Top extreme. The most dangerous and shocking sports

Extreme is a spectacular and extraordinary activity. Therefore, it is not surprising that, following the US and European countries, a wave of popularity of extreme sports has swept over Russia.

Certain types of sports disciplines began to gain fans in the mid-1950s, and over time they were classified as extreme. Mandatory conditions for such sports: an increased edge of danger, a large number of complex tricks, the maximum release of adrenaline.

Extreme sports: list

  • Aquabike - the collective designation of the disciplines of the Navy (water-motor sport), which is characterized by racing on water scooters.
  • Mountaineering - the main goal is to conquer the peaks of the mountains, where natural obstacles are encountered on the way to them.
  • Base jumping is a recreation in which a parachute (special) is used to jump from an object that is fixed in one place.
  • BTSh - tractor distillation (take place only in the Russian Federation).
  • Boking - jogging and jumping on stilts with springs.
  • Wakeboarding combines water skiing and jumping. A wakeboard is a board that combines snowboarding, skateboarding and skiing.
  • Wingsuit is flying in a specific fabric device that is shaped like a wing.
  • Windsurfing - racing on wooden boards with a sail (Slalom). Swimming at speed (Speed) and performing tricks on large waves (Riding).
  • BMX (fast cycling) - races with a combination of various tricks using a bicycle.
  • Alpine skiing - downhill skiing.
  • Grafitty (bombing) - the essence of this sport is to quickly draw a picture with a spray can of paint, in hard-to-reach or dangerous places.
  • Diving - jumping and being in the underwater world with special equipment (scuba gear).
  • Hang gliding - soaring on a special aircraft, which is called a "hang glider".
  • Zorbing is a fast descent from a high slope with the help of a transparent ball.
  • Kitesurfing - movement through the cavity of the water with the help of a traction force created by a person and controlled by a kite (draft kite).
  • Canyoning - crossing or overcoming canyons from rivers. It does not use any means for swimming.
  • Kayaking - crossing or sailing on a ship for 1 person.
  • Longboarding - descent along the asphalt slope on an elongated board. This is more accelerated and plastic skating than with a skateboard.
  • Mountainboarding is a modified skateboard with larger wheels that allow you to move on any surface.
  • Mountain biking is a very dangerous descent from the mountain with the help of a special bike.
  • Paragliding - gliding with the help of updrafts, which give an increased air flow for the use of a paraglider.
  • Skydiving - jumping using a parachute, acrobatics under a dome, etc.
  • Rafting - swimming in a sports inflatable boat.
  • Roup Jumping - jumping from a high-lying object using a special rope for safety net.
  • Roofing - a quick climb to the roofs and heights of tall buildings, where hard-to-reach passages stand on the way to the goal. In this case, you can not use safety devices.
  • Surfing is riding a wave using special boards or cut fins.
  • Power Extreme - when a person performs power sets, they apply following items: cars, stones, wheelbarrows, etc.
  • Rock climbing - ascents and descents on natural or artificial terrain.
  • Skateboarding - performing various tricks with the help of a skateboard board.
  • Snowboarding - downhill skiing on the slopes of mountains covered with snow using a snowboard.
  • Snowkiting is the performance of sliding movements and tricks on ice or on snow, helping oneself to hold the kite.
  • Sandboarding - moving through the sandy terrain with the help of a snowboard. Most often, this is done in sand pits or on desert barkans.
  • Speleology - active view sports in which you need to go through hard-to-reach caves.
  • Stuntriding - riding and demonstrating tricks on motorcycles.
  • Trial is a kind of extreme entertainment related to overcoming various obstacles with the help of trucks, bicycles or motorcycles.
  • Free Boarding - descending from paved slopes using a freeboard.
  • Rollerblading - moving with roller skates and performing tricks.
  • Freeride - descending from natural hills and mountains on unprepared roads.
  • Parkour - fast overcoming and passing obstacles: fences, stairs, handrails, roofs of houses in urban areas.

The most extreme sports: an overview

At some point, even parachuting was extreme, because only people who did not know fear could jump from a height of 4000 m. Now you will not surprise anyone with this activity, because extreme entertainment is progressing, and even more dangerous types of hobbies have replaced skydiving.

  • Volcanoboarding. It has become out of fashion to buy snowboards and ride ski resorts. Now it's better to go to the volcanoes. And there to move out at an insane speed along the frozen magma.
  • Trainsurfing. The meaning of this sport is to catch on the go for the car of a passing train and climb onto the roof. This is an illegal and extremely dangerous activity, so think carefully before you tempt fate in this way.
  • Airkicking. This is a jump into the pool with the help of a special catapult, which is capable of throwing a person to a height of 8 m.
  • Walk by car through the dunes. This is moving along the highest dunes, while there is a great risk of falling off the cliff of the dune or turning over in a car.
  • Base jumping. These are jumps with a parachute folded behind your back from the highest points: bridges, rocks, roofs, etc.
  • Speedriding. This is a "mix" of paragliding and skiing. Thanks to the wing, you can ski down the slope at great speed.
  • Slacklining. To do this kind of extreme, you need hard ropes and height: openings between rocks, houses, etc.
  • Bull run. To get a double dose of the maximum allowable adrenaline, a person will be helped by running from an angry bull.
  • "Bird Man". With the help of a wing-suit, a person will be able to fly, and will fly from one rock to another without any problems. Max Speed such flights reaches about 180 km / h.
  • Sport of street sled. In order to get more extreme sensations, people changed to sleds and began their descents through the hills, which provides a fairly high speed and adrenaline rush.

Pros and cons of extreme sports


  1. Doing extreme sports, you:
  2. Get rid of the fear of heights and flying
  3. Become more confident
  4. You will attract attention
  5. Get rid of stress and aggression
  6. You will have an athletic and toned body
  7. Provide yourself with positive emotions and joy


  1. Permanent injuries
  2. Risk of serious injury with life-long consequences
  3. Expensive equipment
  4. High costs for moving to the desired area

Yet extreme sports are extremely important for human health and development. It helps to relax, avoid unnecessary negativity and express your "I". For some people, the search for adrenaline is the meaning of life. In any case, before joining the ranks of extreme sportsmen, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Exist big difference between traditional athletes-athletes and extreme sportsmen. The latter explore the limit of their own and universal human capabilities in order to step beyond it. To once again admire the people of this “special breed”, we have compiled a list of the 30 most outstanding athletes, breaking it down into six main categories: sky, snow, running, water, climbing and wheel sports.

  • Air and sky

Since after the Second World War, soldiers from the units of the Airborne Forces, using the remnants of equipment, began to parachute for fun, skydiving has become a full-fledged sport. It is constantly evolving and now there are already many modifications: basic skydiving, skydiving, BASE jumps.

Jeb Corliss - skydiver, baser. This BASE jumper became famous after he jumped from the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro. He was the first person to fly over the waterfall in a wingsuit, and in 2013 he jumped out of a helicopter in the same suit, securing the title of the most extreme wingsuiter.

Alexander Polly - baser. One of the most extreme BASE athletes, performing jumps that before him were considered technically impossible. The sportsman is originally from Norway. He also jumps in a wingsuit.

Felix Baumgartner - skydiver, baser. Austrian paratrooper. Known for setting the world record for skydiving - 39 km, 843.6 miles per hour and without auxiliary equipment was able to overcome the threshold of the speed of sound. Not so long ago, in collaboration with Red Bull Stratos, he jumped from the stratosphere - from a helium balloon, setting a record for taken height and speed in free fall.

Yves Rossy - pilot. The Swiss aviator and inventor flies the JetMan, a winged jetpack that he invented himself. He served as a fighter pilot in the Swiss Air Force and is known as the first person in the world to fly with a jet-powered wingsuit.

Luke Aikins - skydiver, parachutist. American, comes from a family of skydiving legends. He added three world records to the family piggy bank. Now a member of the Red Bull Air Force, Luke travels the world with the team, performing the most dizzying jumps.

Despite the fact that skiing is more than a traditional sport, extreme descents have become popular not so long ago. You can ski and snowboard different styles: this is freestyle, halfpipe, jibbing and so on. Usually athletes understand many areas, but choose one or two for themselves and concentrate on them.

Sean White - snowboarder, skateboarder. Possibly the world's most recognizable extreme sportsman. Won two gold Olympic medals, X-Games gold medalist. He became the first person to get a score of 100 on X-Games. Sean started snowboarding at the age of six, and received his first sponsorship contract at the age of seven. He performs mainly in the halfpipe.

Xavier De Le Rue ‒ Big Mountain snowboard dist. Played for France at the winter Olympic Games 2006. Twice gold medalist at the Snowboarding World Championship.

Jeremy Jones ‒ Big Mountain snowboard dist. This American is the most famous Big Mountain freeride master. Parents put Jeremy on skis at the age of three, at nine he already mastered the snowboard and has since managed to become a man who has moved out of high altitude. « Godfather» Freeride is a proponent of environmental protection, he often refuses to use helicopters and prefers independent trips.

Jean-Philippe Auclair - freestyle skier. This Canadian combined directing and skiing, won 1st place at Half Pipe Hill and US Open.

Tragically died during an avalanche in 2014 while filming in Chile.

Sean Palmer - skier, snowboarder. The California motocross master, punk rocker, is known as the father of many extreme sports. He designed his first snowboard at the age of 12, contributed to the development and popularization of this direction. Received many awards - winter X-Games, Gravity Games and others.

  • Running and Endurance Challenges

Extreme Athlete Runners Explore Possibilities human body, like no one else. They demonstrate that our potential has not yet been fully developed, pushing the limits of endurance in marathons, triathlons, skyrunning and other types of endurance running.

David Goggins - runner. An American Navy SEAL who served in Afghanistan began to run on long distances to raise funds for charitable support of the US Armed Forces. In 2004, he ran the San Diego Ultra 100 miles in 19 hours, despite never running a marathon before.

Killian Hornet Burgada - skyrunner. The Spanish alpine skier is known for his achievements in running at high altitudes. Three-time Skyrunner World Series champion. He broke the record for climbing and descending Mount McKinley in Alaska in 5 hours and 6 minutes. 2008 Skyrunner World Series Champion.

Lizzie Hawker - British endurance runner, broke several world records, including while at the base camp on Everest to Kathmandu. She is the recipient of the 2013 National Geographic Award. This is the first woman who was able to compete on equal terms with men in the endurance race.

Chrissy Wellington ‒ British professional swimmer, triathlete athlete, four-time Ironman Triathlon world champion. Despite her lack of professional training, she placed second in the 2006 New Zealand competition, which included cycling, running and kayaking. In 2007, I decided to focus entirely on swimming.

Dean Karnazes - Ultramarathon runner. The American athlete first became interested in running back in kindergarten, and at the age of 11 he was already hiking the Grand Canyon. Ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days, covered 350 miles without stopping to sleep or eat. Now he runs from 100 miles a week and sleeps 4-6 hours a night.

  • Water

Although people are land mammals, and water is not our native element, extreme species water sports call this fact into question. Surfers and swimmers prove that a person may well be born to dive and conquer the expanses of the ocean.

Laird Hamilton - big wave surfer. Initially, the California extreme athlete did not seek to participate in competitions, seeing more art than sport in conquering the waves. However, this did not prevent him from becoming "the best of the best" according to experts. He has surfed giant waves during Hurricane Marie and regularly tries his hand at waves from 70 feet, moving at speeds up to 50 miles per hour.

Diana Niad - American long-distance swimmer. First person to swim from Cuba to Florida without shark protection (2013). She swam from the Bahamas to Florida, several times she was able to go around the island of Manhattan.

Herbert Nitsch - freediver. An Austrian swimmer holds the freediving world record of 831 feet. Broke more than 30 world diving records, is known as the deepest diver on Earth.

William (Bill) Stone ‒ speleologist-extremely small. The American cave explorer has taken part in more than 40 international expeditions. He and his group set the world record for the deepest dive - 2624 feet. With funding, NASA is exploring the deepest places on the planet.

Keala Kennelly - big wave surfer. American athlete - 2007 X-Games gold medalist. Has been in the top 10 of the ASP World Tour Championship for 10 years.

  • Conquest of heights and mountaineering

Climbing is very demanding not only for physical, but also for psychological endurance. Balance, internal control, muscle strength - all this is very important for climbers who regularly risk their lives for the most incredible sensations and achievements.

Uli Stack - speed climber At the age of 17, he reached level 9 in difficulty, was named one of the top three climbers in the world. Uli made solo ascents of Annapurna and the Matterhorn. For his contribution to the development of mountaineering in 2010 he received the Karl Unterkircher award.

Alex Honnold - free style climber. The American rock climber is known for solo freestyle ascents to great heights. He began climbing at the age of 11, for the sake of sports he left the University of Berkeley. Broke several speed records.

Chris Sharma . This American is called the best climber in the world. Already at the age of 14, he won national competitions, and by now he has become the first conqueror of more than 20 most dangerous peaks.

Reinhold Messner - climber. The legendary Italian climber, the greatest climber in history, the first conqueror of Everest without additional oxygen support, the first climber to conquer all 14 eight-thousanders. He has written over 65 books.

Dean Potter - free style climber. The American is known for the most difficult ascents, speed records (in Yosemite and Patagonia). He began climbing in high school and even dropped out of the University of New Hampshire for the sport.

On May 16, 2015, Dean Potter and his partner Graham Hunt crashed while performing a jump in a wingsuit from a height of 2.3 thousand meters in Yosemite National Park.

  • Cycling and other wheel sports

One of the most popular extreme sports today is skateboarding, BMX, motocross and other varieties. The sphere is regularly updated with new enthusiasts who want to take risks and win.

Travis Pastrana ‒ American motocross champion who won several gold medals at X-Games (supercross, motocross, freestyle motocross ss, and so on). He received such injuries, after which, according to doctors, only three people survived. One of famous racers of all times.

Danny MacAskill - cyclist. The Scottish athlete is professionally engaged in street extreme racing. This is the first athlete whose tricks went viral on YouTube. One of famous videos- somersault from a tree in the park.

Mat Hoffman ‒ BMX rider. One of top athletes world in this type of competition. The American became the first rider to master the big ramps. During one of the jumps, he received a ruptured spleen and almost died. In 2005 he was elected president International Federation bmx.

Dave Mirra - BMX. The American athlete held the X-Games record for most medals until 2013, winning BMX Magazine and ESPN Action Sports Awards titles.

Danny Way - skateboarder. Holds the world speed skateboarding record, won his first competition at age 11. With a broken leg, he climbed the Great Wall of China, jumped onto a ramp from a helicopter, won several X-Games gold medals.

On their own initiative. In this case, he specifically puts himself in danger for the sole purpose of getting a dose of adrenaline into the blood. There is also the concept of "extreme sports".

Extreme - what is it?

Extreme is, as mentioned above, a way to raise the level of adrenaline in the blood, or, more simply, a way to tickle your nerves. In fact, any extreme actions pose an extreme danger to life, which is probably why they excite the blood for some people.

In general, extreme is an image of free time of a certain type of people, a way of their life.

The very word "extreme" - what is it? Translated from English, it means "extraordinary", "opposite" and "highest achievement", but not danger. It so happened that for some reason this word is used to refer to those sports that differ from those that have long been recognized. Olympic Committee and humanity.

About fear: who is engaged in extreme sports

Extreme activities are a hobby of brave, free and successful people. As a rule, young people just want to stand out, while adults take such sports more seriously and consciously.

Fear is necessarily present in most types of extreme sports. Often riders, parachutists, climbers, etc. answer journalists' questions about the presence of fear that it always exists. Otherwise, a person would part with what leads to a mistake, due to which you can get injured, or even lose your life.

Extreme in Russia and abroad

First of all, it occurs to an ordinary person that the word "extreme" is associated with the word "danger". Any reports and videos demonstrating sports achivments climbers, ski jumpers, rafters, etc. cause people not only to admire the courage of the heroes, but sometimes they even want to express themselves as follows: "Crazy!".

Russian extreme is still only on the periphery of people's consciousness. Although the advertisements use the images of skydivers, parkour masters, skiers and other extreme sportsmen, not many Russians can afford to get carried away with such sports.

A Russian person often in his subconscious denies everything that comes from abroad. In addition, many types dangerous sport- not a cheap pleasure at all, they require considerable financial investments in uniforms, equipment and the trips themselves.

In other countries, everything is simpler with this matter, so a huge number of people spend their free time from work in this way: skiing, scuba diving, rock climbing, just going to the mountains, etc. Russian extreme sports are developing in this regard, although lately, but lagging behind.

The most extreme Russian activity is river rafting. For many centuries, timber has been rafted along the great Russian rivers, and prospectors and geologists have tried to fight their fast and powerful waters. Officially, the sport of rafting appeared in Russia only in 1995.

Today it is one of the fastest developing species recreation of Russians on the water. This is due to the fact that the great country is surprisingly rich in beautiful, interesting and complex water routes.

extreme sports

Consider some of the dangerous sports: extreme on the water, in the air, in the mountains and in the desert.

1. Flyboarding(from English "fly" is translated as "flight", and "board" - as "board") - a way of entertainment for people who dream of learning to fly. takes place over water.

It uses a special water blower, a hose that supplies water and water jet boots. Hand stabilizers control flight and regulate the power of the water jet.

A show with several athletes is an amazing spectacle.

2. - riding on special boards on the slope of the volcano. The maximum speed of descent in this case reaches 80 kilometers per hour.

3.Parkour on a trampoline- these are not simple perfectly adjusted jumps, this is a special kind of certain tricks in the air and interaction with other external objects and various surfaces.

4. kite wing- an amazing universal projectile that allows you to move not only on land, but also on water, air and snowy mountain peaks.

Kitewing allows you to accelerate and get off the ground under the influence of the wind.

The world of extreme sports is diverse. ski surfing, kayaking, horseboarding, metrosurfing (hooking) and more. etc. - all this is extreme.


Everyone knows perfectly well that any extreme is dangerous, that such an activity can lead to any irreversible consequences. Any professional extreme sportsman who respects himself and everything that surrounds him will never allow himself to rush to perform this or that trick at breakneck speed. He prepares meticulously. People (spectators) see only a magnificent bold and clever finale, and the years long preparation and workouts remain behind the scenes ...

It is impossible to unambiguously define the word "extreme". What is a "challenge"? In each of the dangerous sports there is what is called this word. From English, this word means that a person challenges himself, in this way testing his strength and himself for strength. Can I...

Adrenaline or life

Extreme sports help a person to either relieve stress, or vice versa to get it. There are more and more extreme sports every year, and the army of its fans is also growing rapidly. Those sports that seemed extreme 20 years ago are now perceived as ordinary sports, for example, auto racing. Existing extreme sports also do not stand still and are constantly being improved.

Consider the most extreme sports today, where getting injured, maimed or simply losing your life is easy.

Let's jump, friends?

One of the most dangerous and, accordingly, extreme sports is base jumping(English) base jumping).

Title B.A.S.E. - an acronym for English words: building(house); Antenna(antenna); Span(floor, bridge); Earth(rock). Its "progenitor" is parachuting. However, unlike skydiving from aircraft, base jumps are made from drastically lower heights in the immediate vicinity of the object from which the jumper (jumper) is jumping, be it a rock, a building, a factory chimney or something else.

In the base, due to low altitudes, the falling speed when performing jumps very rarely reaches high rates, but the flight time is very short, which often makes it difficult to take the correct body position before opening the parachute.

Even with a prepared jump and sufficient experience, this sport is extremely dangerous, and in some countries it is completely prohibited by law. And attempts at independent BASE jumps without the appropriate equipment and skills definitely lead to death.

Running with obstacles

Another type of extreme sports associated with buildings and structures - parkour.

parkour (fr. parkour, distorted from parcours, parcours du combattant- distance, obstacle course).
Parkour is the art of moving and overcoming obstacles. The essence of parkour is movement and overcoming obstacles of various nature. Both existing architectural structures (railings, parapets, walls, etc.) and specially made structures (used during various events and competitions) can be considered as such.

Many practitioners perceive it as a lifestyle. Founded by a group of French (David Belle, Sebastian Foucan and others). It is currently actively practiced and developed by many associations and individuals in many countries.

Parkour is not much less dangerous than base jumping, as high buildings and spans between them are often chosen for this sport.

Skiing! Ski track?

Next on the list for injuries and deaths is heliskiing.

heli-ski (English) Heliskiing) - a kind of skiing, freeride, the essence of which is to descend along untouched snowy slopes, away from prepared tracks with an ascent to the beginning of the descent by helicopter. Using a helicopter for lifting allows you to find various options descents from the mountains in the conditions of primordial nature, untouched by the invasion of man, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

First, the helicopter takes you to the top of the mountain, and then you ski down these mountain slopes.
Off-piste routes allow you to experience inexpressible sensations - they are ten times more dangerous because of their unpredictability, and often complete impassability. But the skier, as they say, is already in flight...

Diving(English) diving from English. to dive- dive) - this is scuba diving with special equipment. AT English language where the word was taken from. diving simply means "diving", and is used to describe scuba diving with equipment (Eng. scuba diving) or without it free diving), diving business (eng. hooka diving) and - without adjectives - just jumping into the water.

Scuba diving requires the skills to deal with most diving problems, but even with those skills, it's easy to come face to face with a shark or electric ray, which is often the case with even the most experienced divers. And then, the outcome of events can be very sad.

Cave diving(cave diving, hydrospeleology) - a type of technical diving performed in caves.
This sport is much more dangerous and more difficult than ordinary simple diving. After all, in cave diving you will not be able to immediately surface, in case of danger or lack of oxygen.

In addition, cave diving is often hampered by darkness, narrow spaces and the opportunity to meet very unpleasant underwater inhabitants when you least expect it. There is also a hidden danger - this is silt. It is found in almost every cave system. Consisting of clay and decayed plants, it is able to completely deprive the diver of visibility. One wrong move with flippers or a hand - and the water, clear as air, becomes cloudy brown. In this state, it can remain for several days.
If the diver swam far into the labyrinths of caves, then there is every chance of not getting out of there alive.

Above the water

Following underwater sports are surface sports - surfing and wakeboarding.

First there was surfing. Moreover, surfers claim that surfing has always existed, as far as the ocean exists in general.
Surfing (from the English surfing - riding on the surface) is riding a wave using surfboards of various formats.

Everything about surfing is easy. I took a board, swam away, saw a wave 2-3 meters high, caught it and rolled on it like from a mountain. Only instead of a mountain, the wave itself. In addition to the board, wind and swimming trunks, nothing is needed at all.
It would seem that there could be dangerous? But everything is not so simple. After all, you need to find a bigger wave, climb it, and ride it.

This is where danger awaits in the form of a wave absorbing you, from under which it is already impossible to get out, or in the form of reefs that unexpectedly stand in the way of a surfer. Not to mention surfing near sharks.

Catch the wave!

And if the ocean is not nearby and is not expected? You can forget about surfing altogether.
It is quite logical that everyone wanted endless and fast boarding and it is not at all surprising that some daredevil once tied a cable to a boat and took a ride in tow. Judging by the fact that wakeboarding came out of all this tomfoolery, the brave feat was a success.]

Wakeboarding(often just a wake, from English. wakeboard: wake- ship wave, board- board) - one of the most actively developing aquatic species sports and recreation in the world. Wakeboarding can be compared to water skiing, with the only difference being that a wakeboarder not only rides behind a boat holding on to a rope, but also performs various tricks with the help of waves and springboards.

Today, special boats are used for wakeboarding, to which a special halyard with a special handle is attached to a special frame, and wakeboarders ride on special boards. These boards don't look like surfboards at all. Short and awkward-looking boards. But on high speed- what you need, especially considering that every wave from the boat is an ideal springboard for freestyle. A double somersault on a rope behind a boat is easy. By the way, the boat has a special ballast compartment for adjusting the displacement and, consequently, the size of the wave.

Now wakeboarding is practiced wherever there is a river, a large lake, the sea or the ocean. There are even covered "wakedromes" - pools, where instead of a boat there is a winch, and springboards are made of slippery soft material.
However, even soft springboards do not greatly alleviate the injury risk of this sport, because hitting the water at high speed is not as safe as it might seem.

How to ride through the air?

But a man would not be a man if he had not come up with the idea of ​​riding a board even in the air.
skysurfing- this is ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall - a relatively young type of parachuting.

Skysurfing appeared relatively recently, but has already received rapid development. A person who makes various figures in the air with a board (ski) is called a skier. The aerodynamics of a skier is very different from a simple free fall when skydiving, so ski jumping is considered almost a different sport. Since all work is done in free fall, an air operator is needed to evaluate the jump, who films the entire jump, and based on this video, an assessment is made.

A skydiver jumps with a board strapped to his feet. And "rolls" on it through the air, performing complex acrobatic elements. The board works like a wing, the movements of the legs control the rotation of the body in the air. The board in skysurfing allows the athlete to spin like a propeller, then stop abruptly and start spinning in a different plane. This is not the case in any sport.

This sport is little more dangerous than just skydiving. Indeed, in addition to the standard risks of a skydiver, such as an unopened parachute, tangled lines or a strong gust of wind, there are all the risks of breaking into some kind of peak and not getting out of it. Even with extremely experienced and skilled skydivers and skysurfers, extremely bad things happen.

When there is no ocean

Another dangerous sport is skateboarding, skateboarding, skateboarding (English skateboard, skate).

Skateboarding originated in America almost 50 years ago. Then the Californian surfers, who did not have enough ocean waves, invented a skateboard, that same board on wheels, as an analogue of a surfer board.
Skateboarding was brought to the Land of Soviets in the mid-80s of the last century. And our compatriots liked this kind of entertainment and sport. In stores, batches of skateboards of domestic and imported production were sold out in one day. And already in 1992, our country had its own skateboarding federation, the first competitions began to be held.

It would seem that there is nothing dangerous in this sport, if not for one "but". After all, a person cannot just ride a board, he begins to do various tricks on it.

As a result, skateboarding from its classic form has grown into several directions: vert (ramp riding), street (street skating), mini-ramp skating and pool skating (pool skating). Moreover, the first of these is the most difficult to execute.
And in these tricks lies an extremely high risk of injury.

If the head is not expensive

Another type of extreme skating is street lagging.

This extreme view sport was invented in California back in the 70s, however, the name was invented much later. Teenagers hit the road, lying on skateboards, and accelerating along the track next to the cars. In this case, you can slow down either with your feet ... or colliding with an obstacle or a car ... Sometimes, even protective helmets...

My climber, my climber...

No less dangerous than all of the above is rock climbing- a sport that came out of mountaineering.

Despite more than half a century of history in the development of rock climbing, the safety of the sport associated with climbing athletes vertical walls height is still questionable. Falling off cliffs can result in serious injury and death. But many climbers still believe that injury is just something that happens to others.

I pedal, I pedal

Another quite extreme sport - mountain bike.

A bicycle is such a thing that it is very good to ride downhill and very lazy to pedal uphill. But if you ride from a very steep mountain, then the bike may break. Or rather, he could, until a couple of inventors somewhere in California thought of putting motorcycle wheels on a bicycle first, and then a shock absorber. Who knew that their hobby - to ride a bike down an unkempt slope will gain worldwide popularity.

There are a huge number of types of mountain biking today, and unlike even snowboarding, all bikes are fundamentally different, although all mountain bikes.

Cross-country bikes are light and fast, but perform well on rough terrain. Cross-country shoes are just as light, but durable and ready to quickly rush down the mountain, pass sharp turns and fly 5 meters from the springboard to the receiver. Freeride full-suspension suspensions withstand a jump from a second floor or landing on a flight of stairs. Hardtails for street and dirt are lightweight and allow you to perform the most unthinkable aerial tricks. Trial "stock" with an ultra-low frame and without any hint of a saddle does not look like a bicycle at all. It's all mountain biking.

Alloy, Alloy!

Well, the last one, in ours is far from complete list extreme sports - rafting, rafting on stormy rivers with rapids.

Rafting - rafting on a raft raft- raft) - varieties of inflatable boats:
- on stormy, rapids rivers, rafts without a frame and oarlocks are used, and a canoe rowing method is used (single-bladed oar);
- for the transportation of expeditionary cargo in multi-day tours, rafts are used, reinforced with a stiffening frame with oarlocks for oars, and the swing rowing method is used. Also, tourists who are not able or unwilling to row canoe oars are often transported on rafts with swing oars. Rafts with oar oars are operated on rivers of any complexity category, up to the fifth.

Rafting is fundamentally different from other types water tourism both by the type of vessel on which the alloy is produced, and by ideology. Rafting can be both touristic, with minimal obstacles and risks, and sports, when the rivers and rapids are steep and dangerous. In any case, this sport can end in tears.

This list of dangerous sports goes on and on, there is no limit to perfection.

Alexander Ozerov,based on,,,

Base jumping is considered to be the most dangerous sport. The forerunner of base jumping is parachuting. But unlike its "progenitor", all jumps in base jumping are performed from small heights. Moreover, the objects from which the jumps are made are at a dangerous distance. Due to the low height of the jumps, the speed during execution is very high, and the time allotted for the flight is quite short. Therefore, many athletes are not always able to assume the correct body position before the parachute opens. This can happen even if the jumper has considerable experience in performing such elements. Therefore, base jumping can be considered an extremely dangerous activity. This also means that in a number of countries this sport is prohibited by law.

Next in the ranking of the most dangerous sports and the number of deaths from it is parkour. Parkour is considered to be the skillful overcoming of various obstacles, passing them at high speed. Walls, horizontal bars, parapets and other construction objects can act as barriers. When conducting parkour competitions, specialized structures for this sport are used. Those athletes who have been doing parkour for a long time believe that it is becoming a way of life for a person. In many countries, parkour is very popular and is regularly practiced. The danger of parkour is that often the most complex elements are performed at high altitudes.

The next sport in terms of its danger to human life is heliskiing. It is considered one of the types of skiing. Its essence lies in downhill on unused snow tracks. For such events, athletes are delivered specially by helicopter to the places of descent. Because there is no other way to get there. The descent along unused slopes gives athletes indescribable emotions, since such exits are much more dangerous than the usual ski route.

Underwater sport - diving is also considered quite dangerous In order for this sport not to pose a threat to life, it is necessary to have sufficient experience behind him that will allow the athlete to resolve all possible sudden difficulties as soon as possible. After all, while diving, you can easily encounter dangerous species underwater animals: electric stingray, jellyfish or small shark. Such an encounter can be very dangerous for a scuba diver.

Similar to diving and no less extreme sport is cave diving. Its meaning is to dive in order to explore water caves. This sport is more difficult than diving. If during diving to the caves the athlete does not have enough air, then it will simply not be possible for him to surface for the next portion of oxygen. Moreover, all movements under water will be constrained by narrow crevices of underwater caves, darkness and danger of meeting a marine life. Another hidden danger can be considered cave silt. It is the decomposed remains of clay and algae. With one awkward move, a cape diver can hit the silt and muddy the water. Moreover, the silt will go down to the bottom only after a few days, and before that, swimming in the water, it will deprive the athletes of visibility.