Press at home 10 minutes a day. RF Muscles - online fitness workouts: programs and exercises

Hello everyone, my name is Alexey Dmitryaev, this is the Myshtsy.RF channel, and today we will work on pumping the stomach. At the last workout, we figured out how to eat, how to train, and today I want to show you what you can do at home. That is, you do not need to go to the gym, you just need to take it and start pumping your abdominal muscles. Right here and now.

The essence of our today's training is that it can be done every day. It does not entail an increase in muscle volume, it just strengthens the abdominal muscles, gives greater clarity, definition, well, and gives shape to the abdominal muscles. If you want to have clear beautiful squares, you need to do various exercises, and if you want them to be large, voluminous and protruding, like cubes, then you need to do exercises with weight. Last time I showed how this is done, and today we will train precisely for clarity, for clarity, so that the abdominal muscles are simply clearly visible. This is exactly what you can do at home.

Series #1
The first exercise will be crunches. We lay down on the floor and perform the familiar twisting. Exhale on effort. And immediately without rest, the second exercise: we put our hands under the pelvis, straighten our legs and lift them up, but not to the level
90 degrees, and a little lower, somewhere around 70 degrees. We lower our legs almost to the floor, without touching it, and raise it back. We do not give a second of relaxation. Exhale on the rise. The most important thing is not to give the abdominal muscles a second of freedom. They must be energized at all times.
We did 20 times and relaxed. I remind you that in each exercise we do 20 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds and continue on.

Series #2
The second part. Raise straight legs up. On the exhale, we reach for the heels. We lingered, we gradually descended, but not to the end, we went further. Breathe out with effort. On this exercise, the abdominal muscles should already be in pain. My abdominal muscles are already burning to the fullest. We try to stay at the top. 20 done, and immediately the second exercise without rest.
Again we put the handles under the pelvis, raise the legs, and let's go. We push off with our feet forward, we lead them towards us, bending at the knees, and we must raise the pelvis. Exhale, inhale, don't forget to breathe. Why do we put our hands under the pelvis? This is not just like that, we do it on purpose so that our lower back does not come off, this is very important. If the lower back comes off, the load from the abdominal muscles completely goes into lumbar. Therefore, for many, the lower back hurts while doing exercises on the abdominal muscles.
To have a beautiful stomach, you need to be able to endure pain. We do all 20 repetitions and that's it, rest.

The first exercise was lifting the body. Chum is the essence of the exercise, we must touch the heels with our hands and linger for a second, then slowly lower ourselves, but not to the end, but so that the shoulder blades do not touch the floor. We descend smoothly, as soon as you feel that you are already close to touching the floor, you immediately begin to contract your abdominal muscles and pull yourself up to your heels. If you can do this 20 times and never relax your stomach, trust me, your abs will hurt a lot.

Series #3
Let's move on to the third pair of exercises. In the third series, we will do with you alternate leg raises along with twists. We do simple twists, alternately pulling one knee to the forehead, then the second. As soon as we have finished, we put the foot of one leg on the knee of the other, and with the opposite elbow we stretch the free knee. Exhale on effort. Again, don't go to bed. We did 20, we change the leg. You have to be patient, there's not much left. I don’t know about you, but by this point I was already tired. At the moment of contraction, we linger for a second, we strain the muscles. Made 20 and rest.
Already very, very, very unpleasant sensations in the muscles of the press, a strong burning sensation, and the cubes stand out well. If you don't have any, then be patient. Coming soon!

Series #4
The last two remain. The first exercise in the series is a book. It looks like this. We raise the pelvis and body, only the pelvis touches the floor. We “fold” with a book, simultaneously making a movement with both legs and the thoracic region.
Last exercise. We lie down completely on the floor, handles crosswise, touch the shoulders
we rise only with the help of the upper part of the abdominal muscles, we will touch only the very top. Exhale on effort. Smoothly, powerfully held, and drove on. Be patient, there is still a little left, just a little bit. We did 20 and everything, relaxed. Have a rest.

After. as you did the complex, you can stretch your abdominal muscles a little. This can be done very simply. We lay down completely on our stomach, rested our knees and palms on the floor, and stretched the body upwards without tearing off the fulcrum. Stretching. At the same time, we are also trying to tighten the abdominal muscles, achieving maximum stretching.
I think that everyone can see that the abdominal muscles have received the load they need. Do this every day, and you will have the same cubes as I have.
It was a 10 minute abs workout I hope you all have
had the patience to do it. Do it every day and I think after a while you will see results on your stomach.

The ideal figure is what many strive for for years. But to achieve a beautiful press, you need to work hard. After all, the stomach is the most problematic place. The main thing is motivation, and halfway has been overcome. And how to achieve relief body devoting just 10 minutes a day of your abs time? Highly in a simple way. You only need to know 10 effective exercises and a few useful tips. Read carefully.

How to quickly burn subcutaneous fat belly? To get started, you need to follow 3 rules:

  1. Stop eating sweet, starchy, fatty foods.
  2. Drink as much as you can more water and liquids.
  3. To live an active lifestyle.

It may be difficult to refrain from the first point, but believe me, it's worth it! It is better to give up cookies and buns, but allow yourself some chocolate. It doesn't hurt that much.

  • Abs love intensity.
  • Do not overload and strain the body too much.
  • Always start with your minimum capabilities.
  • Each week increase the exercise time or the number of sets.

The period for which it is realistic to pump up the press:

  • If you are thin, you can build abs in just 2 weeks.
  • If you are a person of normal build and physique - for 1 month.
  • If you are more than average - about 2-3 months.
  • People need constant exercise stress. It is advisable to combine all this with a strict diet. There is no point in downloading a press for such people, since it is worth getting rid of problem areas first.

So we got to the complex of those long-awaited 10 exercises in 10 minutes!

Before starting a workout, lie down on a flat surface. Make sure nothing is blocking you. Ready? Begin!

  1. Upper press. Place your hands behind your head, bending your knees. Raise your upper body slowly for one minute. The back must remain motionless.
  2. Oblique muscles. Place your right hand on the back of your head and your left hand directly on your stomach. The legs should also remain bent at the knees. Try to reach your left leg with your right elbow. Raise only the top case.
  3. Oblique muscles. The exercise is similar to the second. Only now you need to change hands and feet.
  4. Press, oblique muscles. Raise your legs up, bending them at the knees. Hands remain behind the head. Alternately try to reach your left leg with your right hand, and vice versa. Move your feet as if pedaling. In this position, you need to be a whole minute.
  5. Lower Press. Legs must be raised, bending at the knees. Do tilts, raising only the back of your head with your hands. The back should serve as support and balance.
  6. Upper press. Straighten your legs as straight as possible. Hands also need to be straightened and connected to the lock. Slowly bend down and lower yourself, raising only the back of your head and shoulders.
  7. Press, oblique muscles. All the same position as before. The legs are bent at the knees, and the hands are behind the head. Exercise is similar to the fourth. But in this case, the feet are on the floor, not in the air. You need to reach with your right hand to your left leg. Repeat the exercise in reverse.
  8. Upper press. Legs are bent. Place your hands straight on your knees. Thus, rise, straining the press. Still involved in the process top part torso.
  9. General press. Hands in the same position. The knees should remain straight and the legs should not move. Do upper lifts.
  10. Press, back. Stand in the same position as push-ups - parallel to the floor itself. The body should be straight, depicting a straight line. Elbows - apart, and hands - in the castle. This is how you need to stand for 1 minute. Muscles must be kept in great tension.

Do you feel itching in your abs? This means you are on the right way to reach your goal! Just a little more, and you can achieve real results. You just need to stock up on a little patience, strength and desire.

Be healthy!

A beautiful belly is the achievement of long and hard physical labor. Having a beautiful belly by nature is good, but not enough to keep it for years. To achieve the proper result, you will need diligence, desire and work. Although, it's not so difficult, provided that you deal with your abs daily. Moreover, there are wonderful exercises for which you will need only 10 minutes a day.

Not every woman and not every man is engaged in his press, and as a result - a sagging, "jelly" belly in women, and, like a pregnant, "mammon" in men. If you want passers-by to admire your toned beautiful belly, go ahead - Everything is in your hands. Beautiful press 10 minutes is possible.

There are many techniques on how to properly pump the press, consider an effective technique on how to tighten the press in just 10 minutes a day.

This program includes several specially selected exercises, subject to the sequence of which, the desired result is achieved.

It is important to observe certain conditions, the fulfillment of which, in the complex of one program, is equally significant.

  1. it is necessary to perform corrective exercises for the abdominal muscles.
  2. it is necessary to perform aerobic exercises that help burn fat and, accordingly, reduce weight.
  3. what is also important - you need to eat a properly balanced diet.

Exercises for the press in 10 minutes according to this program involves three stages so that the workout does not seem exhausting and has a good result.

These three stages are divided by day:

  • 1 day - exercises for the lower part of the abdominal press,
  • Day 2 - exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen,
  • Day 3 - exercises for the upper part of the press.
  • On the 4th day we take a break, rest, then repeat the program again.

What exercises should be performed on a 10-minute complex for the press

First of all, try not to be distracted, consistently perform each exercise, trying not to make delays and pauses between them.

First, do a warm-up - aerobic and stretching exercises.

The first three exercises effectively stretch the muscles of the neck and start from the starting position: sitting, straight back, legs crossed at the ankles.

  1. Hands on the back of the head, slowly tilt your head forward, while pulling your chin to the chest as close as possible, stay in this position for up to 10 counts, lower yourself. Try to keep your back straight and do not press your hands at the back of your head.
  2. Alternately (right hand - left side of the head, and vice versa) perform next exercise. Place your right hand on left side heads, and left hand on the left knee. Tilt your head to the side, trying to touch your shoulder. Hold for 10 counts, lower yourself and do the same exercise in reverse. While doing this exercise no need to force the ear to the shoulder, and the back should be kept straight.
  3. Place your hands on the back of your head and slowly tilt your head back while holding with your hands. At the same time, keep your back straight, do not bend or tilt your head back much.
  4. Effective for stretching the muscles in the back and buttocks. It is necessary to perform from a prone position: pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, clasping them with your palms. It is necessary to raise the head and shoulders in this position, pulling the chin to the chest and linger for ten to fifteen counts. Try not to tear your lower back off the floor, and group in such a way as to feel the stretching of all the back muscles.
  5. For stretching the lateral muscles. Position: lying on your back, arms at the sides, bend your knees, while pressing your feet to the floor. Lower your knees to the right, head to the left, and vice versa, lingering in each position for 10 counts. Try not to tear your back off the floor, and take your knees as far as possible to the sides.
  6. Effective for abdominal muscles. Starting position: lying on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows under chest while pressing your palms firmly on the floor. Raise yourself off the floor by slowly extending your arms. Raise only your shoulders and stomach, the lower back should remain motionless. Hold for 10 counts. Try not to strain the muscles below the waist, do not throw back your head, and straighten your arms at the elbows.
  7. Effective for stretching the back muscles. Starting position: Get on all fours with your palms directly under your shoulders and firmly pressed to the floor. Do the exercise "kitty", lingering in the position of the arched back for 10 counts. Try to bend as much as possible.

Workout schedule “Abs in 10 minutes” by day

Remember, you only need 10 minutes for the press. Remember also the main rules:

  • perform exercises, resting between them no more than 3-5 seconds,
  • observe the sequence of stages and correctly distribute the load, gradually increasing the number of times.
  • change the pace of the exercise only when your muscles are ready for it.

Day One - Upper Abs Workout

Perform three approaches:

  • 1 and 2 of the above methodology,
  • 3 and 4 exercises,
  • 5 and 1.

Perform each exercise for 15-20 minutes per set.

The first time you can get by with 10 repetitions.

Day two - oblique muscle training

Three approaches:

  • 1 exercise,
  • 2 exercise,
  • 3 exercise.

Just like on the first day, try to do the exercises 15-20 times.

Day Three – Lower Abdominal Workout

Three sets, in each perform only 1 and 2 exercises.

A beautiful press in 10 minutes is quite a feasible task for any person who wants to look beautiful, have a toned figure and “cubes” on the press.

A thin waist and a flat toned stomach are the dream of any of us. Women are ready to go to all sorts of tricks, go on any diet - but there is quite effective method get the shape of your dreams, if you spend only 10 minutes every day on simple exercises. It’s not that difficult to pump the press - it’s enough to find a small space for exercising at home and a comfortable mat. Very soon, the reflection in the mirror will delight you, and your mood will improve. Here is a list of exercises for the press.

Twisting and tilting

These exercises are great for warming up and warming up the muscles, which will speed up the metabolism and prepare the body for slightly more difficult exercises.

Turns left and right

Standing in place with a straight back and a retracted stomach, make slow turns in both directions four times. The amplitude must be intense. Repeat approach two times.


Alternate turns of the body with inclinations. To do this, you need to raise your right hand, lean in the opposite direction to the left and stretch properly. At the same time, you need to feel how the muscles of the side of the abdomen and the oblique muscles of the press stretch. Do the same on the other side. Repeat approach twice.

Knee extensions in plank

Only the very lazy one does not know about the benefits of the “bar”: doing this simple exercise very well tightens the muscles of the whole body, including, of course, the press. We talk about a complicated version of this exercise for greater efficiency for the abdominal muscles.

Stand in a classic "bar" with an emphasis on straight arms. Raise both knees forward in turn, keeping your lower back and supporting leg straight. Movements should be slow and smooth.

Gently move into the side "bar": take a slow deep breath. Bend as you exhale upper hand simultaneously with the upper leg, connecting the elbow and knee. The position should be fixed for a few seconds, then return to the side "bar". Repeat on the other side of the body.


Starting position: lying on your back with straight legs and arms extended above your head. On exhalation, you need to simultaneously raise them straight, keeping the body also straight, as if folding in half. Ideally, you need to reach your toes with your fingers.


Starting position: lying on your back with straight legs, arms lowered along the body. Without lifting the lower back and shoulders from the floor, you need to raise straight legs in turn up to an angle of 45 degrees. The movements should be as fast as possible, during the exercise the socks should be pulled.

V-lifts of the body

Starting position: lying on the floor with arms extended along the body, legs and shoulders should be slightly raised. Bend your knees, lifting the body with a straight back so that the pelvis remains the only point of support on the floor. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.


Starting position: lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise your arms and legs at the same time - they should be as straight as possible - bending in the lower back as much as possible. You can slightly swing the body from arms to legs and back. Return to starting position, repeat the exercise ten times.


Starting position: standing on all fours. It is necessary, as it were, to dive head down, bending in the lower back and trying to reach the floor with the stomach, and then emerge back, as if crawling under an invisible horizontal obstacle. Exercise is useful not only for the abdominal muscles, but also for the back and spine. It must be repeated five to seven times.

Hello everyone, my name is Alexey Dmitryaev, this is the Myshtsy.RF channel, and today we will work on pumping the stomach. At the last workout, we figured out how to eat, how to train, and today I want to show you what you can do at home. That is, you do not need to go to the gym, you just need to take it and start pumping your abdominal muscles. Right here and now.

The essence of our today's training is that it can be done every day. It does not entail an increase in muscle volume, it just strengthens the abdominal muscles, gives greater clarity, definition, well, and gives shape to the abdominal muscles. If you want to have clear beautiful squares, you need to do various exercises, and if you want them to be large, voluminous and protruding like cubes, then you need to do exercises with weight. Last time I showed how this is done, and today we will train precisely for clarity, for clarity, so that the abdominal muscles are simply clearly visible. This is exactly what you can do at home.

Series #1
The first exercise will be crunches. We lay down on the floor and perform the familiar twisting. Exhale on effort. And immediately without rest, the second exercise: we put our hands under the pelvis, straighten our legs and lift them up, but not to the level
90 degrees, and a little lower, somewhere around 70 degrees. We lower our legs almost to the floor, without touching it, and raise it back. We do not give a second of relaxation. Exhale on the rise. The most important thing is not to give the abdominal muscles a single second of freedom. They must be energized at all times.
We did 20 times and relaxed. I remind you that in each exercise we do 20 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds and continue on.

Series #2
The second part. Raise straight legs up. On the exhale, we reach for the heels. We lingered, we gradually descended, but not to the end, we went further. Breathe out with effort. On this exercise, the abdominal muscles should already be in pain. My abdominal muscles are already burning to the fullest. We try to stay at the top. 20 done, and immediately the second exercise without rest.
Again we put the handles under the pelvis, raise the legs, and let's go. We push off with our feet forward, we lead them towards us, bending at the knees, and we must raise the pelvis. Exhale, inhale, don't forget to breathe. Why do we put our hands under the pelvis? This is not just like that, we do it on purpose so that our lower back does not come off, this is very important. If the lower back comes off, the load from the abdominal muscles goes completely into the lumbar region. Therefore, for many, the lower back hurts while doing exercises on the abdominal muscles.
To have a beautiful stomach, you need to be able to endure pain. We do all 20 repetitions and that's it, rest.
The first exercise was lifting the body. Chum is the essence of the exercise, we must touch the heels with our hands and linger for a second, then slowly lower ourselves, but not to the end, but so that the shoulder blades do not touch the floor. We descend smoothly, as soon as you feel that you are already close to touching the floor, you immediately begin to contract your abdominal muscles and pull yourself up to your heels. If you can do this 20 times and never relax your stomach, trust me, your abs will hurt a lot.

Series #3
Let's move on to the third pair of exercises. In the third series, we will do with you alternate leg raises along with twists. We do simple twists, alternately pulling one knee to the forehead, then the second. As soon as we have finished, we put the foot of one leg on the knee of the other, and with the opposite elbow we stretch the free knee. Exhale on effort. Again, don't go to bed. We did 20, we change the leg. You have to be patient, there's not much left. I don’t know about you, but by this point I was already tired. At the moment of contraction, we linger for a second, we strain the muscles. Made 20 and rest.
Already very, very, very unpleasant sensations in the muscles of the press, a strong burning sensation, and the cubes stand out well. If you don't have any, then be patient. Coming soon!

Series #4
The last two remain. The first exercise in the series is a book. It looks like this. We raise the pelvis and body, only the pelvis touches the floor. We “fold” with a book, simultaneously making a movement with both legs and the thoracic region.
Last exercise. We lie down completely on the floor, handles crosswise, touch the shoulders
we rise only with the help of the upper part of the abdominal muscles, we will touch only the very top. Exhale on effort. Smoothly, powerfully held, and drove on. Be patient, there is still a little left, just a little bit. We did 20 and everything, relaxed. Have a rest.

After. as you did the complex, you can stretch your abdominal muscles a little. This can be done very simply. We lay down completely on our stomach, rested our knees and palms on the floor, and stretched the body upwards without tearing off the fulcrum. Stretching. At the same time, we are also trying to tighten the abdominal muscles, achieving maximum stretching.
I think that everyone can see that the abdominal muscles have received the load they need. Do this every day, and you will have the same cubes as I have.
It was a 10 minute abs workout I hope you all have
had the patience to do it. Do it every day and I think after a while you will see results on your stomach.

Alexey Dmitryaev, Myshtsy.RF channel, was with you.
Bye everyone!