Lost in arm wrestling. Armwrestling technique. Armwrestling tactics. Basic rules for arm wrestling competitions

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Today's article will interest many men. After all, most men at least once in their lives fought on their hands. When it turned out to put the enemy down, once they lost. How to win in arm wrestling how to prepare, train, what tricks, technical subtleties you need to learn and then use in practice for a successful victory on your hands.

Many believe that winning in such power form sport depends only on strength. I disagree, since in any competition there is a technique for performing. After all, visiting gym, you strive to perform sets with weights correctly. So here, techies often win, avoid getting injured in the hand.

First, let's look at which muscle groups are involved in arm wrestling training.

Professional wrestlers say that most of the muscles in the human body work. But the main load falls on the muscles of the forearm, hand. Let's list.

  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • Shoulder (triceps, brachialis, clavicle muscles)
  • Chest muscles (small, large)
  • Back muscles (lumbar, latissimus dorsi)

If you decide to seriously engage in arm wrestling, you definitely need to prepare. Armwrestling training includes a number of exercises. Even at home, you can prepare for the competition. Pay attention to approaches.

  • Push-ups on the uneven bars
  • We push up from the floor on our fingers ()
  • Lift or Press

If available, be sure to

  • squat
  • Deadlift
  • with a barbell
  • Bench Press
  • Flexion, extension of the bar at the wrists
  • Hand expander exercises
  • Curl for biceps
  • Jogging with dumbbells for general strengthening

Approximate program of the training complex for future armwrestlers

  1. (pay attention to the hands, forearms) 5 minutes
  2. Deadlift 3 sets 8 reps
  3. Lifting the bar for biceps 3 - 12 times
  4. Finger push-ups 3 – 15 reps
  5. Lifting the barbell, dumbbells for biceps 3-10 times
  6. Bending the wrists with a barbell bar 3-8 times
  7. We complete the complex strength exercises hitch

Now let's talk about the secrets of this fight. If you want to win in arm wrestling, read the basics

  • For example, you have base hand right, then put your right foot forward. All body weight will be transferred to the hind limb.
  • Take a position so that the stomach (okay, the press) is located as close to the table as possible. Then the working thigh (combat arm) will be closer to the working surface.
  • Pass your thumb under your four after crossing with the opponent's hand.
  • Position your body close to your working arm. Then the leverage of the arm, along with the body, will pull your opponent to his side.
  • Bend your wrist towards you without letting your opponent do the same. Capture is the main thing in the power struggle on the hands, it depends on a successful grip whether you win or not.
  • After the start of the fight, pull the opponent's arm in your direction, increase the angle between his limb and shoulder.
  • Keep your shoulder and forearm close to each other at all times in a fight, using your body weight, not just your arms. The main thing is to move on and down. Then you can quickly win an arm wrestling match.
  • You see that the opponent's hand goes down, turn the body in the direction of the slope, then all the weight will go to win.

Now you are familiar with the intricacies how to win arm wrestling, practice, practice and lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right and reach new heights in sports. Best regards, Sergei -

Arm wrestling - power struggle on hand - is becoming more popular year by year. There are many reasons for this. The famous films about American arm wrestlers and the broadcast world championships in this sport played their role here. But in the mass environment, arm wrestling has been and remains a bloodless way to sort things out. And in order to always be at your best in such competitions and win everyone, you need to constantly train.

For special physical training you will need:

carpal expander
- Shoulder expander
- Horizontal bar and bars
- Dumbbells
- Rod

Preparatory exercises

Get ready to exercise. To do this, make a few circles by running around the hall or stadium where you are doing. Run slowly until you are out of breath. After that, do several sets of pull-ups on the horizontal bar and push-ups on the uneven bars. Do not be too zealous, because all this is just a warm-up. Thus, you will notify your body that it is preparing for good.

Take the barbell and put it on your shoulders. Squat with her until you get tired. At the same time, choose a weight that makes it difficult for you to do three sets of 1-12 squats each. This exercise is very important because it involves some of the most big muscles in the body, provoking a rapid surge of testosterone and fundamentally accelerating metabolism. After completing the third approach, rest and fully restore your breath.

Sit on a bench or chair and hold dumbbells in your hands. Do any voluntary exercise for the biceps. But in addition to them, do the following movements. Taking a dumbbell with a natural “hammer” grip, first bring it to the shoulder of the same name, and then to the other. Select a heavier projectile for training, the emphasis in the complex is on mass, and not on the number of repetitions. Like the previous these exercises need to be performed 10-12 times in three or four approaches.

Fix one end of the shoulder expander motionless to the floor, then tighten the springs to the limit and bring the other handle to the shoulder. Lower it until the angle between the elbow and shoulder is straight. Do three to four sets of 10 to 12 reps for each arm. After that, lower the arm with the expander down and lift it up until the forearms are parallel to the floor. Do this complex as many times as the previous one. Regain your breath and relax your hands.

1. Carry everywhere carpal expander. Keep it in your pocket when you don't need to do manual work. Achieve to compress the projectile several thousand times a day.
2. Do not use ordinary rubber expanders, and certified spring. For example, Captain of Crash.
3. During a fight in arm wrestling, everything depends on speed and skill. Try to knock down the opponent's hand in the first moments of the battle. Pushing the floor with your foot and pulling yourself with your free hand to the handle on the table with all your strength, throw your body sharply at the opponent's arm. At the same time, try to take his brush lever, twisting it away from you.


How would you did not train you can't win if you don't participate in competitions. Fight with friends, colleagues, relatives. And the stronger your opponents are, the faster you will learn to win.

At least once in your life you will measure strength with someone. You never know when that moment will happen, so you always have to be ready to roll up your sleeves and sit down at the table to find out who is stronger. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to have super biceps to beat any opponent. If you apply the right technique, speed and strategy, you will become almost invincible for the enemy, even if he is stronger than you. In this text, we will tell you how to defeat anyone in arm wrestling, and the next time you are offered to measure strength, you will not lose face.

arm wrestling techniques

There are two techniques that, when combined with a strong finish, can make you almost unstoppable: the top roll and the hook. You must apply these techniques quickly and smoothly, without revealing your intentions in any way - such an arm wrestling ninja.

Top roll

The most effective arm wrestling technique. It is necessary to apply the strength of the forearm and biceps, directing them to the arm and fingers. The main thing here is to strongly squeeze the enemy’s hand. Your goal is to get your hand over your opponent's. To make this happen, you need to start at lightning speed as soon as you hear the signal to start. Pull your hand towards you so that the opponent's hand is further away from his body. This will unbalance him and increase your balance. We hope that you will notice how the grip of your opponent begins to weaken. Once that happens, start pushing him. Keep going until you reach the maximum. Then get ready for the finish line.


A simple technique that can be used on its own or in combination with a top roll. The goal is to force the opponent to bend his arm back, this will help you deal with him and have a more comfortable leverage. As soon as you hear the signal to start the match, tilt his wrist back, turning his hand towards you. When you bring him into this position, you will be ready for the finish line.

Finish him!

Sometimes the hardest part of a match is getting your opponent's hand on the table. You can squeeze all the last juice out of your biceps, trying to press the opponent’s hand to the table, but you won’t achieve anything. It often looks like this in arm wrestling: one almost pressed the other to the table, but he resists with all his might - and this goes on endlessly. How to avoid this annoying complexity?

When you're ready to take the final push, twist your body so that your shoulders turn in the direction your arm is pushing. This will allow you to apply the strength of the shoulder muscles and additional mass. If your opponent is not a superhuman, he will have a hard time.

And again I want to draw your attention to the fact that this must be done quickly and smoothly. The less time the enemy has to react, the better. This skill requires practice, and sometimes study turns out to be a loss. If it hurts you, try practicing on your 11 year old nephew. Of course, this is not the most courageous thing to do, but why does such a thought come to mind? Because…

You have to know how to lose

You were challenged, you accepted it and lost. Don't worry. It happens even to the best of us. Realize that your arm wrestling skills don't define you as a man yet. When your hand touches the table, shake your opponent's hand, pat on the shoulder, smile, praise him and tell him that somehow you will get revenge. Do not be one of those who believe that the title of a man is earned exclusively in such competitions, do not need to show everyone that you still have not lost your penis when you lose - everyone is somehow aware of this anyway. No need to swear, fiercely sip beer, demand revenge, call names, etc. Such behavior is no good.

And also, if you understand that you are about to lose, you don’t have to resist to the last and not let the potential winner make a winning move - this way you, like idiots, will sit at the table for an extra five minutes in one position. It's all settled, you're just trying to delay the inevitable. If your song is sung, look at the enemy, nod to him and surrender with dignity. You'll be fine next time.

Workout Exercises

If you really want this very revenge, pay attention to the exercises that you can perform at home or in the gym. An arm wrestler needs to develop the forearms, biceps and triceps first of all. Expanders will develop your grip very well. At your service are all kinds of simulators for these muscles, dumbbells, expanders and push-ups. And fantasy, my friend!

Devices for training

This is more for entertainment. Just look at what a cult arm wrestling has turned Western assholes into!

Slot machines - arm wrestlers

There's some kind of hydraulics inside, so this robot is no joke. In general, I would feel like an idiot trying to overcome the car, but I would gladly look at another idiot.

Neil Lewis car

It looks vintage, we should dig up more information about this device. It seems to be just set up. Weight is added to one end of the lever, and then you start working out the movements, like in arm wrestling. Quite cool. It's a pity they don't make them anymore.

Bullshit from the movie "With all my might"

If you are interested in the topic of arm wrestling, check out this movie. Quite good for its genre. Stallone plays an arm wrestler who needs money. His wife has died, and he is trying to somehow make friends with his son, whom he hardly knew. All in all, a touching story. One of the coolest things about this movie is this weight lifting machine that Stallone's character has set up inside his car. Cool thing, I would use it myself.

Denis Cyplenkov, who is a repeated champion not only of Russia, but also of the world, a famous armfighter, visited the All Inclusive program. In the issue dedicated to arm wrestling, the athlete talked about what exercises he prefers, how he eats and what he does in general in order to successfully prove himself in the field of arm wrestling. The host of the All Inclusive TV show is Sergey Badyuk, who himself leads an active sports life, has the title of master of sports.

Let us dwell in more detail on the exercises that were demonstrated by Denis Tsyplenkov.

The first is for the hand and forearm. It is necessary to bend the arm intensively in top block. Cyplenkov strongly recommends that everyone perform this exercise, because it perfectly trains the forearm. Don't take it right away big weight, start with light loads, gradually increase the weight with each approach (one approach - no more than 3).

Before you start training your forearm and hand, warm them up well with preliminary exercises. Otherwise, you risk earning damage to the ligaments. This remark is especially true for beginners who are faced with such a load for the first time.

Second exercise

The second stage of the exercises is the flexion of the neck. One end of the neck should rest against something, the other end should be taken in the hand and begin to bend it. To begin with, the weight of the bar itself is also suitable, gradually increase the weight with each approach.

Third exercise

The third exercise is suitable for anyone who wants to develop strength for arm wrestling. For him, you will need hammers and dumbbells. The exercise is performed while standing, during its execution the load falls on the brachioradialis muscle of the forearms and on shoulder muscle shoulder (or brachialis). This exercise will make the biceps more prominent and expressive. Do not allow the dumbbell to drop below 90 degrees. Take a dumbbell (its weight can be increased 15 times after a certain number of workouts), take starting position and start bending your arm. Do two or three sets, one set - 15 times. You can use not only dumbbells, but also weights, so as not to leave brushes idle. The best way- This is the alternation of dumbbells and kettlebells during training in the gym.

In order to learn more about the exercises and look at them, so to speak, in action, we offer you a video in which Denis Tsyplenkov, Sergey Badyuk and Alexander Filimonov will show you how to do this or that exercise. Denis Tsyplenkov will also tell the audience about what kind of diet he follows in order to always be in great shape.

Armwrestling — Video

Wrestling looks like great way demonstration of one's own strength. However, in reality, the volume of muscle mass does not play the main role here. To outperform your opponent, it is important to be familiar with armwrestling techniques and be able to apply them in practice. In the presented publication, I would like to tell you about the techniques that will allow you to defeat the enemy, regardless of the degree of muscle development.


The position of the hand at the start of the fight largely depends on individual anthropometry. However, the ideal is the position in which the forearm and shoulder are at a minimum distance from each other.

There is a special grip that potentially gives an opportunity to gain an advantage already at the start of the fight. To achieve this goal, it is enough to place the first phalanges of the fingers slightly higher in relation to the corresponding phalanges of the opponent. You can verify the correctness of such a capture by looking at the bundle from the side. If all four phalanxes have a position close to horizontal, it will be possible from the first seconds to effectively put pressure on the opponent's hand, developing superiority.

The problem is that in the presence of an experienced judge, it will be difficult to resort to the above technique. After all, such a capture is prohibited by the rules of arm wrestling. In any case, the presented manipulations can be performed a few moments before the start of the fight.

Leg position

In order for this or that arm wrestling technique to work, you need to pay attention to the position of the legs. You can increase the efficiency of actions by setting several lower limb forward towards the center of the table. The other leg should be bent at the knee and serve as a support.

According to the rules of arm wrestling, it is forbidden to transfer the entire body weight in the direction of resistance to the opponent's arm. Only one leg is allowed off the floor. However, this applies only to competitions at the professional level. In other situations, to gain an advantage over an opponent who clearly looks stronger, you can use a trick. It is enough to slightly raise both legs, grab the edge of the table with your free hand and apply pressure on the opponent’s limb not only with your hand, but also due to the displacement of the entire body weight.

Mounted attack

So, let's move on to the essence of common techniques. Such a wrestling technique in arm wrestling as a top attack involves sliding the fingers along the phalanxes of the opponent's fingers. The goal here is to cover the opponent's palm from above. Compared to other methods, this approach is quite energy-intensive. However, it provides an opportunity to defeat less experienced opponents.

Top hook

To act with this arm wrestling technique should be similar to the previous option. However, you do not need to stretch at the start. The main goal is some care with the brush to the side. The main pressure here is carried out by the index and middle fingers.

Bottom hook

This technique and tactics of arm wrestling involves performing a sharp turn with the hand on oneself in the first moments after the start of the fight. The little finger in such a grip should be directed towards the body, and thumb turned away from themselves. With such a technique, you need to wait until the opponent is a little out of breath, and then put his hand on the table.


The pull is one of the most popular wrestling techniques in armwrestling. Reception training is as follows. To begin with, the strongest possible capture of the opponent’s hand is carried out. Then the hand is bent, and the opponent's limb is pulled towards itself. In the final phase, pressure should be exerted, focusing on triceps tension.

Lateral technique

Reception involves moving the hand to the side along with the body. With this approach, changing angles is not allowed. This arm wrestling technique makes it possible to use the abdominal and back muscles to the maximum. The disadvantage is the likelihood of losing on a sharp counterattack.

Features of preparation for competitions

Of decisive importance in preparing for the fight are regular exercises with dumbbells, which makes it possible to gain strength. However, arm wrestling also requires considerable stamina. It should be increased by daily going on long runs. Reaction plays an important role. Help is here sport games or exercises with the ball. Training, the purpose of which is the improvement of these skills, must be clearly scheduled in the form of a schedule.

There are several tips to improve the effectiveness of training:

  1. The main thing in this sport is not building up muscle mass, and practicing arm wrestling techniques. It is necessary to monitor whether each exercise is performed correctly.
  2. During training, it is imperative to perform the so-called isolating exercises, which make it possible to work out high-quality various muscles at separate angles. Certain days should be set aside for training the upper and lower limb muscles. It must be understood that the area of ​​the forearm includes the flexors of the fingers and the flexors of the hand. Each zone needs targeted strengthening.
  3. It is recommended to pay attention to training the elbow joint. When the lesson comes to an end, it is enough to load this area to failure. Only in this case will there be an increase in the power of the limb.


As you can see, there are many effective arm wrestling techniques. Finally, it is worth noting that the achievement of high results in this sport directly depends on regular practice. It is simply impossible to achieve victories by relying only on power training. The accuracy of movements must be constantly worked out. It is advisable to work in pairs with a partner. However, it is not necessary to fight hard. It is enough to work out various techniques, carrying out minimal resistance. If necessary, you can refer to techniques using the relevant subject literature.