Bike repair with delivery. Bicycle service. Which of the cyclists violates the Rules when transporting passengers

Simple at first glance, the bike hides a large number of interconnected mechanisms. The serviceability of each of them guarantees comfortable and safe trips, and the two-wheeled horse itself is used as a full-fledged transport.

Periodic maintenance is required to keep your bike in excellent condition. How often you need to carry out cleaning, overhaul and repair activities depends on many factors. Among them are the features of the model, the quality of components, the duration of trips and the style of riding.

An easy way to troubleshoot, change parts and consumables in a timely manner is to contact a qualified workshop. In some cases, this is the only option to bring the bike to a ready state. However, most bike maintenance can be done by yourself. By spending time, the bike owner will gain invaluable experience and save a considerable amount.

General rules for bike care

Store Bought new bike begins to slowly “get used” to its new owner: the moving nodes are rubbed in and the fixed ones are getting stronger. Lubrication plays an important role in the quality of work of all parts and joints. Over time, it absorbs particles of metal chips and dirt. When the capacity of the lubricant composition exceeds the allowable one, it loses its properties and begins to work to the detriment of the mechanisms. As a result, increased wear.

First and most important rule when - keep it clean and pay great attention to the lubrication of rubbing mechanisms. Systems approach to keeping great in working condition, it is:

  • timely and thorough washing;
  • dust removal of sensitive parts - bushings, carriage assembly, switches;
  • removal of used grease and stains;
  • treatment with special lubricants;
  • timely removal of foci of corrosion;
  • ensuring the geometric integrity of the structure - careful tightening of all bolted connections.

It is very important to properly store your bike. In the off-season, the bike is idle, and its condition will directly depend on the surrounding conditions. It is not recommended to keep on the balcony in the cold season and in damp rooms. It should be clean around the bike, and it is also a good idea to provide him with a little space. If you cannot create optimal storage conditions, you can disassemble it and place it in an airtight case.

The condition of the frame, wheels and mechanisms is negatively affected by the fall of the bicycle. Of course, with active skiing this is inevitable, and at home it can accidentally fall on its side or even fall off the wall. However, it is best to keep flying to a minimum, handle the bike more carefully and choose safer places to ride.

Actually, all of the above is general bike maintenance. This allows you to increase the service life of all parts and maintain a decent appearance. But over time, you will have to delve into the details of the bicycle device and deeper.

Repair Tools & Consumables

It is impossible to carry out bulkhead and repair work with your own hands without a set of tools. Conventionally, they can be divided into mandatory and special. The first ones will be needed one way or another for all types of repair work.

Basic maintenance tools:

  • spanners different sizes+ movable wrench;
  • hexagons (choose the appropriate sizes);
  • flat and Phillips (you will need more often) screwdrivers;
  • pliers for "rough" work;
  • blades for disassembling the wheel;
  • thin knitting needles;
  • clamps;
  • pump;
  • tire repair kit.

Cyclist repair case

Additional tools are required for professional repair mechanisms. For example, the bulkhead of a carriage or a system of transmission stars cannot be carried out only with a screwdriver or an ordinary wrench.

Bicycle repair kit includes:

  • pullers of connecting rod pair and carriage;
  • cassette puller with whip;
  • crank puller;
  • chain wrench;
  • key for adjusting the tension of the spokes;
  • scissors for cutting cables;
  • repair kit for pumping hydraulic brakes;
  • chain washing;
  • oil dosimeter (for special parts) and measuring cup.

This is what the cassette remover looks like

The tool is acquired once and for all, it helps to improve the technical condition of a single mechanism. Consumables play a role in maintaining the mechanism during operation, while they themselves become unusable. Bicycle accessories include:

  • different kinds lubricants: water and dirt-repellent for the chain and sprockets, for the suspension fork, thickened compounds for bearings;
  • cleaning products;
  • brake fluid (for hydraulics);
  • sealants;
  • rooster;
  • brake pads;
  • cables and springs.

Timely update Supplies together with the use of the right tools guarantees 100% good condition of the mechanisms.

Frame, wheel and suspension maintenance

We begin the maintenance of individual fixed parts of the bike. The frame is the main component, without which the great does not exist in principle. The frame takes on all the efforts from both the person and all the constituent parts.

Over time, fatigue accumulates in the pipes and joints, which forces the frame to distort its shape. It is worth noting that this is noticeable only after a very long use of the bike. Conditions that cause frame distortion: Riding in unintended conditions, frequent falls of the bike, inconsistency in load capacity for the weight of the cyclist.

The frame is also vulnerable to corrosion. Chips and cuts on the paint cause intense oxidation of the metal. To prevent the development of rust, it is necessary to frequently inspect the frame, eliminate pockets of corrosion with special compounds, and, if necessary, prime and paint the problem area.

Serious damage (cracks and breaks) cannot be repaired with your own hands, here you should contact the master.

Wheels are prone to warping. Rim bends make driving uncomfortable and worsen the condition of the wheel. or "egg" can be done by changing the tension of the spokes with.

Wheel bending can be avoided by maintaining optimal tire pressure. The tubes and tires should be free of cuts and punctures, and the nipple should seal the air inside the tire. If the puncture is caught on the way, you need to use a repair kit - special patches for sealing holes.

Blades for dismantling the wheel

Requires careful care and the central part of the wheel - the sleeve. Bushing maintenance features:

  • do not wash under strong pressure of water;
  • periodically wipe off dust and apply clean lubricant;
  • when turning the wheel, open, replace the bearings and lubricate the internal cavities.

Maintenance of the front fork includes periodic replacement of grease, cleaning the legs from dust and plaque, and timely replacement of sealing parts. In some cases, when the softness of the shock absorber is not adjustable, it is necessary to replace the spring and / or damper. Maintain cushioning mountain bike in working condition is extremely important, as it plays a key role in the comfort of movement and the condition of the frame.

Some bicycles, in addition to the suspension fork, have a rear vibration damper. The requirements for caring for it are similar, except that more often you have to wipe the anthers from dirt.

Overhaul of the steering column, brake system and transmission

We turn to the elements of the bike, which provide clarity of control, movement and stopping.

Steering column

There are two types of columns on bicycles - integrated with industrial bearings and semi-integrated with balls.

Semi-integrated steering column bearing assembly

Maintenance of a steering wheel with industrial bearings includes only timely lubrication. With semi-integrated columns, everything is more complicated: over time, the loads inside it are redistributed, as a result of which the balls crumble. As a result, turning the steering wheel or its difficult course. Bulk ball steerer repairs include replacing them and thoroughly lubricating them. Also, it will not be superfluous to check the column for dirt. Work must be carried out before each season or as needed.

Brake system

Maintaining the brakes in working condition is a guarantee of safety. System checks should be carried out as often as possible, on average twice a week. We check:

  • pad wear;
  • condition of the braking surface;
  • integrity and tension of cables;
  • lubrication of the moving parts of the caliper and handle;
  • line to air (for brakes with hydraulics).

For effective braking, it is important to set the pads correctly: the gap should be minimal, but not slow down the wheel. Of course, there should be no curvature on the rim itself. The surface (rim or disc) must be wiped clean and free of oil or contamination.

Adjusted rear disc brake clearance

from tension and general condition ropes depends on the accuracy and speed of braking. Optimal tension - the pads instantly fit and bounce when you press / release the handle. Of great importance is the good condition of the jacket - no cracks on the shell and winding stretch marks.

For hydraulic brakes, it is necessary to keep the line in working order. The reason for poor performance lies in the presence of air or fluid contamination. The system is bled using a special tool once a season. The fluid must comply with the manufacturer's instructions.

Transmission overhaul:

  • checking and replacing bearings in the carriage, lubricating the assembly;
  • inspection of the integrity of the connecting rods;
  • cleaning and;
  • checking and replacing the stars on the cassette;
  • switch setting.

It is possible to dismantle the carriage and connecting rods only with the help of special pullers. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the connecting rod pair (there should be no cracks) and the condition of the bearings inside the bottom bracket. The key role is played by abundant lubrication with a special compound.

Cleaning and lubricating the chain is necessary to reduce wear on expensive transmission components - cassettes. it can be done manually with a lock or with the help of a squeeze. It is necessary to service the transmission mechanism as necessary, however, it will not be superfluous to periodically wipe the surface of the stars and chains from dust.

Chain release wrench with screw

Worn chainrings on cassettes can be replaced individually. To release the axle rear wheel from the system, you will need a special puller key with a chain whip to hold it.

Maintenance of a bicycle - keeping it clean, lubricating the mechanisms, replacing worn parts and consumables - is an integral part of the life of a cyclist. Timely correction of all shortcomings, careful handling and foresight allows you to get the most out of the bike and enjoy riding for many, many seasons.

In order for the bike to be a source of joy for its owner, it is necessary to constantly make certain efforts. In particular, regularly perform maintenance of the bike. Inspections should be carried out at least 2 times a year, or even more often if you often drive off-road and ride in winter.

Bike maintenance before the season

If you decide to service the bike before the start of the season, you need to check the performance of every detail.

When inspecting the frame and front fork, make sure that there are no cracks, scratches, dents or other defects on them.

When checking the steering wheel, hold it between your knees front wheel, the steering wheel with the take-out should be on the same line with them. Turn the steering wheel in different directions, it should not move. There should be plugs at the ends of the steering wheel.

Use solvent-free liquid lubricants and lubricate all components and the chain. After checking the suspension and adjusting it, tighten all the screws. Make sure the saddle does not move in relation to the frame and post and is parallel to the ground. Don't forget to check your tire pressure. You will see the recommended value on the tire - on the side.

Video instruction for bike maintenance before the season

Bike maintenance before winter

At the end of the season, you should wash your bike, then take care of the brake cables and jackets, joints and derailleurs - lubricate them, remove the chain and store it, after cleaning it using special machines or immersing it in a bottle of kerosene. If necessary, write down all the data from the bike computer. Spring and pneumatic mechanisms must be removed from the load. Release the tire pressure to one and a half atmospheres, loosen the pressure in the air fork chambers, loosen the tension of the shift cables, open the brakes.

Video instruction for maintaining a bicycle for winter

Bike storage features

If you don’t want your bike to turn into unpleasant surprises in the future, keep it in the apartment. If you do not have enough space, then hide it under the bed, in the closet and so on. Please note that in specialized stores it is quite inexpensive to purchase special fasteners with several hooks. The best option It counts as just hanging the bike to the wall.

An attic, garage, balcony and other premises should not be chosen for storing a bicycle. Since in this case your iron friend will be exposed to constant weathering. In the case of regular changes in humidity and temperature, its systems and elements will deteriorate. Tires will also be damaged.

A warm vestibule may be suitable for storage. But be careful, because it is from the vestibule that bikes are most often stolen.

Features of regular bike maintenance

Before starting a long bike ride, you should take it full service. Wipe the contour and frame with a damp cloth, then wipe dry. Wipe the chain either with a dry rag or with a cloth soaked in gasoline (be careful with this liquid). The chain must be free of sand and old oil, and must be dry and clean. After that, you can use oil - lithol, grease, Teflon grease.

After you put the chain in order, take care of the cables. Use engine oil. The brake and shifters also need to be lubricated regularly, and grit and old grease must be removed from them.

One of the rules for maintaining a bike is that you can lubricate everything that just spins - even the handlebars. Don't be afraid to go overboard with lube. Even if you dip your bike into a container of oil, it will not harm it.

Check the seat height using wrenches and hexagons, it is necessary to tighten each nut, screw and bolt. Don't forget to inspect the bike for rust. Especially in the lower part, where it forms most often. Corrosion is removed with sandpaper. After you have carried out the removal of plaque, use acetone and paint, and then varnish. Before starting a bike ride, you should make sure that the tire pressure is correct. You should not hear any extraneous sounds.

A lot of problems can arise during the maintenance of a bicycle. If you, for example, punctured a tire, disassemble the wheel, remove and inspect the tube. If the breakdown is serious, contact the repair shop. If only a small puncture - seal the camera yourself.

A brief video instruction for sticking the camera:

Bicycle like any other technical means, requires regular maintenance. High-quality bike maintenance allows you to extend the life of parts and assemblies, as well as identify hidden faults and replace worn parts. In addition to maintenance, it is also necessary to configure some bike components. Unconfigured nodes cause inconvenience when driving and, more importantly, quickly fail.

Bike maintenance

If you rarely use your bike and do not ride it far from home, then it can be serviced and repaired as problems are identified. But if you take part in long bike trips, cycle touring and simply do not part with your bike, then regular maintenance is a must.

Periodically, it is necessary to carry out partial and complete maintenance of the bike. Partial maintenance involves cleaning and lubricating easily accessible parts that get dirty the fastest (brakes, shifters, chain). Cleaning and lubricating such elements is quite simple and it is not necessary to disassemble anything. Partial maintenance is performed as open elements and assemblies are contaminated. Full maintenance must be carried out at least once per season. With full maintenance, a complete disassembly of the bike, lubrication and adjustment of all elements is required. A complete disassembly is needed in order to get to closed parts, such as - steering column, bottom bracket and bushings.

Bike setup and adjustment

It is worth noting that maintenance alone is not enough for the bike to work properly, it is also necessary to adjust its individual parts - brakes, switches, etc. The operation of an unadjusted bicycle contributes to the rapid failure of its components. In addition, a poorly tuned bicycle poses a great danger to the health and life of its owner. For example, poorly adjusted brakes may not work in an emergency.

It should be borne in mind that in order to manipulate a bicycle, it is not enough to have ordinary tools. There are many specialized bicycle tools and maintenance tools available. You can familiarize yourself with the list in our article - tools for self-repair of a bicycle.

On our site you will find a lot of information on do-it-yourself maintenance, tuning and adjustment of all types of bicycles, including high-speed mountain and sports road bikes, regardless of installed equipment be it Shimano, Sram or cheap body kits. The section of the site you are currently on is dedicated to this topic. You can navigate through the sections using the left menu.

When self-maintenance of your bike, there is a chance of "screwing up" and doing something wrong. Let's look at a few points where mistakes can be made when servicing a bicycle. How to properly maintain a bike?

Do not overtighten the bolts. Now, in an era of lightweight carbon fiber components and tiny bolts with small wrench heads, you need to have sensitivity when tightening them. It is better to purchase good adjustable wrenches with suitable torx sockets and hex keys.

Lubricate the threads, the base of the bolt and both sides of the washer first. Screw designs with two bolts a little, holding the tool alternately with your fingers. Use a tool with short handles and do not lengthen them. You don't have to push hard, or you're bound to break something.

Steering column

Find out in advance how to properly adjust the steering column, and then disassemble. Never tighten the top cap without loosening the stem bolts, or you will break the cap, spider nut, or wedge that is inside the fork stem. In extreme cases, the wedge may come out of the steering column and no further adjustment will be possible. When this happens, put back the wedge 2 cm below.

Make sure the stem protrudes from the top and the gasket washer protrudes from the edge of the stem by approximately 5mm. Place the cover on top and tighten the adjusting bolt. There should be no play in the bearings, and rotation at the same time free.


Straightening the figure eight on the wheel by tightening the spokes alone will not work. Some need to be pulled, others need to be loosened. It is impossible to align the wheel without fully understanding the whole process and sequential actions. Certainly, the only way to learn this is to try it yourself, but practice should be done only after mastering a sufficient amount of theory.

There is a rule: with one turn of the spoke nipple on the side where there is no chain, in the transverse direction, a double effect is achieved than with one turn of the spoke nipple on the side of the chain. To avoid over-tightening the spokes when making a lateral adjustment, tighten the spokes a little on one side while loosening them a little on the other. If you licked the edges on the nipple, then this means that you overtightened the spoke.


Control rim wear limits when using rim brakes. Miss it - the consequences can be sad. Many rims have a wear indicator in the form of a shallow groove in the braking surface or small holes in key and marked areas. Check these markers regularly. When they become invisible, the rim must be replaced. If there is no wear indicator, then measure the wall thickness with a caliper. If they are less than 1 mm, then the rim must be replaced.


Work slowly to avoid injury while working. When tightening or loosening a tight thread, be aware of where your hands are pointing or what they might hit if the tool breaks. When working with crank bolts or pedals, install the chain on a large star - it will cover the teeth and prevent injury on impact. Wear protective gloves and never rush. Try to stand in such a way that you always pull towards you with your hands, and not push with the weight of your whole body.


Do not forget about the seatpost for a long time (6-12 months). With a lingering seatpost you can not change the height of the seat, and sticking can be eliminated only with the help of expensive repairs. Even if the pin is lubricated, over time the lubricant oxidizes and breaks down. Not only metal pins can stick to the frame, but also carbon ones, even if both the pin and the frame are carbon. The pins should be lubricated regularly, having previously cleaned them of dust, sand and dirt.


It is undesirable to wind the pedals on dry threads and tighten them too tight. If you install the pedals without lubrication, it means that you will have difficulties in the future when removing them. Pedaling most likely ends with a visit to the bike shop, where you will pay decent money for the work to remove it. In addition, without lubrication, thread corrosion occurs, and the pedal sticks to the connecting rod at the threaded connection, and when unscrewed, the thread will crumble. When installing the pedals, it is necessary to use grease and a protective cap, if necessary, tighten it strongly, but do not overtighten, it is better to use a torque wrench.

Tire pressure

Check tire pressure regularly. Driving with flat tires will weaken your confidence and reduce your speed. Check tires before driving, thin wall tubes lose 5 to 20 psi per day. Check the pressure either by pressing hard with your finger on the tire, or by clicking on it with your finger - it should make a dull drum sound, in addition, it should feel quite firm to the touch with the correct pressure.

Use a pressure gauge to inflate your tires to the proper pressure before you learn to feel it correctly. It should be noted that the tire pressure should be slightly less than normal.


Do not ride with loose eccentrics. Before riding, check the quick-release clamps on the wheels - this can prevent injury. The eccentric clamp is often treated like a regular nut and is simply screwed on by the handle. This can only be done with clamps from certain manufacturers. With all others, you need to clamp the handle already on the twisted axis. The eccentric handle must be firmly fixed in the closed position.

Circuit status

Take chain condition seriously. Do not ride when the chain is not properly installed. Many bike mechanics during installation will damage the chain and leave it to work, in the hope that everything will be fine. However, considering how much stress the chain is subjected to, any defect can lead to a catastrophic situation. Bad links must either be replaced or a connecting universal link must be used. Don't forget about chain wear. It can lead to uneven and premature wear of sprockets. Measure chain wear regularly, or simply change it about every 2,500 km.

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Any bike not only brings pleasure and benefits from riding, but also requires appropriate care (necessary not only before the start of the cycling season, but also in between active / long trips, as well as before sending your two-wheeled companion to winter parking).

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Bicycle care products

If the arsenal of all your products for washing, cleaning and lubricating a bicycle is limited to a bottle of kerosene, a handful of old rags and a jar of ordinary grease, you are a “bad owner” of your two-wheeled vehicle. In order for a device with such a simple (at first glance) design to serve reliably and do without repairs for as long as possible, it is necessary to provide it with decent care "no worse than for a car."

Here are some ways to help you become a “good host”:

  • Special bike shampoos- a range of liquid detergents, which often contain a small percentage of weak solvents, effective enough to remove oily dirt. For example, the Daytona or Hanseline “bicycle” lines are the best option for cleaning carbon fiber and / or painted metal parts ... however, almost any car shampoo (with a non-aggressive composition) can easily cope with ordinary road dirt.
  • Cleansing sprays- tools indispensable for laundering old dirt and areas with strong oily contamination. For example, Birzman (distinguished by its versatility) will not only wash areas with accumulated dirt well, but will also remove rust and at the same time lubricate rubbing pairs. Usually, sprays are applied for several minutes (the time depends on the brand of product and its composition), after which they are washed off with warm water and a soft sponge (but you can use a long-haired brush with thick bristles to clean hard-to-reach places).
  • Degreasers- special cleaning agents for processing (cleaning, washing) the chain and almost all moving parts of the transmission, the trouble-free operation of which largely depends on their cleanliness. For example, the Force or BikeLab brand lines are able to remove even bituminous stains, not to mention getting rid of old grease on bushings, forks, steering column and other “hard-to-reach places”.
  • Lubricants- when trying to navigate the widest choice of lubricants, you must certainly take into account an important nuance about the content of grease in them (which “attracts” various dirt and is very poorly washed) and lithium (which corrodes aluminum parts). But in general and in general, several types of lubricants are traditionally presented to the choice of a cyclist, the most versatile of which are aerosol lubricants suitable for all weather conditions and for all types of bicycles (simple and easy to use, they are usually produced in ergonomic containers and equipped with a special nozzle - simplifying the processing of the chain and other moving parts). Wherein:
    • liquid lubricants - suitable only for chains,
    • calcium - more expensive, but have a long service life, good resistance to temperature extremes and a fairly high degree of protection against corrosion,
    • silicone lubricants (regarded as a cross between "budget" and "elite" options) - reliable, durable and very economical (they perfectly protect components from moisture and have good dust-repellent properties),
    • and yet, according to experienced cyclists, Teflon lubricants are considered the best (due to their high penetrating ability and unprecedented wear resistance) - they perfectly withstand high pressure and remain on the nodes for a long time, and thanks to the antistatic present in the composition, dust practically does not stick to lubricated parts.

Such a selection of “soap-ryol” products for a bicycle should not seem like overkill to you - because with each “care procedure” a product must be used that is intended for this. A little lower we will talk about the intricacies of bike maintenance (both regular and planned), but for now, let's recall the importance of properly selected tools.

Basic set of tools

If you're hungry, you can fill up even without a spoon/fork, but a cyclist trying to troubleshoot " with bare hands” – is as useless as a dentist for a patient when he tries to help him without having the appropriate equipment at hand. To be truly able to take care of your two-wheeled friend, equip yourself with at least the most necessary tools.

The required minimum includes:

  • two hammers- one of them should weigh no more than 200 g, and the approximate weight of the second should be 500-600 g. Sometimes they are used alternately, sometimes simultaneously, but in general they are needed to straighten deformed parts, drive in / knock out blades, washers, bolts, etc. d.
  • Vise- choose a model with mobile fixation both to a workbench and a regular table. They are necessary in most types of work, since they allow you to securely fix any part in the most convenient position for processing and at the optimal position for better view distance.
  • Pliers– the working surfaces of this tool must be equipped with serrated recesses to facilitate the gripping of round and/or slippery (due to lubrication) parts.
  • Two screwdrivers- one should be with a slot (blade length about 5-7 mm), and the second - with a cross head (about the same size).
  • beard with a tip thickness of not more than 2 mm. You will not cut or punch anything with it, but when riveting the chain (when you need to carefully knock out the pin), it will be very useful.
  • Two files- one should be semicircular, and the second - the usual trihedral. Choose the so-called personal models (that is, with a medium notch, usually it is No. 2 or No. 3). They are useful for processing, for example, a saddle lock (when the “native” notches are erased and new ones need to be cut), and you can’t do without such a tool after pulling up the knitting needles (when you have to process their protruding ends) ... and in many other situations.
  • Spanners - one large adjustable type and a set of hexagons.

One more item could be added to this list - not quite a tool in the literal sense, but rather a “device”, - this is an ergonomic chain / cassette brush, especially recommended by experienced cyclists. Such gadgets are made of wear-resistant and tough nylon bristles of various thicknesses and very effectively cope with their purpose - if not turning the washing of the chain and cassette into a “solid pleasure”, then at least making this procedure not so tiring.

"Situational" bike care

There are usually no problems with cleaning the bike after riding in dry weather - a soft brush is enough, which you need to walk through “hard-to-reach places”, and a couple of dry rags to brush off dust and soil particles. But if during the trip you got caught in the rain or you had to overcome swampy areas, your two-wheeled companion will need much more attention.

Let's look at what should be included in the so-called situational care and how to properly implement it:

  • the washing up- If the frame and running components are always clean, then you can be sure that your bike is protected not only from corrosion, but also from the malfunction of important components, especially the shifting system.
    You only need to wash the bike by special means. Otherwise, you can remove the grease where its presence is extremely important, and at the same time damage the seals on the bushings.
    Do not use a hose, let alone car washes (where water is supplied under high pressure) - because some components (for example, in the steering column and carriage) should not get moisture at all.
    Just lightly rinse the rims and frame with warm water and let it “soak” for a few minutes. Then gently wash away dirt build-ups and sand particles with a soft brush, sponge or fluffy cloth, wipe as far as possible and leave the machine to dry naturally. This point is important, because the bike should only be lubricated clean and completely dry.
  • Lubricant- if, when riding under normal conditions and at a calm pace, it is enough to lubricate the bike once for every 100-150 km, then after contact with water or mud, this should be done immediately after the trip. All friction and rotation units (especially the chain and carriage) must first be washed and cleaned of old grease, dried thoroughly, and only then re-lubricated.
  • Setting- activities for checking and adjusting the main components should be carried out on a regular basis (at least once a decade). But after an “unscheduled” caring procedure (with washing and lubrication), the bike will need a thorough inspection and adjustment of at least the transmission and brakes (more on this below).

These care requirements are almost universal. At least they are relevant for the most common types of bikes - city, road, touring and mountain bikes. The events themselves are not at all complicated - so there will be no need to contact the bike masters.

Scheduled bike maintenance

In any model of a bicycle, even the “coolest”, there are components and parts that wear out quickly and often need repair / maintenance. Constant monitoring of the technical condition, combined with appropriate maintenance, will significantly improve the “health” of your “iron horse” and, at the same time, provide you with proper safety during active skiing.

A global bicycle health check should be carried out twice a year: in spring (before the start of the cycling season) and in autumn (when you prepare the bike for conservation for the winter). Such a procedure should not be limited only to visual inspection - the “machine” must be disassembled, the components and moving parts cleaned, all threaded connections lubricated, worn parts repaired or replaced.

Important! The main components (transmission and brakes) are controlled by strong steel braided cables, but even these stretch a little over time and need to be adjusted, so you need to check their tension at least once a month.

And now - about the work, feasible even for non-professionals, and ways to solve the most common problems with the main mechanisms and parts of any bicycle:

  • BUT suspension fork . This unit most often fails due to dirty oil or its production (naturally leading to a deterioration in performance). Another "popular problem" is premature wear of the cuffs (oil seals) and other parts of the fork, provoked by incorrect or too long work without maintenance.
    • You need to clean and lubricate the “legs” every 150 ~ 200 km of driving on normal surfaces and every 100 km on bad ones.
    • It is necessary to inspect the "trousers" of the fork (in order to detect cracks) after rolling no more than 350~400 km, and lubricate the oil seals with a bulkhead - every 500~800 km.
    • If the fork is oil, you need to change the oil at least once a year.
  • Bushings. It is these parts, which ensure the static fastening of the axle on the brackets (dropouts), that determine the uniformity, smoothness and ease of rotation of the wheel. If there is not enough lubrication or it is heavily contaminated, this inevitably leads to increased bearing friction and difficult rotation. The wheel begins to dangle, there is a noticeable backlash, sometimes a rattle and even a crunch. To eliminate these problems, you need to remove the bushing, remove the bearings, blow out dirt from the empty housing, wipe thoroughly with kerosene inner walls, let it dry, and then apply a thin layer of a new lubricant with a cotton swab or a narrow brush. Then assemble the assembly by returning the axle, cones, bearings (washed and lubricated in the same way) to their places. Tighten the fixing nut and check the bushing travel. If everything is in order - return the wheel to the dropouts - it should rotate completely silently and easily.
  • Transmission. The wear of this important not even a node, but the whole system, is very difficult to predict - since it represents a rather wide variability of different metals: starting with hard chain steel (distributing continuous load) and ending with soft alloys of drive sprockets (where the teeth wear out into sharp waves, and the cyclist may not notice this until the chain begins to slip and significantly damage the shifting systems).
    1. First you need to thoroughly clean and wash the chain, sprockets and everything else.
    2. Then go over the entire transmission with a cleaner and degreaser and let it dry.
    3. After measuring the wear of the chain, decide whether it needs to be replaced or only tightened (the optimal frequency for replacing the chain is every 1000 km or, with careful operation, 1500~1800 km).
    4. After inspecting the drive sprockets and making sure that there are no bends or deformed teeth on them, clean the spider and sprockets, treat them with anti-seize lubricant.
    5. Then inspect the cassette cluster for wear, flush and lubricate the entire assembly.
  • brakes. Reliable and trouble-free brakes are a guarantee of the safety of the cyclist.
    • If you notice that the handle has begun to touch the steering wheel, tighten the brake cable tension by slightly tightening the curly bolts.
    • If your device has V-Brake system brakes (that is, just rim brakes), you need to check them and adjust them quarterly (for prevention) and “situational” (every time after driving in the rain and / or on poor coverage and after a long downtime). You can adjust the position of the pads on the rim in an elementary way - with a bolt and several washers, after loosening the brake cable and setting the desired position of the pads.
    • In the case of disc and hydraulic brakes, everything is simpler: you need to adjust them in the same way, but only “situational” (for example, when extraneous sounds or other signs of incorrect operation appear).

Instead of a conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the recommendations presented above are general in nature, since each type of bike needs a special approach. The main thing is not to postpone inspection and maintenance “for tomorrow”, and also not to neglect the elementary requirements of proper operation.