approach contributes to the simultaneous weight loss and creation of body relief, so it is great for owners of different figures. The course captures only 30 days and consists of 3 programs at once, focused on 10 days each. The Michaels Gillian class schedule is as follows:

  1. The first decade of exercises - adaptation to loads, familiarity with the program, development of all muscle groups, mastering the technique.
  2. Days of rest.
  3. The second decade of exercises - work to the maximum, increasing the load, engaging the smallest, inactive muscles.
  4. Days of rest.
  5. The third decade of exercises - consolidation of the result, evaluation of effectiveness.

How to do the program correctly

For performance, train with dumbbells, selecting their weight according to your personal level. physical training. It is recommended to use a set of weighting agents that allows each session to be carried out with benefit, preventing the muscles from getting used to a certain load. A little secret: if there are no dumbbells, replace them with bottles filled with liquid. It is allowed to adapt books, figurines, heavy crystal vases as weighting agents, however, for further classes according to the Gillian method, it is advised to get at least a pair of dumbbells.

Regarding the time for exercise from Michaels, experts advise two optimal periods - in the morning or after a couple of hours after a light dinner. However, if the evening meal is too late, it is better to exercise at lunchtime so as not to energize the body before bedtime. Even at home, practice in sneakers, because active jumps, lunges, and quick changes in position can accidentally injure your foot. Choose a form that preserves freedom of movement so that training is comfortable.

Take your measurements before starting Gillian's course. Measure volumes:

  • chest,
  • waist,
  • hips,
  • buttocks,
  • legs separately in their upper part.

The number on the scale in the first days of training may move up or show stability, but do not lose enthusiasm. Muscles swell out of habit and retain water, so the weight does not go away. But after adaptation, you will immediately notice a significant result, manifested in a reduced volume. Because the muscle mass heavier than fat, active training by Jillian Michaels for thin girls can add a certain amount of new kilograms, but this is reflected in the figure from the best side.

Video reviews

Start creating a pleasing reflection in the mirror now! The figure after the course of classes, Gillian will acquire an appetizing silhouette, the body will get rid of sagging, the mood will improve. Make sure that home fitness can be no less effective than classes in a professional gym. Start from the first level, smoothly merging into the attractive world of exercises by Jillian Michaels.

Among all the programs, Gillian stands out " Ideal figure in 30 days." It is designed in such a way that a woman can lose the maximum possible number of kilograms without endangering her body. The program is designed for 30 days and consists of 3 levels, which last for 10 days. After each level, you must definitely take a one-day break to give the body the opportunity to rest and tune in to new loads.

The effectiveness of the course is due not only to hard work on your body, but also to well-planned classes. So 3 minutes should be devoted to strength training, 2 minutes to exercises to maintain the proper functioning of the heart, and 1 minute to training the abdominal area. This separation allows you to use all the necessary muscles during each workout and accelerate burning. subcutaneous fat. You will not even notice how you will become 1-2 sizes smaller, tighten your muscles and strengthen your heart! A unique set of exercises from Jillian Michaels will help you get a beautiful figure in 30 days!

Program inventory

For classes you will need:

  • two dumbbells (instead of dumbbells, it is allowed to use water-filled plastic bottles 0.5 l.);
  • sports uniform (trousers must be elastic and not hinder movement);
  • sneakers (you can’t do barefoot, as this can lead to injuries to the ankle and foot).

The first level of the program "Slender figure in 30 days"

The first part of the course involves active work on weight loss. The right mental attitude is important - you should be prepared for the fact that the classes will be intense and quite difficult. For the first few days of training, you will physically feel every cell of your body, but this pain will most likely be pleasant, because you will realize that you have taken the 1st step towards perfection. On the 5th day, the exercises will already seem to you not so difficult, as the body will begin to get used to the systematic loads, and you will feel that you are going in the right direction.

The first level of the complex includes the following exercises: push-ups, squats, jumps, lunges with weights, a set of exercises for the abdominals.

The second level of the program "Slender figure in 30 days"

The first day of the Level 2 course may seem incredibly difficult for you, even though your body is already set up for daily intense loads. All women who have completed the program consider the second level the most difficult part of the course.

This stage of the program involves intensive training aimed at upper part torso. You'll be doing exercises like hobo push-ups, deep lunges, planks, quad jumps, and see for yourself that Jillian Michaels made sure none of your muscles were left unused. You can't just squat or press dumbbells - you have to learn how to do both at the same time.

The third level of the program "Slender figure in 30 days"

This part of the course will most likely be associated with the most intensive classes. However, you will be pleasantly surprised, because in fact this stage will be much easier than the previous two, and you will pass it with ease, due to the fact that by this time your body will be sufficiently trained. New exercises will be given quite easily and will not cause any special difficulties. The last 10 days of the program will seem easy and pleasant to you, primarily due to the fact that you will see the result of your work.

The third level involves daily execution following exercises: jumping, push-ups in the plank, squat, running in the plank, jumping on legs apart, running with dumbbells, side plank and etc.


After 30 days intense training weight can fluctuate, misleading you. Trained muscles will swell due to increased exertion, retaining water, which can lead to weight gain. But don't panic! Take measurements with a tape measure, not a scale.

Make your body the way you have long dreamed of!

Here is an effective 30-day course of exercises from the expert in the world of fitness Jillian Michaels - " Slim figure in 30 days» ( 30 Day Shred

A huge number of Jill's fans began their journey to a slim figure with this unique workout.

The program "30 day shred" (in the circles of fans just SHREDS) is designed for 30 days. 3 levels. Each level lasts 10 days, then one day break and then the next level. The workout lasts approximately 30 minutes. But, this is quite enough to feel the whole pressure of Gillian and feel the strength in the whole body.

This complex is specially prepared for people who are not constantly involved in sports, but who want to lose weight. The exercises from it are simple and are performed according to the "3-2-1" scheme: three minutes are devoted to strength exercises, two minutes for cardio exercises and one minute for ab exercises. Performing these exercises consistently, you will be able to burn excess calories as effectively as possible, strengthen muscles and get the result in 30 days.

Inventory for this program:

  • Sports uniform (sports pants should be elastic, easy to stretch and not hinder movement!);
  • Sneakers (Do not exercise barefoot!!! This can lead to foot and ankle injuries);
  • A pair of dumbbells (If dumbbells are not available, you can use plastic bottles filled with water with a volume of 0.5 liters.).

How to make Shreds?

Shreds can be performed in the morning, or in the evening, a couple of hours after a light dinner. The technique of doing the exercises is very important, so we recommend that everyone who is going to do this program review the entire complex. So you can easily perform the exercises you already know.

The program is divided into 3 levels of difficulty, each of which takes 10 days.

Classes begin with a mandatory warm-up and always end with relaxing and stretching exercises. Each level has 3 cycles, each of which in turn consists of 3 types of exercises: strength (3 minutes), cardio (2 minutes), abdominal exercises (1 minute). Following this schedule, you will be able to burn calories to the maximum and achieve amazing results. Jillian Michaels will squeeze the best out of you, by the middle of the cycle you will be sure that you can't take it anymore, but you can't! The body is capable of more than we sometimes think, and Gillian's training is proof of this.

Turn on the video louder and forward, to meet a slender, toned body!

1. Slim figure in 30 days Level 1 (1 week)

In the first level of shreds, the complex consists of such exercises as squats, push-ups, lunges with weights, jumps, a killer set of abdominal exercises and this is not all that the first level of the 30 day shred course will please you with.

In the beginning, you will feel that this is not for you. That you can't. You will feel sore muscles the next day, but don't give up! With each new workout your body will be filled with pleasant sensations. You will wake him up with daily workouts and be surprised how every day you can more easily perform this complex, which, as you thought, was not lifting for you.

2. Slim figure in 30 days level 2 (week 2)

Everyone who passed this level considers it the most difficult of the whole complex. And you will again feel as if you were in a meat grinder.
All those hobo push-ups, quad jumps, deep lunges, and you'll learn from experience that Gillian hates having any of your muscles go out of work. You can't just press dumbbells or just squat. You must do both at the same time.
Second secret weapon Jillian Michaels is a plank exercise. You will meet him at the second level of shreds (both static option and plank jumps). This seemingly simple exercise perfectly works out the muscles of the shoulders, arms and especially the press.

Among those who pass the “30 days shred» Very few people are able to enjoy the second level of the program. For most, it is difficult from the first to the tenth day. But if on your first day with Gillian you were not even sure that you could make it to the end of the workout, now, despite all the difficulties, there is a stubborn confidence in you that you will go through this hell to the end. You can!

3. Slim figure in 30 days level 3 (week 3)

One day of rest between levels and off we go! Like the previous levels, the third also frightens with its obscurity. But training is doing its job, your endurance by this point has already increased by 200% compared to the original. And let the sweat pour into three streams, but the breath no longer goes astray and the work of all muscles gives tremendous pleasure.

Superman, plank push-ups, squat jumps, plank runs, jumps, side planks, dumbbell runs, and squats.

10 days at this pace and you've completed the Jillian Michaels program Slim figure in 30 days". Congratulations!

30 day shred. Results.

Forget about scales! At this stage, the weight can fluctuate and mislead you and thereby frighten you away. Overworked muscles can swell from unusual load, retaining water, so the weight can increase. Measurements must be made only with a centimeter tape. Before starting the program, take all the necessary measurements: bust, underbust, waist, abdomen, hips and legs. Write down your parameters and after passing each level compare them. You will see an amazing picture of how your hated centimeters are melting before your eyes. The body will tighten and gain relief.

So! You did it! You did it! Your figure has already noticeably changed and these changes are noticeable not only to you. Now you can be proud of yourself. I don't think you can be stopped now. Has training become a lifestyle for you now? Then Gillian has many more different workouts for every taste. Make your choice and don't stop!

Home fitness is becoming more and more popular. It is very convenient for mothers on maternity leave, for people who are unable to go to gym due to lack of time or money, and also gives you the opportunity to study at any time convenient for you, in whatever you want and how you want. I was fascinated by such convenience and, having sipped dumbbells from Envi, I moved on. I continued it with one of the best fitness trainers in the USA Jillian Michaels and I share with you in this post “Jillian Michaels. Where to begin?"

Jillian Michaels- Member of the American Association of Professional Aerobic Trainers certified trainer, TV star, owner of his own company and, finally, the author of tough weight loss programs. Jillian Michaels gained her incredible fame thanks to the TV show “Biggest Loser” (The Huge Loser Who Lost the Most), from where the image of a tyrant coach was formed. But believe me, every workout with her will prove this well-established image. By the end of any workout, you'll be crawling into the shower and scrubbing yourself with a washcloth with shaking hands. Personally, I went through several of her programs and not one of them left me indifferent and “dry”. The only exception is her yoga classes, but I, as a person indifferent to Yoga, did not expect a different reaction.

In all workouts, Jillian competently combines cardio and strength training and for a short time manages to achieve maximum effect. Studying with Jillian Michaels, one thought is spinning in my head: “I wonder at what minute will I die and stop enduring this mockery of myself?” The question arises: “Who forces?”. Trust me, absolutely no one. But looking at this fragile little woman screaming at you from the screen, it's just impossible to stop!

Trust me - if you feel comfortable, nothing will change, says Gillian herself. And that's what Jill is all about.

She disciplines to constant training, and soon the day seems to be wasted without them. And the first results, which appear soon, are even more pushing to move on (believe my personal experience and reviews of a million girls that can be found on the Internet). And in conjunction with proper nutrition, the body begins to melt before our eyes.

The program is also designed for 30 days and consists of 3 workouts, each of which is performed for 10 days. At the end of each level, you need to take a day off to recover. Exercises are also presented in two versions: basic and advanced. The program is based on the Gillian "3-2-1" interval system: 3 minutes power load, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of the press. For this program, you will need a mat and dumbbells. It is best to start with lighter dumbbells and gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells as soon as you feel that you are reaching the appropriate level.

30 Day Shred. Slim figure in 30 days by Jillian Michaels

I went through this program and wrote my review about this program 30 Day Shred. There are my impressions and my conclusions 🙂

4. Ripped in 30. Lose Weight in 30 Days by Jillian Michaels

30 day program compiled according to the same Gillian “3-2-1” interval system (3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of the press). This program is more difficult than the previous one and consists of 4 levels, each of which is given 7 days. Gillian is a tyrant and does not change his motivation here:

I want to see steam coming out of your ears!

And as impossible, by the way, makes her do her "requests" with all her might.

Jillian Michaels Gillian Michaels. Where to begin

The nutrition plan for this program is described in the book (PDF) "Jillian Michaels - 30-Day Diet Plan Ripped in 30" (Jillian Michaels - Meal Plan for the Ripped in 30 program), you can download it, like the video, from torrents.

5. Body Revolution. Body revolution by Jillian Michaels. 2012

In this program, you will need to devote as much as 90 days to transform your body 🙂
Unlike previous programs, here you do not have to do the same workout every day. It is very diverse and consists of 3 phases (one phase per month). Each phase contains 5 workouts:

  1. 1 cardio workout
  2. 2 strength training on the front of the body (chest, shoulders, arms, abs, quadriceps)
  3. 2 workouts for the back of the body (back, buttocks, hamstrings, etc.).

If the first phase seems too easy, then you can safely start the program from the second phase. For training you will need: mat, dumbbells, expander.

body revolution. Body Revolution by Jillian Michaels

Having achieved results according to these programs, you can start tuning your body, i.e. focus on your problem areas that you want to improve or change. Crazy riding breeches, flabby hips and knees will be corrected by the Killer Buns and Thighs program, and for a beautiful tummy, 6 Week Six-Pack or Killer Abs will do. They are both good and the difference is that the 6 week 6 pack contains 2 cycles, one is slow, the second is faster, and killer abs is 3 cycles, it is easier to perform.

6. Killer Abs. Jillian Michaels
3 workouts include abdominal exercises and intense cardio. Various planks, push-ups, plies with dumbbells, squatting and high jumps, your favorite “alpinist” will not let you get bored throughout the program. It is recommended to perform each level for 7-10 days, until the technique and speed of execution are mastered. From the very beginning, you need to carefully monitor your posture. Do not rush, especially towards the end, when fatigue increases and the technique is not respected.

Killer Abs. Jillian Michaels

3 levels of the program that work through lower part body, each of which includes 8-10 exercises. Having mastered one level, it is recommended to move on to the next. You will need dumbbells from 2.5 to 5 kg.

Gillian Michaels. Killer Buns and Thighs

I passed this program.

My favorite and one of the most difficult and effective programs- “No problem areas” and “Speed ​​up metabolism”. They last about an hour, and, at first, not everyone can complete them. It is better to alternate these two programs with each other, because one of them gives a cardio load, and the second is a power one. Actually, I myself went through them that way, but if I had stumbled upon the Slimdown complex earlier, I would have settled on it, namely, I would have chosen Slimdown-2 and Slimdown-Mix.

In the modern world, sport confidently occupies an important place in the lives of many people. Each one is pursuing his own goal.

And often this goal is to lose weight. And many of those who have not yet made it to the gym believe that in order to achieve visible results you have to spend a lot of time.

Today we want to dispel this myth and offer you the Jillian Michaels Slim Figure in 30 Days training program, after which you will gain perfect body and you can lose a lot of weight in just 30 days.

In the article you will find video tutorials for each of the stages of the program with comments from a fitness specialist, as well as you can read reviews and results real people who have already passed such a short and at the same time difficult path to ideal forms.

Who is Jillian Michaels?

Jillian Michaels is an American fitness trainer with many years of experience. Released more than one program for weight loss. For those who want to work out problem areas, with another weight loss program in the article “No problem areas with Jillian Michaels.

The biggest motivation for those who only decide to engage in the Gillian program is her personal example of losing weight.

Gillian since early childhood was overweight and adolescence with a height of 157 cm, she weighed 80 kg.

The girl constantly suffered from the ridicule of her classmates and was a rather withdrawn child. But one day my mother took her to the section martial arts. This was the starting point in the process of her weight loss.

The essence of the fitness program

The training program is designed for 30 days and includes 3 stages, each of which is an order of magnitude more difficult than the previous one. But do not forget that after a while your muscles will get stronger, and the overall endurance of the body will increase. And, despite the complication of exercises, it will not be so difficult to perform them.

At every stage all muscle groups, and the periodic change of exercises does not allow the process of losing weight to stop.

Each session lasts only 30 minutes and even so, you will be very sweaty and tired. This is the main sign that training is effective. Therefore, do not forget to replenish the loss of fluid by drinking water - at least 2 liters per day.

It's worth training in the morning before meals, because it is at this time that you can significantly speed up your metabolism, which will allow the body to burn fat better.

Clothing for classes should be comfortable. It's better that it be sportswear and be sure to wear running shoes. This will help reduce stress on the joints and spine.

Now let's move on to the workout itself. We have selected for you lessons on the video of each stage of the Jillian Michaels program, with which you can lose weight in just 30 days.

Jillian Michaels "Slender Figure in 30 Days" - video


In this video you will get to know Jillian Michaels and learn more about the training program.

Jillian Michaels "Slender Figure in 30 Days" Level 1

The level is aimed at weight loss. In this video, you will get acquainted with a number of exercises, work out the execution technique in detail and be able to tune in to further work.

Expert review: The training program is well designed. Thanks to the study of all muscle groups and the intensity of training, excess weight will go away quickly enough.

Jillian Michaels "Slender Figure in 30 Days" Level 2

After the first level, you should take a break before moving on to the next. At the second level, the intensity of training increases. All muscle groups are still being worked out, but with the help of other exercises.

Expert review: Changing exercises in the second period does not allow the muscles to get used to, due to which the process of losing weight does not stop. The intensity grows due to the passed first period, after which the endurance increased, and the muscles got a little stronger.

Jillian Michaels "Slender Figure in 30 Days" Level 3

The last level of the program is aimed at consolidating the result. The complexity of the exercises increases, but it becomes easier to train.

Expert review: Due to the first period of 20 days, the muscles have already grown stronger enough, and the body is used to the loads. That is why it becomes easier to perform exercises, training becomes a habit and, for many, becomes a part of life in the future.

This program is striking in its effectiveness for such short term. You can verify this by reading the reviews of people who have already completed the program and shared their impressions and results with us.

Jillian Michaels "Slender figure in 30 days" - reviews


After the birth of the second child, it was impossible to lose weight. Even the most rigid diets gave only temporary results. Then, after watching a video on the Internet, after reading the reviews of girls who managed to lose weight, I chose the Jillian Michaels program. Slim figure in 30 days.

It is worth saying here that I have not been involved in any sports before. From the video, everything seemed very simple and quite doable. But in reality, everything turned out to be more complicated. Already after the first training session, I so wanted to feel sorry for myself and quit this venture.

But the dream of being slim and beautiful helped me not to give up. And I continued. I managed to go through the entire program to the very end. And as a result, it turned out to lose 8 kg of excess weight in just a month.

The body became taut. I was finally able to see my muscles, and this is good news. In addition to training, I tried not to eat or abuse sweet and starchy foods. I recommend this program to everyone.


I suffer from childhood overweight and I always thought that sport is not for me. But the personal example of Jillian Michaels served as an excellent motivation for me, and her program " slender body per 30 days" guide to action.

I also had to revise my diet and eliminate all harmful foods. For those who have not studied before, of course, at first it may seem that it is impossible to reach the end.

But now I can say for sure - everything is possible. I managed to lose 12 kg in a month. I still have extra weight, so I continue to work on the same program, but I do exercises already for an advanced level.


I've been holding on for quite some time proper nutrition and I run in the morning, but, apparently, the body has already got used to the loads, and the extra 7 kg did not want to leave.

When I heard about Jillian Michaels and her 30 day program, I thought that with the help of it you can shake up the body. For the entire program, I managed to get rid of this excess weight.

And stamina has increased. Now in the morning I can run freely for a couple more kilometers. The main thing in this program do not feel sorry for yourself and something very strongly motivate. And then an excellent result is guaranteed to you.


A year ago, after the birth of my son, I started the Gillian program. Overweight there was not much, so it was no longer possible to reset it only by food. Yes, and the muscles after pregnancy were, to put it mildly, not in good shape.

At the first stage it was very difficult, at the second it was even more difficult. But after the first two stages, the third seemed the easiest.

Apparently the muscles got used to the loads and it became easier to perform the exercises. as a result - minus 5 kg on the scales. I am very satisfied with the program. Now I go to the gym to keep fit.


This program helped me tighten my body after a strict diet. On a diet, the weight went away quickly, and the skin sagged. Already at the first stage, I began to notice results.

And at the very end, the volumes became noticeably smaller, namely, the waist decreased by 2 cm, and the hips - by 4 cm. I continue to work out according to the same program. I'm afraid to stop and gain again, with such difficulty dropped, kilograms.

The program that we talked about today cannot be attributed to simple ways weight loss. In principle, it is simply impossible to lose weight without much effort in such a short time. But thanks to patience, perseverance and perseverance, very soon you will be able to surprise all your surroundings with your results and become more self-confident.

Have you already tried the effectiveness of the Jillian Michaels fitness program "Slender Figure in 30 Days"? Which step did you find the most difficult? What can you say about Gillian as a coach? Share your impressions, plans and results in the comments.