The best games and simulations about fishing. Costa Rica. Year-round! The best sea fishing in the world The coolest fishing in the world

Russian rivers give fishing enthusiasts the opportunity to catch a wide variety of fish. Reservoirs and lakes also do not lag behind, offering everyone to sit on the shore with a fishing rod and try their luck. So in what reservoirs of Russia is the biggest fish caught?

The best Russian rivers for fishing

Several dozen species of fish are caught in the rivers of Russia. There are many fishing places in each of the regions of our country - the Moscow region, Karelia, Buryatia and middle lane Russia. Further in more detail about the richest rivers in fish.

Angara river

The Angara River is rich in fish, where biting does not stop almost the whole year. There you can catch roach, grayling, pike, burbot, minnow and many other types of fish. Sitting on the shore, admiring the beauty, listening to the sounds of nature, while fishing is the dream of every fisherman. People from all over Russia come there, because there is simply no other such place.

Dubna river

The Dubna River flows in two regions at once - Vladimir and Moscow, stretching for one hundred and sixty-seven kilometers. Usually fishermen come there from these areas in the hope of catching bream, silver bream, pike, roach, rudd, perch. Asp, chub, dace, burbot and ide are also caught there.


Fishermen living in the central part of Russia choose the Russian Dnieper for fishing. It should be noted that the river is very different along its length, but there are places where bream, roach, perch, crucian carp, as well as pike perch, tench and catfish are perfectly caught.

Lena river

People come to fish on the Lena River not only from all over Russia, but also from abroad. Fishing there is not so much rich as interesting. Some people manage to catch such fish as grayling, ide, broad whitefish, taimen, omul, ruff, etc.

Catchable lakes and reservoirs

Reservoirs and lakes in Russia are no less good for fishing than rivers. There are special places that are known to professional fishermen. Such fishing spots are a real treasure for them.

Ladoga lake

Among European freshwater lakes, Ladoga is the largest. It is located in Karelia and Leningrad region. You can only fish there with a license. Both lovers of traditional fishing and lovers of underwater fishing come to the lake. The most successful fishermen do not leave without a catch - these are grayling, smelt, rudd, pike perch, bream, sturgeon and burbot.

Klin reservoir

Near the village of Dyatlovo, not far from the city of Klin, there is the Klin reservoir rich in fish. It is a complex of several large reservoirs. Fishermen who come there with fishing rods will definitely leave with a catch, where there may be pike perch, carp, tench, crucian carp, burbot or pike.

Gorky reservoir

This reservoir is huge, for which it is often called the sea. Capturing the territory of four regions at once, it is a real paradise for fans of fishing who live in relative proximity. Sometimes fishermen and their families go to the islands, where they relax in seclusion, enjoying almost wild nature and fishing.

Where else to expect a rich catch

Not only rivers and lakes are rich in fish. There are many other fish reservoirs in Russia where you can fish. Fishermen, in search of the best and richest fishing spot, traveled all over the country.

Sea of ​​Azov

One of such places is the Sea of ​​Azov. As you know, it is shallow, the depth there does not exceed fifteen meters. For fishermen, fishing in the Sea of ​​Azov is almost always successful, especially when it comes to wild fishing. At least fifty species of fish are found there, there are both freshwater and marine specimens.

Trout farm in Sochi

Fishing with maximum comfort is organized in Sochi in a trout farm. These are one hundred and eleven ponds located on the banks of the Mzymta River. About ninety percent of all trout in Russia is grown on this farm. Fishermen who came there to do what they love sometimes catch large individuals weighing up to twelve kilograms.

The most fishy place in Russia

If you ask fishermen living in different regions of Russia where, in their opinion, is the most fishy place, the answers will be different. Most will answer that the most fishy place is the Volga Delta, located in the Astrakhan region. There, as the fishermen joke, there are much more fishing places than the inhabitants themselves.

A special place there is Akhtuba, which is called "Mecca" for fishermen. People who are keen on fishing in Akhtuba can catch their fill. There are legends and fantastic stories about fishing places and trophies obtained in those places.

There are many fishing spots in Russia, but the largest fish are caught in other countries. The website has an article about the largest fish.
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This is one of the best destinations for gambling fishing with the opportunity to catch some of the largest species of fish as a catch. On many islands, in the coastal waters of which there are such large species of fish as marlin, tuna and sailfish. Every year, sport fishing competitions in the Bahamas, in which the best fishermen from different parts of the world participate, set new world records.

The Abacos Islands are considered one of the most good places in the Bahamas for gambling sea fishing, in which the main goal is to catch the largest fish. In the summer, many popular fishing competitions are held here every year.

If you want to catch the largest fish in the world, just take it on a yacht in the Bahamas and go deep sea fishing. In addition, such a cruise will allow you to admire many other attractions of these places. For example, go snorkeling near one of the uninhabited islands of this region.

Costa Rica

This is the world's best sea fishing destination for all tastes. Coastal waters of Costa Rica are considered one of the best places for sport fishing in the world, and in various places coasts can be met completely different types fish. On the Pacific coast, there is a high chance of catching tuna, marlin and sea bass, while the waters of the Caribbean are famous for the abundance of large fish - snook and tarpon.


Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, the island is one of the best places in the Mediterranean for exciting sea fishing.

Almost along the entire coast there are fishing villages, from where it is best to go out to sea for fishing in Sicily. Swordfish and tuna are standard catch here. The island is also famous for exciting underwater fishing.

Saint Lucia

This is the best fishing destination in the Caribbean. The waters surrounding the volcanic island of Saint Lucia are among the deepest in the Caribbean. Therefore, deep water is possible here even just a few kilometers from the coast.

The island hosts many sport fishing competitions throughout the year, including international tournaments marlin fishing. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, there are many unforgettable deep sea fishing experiences to be had here.

Below are 10 countries that are the best places to fish and where is the fishing the best, and the fish the most. It is desirable that every true fisherman must visit these 10 states.

Finland has amazing places for recreation and fishing

1. In the first place - Finland, here are the most excellent places for fishing. There are simply no lakes cleaner than in this northern country anywhere in the world. And they are home to so many species of fish that it is difficult to list them all. Fishing is possible everywhere, throughout Finland, and an enviable catch awaits the fisherman on any reservoir. It does not matter which place you choose - one of the many Finnish lakes, the skerries of the Botanical Bay or the Gulf of Finland, or countless rapids. Fishing fans are provided with cozy houses directly on the coasts of fish-rich reservoirs for accommodation, and you can fish in Finland in any season of the year. So amazing recreation, fishing as in this northern state, you will not meet anywhere else on the planet. And if you are lucky enough to catch too many fish, then deliver it home, the family will be helped by large-sized cargo Transit M, the company has been providing such services for several years and has gained considerable popularity both in Russia and abroad.

Fishing in Russia has always been the most popular hobby for men, and not only for them.

2. Number two in the top 10 fishing spots is our favorite Russia-mother. There are countless lakes, rivers, seas and all kinds of reservoirs, as well as it is difficult to count all the ponds and backwaters. Fish live in almost every one of these bodies of water. It is difficult to note any body of water in particular. But, according to tradition, the great Russian rivers Volga, Amur, Lena, rivers in the Urals and the Baltic Sea are considered the most optimal places for fishing. Fishermen and hunters, and simply fans of tent tourism tend to these territories from all over the Russian state, near and far abroad at any time of the year. And only in Russia people are engaged breeding worms for fishing. And in Russia there is a zoo "Skazka", popular among tourists and vacationers, located in the Crimea.

The waters of Norway are rich in halibut, cod, pollock, haddock and other fish

3. The third place was rightfully taken by Norway. In this state, the total coastline where it is customary to fish is more than 55 thousand km. But the majority of fishing enthusiasts prefer to fish from a boat or boat. The waters of Norway are rich in halibut, cod, saithe, haddock and other tasty and valuable fish species.

Mountain fishing, like in Kyrgyzstan, is not found in any other country

4. Fishing spots and an abundance of fish today can be proud of and Kyrgyzstan. There is no other mountain fishing like this in any other country. Nai the best places for fishermen, the Issyk-Kul and Son-Kul lakes, the Kekemeron and Susamyr rivers, the Toktogul and Nizhne-Alaarcha reservoirs can be considered. A good addition to fishing will be the unique beauty of forest and mountain landscapes, as well as hunting and hiking.

World Sport Fishing Center is Iceland

5. The World Center for Sport Fishing is Iceland. Fishermen from all over the world come to this country to find the best in trout, salmon and other marine fish. The excitement of the fishermen is also fueled by the fish themselves, which constantly almost simply jump out of the water to the surface.

The Swedish lakes Vänern and Vättern are famous for their excellent catches.

6. Fans of sport fishing can also visit the reservoirs Sweden where it has already become a tradition international competitions for salmon fishing. But this does not mean at all that this country attracts only professional fishermen. There are good chances to get good catch And for those new to the business. You can fish both from the shore and from a boat, on rivers or directly on the sea. But in particular, two Swedish lakes - Vänern and Vättern are known for their fish assortment and excellent catch. The only significant downside is that paid fishing In Sweden, the pleasure is quite expensive. Fishing here is paid everywhere.

Fishing in Slovakia requires a license

7. There are many fish and also paid reservoirs in Slovakia. This state is proud of the abundance fisheries There are more than a thousand of them in the country. Especially for fans of fishing, trout and grayling are bred in them. Enough valuable fish in the rivers of this country. Among them are carp, pike, catfish, pike perch, crucian carp, bream, roach and others. Remember that there are strict rules on the territory of Slovakia: you cannot take your catch without a special license.

Fascinating fishing in the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey

8. Excellent fishing is known for the waters of the Mediterranean, and in particular - Turkey. You can fish here directly from the pier, as they are used to doing not only locals but also visiting tourists from different countries. If the catch is not the one you expected, then the local fish markets will help out, where all kinds of fish are just heaps.

It is here that there are real chances to catch an enviable trophy

9. But, the islands can rightly be proud of the most exotic fishing Thailand located in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. It is in these places that there are real chances to catch an enviable trophy - the Miet Cong catfish, whose weight can be more than 50 kg. Large fish also live in these waters - catfish and arapaya, which are real exotic for Russians, this is not.

Israel only bans fishing in the Biblical Sea

10. Closes the ranking of countries with the best places for fishing - Israel. Fishing here is the most dynamic and exciting. Fishing in these places for spitz and long-nosed. Usually, the fishing season in this country starts in March and ends by October.

Modern cities drive us crazy with the noise, the flow of people, the number of cars. And, for sure, everyone wants to escape at least for a while from the bustle of the city. The dream of many is to hear the noise of the forest, the splash of water, to sit with a fishing rod on the shore. And what could be better than catching a fish, even if not a gold one! So that you know the most fishing places on the planet, we present the TOP 10 of the best places for fishing.

The process of fishing in those parts is dynamic and very exciting. Local fishermen are often lucky to catch spitz and long-nosed.

The peculiarity of these fish is that they prefer not to stay in one place. Now, swimming up to the shore, then moving away, they are a very alluring target for fishing. And this is what makes local fishing a gambling process.

9. Thailand

The Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand are considered rich in fish. It is in these places that you have a great chance of a decent catch. For example, the Viet Cong catfish, which lives in those parts, reaches up to fifty kilograms in its weight!

Also, luck and skill may well bring exotic arapaya or catfish to your nets.

The Mediterranean also has a reputation as a great place for fishing. And, therefore, it gets its eighth place in our top.

And if you decide to spend your vacation in Turkey, be sure to grab a fishing rod. Fishing there is possible directly from the pier. So do both tourists and locals.

Well, if fishing does not bring the desired results, do not despair! Small local bazaars, which are simply overflowing with all kinds of fish, will help to maintain honor and dignity in front of acquaintances.

If you are going to go fishing in Slovakia, then this is absolutely the right decision. After all, this country is replete with different water bodies. And since there are many rivers and lakes, then there will probably be no problems with fish. In the rivers of Slovakia, there are crucian carp, salmon, roach, eel, pike and catfish. In fish farms that organize fishing you can catch trout. But when going fishing, be sure to remember that in Slovakia you need to obtain a fishing permit.

In this country, salmon fishing competitions have become a tradition. Therefore, everyone who is fond of sport fishing simply needs to visit this part of Scandinavia. About forty species of fish are found in the waters of Sweden, so fishing promises to be unforgettable! Swedish lakes are rich in pike, perch, carp, grayling, trout, and trout. On river fishing there is a chance to catch salmon, salmon, pike perch. Fish are caught here from the shore or from a boat, in the sea or in the river. The fishing season in Sweden is different - in the southern part of the country, fish are caught all year round, and the further north, the shorter the fishing season. In Lapland it takes place from May to October. And although fishing in this country is only paid, it's worth it!

This is one of the most attractive countries for anglers. Thanks to the warm current of the Gulf Stream, the climate here is quite mild and, accordingly, a large number of fish pass through. The waters of Iceland are rich in salmon, large sturgeon, cod, trout, haddock, halibut and other fish species. The fishing season starts here in June and ends in mid-September. The nature of Iceland is so beautiful that even if your catch is small, you will enjoy the surrounding scenery, clear water, mountain air and silence.

4. Kyrgyzstan took the fourth position

Cool mountain fishing glorified the former Soviet republic Kyrgyzstan (now Kyrgyzstan). Indeed, in addition to the pleasure of fishing, you will be surrounded by virgin nature, magnificent landscape, clean mountain air. In the rivers of Kyrgyzstan, scaly osman, trout, marinka, silver carp, carp, pike perch and others predominate.

And if you are used to fishing in standing water, then you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience from catching fish in mountain rivers!

This country is famous for its sea fishing. An excellent catch awaits you all year round. In Norway ideal conditions for salmon fishing, because in the country there are more than 130 rivers in which salmon is found and about 450 rivers where salmon is found. Trout, grayling, pike, and char are found in the lakes. Fishing in the sea is more convenient from a boat or boat - there are always more chances to catch larger fish than from the shore. On sea fishing you can catch cod, halibut, haddock, ling, sea bass and many other species. Fishing in Norway is possible all year round. If you are over 16 years old, then you must pay a fishing fee, in order to fish on a river or lake you need to have a permit from the local authorities or a license, but none of this is needed for sea fishing. You can take out 15 kg of fish that you caught yourself, and another large trophy fish.

In our country, there are a huge number of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, seas, and small rivers, backwaters, ponds cannot be counted at all. And in almost every one of them, our compatriots manage to catch something. Our rivers Volga, Yenisei, Amur, Lena are rich in fish catch, although any of you will name many rivers where, in his opinion, there are the most fish. Steppe, flat, mountain rivers all abound with fish - you just need to be able to catch! Types of fish that are found in our rivers ... but is it possible to list them all? Beluga, lenok, whitefish, trout, grayling perch, pike, pike perch and many more other names can be listed. After all, only in Kamchatka there are about three hundred species of fish. But what gear to take with you for fishing in order to catch at least one of them - this is already a choice for you.

Finland is a country of a thousand lakes. Unique archipelagos and winding coastlines offer a wide range of fishing opportunities for amateurs and professionals alike. The cleanest lakes in the world guarantee excellent fishing. All types of freshwater fish live in the reservoirs of this northern region: perch, grayling, pike, pike perch, taimen, eel, trout, whitefish and more. It is possible to list the species that are found in the waters of Finland for a very long time, because this country offers sea, lake and river fishing. In this country, you can fish everywhere and everywhere there will be a great bite. Every body of water is teeming with fish of all shapes and sizes. You can fish in this country all year round and there will always be a great catch. It is easy to get a fishing permit in Finland if you are fishing on float rod or are fond of ice fishing, then a permit is not required, although there are small exceptions.

Prepare your fishing rods and go for a rich catch! After all, you can always find time for your favorite hobby, and we suggested a place for you!

Most of our planet is covered in water, giving fishermen endless opportunities to do what they love. However, to answer the question of which country is best for fishing, quite difficult. After all, it all depends on whether you are focused on the quality or quantity of fish. In our list, we have collected 10 countries, the best for fishing, in which there is an abundance of fish, and its quality is excellent.

10. Kenya

When is the best time to fish: during the whole year.

This country is famous not only for excellent safaris and some of them, but also for excellent fishing. The waters near the port city of Malindi, on Kenya's central coast, offer one of the few places on the planet where anglers can catch up to six species of fish in a day:

  • blue marlin;
  • striped marlin;
  • black marlin;
  • sailfish;
  • swordfish;
  • and a short-nosed spear-bearer.

When is the best time to fish:
all year round, although the coast can be quite humid during the rainy season.

In this hospitable and warm country, there are many excellent fishing resorts and eco-hotels, such as Paradise Fishing Lodge, Sport Fishing Lodge, etc. There are different types of boats for fishing on their territory. various kinds fishing.

The waters of Panama are home to the amazing golden mackerel, one of the most fast fish in the ocean - prickly bonito, as well as cubera, rooster, and other types of fish.

Panama is one of best countries world for fishing in terms of the quality of tourist service and the number of large fish that can be caught.

When is the best time to fish:
from April to September. September is the start of hurricane season, which can turn fishing into a risky sport.

Liberty Island's location is ideal for fishing: Florida and the Bahamas serve as ecological barriers to the distribution and transit of fish species found in Cuban waters; at the same time, large ocean currents are connected to the migratory routes of fish, resulting in a huge variety of local marine life.

There are sailboats, swordfish, tuna and needlefish on the north coast of Cuba. Great prospects for anglers open up along the coast of Cayo Guillermo, where Ernest Hemingway once spent many hours doing one of his favorite activities.

By the way, the Ernest Hemingway International Fishing Tournament takes place every year at the end of May and beginning of June in the elite complex Marina Hemingway in Havana. It is dedicated to the sport fishing of blue marlin.

When is the best time to fish:
from March to June. In late summer and early fall, there is a danger that a hurricane will spoil your fishing plans.

The clear waters of the Bahamas, thousands of coral reefs and a huge biodiversity of the underwater world - that's what makes the Bahamas good place for fishing, including deep-sea. Tuna, blue marlin, black marlin, wahoo, crucian carp, ray-finned barracuda, etc. are found here.

The best places to fish in the Bahamas are Great Abaco, the second largest island, and Long Island.

There are many fishing lodges and resorts in the Bahamas that cater to anglers and provide guides who know the best places to fish. Just keep in mind that only fishing with a fishing rod is allowed in the Bahamas. The corresponding permit can be purchased directly at the customs.

When is the best time to fish:
peak fishing time big fish comes from June to August.

A safe, civilized and clean country known for its amazing beaches, incredible diving, golf, restaurants and, of course, excellent fishing conditions.

Bermuda waters are home to blue marlin, white marlin, yellowfin tuna, barracuda, squirrelfish and countless other species.

One of the best fishing spots in Bermuda is the Bay of Whales. It is a secluded beach with pink sand, calm waters and superb sunset views.

When is the best time to fish:
year-round, but if you want to catch big tarpon, plan your trip between mid-summer and late fall.

This country, located in Central America, is a paradise for adventurous fishermen who want to catch the biggest fly fishing trophies.

Perhaps, in no country in the world there is such a high chance to catch a white fox (albula, bonfish), permit or tarpon.

The country jealously guards its vast marine lands, which remain almost untouched by poachers.

The only difficulty for tourists from Russia is obtaining a visa to Belize. It is issued by the British Embassy, ​​and documents should be submitted several months before the date of the proposed trip.

When is the best time to fish:
from August to mid-October.

If you are tired of small fish, and you want to show off to your friends frames with really big fish, go to Canada for the giant white sturgeon. This "king fish" can reach a length of 2 meters or more, and is the third largest freshwater fish in the world.

Also in Canada, there is the largest of the Pacific salmon - chinook, whose weight reaches 50 kilograms. To fight such a giant in his habitat is not a challenge for a fishing enthusiast? For catching chinook salmon, you can not use watercraft and cast spinning with bait from the shore. The point is small - to choose the appropriate spinning rod and another fishing tackle in one of .

When is the best time to fish:
the period from April to December is the most favorable.

There is no shortage of places in America where you can go fishing. One of them is the state of Louisiana - the birthplace of the famous Louisiana swamps, covered with legends and rich in fish. They offer a huge population of red croaker, one of the best fly fish in the world, all in an incredibly colorful setting.

Another excellent fishing spot in the USA is Key West, Florida. It serves as the gateway to the Dry Tortugas National Park and is nestled in the midst of world-class fishing grounds where blue water, reefs and underwater plains draw enthusiasts from all over the world. Here you can find many first-class guides and coastal charters, as well as many restaurants serving very tasty seafood dishes.

When is the best time to fish:
during the period from June to August.

In second place in the ranking of the best countries for fishing is our neighbor Finland, nicknamed the “land of a thousand lakes”. Gorgeous nature, clear water, a large number of fishing bases located on the banks of reservoirs - what else is needed in order to have a great time in peace, tranquility and dreams of such a fish? Unless buying a local fishing license.

You can not buy, but then you can only fish in municipal Finnish reservoirs. Also, people under 18 and over 65 are exempted from buying a license. When catching fish, they are allowed to use one rod, reel and artificial bait.

There is no better place to fish for grayling than Lake Inari in Lapland. And in the large lakes of Lapland - Porttipakhta and Kemijärvi - big pikes are caught. If you are looking for prey such as rainbow trout or whitefish, then your path lies on Lake Valkeisjärvi in ​​Western Finland or on the famous trout rapids (Huopanankoski, Kapeenkoski, Kärnänkoski, Kellankoski and Keskisenkoski) in Central Finland.

1. Russia

When is the best time to fish:
all year round.

Why go to a distant country for the joy of fishing, when everything you need is already at home, in Russia? And even in the immediate vicinity of the Moscow Ring Road, if you live in the capital or its environs.

  • The Losiny Ostrov National Park is one of the most fishy places in Russia, you only have to pay for fishing in local ponds. However, this is more than compensated by a large number of fish: carp, catfish, crucian carp, tench, pike - these are just some of the fish species that are found in the waters of Losiny Island.
  • If you like the beauty of the harsh North, then we recommend fishing on the Kola Peninsula. Here you can enjoy fishing for salmon weighing up to 20 kg, lake char and brown trout, pink salmon, and at the same time admire the unique local nature.
  • Another place popular with Russian tourists-fishermen is the lower reaches of the Volga in the Astrakhan region. A large number of hotels are at the service of visitors, and most importantly - a huge variety of fish, including sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga and carp.

If, after reading the article, you want to go fishing as soon as possible, you should not interfere with this spiritual impulse. According to popular belief, you can’t wish good luck on fishing, so no tail, no scales!