Attachment adjustment for working and transport positions. Which metal straps can be shortened in length and with which tools

If you install accessories on your watch yourself, the risk of accidental damage lies with the buyer and is not a reason for replacement!

The bracelet has two types of adjustment - using a buckle (lock) and removing links.

To adjust the bracelet in small sizes, use the lock buckle.

We take out the pin by pressing on its visible section and rearrange it into another hole (closer to the latch). It is not recommended to move the pin from the opening side of the lock (latch), this will cause the buckle to constantly cling to clothing and the bracelet will unfasten.

In cases where adjustment with a buckle does not help, you have to remove the links. Before you start removing the links, it is best to remove the bracelet from the watch to avoid accidental scratches.

There are several types of fastening of removable links - pins that need to be knocked out or squeezed out, screws that are unscrewed, and studs that are also squeezed out. If you look at the inside of the bracelet, you can see the arrows.

These arrows indicate the direction in which the pins or studs are to be extruded. Another way to determine the direction of extrusion is to look at the bracelet from the end, the pin has the shape of a plate folded in half. On the one hand, the plane is flat or rounded, on the other hand, a cut is visible (you might think that this is a screw slot). The extrusion of the pins occurs just in the direction where this incision is located. Watchmakers use special devices to extrude pins, and on our website you can purchase sets for shortening bracelets (website section Tools)

One such tool is a bracelet link puller. It allows you to carefully, avoiding accidental scratches and damage to shorten the bracelet.

Position the bracelet so that the needle of the puller hits the pin, the arrow of which indicates the direction of extrusion. Rotate the knob until the pin is pushed out. Remove the required number of links in this way. You can insert the pin back with a rubber mallet.

How to remove links without using special tools?.

You can use a screwdriver or other tool to remove the links. We squeeze the pin out of the link in the direction indicated by the arrow - carefully, trying not to cause accidental scratches.

Now remove the extra link. It is necessary to remove the links from the bracelet symmetrically, an equal number on each side of the lock. Otherwise, the lock will not be located in the center of the wrist, but shifted to one side, which will lead to discomfort when wearing the watch. There are only a few links that can be removed. Usually it is 5-6 pieces on each side of the lock (depends on the link size than smaller size link, the greater the number provided).

Now we assemble the bracelet in the reverse order, only without extra links. It is necessary that the pins enter the links with the same side as before disassembly. The pins can be tapped with a small rubber mallet.

Now it remains to attach the bracelet to the watch and try it on. For comfortable wearing, there should be a distance of two fingers between the watch and the wrist.

How to shorten an elastic band?

This manual applies to ROWI Fixoflex® wristbands. Not all elastic bands can be shortened.

1. Consider how many links you want to remove. The links on the watch band are attached to each other with thin U-shaped metal clips. To shorten such a bracelet, you need to pull the bracket out of the link. The easiest way to do this is with small narrow pliers. You need to pull out the bracket carefully, avoiding its rotation (it can break from kinks).

What child does not like skipping ropes? Yes, this is one of the very first sports equipment that a child masters. It is also important that jumping rope is not just a game, it is also good remedy for development physical ability child: dexterity, endurance, to strengthen of cardio-vascular system. Let's figure out what a jump rope should be for a child and how to learn to jump rope.

Today, jump ropes and the very word "skipping" are very popular. Skipping ropes are used not only in rhythmic gymnastics, but also for athletes as a leg muscle workout. Therefore, to say that the jump rope is a purely female sports equipment is not entirely true. If you decide to give your child jump ropes, you should know a few important points.

What is a skipping rope

A jump rope is a rope of a certain length with or without handles. In gymnastics, they simply use a rope with knots at the ends, and in sports stores more often they sell skipping ropes equipped with handles. Some manufacturers embed mechanical or electronic counters in the rope handles.

The jump rope can be:

  • rope,
  • leather
  • nylon.

Which one you prefer is a matter of personal taste and convenience. However, it is important for the child not to spoil the first impression of such a sports simulator.

When choosing a jump rope for a child, one should be guided not by the color, shape of the handles or drawings of cartoon characters, but by convenience and size.

It is not necessary for the first acquaintance of a child with a rope to choose a projectile with handles in the form of puppet heads or palms. Beautiful in design, these jump ropes may not be entirely comfortable for children's hands. And the last point - when jumping, the rope should scroll in the handles, and not twist and get confused.

How to adjust the length of the rope

Often jump ropes are sold in a certain length. For adults - these are 3-meter ropes, for children - a little less. Excess rope (nylon) will have to be cut off. Do not be stingy and try to tie the rope in knots or hide the excess. At

evil and deformed handles - not the best option children's sports equipment. Just as the baby grows, you will pick up other jump ropes of the desired length.

So, how to adjust the rope:

Ask the child to take the handles of the rope in his hands and step on the rope with both legs. The baby should keep the arms at chest level. The rope will stretch, cut off all excess.

How to learn to jump rope

It is very important to teach your child to jump rope. Don't think it's that easy. It’s easy for an adult who grew up on Agnia Barto’s books to jump “.. with a turn, and with a jump, and with a run, and in place, and with two legs together ...”, and it’s difficult for a kid to figure out “how”, “where” and “why” she clings."

The best teacher in jump ropes is his own example. Stand next to your child and show them how to hold their hands and how to jump over the rope. Do not rush, and do not be upset if the baby does not immediately figure it out. The ability to jump will come with experience. Believe me, on the fifth, tenth or fiftieth attempt, the rope will slip under your feet and the kid will rejoice as if he had conquered Everest.

Jump ropes for the whole family

And when the child learns to jump, you can diversify the exercises and show how to jump with the rope crossing, on one leg, double jump, back and forth, etc. But the most correct thing is to the music and the whole family. After all, jumping rope burns twice as many calories as running.

Watch the video on how to masterfully jump rope


Select the Options tab in the window. Here are the elements for setting display options. Using the "Screen Resolution" slider and moving it with the mouse, change the . Set the points you need, while referring to the numerical values ​​​​displayed below the slider.

Set quality. To do this, in the same window, in the corresponding drop-down list, select the desired value. After setting all the parameters, review the changes by clicking the "Apply" button.

After the display blinks for a short time, its resolution will change according to the set data. In this case, the "Monitor Settings" window will appear on the screen, informing you of the change in size. If you are completely satisfied with the visualization with the new resolution, click the "Yes" button in this window - confirming that the parameters have been saved. Otherwise, the "No" button. Also, by default, changes will be canceled by the system automatically after 15 seconds.


The optimal resolution of the monitor should be selected taking into account its technological features. Some older models may not support resolution high level.

Sometimes, during the process of reinstalling the operating system, or after an incorrect shutdown of an application, such as a video game, the screen settings are reset. As a result, the displayed area of ​​the screen on the monitor becomes smaller, the resolution is set to the standard 800 x 600 dpi, and black bars appear on the sides of the screen. In such a situation, you need to restore the screen values ​​to the original settings.

To stretch the screen correctly, you need to right-click on an empty space. In the menu that appears, select the "Properties" command. The Display Properties dialog box opens. Select the "Settings" tab. In the window that opens, an image will appear on the computer monitor and adjustment scales for selecting the screen resolution and color quality. If the resolution scale is set to 800 x 600 dpi, then use the slider to increase the value to the maximum size, for example, 1280 x 1024.

Sometimes the slider fails. This suggests that the computer may be in safe mode, for example, when forced to restart, or when absent (the slang term is “flew”). In such a situation, in order to stretch the screen correctly, you will need a driver from the disk that came with the video card, or download it from the Internet from the equipment manufacturer's website. But first you need to make sure that this is the problem.

To do this, on the "My Computer" icon, right-click to activate the menu and select "Properties". Then in the window that opens, select the "Hardware" tab and "Device Manager". First, select "Display Adapters" from the list and right-click to activate the "Properties" command. In the window that opens, select the "Driver" tab. We carefully look at the information about the date of the driver update and the current version. If it says that the driver is missing or not found, you will have to reinstall it. This is a hardware failure that can only be fixed by reinstalling the video card driver.

If the video card driver is installed and the General tab indicates that the device is working properly, then you need to check the monitor driver. We execute a sequence of commands - "My Computer" - "Properties" - "Hardware" - "Device Manager". In the list, select "Monitors" and right-click to activate the "Properties" command. In the window that opens, select the "Driver" tab. If not, you will also need to reinstall it.

The screen resolution of the monitor is responsible for the clarity of the image and text, as well as for the correct positioning of the image on the screen. The higher the resolution, the sharper the objects appear on the screen, and at the same time, the smaller they become.


The smallest resolution on modern computers is 640x480. The first number indicates the amount along , the second - vertically. So, at 1280x960, one point at this resolution will occupy 4 pixels, thus the image will be blurry, bulky, photos and labels will be angular.
The optimal resolution is 1280 horizontal pixels for monitors with a diagonal of 14-15 inches. Monitors from 17 inches use a higher resolution, such as 1600, 1920 or more horizontal dots.

To change the resolution in Windows XP, right-click on the desktop, select "Properties" from the context menu that appears. In the window that opens, go to the "Settings" tab and move the horizontal slider in the "Screen Resolution" section to the resolution you need. On the right, here, you can change the color quality. The desired parameter is 32 bits. After that, click "Apply" and see the result. If the quality of the image on the screen does not satisfy you, continue to experiment with the slider.

If you have a Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer, right-click on the desktop and select Screen Resolution. In the window that appears, select item number 2, click on the drop-down menu and move the vertical slider to the desired resolution, then click "Apply" and pay attention to the result. Also here you can change the screen orientation from landscape to portrait or flip the image on the monitor.

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In addition to screen resolution, an important option for vision is the screen frequency. The higher the flicker frequency, the less eye strain.


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Resolution is a monitor setting that determines how information is displayed, measured vertically and horizontally in pixels. At a lower resolution, such as 800x600, there are fewer elements on the screen, but they are more large size. At higher resolutions, such as 1280x800, more smaller elements fit on the monitor. It is best to use a computer with a maximum screen resolution, which is different for each monitor.


Use the "Resolution" slider to set what you need. Click OK. The screen will turn black for a second. The operating system will ask you to confirm the new settings within 15 seconds, if you do not, the computer will return the old settings automatically.

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Changing the screen resolution affects all user accounts on that computer.

Useful advice

For some older games and programs, a screen resolution of 640x480 pixels is required. You can temporarily enable this mode. To do this, right-click on the shortcut for this program and select "Properties". Go to the "Compatibility" tab and check the box "Screen resolution 640x480". Click OK. When you close the application, the screen resolution will return to normal automatically.

Now that monitors have become cheaper and more affordable, many users have begun to put two monitors on their computer desk. The advantages of such an approach are obvious. You can work on one monitor and watch a movie on the other at the same time. You can also connect a TV, a second keyboard, and a mouse to your computer as a second monitor. Then several users can work on one system unit.


With the advent of the new operating system Windows 7, the situation was resolved. But Microsoft has made this solution so non-obvious that many users, especially unprepared ones, will not immediately figure it out. There are two ways to solve this problem.

When you highlight a specific window (naturally, when it is in the active state), pressing the keyboard shortcut "Win + Shift + Left / Right Arrow" moves the selected window to the right or left.

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Useful advice

The use of a second monitor in the Windows XP operating system created an unsolvable problem. If the second monitor or TV was turned off, then open windows on the second monitor remain. And you have to drag these windows back and forth manually. Before dragging, you need to turn on the second monitor. There were, of course, some other more successful, some less successful ways, but they differed only in additional “body movements”.

Sooner or later, any user faces the question of changing the screen resolution. This can happen after exiting the game incorrectly or due to a desire to see what is happening on the screen more clearly. Before understanding this process, we first define what it is and what it is responsible for.

You will need

  • A computer


Resolution is responsible for the clarity of the display of objects, i.e. labels, text, pictures, windows, etc. It is in pixels and depends on the monitor settings. If the user wants to be comfortable for his vision, then he simply must be able to change the screen resolution.

In order to change the resolution, right-click once on an empty space on the desktop and go to "Properties". Of the five tabs that open: "Themes", "Desktop", "Screensaver", "Design", "Settings", select the last one and use the slider to select the most convenient for your work and suitable value.

As you can see, changing the resolution is not so difficult, but you will ensure your comfort while using your computer. In general, we can say that changing the screen resolution is the same in almost every operating system.


  • as you can see it has changed

The presence of an expensive video card and a good monitor is still not a sufficient condition for comfortable work at a computer, since their correct settings are necessary. An improperly configured video system, even the most modern and expensive, will only bring you disappointment and fatigue to your eyes.

You will need

  • Computer running the Windows operating system (XP, Windows 7), basic computer skills


By moving the “Screen Resolution” setting slider, set the resolution that will allow you to work without stress. The value of this parameter is very individual, depending on the preferences of the user. If the image is too large at the selected resolution, then go to the "General" tab and increase the "Scale Factor" value.

Open the Monitor Connection Module Properties window by clicking the Advanced button. On the "Monitor" tab, set the screen refresh rate. The higher this value, the less your eyes will get tired from monitor flicker. Click the "Apply" button for all changes to take effect.

If your operating system is Windows 7, use the dccw.exe application. Launch it from the "Control Panel" "Display" applet by clicking on the "Color Calibration" button. The setup assistant window will open, where, following the suggested steps, you can fine-tune your computer's video system.

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In Moscow, in order to get a job, foreign citizens must have registration and a work visa to Russia. In Russia, for foreigners, a work visa is issued at the place of residence. If a citizen changes his place of residence, he should re-register and obtain a work permit. For registration, a foreigner must provide a personal passport and migration card. The registration is usually valid for one year. After the expiration of the period, foreign citizens are required to renew their registration.

You will need

  • Personal passport, migration card.


Obtain permission for (visa) from the Office of the Federal Migration Agency, if you are a citizen of the CIS countries.
If you are a citizen of countries such as Turkmenistan and Georgia, then first get the consent of the employment center. If you are a citizen of Belarus, then do not worry about obtaining a certificate of permission to work in Russia, you do not need it.

If you already have a work permit (for at least 90 days), then within a month, submit medical certificate in the FMS, which confirms the absence of HIV and infectious diseases, drug addiction, alcoholism. If the certificate is not submitted within the specified time, the work permit will be invalidated.

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In Russia, it is against the law to work without documents (registration at the place of residence and a work visa). It is important to remember that failure to comply with this law entails heavy administrative fines and expulsion from the country. At all stages of employment, it is necessary to comply with the deadlines for submitting and processing documents.

Useful advice

Today, for foreign citizens, obtaining a work permit in Russia is mandatory. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of obtaining a work visa for citizens of different countries. In Moscow, on employment issues, you must contact the local Federal Migration Service.


  • On the acceptance of documents for obtaining a work permit. in 2018

Some users are unhappy with the image transmitted by their monitor. Everyone solves this problem in their own way. You can purchase a different monitor, customize an existing one, or connect another device instead of a monitor.

You will need

  • - video signal transmission cable.


First, try expanding your monitor screen by increasing its resolution. Usually this method allows you to capture more usable screen area. In Windows Seven, open the Control Panel and select Appearance and Personalization. Now open the "Screen" menu and go to the item "Screen resolution settings" located in the left column.

In the "Screen Resolution" menu, set a larger value. At this method there are several disadvantages: deterioration in the quality of the image transmitted from the monitor, and a decrease in the screen refresh rate. If you are not satisfied with the result, then connect an additional monitor. As its analogue, you can use a liquid crystal or plasma TV.

Connect another monitor or TV to the second connector of your video card. This process can be carried out even when the system unit is turned on. To connect a TV, it is recommended to use connectors that transmit a digital signal. Now repeat the procedure for entering the monitor settings menu.

Click the "Find" button and wait while the system detects an additional device. Now select the graphic image of the second monitor and activate the "Make this screen as the main screen" function. This will allow you to use a TV (higher quality monitor) instead of a standard device.

To greatly increase the working area, select the "Expand this screen" option. On one of the monitors (the one that is secondary), all shortcuts will disappear and only the desktop picture will be displayed.

To launch an application on the second screen, simply drag it with the cursor outside the first monitor (left or right). Note that it is recommended to set both screens to the same resolution. Otherwise, not the entire working area will be occupied on one of the monitors.

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Resolution is a term applied to images in digital form. The "picture" of the desktop and all the icons on it are also a digital image. What screen resolution is selected will depend on the appearance of the desktop and all files being launched (large or small icons of folders and files, their normal or stretched appearance, the appearance of file captions, and so on). You can restore the previous or set a new screen resolution in just a few clicks.


To adjust the screen resolution, open the Control Panel via the Start menu. When the Control Panel is displayed by Category, select Appearance and Themes. In the window that opens, either select the "Change screen resolution" task, or click on the "Screen" icon. If the control panel has a classic look, immediately select the "Screen" icon by clicking on it with the left mouse button. The Display Properties window opens. To switch from displaying the control panel by category to the classic view and vice versa, click the appropriate label command on the left side of the control panel dialog box.

There is a big trouble in the house - the limb of one of the family members is damaged, and the doctor strongly recommended crutches.

Crutches can be bought The height of the patient must fall within the range of the passport size of the crutches.) or ask for already used but in good condition.

Let's review the new acquisition.

To begin with, let's check the crutch for strength (each crutch in the pharmacy has its own maximum calculated weight), then check the upper axillary bar for smoothness (or for depreciation usefulness if it is covered with elastic materials). Check the presence and quality of all bolts or studs that adjust the length of the crutch. And finally, let's check the rubber tip of the crutch - is it worn, does it hold well, is it the same wear if the crutch is not new.

And only now will we begin to solve the problem of fitting these crutches to a given person.

I emphasize once again: the problem of “how to properly adjust the crutches” cannot be solved “by eye”. You will have to lift the future user and with the help of a wall, a chair or one or two assistants, straighten him to his full height.

First of all, we solve the problem of the height of the crutches. The main thing in this matter (how to adjust the crutches for height) is not to make the main mistake: not to make them too high. Many people think that correct setting crutches for growth requires a hard stop of the crutch in the armpit. This is absolutely false!

With a full vertical scan of the patient, the upper bar of the crutch should be 4-5 cm below the armpit!

Now adjust the height of the hand grips - They should be at the level of the thigh. In this case, the arm should be slightly bent at the elbow joint.

Ask the patient if they are comfortable with the height of the hand grips in the vertical position.

How to set up crutches

Thus, the correct adjustment of crutches consists of two operations:

1) adjust the total length of the crutch with the screws below

2) adjust the height of the hand grips.

I want to cool the ardor of the impatient - the first time you will not achieve absolute convenience.

The problem of how to properly adjust crutches will have to be solved throughout the entire time of use.

A person will change shoes, begin to grow stronger and naturally straighten up, begin to walk up and down stairs.

Vika Dee July 28, 2018, 18:09

Wristwatches still remain relevant, although you can also find out what time it is on your mobile phone. However, for men, especially those involved in business, they are a necessary accessory that complements and completes their image, so the choice of a strap or bracelet for a watch should also be approached carefully.

What should I do if the watch strap or bracelet is too big?

To avoid discomfort often needs to be resized bracelet on the hand so that the watch is securely fixed, but the bracelet does not squeeze the hand. If the strap or bracelet is too big for you, do not rush to replace it.

Adjusting the length of a leather watch strap is as easy as shelling pears, just pierce another hole in the right place so that it does not hang around your wrist. If the bracelet is ceramic, then you can’t do without a visit to the workshop, but you can reduce the iron strap on your own.

Reduce watch band

Usually metal bracelet It is designed for the widest wrist, taking into account the fact that the owner will be able to adjust it to the desired size.

You can do this either by contacting the workshop, or on your own.

No supernatural no skills required, and you can easily pull out the links and shorten the bracelet with the help of improvised tools.

What tools will be needed?

To reduce the strap metal clock, it is most convenient to work with tweezers, a thin awl, a small screwdriver, pliers, a pin and a small hammer. If you have ordinary Chinese on hand set of tools you will find everything you need there.

Tools for changing the length of the watch bracelet

Carefully prepare workplace : remove everything superfluous from it and cover it with a large sheet of light plain paper so that all the details are clearly visible. It is advisable to put the same sheet in front of the table in case some small detail falls. On the side of the table, place a small container for small parts.

What models of bracelets cannot be shortened?

But first, it is worth warning that although most manufacturers produce bracelets for watches, the length of which can be adjusted, there are models that non-adjustable:

  • leather straps, in which the fixation mechanism is the same as on the trouser belt;
  • stretchable straps, consisting of links with a spring; when put on, they are first stretched and then compressed according to the volume of the arm.

Today, these types of straps have become rarity, however, they also have their fans, who think that it is very convenient, and also looks very stylish.

Watches with a leather strap are known to everyone, it is precisely for such watch models that it is impossible to reduce the length of the strap:

Women's watch on a leather belt, SL(price link)

How to reduce the bracelet on the watch with your own hands?

Now everything you need to know about how do it yourself to adjust the size of the bracelet. Before performing, you need to carefully consider the case itself, a typical representative of a watch with an iron strap is this model:

Watches for women, SL (price on the link)

Shortening the length of an iron bracelet can be done in two ways:

  • change the location of the retaining pin in the lock buckle;
  • remove extra links.

Removing extra links

First you need to find out how many extra links you need to remove. Sometimes it is enough to remove one extra link, and sometimes you have to reduce the bracelet by several links. In any case, in order to be able to disassemble it, you will have to take off the lock one of the rods, which will allow you to disassemble the bracelet.

Please note: you can only remove those links that are indicated by an arrow with inside bracelet

If the arrow is missing, then these links cast and cannot be disassembled. One link to another can be connected by rods or plates. The sequence of actions is:

  1. To remove the links, these rods or plates will have to be pulled out with a thin tool, and this must be done in the direction of the arrows.
  2. Then remove the link (or links) that turned out to be superfluous, and reconnect the bracelet.
  3. The rods look like small screws, but they are actually the same length as the link and can sometimes be difficult to push out. Then you can use a piece of paper clip 5-7 mm long: insert it into the hole and, lightly hitting it, push the rod out. To avoid damage to the bracelet, do not use a metal object, a plastic screwdriver handle is best.
  4. If you need to remove more than one link, do it symmetrically on both sides of the bracelet so that the lock is not somewhere on the side.

How to reduce the size of the bracelet with a lock?

In this way, you can shorten the bracelet by no more than 2 cm, but sometimes this is enough to make its size turned out to fit.

The operation should be carried out very carefully, since the rod is spring-loaded in the lock and can not only bounce, but also fall apart into tiny parts.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Unfasten the bracelet and with a thin tool press the locking pin that holds the lock in the closed position.
  2. Then move the locking pin into the hole closer to the second pin, which is installed on the lock (on the other side).

How to adjust the length of the clip-on strap?

Often there are stylish metal or plastic watch straps with the so-called "sliding" lock, which allows you to fasten and unfasten the watch with a "light movement of the hand", which is very convenient. In this case, you can reduce the length of the strap by moving the lock along one of the watch straps, adjusting the diameter to the wrist circumference.

Watch strap

To do this, you need a screwdriver with a flat blade, with which the petal is slightly raised, fixing the lock on the strap; then it is taken aside, the lock is moved to obtain the desired size of the strap, and the locking tab is lowered again.

As we see, nothing too complicated there is no watch strap or bracelet diameter adjustment. A visual illustration of this process will be the video: