Homemade tackle for catfish. Catching catfish from the shore. Equipment for fishing from the shore

Today we will consider the question of what bottom tackle for catching catfish is needed when fishing a river giant from the shore. This question is relevant, because not all anglers have at their disposal reliable boats or boats for fishing a predator.

At the same time, a donk from the shore seems to be a good option to replace the popular quaking. Moreover, the same baits are hung on a catfish hook as when fishing from a boat.

To catch catfish from the shore, only two fundamentally different types of donoks are used:

  • simple donka, or postavush;
  • donk with rod and reel.

All other rods are different variations of these two types.



The catfish is a reel with a wound strong cord, which is equipped with a sinker and a hook. In principle, a similar tackle is used when fishing from a boat. Some anglers use the type of domestic "Nevskaya" for winding the cord, which is mounted on a metal pin for installation on the river bank.

Photo 1. The simplest catfish donks.


Now let's talk about how to make a donk for catfish. To begin with, let's decide how we will store the cord: on a reel or reel. If you have an old grandfather's inertia, we will use it perfectly. Attach the coil to a metal pin, you can use the old one as it ski pole or an aluminum slingshot under the rod.

You can wind the cord on the reel. If you have the time, the right tool and woodworking skills, you can make something similar to what is shown in the first photo. Otherwise, the cord can be wrapped around a suitable piece of foam, board, or plywood.

We will explain why it is the cord, and not the fishing line, and the cord is special, not a fishing braid, but a nylon twisted thread.

The fact is that the playing of such tackle is carried out without the use of a reel, directly by hand. When using a monofilament fishing line, even the thickest, hand cuts are likely, because the caught catfish resists strongly. Nylon cord in this respect is much softer, and, therefore, better.

So, we wound 40-50 meters of cord on a reel or reel, it's time to tie the undergrowth. This is a piece of one or two thick monofilaments of 0.4-0.7 millimeters. It is placed in order not to scare the catfish away from the bait with a thick noticeable cord.

Advice! It is most convenient to tie two pieces of fishing line, especially of different quality and thickness, with the help of two sliding knots!

Tactics and technique of fishing

Let's move on to talking about how to catch catfish on this type of donk, let's start with the tactics of the process. This fishing is quite passive, so a lot of gear is placed on the shore, up to ten pieces at intervals of 10-20 meters between them. They bait with a variety of baits, because a river host may have different gastronomic preferences.

Tactically, catfish fishing can be done in two ways. In the first postavush they throw them at night and do not follow them, and in the morning they come to check the gear. In the second option, the snacks are equipped, and the fishermen comfortably sit around the fire and wait for bites.

Fishing rod with reel


A more modern tackle for catching catfish from the shore is a fishing rod with a reel. Its advantages compared to a simple snack are visible to the naked eye:

  • It allows you to cast the bait farther and more accurately.
  • Retrieving a trophy with this tackle for catfish is much more convenient and efficient.

We list and characterize the elements of this gear for catfish for fishing from the shore:

  1. Rod. The stronger it is, the better. It does not need the sensitivity of a feeder quiver type or, most importantly, reliability. This principle is implemented using aluminum or "crocodile" spinning rods, or.
  2. Coil. Its power should match the form. This can be a reliable inertia, a cool twenty thousand, if the budget allows.
  3. Cord. There is no consensus among fishermen here. Someone uses a monofil, someone . The diameter is chosen according to the size of the expected trophy.
  4. The sinker must hold the snap at the selected point and therefore its weight depends on the strength of the current.
  5. Hook. As mentioned above - big and fat.


Collect bottom tackle to catch a catfish is quite simple. to begin with, in the reel seat made on the blank, you need to strengthen the reel well, so that there is not the slightest backlash that can interfere with playing trophy fish.

Then we equip the reel with a fishing line a hundred meters long - we wind the entire reel. Having passed the cord through the rings on the form, at the end of it we knit a load, 40-80 centimeters higher with a hook. This can be done, by the way, by applying the usual Hadner loop.


Photo 2. Fishing on donks with reels.

Due to the larger dimension and mobility of gear, they are used in smaller quantities to catch catfish than snacks. Usually, one angler takes no more than three equipped rods with him, and what more will he need if it becomes more difficult to follow and run more along the shore, and, contrary to popular belief, the river owner will prefer fresh food to rotten food.

Photo 3. A piece of fish is one of the most popular baits for catfish.


A short video course on how to mount a catfish tackle will help to consolidate what you have read.

The article will focus not only on tackle for catching catfish, but also on fishing methods, favorite delicacies that he is not able to swim past, and also about searching for fish in a pond. We think it’s not even worth talking about the fact that white catfish meat has its own unique taste, served fried, boiled and smoked at the table. In order to purposefully go to catch it, you need to know what gear and methods to use.

Fishing methods

Perhaps every novice angler has heard about each of the following methods. An exception may be the last kwok method, which we will discuss below. The rest of the methods are not distinguished by their originality.


Important here is the exclusive knowledge of the bottom of the reservoir. The difficulty arises when fishing is carried out from the shore. In this case, the angler is limited in their capabilities. Both the fishing area and the inability to “read” the bottom with the help of an echo sounder are limited.

In the case of catching catfish on spinning, it is advisable to use a boat with an echo sounder to search the best places where the fish are most likely to be.
Large deep-sea wobblers are used as bait. Due to their size, they make enough noises and vibrations to attract any predator.

From gear you will need:

  • Rod length 3-3.2 m for fishing from the shore and 1.5-2.1 m for boat
  • Inertialess reel with a spool size of 2000-4000, it is worth noting: the farther the casts, the larger the reel
  • Braided cord with a diameter of 0.40-45 mm or fishing line with a thickness of 0.60 mm
  • Steel leash 20 cm long
  • The bait can be a large wobbler from 110-170 mm with a depth of 4-6 m (Rapala Super Shad Rap, Rapala Coundown Magnum, Bomber Deep Down Long A and others)

Having thrown the wobbler, expect it to sink to the bottom. Then start slow wiring. It is important to note that catfish do not like to get tired of the chase, so use sluggish wiring. In case of a bite, do not force things, slowly pump the fish out of the bottom, tiring it. Only after you feel that the catfish is giving up, you can speed up the process a little.

On the kwok

The method is available only to those who have a boat, it is from it that fishing is carried out. Kwok is a plastic, metal or wooden device with a curved shape, with a “heel” at the end.

Swimming to a promising place, the bait falls into the water, it is important to immerse it in half the depth. For this, short side fishing rods (2-3 pieces) are most often used, on which there is a nod.

If the boat has a holder for fishing rods, this is a huge plus, you don’t have to worry that the catfish will drag the tackle and you won’t have time to react. Then the methodical tapping of the wok on the water begins.

After that, you should carefully monitor the tips of the fishing rods, as the bite can be sharp and confident. It can happen both on a pause, between knocks, and during them.

Required gear:

  • Rod 1-1.5 m fast action. Either reel with cord or line
  • Fishing line with a diameter of 0.60 mm or braided line 0.45 mm
  • Hook size 6/0 - 11/0, this is a universal option
  • Animal bait: beef or chicken liver, frogs, bunch of worms, chicken giblets, barley shell


The first option is classic and there are no difficulties in it. A fishing line with a load, a leash and a hook is tied to the reel. Equipped with bait and thrown into the water. Read below how to assemble such tackle with your own hands.
The second option with a secret: the bait should not lie on the bottom. If you use the method we have proposed, then the chances of a catch will increase.

What is necessary:

  • Plastic bottle (1-1.5 l)
  • Two pieces of line
  • Leash
  • Hook
  • Reel (rod)

The main piece of fishing line is knitted to the reel, which leads to the bottle (acts as a buoy) and is tied to it. A second piece of fishing line or braided cord is tied to the neck, its length depends on the depth of the fishing spot (not reaching 10-20 cm to the bottom).
Next, a metal leash with a hook and bait is mounted. Everything, the design is launched into the catfish pit (or any other promising place).


The method is demanding on the angler. In addition to a boat with a motor, you need big river or a reservoir where you can walk with tackle thrown into the water, which imposes its own limitations.
If you have all this, then from the gear you will need:

  • Rod length 1.90-2.1 m fast action with test 100-120 gr
  • Inertialess reel with spool 4000-6000, preferably with friction brake
  • Braided cord with a diameter of 0.45-0.60 mm
  • Steel leash 20-30 cm long
  • As a bait, a deep-sea wobbler (specific models are described above, in the chapter on spinning fishing)

The conditions are about the same: the catfish is not a fan of showing agility when hunting. Therefore, the speed of the boat is chosen depending on the bait and the current: it is enough for the wobbler to start playing, nothing more.
There is also no need to go to the middle of the river, where the current will be strong enough. It is much more promising to find pits, snags, fallen trees away from the channel: it is easier for catfish to fight the current there, so it is worth looking for it here.

Where to look for catfish and what time to catch

An important aspect is not only properly prepared gear, but also the right fishing spot. The most frequent and promising are:

  1. coastal whirlpools
  2. exits from the pits
  3. eyebrows
  4. snags
  5. fallen trees

If there is no current in the reservoir, then a place with a sharp drop in depth will the best option. Do not bypass locations with a reverse flow. After this is determined, it is necessary to choose the depth to which to expose the tackle.
It depends on the calendar month at what depth the catfish feeds.

After winter, large individuals need much more time to recover. Therefore, in spring catches, fines often predominate. But everything changes after spawning, which takes place in late June - early July. After 1-2 weeks, the catches increasingly come across weighty specimens.
The time from July to October is the most favorable for hunting trophy catfish, it is active, willingly pecking at all types of baits.
In the heat, you should not expect frequent bites, the best time is night or dawn - the moments when the water temperature drops.
With the advent of cold snaps, the fish begins to slide into the so-called catfish pits, where it begins to prepare for severe cold. Although activity is slowly declining, he does not refuse natural or artificial baits.
After the water drops below 8 degrees, the bite will come to naught, and then, until spring, it will be rare and whimsical.

Making tackle with your own hands

To make a donkey you will need:

  1. A fishing rod, the main thing is that it be strong and reliable. For a novice fisherman, a specific model or brand does not matter.
  2. Inertialess reel with spool size 2000-4000, the simplest
  3. K with a diameter of 0.6 mm or a braid with a thickness of 0.45-0.50 mm
  4. We pass the fishing line through the passage rings and at the end we mount a load with a swivel at its second end, weighing 30-50 grams, depending on the current. If there is no load with a swivel (one design), then the option with a through hole is suitable, passing the fishing line through which the swivel is mounted
  5. Next, a leash 20-25 cm long is tied to the swivel with a hook size from 6/0 to 10/0

That's all, home-made equipment is ready, it remains only to plant a large bunch of crawling worms, liver (chicken or beef), a frog or some other animal bait.

The best lures and baits for catfish

Since this is a predatory fish, the best baits used all year round are:

  • Large bunch of dung worms
  • A large bunch of worms - creeps out
  • Medvedka
  • Shell - barley (one of the best)
  • locust
  • Leech
  • chicken giblets
  • Chicken liver
  • Beef liver
  • Zhivets (sabrefish, yazek, pup)
  • Fresh fish fillet
  • The meat of cancer, frogs is also a favorite delicacy for catfish

Catfish is the largest freshwater predator of Russian reservoirs, which not only beginners, but also experienced anglers dream of catching. Properly assembled equipment for catching catfish, as well as a good knowledge of the behavior of this fish, will allow the angler to become the owner of a worthy trophy.

Description and behavior

In large reservoirs with a good food base, catfish can grow up to 3 m in length and weigh more than 200 kg. It is easy to distinguish it from other fish in several ways:

  • complete absence of scales;
  • the presence of a long mustache;
  • large flattened head;
  • small, high-set eyes;
  • huge mouth.

The color of the mustachioed predator depends on the color of the bottom soil in its habitat and on the age of the fish. The coloring often contains dark tones, but occasionally there are albino catfish.

Unlike most other freshwater fish, the catfish prefers to lead a settled way of life and can live all its life in one hole, leaving its shelter only for the time of feeding. Various natural disasters, leading to a sharp shallowing of the reservoir or the impoverishment of its food supply, can force the "whiskered" to leave their usual habitats. This predatory fish is found in reservoirs of various types:

  • medium and large rivers;
  • deep lakes;
  • reservoirs.

For permanent residence, the catfish chooses places with depths from 8 to 16 m. The "whiskered" feeds both in the dark and in the daytime, but is especially active at night. His diet includes:

  • fish;
  • shellfish;
  • crayfish;
  • amphibians;
  • worms.

Large individuals have their own hunting grounds and do not allow other relatives there. Adult catfish can form groups only in winter on the territory of wintering pits.

Place and time of fishing

The result of catfish fishing largely depends on the knowledge of those places on the reservoir where the predator goes to feed. The most promising places for catching catfish are:

  • exits from the pits;
  • channel edges;
  • flooded snag;
  • coastal pools;
  • deep bays.

In stagnant reservoirs, you should look for places with sharp changes in depth. When fishing on the river, it is necessary to pay attention to places with a reverse flow, as well as deep reaches. The depth at which catfish prefer to feed may vary depending on the time of year.

In the spring, small catfish, which quickly come to their senses after hibernation, become the prey of the fisherman more often. Large specimens begin to catch on fishing gear 1-2 weeks after spawning, which usually occurs in late June - early July.

The period from July to October is the most favorable time for catching trophy catfish. During this period, the mustachioed predator is consistently caught on various gear. With the cooling of the water, the catfish becomes less active, begins to slide into wintering pits, but still continues to respond to natural baits and artificial baits offered to it. After the water temperature drops below 8 degrees, the "whiskered" stops pecking and falls into hibernation until the onset of spring.

Catfish are reluctant to bait during the hot afternoon hours. It is much easier to catch it at dawn, when the heat subsides and peaceful fish come out of daytime shelters. It is considered the most efficient night fishing, during which the angler has a chance to catch a truly large predator.

What gear will be required

On catfish fishing, increased requirements are imposed on gear, which is associated with the large size of prey that can be hooked. Properly assembled tackle will allow you to easily throw the equipment into the fishing area and ensure reliable hauling of the fish.

Coastal donkey rigging

Classic - the most common tackle for angling a mustachioed predator. This equipment for catching catfish consists of several elements:

  • durable fiberglass spinning;
  • coils of any type;
  • monofilament fishing line with a diameter of 0.6–0.8 mm;
  • flat load with an eye weighing 40–200 gr.;
  • a silicone bead to prevent damage to the knot by the sinker;
  • a fishing carabiner with a swivel that can withstand a load of at least 50 kg;
  • leash made of fluorocarbon 1 m long and 0.7 mm in diameter;
  • hook No. 1.0–8.0 (according to international classification).

The fiberglass rod has large stock strength, which makes it possible to fight with large specimens. An inertial or inertial reel installed on a spinning rod will allow you to cast the bait far and help the angler when playing. The bite of catfish can be very sharp, so for catching it, it is better to use reels equipped with a baitrunner system, which will not allow the fish to pull the tackle into the water. If there is no such system in the reel, then you need to loosen the friction brake, which will ensure that the fishing line comes off the spool unhindered. The assembly scheme of the bottom equipment is as follows:

  1. The main line is passed through the eye of the lead sinker.
  2. A silicone bead stopper is put on the main fishing line.
  3. A swivel with a carabiner is attached to the end of the monofilament.
  4. A fluorocarbon leash with a hook attached to it is attached to the carabiner.

The catfish mouth is littered with many small teeth that can damage even the thickest monofilament fishing line, significantly weakening its strength. Fluorocarbon monofilament is highly resistant to abrasive loads and easily resists small catfish teeth. The role of a bite signaling device is played by a bell suspended on the main fishing line.

Equipment for sheer fishing on kwok

Kwok fishing is also very effective and is widely used not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The kwok itself is made of metal or hardwood. Such equipment for catching catfish is characterized by maximum ease of assembly and includes the following elements:

  • wooden reel about 40 cm long;
  • nylon cord 1.5–2 mm thick;
  • sinker "olive" weighing 40-60 gr.;
  • large triple hook.

A nylon cord is passed through the hole of the “olive” sinker, after which a triple hook is tied to its end. The sinker "olive" moves 1 m above the hook and is stopped with a small lead weight clamped on the cord. When fishing for a kwok, leashes are usually not used. At least 20 m of cord must be wound on the reel.

Equipment for night fishing on the feeder

Feeder equipment for catching catfish is considered more sporty and allows you to get the most out of playing fish. The set of feeder catfish tackle includes:

  • powerful feeder rod with a test range of 100–150 gr.;
  • spinning reel with baitrunner size 4500-5500;
  • braided cord with a diameter of 0.16 mm;
  • feeder feeder weighing 50–150 gr.;
  • shock leader made of fluorocarbon fishing line with a section of 0.4 mm and a length of 8–12 m;
  • silicone bead-stopper;
  • fluorocarbon leash 0.3–0.35 mm thick, about 1 m long;
  • swivel with carabiner;
  • single hook No. 1.0–3.0.

Catfish fishing uses a sliding feeder equipment, which is knitted according to the same principle as the bottom version, only instead of a flat sinker, a feeder is installed on the tackle. As a bite signaling device, a fishing firefly is used, installed on the tip of the feeder and allowing you to see bites in the dark.

Equipment for catching catfish from a boat

Catfish can be effectively caught from a boat using trolling. Trolling gear allows you to quickly catch large areas of the reservoir and includes:

  • casting rod with dough up to 100 gr.;
  • power multiplier coil;
  • braided cord 0.16–0.18 mm thick;
  • fluorocarbon leash with a diameter of 0.3 mm;
  • wobbler with a diving depth of 6–12 m.

The "braid" is directly attached to the leash with the help of an oncoming knot, which gives the equipment additional strength. You should not use a thick monofilament fishing line when trolling, since such a monofilament will not allow the wobbler to go deep to the working depth. In addition, a thick monofilament will disrupt the bait's play.

Equipment for fishing from the shore

The simplest equipment for fishing from the shore is a piece of thick fishing line or braided cord with a hook tied at the end. A lead weight is fixed 50 cm above the hook. The free end of the monofilament is tied to a long elastic horn, cut down right on the shore and securely stuck into the ground.

The rigging hook is baited with live bait or a frog and thrown into the coastal whirlpool. Such equipment does not require constant monitoring. An angler can check simple coastal gear 2-3 times a day. The biting fish is usually hooked by itself. A fisherman can arrange several of these rigs at once, which will significantly increase his chances of success.

Catfish Catching Technique

The technique for catching catfish directly depends on the type of equipment used. In the daytime, the best results are shown by active fishing methods, which include trolling and fishing with a kwok. At night it is more convenient to catch on the classic bottom or feeder tackle.


For daytime catfish fishing, the angler will need a reliable watercraft with which he can get to the predator's parking lots. If the fisherman is going to catch by trolling, then he will need to pre-select the area where he will be fishing. The selected site should have a complex bottom relief that is most suitable for catfish habitat. Having sailed to the intended place, the angler throws the wobbler 50–70 m from the boat and begins to row slowly against the current.

The main thing in trolling fishing is to choose the right speed of the boat and choose the right type of wobbler. You can count on a catfish bite if the wobbler goes no higher than 40 cm from the bottom soil.

For fishing on a kwok, you will also need to select a site where there are pits or a flooded snag. Having sailed to a certain place, the fisherman lowers the tackle to a depth of 3–5 m and begins to fish. Attracted by the sounds of a quok, the catfish rises to the surface and sees a bait put on a hook in the water column. After a bite, you should not rush to strike, you need to let the fish swallow the nozzle deeper.

At night time

At night, it is preferable to use bottom or feeder gear. Fishing for a donk is quite simple and consists in the fact that the fisherman throws several tackles at once into a promising zone and controls them in anticipation of a bite. From time to time, the angler should check the condition of the bait on the hook and, if necessary, renew the bait. The bite of a catfish on the bottom looks like a sharp pull of the fishing line, after which an immediate hook should follow.

Feeder fishing for catfish is a little more difficult, but at the same time much more effective, since the angler constantly lures the fish with a bait mixture hammered into the feeder. The main thing in feeder fishing is to constantly hit the feeder in the same place, which is not so easy to do in complete darkness. Attracted by the smell of bait, the catfish approaches the fishing point and is tempted by the bait provided to it. If there is no large accumulation of snags in the fishing area, where the fish could go in the process of playing, then you should not overload the tackle and try to pull the catfish ashore as soon as possible.

Bait and feeding on a predator

The modern fishing industry produces various baits focused on catching catfish. The main component of such baits is fishmeal impregnated with fish oil and amino acids. The catfish responds well to such bait mixtures and quickly approaches the fishing area. As animal components, chopped worms or chopped meat of bivalve mollusks can be added to the bait.

The choice of bait affects the quality of catfish bites and the final result of the whole fishing. Constant experiments with bait will allow the angler to count on a good catch.

Live bait use

As a live bait, it is better to use carp fish. Roach weighing 100-300 grams is well suited for bottom fishing. When fishing for a kwok, preference should be given to asp or sabrefish. The live bait will behave more naturally if it is planted under the upper fin. Live bait is considered the best nozzle when fishing trophy catfish.

Chicken liver

Properly prepared chicken liver can provoke even an inactive predator to bite. The secret of the catchability of this bait lies in its unique smell, which appears after the chicken giblets lie in the sun for several hours.

On a frog or cancer

Rak should be used as bait when fishing in the bottom layers of water. This arthropod is a common food for catfish, especially during the molting period. On the hook, you can put both a whole crayfish and a crayfish neck.

The frog is a versatile bait that works well throughout the summer. It is preferable to use this amphibian when fishing in coastal whirlpools and backwaters. The frog is mounted on a hook by the upper lip.

Precautions for catching big fish

A large fish caught on a hook, if handled improperly, can severely injure the angler. To avoid unpleasant situations and maintain your health, you need to know a few rules for fishing safety:

  • you should never wind a fishing line or cord around your hand, because when biting big fish everything can end with a serious cut of the limb or even the death of the fisherman;
  • a large catfish taken under the lower jaw can easily dislocate the fisherman's hand, so the fish must first be stunned with a baton, and only then dragged into the boat.
  • Fish weighing more than 70 kg should be towed to the shore without taking them out of the water, as they have huge force and, being dragged into the boat, can cause serious injury to the fisherman.

Compliance with these simple rules will prevent possible injuries. It is better to go fishing for a large catfish in the company of a trusted friend.

Tips from experienced fishermen to increase your catch

Experienced fishermen can always give a few useful tips budding colleague. When catching catfish, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • the fisherman should always carry several types of nozzles;
  • when fishing, you need to constantly monitor the quality of the bait on the hook;
  • good knowledge of the bottom relief of the reservoir will allow you to count on a rich catch;
  • the bait must contain the same animal components that are attached to the hook;
  • before catfish fishing, it is necessary to carefully check the gear for the strength of knots and other connections.

Properly assembled equipment for catching catfish will allow you to cope with trophies weighing several tens of kilograms and will give the angler real pleasure from fighting big fish.

Catfish fishing is a very exciting activity, and for effective fishing, it is not necessary to purchase too expensive tackle and have a boat.

When catching this fish from the shore, you can achieve good results using a regular bottom with high-quality hooks and fishing line that can withstand the jerks of a strong fish. Of course, when fishing from the shore, some methods of angling catfish will not be available, for example, but spinning and a fishing rod may well be a worthy alternative.

What tackle for catfish for catching from the shore to choose?

The most preferred tackle for fishing from the shore is. This fish feeds at the bottom and rises to the surface of the reservoir only if some small animal or bird falls into the water.

Bottom tackle for catching catfish

For the donkey, it is necessary to use a fishing line with a diameter of at least 0.5 mm. This rule is connected not only with the fact that some specimens of this fish reach a mass of several tens of kilograms, but while fighting a strong predator, you can easily cut your hands with a thinner fishing line. If hunting is carried out on a very large catfish, then a braided cord of the same diameter is used.

As hooks for catching catfish, only those models are used that, even under heavy load, will not break and bend. Particularly unreliable are hooks, during the hardening process of which technological standards were violated, and the hook was overheated.

The process of making a donkey for catfish is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The main fishing line, at least 50 meters long, is wound on a reel.
  2. A sinker weighing from 50 to 100 g is tied to the fishing line. The mass of the sinker depends on the strength of the current in a given section of the reservoir, the more intense it is, the more massive the load should be.
  3. A leash 30 cm long is tied to the main line at a distance of 20 cm from the sinker. The leash is usually used with a smaller diameter of 0.25 mm when using a braided cord and from 0.35 if a nylon line is used.
  4. A hook is attached to the leash. The size of the hook depends on the bait used, and can be single, in the event that fishing is carried out on a worm, and a tee for a live bait attachment. Up to three leashes can be used in this design. The distance between the leashes must be at least 20 cm.


Bottom tackle has been used by fishermen for many years, and this simple method has always allowed catching huge catfish. Of course, the fishing process is not as convenient as when fishing for spinning, but you can use several of these devices at the same time with bite alarms attached to them.

Nikolay. Ufa.

Bottom tackle for catching catfish

For effective fishing for catfish, you can use spinning, but not every model of this gear can be used to fish a predator.

When equipping a spinning rod, you should choose the following details correctly:

  1. Rod - A high-quality composite rod will cope with the task of catching this powerful fish. The length of the stick when fishing from the shore must be at least 3 meters.
  2. Coil - the most suitable models are inertialess and multiplier products. The reel must have high-quality bearings, and be made of materials that can withstand high loads.

Spool capacity - at least 200 meters.

  1. Hooks - for large catfish, products # 8 - 9 are used; hooks should be with a short forearm and a sting slightly curved inward.
  2. Fishing line - high-quality fishing line with a diameter of up to 1.0 mm or cord - 0.7 mm.


The most catchy way of fishing is spinning. When fishing with this tackle, a significant amount of time is saved on casting and playing fish, as a result of which the overall catch increases. I catch catfish on a spinning rod in the reservoir, I always return home with prey of 5-7 catfish heads. I fish for this fish, sometimes by trolling - in my opinion, using spinning in this way significantly increases the chance of catching trophy fish.

Sergey. Moscow.

Trolling tackle and fishing technique

Despite the fact that for trolling, you must use a watercraft, this method is worthy of mention.


Spinning tackle is usually used, which is assembled according to the rules described above. To securely fasten the spinning rod on board the boat, you should purchase a special holder.


How to catch more fish?

For 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

For trolling, artificial lures should be used. Natural fish are used, rarely, due to the rapid "wear and tear" during wiring. Wobblers of various models and spinners are most preferred. The choice of color and size of the bait depends on the size of the future catch.

For catching small catfish, small lures up to 5 cm in gold and silver colors are used; for catching large specimens, lures up to 20 cm in various colors are used.

fishing technique

Trolling fishing is very easy and can be done even by novice anglers. Spinning is fixed on the boat with the help of a holding device, the bait is thrown into the water, and the boat is sent to the deepest parts of the reservoir.

When biting a fish, hooking should be done, but often, the fish is hooked on its own, swallowing the bait on the go.

Do-it-yourself tackle for catfish for fishing from the shore

You can make tackle for catfish yourself, for this purpose, you can use inexpensive, but high-quality parts, especially great importance when playing large fish should be given to fishing line.

Each fisherman wants to show off his trophy prey, for which many purposefully hunt the well-known predator of the rivers - catfish. Inexperienced anglers do not know where to look for a predator, and how to catch a catfish from the shore. In this article, we will try to talk about the important subtleties of choosing gear and bait, as well as how to catch catfish on the river using a donkey.

Where are catfish found?

Predatory fish lives in the Bug River and many other reservoirs in Russia. It prefers deep pits located in riverbeds, heaps of stumps and rhizomes, places with a slow calm current. Pretty in the pit large sizes several catfish can live at once, which leave their shelter only for hunting and spawning. Therefore, when catching catfish on a donk, you should look for it in certain places:

  1. A place with a reverse flow or a small pit washed out by the current. The fish chooses such a passage in order to hunt near the shore or in a tributary, where prey should be caught.
  2. Adults and juveniles live in water holes away from the bridge. Donka throws about 50 meters.
  3. Behind the support of the bridges on the reservoir, pits are formed over the course, in which predators live. However, it is difficult to catch them in these places, since catfish often run away under the bridge.
  4. Pits near overgrown river plants are a favorite place for fish, which hides here in sandy or muddy ground.
  5. Catfish can find a parking lot under the pier, boat, pier. Sometimes they can be found under floating grass, which the fish use as a sun shade. A predator can also live in a muddy bottom under dams.

Knowing all the favorite places of catfish, before casting a bottom fishing rod, you should first study and examine the bottom of the reservoir.

The predator hunts both in the upper layers of reservoirs and in the water column for small and medium-sized fish. Its prey is most often ruff, loach, perch, minnow, gudgeon. Large individuals prey on roach and white fish. During the hunt, catfish make chomping sounds and leave behind water breakers. This behavior is a feature of only this species of fish.

As soon as the temperature of the water in the river drops, predators migrate downstream and choose deep holes in the mouth of the rivers for wintering. There they fall into a state of stupor until spring. That is why hunting for catfish is seasonal.

Features of catching a predator by season

Catching catfish on the bottom from the shore depends on the lifestyle of the predator in a certain season:

In summer, the predator pecks most actively at night. You can catch it on the shallows, rifts or directly near the pits. Spring hunting for predatory fish it is better to practice in the afternoon, when the water on the surface of the reservoir and the shallows warms up under the rays of the sun.

Gear preparation

To catch your trophy, you need to carefully consider the choice of gear for catching catfish on the river. Before fishing, you need to prepare and check:

After checking the gear, collect bottom rigging for catching a trophy, you can do it yourself.

Donka for catching catfish

You can catch a predator on the bottom tackle with a float, which is designed to raise the live bait from the bottom. Such gear is assembled as follows:

  • a sinker weighing 150 grams is attached to the end of the fishing line;
  • after 15 cm from the sinker, first one double hook is tied, and after a short distance - the second;
  • after another 10 cm, one of the ends of a powerful carabiner is attached to the line, which must be well tied to the main line.

To create a leash for a catfish you will need:

  • through a load weighing 150–170 grams, thread a thread or a double fishing line;
  • put a small sliding bead under the load;
  • tie the end of the fishing line to the carabiner with a fishing knot;
  • attach a high-quality forged hook to the fishing line, the size of which depends on the weight of the intended prey;
  • after 15-20 cm from the hook to the fishing line, a carabiner is attached with a loop.

The leash blanks are ready, now you can go to the pond and look for the predators' parking lot.

The best donkey baits

For catfish, you should choose a tasty bait, which should be varied. Experienced anglers use the following types of bait for successful hunting:

Young individuals peck at fry, worms and shells. Such a bait is planted on small hooks. Adult large catfish peck at frogs and leeches or at small squints and ides. The bottom dwellers like bait in the form of stewed offal of birds. Crayfish and their meat are considered a delicacy for a predator. For giants weighing about 50 kg, bait works well - a wooden barrel. Among artificial lures, you can choose wobblers and spinners.

How to catch catfish on the bottom?

The place for fishing is studied in advance. It is necessary to inspect the shore, find out where the holes are in the reservoir and how other fishermen feed predators. On the day of fishing, donks are set. It is recommended to do this according to the following scheme:

  • one donka - at a gentle exit from the depression;
  • two - in the lower parts of the pit;
  • one is in the hole itself.

If fishing is carried out in the summer, then in the evening a fire is made and bottom gear is installed. It is necessary to check that they are well fixed. After that, the brakes are adjusted on the coils and light or sound bite indicators are installed.

As soon as a bite occurs, prey should be fished out, while applying remarkable endurance. You should not wind the fishing line around your hand, otherwise the fisherman can be thrown into the water with a jerk.

Features of fishing from a boat

Fishing from a boat has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the fisherman is near the place of fishing, as a result of which the bait is fed exactly to the desired point. You can use thinner and not very long fishing line for such hunting.

The disadvantage of fishing from a boat is the difficulty of playing trophy fish. The giant can yank hard, causing the fisherman to go overboard. Catching catfish alone on a rubber boat is risky.

Worm fishing

For novice anglers, in order to learn the habits of a predator, it is better to catch it for the first time on a worm. For this, a large hook with a long forearm is used, on which a bunch of worms or crawls is strung. You can’t catch trophy fish on them, but you can practice catching a predator.

To attract fish, you can mount a feeder, and attach two hooks to the bottom. In the feeder as bait, you should put a mixture of chopped worms and earth. In addition to catfish, perch, bream, and ide can bite on worms.

Frog fishing

Catfish are well caught on frogs, because amphibians are one of the most popular baits. On a hook with a sting up, the frogs are hooked by their hind legs. To make them less active, they use a double hook and put the frogs on both legs. In this case, they crawl along the bottom, thereby attracting prey.

The easiest way to catch amphibians is in the evening under cover of darkness. To do this, a flashlight beam is directed at the frog and it can immediately be put in a landing net or taken in hand.

Live bait fishing

The predator willingly feeds on small fish that can be used as bait. It is recommended to catch live bait at night, taking fish caught during the day as bait. On the hook, it is baited behind the back or lip. At night, bites usually occur on about half of the established donoks.

Catfish is a fish that loves darkness and silence, so you need to look for it at the bottom in pits, in wetlands, under trees. Almost always catfish are found on the bends of rivers. There are no predatory fish in shallow and cold rivers. The best way to catch it is dark time days.

All gear, bait and bait are prepared in advance. Live bait should be caught in the same place where the predator will be hunted.

Factory flavors in water lose their properties quickly. In order to preserve the smell for a long time, a piece of foam rubber is moistened in the flavoring agent, which is put on a hook instead of bait. Such a bait is updated every 30 minutes.

Experienced anglers know that catfish are very partial to plastic bags. Of these, a cheap and at the same time catchy bait can be obtained. To make it, a triangle is cut out of the bag, the size of which should be approximately the size of a palm. It must be folded so that an envelope is obtained, which is mounted on a hook.

In the pit, catfish sleep only during the day, and go hunting at night. Therefore, the donk should be installed at night at the exit from the predator's shelter. When biting, the chances of a catfish will be small if you bring it to the ground, which is what you should try to do.

Catching a catfish on a donkey is more like an exciting hunt. To catch a predator requires patience, strength and endurance. But the result of successful fishing is worth it. Moreover, you can catch your trophy fish on the bottom from the shore.

Catching a large predator has always required long and serious preparation from anglers, and first of all, this concerns how to choose the right tackle for catfish. After all, if you make a mistake, then, even with a good bite, catching a fish will become extremely problematic and even impossible. And in order to attract her attention, you need tackle for catching catfish, specially selected for a specific situation and type of family. Not every bottom gear for catfish will bring you the coveted trophy, but with the help of a few basic rules you will be able to get it. So what should a beginner know in the first place?

Not a single catfish fishing on spinning from the shore is complete without a “donkey”.

High-quality bottom gear is:

  • a strong, ideally fluorocarbon line and a leader made of a slightly less strong material up to 1 mm long for bottom fishing;
  • large single hook, up to the fortieth, made of hardened steel;
  • the desired load, the mass of which should be calculated separately depending on the characteristics of the spinning rod and the required casting distance.

All these tackles are considered necessary when catching such predators at the end of June. The mass of the required cargo can be calculated on special sites, if it is difficult for you to do it yourself. The spinning tackle itself can even be tied to pegs near the shore and simply attach a bell to the cord, but it is better to use catfish spinning with an inertial reel. More experienced fishermen they prefer inertia-free, but not every beginner can master such tackle for catfish with their own hands. Often, a donk is used when catching a family of catfish at night, while the rod is fixed on the shore so that it does not come off during a sharp bite. Otherwise, checking the catch in the morning, you may end up with nothing at all. If the bottom gear for catching catfish does not give an effect, then instead of it they use a vent, similar in principle.

The main difference is the presence of the last live bait, whether it be a frog or a large live bait. Spinning for catching catfish from a boat is popular in the daytime, but if you are going to catch a predator from the shore, then you are very lucky if the pits are close to it.

Such fishing is practically doomed to success and valuable trophies of the catfish family are caught on it, if you adhere to the following nuances:

  1. A rigid and strong rod from 2 meters long should be used so that it can withstand the “cutting” stage of the fish, especially if it is June.
  2. Gear for catfish in this case should be used without inertia, but multiplier gear is also possible - there is not much difference in efficiency, and catfish are equally well caught on both.
  3. The best gear for catching catfish from the shore is spoons or jigging wobblers, they almost perfectly imitate the movements of real bait. But for additional efficiency, you can drop special pheromones on them, so that the equipment for the catfish can be smelled from afar and the predator caught the trail of the bait.
  4. A day or two before fishing, feed the fish in this place, and live bait should be caught in the same reservoir where we then catch the predator. Then the effectiveness of equipment for catching catfish will increase significantly.

The capture of catfish in June with the help of “trolling” is also gaining popularity. This requires powerful spinning rods and multiplier reels, which, together with deep-sea wobblers, will bring the coveted trophy. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the strength of the cord, for catching catfish in June, a braid or fishing line with a fluorocarbon coating will be ideal, and it is better to buy the wiring itself from 100% fluorocarbonate so that the predator simply does not bite it off. one more good method used by our grandfathers - this is fishing from a boat for quokies and tackle with an underwater float.

Periodic impacts on the water surface begin to attract predators that swim up to the underwater bait and decide to feast on it. Here you can use both a reel and “manual” fishing, depending on your experience. The second method is preferable for beginners, since its study provides scope for the development and capture of many types of fish in various conditions. But fishing tackle alone will not bring you victory, you also need to learn how to correct technique, and build up a kwok, as well as choose the right baits, so it's best to consult with a more experienced mentor beforehand and ask him about the main mistakes.

Even fairly large individuals are caught with such equipment, but only from boats - it is useless to even try from the shores. However, for such efficiency, one must also learn how to properly wield the equipment, otherwise there will be no smell of catfish near the hook. Also, an inflatable boat should not be used for catching catfish in July. All this requires experience.

According to safety precautions, you need to be careful during installation and you can’t wind tackle on a catfish on your hand, otherwise a predator weighing several kilograms will throw you overboard with one sharp jerk.

Certain skills are needed here, and at first it will be very difficult for you, but you also can’t attach equipment for fishing to the boat itself - this can lead to damage to it and other undesirable consequences, ruining catfish fishing altogether. It's better to lose your catch than your health, so don't get too carried away with fishing.

If we figured out how to catch a catfish, then here's what to catch it for, if catfish have several favorite lures, which are the most catchy? And what equipment should be used?

As with any predatory fish, “live” baits are a priority, but there are some patterns here:

  1. Not the most catchy, but the most popular bait for giants consists of the simplest bait - worms and leeches of the bear, the fish also responds well to creeping out, they must be strung several pieces on the hook at the same time, otherwise the catch will consist of catfish, The right way how to do this, when the baits have already been collected, should be learned from another material, and it will be much easier to crawl out on the hook.
  2. For effective fishing, you should collect ide or sabrefish fry, which are very fond of fish, they will be a good bait. Well suited for bottom fishing with spinning, catfish will be caught with them every few minutes. What gear to use here depends on the circumstances. But it is better to use the underwater fishing method with such bait, then you will get a lot of good catch, even if the tackle is not the best.
  3. Some people manage to catch catfish on spinning with fresh fish fillets, but this method cannot be called catchy and is not suitable for everyone due to the price and slight difference in efficiency that the bait has.
  4. Nothing will be the best gift for a catfish, how to make frog or twister baits, this is especially effective on a boat. The best idea is wobblers with the heaviest sinkers, and if you don’t mind, even cancer meat will do, which can hardly be attributed to simple complementary foods. True, with such a delicacy you won't catch much more fish. But the fish will be happy with the bait collected from frogs, even with a noisy boat nearby. This bait remains one of the best underwater to this day.
  5. Catchable spinners are the simplest that are presented here and are also used as bottom tackle with a strong current, but if you make them yourself, then you need not to miscalculate with the size. Too big or small bait will not give the desired effect. In this case, both installation and the rod itself play a role. Crawling is a little more effective in most cases, but if there is no alternative, this will be the best option.
  6. To catch a catfish with a fishing rod with a float, gentle currents are needed, and the offal of small animals is also suitable for the equipment, for a better fishing effect, you should smoke a simple delicacy in advance, then it will acquire a powerful smell that can quickly attract all the fish in the area, coming up as a priority catfish bait. It is good to use such bait for underwater fishing.

The correct bait from the catfish will be eaten in 10 minutes, and if the fish does not bite at all, then you have chosen the wrong bait (fishing secret). If the catfish is chosen not very catchy and artificial, then they need to be periodically carried along the bottom, while doing it slowly and evenly, the catfish caught on the hook will not have to wait long.

Such a “game” will attract fish and the catfish will not go unnoticed, unlike the loads lying like a stone at the bottom. To use a live catfish, for example, crawling out, correctly, it should be prepared with high quality. Dead or half-dead fry will not let the appetite break out, so the best catfish is not kept in the freezer, but is fattened in separate aquariums. But the catfish from creeps and other animals or their giblets should be selected independently.

Depending on the situation and the reservoir, the specific type of families and even the time of year, such a simple bait may simply not be liked by the fish. And in other circumstances, it will attract them better than any other. Therefore, the experience of the fisherman himself plays a significant role here, but if there is no desire to fill your own bumps, then you can always ask fishing wisdom about catfish from those who catch in the same place. It is easy to talk to them, and they will tell you a lot of useful tips, but whether to use them or not is your own decision.

Your tackle should always have some handmade tackle that is used by the rods. Often this is how float equipment is made.

When hunting for large prey, athletes and experienced anglers always have home-made spinning gear in their hands, which bypasses store equipment by several criteria at once:

  1. It can be customized to suit all the nuances of your fishing on the river. Some purchased rigs still have to be supplemented so that they keep well in the current, so isn’t it easier to immediately give it the necessary weight and density for a particular float? Such gear can take into account all the features of the river. All this will save a lot of fishing.
  2. You know how to deal with it. Not all beginners know how to use jibing, but when you use a do-it-yourself one, you will definitely know how it functions and there will be no problems with how to catch a catfish. Twister and jibing are rather difficult to manufacture, but useful spinning tackle. The float cannot be used with them.
  3. Hand-made tackle is universal. It will always fit your rod. And you can use such fishing equipment in a variety of situations. Quiet fishing can be destroyed by a sharp change in weather, everyone who fished in the spring knows this, and store fishing equipment is adapted only to specific conditions. While you can create your own, taking into account all the nuances of your region.
  4. Some may even get hooked on crocheting bait, and they will be happy to make other floats and floats.

Tool making for spinning fishing catfish and, moreover, rods are a laborious manufacturing process, but not every spinning rod can withstand a field test with a giant fish on the hook. And your fishing rod will always be stronger and more powerful. Some manufacturers even overestimate the performance of their gear. While the simplest catfish tackle will never let you down if it is made by you personally. To do this, it is enough to have a strong cord and a high-quality hook, it is better to use a marine knot for fastening. After that, if necessary, calculate the mass of the sinker, taking into account the bait and the Archimedean force, because adjusting it, having already arrived at the river, is a waste of time and nerves.

You can not even cast a sinker yourself, but purchase it in a store - this is that insignificant equipment, the quality of which in most cases can be sacrificed without consequences. It is much more important to choose the right fishing line and hook. The best choice there will be fishing lines with a fluorocarbon coating, they are not very expensive, but several times stronger than usual with the same volume. While the braid is too striking, especially when fishing in the daytime. You can also buy a cord completely made of fluorocarbonate, but it has its own nuances, and tackle, which is not really needed, can hit your pocket hard. On the other hand, due to the low refractive index of light, such fishing lines are invisible in water.

Choose a line taking into account the jerking power of the fish, that is, your trophy must weigh 3 kg, and the fishing line must withstand at least 30. The length depends on personal preferences and casting distance, it is best to take lines under 50 meters. The coil to which it will be attached can also be made independently, but the wooden and foam products that are advised all over the Internet are too short-lived, and metalworking skills come in handy here. If you have not been able to find a sinker of suitable weight, you can always cast it from lead into the shape of a hollow cylinder. The weight should be placed 100 cm from the bait so that it can freely oscillate and lure the fish.

Choose a single hook, but strong enough and large enough. This is the case when you should pay close attention to the brand and reviews on the Internet. After all, often when fishing, the catch sailed away along with a broken or torn off hook.

If you decide to make and sharpen this tackle yourself, you will need a wire up to 6 millimeters thick. Sharpen one tip immediately and use special tools to make a “double point”, then bend it parallel to the main part. Flatten the other end with a couple of hammer blows and wrap it in a circle to form a torus.