How to fish properly. How to Catch a Big Fish Jig on the Reverse

Among the available methods fishing one of the most interesting is spinning fishing. A variety of predatory fish are caught on spinning, as well as some types of fish that can be classified as peaceful. Everyone today can successfully fish for spinning in any lake, river or bay.

With the help of spinning, you can catch different fish

In this article we will tell you about the features of spinning fishing. various kinds fish, ways to cast a spinning rod, choosing a fishing spot and preparing gear. The information will be useful not only for novice anglers, but also for spinning anglers with some experience.

How to catch on spinning

In order to successfully fish with spinning, you should have at your disposal a suitable rod, own correct technique casting, to know the habits of predatory fish and their habitats. There are many videos on the web on this topic. Well, we will consider the features of catching the most popular types of predatory fish that can be found on our reservoirs.

The best time for pike fishing is spring. Spawning in pike begins immediately after the ice melts from the reservoirs, so it is easiest to catch it up to this point. At this time, pike can be hunted in places with underwater vegetation, near driftwood and snags. During the spawning period and 2 weeks after that, the bite sharply weakens. The next 2 weeks are characterized by a real zhor of a predator, which can be caught with any bait. After another 2 weeks zhor stops.

In summer, the pike loses activity, descends into the pits. An exception may be small pike, weighing up to 1 kg, which live near coastal vegetation. In autumn, fish activity increases again and continues until freezing. The advantage when catching pike is given to wobblers and spinners.

The best time to catch pike is in the spring.

Even a beginner who does not have any fishing experience can catch a perch. This predator is ubiquitous, but there are a few small tricks for spinning players:

  • Perch avoid fast currents, preferring to be near quiet streams.
  • Among its favorite habitats, thickets of reeds from the open water side, neighborhoods of pitfalls and snags, places under trees hanging over the water can be noted.
  • Large specimens stay away from the coast, and go hunting in the evening and early morning.

Perch is caught year-round, but spring is considered the best time. On warm days, the bite is activated in the morning, until 10 o'clock. With the onset of darkness, the biting stops. On cold days, perch are less active. Caught on a variety of baits, insects and worms.

You can fish for perch all year round.

Pike perch loves clean water, so it lives in flowing reservoirs, on the river, in lakes with running water. The fish usually keeps at a depth of more than 4 meters. Its parking places can be found near zakoryazhenye places, stone ridges, thickets of underwater vegetation. Active biting of zander begins immediately after the ice melts and continues until spawning. The predator spawns in the second half of April and almost the whole of May. Then, after a two-week rest, he again begins to show activity. The best biting is observed on baits of small size.

In summer, pike perch should be sought at great depths, and even then only in the early morning and at night. In autumn, the peak of activity falls on the period of the formation of the first ice. The best baits jig heads with silicone fish are considered.

Pike perch lives in reservoirs with running water

The predator prefers large rivers, avoiding reservoirs with stagnant water and narrow streams. Goes out to eat only during the day.

In spring, the asp stays at depth. Active biting begins after spawning. At this time, he goes to shallow places and to snags, where he begins to hunt for fry.

At the end of summer, the asp gathers in flocks and begins an active hunt. Places of accumulation of asp are called boilers. Long-range baits are needed for fishing in places where boilers form, as the predator does not let anglers get too close to itself. In autumn, the fish descends to the depth, where it can be caught on deep-sea wobblers and on live bait. They catch asp with a variety of baits: wobblers, poppers, turntables, jig heads, streamers, etc.

You need to fish for asp in the daytime

In early spring, the catfish leaves the wintering pits on the shallows, to the underwater islands. There he can be tempted by the bait slowly moving along the bottom. In summer, catfish can be found anywhere in the reservoir. But more they prefer whirlpools near steep banks, underwater shelters made of snags or flooded trees. At the onset of the first frosts, catfish go to deep pits.

Fishing for spinning catfish is different from catching other predators. The catfish will not chase a fast-swimming bait, but will prefer its slow movement. Therefore, it is necessary to lead the bait near the bottom and very smoothly. For catching catfish, heavy jig baits, large deep wobblers and large spoons are used.

Catfish prefer pools and underwater pits

The chub does not belong to predatory fish, but, during the period of its growth, it actively feeds on fry, therefore it is successfully caught on spinning. Prefers small rivers with strong and moderate currents. It feeds near the surface, so the bait must be carried in the upper layers of the water. In spring, the bite of the chub increases as the water warms up, reaching a peak before spawning.

In summer, the chub also behaves actively during the emergence of insects. At this time, he prefers places with whirlpools, near thickets of water lilies and reeds. In autumn, the fish are not active. The best performance is shown by small wobblers and artificial lures. Wiring must be slow.

The chub loves rivers with strong currents.

How to throw spinning correctly

Learning to fish with spinning is quite simple. It is necessary, for starters, to practice on an open place on land, and only then move to a reservoir. Only after the throws from the shore are well mastered, you can move on to flashing from the boat. Consider the main methods of casting bait using spinning. The choice of a particular method depends on the conditions of fishing and your personal preferences.

This is the most popular casting technique that allows you to send the bait a considerable distance. Differs in accuracy.

Before casting, the rod is retracted behind the head. The line with the bait should hang from the tip of the rod by 30-40 cm. The fishing line near the reel is clamped with a finger. At the time of the throw, when passing the rod vertical position, the line is released.

With this technique, you can cast the bait for a considerable distance.

Throwing tackle from under the arm

This type of casting is used in cramped conditions. For example, when fishing from a boat or when there are bushes around the angler. Spinning is retracted in the direction opposite to the hand holding it. It does not provide the desired range, but is very accurate.

Spinning with a bait hanging on a fishing line is set aside. The line is pinched with fingers. With a sharp movement, the rod is thrown forward and slightly up. When its tip is directed forward, the fishing line is released.

In cramped conditions, underhand casting is the most suitable option.

This technique is usually used in cases where throwing over the shoulder is not possible. For example, if there are tall trees behind the angler. Spinning is retracted to the side of the hand holding it.

The fishing line with the bait should be hung from the tip of the rod by 30-40 cm. The spinner takes the rod in a horizontal plane to the side and back. The line is clamped with a finger. When throwing, the rod is directed forward and upward. At this point, the clamped fishing line is released.

Lateral casting does not provide sufficient accuracy in the fall of the bait, but it can be done in almost any fishing conditions.

Side casting is a universal way to cast bait

When can you fish for spinning?

Catch predatory fish spinning is possible at any time of the year with a few exceptions. During the spawning period, a ban on fishing is introduced. To save the offspring of fish for the future, it is better to refrain from fishing for this time. Specific dates are set each year.

How to find a fishing spot

You can catch a predator on almost any body of water except artificial. There are certain periods of the best bite. This is the time interval in spring, before spawning, and also in autumn, from the end of August until the onset of frost. The rest of the time, the bite of predatory fish is observed much weaker.

How to find a fishing spot? It is necessary to learn one feature of catching predatory fish on a spinning tackle. If peaceful fish should be lured to their bait, then the predator should be looked for in the reservoir, since it is not attracted to bait from the feeder. Usually the predator stands in an ambush in snags, in thickets of grass, not far from trees hanging over the water. Further from the shore, fish can be found on the edges, located on the borders of standing water and current.

In summer, the predator moves closer to water lilies and reed thickets, where fry gather. In autumn, the fry go to the depths, and after them the predator moves away from the shore.

AT summer time fish lives in reeds

Rod and rig selection

Spinning fishing will be successful if the rod and equipment are correctly selected, the necessary artificial bait is used.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of rod:

  1. Plug. Consists of several parts that are connected together during the assembly process. It is distinguished by reliability and high sensitivity, but more bulky than a telescope.
  2. Telescopic. A small-sized and mobile rod, but in terms of reliability and sensitivity it is inferior to a plug-in rod.

You should also consider what kind of fish you are going to catch. For example, when fishing for catfish and chub, the type of rod will be radically different.

When choosing a bait, you should focus on the season. In the spring, during the zhora, brighter and larger baits work better, and in the summer, in the heat, it is better to use smaller ones.

We have analyzed the basics of catching different breeds of predator on spinning, as well as the main methods of casting lures. Knowing the characteristics of the fish you are going to catch, as well as how to catch it in different seasons of the year, you can always boast worthy trophies.

Fishing is an exciting activity, but success depends on many factors: a well-chosen place, the right gear, bait, knowledge of all fishing methods, weather conditions, and even the fisherman's equipment. Compliance with all the basic conditions for beginners is extremely important.

Preparing for fishing: action plan

Decide on loot

If the area is familiar, then it is probably not difficult to prepare for fishing, knowing who you will fish for. If you went to a new place and the pond or pond is completely unfamiliar, then for the first time it is better to go to paid places. Fishing rangers will tell you what types of fish live and in what place it is better to bite.

Choose a place to fish

  • Many species of fish are looking for prey on the riffles with fast current, in places of change to deep depressions with a fast current.
  • Plains and stretches with shallow depths are inhabited by large pikes, perches, pike perches, they like to soak up the rivers in shallow water in warm water.
  • Successful fishing in the floodplains of lakes, river quiet oxbow lakes, artificial channels, where the water is clean and transparent. Many species of fish live near thickets, clearings, rods, and river bends.
  • The best places for fishing are coastal holes, estuaries with islands and running water.
  • On lakes without a current, areas flooded with snags and trees. Fish sometimes hide there in the heat and from predators.
  • The undercurrent feeds the fish. Successful fishing on lakes in places with sharp changes in depth. In larger rivers, it is worth choosing small streams with enough high speed currents and depth.
  • Insect-eating fish live near canopies, steep banks.
  • Predatory fish are found in the places of snags, muddy rivers. Vegetation attracts shellfish-eating fish

Prepare gear

According to the fishing law, the main thing is securely packed tackle, laid out and secured in special cases to avoid damage along the way, but access to them must also be free. A quick change of hooks and baits will eventually lead to successful fishing.

Small tackle should be kept in metal, plastic boxes. Gear must be selected taking into account the place of fishing, the type of prey.

When fishing with a regular rod or spinning rod, you need to take several spinners of different sizes, a set of hooks, and a bell with you.

For active fishing - screens, crayfish.

Prepare food in advance

You need to take several types of it for catching different fish. Local fishermen will tell you what the fish are biting at in this particular place. If you don't know the area, then take basic set: croutons, bran, cereal porridge. Keep in mind that it is difficult for fish to absorb plant components of complementary foods, and the particle size must correspond to the size of the intended fish being caught.

If fishing is planned in a reservoir with a silty current, then it is better to mix the lure with clay so that it is not carried away quickly from the right place.

Watch the water temperature, weather conditions affect the activity of the fish. The amount of food needed depends on these conditions. A trifle can pounce on food, ahead of large individuals. If you have small fish, you need to take several times more food with you.

The concentration of complementary foods also depends on the size of the fish being caught. The larger, the larger the complementary foods should be.

Attractive to fish, for example, thyme, milk powder. The value decreases, but the amount of catch increases when sand and earth are added to the lure. With a strong current, it is good to add a little clay. The smell of crushed stones rubbed on food attracts predators.

Take a supply of bait and bait

Delicacy for, crucians and carps– . In summer - live insects, vegetation to simulate artificial bait.

The larvae are attractive for carnivores. A trifle is partial to bait: anise, vanillin and mint. But smart fish do not bite on such a deception.

Breams, perches, ides, dace, titmouse, go for summer, but you need special tackle and skill when fishing.

Baits and lures should be sufficient and better than a variety of

At any time of the year, artificial fly lures are effective, imitating the rapid rotation of an insect.

Bring the necessary fishing equipment with you

If you're fishing at night, don't forget a flashlight. Also, you can not do without matches, a knife, a hatchet, spray from, medicines, water.

Equipment should be as comfortable as possible, a cap and boots will always be needed.

Have unlimited time and great patience

Well, without these qualities you can’t do fishing. Even in the absence of a bite in one place for more than 2-3 hours, you should not immediately leave it. Maybe you should change your rod or bait.

Do not rush to take out the bait often, sudden careless movements only scare away the right fish.

The float rod is the most versatile and optimal for carp, perch, pike and zander.

  1. The fishing rod should be up to 8 m long, so that the casting of the tackle is up to the middle of the lake, and it is also invisible to the prey.
  2. Frequent casts are not required with a long rod. Tackle can be further let go with the flow.
  3. The float must be attached in two places, on cambric or rubber bands to control the depth of the water and pull the line.
  4. The best fastening for the hook is thin, thinner than the fishing line, so as not to lose it during hooks.
  5. It is better to fish from the shore with a three-meter telescopic rod.
  6. The rod should fit comfortably in your hand and be strong. Losing prey when it is broken will be annoying.
  7. For beginners, it is better to use light rods and tackle.
  8. In winter, a small fishing rod and the same float are preferred, but the load must drag it completely under the water to avoid freezing into the ice.

For spinning

On the donkey

The bottom fishing rod is easy to use, consists of a fishing line with a sinker and hooks. But, casts can be made far to catch prey feeding near the bottom.

  1. choose a flat place, without snags to avoid line breaks, hook breaks at the time of fish extraction.
  2. The length of the donk is standard 1.5-2.5 m.
  3. Attach bells to your rod for easier fishing.
  4. Stick a metal rod into the butt of the fishing rod so that you can attach it to the shore.
  5. Donkey equipment can be different, it all depends on the terrain, fishing, casting distance.
  6. To attract guarded fish, you can build homemade tackle using red reed, steel rod and ordinary fishing line.
  7. The sinker must be suitable for the size of the prey.
  8. Catch on the bottom better in autumn, but throwing gear in the right place should be correct. Usually casts are carried out manually, upstream.
  9. When angling small prey in shallow water, cuttings are suitable for calm, accurate.
  10. Feeding is a must. You can build a mesh bag with food and throw it in the planned place. For example, they hide in pits, keep this in mind when casting.
  11. Breams require timely feeding. Carp can be fed with steamed peas before fishing.
  12. Spot fishing is effective at night on, in places where fish are likely to approach.

How to fish in winter?

  1. Feel the ice when you arrive at the lake. In places with landslides, irregularities, channel pits, it will be easier to cut holes, but this is only in the case of a new, previously unused place.
  2. To increase the holes, in the arsenal, the fisherman must have a hook, a drill, a pepper.
  3. The rod should be small and comfortable with a line thickness of more than 0.2 mm.
  4. Pay attention to the lure. Use store-bought flavors, sweeteners, liquid dyes.
  5. It is important to observe safety measures when fishing on ice in winter. Ice should be 7-8 cm thick, no less.
  6. At the beginning of winter, it is dangerous to go out on the ice in places where reeds and grass grow. In these areas, ice freezing occurs much later.

Common Mistakes

  1. Wrong gear. Beginners like to buy nervous resonant rods, expensive spinning rods, not realizing that this is not appropriate in all places. The fish, most of it, loves silence.
  2. Universal rods will not fit anywhere. It is not necessary to buy an expensive fishing rod. It is better to buy 2 cheaper: heavy and light.
  3. It is believed that when catching zander with a spinning rod, its rigidity and power are needed.. The main thing when catching this fish is the sensitivity of spinning, its quick reaction to the approach of pike perch to the bait.
  4. Thick fishing line does not mean reliable. It can be completely insensitive and sluggish bites, for example, pike perch, can be easily missed, there will be no catch.
  5. Jigs should be fished with thin line.. Thick will negatively affect the nature of the wiring.
  6. Mistakes made by novice fishermen when. It is difficult to master the technique, the casts must be sharp, as the bait quickly flies forward.
  7. Difficulties cause wiring beginners. The tip of the rod when fishing on a spinner is fixed incorrectly. The petal malfunctions and bites do not occur. It is better for beginners to use wobblers; you do not need to fix them on the tip of the spinning rod.
  8. The amount of complementary foods should be taken into account depending on the weather, season, concentration of fish, its size. A handful of grains or maggots will never be superfluous to throw for an approach big fish.

    Consider if bait was used at this place before your arrival. Maybe this place is already fairly baited.

  9. Do not stay in one place for more than half an hour if the fish don't bite. But, if there were bites, then you should be patient.
  10. Don't stand out in the sun or against the sky to avoid shadows on the water. Approach carefully to the shore, there should be no noise from strangers.
  11. Do not throw unnecessarily gear.
  12. Pull out the fish and dragging it through the air is also not worth it.

Fishing is an exciting activity, but success depends on many factors: a well-chosen place, the right gear, bait, knowledge of all fishing methods, weather conditions, and even the fisherman's equipment. Compliance with all the basic conditions for beginners is extremely important.

Preparing for fishing: action plan

Decide on loot

If the area is familiar, then it is probably not difficult to prepare for fishing, knowing who you will fish for. If you went to a new place and the pond or pond is completely unfamiliar, then for the first time it is better to go to paid places. Fishing rangers will tell you what types of fish live and in what place it is better to bite.

Choose a place to fish

  • Many species of fish search for prey in fast-flowing riffles, in places where they change to fast-flowing deep depressions.
  • Plains and stretches with shallow depths are inhabited by large pikes, perches, pike perches, they like to soak up the rivers in shallow water in warm water.
  • Successful fishing in the floodplains of lakes, river quiet oxbow lakes, artificial channels, where the water is clean and transparent. Many species of fish live near thickets, clearings, rods, and river bends.
  • The best places for fishing are coastal holes, estuaries with islands and running water.
  • On lakes without a current, areas flooded with snags and trees. Fish sometimes hide there in the heat and from predators.
  • The undercurrent feeds the fish. Successful fishing on lakes in places with sharp changes in depth. In larger rivers, it is worth choosing small streams with a sufficiently high flow rate and depth.
  • Insect-eating fish live near canopies, steep banks.
  • Predatory fish are found in the places of snags, muddy rivers. Vegetation attracts shellfish-eating fish

Prepare gear

According to the fishing law, the main thing is securely packed tackle, laid out and secured in special cases to avoid damage along the way, but access to them must also be free. A quick change of hooks and baits will eventually lead to successful fishing.

Small tackle should be kept in metal, plastic boxes. Gear must be selected taking into account the place of fishing, the type of prey.

When fishing with a regular or spinning rod, you need to take with you a few spinners of different sizes, a set of hooks, a fishing rod stand, and a bell.

For active fishing - screens, crayfish.

Prepare food in advance

You need to take several types of it for catching different fish. Local fishermen will tell you what the fish are biting at in this particular place. If you do not know the area, then take a basic set: crackers, cake, bran, cereal porridge. Keep in mind that it is difficult for fish to absorb plant components of complementary foods, and the particle size must correspond to the size of the intended fish being caught.

If fishing is planned in a reservoir with a silty current, then it is better to mix the lure with clay so that it is not carried away quickly from the right place.

Watch the water temperature, weather conditions affect the activity of the fish. The amount of food needed depends on these conditions. A trifle can pounce on food, ahead of large individuals. If you have small fish, you need to take several times more food with you.

The concentration of complementary foods also depends on the size of the fish being caught. The larger, the larger the complementary foods should be.

Flavors are attractive to fish, for example, thyme, milk powder. The value decreases, but the amount of catch increases when sand and earth are added to the lure. With a strong current, it is good to add a little clay. The smell of crushed stones rubbed on food attracts predators.

Take a supply of bait and bait

Delicacy for roach, crucians and carps- maggots. In summer - live insects, vegetation to simulate artificial bait.

The larvae are attractive for carnivores. A trifle is partial to bait: anise, vanillin and mint. But smart fish do not bite on such a deception.

Bream, chub, perch, ide, dace, blue tit, rudd are for summer mormyshki but you need special tackle and skill when fishing.

Baits and lures should be sufficient and better than a variety of

At any time of the year, artificial fly lures are effective, imitating the rapid rotation of an insect.

Bring the necessary fishing equipment with you

If you're fishing at night, don't forget a flashlight. Also, you can not do without matches, a knife, a hatchet, mosquito spray, medicines, water.

Equipment should be as comfortable as possible, a cap and boots will always be needed.

Have unlimited time and great patience

Well, without these qualities you can’t do fishing. Even in the absence of a bite in one place for more than 2-3 hours, you should not immediately leave it. Maybe you should change your rod or bait.

Do not rush to take out the bait often, sudden careless movements only scare away the right fish.

Fishing Tips

The float rod is the most versatile and optimal for carp, perch, pike and zander.

  1. The fishing rod should be up to 8 m long, so that the casting of the tackle is up to the middle of the lake, and it is also invisible to the prey.
  2. Frequent casts are not required with a long rod. Tackle can be further let go with the flow.
  3. The float must be attached in two places, on cambric or rubber bands to control the depth of the water and pull the line.
  4. The best fastening for the hook is a thin leash, thinner than the fishing line, so as not to lose it during hooks.
  5. It is better to fish from the shore with a three-meter telescopic rod.
  6. The rod should fit comfortably in your hand and be strong. Losing prey when it is broken will be annoying.
  7. For beginners, it is better to use light rods and tackle.
  8. In winter, a small fishing rod and the same float are preferred, but the load must drag it completely under the water to avoid freezing into the ice.

For spinning

  1. For spinning, a lot of different lures are sold imitating the prey of a predator. Spinning is technically complicated and beginners need to first practice, cast on land. After all, the bait must be delivered to the exact place.
  2. It is worth paying attention to the undercut, predators, when they feel the hook, will try to get rid of it faster. Hooking should be carried out correctly and in a timely manner, as if introducing the fish into a state of stupor. Fixing to tackle should be as reliable as possible.
  3. You can catch predators on spinning all year round, except for periods of ice coverage of reservoirs. It is better to catch in the spring when the fish emerge from the depths after spawning from about mid-April to the end of May. With the onset of heat, the fish become less active.
  4. For the effectiveness of fishing in the summer you need to know the basic requirements spinning fishing. Summer baits and spinning wires are suitable for luring sluggish predators from the depths. At the beginning of autumn, the fish is active, but is found only in the depths. Zhor starts again from the end of October, perch, asp, pike perch, pike go for spinning. It is preferable to catch predatory fish on spinning in standing water, you can on the course.
  5. Tackle for lakes and reservoirs should be lighter, in rivers and canals - heavy.
  6. The terrain is desirable to know when fishing for spinning. With a strong current, it is better to start fishing with a perch, then you can get used to angling larger predators. Perch is found in thickets of reeds, snags.
  7. Note that if there are schools of fry, you can locate the bass by making 10 casts per sample in different directions using different baits.

  8. It is better to take a fishing line monofilament, not more than 0.3 mm thick, wicker is suitable for pike. Perch, for example, prefers to swallow their prey whole, so the hooks must be large and sharp, without damage, commensurate with the bait.
  9. When fishing on spinning it is good to have a set of nozzles from wobblers, jigs, oscillators, spinners.
  10. The fishing technique, the type of wiring is affected weather conditions, fish behavior, time of day, which should also be taken into account when selecting effective wiring.
  11. Hold the bait roughly in the middle, do not lower it to the bottom of the river.

The bottom fishing rod is easy to use, consists of a fishing line with a sinker and hooks. But, casts can be made far to catch prey feeding near the bottom.

  1. When fishing on a donk, choose a place that is flat, without snags, in order to avoid line breaks, breakages of hooks at the time of fish extraction.
  2. The length of the donk is standard 1.5-2.5 m.
  3. Attach bells to your rod for easier fishing.
  4. Stick a metal rod into the butt of the fishing rod so that you can attach it to the shore.
  5. Donkey equipment can be different, it all depends on the terrain, fishing, casting distance.
  6. To attract shy fish, you can build home-made tackle using red reeds, a steel rod, and ordinary fishing line.
  7. The sinker must be suitable for the size of the prey.
  8. It is better to catch a donk in the fall, but throwing gear in the right place should be correct. Usually casts are carried out manually, upstream.
  9. When angling small prey in shallow water, cuttings are suitable for calm, accurate.
  10. Feeding is a must. You can build a mesh bag with food and throw it in the planned place. For example, catfish hide in pits, keep this in mind when casting.
  11. Breams require timely feeding. Carp can be fed with steamed peas before fishing.
  12. Effective spot fishing at night bottom gear, in places where fish are likely to approach.


How to fish in winter?

  1. Feel the ice when you arrive at the lake. In places with landslides, irregularities, channel pits, it will be easier to cut holes, but this is only in the case of a new, previously unused place.
  2. To increase the holes, in the arsenal, the fisherman must have a hook, a drill, a pepper.
  3. The rod should be small and comfortable with a line thickness of more than 0.2 mm.
  4. Pay attention to the lure. Use store-bought flavors, sweeteners, liquid dyes.
  5. It is important to observe safety measures when fishing on ice in winter. Ice should be 7-8 cm thick, no less.
  6. At the beginning of winter, it is dangerous to go out on the ice in places where reeds and grass grow. In these areas, ice freezing occurs much later.

Common Mistakes

  1. Wrong gear. Beginners like to buy nervous resonant rods, expensive spinning rods, not realizing that this is not appropriate in all places. The fish, most of it, loves silence.
  2. Universal rods will not fit anywhere. It is not necessary to buy an expensive fishing rod. It is better to buy 2 cheaper: heavy and light.
  3. It is believed that when catching zander with a spinning rod, its rigidity and power are needed.. The main thing when catching this fish is the sensitivity of the spinning rod, its quick reaction to the approach of pike perch to the bait.
  4. Thick fishing line does not mean reliable. It can be completely insensitive and sluggish bites, for example, pike perch, can be easily missed, there will be no catch.
  5. Jigs should be fished with thin line.. Thick will negatively affect the nature of the wiring.
  6. Mistakes made by novice fishermen when casting spinning. It is difficult to master the technique, the casts must be sharp, as the bait quickly flies forward.
  7. Difficulties cause wiring beginners. The tip of the rod when fishing on a spinner is fixed incorrectly. The petal malfunctions and bites do not occur. It is better for beginners to use wobblers; you do not need to fix them on the tip of the spinning rod.
  8. The amount of complementary foods should be taken into account depending on the weather, season, concentration of fish, its size. A handful of grains or maggots will never be superfluous to throw for the approach of large fish.

    Consider if bait was used at this place before your arrival. Maybe this place is already fairly baited.

  9. Do not stay in one place for more than half an hour if the fish don't bite. But, if there were bites, then you should be patient.
  10. Don't stand out in the sun or against the sky to avoid shadows on the water. Approach carefully to the shore, there should be no noise from strangers.
  11. Do not throw unnecessarily gear.
  12. Pull out the fish and dragging it through the air is also not worth it.

I wanted to talk about the oldest occupation of mankind. Fishing! How do you know there are different types fish and to catch them you need to know simple secrets professional fishermen.

First, let's talk about the depth: if you go for crucian carp, then you need to consider that it can hit both at depth and on the surface, especially if it's hot. In general, cyprinids like to take bait on top, for example, a crust of bread, you also need to take into account that fish, when it swims on top, are more visible and fishermen should not run along the shore and wear bright clothes so as not to scare the fish away.

fishing line
also has a significant value in fishing, so you need to choose as thin a fishing line as possible; if the fishing line is thick, then the fish may be scared. If you go for a large fish, then a thin line can break, you just need experience here. You should not take a multi-colored line, it can scare the fish, the line is very translucent in the water, so you need to take as thin and invisible line as possible.

Our next point is cargo. The load should not hit one of them, several of them should hit, albeit 3-5 grams, depending on the float. The smaller the load, the less fear the fish has.

Next, let's talk about the rubber band and how to fish with it. How to fish with a rubber band? What are the advantages of a fishing rod with a rubber shock absorber (gum) over a conventional fishing rod? Now we will try to sort out these issues. To begin with, I will show you once how to assemble a fishing rod with a rubber shock absorber (gum). A fishing line 0.35-0.4 mm long, 80-100 m long, is wound on the Motowilts (reel). To prevent the fishing line from getting tangled, the end of the fishing line is tied to a swivel. An elastic band is tied to the swivel. Then, an elastic band is passed into the ear of the swivel 4-6 times, and tied into 6-7 ordinary knots, you also need to leave a 2-3 cm tail of the fishing line so that when the elastic band is pulled, the knot does not untie. When you tighten the elastic, the fishing line must be moistened with water.

Do not tie the rubber band to the load, it will break. Next, we tie a rope to the elastic band nylon cord. We make a loop on the rope and tie the elastic in the same way as on the swivel. Next, we need a load that we will tie to a rope; this can beat lead, if you throw it from a boat, it can beat a brick. A stone, a bag of sand is tied to the cargo, buoy an empty bottle. Leashes are tied in different ways, the most popular way is “loop to loop” on the fishing line, loops are made, leashes are tied to them. The fishing line together with the rubber band is wound on a winder so that the line does not break, it is not necessary to wind the line into tension. Fishing with a rubber band is a popular method of catching fish, the only drawback is the long process of preparing for fishing. They catch sabrefish, pike perch, pike, bream, silver bream, ide, burbot.

And the last choice of fishing spot. Arriving at the pond, we choose a place convenient for ourselves, this is a mistake, the fish will not peck in the same place, we must remember that it is not we who need the fish, but we need the fish. For example, a small fish likes to be near the reeds where it can hide, which means that somewhere there is a predator swimming. By the time of the day, the fish also go out to feed, then to rest.

Fishing on a float rod has been used for a long time - this is due to the fact that such an accessory is very easy to assemble. A fishing rod can be assembled from anything using a stick, fishing line, hook and float. But the modern design of the rod makes fishing easier. The model is equipped with effective bite indicators, powerful reels, durable hooks, which allows you to make long casts and catch big fish. Successful fishing is influenced not only by good equipment, but also by understanding how to fish with a rod. It is important to know what weather conditions and what time of day is best to fish.

About float rods

Modern modernized rods and fishing accessories have improved so much that even a beginner can easily succeed and catch the coveted trophy. But you still need to know how to fish properly. Donks and feeders are not used by all fishermen, because on float equipment more fun to fish. You have to concentrate on the float and wait for the moment when the bite begins. It's captivating.

It is difficult for beginner fishermen to figure out how to fish with a float, but in fact everything is very simple. Although one day is not enough to sharpen your skills. It will take time, with which comes experience.

Fishing rods can be divided into several categories:

  • for fishing in the coastal zone;
  • for point fishing;
  • for fishing in the conditions of the river with a strong current.

For all situations, it is desirable to use universal equipment with which you can fish in different conditions reservoir.

Types of rods

Each type of rod is used for fishing in different conditions. Difficulties can arise in a certain area of ​​​​water: at close range, a plug model can easily cope with the task, and for fishing at a distant distance, a fishing rod with a reel will help.

Rod for fishing in the coastal zone

For beginners, it is better to train in areas of the reservoir near the shore. In this case, an ordinary fly rod will help. Every self-respecting angler has used this rod at least once. The design of the fishing rod does not imply rings through which the fishing line is passed. The most budgetary model is the manufacture of a bamboo fly rod.

With the help of modern technology, it was possible to achieve strength and lightness. Basically, these rods are made from fiberglass. The longest model can reach 8 m and has 5 retractable elbows. Often used are those rods that do not exceed the length of 5 m.

A novice fisherman can easily change equipment in case of a hook, and a folded rod can even fit in a travel bag. A beginner can break the tackle, so it is recommended to make several pieces by winding them around the reel. In case of failure, the time to change the equipment takes no more than 5 minutes.

It must be remembered: the longer the rod, the farther you can cast the bait, and the size also affects the depth of the bait. In the coastal zone, you can rarely see a broken bottom, and this is a disadvantage, because only in such relief places are large individuals found.

Fishing rod in a fast current

Fishing can take place on a pond or river with a fast current. In addition, reeds, algae and similar obstacles may be present. In this case, point fishing should be used. Experienced fishermen use plug models, which give a great effect in fishing in hard-to-reach areas.

On such a rod, the line is in a slightly raised position. This is a significant plus, since floating algae and debris will not be able to catch on. In this position, the tackle will not move to the side, but will be held in the place where the bait was sent.

The trees on the shore will not become an obstacle, because the fishing rod does not have to be lifted. And the design of the equipment allows you to deliver the bait exactly to the intended area of ​​the pond. To be more precise, the tackle does not throw, but starts at the right point.

Pros and cons:

  • The main plus is the rod length adjustment. If desired, you can remove several knees. The rubber shock-absorber allows to smooth out jerks of fish.
  • There is one drawback - the length of the rod. There is a restriction for long distance fishing. Also, there should always be such devices as a roller and racks nearby.

Rod for long distance casting

Undoubtedly, everyone could see such a picture, when a huge fish frolics in the distance of the pond. Each beginner thought about how to get to that place and catch the trophy. But the British took care of this and invented a four-knee type fishing rod. The design includes a fishing line, float, sinker, leash and reel.

The name of such a model is a match rod. There must be 15 rings. They are important so that in the process of catching the fishing line could not stick to the blank. The match reel is equipped with a heavy line for fast diving, several spare shallow spools and an increased accessory number. Here the floats have a different design - they are equipped with wagglers and a load.

In order to perform a long cast, you need to choose a place on the shore where there are no trees. After casting, the fishing line melts a little in the water, therefore, a possible wind will not bother the fisherman. The edge of the form, which is immersed in water, will begin to pull the fishing line along with it. It will become tense and during the bite it will be more convenient to cut.

Replacing tackle with a donk and casting a significant distance are the main advantages, but there are also disadvantages - this is a complicated fishing process during a strong current and accessories that are suitable for this particular category of rods.

How to equip a rod

Many anglers prefer two types of rigging - sliding and dead rigging. These two types of assembly components are similar to each other. The only exception is the float, which can be attached in different ways.

Line selection

Monofilament line is a better option for catching fish over 1 kg, since a break can occur at the last moment of fishing. The fish will desperately resist. And the stretchable fishing line will not allow you to cut off the tackle.

Fishing lines are produced in whole series for a narrow purpose. For catching heavyweights and fishing in frosty conditions.

Manufacturers began to produce fluorocarbon line to replace the monofilament line. For the price of such a fishing line is more expensive. Its most significant plus is invisibility in water. It becomes absolutely invisible to the fish, which increases the likelihood of success in catching. If there is not enough money to buy a reel, then you can purchase several meters of fluorocarbon fishing line and tie it to the main one.

For match rods, the weight of the line is an important factor. Because fishing is carried out at a great distance from the shore and a possible wind can bother. Therefore, it is recommended to buy weighted options that are heated in water.

When purchasing a braided fishing line, you may encounter the fact that during hooking, a break in the fish lip will occur. The fish begins to flounder, a hole is formed in the place of the hook with a hook and the prey can jump off. There is important dignity- this is an opportunity to catch a really massive specimen. Because the fishing line is not inferior to its counterparts in strength.

Choosing a float

There are many floats and it's hard for beginners to do right choice. In fact, all models of floats are designed for certain conditions and gear. If, as an example, consider fishing with a fly rod in a calm current, then you should make a choice for a moderate carrying capacity and weight of the float. They are tightly fastened.

Long floats are highly sensitive. Dignity - the float is able to convey even the lightest touch of the fish to the bait. But there is also a drawback - the impossibility of fishing during the wind. There are models in the form of a ball that are not afraid of the wind, but their sensitivity is lower. The best option there will be a float that has the shape of a drop, since it is moderately sensitive to fish and weather conditions.

For long casts you need a float that has a large carrying capacity. It is equipped with a thick antenna. With such a weighted equipment, you can cast up to 30 meters. The antenna must be bright so that you can see the bite from afar.

We load correctly

Modern loading can be provided in the form of a whole chain of fractions. Thanks to this, it is quite easy to adjust the depth of the float, removing or adding pellets.

How to properly load:

Hook selection

Experts recommend making a choice on small hooks, but they must be strong. The trick is that the fish can easily swallow the bait. But for larger individuals, appropriate hooks should be purchased.

Sharpness is just as important. And it is very difficult to define it. During Soviet times, most anglers tested the point by running a hook over the nail. If after that there was a scratch, then the hook was considered sharp.

A sharp sting is needed to hook the lip of the fish, as well as for stringing solid baits. For example, if you use pearl barley, then an unpleasant situation will occur: even a small roach can break due to the fact that the sting of the hook does not even show through the bait, therefore, there is simply nothing to catch the fish.

Rules for fishing with a rod

Making bait and bait:

Important! When a bite occurs, do not immediately pull out the tackle. Here you need to wait for the moment when the float begins to either lie on the water, or completely submerge in water. It happens that the float goes to the side, and then you should react quickly and make a cut.

Attention, only TODAY!

Hello dear readers ""! Today, in some regions, the river has become perhaps the only place where you can sit on the shore with a fishing rod in your hands. Unfortunately, not everyone can correctly choose the "key" to the "harmful" fish. There are several main reasons for this, of which in the foreground, of course, is the reduction of “tails” (for obvious reasons) and the manifestation of greater caution in the remaining. But despite everything - the fish is still a fish and you can still catch it.

Summary of the article:

  1. Fishing on the river.
  2. Methods of catching fish on the river.
  3. Captivating places.
  4. Bait for the river.
  5. Feed for the river.

Fishing on the river

On our river, people who successfully catch bream, catfish or pike can be counted on the fingers. Basically, these are local old-timers-fishermen who have been fishing in these places all their lives. Most often, one hears only disappointed reviews of anglers on the subject of the topic "there are no fish here."

Until recently, about a dozen years ago, I also thought that our river was “dead”, so I spent most of my time on ponds (rates) catching crucian carp and carp. But due to some circumstances, I switched to river fishing, which I absolutely do not regret, since in some areas I became an expert without exaggeration.

Ways to fish in the river

I single out four ways of catching fish on the river for open water (poaching does not count), namely:

  • spinning;
  • bottom;
  • float;
  • fly fishing.

Each method of fishing is fundamentally different from the others and makes it unique. To master one of them perfectly, you need to spend more than one year. But don't give up right away - to catch pike, bream or catfish it is not necessary to become a professional, it is enough to know the basic principles, and the rest of the experience will come already in the "process", directly on fishing.

Catching fish on a spinning rod

Spinning fishing on the river is perhaps the most active way of fishing. At coastal fishing in search of a bite, the angler sometimes travels several tens of kilometers. Moreover, you need high-quality gear that costs a lot of money.

This method is designed mainly for predatory and semi-predatory fish, but there are exceptions in my memory. The main objects of fishing are pike, perch and pike perch, less often - asp, chub, ide, rudd and catfish.

For those who nevertheless decided to engage in this type of fishing, I suggest that you follow the link and read one of the articles in the heading " spinning fishing ".

AT spinning fishing such components as tackle and equipment, time and place of fishing, season and water temperature are extremely important. What is worth only the number of invented snap-ins. A huge field for experiments will not let you get bored even to the "worldly-wise" spinning player.

Fishing with a rod

Oddly enough, but with the right approach to the float rod, you are guaranteed not to be left without fish. I can say this with 100% certainty. Even on the most “deaf” days, a lively roach or bracken always swam in my cage.

This year I fished with a fishing rod several dozen times and on average in 4-6 hours I caught 2-3 kg of roach from the palm of my hand, and sometimes a rather weighty bream and bream came up. The largest bream caught with a fishing rod this season weighed one and a half kilograms. On that day, a puzzled neighbor said to me: “And I go fishing for two hundred kilometers ...”

At this time, many varieties of fishing rods have been invented, adapted to different conditions reservoir. You can find them on the website in the "Float fishing" section.

This method requires a thoroughly thought-out approach in choosing a place and the bait used on the hook. In addition to everything, you should be well versed in top dressing.

The basic rule of fishing on the river is how you feed, so you catch.

Fishing on the bottom

This is a separate group of anglers, which includes many subgroups. Of these, three main ones can be distinguished:

  • carp anglers;
  • catfish;
  • bream.

Each subgroup is unique, has its own selection of gear, rigs, baits, and so on. In general terms, you will learn about such gear as a donk by going to the article "".

Our local bottomers practice donk fishing using cheap Chinese spinning rods and set up an average of three to five tackle. The rig is a spring stuffed with pea mastyrka, to which a pair of short leashes is attached. The bait is pierced foam. With the help of this simple equipment, I caught a lot of our local bream and bream.

It has gained a lot of popularity today. It's more modern and more sporty look bottom gear. The main differences between a feeder and a donkey are a special rod and a set of special feeders with different applications.

Catchable places

From the angler you can often hear the expression "catchable place." In our understanding, these are places enviably different from the rest by a large accumulation of fish. The natural question is what characterizes a catchy place and how to find it?

Where to fish on the river?

The first sign of all catchable places is the sufficient availability of a forage base. In other words, where there is food, there will always be fish.

The second characteristic, although not always necessary, is the availability of places for shelter (or ambush). They can be all kinds of algae, snags or trees that have fallen into the water.

And the last, important, although also not always mandatory. There is a popular expression with which I completely agree:

The fish is looking for where it's deeper

With the same total depth of the reservoir, finding even a small local depression at the bottom can bring you an unforgettable bite. Now try to add up all three factors and remember exactly where on your body of water they converge. Complete the natural fishing spot with the right application of groundbait and success is in your pocket. That is, in the garden.

river edge

The edge of the river is the place of a sharp drop of the bottom from the shallows to the depth. These are permanent places of accumulation of fish, and it can be located both at the lower border of the edge and at the upper one. It is searched for by test casts of gear or with an echo sounder.

Dams and dams

Another place of mass accumulation of fish. In our regions, dams are massively occupied by poachers who want quick and easy money. Moreover, the local fisheries supervision forces do absolutely nothing about it. Maybe it's time to start moving? Or try to protect what's left?

Bait for the river

Let's conditionally divide the bait for the river into two groups - live and vegetable. I will not list all types and names of baits, but will go through only the most basic, most catchy ones.

live bait

  1. caddis. One of the smallest and at the same time the most catchy baits. It is caught directly on the reservoir in the bottom algae or bottom debris and is a larva wrapped in a "house".
  2. Bloodworm. Mostly used in winter fishing and in early spring. It looks like a small red worm and is the larva of a twitching mosquito.
  3. Maggot. White little agile worms that are fly larvae.
  4. Worm. They mainly use red dung, which have a pungent specific odor.
  5. Crawl out. A large worm almost as thick as a finger. Just a great bait.
  6. Grasshopper. A grasshopper is also a grasshopper in Africa.
  7. Fly. Caught, baited, abandoned. Everything is extremely simple.
  8. Chafer. Used in the spring mainly when catching chub.
  9. Frog. The characteristic of this bait is rare, but apt.
  10. Zywiec. A small fish that is used when catching predatory fish.

vegetable baits

  1. Pearl barley. In my opinion, the best herbal bait.
  2. Corn. Also good.
  3. Peas. It is used for catching larger specimens of bream, carp and crucian carp.
  4. Bread. The crumb is taken and kneaded to a homogeneous mass.
  5. Pea paste. In my opinion, it is also the #1 bait.

You will find the recipe for making mastyrka on the article ""

As for me, when I go fishing, I take boiled pearl barley with me (for a fishing rod, for lure), mastyrka (for a bottom in a spring, for lure) and, if I'm lucky to get it, crawl out (they are eaten by all the fish, which they will be in size) .

Bait for the river

Bait for the river can be both purchased and homemade. The main characteristics are sufficient weight and viscosity depending on the current (to reach the bottom in the right place and ensure proper operation). This is a big topic, which will be discussed in every possible way in the rubric "Bait and bait".

In the meantime, you don’t have your own recipes, I advise you to start your knowledge with the simplest - ordinary pea butter and produce barley bait mixed with small pieces (tennis ball) of the same butter. Our fish just love the smell of peas and will not bypass your bait.

And finally, the last part of the article, where your comments will go. Supplement articles useful tips. Anything that expands on the River Fishing theme will go here.

P.S. I hope my article "Fishing on the River" helped you. I look forward to your comments, additions and feedback. Special thanks to Igor from Karelia for the photos displayed in this article.

For dessert, I propose to relax a bit and watch a fun selection funny cases fishing. Happy viewing!