How to replace the rod thrust in the slope? similar exercises. Traction on a horizontal block to the belt for training the back Traction using a t bar what to replace

Greetings, dear readers of the sportivs sports blog. Alexander Bely is with you. Today our attention will focus on a rather interesting topic - the pull of a horizontal block to the belt. In this article, we will find out which muscles work, what are the main advantages and recommendations.

The main purpose of pulling the block to the waist is to give the back a visual width. Some types of deadlifts will allow you to increase the thickness of your back.

So, let's look at the load on the latissimus dorsi depending on the change in technique and find out which area of ​​the back is most involved:

  • If you're doing a standard row, then you need to pull the block to the lower abdomen, thanks to which you develop the lower back.
  • By doing cravings for the pectoral muscles, you include in the work upper part back.

At correct execution this exercise can be noticeably added in the back, but you should consider correct technique let's talk about her.

Correct technique

1. The exercise is performed while sitting, before starting the approach, place the seat so that the work of the cable of the block occurs exclusively parallel to the floor.
2. The feet should be fixed on the support, which is located in front of the training block, thanks to this you will get maximum stability during the approach.
3. The handles can be both fixed and separate, when performing each repetition, pay attention to the fact that the palms when taking the handles are opposite each other.
4. You can perform with two grips. For the best, I recommend alternating close and wide grips.
5. Having accepted starting position, you should grab the pen and get to work.
6. This exercise starts with a negative phase, you should slowly, slowly pull to the lower abdomen and exhale. Many experienced athletes take a deep breath before a repetition, citing better muscle contraction.
7. After the handle has touched the abdomen in the lower part - stay in this position for a couple of seconds, this will contribute to maximum study muscle fibers.
8. At the end of the repetition, exhale and slowly return the handle to its original position.
9. You should complete 8-15 repetitions, depending on the results you want to achieve.

In order to most effectively build your workout and gain relief muscle mass I recommend as a gift to get acquainted with the Free video course « How to gain muscle mass» and start attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

For a better pumping of muscle fibers, I do not recommend that you deviate your back from a vertical position by more than 10-20 degrees. If you listen to my advice, you can prevent the various injuries that are possible with a strong deviation. Excessive deviation is fraught with injury to the lower part of the spine.

In order to remove the load from the back of the shoulder and fully concentrate on the latissimus dorsi, you can do an exercise with a parallel nozzle.

Before performing the approach, be sure to check the simulator for serviceability, otherwise you risk getting an unpleasant injury.

Also, use all types of grips (narrow, wide, straight, reverse). This will help to work out the back in the best possible way from all sides. Don't take too hard big weight, the optimal number will be 8-15 repetitions, which will help to work out the back well. To increase the mass, 6-8 repetitions will be enough.

When you pull the handle towards you, your back should be slightly tilted, I advise you to bring your shoulder blades together, this will increase the intensity.

When performing, you should press your elbows to the body, this will help to best load the latissimus dorsi and lower part chest.

Another important nuance will be stretching with each repetition. With this technique, you stretch forward with the weight, which allows you to squeeze the maximum.
We have considered all the pros and basic tips of the lower block traction, now let me tell you how you can replace this exercise.

What can replace

A replacement for the main exercise can be the lack of equipment or the necessary simulator, various injuries that do not allow you to work on a certain projectile, the desire to diversify the training cycle, or the need to work out the muscle from different angles.

It is then that the question arises and the need to select alternative and no less effective exercises:

  • The first, which is a worthy alternative, can be safely called. This is basic exercise during which different parts of the back are involved. Bent over row is one of the hardest basic elements that help build voluminous and massive muscles. Be sure to warm up well before you start lifting.

  • The second variation is the narrow grip T-bar row. It works out the latissimus dorsi muscles perfectly, it is basic, since in addition to the spinal muscles, biceps, triceps, are also involved.

If you would like to go into more detail dorsal muscles, you can pull with one hand. During the exercise, fully concentrate, this will help to achieve maximum results.

Often in training it is required to replace this or that exercise with its equivalent variant. The reason for such a replacement may be:

  • absence necessary equipment and inventory;
  • inability to use the exercise due to injury;
  • the desire to update the exercises used from training to training and thereby introduce an element of novelty into the training;
  • the need to work the muscle from a different angle and with a different emphasis;
  • intention to develop athletic qualities to the maximum.

Here we present possible options for replacing bodybuilding exercises with their alternative versions, indicating the most important points.

The exercises are grouped by the muscle groups they target, which is convenient for quickly finding the exercise you need and its possible alternatives.

An exercise Alternative exercise Comments
pectoral muscles
Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press 1. Push-ups on the uneven bars with a wide grip with the body tilted forward
2. Dumbbell bench press
3. Push-ups from the floor or bench with a wide setting of hands
It is advisable to choose options on the uneven bars or with dumbbells, as they can cause more training stress. Push-ups on the uneven bars shift the focus to the lower cut of the chest
Bench press with a barbell head up 1. Dumbbell press lying head up
2. Breeding dumbbells lying head up
Presses are basic movements and allow you to work with large weights
Bench press with a barbell head down Push-ups on the uneven bars with a wide grip with an inclination of the body forward Same as regular bench press
Bench press with dumbbells 1. Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
2. Breeding dumbbells with booster
Switching to a bar allows you to work with more weights, but cuts working amplitude chest muscles. Pressing Breeds - A more isolated chest movement
Bench press with dumbbells head up 1. Bench press with a barbell head up
2. Breeding with dumbbells head up
Switching to the bar allows you to work with large weights, but cuts the working amplitude of the pectoral muscles. Dilutions are more targeted on the top of the chest
Breeding lying with dumbbells 1. Information on the blocks
2. Information in the butterfly simulator
3. Breeding with dumbbells with booster in the upper half of the amplitude
Breeding lying with dumbbells head up and down 1. Information on blocks at the same angle
2. Breeding with dumbbells with booster in the upper half of the amplitude
When working on mass, it is better to give preference to free shells
Information of hands on the upper blocks Breeding with dumbbells head down When working on mass, it is better to give preference to free shells
Bench press with barbell and dumbbells, horizontal and upside down It is advisable to periodically use both bench presses and push-ups in the uneven bars.
Regular push ups All variations of barbell and dumbbell presses, dips For advanced athletes, push-ups are the easiest option. chest presses, in addition, does not allow to increase the workload without going beyond the allowed repetitive range
Upper back muscles
Bent over row 1. Traction of the lower block sitting
2. T-bar pull
3. Dumbbell row with an emphasis on the knee or on the bench
4. Pull-ups on the bar to the stomach
Each version of the traction in its own way affects different parts of the upper back. By changing the width and type of grip, you can also add a new element to the performance of the thrust
Bent-over dumbbell row with an emphasis on the knee Bent-over dumbbell row with emphasis on the bench Switching to the bench option allows you to shift the target load slightly up
Pull to the belt with a narrow grip on the block Close grip T-bar row The bar allows you to use more weight
Pull to the chest and behind the head with a wide grip on the block Pull-ups to the chest and behind the head with a wide grip Bodyweight pull-ups with additional weight at the belt can cause more training stress than block work
Pull-ups on the bar Rows on the upper block with the same grip and the same grip width The block version is more suitable for a detailed study of the muscles of the upper back, and is also applicable when it is not possible to pull up with your own weight.
Muscles of the lower back
Hyperextensions on a high bench 1. Hyperextensions lying on the floor
2. Good mornings with a barbell on the shoulders
3. All types of deadlift
Hyperextensions, unlike deadlifts, do not cause a pathological load on lumbar spine. For this reason, they are often recommended as a prophylactic.
Deadlift with a barbell 1. Athletic deadlift
2. Deadlift in the style of "Sumo"
3. Romanian deadlift
4. Deadlift on straight legs
5. Goodmoning with a barbell on the back
6. Hyperextensions
Periodically change the version of the deadlift - this will allow you to develop muscles in a balanced way, both in terms of mass and in terms of strength indicators
thigh muscles
Barbell Squats 1. Front Squat
2. Leg presses
3. Smith machine squats
4. Split Squats
5. Squats with dumbbells in hand
6. Trap Bar Squats
Free weight squats are superior to other basic thigh exercises in many ways.
Platform leg press 1. Back squat
2. Smith machine squats
3. Hack Squats
Changing the simulator allows you to load the thigh muscles in a different way. Nevertheless, the stabilizer muscles remain unused in the simulators.
Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 1. Squats with dumbbells in hand
2. Lunge walking
All types of lunges work well on the adductors of the thigh
Hack Squats 1. Leg press with narrow setting legs
2. Barbell Squats
All three exercises also allow you to work out the patella area of ​​\u200b\u200bquads.
Smith machine squats leg press The transition to the platform relieves the spine of the load
Leg extension in the simulator while sitting Alternate leg extensions in the simulator while sitting The one-leg version allows you to change the nature of the load, including due to the ability to turn the toe in or out
Deadlift on straight legs Hyperextensions with a strong extension of the pelvis over the edge of the bench Both versions should form the basis of hamstring training.
Leg curls in the lying machine
Alternate leg curls in the standing machine Various types of trainers are used
Leg muscles
Rises on socks while standing in the simulator 1. Rises on socks with a barbell on the back
2. Raises on the toe of one leg with a dumbbell in hand
3. Toe platform presses
4. Rises on socks in the Hack simulator
6. Donkey Toe Raises
All exercises are performed with slightly bent knees.
Rises on socks sitting in the simulator Calf raises with a barbell on your knees Barbell neck can be wrapped in a towel in the middle
Toe platform presses 1. Alternate One Toe Platform Presses
2. Rises on socks in the Hack simulator
Keep your feet comfortable
Standing Barbell Chest Press 1. Bench press from the chest while sitting
2. Standing and sitting dumbbell press
3. Bench press from behind the head
4. Push the bar
5. One dumbbell press
Seated variations of bench presses, performed on benches with a back, allow you to remove the load from the lower back
Seated chest press Bench press from behind the head while sitting Overhead option requires more flexibility shoulder joints and transfers the target load to the middle bundle of deltas
Bench press from behind the head while sitting Seated Dumbbell Press The dumbbell option allows you to press the movement not in a straight line, but in an arc, which additionally stimulates the deltoid muscles and the top of the trapezius
Standing press with dumbbells Dumbbell bench press sitting, on a bench with a back and without a back, longitudinal and parallel grip Seated Presses Show Real Shoulder Strength
Seated press with dumbbells 1. Bench press with dumbbells
2. Bench press from the chest while standing
The standing version allows you to use momentum and work with large weights, but also places great demands on the lower back.
Pulling the bar to the chin Pulling dumbbells to the chin The dumbbell version allows you to perform a cross between a pulling and moving movement to the sides.
Breeding dumbbells to the side Breeding to the side on the block
Incline dumbbell raises Breeding in tilt on the block The block version is more suitable for honing muscles
Lifting dumbbells in front of you Lifting the handles of the block device in front of you The block version is more suitable for honing muscles
Standing bicep curls with a straight bar 1. Standing bicep curls with EZ bar
2. Same but with a wide grip
3. The same but sitting on a shortened amplitude
The bent neck allows you to remove from the forearms and hands the strain that is usual for a straight neck.
A wide grip allows you to use the inner bundle of the biceps of the shoulder.
The sitting option allows you to work out the upper section of the amplitude without the help of the lower back
Standing bicep curls with EZ bar Standing bicep curls with dumbbells straight, pronated, hammer and reverse grip Different holding of dumbbells in the hands allows you to work out the shoulder flexors in different ways. Some believe that biceps can only be developed with dumbbell exercises.
Curls with dumbbells, standing and sitting All exercises for biceps with a barbell and a block, standing and sitting The bar allows you to work with large weights
Biceps curls with a barbell on a Scott bench Same but with two dumbbells Dumbbells create more freedom for the stabilizer muscles
Concentrated Bent over Curls, Standing and Seated Biceps curls with one arm with a dumbbell on the Scott bench Both exercises are considered the best isolated movements for the biceps.
Bench press with barbell narrow grip 1. Push-ups in narrow bars with a vertical body
2. Push-ups between two benches with an emphasis on the back
3. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow setting of hands
Push-ups in the uneven bars allows you to work with a really big load
french press with barbell prone 1. EZ Bar French Press
2. French bench press with two dumbbells lying down
In all versions, you should not spread your elbows much to the sides - this will relieve the load from the triceps
French bench press from behind the head while standing The option with a dumbbell in terms of balance is more convenient to perform while sitting on a bench with a back of 80 degrees
Seated Dumbbell French Press Two-handed version can be replaced with one-handed The two-handed version allows you to work with a large weight. One-handed - more isolated
Dumbbell French press with one arm from behind the head, standing and sitting Same but on the block The block is suitable for detailed study of triceps
Triceps press on the block while standing Push-ups from the floor with narrow arms
Extension of the arms from behind the head on the block while standing Same but with a dumbbell The dumbbell allows you to better work out the stabilizer muscles
Push-ups on parallel bars 1. Bench press with a narrow and medium grip with a barbell
2. Push-ups between two benches with an emphasis on the back
Both alternative versions must be performed in a style that mimics dips.
Forearm muscles
Barbell curls for biceps with a reverse grip while standing 1. Same but with EZ bar
2. Hammer with dumbbells, standing and sitting
Hammer grip allows you to use more weight
Sitting wrist curls The same, but standing, holding the bar in lowered hands behind the back
Sitting wrist extensions The same, but standing, holding the bar in lowered hands in front of Standing option allows you to use more weight
Hanging on the crossbar Holding a barbell or dumbbell in hand, a farmer's walk During a walk, due to the constant transfer of the center of gravity, it is more difficult to hold the projectile in your hands.
Abdominal muscles
Lying twists 1. Twisting on the block while sitting
2. Twisting on the block while kneeling
3. Pullover with twist on the block while standing
Using the block allows you to apply large weights, and, importantly, without losing a sense of control over the work of the abdominal muscles
Trunk raises on an incline bench Trunk raises on a Roman chair Both options overload the lower back. Choose the one that causes the least discomfort.
Incline leg and knee raises 1. Hanging leg and knee raises
2. Raises of legs and knees in an emphasis in special bars
3. Reverse crunches lying down
4. Raising the knees sitting on the edge of the bench with dumbbells sandwiched between the legs
Vertical lifts are the most labor intensive. And they also allow you to remove excess strain from the spine at the end of the workout.

Hello! Now we will look at the main exercises dedicated to the most big muscles located on the back, the so-called “wings”, they are also the widest.

Most of the exercises for these muscles are multi-articular and are considered basic, since other muscles are involved in the execution, and not one or two, but all the muscles of the back, as well as the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and even the press. Therefore, in one workout, they usually put no more than two exercises for the latissimus dorsi. The number of repetitions per exercise is average, 8-10.

This time I will only cover the basic exercises. There are many options for execution, each of them is better in some ways, not in some ways. When it comes to the muscles of the back, then for each exercise there is several techniques- different grips in width, direct, reverse, diagonal executions, different amplitude of movements. For example, when pulling up, the biceps work, and it is logical to put pull-ups in the workout next to lifting the barbell for biceps. And it is even better to perform pull-ups at the same time with a reverse grip, in which the load on the biceps increases, and on the shoulders it decreases.

Therefore, different nuances and options will be in separate notes, and here - classic, without which nowhere. Let's get started.


Basic exercise. Very effective when gaining mass, as it involves almost all muscle groups of the upper body. But, quite limited, and I'll explain why. If you have just started bodybuilding and gaining muscle mass, most likely your own weight will be too heavy for this deadlift. When you can work freely, there are two options - either hang weights on yourself with a belt, or resort to traction upper block. I recommend the pancake belt.

Performance. Grasp the bar with your hands, the grip is slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your elbows as you pull chest to the level of the hands, while taking your head back, and reduce the shoulder blades. Try not to sway, while you can lock your legs. Exhale when lifting, inhale when lowering.

Options: narrow, wide, reverse, parallel grips, and, diagonal execution with a load shift to one side, pull behind the head, partial pull-ups.


Pull-up analog. The upper pulldown is most useful at the beginning of the iron, when pull-ups are too hard, and for greater isolation. Using the simulator allows you to set an individual working weight, and when you can pull up your weight for 4 sets of 6 repetitions, you can switch to pull-ups. In the previous exercise, I recommended a belt, instead of a block, this is due to the isolation of the muscle work. On the simulator, muscles are less included in the work of stabilizers. This is both bad and good. Good for processing relief the broadest, but bad when gaining mass. So, take this moment into account, and wisely make a choice at what stage, with what to work.

Performance. Sit on the simulator straight, while fixing your legs at the knees. The movements are similar to pull-ups, but due to the immobility of the body, when pulling on yourself, bend your back in the lower back and take the top of the body along with the head back.

Options: narrow, wide, reverse, parallel grips, pull behind the head.


The next four exercises are similar. If in the previous two we pull something from above, then in these we will pull from below (the horizontal block is also an analogue). Bent-over barbell row - very good exercise for the muscles of the back, and this is what: when we perform it, we partially create static load(keep tilting). The work includes the main amulet of our spine, the extensor muscle. Legs are also under static load. When performed, literally all the muscles of the back work and partially, the shoulders and arms. In general, I would call this exercise the most powerful and steep for the wings and for gaining mass in general.

Performance. We stand, bowing the body forward, the barbell on arms not fully extended. The legs are slightly bent at the knees for comfort. The loin is arched, tilting to a maximum of 90 degrees. We raise our elbows and, bringing the shoulder blades together, pull the bar to the lower abdomen, while the body rises slightly. Exhale, as usual, on the effort.

Options: straight wide, narrow reverse, parallel grips (trap bar).


An analogue of the barbell row, only in this exercise the emphasis of the load from the shoulders is slightly shifted to the biceps. Here, what is more important to someone - bitsukha or shoulders. I would go for broad shoulders over thick biceps, although you will eventually have both, so alternate, friends.

Performance. Similar to the bent over row, the difference is only in the grip - it can be straight and parallel.

Options: on the block, fixing the body and just standing.


An analogue of traction in an incline, only with the use of a simulator. Stabilizer muscles are less involved, but there is also less risk of spinal injury. A good replacement for tilt rods, but I don’t see much point, except, of course, convenience, in a horizontal block. When choosing between free weights and a machine, always in priority must have a barbell and a dumbbell.

Performance. We sit down, rest our legs, fixing them at the knees. When pulling on ourselves, we take the body back, bending the lower back, with the reverse movement, we slightly hunch our back in order to stretch the back muscles more.

Options: narrow, wide, reverse, parallel grips, and, with a fixed back.


This exercise has more isolation than others and is not considered basic. Effective when working out the relief and for clogging the lats with blood after performing one of the multi-joint exercises, or when using supersets. The legs are resting, the spine too. enlarged, compared with the pulls of two hands, the amplitude of movement.

Performance. We rest with the knee of the left leg and the left hand on the surface (bench), the right hand holds a dumbbell, the right leg is slightly bent (so much so that it is comfortable). Raise the elbow up and pull the right shoulder blade towards the spine. When moving up, the hand is retracted slightly back. Similarly with the left hand, and change the stop leg.

Options: without knee support (that is, one leg is bent, the second is retracted, and the emphasis is only on the arm).

In all exercises, except for the latissimus dorsi, also work: biceps, deltoid muscles, all back muscles.

Now a few general remarks that apply to all exercises for the latissimus dorsi.

1. Most importantly, try to feel that work with your back. It is not necessary to focus the load on the auxiliary muscles, include them in the work as little as possible. Even if the movement is not with such a large amplitude as you would like, it’s all the same - we work with our backs, and not with biceps and shoulders.

2. Next - if possible, alternate various options , but not in one workout, but change the grip once a week, for example. Variety will keep the muscles from getting used to the loads, and also contribute to a more even load on the muscles.

3. All these exercises (except dumbbell rows) are set at the start of the workout. If the program has leg exercises, then immediately after them, but not at the end of the lesson.

As for the main exercises for the latissimus dorsi, I have everything. In a separate article, I will write about what options to put next to exercises for other muscle groups, for more efficiency. Tip: start pumping the lats with the thrust of the upper block, then move on to pull-ups, and then everything else. Masses and wings to you, friends!

To build a beautiful and pumped back, the best exercise can not found. It is included in golden trio the most productive training for the back. However, despite the highest status assigned to the bent-over row, experienced athletes continue to bypass it, not to mention beginners who have just come to gym. This happens due to the reluctance of the owners of the halls and personal trainers who put classes on stream, listen to the issues that concern athletes. They consider the emergence of new athletes solely from the angle of additional investment.

No one explains to beginners that it is better to do training with free weights at first, so they have to do what is clear, including exercises on machines. They are also not told that in order to become “big”, attention should be paid to working out the back and legs, since they are 2/3 of the body of a person. Young people first of all, when it comes to the development of these muscle groups, begins with work in simulators.

These designs are good, but classes on them do not belong to the main training, but in reality the opposite happens: what is at hand is used.

Therefore, it is important to learn more about exercises. And we start with the barbell row in the slope.

Developing an array of the back, the basic exercise is extremely necessary for bodybuilders, because it develops several joints at the same time: shoulder blades, elbow and shoulder.

how muscle atlas looks like in the picture:

You can see the execution of the movements in a more visual version:

Regarding the kineseology of traction: the movement consists in the complete reduction of the shoulder blades. This is necessary so as not to reduce the amplitude and not reduce the productivity of the training.

When performing bent-over rows, the legs and torso remain motionless throughout the exercise. The muscles that perform the barbell row in an incline do not shorten during contraction.

What gives the performance of the rod thrust in the slope

For bodybuilders, this training is a favorite, because with its help you can:

  • increase muscle size and strength. Reminds me of rowing in a kayak. And those who are familiar with rowing have impressive backs. The broadest muscle "takes" most of the load, but it is also enough for the rhomboid and trapezius muscles;
  • increase flexibility. Due to the stretching of the biceps of the thighs, the athlete becomes flexible while performing the barbell row. Do not just forget that the back remains even when pulling;
  • improve posture. The muscular corset of the back and the lumbar region are strengthened if in training process include rod thrust in the slope.
  • thanks to this training, large and small muscle groups that are associated with spinal column, as a result of which their strength increases, and posture becomes better;
  • increase power and strength indicators in basic exercises. It has been proven by practice that the barbell row in an incline helps to achieve progress in the deadlift, bench press;
  • speed up calorie burning. Training belongs to the class of "weight loss", because. thanks to it, a significant effort of muscle groups is generated, which helps to increase the metabolic rate. And, if the number of calories spent exceeds the amount received from food, the excess weight goes away. The loss of fat mass entails an increase in muscle mass, therefore, on body composition strength training reflected positively.

Proper Bent Over Row Technique

Contrary to the fact that at first glance the row of the barbell in an incline seems easy exercise, it is distinguished by a mass of nuances and secrets, which we will consider step by step.

First step.

  • Place the projectile loaded with weight on the floor.
  • Now, bending your knees, lift him forward (to your torso), keeping your back straight and almost parallel to the floor.
  • Hands are perpendicular to the body and the floor, hanging over the barbell, the gaze is directed forward.
  • The bar is taken with a grip wider than the shoulders.
  • This is what the original position looks like.

Second step.

  • The body is motionless.
  • On exhalation, the bar is pulled to the center of the abdomen, keeping the elbows closer to the body, and to hold the weight using only the strength of the muscles of the forearms.
  • Hold the peak contraction at the top point by squeezing the spinal muscles for a couple of seconds.

Third step.

  • After inhaling, slowly lower the barbell to the starting position, controlling movements.
  • Immediately begin the next repetition.
  • Their number corresponds to the given one.

The picture version looks like this:

You can see the process in motion here:

Important Points

Important technical points that require attention:

  • do not perform bent over row with heavy weight until the technique is mastered and the muscular frame is not developed;
  • do not allow the body to move during the training;
  • the back always remains flat and parallel to the floor;
  • do not jerk to lift the weight;
  • do not leave the bar “understretched” (at the bottom), but do not pull too high;
  • to stabilize the back, working with significant weights, use a weightlifting belt;
  • remember that the gaze is directed forward, otherwise (as soon as it drops) the back will immediately round;
  • if there are problems with flexibility, performing traction of the bar in an inclination, pressing against a wall or other vertical support, buttocks;
  • for heavy weights, use gymnastic belts and special straps.

Errors allowed when pulling the rod in an incline

These can be attributed to:

  • rounded back;
  • body straightening;
  • traction, carried out due to the strength of the hands;
  • wrist flexion.

Tilt Rod Options

There are three commonly used variations:

  • use of reverse grip;
  • projectile thrust to the rear delta;
  • work in the Smith simulator.

The classic version provides for a direct grip. Unusual reverse is rarely used. But he hides great power, which only a few know about. With a direct grip, the athlete's projectile is forced to spread the elbows wider in order to reach the projectile to the chest, without forcing the latissimus dorsi to work. And the reverse grip activates the “wings”. In an ideal scenario, it is desirable to include both types of barbell row in the slope in the training process. It is recommended to start with a large weight and a direct grip (2 sets), finish with a reduced load and a reverse grip (1 set).

If the bar is replaced with a loaded backpack or a mop with weights around the edges, then training can be done even at home. Interesting data were obtained from studies of different variants of thrusts. they say that muscle corset back, allows you to better strengthen the classic version of the barbell row in an incline.

For bent-over rows, there are 5 tips to remember:

  • after each repetition, return the projectile to the floor so that the upper back is fully loaded;
  • imitate the bench press: the bench press should be identical to the bench press, but vice versa;
  • elbow movements: you do not need to drag the weight with your hands, working on the biceps - pull your elbows to the ceiling;
  • body position: the body during the training should either be parallel to the floor, or be at a slight angle to it, and the back should be straight (the body should not be chinning due to the knees and hips);
  • head position: the gaze should be directed forward (when it is lowered to the floor, it can twist the back, but if you look in the mirror, your neck will hurt).

Knowing how to properly do the barbell row in the slope, it remains to test the knowledge in practice.

Video: Bent Over Row

Bent over rows are a basic strength training exercise that even beginners can do. It improves posture and develops the muscles of the back and shoulders. There are several options for this exercise with a barbell, dumbbells, harnesses and in simulators.

Working muscles

Bent-over barbell and dumbbell rows are a basic exercise that works simultaneously on several muscle groups.

The primary target muscles are the middle and upper back: the trapezius and rhomboids.

  • The trapezium controls the movement of the shoulder blades.
  • The rhomboid muscles are responsible for squeezing the shoulder blades.

When lifting weights with an inclined torso, these two muscles tighten and bear the brunt of the load.

The primary arm muscles that work with bent over rows are the biceps. The biceps controls the flexion of the arm at the elbow and is tensed when lifting weights against gravity. When lowering the weight, the triceps act as a stabilizer.

Bent over rows work well on the shoulders and trunk muscles, especially the deltoids and the latissimus dorsi. The deltoid muscles are responsible for the rounded shape of the shoulders and control the ability to move the arms back or turn them outward. The latissimus dorsi are responsible for extension and rotation of the shoulders.

Secondary muscles that function in this exercise include the rotator cuff infraspinatus, the teres major, which supports the latissimus dorsi, and the teres major. chest muscle, which works as a stabilizer when lowering the weight.

Exercise options

Bent over rows can be performed using a barbell, one or two dumbbells.

Rod pull

Stand in front of the barbell with your feet hip- or shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, tilt your torso forward to the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. Maintain the natural curve of your lower back.

With palms facing the floor, grab the barbell at a width slightly wider than shoulder width.

As you lift the bar, spread your knees slightly while maintaining torso position. Hold as soon as the bar is just below the knees - this is the starting position.

  • As you exhale, pull the bar down to the bottom of your sternum. Keep your elbows tightly pressed to the body, the torso should be motionless.
  • Hold at the top of the lift and tighten your back muscles.
  • Inhale as you lower the barbell to the starting position just below your knees.
  • Repeat the exercise.

Experiment with different grips when performing bent-over rows to target different muscle groups or intensify your workout.

  • Instead of gripping the bar from above, grab it from below with your palms facing the ceiling. In this case, you remove part of the load from the back and make the biceps and latissimus dorsi work more.
  • Another way is to use wide grip twice as wide as usual. This technique makes the back work harder. More narrow grip will focus on the rhomboid muscle.

Dumbbell row

Instead of a barbell, you can use two dumbbells to do the row.

  • Grab a dumbbell with each hand. Set your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Lean forward towards the floor, keeping your back straight at a 45-degree angle.
  • Pull the dumbbells up to your waist while keeping your elbows and upper arms close to your ribs.
  • Lower the dumbbells down and repeat the exercise.

The advantage of this embodiment is the free position of the hands. Since you are holding 2 separate dumbbells, you can place your hands in a more physiologically comfortable position.

Dumbbell row with one hand with an emphasis

If you have a problem back, replace the barbell row to the belt with a dumbbell row to the belt in an incline with an emphasis. For balance and support, use a bench, the load on the spine in this case is reduced.

  • Place left leg, bent at the knee on one edge of the bench, lean with your left palm on the other edge of the bench. The right leg should be firmly on the floor near the bench. The right hand hangs vertically down. Keep your back parallel to the floor.
  • Squeeze right hand dumbbell. Pull the dumbbell to your waist, keeping your upper arm and elbow close to your ribs.
  • Lower the dumbbell. Do 10-12 times and do the exercise on the other side.

A variant of this exercise is the pull of a dumbbell to the belt in an emphasis with one hand. The support in this case is used only for one hand, both feet are on the floor.

Simulators for a similar movement

cravings free weights to the belt in an inclination can be replaced with exercises in simulators that work out the same muscle groups.

Smith Machine

Bent over rows are safe to do in a Smith machine. The bar moves along vertical guides and is fixed with safety locks.

Use the same technique with the Smith machine as you would with a regular barbell.

T-bar pull

The T-bar is fixed on the floor at one end, pancakes from the bar are hung on the second. Instead of the simulator itself, you can pull the bar in this position, resting it in a corner.

  • Position the bar of the T-bar between your legs. Tilt your torso, knees slightly bent. Raise the T-bar slightly off the floor - this is the starting position.
  • Pull the bar towards your chest. Pause at the top and squeeze your shoulders together. Lower the bar to the starting position.

Block pull to the belt

Instead of standing deadlifts, beginners can include seated block deadlifts in their workout.

  • Choose a weight to lift and sit on the bench of the machine. Set your feet in a special position, knees slightly bent.
  • Tilt your body forward and grasp the handles, turn your palms towards each other. Tilt the body back so that the back is perpendicular to the floor, and the arms are straightened - this is the starting position.
  • Pull the handles of the simulator to the stomach and lean back slightly. Squeeze your shoulder blades together in this position to tighten your back muscles. Straighten your arms and return the handles of the simulator to the starting position.

Read more about block thrust in.

Bent Over Pull with Harnesses

Place the rubber band on the floor and stand on it with your feet hip-width apart.

  • Take the right end of the tourniquet with your left hand, and the left end with your right hand, so as to cross the tourniquet. Knees slightly bent, tilt the body forward. The back should be straight and parallel to the floor.
  • Straighten your arms under your shoulders, turn your palms to your feet. The tourniquet sags in this position. As you exhale, pull the handles of the tourniquet to your chest. Hold this position, tighten your back muscles. Lower your arms down as you inhale.

See more harness exercises.

Precautionary measures

Incorrect technique, as well as trying to lift too much weight, can cause injury.

It's always better to underestimate than overestimate the weight you can lift. Standing Bent Over Row suitable for people with back problems due to too much axial load. In this case, replace the standing deadlift with a seated pulley.

What not to do when doing bent over rows:

  1. do not create rotational movements in the lower back and neck;
  2. do not lower your head and do not take your elbows down;
  3. do not arch your back or round your back, keep your back straight with a natural curve.
  4. do not lift weight due to the muscles of the arms, but use the contraction of the muscles of the back;
  5. do not make jerky movements, the exercise should be performed slowly.

And remember, there is no perfect way to do this exercise. Professionals, in their training program, always change the weight of the shells and the techniques themselves. Only thanks to this it is possible to achieve the maximum result in development in the minimum time.

Look for more exercises for harmonious development at.