Requirements for the accuracy of determining the position of the vessel in various navigation zones. Biochemistry and bioenergetics in swimming training load zones Energy supply zones in swimming




Biochemical changes in the body of a swimmer during intense muscular activity (on the example of swimming a distance of 50 meters freestyle)

Vovchenko A.V.

Chelyabinsk, 2005

1. Biochemical changes in the body of a swimmer when swimming a distance of 50 meters freestyle

2. Characteristics of the main mechanism of ATP formation during swimming sprint (50 m/s)

Biochemical changes in the body of a swimmer during the period of sprint work at a distance of 50 m / s and during the rest period

5.1 Methods for assessing the development of processes of anaerobic alactic energy supply in swimmers specializing in a short sprint


1. Biochemical changes in the body during swimming

Unlike others cyclic species sports, swimming takes place in an aquatic environment, which is characterized by high thermal conductivity and density. The body loses more heat in water than in air at the same temperature, and heat transfer increases with increasing swimming speed. Due to the high resistance of the aquatic environment, the speed of movement in swimming is much less than when running and varies between 0.85 - 3.0 m/s. Swimming consumes about 4 times more energy per meter of distance than walking at the same speed.

1 Zones training loads in swimming

Training loads in swimming, depending on the intensity and duration, are divided into 6 or 9 intensity zones (E.A. Shirkovets.1996).

  1. zone. Loads are purely aerobic, lipid metabolism is predominant in energy. Work in this zone can be performed for a long time, since its intensity is not great. The content of lactate does not exceed 2.0 - 2.5m mol/l (level aerobic threshold), the pH remains within the normal range, oxygen consumption can increase up to 50% of the MIC, the heart rate is in the range of 110-130 beats / min .. The loads of this zone are applied to early stages training in order to create a base of endurance, the rest of the time - as a compensatory, restorative means of training (compensatory swimming).
  2. zone. The loads of the second zone are also aerobic in orientation, but are performed at the level anaerobic threshold. The concentration of lactate in the blood can reach up to 3.5 - 4.0 mmol / l and be accompanied by a shift in pH to the acid side up to 7.35. This leads to inhibition of lipid metabolism and activation of carbohydrate oxidation, oxygen consumption increases to 50-80% of the maximum. The average duration of a single continuous work is 10-30 minutes with a heart rate of 130-150 beats / min. Under these conditions, the efficiency and capacity of aerobic processes are improved to the greatest extent, contributing to the development of endurance.
  3. zone Loads have a mixed aerobic-anaerobic nature of energy supply. - oxygen consumption approaches the maximum or reaches it, at the same time, the role of anaerobic processes increases significantly, since the intensity of work exceeds the level of the anaerobic threshold. The duration of a single exercise is 5-15 minutes. For practical purposes, in this zone, 2 subzones A and B are distinguished with a lactate level in the blood of 4.0 - 6.0 and 6.0-9.0, respectively. Work in this zone is used to develop the power of aerobic processes (due to an increase in cardiorespiratory performance)
  4. zone. Loads have an anaerobic glycolytic orientation and are used to develop special endurance. (anaerobic-lactate mode). The main source of energy supply is the oxidation of carbohydrates, which leads to a significant increase in the level of lactate in the blood. Here it is customary to distinguish three subzones A, B, C with a lactate level of 9-12, respectively; 12-15; 15 mmol / l and above.
  5. zone. Loads include sprint exercises. The main source of energy supply are phosphogens (ATP and CRF). exercise intensity is maximum, the duration of a single work does not exceed 15-20 seconds (anaerobic-alactic mode)
  6. zone. Loads are anabolic in nature - they increase the synthesis of contractile proteins in muscles and the ATP-ase activity of myosin in muscle filaments. This includes mainly swimmer exercises with near-limit and large weights, aimed at increasing maximum muscle strength.

2 Biochemical characteristics of physical activity at a sprint distance of 50m. The ratio of aerobic and anaerobic provision processes

direct source of energy for muscle contraction is the breakdown of ATP molecules. In this case, ATP loses one energy-rich phosphate group and turns into adenosine diphosphoric ADP and phosphoric acid. The content of ATP in muscle cells is low, expendable ATP reserves must be immediately restored. In the absence of oxygen, one of the pathways for the resynthesis of ATP from ADP is associated with the use of creatine phosphate KrF, which is in muscle fiber and has the necessary phosphate group:

CrF + ADP = ATP + creatine

Creatine phosphokinase quickly exhausts its capabilities. Due to this mechanism, work is ensured in swimming with a maximum speed on a segment of no more than 25 meters, if an athlete swims a long distance, then energy supply is already due to other mechanisms. The anaerobic glycolytic mechanism is the second way of ATP resynthesis in our case (this cycle of biochemical reactions can serve as a source of energy supply only for a limited time from 6 to 10 s, which corresponds to the time of swimming the finishing part of the 50m distance).

A competitive distance of 50 m in swimming is considered to be a load of maximum power. A distance of 50 m / s is swum by a high-class swimmer in 24 - 26 seconds. The share of participation of aerobic sources of energy supply for this type of load is also low; the data are presented in Table 1

Table 1 Ratio of anaerobic and aerobic energy suppliers (%) during work of various intensity with full mobilization according to Ostrand and Rodal

Nature of energy supply Duration of work and approximate length of the distance in swimming 10s 25m 60s 100mAnaerobic 8560-70 Aerobic 1530-40

When analyzing the influence of various indicators competitive activity swimmer at a distance of 50m, it was revealed that the final result depends on 20% of speed-strength and coordination components and 80% on functionality. At the same time, the speed on the starting segment 0 - 10m depends on the explosive strength of the muscles lower extremities, on the timeliness of repulsion, on the departure angle, and other indicators. The speed on a segment of 10-25 meters is primarily determined by the power and capacity of the alactic anaerobic energy supply. On the segment 25-42.5 m, along with the capacity of the anaerobic alactic process, the mobility and power of the glycolytic anaerobic energy supply becomes decisive, and at the finish (42.5-50 m) - the power of the glycolytic anaerobic supply.

Therefore, the main source of security muscle work in the swimming sprint at a distance of 50 m/s, the process of energy supply is alactate and the final part of the distance is performed when the mechanisms of anaerobic-lactate energy supply are turned on, which, due to the short deployment time, does not have time to fully mobilize

Alactate (creatine phosphokinase, creatine phosphate, phosphogenic) process is the energy supply of muscle work due to macroergic substances contained in muscle tissue, mainly due to creatine phosphate (Kf). This process is carried out with a lack of oxygen in the muscles (under anaerobic conditions) and is not accompanied by the formation of lactic acid (lactate). It is of primary importance for short-term exercises (up to 15-20 seconds) of maximum intensity.

2. Characteristics of the main mechanism of ATP formation during swimming sprint (50 m/s)

2.1 The mechanism of ATP resynthesis in the creatine phosphokinase reaction

Creatine phosphate (CrP) is the first energy reserve of the muscle and is included in the process of ATP resynthesis immediately after the start of muscle work. It is a macroergic compound that can accumulate in muscles during training, and is contained in significantly higher amounts than ATP (about 3 times). The formation of ATP at the expense of the energy of creatine phosphate proceeds by substrate phosphorylation with the participation of the enzyme creatine phosphokinase: the macroergic phosphate group is transferred from creatine phosphate (Cr? ~ F) to ADP

Creatine ~ F + adenosine - F ~ F?

creatine + adenosine - F ~ F ~ F

creatine phosphokinase

Creatine phosphokinase has a high activity, which increases under the influence of calcium ions released during muscle contraction. Within 1-2 seconds after the start of intensive work, this reaction reaches top speed. Moreover, a high reaction rate can be maintained even with a decrease in CrF in the muscles, since one of its end products, creatine, has the ability to activate creatine phosphokinase.

The creatine phosphokinase reaction is easily reversible. as soon as the rate of ATP formation increases due to aerobic processes (at the end of work and with a decrease in intensity), the reverse reaction begins - ATP and ADP are formed from ATP and creatine.

3. Energy indicators of the main way of energy supply of muscular activity when swimming at a distance of 50m

3.1 Energy potential of the alactic process

The alactate process of energy supply is the most powerful: up to 900-1000 kcal per kg of muscle mass can be released per minute due to this mechanism. This is about 1.5-2 times more than with glycolytic, and 3-4 times more than with aerobic processes.

The power of the alactic energy supply mechanism depends on the rate of ATP decay, which is determined by the activity of the myosin ATPase enzyme. The faster the hydrolysis of ATP, the greater the activity of creatine phosphokinase, which is activated by the products of hydrolysis - ADP and AMP.

The rate of consumption of creatine phosphate depends on the intensity of the exercise performed. In sprint swimming, it is the main source of energy supply for 15-20 seconds. However, the energy capacity of this process is less than that of other processes; it is limited by the content of CRF in the muscles. Already after 30 sec. after the start of intensive work, its content decreases and the rate of the creatine phosphokinase reaction is halved. this activates glycolysis, accompanied by the formation of lactic acid, which inhibits creatine phosphokinase. As a result, by the 3rd minute of work, this mechanism of ATP formation has no energy value.

Thus, the alactic energy supply mechanism is characterized by big power and relatively low capacity. Its energy capabilities depend on the activity of myosin ATPase, the content of cretin phosphate, and on the activity of creatine phosphokinase.

*Mechanism of ATP resynthesis in anaerobic glycolysis. Glycolysis is a complex chain of reactions occurring in the sarcoplasm of the muscle fiber, involving more than 10 different enzymes. The figure shows a diagram of ATP resynthesis in the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates.

In view of the fact that the share of participation of anaerobic-lactate energy supply in a short sprint in swimming at a distance of 50 m/s is not significant, we will not consider its mechanism in detail in our abstract.

4. Biochemical changes in the body of a swimmer during sprint work at a distance of 50 m/s. Recovery processes during the rest period

Biochemical changes during muscle activity occur not only in working muscles, but also in many organs and tissues. human body. The shift in biochemical parameters depends on the power of the work performed and its duration. The considered distance of 50m in swimming is performed in the zone of maximum power (from 15 to 20s) and partially in the zone of submaximal power due to glycolysis. However, the rate of glycolysis does not reach its highest values, so the lactate content in the blood usually does not exceed 1-1.5 g/l, there is no mobilization of liver glycogen, the glucose content in the blood hardly changes compared to the initial level of rest (and if it increases, then only due to the prelaunch reaction)

The oxygen demand can be 7-14 liters, and the oxygen debt is 6-12 liters, those are 90-95% of the oxygen demand.

When intensive muscular work is performed, fatigue occurs, the cause of which is the development of protective inhibition of the central nervous system due to an imbalance in ATP / ADP and inhibition of myosin ATPase under the influence of accumulated metabolic products.

The degree of involvement of the creatine phosphokinase reaction in the energy supply of muscles can be determined by the content of CrF breakdown products, creatine and creatinine, in the blood.

With fatigue, the reserves of energy substrates (creatine phosphate) are depleted, decay products and products of intracellular metabolism (ADP, AMP, H 3PO4, etc.) and there are shifts in the intracellular environment. Accumulation of products of working metabolism and increased hormonal activity stimulates oxidative processes during the rest period, which contributes to the restoration of intramuscular reserves of energy substances, normalizes the water and electrolyte balance of the body. Depending on the direction of biochemical shifts from the recovery time, two types of recovery processes are distinguished - urgent and delayed recovery.

Urgent recovery applies to the first 0.5 -1.5 hours of rest - it comes down to the elimination of anaerobic decay products and payment for O 2-debt. Delayed recovery extends over several hours. During the period of delayed recovery, the processes of plastic metabolism intensify, the disturbed ionic and endocrine balance is restored, and the synthesis of destroyed structural and enzymatic proteins is enhanced. According to the data in the table, the recovery processes during the rest period proceed with different speed and end at different times - the phenomenon of heterochronism

Table. The time required to complete the recovery of various biochemical processes during the rest period after short-term intensive work

Process Recovery time Recovery of O2 reserves in the body From 10 to 15 seconds Recovery of alactic anaerobic reserves in muscles From 2 to 5 minutes

The intensification of recovery processes leads to the fact that at a certain point of rest after work, the reserves of energy substances exceed their final level (the phenomenon of supercompensation)

5. Methods for the development of the alactic mechanism of energy supply (high-speed capabilities)

The technique of increasing the alactic energy supply mechanism is the basis for improving the speed capabilities and its application also leads to an increase in the absolute swimming speed.

Speed ​​training is necessary for faster swimming of the competitive 50-meter distance. Improving stroke technique and muscle power are important factors, but it is equally important to train the ATP / Kp system, which contributes to fast and powerful muscle contractions. Swimming speed training provides for an increase in ATP / Kf activity, due to an increase in the activity of enzymes of this type of energy supply. The amount of ATP/Kf supplied to the muscles also increases. For this purpose, a short sprint is ideal - from 10 to 50 m, swimming speed and above.

Principles of speed training (ATP/Kf systems)

Expected performance improvement:

  1. increase in maximum sprint speed;
  2. a small but significant increase in the amount of time a swimmer can maintain maximum sprint speed.

Physiological and biochemical adaptation, due to which there is an improvement in performance:

  1. an increase in the concentration of ATP in the muscles of swimmers (according to literary sources it can reach up to 25%);
  2. An increase in the concentration of CrF in the muscles of swimmers (up to 40%).
  3. Increase in the activity of enzymes that contribute to the release of ATP and Cfe energy (up to 25-40%);
  4. An increase in the power of rowing movements while maintaining the same pace (this is probably achieved by improving the neuromuscular utilization of the corresponding muscle fibers).

Training Methods

  1. Sprint on segments 10,12,5 25m;
  2. Sprint in the re-training mode on segments of 25 and 50m using fins and swimming belts;
  3. Sprint lasting from 6 to 30 seconds in conditions that reduce speed (using weighted suits, friction devices, pulleys, blocks, etc.);
  4. Exercises for the development of strength "on land" with the use of maximum weights lasting 6 - 30 seconds.

Basic moments:

  1. the duration of rest periods between repetitions should be from 30 seconds to 2 minutes (for full recovery of Kf);
  2. sprint swims at maximum speed, this makes it possible to utilize not only slow fibers, but also both types of muscle fibers;
  3. repetitions should be swum in the same way as it is planned to swim in competitions. AFF and Kf will increase in those muscle fibers that are being trained, so to be sure that the training loads those fibers that are involved in competitions, you need to swim at competitive speed and even faster.

The optimal number of repetitions during a workout is unknown. It's probably best to do as many reps as possible at your desired pace. Rest intervals should be sufficient for recovery. Pedagogical control - a decrease in swimming speed. If the speed is below the competitive speed, then the training goal is reduced to zero.

Suggested combinations of repetitions, rest intervals and swimming speed for sprint training (ATP/Kf systems) are shown in Table 2

Table 2 The combination of the number of repetitions, rest intervals and swimming speed in the training of the ATP / CRF system

distance Optimal reps Rest intervals Swimming speed 12.5m 4-6 sets of 10 reps (40-60 total) 20-30s Faster than best time at 25m 25m 2-4 sets of 10 reps 20-30s Within 2s of best result 25m 50m 1-2 sets of 6-10 reps 2-3 min Within 2s of best 50m swim 50m (2x25) 6-1010s after 25m 1-2min after 50mActual or suggested speed at 50mFractional swim 100m4-810s after 25m, 2 -3 min after 100Actual or suggested speed per 100mResistance training10-30 reps for 10-30s30s - 1minMax effortBelt swimming 20-40 x 25m3-s -1minFaster speed over distanceTethered swimming30-40 reps30s - 1minMax effortFinning 25, 50m6 -4030s -2 min Faster than competitive speed

1 Methods for assessing the development of processes of anaerobic alactic energy supply in swimmers specializing in a short sprint

swimming anaerobic alactic sprint

In sports practice, when assessing the alactic energy process, short-term exercises of 10-20 seconds are used, performed with maximum intensity and pace. The maximum pace is determined in swimming on a segment of 25 meters with maximum intensity. The execution time of 10 cycles of movements is recorded. The pace of swimming will be equal to 60 / t x 10, where the execution time is 10 cycles.

An indicator of the power of the alactate mechanism can be the rate of decomposition of creatine phosphate (CrF / t) when performing maximum efforts or when swimming segments from 15 to 25 m at the maximum available speed. The ergometric indicator of alactic power is the maximum swimming speed measured using the speedography method. The maximum swimming speed can be characterized by the time it takes to overcome short stretches of 10-15 meters.

The rate of breakdown of creatine phosphate (CrF / t) is 60 mM / kg.min for beginner athletes, and about 100 mM / kg min for qualified athletes

The capacity of the alactic anaerobic process determines the ability to maintain the maximum speed of exercise, this is important when increasing the pace at a distance or during finishing acceleration.

The bioenergetic indicators of the capacity of the alactic process are the total content of CRF in the muscles and the value of the alactic oxygen debt(For highly qualified athletes, it can reach 2-4 liters, or 54.5 ml / kg, and for beginners, 21.5 ml of O2 per kg of body weight.)

The value of alactic O2-debt can be assessed both after short-term single swims of segments of 25-50m, and according to the results of the test n x25m, with the maximum available speed and constant rest intervals of 30 s, 60 s and 90 s. The ergometric indicator of alactic capacity can be the time to maintain the maximum swimming speed, measured using speedography at a distance of 50m, as well as the number of repetitions in the test n x 25m

An indicator of the effectiveness of this process can be the rate of payment of the alactic O2 debt. However, sufficiently simple and reliable methods for evaluating this criterion have not yet been developed. In practice sports swimming The efficiency of the alactic process is determined by the rate of payment of the alactic O2-debt (Ka) during a single swim of 25 m and 50 m. speed and keep it as long as possible (swimming speed is determined using the speedography method)

Table 3 Bioenergy and ergometric criteria for the alactic mechanism of energy supply in sprint swimming

ComponentsBioenergeticErgometricPowerMaximum anaerobic power, macroerg decay rateMaximum swimming speed or swimming time of a segment of 15-25m.CapacityTotal CrF in the muscles, the value of alactic O2-debtNumber of repetitions in the test px25m with max. Swimming speed with a rest interval from 30 s to 60 s, 90 s Maximum swimming speed retention time


  • The maximum power of a process is the maximum amount of energy it can give to form ATP per unit time, or the maximum amount of ATP produced per unit time. The maximum intensity of work depends on the power.
  • Energy capacity - the total amount of energy that can be obtained through a particular process or the total amount of ATP resynthesized. The capacity determines the maximum amount of work that can be done due to the energy of this process.
  • Process efficiency is the ratio of the energy expended to perform work or to form ATP to the total amount of energy generated in this process.

6. Lipid peroxidation

Along with the processes of oxidation in the respiratory chain, other types of oxidation can occur in cells. It is known that oxygen exchange in tissues can be accompanied by the formation of highly reactive free radical forms of oxygen. These compounds activate the reactions of peroxidation of various substrates and, first of all, lipids (LPO). The residues of unsaturated fatty acids that are part of phospholipids are especially easily oxidized. The accumulation of primary products of peroxidation - diene conjugates - increases the polarity of hydrophobic carbohydrate tails of fatty acids that form the lipid layer of cell membranes. Areas whose polarity has increased are forced out of the membranes. This facilitates the process of self-renewal of membrane structures, affects their permeability, the activity of membrane-bound enzymes, and ion transport. This is a physiological process that ensures the regulation of cellular activity. However, with the excessive appearance of free radical forms of oxygen, the process of lipid peroxidation is accelerated, which leads to the complete destruction of unsaturated lipids, violations of the structure and function of proteins. The activity of peroxidation increases when the cellular structure is disturbed, with an increased supply of oxygen to the body, under the influence of ionizing radiation, in a state of stress. Contributes to the strengthening of lipid peroxidation excess in the diet of carbohydrates and animal fats, reduced physical activity. Limitation of lipid peroxidation activity is carried out with the help of an antioxidant defense system, which includes enzymes that prevent the formation of reactive oxygen species, as well as substances that inactivate peroxidation products. These compounds include sulfur-containing amino acids, ascorbic acid, rutin, vitamin E, ?-carotene, etc.

Concise Dictionary terms used

ATP - adenisine triphosphate - macroergic compound

ADP - adenisine diphosphate - macroergic compound

AMP - adenisine monophosphate or adenylic acid - macroergic compound

Adaptation - adaptation of the body to physical activity

The active reaction of the medium is the optimal pH value at which certain enzymes are most active.

Alkalosis - violation of acid-base balance with a shift in pH

ATPase - adenosine triphosphatase enzyme

Aerobic oxidation of carbohydrates is a process that takes place in tissues with sufficient oxygen supply, in which oxygen is the final acceptor. The reduction of oxygen atoms when interacting with a pair of electrons and hydrogen protons leads to the formation of water.

Anaerobic oxidation of carbohydrates - oxidation with a lack of oxygen during intense muscular work. The role of the final acceptor can be performed by other compounds, such as pyruvic acid.

Biological oxidation is the process of releasing the energy of carbohydrates, proteins and other organic compounds during their redox decay.

Buffer system - a system that maintains a constant acid-base balance.

pH - pH indicator

Heterochronism - different timing of recovery processes

Hydrolysis - anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates in muscles

Respiratory chain - or biological oxidation chain - in which hydrogen atoms are transferred from an oxidizable substrate to oxygen using several types of redox enzymes

Creatine phosphate is a nitrogen-containing macroergic compound

Lactate - or lactic acid is a breakdown product

Macroergic compounds - compounds containing high-energy chemical bonds

Oxidative phosphorylation - resynthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphoric acid due to the energy released during the breakdown of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins under aerobic conditions

Uncoupling of oxidation and phosphorylation is a process that occurs with an increase in the permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane for protons, which leads to disruption of ATP synthesis while maintaining a high rate of oxidation and to the dissipation of excess energy in the form of heat

LPO - lipid peroxidation

ATP resynthesis - renewal of ATP content in muscles

Substrate phosphorylation is the synthesis of ATP, which proceeds in addition to the respiratory chain during anaerobic oxidation.

Supercompensation is a phenomenon in the process of restoring energy substances in the body after work, in which their concentration exceeds the initial (final) level.


  1. Alekseeva O.I., Grigoriev V.I. Theoretical and methodological foundations of swimmer training at the university: Tutorial/ O.I. Alekseeva, V.I. Grigoriev - M: Ed. "Theory and practice physical culture", 2003. - 161s.
  2. Biochemistry: Textbook for institutes of physical culture / ed. V.V. Menshikov, N.I. Volkov. - M: Ed. Physical culture and sport, 1986. - 284p.
  3. Biochemical changes in the body during muscle activity: Guidelines on the implementation of the course (control) work / Compiled by T.V. Solomina, N.V. Knyazev - Chelyabinsk, 2005. - 24 p.
  4. Lvovskaya E.I. Lipid peroxidation: Textbook / E.I. Lvovskaya - Chelyabinsk, 1999. - 45p.
  5. Features of the processes of energy supply of physical loads in cyclic sports: Textbook / T.V. Solomin - Omsk, Chelyabinsk, 1987. - 43s
  6. Solomina T.V. Biochemistry of metabolic processes: Textbook for students of institutes and faculties of physical culture / T.V. Solomin - Chelyabinsk, 1999. - 132p.

Tags: Biochemical changes in the body of a swimmer during intense muscular activity (on the example of swimming a distance of 50 meters freestyle) Abstract Tourism

In the general case, in each sea, separate zones can be distinguished with their characteristic navigational and hydrographic features and navigation conditions. These zones are:

open sea zone;

coastal zone;

Restricted navigation area.

Thus, the navigation and hydrographic features of navigation in these areas impose their own specific requirements on the means of navigation and hydrographic equipment (hereinafter AtoN).

open sea zone- the entire water area of ​​the oceans and seas, which lies beyond the visual and radar observability of coastal aids to navigation. Great depths, a small number or absence of navigational hazards allow a wide choice of the ship's route. Swimming in the open sea area is free or on the recommended recommended routes. As a rule, the recommended paths define the general direction of the flow of two-way traffic, with no defined boundaries or with a border on one side.

In some cases, especially in areas of intensive navigation, part of the recommended routes is used to separate the movement of oncoming flows. Such paths determine the direction of movement and may have restrictions on the width.

The main way to obtain the ship's position in this zone is dead reckoning with periodic determination of the position by aids to navigation or luminaries.

coastal zone- part of the sea lying along the mainland coast, coasts, archipelagos and remote islands, in which visual and radar observation of coastal aids to navigation is possible.

The width of the coastal zone is assumed to be 30-50 miles. The proximity of the coast, relatively shallow depths, surface and underwater navigational hazards complicate navigation and limit the choice of the ship's route in the coastal zone. Navigation in the zone is carried out mainly along the recommended routes or fairways of limited width, and free navigation is allowed only in certain areas.

The navigation conditions in the coastal zone require an increase in the accuracy and speed of determining the position of the vessel in comparison with the open sea zone.

Restricted navigation area includes canals, narrows, skerries, port water areas, estuarine sections of navigable rivers. Swimming in the zone is carried out, as a rule, in strictly defined directions, providing a safe route. Navigation conditions in the zone require control of the vessel's position with even greater accuracy and frequency of determination compared to other zones. In particularly difficult areas, due to the lack of time for instrumental determinations, the pilot method of vessel control is used.

In areas of intensive navigation, regardless of the zone in which the ships' routes pass, in order to increase navigational safety of navigation and reduce the risk of collisions, a system is used to separate oncoming traffic flows, to establish deep water routes for ships with deep draft and coastal navigation zones.

One of the measures envisaged by the traffic separation system is the introduction of zones or lines on the sea routes separating the traffic of ships moving in opposite directions. On both sides of the zone or traffic separation line, a lane is allocated one way traffic. At the convergence of several recommended paths, districts are introduced roundabout, navigation in which is carried out in the prescribed manner around a certain zone or point before entering the corresponding traffic lane.

General principles the establishment and use of ship traffic separation routes and systems, as well as descriptions of ship traffic separation routes and systems, are given in the "Recommendations for navigation in traffic separation areas" of the GUNiO publication, in the "Guidelines for navigation" or in the "Navigation regime in ________ sea".

Ways and traffic systems in international waters are established with the approval of the IMCO, in the territorial waters of Ukraine - by the competent authorities of Ukraine.

Full details of traffic separation systems and recommended routes are published in Notices to Mariners. Installed traffic separation systems are shown on nautical charts.

The main factors that determine the required accuracy of determining the position of the vessel, ensuring navigational safety in the navigation area, are the distance to the navigational hazards closest to the route, the width of the channel, fairway or safe passage of narrowness. In addition, the required accuracy depends on the tasks solved by ships in a given area, traffic intensity, ship speed, its maneuvering elements and dimensions. An increase in the speed and displacement of the vessel not only increases the requirements for accuracy, but also makes it necessary to significantly reduce the processing time of the measured navigation parameters during determinations.

The accuracy of the determination is estimated by the mean square error (MSE) M, which is the radius of the circle within which the ship can be located. Probability R finding the actual position of the ship in a circle with a radius M depends on the ratio of the axes of the error ellipse and varies within R= 0.683 at b:a= 0.1 and R= 0.632 at b:a = 1.

With known elements of the ellipse, the probability of the SCP is taken R= 0.632. limiting M^ depending on its given probability, it is calculated by the formula

M^ = K r M

where K r= coefficient that is selected from table No. 1 according to a given probability R and the ratio of the semiaxes of the error ellipse

Table No. 1

With unknown elements of the error ellipse, the coefficient K r is chosen for the ratio b:a = 1.

International association Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) recommends the following accuracies for determining the position of a vessel in various navigation zones, while ensuring the following probability of the vessel being within:

Channel, 100 m wide - 0.997;

Fairway, 250 m wide - 0.993;

Fairway 2 - 20 kbt - 0.950;

Traffic lanes 10 - 20 kbt - 0.950.

Table 2

The values ​​given in the table correspond to the Resolution of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) A529 (XIII) of November 17, 1983.

Now we know that the means of navigation and hydrographic equipment must provide a given accuracy in determining the position of the vessel for safe navigation.

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Unlike other cyclic sports, swimming takes place in an aquatic environment, which is characterized by high density and thermal conductivity. The body loses more heat in water than in air at the same temperature, and heat transfer increases with increasing swimming speed. Due to the high resistance of the aquatic environment, the speed of movement in swimming is much less than when running and varies between 0.85 - 3 meters per second. Swimming consumes four times more energy per meter than walking at the same speed. In this essay, I will try to highlight the nature of the energy supply in swimming in general and in particular at a distance of 50 meters.

1. Zones of training loads in swimming and their nature of energy supply

Loads are purely aerobic, lipid metabolism is predominant in energy. Work in this zone can be performed for a long time, since its intensity is low. The lactate content does not exceed 2.0 - 2.5 mmol / l (aerobic threshold level), the pH remains within the normal range, oxygen consumption can increase up to 50% of the MIC, the heart rate is in the range of 110 - 130 beats per minute. The loads of this zone are applied at the initial stage of training in order to create an endurance base, at other times as a compensatory, restorative means of training.

The loads of the second zone are also aerobic in orientation, but are performed at the level of the anaerobic threshold. The concentration of lactate in the blood can reach up to 3.5 - 4.0 mmol / l and is accompanied by a shift in pH to the acid side up to 7.35. This leads to inhibition of lipid metabolism and activation of carbohydrate oxidation, oxygen consumption increases to 50 - 80% of the maximum. The average duration of a single continuous work is 10 - 30 minutes with a heart rate of 130 - 150 beats per minute. Under these conditions, the efficiency and capacity of aerobic processes are improved to the greatest extent, contributing to the development of endurance.

Loads have a mixed aerobic - anaerobic character. Oxygen consumption approaches or reaches a maximum, at the same time, the role of anaerobic processes increases significantly, since the intensity of work increases the level of anaerobic threshold. The duration of a single exercise is 5-15 minutes. For practical purposes, this zone is divided into 2 subzones - A and B with blood lactate levels of 4.0 - 6.0 and 6.0 - 9.0, respectively. Work in this zone is used to develop the power of aerobic processes (due to cardiorespiratory performance).

Loads have an anaerobic glycolytic orientation and are used to develop special endurance. The main source of energy supply is the oxidation of carbohydrates, which leads to a significant increase in lactate in the blood. Here it is customary to distinguish three subzones - A, B, C with a lactate level of 9 - 12, 12 - 15, 15 and above mmol / liter, respectively.

Sprint exercises are included in the training process. The main source of energy supply is phosphogens (ATP and CRF), the intensity of exercise is maximum, the duration of a single work does not exceed 15-20 seconds (anaerobic-alactate mode).

Loads have an anabolic orientation, enhance the synthesis of contractile proteins in muscles and ATP - the phase activity of myosin in muscle filaments. This includes mainly swimmer's exercises with near-limit and large weights, aimed at developing maximum muscle strength.

2. Biochemical characteristics of physical activity at a distance of 50 meters. Correlation of anaerobic and aerobic energy supply processes

The direct source of energy supply during muscle contraction is the breakdown of ATP molecules. In this case, ATP loses one energy-rich phosphate group and turns into adenosine diphosphoric (ADP) and phosphoric acid. The content of ATP in muscle cells is low, expendable ATP reserves must be immediately restored. In the absence of oxygen, one of the pathways for the resynthesis of ATP from ADP is associated with the use of creatine phosphate KrF, which is located in the muscle fiber and has the necessary phosphate group.

CrF + ADP = ATP + Creatine

Unfortunately, this way of ATP resynthesis quickly exhausts itself. Due to this mechanism, work is ensured in swimming with a maximum speed on a segment of no more than 25 meters, if an athlete swims a long distance, then energy supply is already due to other mechanisms. The anaerobic glycolytic mechanism is the second way of ATP resynthesis; in our case, this cycle of biochemical reactions can serve as a source of energy supply only for a limited time from 6 to 10 seconds, which corresponds to the time of swimming the finishing part of the distance of 50 meters.

The competitive distance of 50 meters in swimming belongs to the category of loads of maximum power. The distance of 50 meters freestyle is swum by a high-class swimmer in 24 - 26 seconds. The share of participation of aerobic sources of energy supply for this type of load is low.

When analyzing the competitive activity of a swimmer at a distance of 50 meters, it was revealed that the final result depends on 20% of the speed-strength and coordination components and 80% on functionality. At the same time, the speed on the starting segment of 0 - 10 meters depends on the explosive strength of the muscles of the lower extremities, on the timeliness of repulsion, on the departure angle and other indicators. The speed on a segment of 10 - 25 meters is primarily determined by the power and capacity of the alactic anaerobic support. On the segment 25 - 42.5 meters, along with the capacity of the alactic anaerobic process, the mobility and power of the glycolytic anaerobic energy supply becomes decisive, and at the finish of 42.5 - 50 meters - the power of the glycolytic anaerobic supply.

3. The mechanism of ATP resynthesis in the creatine phosphokinase reaction

Creatine phosphate (CrP) is the first energy reserve of the muscle and is included in the process of ATP resynthesis immediately after the start of muscle work. It is a macroergic compound that can accumulate in the muscles during training, and is contained in larger quantities than ATP (about 3 times). The formation of ATP due to the energy of creatine phosphate proceeds by substrate phosphorylation with the participation of the enzyme creatine phosphokinase: the macroergic phosphate group is transferred from creatine phosphate (CrF) to ADP.

Creatine phosphokinase has a high activity, which increases under the influence of calcium ions released during muscle contraction. Within 1-2 seconds after the start of intensive work, this reaction reaches its maximum speed. Moreover, a high reaction rate can be maintained even with a decrease in CrF in the muscles, since one of its end products, creatine, has the ability to activate creatine phosphokinase.

The creatine phosphokinase reaction is easily reversible. As soon as the rate of ATP formation increases due to aerobic processes (at the end of work or with a decrease in intensity), the reverse reaction begins - ATP and ADP are formed from ATP and creatine.

4. Energy possibilities of the alactate process

The alactate process is called the energy supply of muscle work due to substances contained in muscle tissue, mainly due to creatine phosphate. This process is carried out with a lack of oxygen in the muscles (anaerobic conditions) and is not accompanied by the formation of lactic acid (lactate). It is of primary importance for short-term exercises of maximum intensity (up to 15 - 20 seconds)

The alactate energy supply process is the most powerful: up to 900 - 1000 Kcal per 1 kilogram of muscle mass can be released per minute due to this mechanism. All this is about 1.5 - 2 times more than with glycolytic, and 3 - 4 times more than with aerobic processes.

The power of the alactic energy supply mechanism depends on the rate of ATP decay, which is determined by the activity of the myosin ATPase enzyme. The faster ATP hydrolysis proceeds, the greater the activity of creatine phosphokinase, which is activated by hydrolysis products.

The rate of consumption of creatine phosphate depends on the intensity of the exercise performed. In sprint swimming, the alactic process is the main source of energy supply for 15-20 seconds. However, the energy capacity of this process is less than that of other processes; it is limited by the content of CRF in the muscles. Already 30 seconds after the start of intensive work, its content decreases, and the rate of the creatine phosphokinase reaction decreases by 2 times, while glycolysis is activated, which accompanies the formation of lactic acid, which inhibits creatine phosphokinase. As a result, by the 3rd minute of work, this mechanism of ATP formation has no energy value.

Thus, the alactic process is characterized by high power and relatively low capacity.

The energy possibilities of the alactic process of energy supply of the body depend on the activity of myosin ATPase, the content of creatine phosphate, and the activity of creatine phosphokinase.

In view of the fact that the share of participation of anaerobic-lactate energy supply in a short sprint of 50 meters is not significant, we will not consider its mechanism in detail in the abstract.

In swimming, for the energy supply of the work performed by the athlete, the body uses all types of energy supply (aerobic, anaerobic, mixed, anaerobic - alactate, anaerobic - lactate (glycolysis)). What type of energy supply will be a priority depends on: the intensity of the load, the duration of the load, in particular, the length of the competitive distance.

The main source of muscle work in the swimming sprint at a distance of 50 meters is the alactic process of energy supply, and the final part of the distance is performed when the mechanisms of anaerobic-lactate energy supply are turned on, which, due to the short deployment time, does not have time to fully mobilize.

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Unlike other cyclic sports, swimming takes place in an aquatic environment, which is characterized by high density and thermal conductivity. The body loses more heat in water than in air at the same temperature, and heat transfer increases with increasing swimming speed. Due to the high resistance of the aquatic environment, the speed of movement in swimming is much less than when running and varies between 0.85 - 3 meters per second. Swimming consumes four times more energy per meter than walking at the same speed. In this essay, I will try to highlight the nature of the energy supply in swimming in general and in particular at a distance of 50 meters.

Zones of training loads in swimming and their nature of energy supply

1. Zone

Loads are purely aerobic, lipid metabolism is predominant in energy. Work in this zone can be performed for a long time, since its intensity is low. The lactate content does not exceed 2.0 - 2.5 mmol / l (aerobic threshold level), the pH remains within the normal range, oxygen consumption can increase up to 50% of the MIC, the heart rate is in the range of 110 - 130 beats per minute. The loads of this zone are applied at the initial stage of training in order to create an endurance base, at other times as a compensatory, restorative means of training.

2. Zone

The loads of the second zone are also aerobic in orientation, but are performed at the level of the anaerobic threshold. The concentration of lactate in the blood can reach up to 3.5 - 4.0 mmol / l and is accompanied by a shift in pH to the acid side up to 7.35. This leads to inhibition of lipid metabolism and activation of carbohydrate oxidation, oxygen consumption increases to 50 - 80% of the maximum. The average duration of a single continuous work is 10 - 30 minutes with a heart rate of 130 - 150 beats per minute. Under these conditions, the efficiency and capacity of aerobic processes are improved to the greatest extent, contributing to the development of endurance.

3. Zone

Loads have a mixed aerobic - anaerobic character. Oxygen consumption approaches or reaches a maximum, at the same time, the role of anaerobic processes increases significantly, since the intensity of work increases the level of anaerobic threshold. The duration of a single exercise is 5-15 minutes. For practical purposes, this zone is divided into 2 subzones - A and B with blood lactate levels of 4.0 - 6.0 and 6.0 - 9.0, respectively. Work in this zone is used to develop the power of aerobic processes (due to cardiorespiratory performance).

4. Zone

Loads have an anaerobic glycolytic orientation and are used to develop special endurance. The main source of energy supply is the oxidation of carbohydrates, which leads to a significant increase in lactate in the blood. Here it is customary to distinguish three subzones - A, B, C with a lactate level of 9 - 12, 12 - 15, 15 and above mmol / liter, respectively.

5. Zone

Sprint exercises are included in the training process. The main source of energy supply is phosphogens (ATP and CRF), the intensity of exercise is maximum, the duration of a single work does not exceed 15-20 seconds (anaerobic-alactate mode).

6. Zone

Loads have an anabolic orientation, enhance the synthesis of contractile proteins in muscles and ATP - the phase activity of myosin in muscle filaments. This includes mainly swimmer's exercises with near-limit and large weights, aimed at developing maximum muscle strength.

1.1 Swimming training load zones

Training loads in swimming, depending on the intensity and duration, are divided into 6 or 9 intensity zones (E.A. Shirkovets.1996).

zone. Loads are purely aerobic, lipid metabolism is predominant in energy. Work in this zone can be performed for a long time, since its intensity is not great. The lactate content does not exceed 2.0 - 2.5m mol / l (aerobic threshold level), the pH remains within the normal range, oxygen consumption can increase up to 50% of the MIC, the heart rate is in the range of 110-130 bpm .. The loads of this zone are applied at the initial stages of training in order to create an endurance base, at the rest of the time - as a compensatory, restorative means of training (compensatory swimming).

zone. The loads of the second zone are also aerobic in orientation, but are performed at the level of the anaerobic threshold. The concentration of lactate in the blood can reach up to 3.5 - 4.0 mmol / l and be accompanied by a shift in pH to the acid side up to 7.35. This leads to inhibition of lipid metabolism and activation of carbohydrate oxidation, oxygen consumption increases to 50-80% of the maximum. The average duration of a single continuous work is 10-30 minutes with a heart rate of 130-150 beats / min. Under these conditions, the efficiency and capacity of aerobic processes are improved to the greatest extent, contributing to the development of endurance.

zone Loads have a mixed aerobic-anaerobic nature of energy supply. - oxygen consumption approaches the maximum or reaches it, at the same time, the role of anaerobic processes increases significantly, since the intensity of work exceeds the level of the anaerobic threshold. The duration of a single exercise is 5-15 minutes. For practical purposes, in this zone, 2 subzones A and B are distinguished with a lactate level in the blood of 4.0 - 6.0 and 6.0-9.0, respectively. Work in this zone is used to develop the power of aerobic processes (due to an increase in cardiorespiratory performance)

zone. Loads have an anaerobic glycolytic orientation and are used to develop special endurance. (anaerobic-lactate mode). The main source of energy supply is the oxidation of carbohydrates, which leads to a significant increase in the level of lactate in the blood. Here it is customary to distinguish three subzones A, B, C with a lactate level of 9-12, respectively; 12-15; 15 mmol / l and above.

zone. Loads include sprint exercises. The main source of energy supply are phosphogens (ATP and CRF). exercise intensity is maximum, the duration of a single work does not exceed 15-20 seconds (anaerobic-alactic mode)

zone. Loads are anabolic in nature - they increase the synthesis of contractile proteins in muscles and the ATP-ase activity of myosin in muscle filaments. This includes mainly swimmer exercises with near-limit and large weights, aimed at increasing maximum muscle strength.

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