New in water sports. Sports tourism. Extreme - what is it

We have prepared a review 10 new extreme sports thanks to which your life will acquire new bright colors.


Flyboarding (with in English fly - flight, board - board) is a great sport for people who have dreamed of learning to fly all their lives. True, as part of this lesson, you have to do this not over a solid surface, but over water.

Athletes-flyboarders must have a special water blower, a hose for water supply, as well as water jet boots. Two hand stabilizers regulate the power of the water jet and control the flight.

As a result, the flyboarder can rise above the water to a height of ten to fifteen meters and soar there, performing incredible stunts. There are also shows during which well-trained athletes demonstrate their amazing skills to an impressed audience.


Mount Cerro Negro is famous not only for being one of the youngest and most active volcanoes on the American continent. Recently, more and more people talk about it due to the fact that a new extreme sport was born on its slopes - volcanoboarding.

On the ash-black slope of this volcano, hundreds of tourists and real athletes descend daily on special boards. In this case, the maximum speed of descent can reach 80 kilometers per hour. To protect people from injury, the organizers dress them in special suits made of strong material.

Some use the board as a sled, while others cut through the volcanic slope standing on the board as if it were a snowy surface, while they themselves use a snowboard.

Parkour on a trampoline

All more people, who are engaged in trampolining, began to pay attention to their new variation, which contains elements of other sports, mainly parkour.

Trampoline parkour is not just perfectly adjusted jumps with acceleration, it is a special kind of tricks in the air, as well as interaction with external objects and surfaces.

The tricks of people who practice this unusual sport are very similar to the numbers of aerial acrobats from the famous Cirque du Soleil show. They look just as incredible, violating physical laws and gravity.

Jumping from the stratosphere

For real extreme sportsmen, even ordinary skydiving seems boring and not worthy of attention. They conquer completely different horizons for themselves, setting off into a free fall from a height of tens of kilometers.

Jumping from the stratosphere appeared as experiments in the middle of the twentieth century. However, now this activity has become a full-fledged sport. Thrill-seekers from different countries compete with each other in height and fall speed.

The current record belongs to American Alan Eustace, vice president of Google Corporation. In October 2014, he made a jump from a height of 41,424 meters, thereby beating the previous maximum by two kilometers. Max Speed the fall at the same time amounted to 1322 km / h.

kite wing

Kiting is universal sports equipment, which allows you to conquer not only the earth, but also water, air and snowy peaks. This is a small universal wing, which allows the extreme sportsman to significantly expand his capabilities, regardless of the specific sport.

will be useful wherever you can accelerate or get off the ground under the influence of the force of the wind. An extreme athlete will be able to ride faster and jump higher with this wing.

At the same time, the wing itself is very small. And when folded, its dimensions are no larger than those of a ski bag.

Water climbing (Psicobloc)

In the United States of America and some other countries of the world, a new extreme sport with the name, which hides water rock climbing, has recently been gaining more and more popularity.

The task of the athlete in Psicobloc is not only to climb up the inclined wall with ledges, but also to fall beautifully down into the pool filled with water. And the judges count both of these disciplines in the final score of the water climber.

Psicobloc as a type of spore was born within the framework of ordinary climbing, when athletes conquered slopes protruding into the water and from time to time fell down from them. Now it is quite a popular sport, in official competitions in which even the most eminent climbers take part.

Ski surf

The unspoken feud between snowboarders and skiers has in recent years even gone beyond the snow-covered mountain slopes. Now the debate about which is better: one large board or two small ones has also moved into the sphere of surfing.

After all, a new water sport has appeared - surfing on skis. It was invented by Californian skiers, who, in the conditions of an eternal shortage of snow in this region, decided to conquer the huge tidal waves that the coast of American California is famous for with their favorite sports equipment.

True, for this it was necessary to create the new kind skiing, combining elements of mountain and water. But in ski surfing, athletes still have to use special ski poles. At the same time, the speed of sliding along the wave can reach 50 kilometers per hour.


Looking at photos of people kayaking, it might seem that they are some kind of pranksters who decided to play a good trick on us. After all, it would seem that there is nothing more stupid than jumping out of an airplane in a small kayak boat.

Nevertheless, it is quite an interesting and promising sport. It turns out that the use of a boat when skydiving significantly reduces the speed of free fall. A person flying down flat accelerates to 193 kilometers per hour. The kayak reduces this figure to 157 km / h, while giving new opportunities in terms of balancing and performing tricks.

The main problem with kayaking is that the vast majority of skydiving business owners refuse to arrange jumps for people on boats.


Horseboarding is a sport for those people who live in the countryside far from mountains or oceans with huge waves, but dream of surfing or snowboarding. Athletes-horsboarders use a special board with large wheels as their main sports equipment. And in this case, live horses act as a driving force.

Having attached the rope to the horse, the athlete can then follow the horse across the field, performing various maneuvers and tricks. This sport is especially spectacular when using additional springboards. True, falling to the ground during an unsuccessful trick is much more painful and traumatic than falling into water or onto snow cover.

Metrosurfing (hooking)

This incredibly dangerous sport was born in Russia. For a long time on our railways daredevils, deprived of a sense of self-preservation, appeared, running on the roofs of the cars right during the movement of the trains.

But in recent years, this activity has moved into the underground world of the subway. Crazy adrenaline addicts cling to their rear cars during subway stops at stations, and some even climb onto the roof. They call themselves "hooks".

True, the percentage of deaths in metrosurfing is several times higher than in any of the new extreme sports listed above.

However, in India, such an activity is not even an extreme sport, but a way of traveling by train that is familiar to many poor residents of this country.

Do not forget that not only sports can be extreme, but also travel. You can read about it in our review.

Base jumping is considered to be the most dangerous sport. The forerunner of base jumping is considered parachuting. But unlike its "progenitor", all jumps in base jumping are performed from small heights. Moreover, the objects from which the jumps are made are at a dangerous distance. Due to the low height of the jumps, the speed during execution is very high, and the time allotted for the flight is quite short. Therefore, many athletes are not always able to assume the correct body position before the parachute opens. This can happen even if the jumper has considerable experience in performing such elements. Therefore, base jumping can be considered an extremely dangerous activity. This also means that in a number of countries this sport is prohibited by law.

Next in the ranking of the most dangerous sports and the number of deaths from it is parkour. Parkour is considered to be the skillful overcoming of various obstacles, passing them on high speed. Walls, horizontal bars, parapets and other construction objects can act as barriers. When conducting parkour competitions, specialized structures for this sport are used. Those athletes who have been doing parkour for a long time believe that it is becoming a way of life for a person. In many countries, parkour is very popular and is regularly practiced. The danger of parkour is that often the most complex elements are performed at high altitudes.

The next sport in terms of its danger to human life is heliskiing. It is considered one of the types of skiing. Its essence lies in the downhill skiing on unused snowy slopes. For such events, athletes are delivered specially by helicopter to the places of descent. Because there is no other way to get there. The descent along unused slopes gives athletes indescribable emotions, since such exits are much more dangerous than the usual ski route.

Underwater sport - diving is also considered quite dangerous In order for this sport not to pose a threat to life, it is necessary to have sufficient experience behind him that will allow the athlete to resolve all possible sudden difficulties as soon as possible. After all, while diving, you can easily encounter dangerous species of underwater animals: an electric stingray, a jellyfish or a small shark. Such an encounter can be very dangerous for a scuba diver.

Similar to diving and no less extreme sport is cave diving. Its meaning is to dive in order to explore water caves. This sport is more difficult than diving. If during diving to the caves the athlete does not have enough air, then it will simply not be possible for him to surface for the next portion of oxygen. Moreover, all movements under water will be constrained by narrow crevices of underwater caves, darkness and danger of meeting a marine life. Another hidden danger can be considered cave silt. It is the decomposed remains of clay and algae. With one awkward move, a cape diver can hit the silt and muddy the water. Moreover, the silt will go down to the bottom only after a few days, and before that, swimming in the water, it will deprive the athletes of visibility.

It has been actively gaining momentum since the 1990s. Society is rapidly developing, giving rise to its new interesting types and branches.

Such a sport is definitely not for the faint of heart - it is a risk and adrenaline that pushes the daredevils to reach new heights. Athletes are constantly competing to see who can jump higher, run faster, or fly farther.

Often, love for such sports leads to injuries and even death.

extreme sports

Cliff jumping

An extreme sport with Polynesian origins is cliff jumping. Extreme lovers climb a rock 28-30 meters high and jump from it into the water. Often such jumps end in failure.
In order to tickle your nerves, it is not necessary to jump from high altitude, for starters, you can choose a lower rock - in any case, an adrenaline rush is provided to you.

Bungee jumping with crocodiles

This unusual and very dangerous sport was invented in Australia. The whole point is that a person is tied with a cable to the bridge from which he jumps. The cable is shorter than the distance from the bridge to the ground, but this does not meanthat such entertainment has no consequences.

If just jumping off a bridge isn't enough for you, then the Australians will give you a small bonus - a river under the bridge, teeming with hungry crocodiles.

Climbing the rock by car

This sport will challenge any driver. You will need to drive your car along a terrible road cut by boulders and ravines.

The slightest miscalculation can lead to a car overturning or, even worse, throwing it off a cliff. Buckle up!

Walking on a tightrope

You have probably seen more than once how the tricksters in the circus walk alongrope under the dome.The slackline sling is not quite the rope we are used to. In fact, it is made of nylonout threads that are able to stretch.

Often it is used as a trampoline to perform various tricks, but some have gone further.The most daring athletes pull lines over gorges or between buildings. The sight is truly mesmerizing.

Higher and higher

Relatively new look extreme sports, the pioneers of which were the Russians, is to climb the highest point of any structure.

Many extreme lovers even maintain their own blogs, where they talk about the peaks they have conquered. A place to climb can be a construction crane, a skyscraper, or even a monument.

On the wings of the wind

Those who like to tickle their nerves cannot sit still, and they came up with another extreme and very unusual view sports. Its essence is that for safety you are tied to the upper wing of a biplane, which will subsequently accelerate to 135 miles per hour.

For extreme extreme pilots, the pilot will be happy to perform several maneuvers aerobatics that you will definitely never forget.

base jumping

Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of learning to fly. Fortunately, today everyone has the opportunity to feel the beauty of free flight.

Be prepared to be dressed in a special suit, which in its structure resembles a flying squirrel. Such a suit increases the overall area of ​​​​your body, so you can glide for a long time in the air.

For a soft landing, of course, you need a parachute. Mortality among fans of this sport is quite high, as many athletes prefer to fly as close as possible to the rocks.

Train surfing

The creator of this sport is clearly not all at home. Train surfing is banned in many countries.

The fact is that a person involved in train surfing climbs onto the roof of the train and tries to stay on it while moving. People around the world are dying trying to do this. The sport was popular in the 80s and 90s and then reappeared in 2005.


Parkour is the art of overcoming obstacles quickly, accurately and efficiently. This sport does not require special special equipment - it can be practiced in any accessible place.

The steeper the obstacle, the greater the risk and adrenaline rush. Since there is no need for special equipment, parkour is one of the most accessible extreme sports.

speed skateboarding

These unusual skateboarders use long boards with softer wheels and a wide wheelbase, allowing them to reach incredibly high speeds.

They can go up to 70 miles per hour and the slightest miscalculation could be their last.

hang gliding

Although everything extreme views sports are a danger, according to statistics, the highest mortality is observed among athletes involved in hang gliding.

Pilots use special equipment - a hang glider, and jump with it from a great height. The large wingspan of a hang glider creates enough lift to keep a person in the air. Sounds pretty fun and relaxing, but it's very dangerous.


For most people who have visited Spain, the encierro, or bull run, is an interesting tourist experience. However, it is worth remembering that the slightest mistake can lead to serious injury and even death.

Angry bulls are released into the streets of the city, and the task of the race participants is to escape from them. Pure madness.

Water extreme sports


Westerners first learned about surfing during James Cook's first voyage, when his ship docked on the island of Tahiti. Surfing has been an integral part of ancient Polynesian culture and certainly predates the arrival of Europeans on the island.

Today, surfing is common in many countries with access to the sea or ocean, and thousands of fans of this sport, despite the risk, consider it the best pastime.

Diving without scuba gear

Many do not even realize that in order for diving to become an extreme sport, a person simply needs to take away the scuba gear. Imagine that some divers dive to depths of up to 100 meters without the oxygen tank they normally carry on their backs.

These athletes have larger lungs than normal people. This is due to the fact that they train long and hard, holding their breath.

On their own initiative. In this case, he specifically puts himself in danger for the sole purpose of getting a dose of adrenaline into the blood. There is also the concept of "extreme sports".

Extreme - what is it?

Extreme is, as mentioned above, a way to raise the level of adrenaline in the blood, or, more simply, a way to tickle your nerves. In fact, any extreme actions pose an extreme danger to life, which is probably why they excite the blood for some people.

In general, extreme is an image of free time of a certain type of people, a way of their life.

The very word "extreme" - what is it? Translated from English, it means "extraordinary", "opposite" and "highest achievement", but not danger. It so happened that for some reason this word is used to refer to those sports that differ from those that have long been recognized. Olympic Committee and humanity.

About fear: who is engaged in extreme sports

Extreme activities are a hobby of brave, free and accomplished people. As a rule, young people just want to stand out, while adults take such sports more seriously and consciously.

Fear is necessarily present in most types of extreme sports. Often riders, parachutists, climbers, etc. answer journalists' questions about the presence of fear that it always exists. Otherwise, a person would part with what leads to a mistake, due to which you can get injured, or even lose your life.

Extreme in Russia and abroad

First of all, it occurs to an ordinary person that the word "extreme" is associated with the word "danger". Any reports and videos demonstrating sports achivments climbers, ski jumpers, rafters, etc. cause people not only to admire the courage of the heroes, but sometimes they even want to express themselves as follows: "Crazy!".

Russian extreme is still only on the periphery of people's consciousness. Although the advertisements use the images of skydivers, parkour masters, skiers and other extreme sportsmen, not many Russians can afford to get carried away with such sports.

A Russian person often in his subconscious denies everything that comes from abroad. In addition, many types dangerous sport- not a cheap pleasure at all, they require considerable financial investments in uniforms, equipment and the trips themselves.

In other countries, everything is simpler with this matter, so a huge number of people spend their free time from work in this way: skiing, scuba diving, rock climbing, just going to the mountains, etc. Russian extreme sports are developing in this regard, although lately, but lagging behind.

The most extreme Russian activity is river rafting. For many centuries, timber has been rafted along the great Russian rivers, and prospectors and geologists have tried to fight their fast and powerful waters. Officially, the sport of rafting appeared in Russia only in 1995.

Today it is one of the fastest developing species recreation of Russians on the water. This is due to the fact that the great country is surprisingly rich in beautiful, interesting and complex water routes.

extreme sports

Consider some of the dangerous sports: extreme on the water, in the air, in the mountains and in the desert.

1. Flyboarding(from English "fly" is translated as "flight", and "board" - as "board") - a way of entertainment for people who dream of learning to fly. takes place over water.

It uses a special water blower, a hose that supplies water and water jet boots. Hand stabilizers control flight and regulate the power of the water jet.

A show with several athletes is an amazing spectacle.

2. - riding on special boards on the slope of the volcano. The maximum speed of descent in this case reaches 80 kilometers per hour.

3.Parkour on a trampoline- these are not simple perfectly adjusted jumps, this is a special kind of certain tricks in the air and interaction with other external objects and various surfaces.

4. kite wing- an amazing universal projectile that allows you to move not only on land, but also on water, air and snowy mountain peaks.

Kitewing allows you to accelerate and get off the ground under the influence of the wind.

The world of extreme sports is diverse. ski surfing, kayaking, horseboarding, metrosurfing (hooking) and more. etc. - all this is extreme.


Everyone knows perfectly well that any extreme is dangerous, that such an activity can lead to any irreversible consequences. Any professional extreme sportsman who respects himself and everything that surrounds him will never allow himself to rush to perform this or that trick at breakneck speed. He prepares meticulously. People (spectators) see only a magnificent bold and clever finale, and the years long preparation and workouts remain behind the scenes ...

It is impossible to unambiguously define the word "extreme". What is a "challenge"? In each of the dangerous sports there is what is called this word. From English, this word means that a person challenges himself, in this way testing his strength and himself for strength. Can I...

To keep yourself in good physical form you just have to play sports. And those people who do not understand their lives without adrenaline have come up with quite dangerous species sports. Here you will also find high loads, and mortal risk. But any mistake can be fatal. If you're lucky, the athlete will simply get off with moderate injuries or broken bones. Most extreme sports appeared in the second half of the 20th century.

1. Rafting

Rafting down the river through waterfalls and stone rapids will leave an unforgettable impression. During the rafting, extreme people can be thrown out of the raft. But after that, go under water or hit the stones from all over. All these consequences can become a water trap, along with broken joints and broken bones. Add concussions, scratches, and bruises to this list. If we take into account the main problem of rafting, then it is that the rapids and waterfalls are almost invisible, so they must be overcome immediately without preparation.

2. Mountain bike

Acrobatics, bicycles and narrow mountain paths - a real mountain bike. You can not do without bruises, scratches and bruises. In addition, this is only the minimum set of injuries for a person who decides to go down the mountain on a bicycle. Here you will try to overcome natural obstacles from ore stones, fallen trees and so on.

3. Climbing

If you are fond of rock climbing, then bruises, fractures, concussions and frostbite await you. And even when the climbers climbed to the top of the mountain, it is considered half the battle. After all, practice shows that it is much more difficult to return to the foot. In addition, due to weather conditions, rescuers are not always able to come to the rescue in time.

4. Streetlating

What is streetlating? This is downhill lying on skateboards on asphalt surface. As a rule, such athletes choose public roads that steeply go downhill. Here, extreme people must rely solely on their feet, using the steering wheel and brakes, if you do not count also extreme braking, as well as the usual crash into any suitable obstacle. Gloves, helmets and knee pads may not always save you from injury during a collision of an almost uncontrollable skateboard with an obstacle.

5. Surfing

Surfing is considered by some to be Russian roulette with nature. And here you never know whether she will be supportive of you today or not. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to life. Those daredevils who decide to ride the waves must conquer the wild element that threatens hundreds of tons of water. Here, the fracture of bones into powder is guaranteed. Yes, and rocks with surfboards are always ready to hit you on the head. For surfers, every big wave can be their last.

6 Bull Rodeo

Even though the rodeo is spectacular view sports, it can turn into death at any moment. On the animal here you need to hold out only 8 seconds. But if you fly off, you can fall under the hooves of an 800 kilogram angry bull. Minimal injuries are considered those if you end up in intensive care with a bunch of complex fractures. But the worst moment is disability for life or a fatal outcome.

7. Cave diving

Low visibility, hypothermia, light problems and high chances to fight off the group - that's what awaits those who love to dive into underwater caves. People in extreme situations should have excellent diving training. Otherwise, you can not dive into underwater caves, there will be little chance of survival. And in just 50 years, more than 500 people have died in the Caribbean during their favorite sport.

8. Diving

It would seem that there is such a thing, just dive under the water and swim. However, in practice this is a very extreme exercise. In addition, before the first dive, you must undergo a serious training course. The first steps are taken under the supervision of professional drivers. But a rapid ascent leads to caisson disease. Its consequence will be serious problems with the lungs, head and spinal cord. In such a list, add more sharks and other dangerous animals that you will definitely meet under water.

9. Heli-ski

Helicopter jumps as well as rolling on pristine snow away from the crowds ski patrols and people considered heli-skiing. Snow avalanches and unexpected obstacles that arise in front of skiers are of great danger here. This also includes failures that are hidden under the snow cover, rocks in the snow and trees. One helicopter ride costs about $500 on average. Do not forget about the large amount of money for special equipment, which allows rescuers to quickly find athletes in the snowy rubble.

10. Base jumping

This sport involves skydiving from very low altitudes. Usually, these can be cliffs, rocks, buildings, antennas or towers. After the jump, the athlete has quite a bit of time to quickly put the body in the correct position in space and open the parachute. And even if the parachute opens, it is not a fact that the person is completely safe. because suddenly the wind can blow and slam you into a mountain or a wall. Between 5 and 15 people die every year while practicing this sport. Base jumping is even prohibited by law in some countries.

Video: Top 10 most extreme sports in the world