Is it possible to pump up with one push-ups. How to make pectoral muscles grow? How to create a push-up program and combine them with other chest exercises

Exercises for working with own weight– are loved by everyone due to their availability and effectiveness. Combining these 2 indicators, they are widely used in all sports. For some, they have become the main tool for shaping the body, and for someone - an additional one.

One such exercise is push-ups. Practical, versatile and effective - they are popular among both schoolchildren and professional athletes.

In push-ups, you can vary the load by shifting the position of the hands.

Is it possible to pump up your hands with push-ups?

To answer this question, you need to understand which muscles are involved in the exercise. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that pumping up your hands with push-ups is a possible, but ineffective method, since the exercise is complex.

Alas, it is impossible to achieve iron hands with push-ups alone, but a certain effect in the form of a slight increase in volume and strength indicators is real.

Push-ups from the floor evenly load, triceps and. By changing the position of the hands, you can include in the work. But, the load they experience is not peak. What conclusion can be drawn from this?

  1. You can swing your arms with push-ups when there are no other alternatives.
  2. Hand push-ups can be a great way to diversify your workout.

Pushups - useful exercise, as it has the following positive effects:

  • Helps to improve well-being and general condition;
  • Develops the circulatory and respiratory systems;
  • Increases strength and endurance;
  • Forms the torso;
  • Great for warming up and getting energized.

Thus, push-ups are great for training anywhere, both at home and in the gym. But they will be more relevant for those who cannot visit the hall, experiencing a lack of time.

How many push ups do you need?

Another topical issue that worries many. There is no single answer to it. Since all people are individual and everyone must independently select a scheme. In addition, it all depends on what kind of exercise are push-ups - basic or additional?

  • As the main- It is recommended to do push-ups every day. You can start with a morning or evening workout. Later, do morning and evening. You can use weights in the form of a backpack with a load.
  • As an additional- the best solution is to complete the workout with them. If you wish, you can start with them. Everything is at the discretion of the trainee.

The best solution is to seek help from a coach. Which, based on physical data and health status, will help you choose the right one.

How to do push-ups to pump up your arms?

The volume of the arm is formed by 2 muscles - biceps and triceps. The first occupies 1/3 of the area, and the second 2/3 of the area of ​​the entire hand.

The fact is that in push-ups, triceps swing the most. And the biceps do not receive such a powerful load. Therefore, pumping up your hands with push-ups fully is very difficult. Below we will explain why this is so.

Let's start with the triceps. Since push-ups involve the triceps, today there are many variations in which the triceps works. Therefore, let's start with it.

How to do push-ups to build triceps

The easiest and most effective option is push-ups from the floor. To emphasize the load on the triceps, it is enough to change the position of the palms and you will get a positive result. Here's what you need for a quick triceps pump in the prone position:

Narrow stance:

  • The palms are located at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Thus, the load falls on inner part chest and triceps.
  • Execution technique - similar. Inhale down, exhale up. Nothing complicated or supernatural.
  • It is important to feel the load on the triceps during the movement.
  • Elbows should not diverge to the sides.
  • The pelvis does not fall down, the body is even.
  • As a burden, you can use a backpack with something heavy.

Diamond push ups:

  • We bring our palms together with our fingers so that between the two thumbs a diamond has formed, and the elbows are pressed.
  • The technique is similar to classic push-ups.

Reverse push-ups from the bench:

More difficult option. Many athletes do it in the gym, giving their preference due to successful biomechanics, since the entire load falls on the triceps, allowing them to work out well. This exercise will help to pump up your arms well with the help of push-ups in several variations, in particular, with weights.

Feet on the floor. The easiest option, suitable for beginners and girls. As a support, you can use a bench, chair or any other support.


  • Choose a stable base.
  • We turn our backs to her and focus on straight arms.
  • Legs together and extended forward so that the lower back is next to the support.
  • The arms are about shoulder-width apart, and the elbows are parallel to each other and pointing back.
  • While inhaling, we slowly lower ourselves down to the maximum stretch, control the position of the elbows, do not let them go up.
  • On exhalation, we return to the starting position. In this case, the legs should remain motionless.

Feet on the base. More complex biomechanics, suitable for already trained athletes. As a rule, an exercise in this variation is often used in the gym.


  • We take 2 supports on which we put our arms and legs.
  • We place our hands shoulder-width apart, elbows parallel to each other.
  • We put our legs on the second support with an emphasis on the heel, feet together, a slight bend in the knees is allowed.
  • On inspiration, we begin to lower the pelvis down to the maximum stretch in the muscles. But, if discomfort is felt in the shoulders, then it is better to reduce the range of motion or even return to the first version.
  • On the exhale we go up.

The use of weights. Used by experienced and advanced athletes. It is better if a partner helps to put a pancake with the right weight on the quadriceps. Do not put on your knees and shins - it is fraught with injury.

Suitable as a final exercise. A very efficient and effective variation. You can work both with your own weight and use weights in the form of a backpack. And in the gym - hang a pancake from an athletic belt.


  • Starting position. We take emphasis on straight arms, while the body is in vertical position, perpendicular to the ground. Legs can be either straight or crossed - it doesn’t matter. The neck and shoulders are even, the gaze is directed forward, the back is without deflections.
  • On inspiration, we begin to go down, moving our elbows back. The body must be in a vertical position, not swing. We go down until a right angle is formed in the hands. However, if pain occurs, do not do it through force. The greater the amplitude, the greater the load on the muscles, as well as on the joints.
  • On exhalation, due to tension in the triceps, we return back.

How to do push-ups to build biceps

Pumping up biceps with push-ups is very difficult and almost impossible. However, by changing the location of the brushes, you can use a little biceps. The thing is that the biceps performs a flexion function, therefore the best exercises there will be traction for him.

Push-ups are a pushing exercise, so in it the biceps can only be strained, but not worked out as efficiently as possible.

Push-ups for biceps are similar to the classic ones, but with the only difference that the hands are turned with the fingers towards the legs. Unfortunately, this position of the hands is not anatomically correct and not everyone will be able to perform it.

Therefore, you can take dumbbells or special racks with an internal grip “like for biceps”, press your elbows to your body, and then everything is the same as in classic push-ups.

Most people will tell you that just push-ups will not work to pump up your arms. They are both right and wrong at the same time. And now we will try to explain why.

What are push-ups for?

Of course, with the help of push-ups, you can develop the muscles of the arms, chest and shoulders. This is a favorite exercise of karatekas. For physical education teachers, this is a favorite way to punish disobedient students. And for you, it can become an effective tool for pumping up your hands.

However, we will immediately make a reservation that it is impossible to achieve such hands as those of the iron Arnie with push-ups alone.

  1. The thing is that for a significant increase in muscle volume, it is necessary, firstly, to increase working weights. And your body weight is relatively stable. With standard, you lift 70% of your torso mass. Raising your legs on the bench - you increase this percentage. A solution to this problem is the use of weights.
  2. Secondly, the mechanics of movement itself implies a load on pectoral muscles and triceps. it is forbidden.

But, do not immediately discard this exercise as ineffective! It is quite possible to increase the volume of the shoulder by a couple of centimeters and increase strength indicators.

In addition to developing upper body muscle strength, push-ups are good for:

  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Increasing endurance.
  • Vivacity of the body and spirit, if you do push-ups in the morning.

This exercise is an easy and painless way to train your torso when you don't have the time or money to go to the gym.

How many pushups to do

The frequency of training using push-ups, as well as the number of repetitions and sets depends on your goals:

  1. If you want to pump up the arms and muscles of the upper body, develop strength - you need to do push-ups 3 times a week, in 4-5 sets of 6-8 times with weights. What is weighting and how to apply it in this case, we will tell a little later.
  2. As one of the charging elements, we recommend doing 10-30 push-ups every morning.
  3. To increase endurance - we do push-ups 2 times a week for a maximum of 2-3 sets. Over time, the number of repetitions will increase, volumes may decrease. You're not training strength, but endurance.

Push-up techniques for all occasions

To warm up your muscles before training, do a little warm-up. Warmed up? Then let's get to the exercise!

Reverse push-ups for triceps

Let's talk about back push-ups. With their help, you can maximize the loading of the triceps and relieve the load from the chest.

Pumping up triceps means, for the most part, pumping up arms. After all, triceps make up to 70% of the muscles of the upper arm, and biceps - only 30%. In particular, therefore, it is useless to pump only one biceps for the sake of the thickness of the arms.

To pump up the triceps, you can perform the exercise in two versions: legs on the floor and legs at the same level as the hands, that is, raised to a support.

Option 1 (easier):

  1. We take a chair (it is necessary that it be stable and not fall apart during the exercise - we swing triceps, and do not break the coccyx). Ideally, of course, use a sports bench.
  2. We turn our backs to him and lean on him with straight arms. Elbows look back and they are strictly parallel to each other! That is, the hands are shoulder-width apart.
  3. Legs together, stretch them forward so that the lower back is next to the chair. Try to go as low as you can. Elbows will go up. Keep them parallel.
  4. Extend your arms and rise to the starting position. The legs should not move back and forth.
  5. Repeat this movement as many times as needed.

Option 2 (harder):

  1. We take two chairs! We repeat the first two points from option 1. That is, we steadily put our hands behind our backs on one.
  2. Now attention: we put our legs slightly bent at the knees with our heels on another chair. We keep the feet together. Thus, your body rests on your hands and heels.
  3. Lower your pelvis as far down as possible. Heavier? That's right, this is a more difficult version of the reverse push-ups. And more efficient. Watch for sensations in the shoulder area. If discomfort occurs, return to the previous version of the exercise.
  4. The movement of the body occurs strictly up and down. Down - on the inhale, up - on the exhale. Breathing is the foundation!

Now about the use of weights. In reverse push-ups, you can increase efficiency with additional weights. We recommend only for the second option when you use two chairs. The exercise becomes really difficult and it is for them to really pump up the volume of the triceps, and hence the thickness of the arm.

If you have a barbell at home, take the plates and put the desired weight on your thighs. If there are no pancakes, use any convenient weight (for example, a dumbbell, weights, a satchel). A good idea always comes with a desire. Most importantly, stay safe!

It is allowed to use the help of a partner - put him on top (better than a partner, she is lighter). Try it if you are strong enough.

You should only switch to weights when your muscles are strong enough. And for the first time, you should learn how to do reverse push-ups without weight.

We will give 4 options for the position of the palms and 2 positions of the elbows. There will be 5 exercises in total. Experiment which muscles you feel more in each case.

  • Palms fingers forward, elbows pressed to the body. The classic pose, the load is distributed between the deltas and triceps.
  • Palms fingers to each other. Elbows when lowering the body go in opposite directions. The chest receives most of the load.
  • Fingers look back, elbows are pressed to the body. Maximum load to the front deltas. The participation of triceps is secondary.
  • Fingers to the sides, palms wide apart. Strengthening the load on the pectoral muscles.
  • Classical pose - arms wide apart, fingers pointing forward. The distribution of the load between the deltas, chest and triceps.

You can combine these options, doing 10-15 repetitions for each case. This exercise (without additional weight) cannot build muscle, but it will work great as a charge or to maintain the overall tone of the muscles of the chest and arms.


  1. Choose the desired hand position. Put your feet together or slightly apart from each other (10-15 centimeters).
  2. On inspiration, we lower ourselves to the floor, but do not lie down on it (the body should be absolutely straight, the press and buttocks should be tense). Hold on like this for 1-2 seconds. You can't linger.
  3. We rise to the starting position and repeat the exercise the required number of times.
  4. The body must be kept straight. The angle between the legs and the body is 0 degrees.

Common mistakes - the pelvis falls down or bulges up. You don't need to do that!

Push-ups upside down

This is both the most spectacular and technically most difficult version of push-ups. It is used to train the arms and shoulders. The chest in this case does not work. We recommend that very strong and trained people practice such push-ups.

Vertical push-ups are not suitable for everyone, as a sudden change in body position can lead to loss of consciousness.

Useful accessory for push-ups

If you are a fan of push-ups, we recommend that you purchase special stops for this. Each stop allows you to hold steady on your hand. Thanks to such devices, you can put your hands at any angle, training various parts of the arms and shoulders, chest.

If you have had a wrist injury, this is great way to avoid pain in the joint, since the arm does not bend, as in the case of push-ups on the floor.

The question of whether it is possible to pump up with push-ups from the floor is of interest to many. It is these exercises that rightfully deserve increased interest, because the effect that push-ups give affects many parts of the body. It is with their help that you can cope with such tasks as pumping up wings, chest or arms.

What muscle groups are involved

What does this exercise give? In the process of doing push-ups from the floor, several muscle groups work at once, among which the following stand out in particular:
big chest,

Each of these groups has certain functions and, in accordance with them, performs certain tasks. The first of these groups is the main one in the process of performing this particular type of physical exercise. At the same time, it is noted different kinds push-ups. So, the wider the arms are apart from each other, the faster you can pump up your shoulders.

The deltoid muscles lift the body after it is at its lowest point. At this stage deltoid muscles help breastfeeding. The main function of the triceps is to extend the arms. The elbow muscles help to extend the forearms. Thus, performing push-ups, you can cope with the solution of such a problem as pumping up wings, shoulders, arms.

Exercise features

Like any other physical exercise, push-ups from the floor are important in the process of strengthening the human body. results correct execution of this complex is the following:

muscle development,
development speed qualities,
development of dexterity
endurance development,
strengthening shoulder girdle and the press.

Do push-ups from the floor different levels necessary according to physical condition. So, if you haven’t done such exercises before and don’t know, for example, how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups, you first need to do a little warm-up that will warm up your muscles, as a result of which they will not be subject to various injuries and sprains. Even if your goal is to pump up your arms with push-ups, it is important to make sure that your back muscles do not stretch, as this can lead to a limitation in its motor function.

Step by step inflation

So, if you decide to pump up your muscles with push-ups from the floor, then you need to properly distribute the load on different parts of the body. The complex should begin with an exercise wide grip, especially if the training is done from scratch. First you need to practice and learn how to do it at easier levels. So, one of the first levels are push-ups from the bench.

When performing them, it is necessary to monitor not only the position of the back, but also the rest of the body - a straight line should be formed from the tips of the legs to the head. At first glance, this seems to be enough simple exercise, but in reality, if you do everything according to the rules, pumping up muscles is sometimes difficult, so do not immediately try to do a large number of push-ups from the bench and spend all your strength. Enough 5-10 times, and after that you can already increase the number of exercises.

After push-ups from the bench turned out to be a passed stage for you, you should complicate the set of exercises. At the next stage, you can perform the so-called overweights. For this, alternate loading is carried out on different hands. To train muscles of this kind, it is necessary to take an emphasis lying down, arms spread wider than shoulders, and do not do push-ups, but a kind of swaying with the transfer of the body first to one hand, then to the other. Experts advise when performing this exercise to carefully monitor the position of the back. This will give a positive result at the end of charging.

But special attention should be paid to the position of the hands. In this case, it is not fixed, since when transferring the body, for example, to the right hand, the fingertips look to the right. If the weight is transferred to left hand, then the right takes its usual position, and now the left hand begins to be retracted to the side.

Having worked out this exercise, it will be possible to switch to ordinary push-ups. It takes into account what muscles you plan to develop. For example, if chest development is planned, then it will be necessary to perform exercises with a wide grip, but if you want to achieve such a goal as pumping up your arms, for example, triceps, then you need push-ups narrow grip with arms spread to a maximum of shoulder width. How to build shoulders with push-ups? Push-ups from the floor will help strengthen not only the shoulders, but also the muscles of the chest, back or arms. This is due to the fact that push-ups are not traumatic in the process of doing them on their own without a coach. You can also do push-ups from the floor at home in absolutely any conditions. The execution will be successful if you know how to build muscle properly.

If you have not decided on which part of the body to start doing push-ups to increase muscle mass, then you can perform these exercises with an average grip, as they allow you to distribute the load on all groups, including wings, triceps, and chest . In this case, the chest muscles are pumped up in full, and if you put your hands a little narrower, for example, less than the distance between the shoulders, then a large load will go exactly to the triceps. Along with this, you will be able to pump up the wings.

You can pump up with push-ups from the floor, but it is important when performing this particular type of exercise to monitor the position of the hands and elbows. In this case, it is necessary to put the brushes so that the fingers look forward. It is not recommended to change this position in any way. In the process of performing push-ups, you need to ensure that the elbows are as close to the body as possible, otherwise, with any deviation from correct technique execution, you can achieve pumping up other muscle groups.

Hello dear readers!

In this article, we will look at how to pump up your hands with push-ups from the floor. This type of training is designed for complete beginners who are not yet mentally ready to go to gym and make their first attempt to increase muscle mass at home. As soon as the number of push-ups exceeds 50, those involved understand that in order to further progress in pumping muscles, it is necessary to increase and diversify the loads. Well, let's consider this one for many First stage strength training.

What pump push-ups from the floor

The biomechanics of this exercise is such that the main load in this exercise perform the muscles of the chest, front deltas (shoulders) and triceps. In addition, many muscles of the body work as stabilizer muscles, primarily the abs and back.

Beginners should understand that hands like those of Schwarzenegger can never be achieved with push-ups alone. The main condition for muscle growth is to increase their strength and strength endurance. To do this, sooner or later you will have to start going to the gym and use various weights (dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, exercise machines).

Thus, initially you need to understand that home workouts with push-ups from the floor are good way get off the couch and start working out somehow. Push-ups will give a moderate load for an untrained body, improve overall physical training, will help to slightly disperse the metabolism, increase strength endurance. It is likely that by doing only push-ups at home, you will be able to build up your arms by a couple of centimeters. Further, your progress will stand if you do not change anything.

Push-ups are good to perform as morning exercises. Also, if you have a sedentary lifestyle and office work, you can do a couple of approaches in between.

Before doing push-ups, perform a small warm-up for the joints - twist your arms at the wrists, elbows and shoulders.

How many times do you need to push

The number of sets and repetitions, as well as the numerical parameters of exercises using push-ups, depends on your goals. Choose the scheme that is convenient for you. It can be 1 approach, performed to the stop. When you reach 50 repetitions, you can start doing 2-3 sets with a short break. It is important to do push-ups regularly. This is a strength endurance exercise and you can do it at least every day, you are unlikely to overtrain. It is advisable to do push-ups at least 2 times a week.

Types of push-ups


I think there is not much point in explaining how push-ups are performed. From childhood, everyone knows how this most elementary exercise is performed. I will only note that, depending on the setting of the hands, the muscles will be loaded differently. The wider the setting of the arms and the elbows are bred to the sides, the more the load falls on the pectoral muscles. The narrower the position of the arms, and the closer the elbows to the body, the more the load goes to the triceps and deltas.

Accordingly, push-ups are possible with a narrow (palms side by side), medium (palms shoulder-width apart) and wide (palms at the level of the elbows spread apart to the sides) grip.

In addition, you can slightly shift your palms in height: at chest level, at shoulder level, at head level. You can also "play" by turning your palms.

All these nuances will play a role in muscle training.

I recommend slightly changing the position of the hands in different approaches, this will allow you to shift the load and engage in training. more muscle fibers, that is, to pump all the involved muscles more strongly. In this case, you should choose such positions of the hands in which it will be comfortable for you to perform approaches.

Do 2-3 sets with different hand positions. Rest between sets 1-3 minutes.

And make sure that during the approaches the pelvis does not protrude up and does not bend down, these are the main and common mistakes in this exercise.

push ups for girls

It is worth noting that in girls the muscles of the upper body are weaker than in men. Therefore, women may need some preparatory period with light loads.

To ease the load in push-ups, 2 options can be used. You can do push-ups from the floor, but the emphasis is on your knees, not on the mortars. Thus, the load on the torso (press, back) will be significantly reduced, and the load on the arms and chest will also be slightly reduced.

The second way is to substitute a chair or stool under the arms. That is, you do push-ups at an angle of about 30º, when your head is higher than your legs. This greatly facilitates the load on the target muscles.

As you work out, you can reduce the incline and gradually move on to standard push-ups from the floor.

Push-ups for men

For men, the task is the opposite - how to make push-ups more difficult. There are many ways to do this, we list them:

  • push-ups from the floor with the support of the legs on a chair or stool;
  • push-ups from the floor on one hand;
  • push-ups from the floor with cotton;
  • push-ups from the floor on the fists;
  • push-ups with additional weights.

Push-up training scheme

You can choose any push-up training scheme. You can do one set to failure, or you can do 2-5 sets, reaching failure on each or only the last set. Almost any scheme will work if it initially matches your fitness level and you try to slightly increase the load from training to training - to do at least one repetition more.

After you learn to push up more than 50 times, it makes sense to apply more complex variations of the exercise, as well as add other exercises, such as push-ups on the uneven bars and pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This will serve as the next stage of your training.


Refresh your memory of the classic push-up technique. Take emphasis lying on the floor. Arms are straight, slightly wider than shoulders. The fingers are facing forward. The body is tense, making a straight line with the legs. Slowly lower your body down by bending your elbows. Make sure that the lower back does not bend, do not arch your back. Lower yourself until your chest touches the floor. Hold the position for a couple of seconds. Slowly return to the starting position.

In order to increase quickly, it is worth doing plyometric or explosive push-ups. Take the starting position - emphasis lying on the floor. Hands are straightened at shoulder width. Slowly lower your body until your chest touches the floor. Then, with a sharp push, throw the body up. Clap your palms under your chest while your body is in flight. Land with your arms bent to avoid injury to your elbow joints and reduce impact.

Another option for plyometric push-ups is offset push-ups. Take an emphasis lying down. The right hand is on the floor, place a small platform 5-10 cm high under the left. Gently lower the body down until the chest touches the floor. Then sharply push yourself up and move your body to the side. The toes of the feet remain in place, and the hands should change their position. Now the right hand is on the dais, the left on the floor. Perform push-ups at a normal pace, straighten your arms. Start the push-up again and finish it with a jump with the body shifting to the side and changing hands. Alternate push-ups and offset push-ups.

Perform simple push-ups of different heights in order to work out the muscles of the chest and arms as much as possible. Take an emphasis lying down. The right hand is on the floor, the left is on the medicine ball. Slowly lower your body down until your chest touches the floor. Pause briefly at the bottom, then straighten your arms. Returning to the starting position, continue to straighten your left arm so that your right comes off the floor. Raise until your left arm is fully extended. Return to starting position. Change hands.

Add push-ups with deadlifts and your chest will reach outstanding sizes. Take the starting position - lying down. Hands are not on the floor, but on dumbbells. Bending your arms, lower your body, fix the bottom point. Return to the starting position and immediately pull the dumbbell to the belt with your right hand. Place the dumbbell on the floor and do the push-up again. Now do a pull to the belt with your left hand. This is one approach.

If you need to increase strength endurance, add to your training program isometric push ups. Take an emphasis lying down. Hands slightly wider than shoulders on two low platforms, the body between them. Gently lower your body as low as possible. Having reached the lowest point, linger for 10-15 seconds. Return to starting position.

In order to complicate the performance of any push-ups and increase the load on the muscles, do push-ups with your feet not on the floor, but on a slight elevation. Ideally, the height of this elevation should be such that your body is in starting position was a horizontal line. That is, gradually the height of the platform should become approximately equal to the length of the arms. Ideal for the edge of the bed.