The rate of muscle recovery after training. How long do muscles recover after strength training. Conclusions, reviews and results

During heavy loads, human muscles receive, though not large, but injuries. It takes 24-48 hours for them to recover. That's why pros don't train two days in a row. experiencing chronic fatigue, You will not be able to achieve your goals. This is why there are so many failed bodybuilders in the gyms. Do not even think about training until you feel that your body is completely rested. Do not burden yourself with new workouts, know how to relax! Intense and everyday workouts will not give the proper result without muscle relaxation!

How many days it takes for muscle recovery is up to you
If you are about 20-25 years old and you are healthy lifestyle life: eat right, do not experience stress and get enough sleep, then your body will easily recover without special work, and you will be able to start new workouts on the third or fourth day. But if you are over 30 years old, and you have a small child who does not let you sleep at night, hard work - do not expect that you can recover so easily. Then it will be necessary to rest for six or seven days. And if you are constantly surrounded by stress, you do not get enough sleep and there are problems with the restoration of the body, then forget about the gym for a while. Return to training only after proper rest if your goal is to achieve an ideal figure.

True, there are factors that contribute to increasing the endurance of the body and accelerating the build-up muscle mass. It's about genetics, steroid use, and professionals. After all, professionals need less time to restore the body, and they can visit gyms much more often than we do. They have different laws of nature than we do.

How to restore muscles after a workout

So, what is needed to restore the body after physical activity?!

Many men seek to increase muscle mass by performing separate loads several times a week, refusing to deadlift. Do not be afraid to experiment with training. Listen less to people who advise you to persistently train five to six times a week. Don't stick to a rigid schedule. Let your body rest as long as it needs to. It does not matter - a day, two, a week, but wait until the body gains strength and you feel good. For you, the main thing should be the result, and not the established schedule.

Choosing exercises for training, take into account not only general fatigue, but also the fatigue of each part of the body separately. If you feel that your leg muscles are still sore, then wait a bit. Before training, not a single muscle of the body should hurt.

If you are carried away by training, and the most time-consuming stage of training is just ahead, you may notice only general fatigue. Starting the exercises, thinking that nothing hurts you, you are mistaken. It is worth visiting the gym only after full recovery, as the general and local fatigue will pass.

The result of your efforts depends on how many workouts you can do.. Moreover, if you have time to recover quickly, you will gain more effective workouts in order to build the necessary muscle mass.

Pay attention to sleep. From this, overall well-being may not suffer, but constant lack of sleep will someday affect bodybuilding. In order to see progress in this matter, you need to create all the necessary conditions for sleep. It is better to oversleep than not to sleep. Go to bed early in the evening, do not stay up after 24.00 hours, do not forget that the duration of normal sleep should be at least eight hours. It's bad if you wake up. Try to set the mode so that in the morning you yourself wake up without an alarm clock. You ask how? Yes, easy and simple. Again, don't sit too long in front of the TV and computer in the evenings. Set the mode: go to bed at 23:00 and set the alarm for 7:00 during the week, after which the body will adjust to the new mode and you will no longer need an alarm clock.

A couple more tips for muscle recovery

  1. During the recovery of the body, do not forget to drink plenty of water. After all, during training, our body loses a lot of fluid.

  2. achieve best results You can take a contrast shower. Under cold water the walls of our vessels narrow, and under warm conditions they expand, which positively affects the elasticity of the muscles.

  3. In the evenings, do a relaxing massage. You can make it yourself, but it's better to have someone make it for you. Massage actions improve blood circulation, as well as the transport of nutrients throughout the body. This contributes to a faster recovery of the body.

And remember, not having time to recover from some loads, acquiring chronic fatigue, you will not be able to build additional muscle mass. It is not surprising if you are accompanied by chronic illnesses and various injuries: laziness, bad mood, depression, etc.

Thus, try to choose the right rest between workouts. Forget about gym until you feel completely rested. If you have any doubts about this, then wait a day or two. But at the same time, do not abuse the rest, so you will not be able to achieve your goals!

In today's article, I will tell you how to quickly restore muscles after a workout, why your muscles may not grow and what to do in this case. You will also learn which supplements are useful for recovery, and which are completely useless.

As you know, during training, our muscles are destroyed and only after training, when we rest, they begin to recover. In fact, the recovery process is the key to muscle growth. So guys, if you want to be big and strong, you need to be able not only to train in the gym, but also to relax!

Recovery phases

Alas, but no theory anywhere.

The recovery process is the return of the physical parameters of the body to a normal state with a simultaneous increase in its adaptive capabilities. The process itself can be divided into several stages (phases).

  • Rapid recovery phase

It occurs immediately after training and lasts about 30 minutes, at which point the metabolism changes in order to restore the balance in the body, which was disturbed by the training. This is the expected response of the body to the training load. During the period of rapid recovery, all energy substrates (glycogen, creatine phosphate, ATP) are replenished, some hormones also return to normal and anabolic hormones, which are so important for growth, are released.

  • slow recovery phase

When metabolic balance is restored, the process of repairing damaged muscle fibers begins, protein synthesis comes into play, enzymes and amino acids are restored, as well as water and electrolyte balance. The degree and rate of absorption of nutrients increases.

  • Supercompensation stage

The most important stage for you and me, iron fans, because it is at this moment that the functionality of your muscles exceeds the initial level. It comes in 2-3 for after training and lasts about 5 days. During this period, it's time to “give a thrashing” (train) to that muscle group that has gone through all these stages!

The problem is that a person can't tell by feeling when exactly their muscles are at the highest point of supercompensation, so you have to do it at random.

  • Delayed recovery phase

If you are at this stage, but have not yet loaded the muscle group that was recovering, then the train has already left = (Because in this phase, the functional characteristics of the muscles return to their pre-training state.

I think any ardent fan of iron, and even an ordinary visitor gym, who still goes to the gym to train, and not share stories about exciting Sunday adventures, is interested in the fastest recovery of his muscles.

Moreover, without proper recovery there will be no growth, you will run into a training plateau and as a result, the desire to train may disappear. So below I will give actionable tips to achieve the desired goal.

Organizing Tips training process

  1. After each working set, perform light stretching, it will help improve blood flow in the muscles and remove the formed lactate.
  2. After training, dedicate 5-10 minutes to cool down, stretch, it is also recommended to do a light 10-minute cardio, again to improve blood flow, watch a video or pictures with an illustration of correct execution stretch marks
  3. Train one muscle group once, maximum twice a week, remember I told you about the supercompensation phase? So if you train the same muscle group more often, then you simply won’t have time to recover, which will lead to marking time or even deterioration. physical indicators. Small muscle groups, which include the arms, can be trained 2 times a week, because due to their small relative size, their recovery period is shorter than, for example, those of the legs)
  4. The day after your hard workout, do a 30-minute easy run, or light workout on the same muscle groups, reduce the weight and the number of approaches by 2 times, such training will speed up recovery

The speed of muscle recovery directly depends on a properly constructed diet, so remember:

Drink more water, it makes the blood more liquid, firstly, it will reduce the load on the heart, and secondly, it will improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the body

As you remember, after the end of the workout, there is a phase of rapid recovery, so it will be useful to take BCAA tablets (3-5 g), or BCAA in powder form, and taking creatine (4 g) to replenish creatine phosphate is no less important. The effect of glutamine, which is also recommended to be taken after training, is exaggerated, since in our body and without its intake from the outside, this essential amino acid is enough.

20-30 minutes after the end of the workout, take 50-70 grams of slow carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, whole grain pasta), this will help you replenish muscle glycogen stores and restore them faster

Along with carbohydrates, take protein foods (boiled eggs, chicken breast) or protein, which is a more convenient way, since mixing a shaker is easier than carrying around a container of breasts, and the liquid form of protein is absorbed much faster.

Protein will help prevent catabolism. But if you do not want to spend money, then it is quite possible to do without protein. Regular protein foods, despite some transportation inconveniences, will be a much better source of protein. And if you live near the hall, then you don’t have to carry containers with you

To make your life easier, here is an example of a post-workout meal:

50-70 grams of oatmeal in water (can be ground into powder, thrown into a shaker, diluted with hot water and consumed as a cocktail) + 30 grams of protein in water. Another option is the same oatmeal + 2-3 boiled eggs without yolks.

Among other things, there are quite simple procedures that will help you relieve pain in the post-workout days and speed up the recovery of your muscles.

  • Hot tub - good way take off muscle tension after training, and also to relax the nerves after you squatted with a barbell of 140 kg under Rammstein. Optimum temperature for such a bath it will be 40 degrees, this temperature will allow you to relax for about 20 minutes, and you don’t need more
  • Bath or sauna after training (recommended the next day after training) - has an effect similar to a hot bath, also dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow and promotes the rapid removal of lactic acid from the muscles, and also, due to the production of endorphins, reduces muscle pain in post workout days. As with the bath, you should not stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes at a time and in total no more than 20 minutes
  • Deep massage - the reasons for its benefits are all in the same improvement in blood circulation, I think unnecessary comments are needed. The only thing worth noting here is that it is better to contact a professional massage therapist, so you can get the most out of the massage.
  • One of the most important things is sleep. Because it is in a dream that the body patches all the holes and restores all the systems of the body. Sleep at least 8 hours a day and try to fall asleep before 11 pm, so in the morning you will feel more alert

Here is actually my short article and comes to an end. From the foregoing, we can summarize that there are many ways to restore muscles after training and everyone can choose something for themselves. But besides the optional items, there are those that need to be followed impeccably, such as sleep, nutrition and the organization of the training process, since your athletic longevity and health depend on them!

Muscle recovery after training is a very important process. Some athletes do not pay much attention to this, and in vain. This article will give tips on how to speed up the recovery process.

Very often you can hear the word “overtraining” from athletes. However, there is no such state. The thing is that the body did not have time to recover. There can be many reasons for this, the main ones being the lack of rest time and the wrong recovery process. How to speed up this process will be discussed below.

Restoration of muscle tone

First of all, it is worth remembering that muscle recovery after a workout must be earned. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to "die" during training. For classes to be effective, it is necessary to properly use the stressful state of the body after exercise.

Very often athletes make the mistake of focusing only on the recovery itself. But after all, training affects the entire body as a whole, and not just muscle tissues. The Right Process recovery means the following:

  • Muscle recovery after training.
  • Removal of decay products from the body.
  • Recovery of energy reserves.
  • Restoration of the normal functioning of the central nervous system.
Now recovery can be quite simple, because proper nutrition and special therapy has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The same sleep, given enough time, restores nervous system and contributes to the acceleration of the processes of burning fat and building mass. And, for example, coffee can improve the functioning of the central nervous system and reduce pain in the muscles.

How to restore muscles after a workout

Prioritizing muscle recovery after a workout is just as important as setting goals for each session. It is impossible to jump higher just by running. So is the case with recovery. When priorities are set, you need to make sure they are correct. Very often, the progress of athletes is hindered by malnutrition. If the goal of your workout is to burn fat, then you need to refrain from foods containing sugar.

After exercise, the body needs fast-acting carbohydrates, which can be easily obtained with sports drinks. However, the athlete prefers a carbohydrate supplement, reducing all the efforts made in training to zero. It is very important to prioritize and then make sure the methods chosen are effective.

Nutrition for Muscle Recovery

Never underestimate the role of nutrition in post-workout muscle recovery. Receiving all the necessary substances, the body will be able to quickly restore all the violations received during training. In this case, little energy will be spent, which is also important.

It is best to give preference to protein compounds of animal origin. They contain in their composition immediately 9 of the most valuable amino acid compounds for the body, which will accelerate the process of tissue repair and supply the body with all the necessary substances. This in turn will speed up your metabolism. Conducted studies have shown that when using protein after training sessions, the rate of weight gain increases by 38%, and strength indicators - by 33%.

It is also important to remember about fruits and vegetables. For example, all berries that have a dark color contribute to the speedy removal of decay products from the body. This has a beneficial effect on the process of muscle recovery after training. The same can be said about many fruits or leafy vegetables that improve metabolic processes.

To reduce the level of estrogen, cruciferous vegetables are a very valuable food product. Do not get carried away with them only to those athletes who want to lose weight.

Despite numerous articles talking about the dangers of fats, in practice everything is somewhat different. For example, fats derived from whole sources (avocados, nuts) have a protective effect on the body. They contain a large amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats that can speed up the restoration of the skeletal system. They also provide the body with valuable vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible form.

A very valuable product in the recovery is fish oil. With its help, signaling to cells is carried out and anti-inflammatory protection of the body is provided. This product has long been known as very valuable from a medical point of view. AT traditional medicine it is used quite widely. No less important are other fats that have a variety of positive effects on the body.

Speaking of nutrition, it is simply impossible not to mention ordinary water. With a lack of fluid, the process of muscle recovery after a workout will slow down. Water reduces the load on the heart and muscles, and does not allow the body temperature to rise. But the temperature of muscle tissue is a very important indicator in recovery.

It is very important for recovery processes to take care of the intestines. All problems with this body negatively affect the absorption of nutrients and vitamins. A large amount of toxins begins to be released, metabolic and fat-burning processes slow down, and the production of neurotransmitters that affect the overall mood of the athlete decreases.

Of course, more than one article can be devoted to intestinal problems. However, a few simple tips will help you improve the process of muscle recovery after a workout.
  1. Eat prebiotics and dairy products.
  2. Try not to eat wheat products.
  3. Avoid using anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.

How to speed up muscle recovery

A large number of studies have been conducted that have shown that severe emotional and physical stress negatively affect the process of muscle recovery after training and, accordingly, the progress of the athlete.

Stress reduces the body's ability to adapt to training loads. This is due to a decrease in the number of killer cells and disruption of the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. It is this system that is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, and as a result of normal operation, more cortisol begins to be produced. This hormone stops tissue repair, and, consequently, the growth of their mass.

You need to learn how to manage stress. Here are a few tips on how to do this as efficiently as possible:

  • It is necessary to study the consequences of stress and its effect on the body. Only in this way can a person reduce his own stress.
  • Use breathing techniques muscle relaxation. Meditation is a very powerful tool in dealing with stress.
  • Listen to music. This will reduce the level of cortisol in the blood.
  • Do massage and self-massage. This will reduce pain after the training process.
  • Get enough sleep. Dream - essential part recovery process, and this should not be neglected. The body will never function well if you don't get enough sleep.
The intake of carbohydrates will also help to significantly speed up the process of muscle recovery after a workout. They have a variety of effects on the body, for example:
  • Reduce blood cortisol levels, thereby improving body composition.
  • Increase insulin levels, cause antioxidant protective reactions in muscle tissues.
  • They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, on the work of which metabolic processes depend.
  • Increase the level of hydration by retaining fluid in the body. However, in this case, an excess of carbohydrates already has a negative effect.
The optimal time to consume carbohydrates is the time after the completion of training sessions, and in the evening. You can not eat carbohydrates before the start of the workout.

Recovery workouts

For the fastest recovery of muscles after training, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the intensity of training, rest and little activity. Sometimes frequent exercise can speed up the recovery process, and sometimes, on the contrary, slow it down.

So, let's say, when an athlete has severe pain after a workout, you need to make classes more frequent. The fact that frequent training can reduce pain in the muscles has been scientifically proven.

At the same time, if the athlete often runs, or the intensity of training is high, it is better to reduce the load. The following tips will help make your recovery more efficient:

  1. In one training session You need to include strength and cardio loads.
  2. Use two workouts each day, with one being high intensity and the other high volume strength training.
  3. Make your sessions longer than one hour.
Video on how to restore muscles after a workout:

All athletes involved different types sports, face muscle pain that may occur due to physical activity.

That is why the question “how to restore muscles after a workout” is one of the most relevant, and there are several useful recipes for solving such a problem.

Why pain occurs

Everyone knows that for muscle growth and fat burning, the most important thing is not so much the training itself, but the recovery process after it. The point is that during sports activities Muscles receive a colossal load, as a result of which their damage occurs.

Subsequently, they need to be nourished with useful substances: vitamins, proteins and amino acids, which can be obtained both from ordinary food and from sports nutrition.

Protein plays the most important role in gaining muscle mass: for example, bodybuilders take protein shakes in order to “get” the required amount of protein per day.

  • This is done for one important reason: on average, 2 g of protein should be per 1 kg of weight, and with a weight of 70 kg, you will have to consume 140-180 g of pure protein.
  • With the help of simple food, this is problematic, because. you will have to eat 1 kg of lean meat per day daily.

Another important aspect during muscle recovery - this is nutrition. Most often, when losing weight, people, on the contrary, gain fat due to non-compliance with the diet: they consume sugar-containing foods, flour, fatty and fried foods. It should be borne in mind that after training, the processes of assimilation of food occur faster, because. physical activity accelerates metabolism - accordingly, fat weight will grow with a vengeance.

Non-professional athletes have the concept of "overtraining", which means any pain in the muscles, but here it should be borne in mind that with proper and productive training, they will definitely be. This is due to the fact that during exercise, the muscles unequivocally stretch and their fibers are damaged, therefore, in the future, they need recovery, on which weight gain or weight loss depends.

What can be done so that muscles do not hurt ^

Normally, pain occurs 1-2 days after strength training, but there are several recommendations to minimize them and make them almost invisible to the athlete:

  • It is very important to learn how to avoid stress, because. the stress hormone produced in such situations negatively affects the recovery rate and the muscles themselves;
  • Various massage techniques also help: with their help, you can relieve tension and pain in the muscles;
  • Nutrition is of the greatest importance: it must be high in protein, because. it is the protein that is involved in building the muscle corset.

Ways to quickly restore muscles after a workout ^

Of course, the main goal of sports nutrition is not fast recovery muscle tissue, but with its help it is still possible to achieve such an effect. The choice of a product directly depends on the purpose of classes.

Sports nutrition for muscle gain

What to look for when gaining weight:

  • (whey and casein). Whey must be taken immediately after training, because. it is absorbed within 30-40 minutes and quickly gives the muscles the necessary nourishment. Casein, on the other hand, is a “long” protein, and nourishes the muscles for 5-7 hours, so it is advisable to use it before bedtime;
  • : this is a high-carb mixture that gives the muscles the necessary energy after physical exertion, which contributes to their speedy recovery;
  • : its essence is to increase strength and give relief to muscles, but this amino acid is also involved in recovery;
  • BCAAs are a complex of amino acids that fuel muscles. They are necessary for the rapid regeneration of their tissues. You can take the product before, during and after training.

Sports nutrition for weight loss

When losing weight, the list of sports nutrition products is somewhat different:

  • L-carnitine: prevents the formation of fat cells, stimulates metabolism, gives energy during training. It should be taken half an hour before class, but you can also drink it during;
  • BCAAs: practically useless for fat burning, but necessary for those who want to lose weight subcutaneous fat and at the same time achieve relief;
  • Whey and casein proteins are important for both gaining and losing weight. in both cases, they are necessary for the muscles;
  • Creatine: Can be taken while maintaining proper diet strictly following the dosage. It is not suitable for drying, because. contributes to the accumulation of water in the muscles and the athlete can simply “fill in”.

What can be done at home

It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • Do not rest immediately after a workout. The body remains warm for an hour, and at this time it is best to drink a protein shake, carbohydrates are allowed when gaining mass;
  • After strength training stretching and running on the track: this reduces the risk of injury and stimulates muscle growth;
  • The diet should be dominated by protein foods: lean varieties of fish and meat, seafood, chicken eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, hard cheeses;
  • Once a week, it is advisable to visit the sauna or bath immediately after class: the temperature contrast tones the blood vessels and relaxes the muscles.

Conclusions, reviews and results ^

With the right approach to recovery, you can achieve good results, which consist in minimizing pain after training and optimal muscle growth. In addition, this is also important when losing weight: it has been proven that it is not the exercise itself that plays the greatest role in burning fat, but nutrition before and after visiting the gym.

Margarita, 35 years old:

“I have been bodybuilding for about 10 years, 7 of which I have been a trainer. I always advise all my wards to take protein an hour after class: firstly, when gaining mass, this will allow you to quickly achieve what you want, and when losing weight, burn fat without affecting the muscles, and secondly, ordinary food after splitting is not capable of so quickly affect muscle tissue like pure whey or egg protein"

Valery, 29 years old:

“I have been working as a fitness trainer for 3.5 years, and both those who want to lose weight and gain weight come to me. They have one thing in common: muscle pain, which always occurs 2-3 days after a workout. If the lesson was productive, they will be in any case, but not so significant and almost imperceptible, however, in both cases, it is important to follow the diet "

Julia, 30 years old:

“Some people think that you should immediately drink protein after a workout so that the muscles begin to recover faster. This is relevant only when gaining mass, but for weight loss it is important to take a break of 1-2 hours, because. all this time the fat will continue to break down. The same goes for food."

Eastern horoscope for April 2019

During the study Resistance Exercise Augments Postprandial Overnight Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates ., published in the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, found that combining a protein meal and strength training shortly before bed allows for faster muscle recovery.

The study, conducted at the University of Maastricht (Netherlands), involved 24 young people. Two hours after dinner, shortly before bedtime, they drank a protein shake. Right before drinking the cocktail, one group of participants did a lower body strength workout. The other group did nothing.

Those who exercised before taking a protein shake had a 30% increase in protein synthesis during the night compared to participants who simply took protein before bed without exercising.

In earlier work of this group of scientists Protein Ingestion before Sleep Increases Muscle Mass and Strength Gains during Prolonged Resistance-Type Exercise Training in Healthy Young Men. it has already been proven that consuming shortly before bedtime can increase muscle protein synthesis during the night.

This discovery is useful not only for bodybuilders, but also for other athletes, such as runners. Long hard runs also damage muscles. After hard workout need help muscle fibers recover so that the muscles quickly adapt to serious loads. By increasing the recovery rate using this technique, runners will be able to get used to the increased loads faster.

Principal investigator Jorn Trommelen claims that as a result of this technique, more mitochondria are produced in the muscles, which increase the aerobic capacity of the body. The combination of exercise and protein-rich food maintains the number of mitochondria in the muscles, therefore, improves not only strength but also endurance.

How to exercise and what to eat before bed

The training, which the subjects were engaged in, lasted one hour and included:

  • 15 minutes ride on an exercise bike;
  • six sets of 10 repetitions of the leg press in the simulator;
  • six sets of 10 repetitions of leg raises in the simulator.

However, Trommelin argues that less intense training will also be effective.

Any quantity physical activity can stimulate protein synthesis, although to a lesser extent.

For example, simply walking only slightly increases muscle protein production. Most effective strength exercises with weight own body or, especially if you repeat them to muscle failure.

Trommelin recommends choosing three sets of push-ups and three sets of pull-ups for bedtime exercises. The number of repetitions - until muscle failure.

Another good workout option is a combination of squats, leg raises and hamstring exercises (calf raises in the simulator, with your own body weight, with weighting).

As far as food is concerned, protein shake used in the study contained 20 grams of protein. Here is an example of a typical meal containing the same amount of protein: 600-700 grams of low-fat milk, three eggs, or 100 grams of tuna. Food with less protein will also increase the rate of muscle recovery, but not as much.

Trommelen believes that the combination of strength training and protein before bed will be the most effective way recovery of athletes after a day of hard training.

You have a great opportunity to test this statement. Try a new technique and share your impressions in the comments.