Will the horizontal bar and bars help to lose weight. There are four main types. Now let's try to figure it out

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Yes, wanting to lose weight and make our forms more fit, we think about the horizontal bar last. This simple sports tool can be called one of the least popular among girls and women, although it is with its help that you can achieve excellent results. The simplest horizontal bar will help strengthen the muscles of the chest and back, tighten the press and ass, lose extra centimeters in the abdomen, sides and hips. In addition, exercises on the horizontal bar are incredibly useful for the spine, and in general they will give you a toned figure and wonderful well-being. So, let's begin!

To begin with, of course, you will need to buy a Terra-sport horizontal bar or any other, choosing the most suitable model. Now, among the huge variety of sports equipment, this is not difficult to do. Or, perhaps you already have your own bar at home or in the yard. Then get excited and get started. After all, as with all natural methods of losing weight (without harm to the body) and sports activities, the result from classes on the horizontal bar will appear after a while. And do not be afraid that your muscles will become pumped, with a horizontal bar your figure will be taut, but will never lose its femininity.

Hanging on the horizontal bar for warm-up

Start your workout with a simple hang on the horizontal bar. Grabbing the bar, hang on it for 10-15 seconds in 5 sets, the intervals between which should not last longer than a minute. In the future, the load can be increased by extending the time intervals during the hang and reducing the rest time. This exercise will help not only stretch the muscles and spine, but also give an attractive toned chest shape.

Rocking on the horizontal bar

Hanging on the horizontal bar, begin to swing back and forth. Having reached the farthest front point, arch your back slightly, bring your shoulder blades together, tighten your buttocks. Repeat the exercise 5 sets of 10 times (swings). It will help strengthen the back muscles, tighten the buttocks and lower abs.

Body turns on the horizontal bar

Hanging on the horizontal bar, turn the torso to the right and left as far as possible. Do 4-5 sets of 10 reps. This exercise will help to remove the sides and tighten the muscles of the oblique press.

Exercise for the press, legs and buttocks

Hanging on the horizontal bar, pull your knees to your chest. Repeat this exercise as many times and sets as you can. After all, for effective workout the abdominal muscles need to be pumped to failure. To give a load on the muscles of the oblique press and side, raise your knees, alternately trying to reach either the right or the left shoulder. At the end of the exercise, you can raise your legs in front of you and try to keep them parallel to the ground for as long as possible. Later, to increase the load, you can raise straight legs.

Exercise for the muscles of the arms and chest

These are, of course, the well-known pull-ups. Grasping the horizontal bar shoulder-width apart, try to slowly pull yourself up, touching the crossbar with your chin. At the highest point, linger for 2-3 seconds, then slowly return to starting position. If you're not fit enough for pull-ups, train regularly, increase your load, and try to learn how to pull up as soon as possible.

Remember! In no case is it recommended to jump off the horizontal bar, because in this way you can harm the spine (even if it seems to you that the horizontal bar is not high at all).

In an effort to tighten the figure and get rid of excess, we rarely think about exercises on the horizontal bar for weight loss. Sports equipment is considered one of the least popular among women and girls, but it helps to achieve good results.

Exercises for flat stomach on the horizontal bar they help to work out the press, buttocks, back, chest and arms. Also, classes are useful for posture and improve the overall well-being of the trainee.

Where to start training on the horizontal bar for weight loss?

To perform the exercise on the horizontal bar for weight loss, you only need a crossbar and desire. There is a shell in any yard, and you can also install it in an apartment. Before training, you need to do a number of things:

  • determine the desired type of figure;
  • work out the diet, reducing the amount of carbohydrates;
  • plan workouts 5 times a week and several times a day.

Horizontal bar for weight loss in the waist and abdomen

Before work, be sure to warm up, focusing on lumbar: tilts and turns of the torso, different movements of the arms and head. The first and simplest exercise on the horizontal bar for weight loss is the usual hanging, which trains the chest.

Having mastered the hang, go to the turns of the torso in different directions alternately. The exercise works on the sides, where the oblique muscles are located. Start development lower press while swinging left and right. Do 5-8 repetitions in each direction and gradually increase the load.

Further, you can complicate the task by starting to make a corner: from a hanging position, pull up the bent lower limbs to the chest and fix the position. Gradually begin to straighten your legs until you can keep them perfectly straight.

A bicycle and scissors on the bar work out the hips, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen. A good result is given by an exercise for a flat stomach on a horizontal bar called "tic-tac". Hang from the bar, raise your legs 45 degrees off the ground or higher, and begin to swing them left and right while controlling your breathing.

Exercises on the horizontal bar for weight loss of arms, back

In the previous exercises on the horizontal bar for weight loss, all of the listed muscle groups work, but the emphasis is on the press, hips and buttocks. To shift the load on upper part bodies need to perform traditional pull-ups.

Grasp the bar shoulder-width apart and begin to reach up until your chin touches. In the upper position, linger for 1-2 seconds and slowly lower to the starting position. If your fitness is too weak for pull-ups, continue to train by helping yourself with your legs. Increase the load, and you will soon learn how to perform the exercise properly.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are gaining more and more popularity every year. Such training helps common development bodies, do not take too much time, and are also available to everyone.

Among other things, exercises on the horizontal bar are, in most cases, exercises with their own weight, which is very popular with many amateurs and professionals.
Almost everyone can do simple pull-ups on this sports equipment. But the question is that many do the exercise incorrectly, which not only nullifies the benefits of the exercise, but also runs the risk of injury.

Now let's try to figure everything out. We will learn how to perform the exercises correctly and safely, as well as what programs to use in order to achieve the maximum result in the shortest possible time.


Before doing any exercise, you need to know the basic rules. Beginners often face a similar problem, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

First, let's figure out which muscles are involved when doing exercises on the crossbar:

  • The muscles of the back (the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, round and trapezoid). It should be noted right away that these muscles are most susceptible to injury when using the wrong technique.
  • Triceps rear delta and biceps.
  • Small and large muscles of the chest.
  • Serratus anterior muscles.

Now, understanding which muscles are involved in the process, we turn to the description of the correct technique.

Proper breathing

Breathing is very important, because the quality of the exercises largely depends on it. Now let's try to figure it out.

Many, even people who understand sports, make a very gross mistake when doing pull-ups after exhaling air from the lungs. This is not strange, because most exercises are done that way. But here the situation is a little different.

Before pulling up, it is necessary to gain full lungs of oxygen, and then hold it until the body is fully raised. When pulling up with full lungs, the back muscles are located as wide as possible, and they, as it were, push the person up.

It is also important to remember that you should not squirm on the horizontal bar with everyone. possible ways holding your breath to perform a "full" pull-up. This will not only be of little use, but will undoubtedly cause severe pain in the spine.

Types of grips

Next no less main part preparation - grip. Grips are distinguished by 2 criteria. The first - is the distance between the arms.

  • Narrow grip. The distance between the arms is much narrower than the width of the shoulders.
  • Average grip. The distance between the arms is equal to the width of the shoulders.
  • Wide grip. The distance between the arms is much greater than the width of the shoulders.

And if everything is quite simple and clear here, then with the second classification ( depending on capture) may be difficult.

Having dealt with the basic concepts, consider general rules to be performed by each athlete:

  • The performer of the exercise must fully control his body (do not sway).
  • Raising and lowering the body should be smooth, without jerks.
  • When performed correctly, at the moment of maximum lifting of the body, the chin should be above the level of the crossbar.
  • The athlete's body should be straight, with a slightly arched back.

Training programs

Now, knowing how to perform the exercises correctly, you can move on to training. It’s worth downloading right away that you shouldn’t run to the horizontal bar and squeeze the maximum out of yourself. An unprepared body can not withstand serious stress.

Before you begin to perform the exercises, you must select the appropriate program. This will not only avoid injuries, but also help to gain a better physical form in the shortest possible time.
To understand sample diagram, which you need to work on, let's look at a simple table.


So, it is worth immediately clarifying that here are average data that may not correspond to the capabilities of a particular person. The main thing here is the system. For example, if an athletic and pumped-up person wants to squeeze the maximum on the horizontal bar, then perhaps he should multiply each indicator several times. Or vice versa - reduce. It is important to understand that the main thing is the execution system.

It is worth noting that not everyone will be able to immediately understand which option to choose and how much to multiply repetitions. In such cases, it is worth choosing the middle option, as indicated in the table.

A serious mistake is the situation when a person tries to give out his maximum on the first day. In such cases, on next workout, he will not be able to do half of what he did on the first day due to muscle pain. Thus, the system, which is above all, will be violated.

It is worth mentioning the pain in the muscles. Do not worry, because this process is absolutely normal. Each person's pain can be different, someone may hardly notice them, and the other will not be able to raise his hands the next day. You should not immediately run to the doctor, you just need to reconsider the load. To minimize pain and discomfort, after training, you can take a hot bath, or go to the bath.


Yes, yes, it’s worth saying that the horizontal bar is not only a sports equipment for pull-ups. Unfortunately, many do not even know about it. Now let's try to figure out what other exercises can be done on the crossbar. Some of them are not only useful for physical health but they also look very nice.

Before understanding everything, we will divide all the exercises into two types: for beginners and for experienced ones.

Professionals you can also name people who know how to properly perform pull-ups, and pulling up a dozen times, it is not difficult for them.

For beginners

As strange as it may sound, it’s worth starting with regular pull-ups. Many experts recommend doing each approach with a different grip. The sequence is:

  • 1 approach - wide grip;
  • 2 approach - medium grip;
  • 3 approach - narrow grip;
  • 4 and 5 - individually, if possible by the athlete.

This information is not mandatory, however, by changing grips, the athlete uses all the muscles, which develops his body more fully and proportionately, preparing for more serious loads in the future.

A common mistake of beginners is the desire to seriously engage in daily activities. It is worth saying that this is quite difficult and often not justified. Muscles should rest, so if a person is just starting to exercise, it is advisable to perform exercises at intervals, at least every other day (better - we do a day, 2 rest).

Many will now be indignant that in this case the result will not be soon. But do not forget that on rest days no one canceled others sports equipment, such as dumbbells, and . On them, most of the load goes to other muscle groups, which allows you to relax and not lose shape.

Summing up, it is worth saying that for a beginner, the main thing is to get into the rhythm. Often it is difficult because of the desire to do more. But we must remember that classes should bring pleasure, not suffering.

For experienced

Now let's move on to people who are not familiar with the horizontal bar for the first day. It’s worth saying right away that most of those who regularly practice themselves know and understand what exercise and when to do it. This is probably one of the main signs of experience. However, some good advice can be given to such people.

First of all, this exercises on the horizontal bar different grips . You can often meet a person who is proud of the fact that he can do several dozen pull-ups. But when you ask him to do at least a little in a special way (for example, with a cross grip), he is simply lost.

The fact is that it is worth mastering each grip, because this will allow you to develop all muscle groups, and most importantly, it will give them greater elasticity.

The second tip would be - training of various exits on the horizontal bar. There are dozens of them. Some are extremely easy to make, and some are worth learning for more than one day. In addition to beauty, such exercises develop good flexibility, as well as the ability to withstand long-term static loads, which many “turnstiles” lack.

Nutrition during the exercises on the horizontal bar

The first and foremost rule is to drink plenty of fluids. And the liquid is plain water. Yes, yes, it is right to work and maintain balance.

Now let's try to figure it out point by point:

  • Squirrels. It is necessary to consume 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight.
  • Carbohydrates. Approximately 7 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight.
  • Fats. 1 gram of fat per 1 kg of body weight.

But you should not be very strict about these indicators, because each organism is individual. Such a scheme may undergo minor changes. But you need to know that a large amount of carbohydrates can lead to fat storage, which is not very good for health.

Summing up everything written above, it is worth saying that the exercises on the horizontal bar are very useful and allow you to maintain good physical shape. Nevertheless, do not forget that there are other sports equipment that will help develop muscles and general physical condition.

Hello! Today we have a very interesting topic. Finally, we will find out who is the coolest pepper in the yard. Which is better, a rocking chair or horizontal bars?

On this topic, I was prompted by numerous questions in the mail about whether it is possible to get pumped up by doing horizontal bars and parallel bars without going to the gym.

To answer these questions, I have to repeat the same things about the principle of specificity in sports, about high volume training, nutrition, etc. Let's take it in order.

So, we need to answer the questions, what is bodybuilding (rocking chair) and what is street workout (horizontal bars)? But first, let's look at what training is in principle.

What is training

training is the directed development of certain qualities or skills.

SKILLS and QUALITIES are two different things.

  • QUALITIES- these are mainly physiological achievements (speed, strength, endurance, performance, etc.);
  • SKILLS are mainly achievements of the central nervous system(balance, balance, performance of certain movements, etc.);

The more complex movements you need to perform, the more you need to develop the neuromuscular connection.

The same person can easily do 40 pull-ups on the bar, but not be able to flag or walk on their hands. Because in order to learn how to pull yourself up, you need to mainly develop the physiological component (STRENGTH QUALITIES), and to learn how to walk on your hands, the neuromuscular component (BALANCING SKILL).


If you raise the barbell to the biceps, then not only your muscles become stronger (muscle performance is a QUALITY), but also your brain is constantly looking for a way to make this movement more economical for your body, therefore it improves the SKILL to lift the barbell more efficiently.

Shortly speaking, BODYBUILDING puts more emphasis on QUALITIES, while street workout puts more emphasis on SKILLS, because more complex movements are used there (coups, change of grips, etc.). In this regard, comparing them is a real nonsense.

I must say that the training includes not only the fact that you swing your biceps, but also the training of holding your breath, stretching to the twine, even getting calluses on your hands. It's all about body training. THE BODY ADAPTS TO EXTERNAL INFLUENCE! Even when you sunbathe, your body learns to better withstand the sun's rays, with the help of the production of MELANIN. Due to it, by the way, our body acquires such a dark shade (tan).

The body is always trying to adapt and reduce energy costs, so we will narrow the circle only to training MUSCULAR qualities and skills, because. that's what these sports focus on.

strength training

Training is of two types:

  1. Aerobic(lots of air) which trains endurance.
  2. Anaerobic(almost no air), which trains strength.

Therefore, we need to train mainly in the ANAEROBIC MODE. You can't run in both directions at the same time.

Differently directed by the nature of the load give an average, unexpressed result.

You have to focus on developing some specific muscle quality! To put it even more simply, then: if you want to become a champion in running on long distances prepare to be weak if you want to be a champion weightlifting, then get ready to be with very poor stamina.

You can train strength and endurance at the same time. For example, in all types of martial arts they do this, but it will NOT work to achieve the MAXIMUM in the development of each muscle quality, because. firstly, each muscle quality requires its own own kind ENERGY SUPPLY, and secondly, the involvement of DIFFERENT MUSCLE FIBERS.

The stronger the muscle fiber becomes, the more and faster it spends energy, so it becomes less enduring (not adapted for long work). And vice versa.

This is important because this involves different muscle fibers (fast or slow). And for different muscle fibers needed different style training and DIFFERENT NUMBER OF REPETITIONS.

Required number of repetitions

Each muscle quality is trained in a certain number of repetitions. The difference is only in the size of the load. The size of the load is measured either by WEIGHT or by the NUMBER OF REPETITIONS in an exercise with weight.

A bodybuilder will yell about WEIGHT, and a turntable will shout about NUMBER OF REPETITIONS. This is not surprising. Everyone throws firewood in his fireplace and pulls the blanket over himself.

The difference is that each of them trains DIFFERENT MUSCLE QUALITIES! The bodybuilder is training the ability to endure high volume training, and the turnstile strength endurance. All this is reflected in the number of repetitions.

Muscular qualities

AT different types sports require completely different muscle qualities. The body adapts to a particular type of load, and develops the necessary structures and methods of energy supply.

It is NOT PROFITABLE to develop everything at once, because it requires a LOT of energy, so we need to stick to the principle of specificity in sports. WHAT WE TRAIN IS WHAT WE GET.

  • Weightlifting- the athlete is VERY STRONG, but only in one repetition. The movements are very fast, EXPLOSIVE. Rep range: 2-4. REST MUCH between sets (3-5 minutes). Moderate number of working approaches. NO ENDURANCE!
  • Powerlifting- an athlete STRONG IN ONE REPEAT and MODERATE-STRONG IN MULTIPLE REPEATS. The movements are very slow to demonstrate MAXIMUM strength. Rep range: 3-8. Rest for a very long time between sets: 3-5, sometimes 7 minutes. Few approaches. Endurance, just no!
  • Body-building– MODERATELY STRONG, BUT IN SEVERAL REPEATS. average speed performing movements. Rep range: usually 6-12, REST LITTLE between sets! So many approaches and exercises! Endurance at an average level (better than that of weightlifters and powerlifters).
  • Turnikman (street workout)– Low strength, but HIGH STRENGTH ENDURANCE! Rep range: 10 and up, i.e. VERY TALL! Moderately FAST. Little rest between sets. There are quite a few approaches. Endurance is higher than that of bodybuilders, weightlifters and powerlifters.
  • crossfit- Low power. INCREDIBLE POWER ENDURANCE in high reps. VERY FAST! Rep Range: Lots of reps in a circle. DOES NOT REST BETWEEN APPROACHES! Lots of approaches. Endurance is the HIGHEST!

Well? Which one is better? What tastes better, condensed milk or honey? Funny? But it turns out that all these disputes about what is better, etc. this is purely a matter of internal prejudice! Whoever likes it, then trains!

Someone likes to pull himself up like crazy, surprising others in the yard with records, and someone likes to press huge weights so that the bar of the bar bends. And someone doesn’t give a damn about all this garbage at all and he only trains his liver to process ever larger doses of alcohol every day. Nothing to argue about, my friends.

Overhead, the weightlifter will squeeze the most, and the powerlifter will sit down and shake the most from the chest. The bodybuilder has the highest performance, because. he can work with moderate weights for very long periods with minimal rest between sets. The turnikman will take and pull himself up as many times as no one dreamed of power sports, and the CrossFitter will be able, like crazy, to show very long endurance with small weights, without resting at all.

And how can you argue which one is better? Who trained what, he got it.

Chips of bodybuilding and street workout

Each of these sports has its advantages and disadvantages, here are the main ones.


Bodybuilding is in question, because. the turnstile can easily demonstrate his achievements on the street. Features of bodybuilding are transformations in appearance, i.e. a bodybuilder can only demonstrate his BODY, because. to show what he can, he will need a gym + 1-1.5 hours of time.


Here you can argue, because. it's not entirely clear. The turnstile can turn the sun on the crossbar, or a number of other elements with the help of bars and street stray. And the bodybuilder does not need to show anything, because. you can see it all at once. You can see how he worked in the hall and recovered from it.

Absolutely everyone wants to have a beautiful, inflated body, no matter what anyone says. This is me talking about horizontal bars and pumping up the body. Bodybuilding is better suited for this, because. this is its main point, but if you want more functionality, then street workout will be better in this regard. You will be able to show what you have learned right on the street.

Sports of high achievements

In fact, both sports are a big question here. In bodybuilding, there are professional athletes, contracts, and, accordingly, grandmas. There is no street workout. To be honest, any professional gymnast can do much more than any turnstile. So bodybuilding is professional sports, and the workout is amateur.

But let's think about it, is bodybuilding a sport at all? There are no absolutely clear criteria here, no struggle for kilometers, seconds, elements, balance or accuracy. Bodybuilding is a rather specific beauty contest, in which the judging is rather subjective.

That is why, despite the fact that there are plenty of professionals in bodybuilding, it is still not an Olympic one.


To start pumping iron, you will need to at least buy a gym membership or, at worst, buy two collapsible dumbbells for home, which by the way will not always be cheaper. You will also have to spend quite a bit on food. In short, it will require a financial investment.

If you decide to start doing workout, then you will not need to spend money at all! All you need is your desire, so for beginners, this is it.


Professional bodybuilding is unthinkable without pharmaceuticals. This factor can be a minus for bodybuilding and a plus for workout, although, in fact, it is not a fact that workout representatives do not use pharmacology. The difference is only in the dosage. The goals of turnstiles are completely different, so there is less pharmacology there.

So, now I will give you a series of recommendations on how to pump up on the horizontal bar. I want you to understand that if your goal is BIG MUSCLES, then bodybuilding is more suitable for this, but for a start, street workout will be a very good alternative.

Mad Desire

I have already mentioned more than once that some people have crazy desire(I want, and, therefore, I will achieve it!) to achieve something, while others only positive attitude towards the situation(it would not be bad, well, maybe, etc.).

In order to pump big muscles you need to have a CRAZY DESIRE! You really need to want it. It is necessary to endure restrictions, endure burdens, learn etc. Otherwise, nothing will work.

I have always said that if a person really wants something, then he achieves it! He tries again and again until he gets what he wants.

Street workout can help you with this. You don't need any cash investment initial stage. All you need is YOUR WILL!

Body adaptation

It must be remembered that the body ALWAYS STRIVES FOR BALANCE. Therefore, it adapts to external influences.

Beginners very often mistakenly believe that if they pump "bitsuha" more often, then it will grow faster. This is mistake.

You see, before mindlessly lifting weights, you need to learn .

It takes several months to work with very small weights to get a feel for how the muscles work.

This is necessary so as not to disrupt the regenerative abilities of your body on the one hand and so that the body learns to use energy more efficiently to reduce muscle structures.

Just at this moment, at the beginning of training, STREET WORKOUT can become a very good base. It will help you develop STRENGTH ENDURANCE, firstly, and not overtrain your body, secondly.

How to pump up the muscles of the turnstile

So, in order for us to practice on the horizontal bar and parallel bars, i.e. street workout, but in order for our muscles to grow, you need to follow a few mandatory rules:

  • Weight training;
  • Fractional nutrition;
  • Sleep 8-10 hours;
  • Lack of cardio loads;

WEIGHT TRAINING it will be possible to connect after you have worked with your weight for 1-2 months. So you will establish a neuromuscular connection and understand how the muscles need to be reduced.

The load should increase, but the number of repetitions should be "BODYBUILDING", i.e. 6-12! should occur exactly in this range (10-30 seconds after the start of the approach).

Do you understand? Those. we sort of work out on the street, but we train like bodybuilders, because it is in this mode (high volume) that the muscles grow best.

Example: you pulled yourself up with your weight for 1-2 months, but you can easily pull up 12-15 times. What to do? Now you can turn on load progression! Take, for example, a narrow belt (you can buy it at any military store, we wore it in the army) and hang an ordinary bag with a water bottle on it. Your reps will drop to 6-8. When you get back to 12 reps, pop the second bottle into the bag and your reps will drop to 6-8 again. Do you understand? THE LOAD MUST GROW, otherwise the muscles will not make sense to increase.

FRACTIONAL NUTRITION not less important. I would say that this is half the success in the iron sport and muscle growth. To build big muscles, you need something to build from! Therefore, you need to eat more often, but in small portions.

When you eat little and often:

  • Accelerates your metabolism );
  • The stomach does not stretch, and accordingly the waist remains narrow (purely aesthetic moment: narrow waist + broad shoulders and back);

You get more calories, and accordingly your body enters the ANABOLISM (growth) phase more easily.

If you eat little, then the body will not think about how to grow muscles for itself to insure against the load, it will think how not to die!

Approximate diet for growth muscle mass:

  • Meat (any), chicken, fish about 500 g per day
  • Milk (about 300-500 g), eggs (6-10 pcs), cottage cheese (200 g), kefir (300 g), you can protein.
  • Rice, buckwheat, vegetables (fresh, boiled, etc.) about 500 g
  • Drink lots of water! I spoke about this . In training and throughout the day! At least 2 liters per day! Remember the minimum! Buy yourself a shaker (250-500 rubles). Pour water into it and drink at school, at home, at training. Everywhere! The bigger, the better! There is not much water.
  • Multivitamins, Omega-3.

The diet is approximate, so that there are no questions! It is designed for an athlete weighing 80-85 kg. You first need to just start eating more, and then monitor the calorie content. Remember, if nutrition is not enough, then there will be NO MUSCLE GROWTH!

SLEEP 8-10 HOURS! During sleep, anabolic hormones are produced. 2 hours after you fall asleep, the body has a PEAK OF SOMATOTROPIN (growth hormone), and 2 hours before the rise (about 6 hours of sleep) PEAK OF TESTOSTERONE! Now you understand why guys have a boner in the morning? >:D But seriously, without proper sleep, building muscle mass is almost impossible.

NO CARDIO LOADS . Also an important point. Cardio load not only burns fat well, but also muscle tissue, so exclude running, cycling, swimming at the time of muscle building. This will speed up progress. Do not try to keep up with two hares.

Training program for the turnstile

I hope you understand that this will only be a program to prepare your body for the next heavy load in the gym. This will be more effective in terms of progress in the growth of muscle mass. First, (3-6 months) you do this program, and then go to the gym!

THIS IS NOT A SPLIT WORKOUT, because there is no splitting of the body into parts. Do this program 3 times a week (each time the same program), every other day or two. If you have the opportunity to train your legs with dumbbells or a barbell, then GREAT! Progress will go faster. You can replace one workout per week with a leg workout (I will give a program for them after the main program).

So let's get started:

  1. Pull-ups with a direct grip (arms wide): 4-5 x to failure
  2. Push-ups on wide bars (elbows to the sides): 3-4 x to failure(after 2 months with weights for 6-12 repetitions).
  3. Pushups: 3-4 x to failure(after 2 months with weights for 6-12 repetitions).
  4. Push-ups on narrow bars (elbows parallel): 3-4 x to failure(after 2 months with weights for 6-12 repetitions).
  5. Pull-ups reverse grip for biceps (hands narrow): 3-4 x to failure(after 2 months with weights for 6-12 repetitions).
  6. Twisting on the press: 3-4 x to failure.

Pull-ups are great for the back, and pull-ups are a concentrated workout for the biceps.

Push-ups on the uneven bars (elbows to the sides) and push-ups from the floor work out the pectoral muscles and triceps, because. it is a breast synergist.

Twisting works the abdominal muscles.

Thus, almost our entire torso receives an excellent load.

The program is not perfect, because we don’t work on the legs in it, and SQUATS IS THE BEST EXERCISE FOR GROWTH OF MUSCLE MASS in general. But it is perfect for a beginner rocker, who, for example, does not yet have the opportunity to go to the gym.

If you still have the opportunity to train your legs, then replace one of three workouts a week for a leg workout! Below sample program leg workouts (for beginners and advanced). It all depends on your inventory (barbell, dumbbells, exercise equipment) and the level of fitness.

Advanced: ". Everything is simple, competent, on the shelves and, most importantly, FREE OF CHARGE! Download and apply. Even a child will understand.


The article, of course, turned out much more than I expected, but, as they say, you can’t erase the words from the song. Everything that I told you about today, I consider VERY IMPORTANT and the most important thing for me, it will throw off a flurry of many similar questions. Is it possible to pump up on the horizontal bar? CAN! Will the effect be the same as from the gym? NO! But for starters, this is a great option.

Some conclusions:

  • Bodybuilding and workout is strength training(anaerobic).
  • Both sports are BEAUTIFUL IN THEIR WAY! The difference is only in the internal prejudices of athletes and the muscle qualities trained during training. Each sport has its own disadvantages and advantages, I have listed them in the article.
  • To pump up big muscles, first of all, you need to have a CRAZY DESIRE! And the ways of implementation are the second matter. You can start with a workout or from the gym. If you have a desire, you will find opportunities.
  • To pump up muscles on the horizontal bar, you need to use street workout equipment (horizontal bar, parallel bars, etc.), and the load should be “bodybuilding”.

No matter how you train, no matter who you are, a weightlifter, a bodybuilder, a turnstile or a person who practices martial arts, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you strive for development, make yourself and the world around you better, become stronger. No need to arrange delusional wars to find out who has a longer horizontal bar or dumbbells more.

Everyone who is related to sports is one big family moving the planet forward.

P. S. . All the best.

With respect and best wishes, !

There is a myth that there are exercises on the horizontal bar for all muscle groups. In fact this is not true. The truth is that many muscles function during exercise on the horizontal bar, but some do not strain at all. In order for training on the crossbar to be effective, it is necessary to understand which parts of the body take on an increased load, and which ones “remain on the sidelines”.

Benefits of training on the horizontal bar

Due to classes on the crossbar, you can a short time pump the muscles of the arms, chest, shoulders, back and press, having achieved the first results in a month. The main advantages of training on the horizontal bar:

  • strengthening the spinal column;
  • increase in growth;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • prevention of diseases caused by circulatory disorders and so on.

Such results can be achieved only if you practice on an ongoing basis.

On a note! It is strictly forbidden to jump off the horizontal bar abruptly, as this can lead to injury.

Tunic exercises are useful not only for adults, but also for children who are developing posture. By strengthening your back, you can avoid scoliosis and other problems associated with curvature of the spine in the future. For men, training on the horizontal bar helps to become stronger, build muscle and make appearance more attractive to the opposite sex. For women, such exercises are also useful because they can strengthen the chest.

The horizontal bar is designed for pull-ups, but they can be performed different ways, exerting a load on certain muscle groups. And you don't have to visit gym, you can do it at home, if you install the crossbar and draw up a training program correctly. In addition to pull-ups, there are other exercises on the horizontal bar.

By changing the intensity of the load while pulling up on the horizontal bar, you can work out specific zones. A wide grip helps to quickly pump your back. Narrow and medium grip forces the muscles of the chest, shoulders and arms to work. When training on a thick crossbar, the load is stronger than during training on a thin horizontal bar.

On a note! Before you start pulling up, you need to warm up the muscles. The ideal option to warm up is a light run.

When performing pull-ups and other exercises on the horizontal bar, it is important to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • movements should be smooth;
  • it is desirable to do exercises measuredly, using muscle strength;
  • when performing exercises on the horizontal bar, technique should be controlled in order to avoid injuries - part of the load is transferred to the joints, improper technique can lead to stretching, tearing or bruising.

The final result of the training depends on compliance with all the rules.

For hands

Any exercise performed on the horizontal bar develops the muscles of the hands. However, there are some that provide maximum load to the upper limbs. To difficult exercises belongs to pulling up on one arm.

To perform a one-arm pull-up, you need to do the following:

  1. Grab the bar with both hands using a reverse grip. Pull yourself up so that your chin is at the level of the crossbar.
  2. Lower one hand and grab it by the other at the wrist. Lower slowly.
  3. Run similar exercise, using the other hand to pull up.

For beginners, one-arm pull-ups are difficult, so it’s best to do more first. simple exercises and then move on to challenging workouts.

For biceps

Exercises for biceps on the horizontal bar are done as follows:

  1. Grab the bar with a reverse grip, place the brushes next to each other. Bend your back.
  2. Pull yourself up, pulling your shoulders back and bringing your shoulder blades together. The pectoral muscles should touch the horizontal bar, arch your back more (as in the photo).
  3. Lower slowly.

This exercise will help to make the biceps embossed, but for this you must follow the correct technique.

For triceps

Triceps exercise is done as follows:

  1. Grab the bar so that one fist is in front of the other.
  2. Raise the body to the horizontal bar, alternately moving the head to the right and left.
  3. After each rise, slowly lower.

The position of the hands must be changed between sets.

For pectoral muscles

To effectively work out the muscles of the chest, it is recommended to perform exercises narrow grip. Do classic pull-ups, holding the crossbar with a direct grip. It is important to monitor your own breathing. On the rise, inhale, and when lowering, exhale. Breathing through the nose, it is necessary to control its rhythm so that it does not go astray. In addition, the pull-up technique for working out pectoral muscles is considered correct if the exercise is performed smoothly. Sudden movements during training are unacceptable, although they are easier to make. It is desirable to spend as much time on the ascent as on the descent.

For reference! For beginners, it is better to pay the most attention to the quality of the pull-up, and not the number of repetitions. In the future, when the technique is worked out to automatism, the number of repetitions can be gradually increased.

There is another effective horizontal bar exercise that helps to pump up the pectoral muscles:

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar, holding the crossbar with a direct or reverse grip.
  2. Bend your knees.
  3. Reach your right knee to your left shoulder, then your left knee to your right shoulder.

Thus, by alternately engaging one or the other leg in work, you can quickly pump up the chest muscles on the horizontal bar.

For shoulders

The horizontal bar training program includes pull-ups, which help to make the shoulders wider and more developed. To make them, you need the following:

  1. Grab the bar with an overhand grip, with your hands next to each other.
  2. Bending in your back, pull yourself up to the horizontal bar so that the crossbar is at chest level.
  3. Lower slowly.

For the back

The most effective back exercise that can be done on the bar is the chest pull-up. wide grip. As a rule, many beginners do it wrong.

Pulling up with a wide grip to the chest is performed as follows:

  1. Grasp the bar with your hands with a straight wide grip (place them at the maximum distance from each other). Bend your knees.
  2. Pull your chest up to the level of the bar. At the same time, the elbows move towards the lower back. The shoulder blades are brought together, the back is arched.
  3. Go down, slowly, down.

While doing this exercise it must be understood that the wider the grip, the greater the load on the back. Accordingly, the effectiveness of pull-ups will be higher.

It is much easier to perform the exercise with a medium grip on the horizontal bar to work out the muscles of the back:

  1. Grasp the bar with a straight grip, placing your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly, pull yourself up so that your chest touches the horizontal bar. Bring the shoulder blades together.
  3. Lower yourself down, straightening your arms at the elbows. Hang in that position for a bit.

For the press

It may seem strange to some that you can do exercises for the press on the horizontal bar. True, this is not pull-ups. You can do an exercise to work out the abdominal muscles as follows:

  1. Grasp the bar with a reverse or direct grip. The distance between the hands does not matter in this case.
  2. Raise straight legs together until a right angle is formed with the body.
  3. After holding this position for a couple of seconds, lower your legs down.

This exercise helps to make the abdominal muscles more prominent, due to which the appearance will significantly improve.


Exercises on the horizontal bar can not be performed by everyone. In some cases, such activities can lead to injury or worsen general state person. As a rule, it is not recommended to train with various disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Contraindications apply to the following cases:

  • scoliosis, even mild;
  • herniated discs - especially for overweight people;
  • osteochondrosis cervical.

Before developing a training program on the horizontal bar, you need to consult a doctor, since the allowable load in each case is individual. For example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, the doctor may allow you to perform exercises after examining the patient. True, he will recommend doing this with caution, since one wrong movement can lead to increased pain and the appearance of new symptoms, such as dizziness and so on.

If the hernia of the intervertebral discs is very pronounced, it is strictly forbidden to train on the horizontal bar or uneven bars. In such cases, it is impossible not only to pull yourself up on it, but also just hang.

Video: how to pump up muscles on the horizontal bar

For those who want to have embossed biceps, triceps, inflated shoulders, back and chest without visiting gym, experts recommend exercising on the horizontal bar at home. To achieve the desired result, you can contact a professional trainer who will develop individual complex exercises.

It is not difficult to pump up muscles on the horizontal bar, it is enough to have a desire. For greater efficiency, weighting agents can be used. You can learn the technique of performing exercises on the horizontal bar with the help of a video.