Sports water bottle

What things do you put in your gym bag? How many pairs of sneakers do you have? Do you hunt for branded limits from Reebok and Adidas Or maybe you do the same thing you wear at home? Womenswear, fitness purpose is what we are discussing today.

Type number 1. Fitonyasha


She is dressed either in leggings that no ordinary mortal can get (with a personal autograph embroidered with a cross by Ekaterina herself). To the extreme - in Reebok CrossFit, of course, a new collection. She has branded socks, underpants, wristbands and even a band-aid - everything. The tailor's semiotics of such a bow is simple - the girl is most likely a professional fitness blogger and they give her all this. Or she's specifically fitness addicted and would rather kill herself than come to work out in some super-technological way that doesn't absorb sweat and turns it into ambrosia women's clothing. Fitness for her is everything, such a fitonyasha drinks only the most best protein and eats only proven bcaa. Do not even try to give her something on the topic of fitness - her polite "shouldn't have" will turn out to be the absolute truth. She already has everything.

Type #2. Sincere


She works out in the gym in a T-shirt from the second season of Friends, and leggings that are embarrassing to carry in the trash even at dark midnight. Her sneakers have seen not just views, they have seen everything, they are tired of living and already really want to die. She practices without makeup, her hair is pulled together by the most terrible terry band in the world, which is a shame to wear, but she is so comfortable, and it’s not clear what she is wearing - whether it’s from the garbage heap, or whether it’s really women’s clothing. The fitness club, on the other hand, is not overjoyed at her: she does it well, she doesn’t waver, she doesn’t move her legs - she swings and there is a result. She simply does not consider the hall as a place where you need to look good - for her it is like a beautician's office or an epilation salon, an ugly necessity. Seeing her at work, you will not recognize her - where did it come from. Giving her fitness clothes is also useless - with a merchant's gesture, she will throw it all at the feet of her fitness friend.

Type #3. Fam Fatal

Fam fatal

She comes to fitness for men and for nothing else. Your circular workouts are a damn thing to her. Wears the shortest shorts and tank top that only exist in nature. She looses her hair impractically, in the locker room, when she washes everything, on the contrary, she puts it on. Having found a potential male, she will adapt to him, get acquainted, get married and forget about fitness forever. The male did not reciprocate? Interested persons hang themselves in toilets, and life goes on.

Of course, these are extremes. There are also normal girls with normal clothes. So be like this!

More interesting

This article is similar to the constructor. It describes three strength workouts, each of which works out all muscle groups, cardio on simulators and two circuits. How to combine them depends on your goal.

How are training programs different?

1. Workout program for girls who want to lose weight

Combine strength and cardio workouts. The latter will allow Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults spend more calories, and strength exercises will pump the muscles and help the thinner body look even cooler.

  • How often to practice. To reach your goal, set aside 3 strength training sessions and 2 cardio sessions each week. The latter can be of two types: 30–60 minutes on cardio machines or 20–30 minutes of intensive circuit training if you are not ready to go to the gym five times a week.
  • How much exercise to do.
  • How to eat. Create a calorie deficit: spend more than you consume.

2. Training program for girls who want to build muscle

If you do not have extra pounds, eliminate cardio and focus on strength training.

  • How often to practice. Plan 3 of these workouts per week with at least 48 hours of rest in between.
  • How much exercise to do. Unless otherwise noted, do 5 sets of 6-12 reps.
  • How to eat. Add more foods to your diet, or buy a protein powder. To build muscle, you must consume 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

3. Training program for girls who want to be in good shape

You need both cardio and strength training. The first will help you become more resilient, pump your heart and breath. The second will make you stronger.

  • How often to practice. Count on 3 strength training sessions per week. At the end of each, do cardio for 15-20 minutes.
  • How much exercise to do. Unless otherwise noted, do 3 sets of 6-12 reps.
  • How to eat. Try to stick healthy diet, eat more vegetables and fruits and at least 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

If you have problems with cardiovascular system or, before going to the gym, consult your doctor. In the presence of old injuries, problems with the spine, pain in the joints, it is better to find a good coach.

What should be strength training

Regardless of the program, each power training starts with a warm up. It must be done in the following order:

  1. Joint workout. Rotate the joints of the arms and legs 10 times in each direction, tilt and turn the body and neck.
  2. 5-10 minutes of light cardio. Any appropriate simulator will do: track, stepper, ellipse, exercise bike. If everything is busy, jump rope.

In addition, before each exercise with a large weight, an additional warm-up with a small one is needed. This will prepare the target muscles for work and save you from injury. For example, if you are going to squat with a 50 kg barbell, do 5 times with the bar, then 3 times with 30 kg and 3 times with 40 kg. Only then proceed to the main load.

Choose a working weight so that the last repetitions in the approach are given hard, but without changing the technique: jerks, a skewed back and unnecessary inclinations. If they appear, take a lighter weight or number of repetitions.

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets, 1-2 minutes between exercises.

I strength training

Twisting on the press

Location: Tabata Drive Gym

Works out the abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, put your feet on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Raise the body so that the shoulder blades come off the floor and the lower back remains pressed. Do not press your hands on your head, your fingers only touch the back of the head, the movement is made due to the tension of the muscles of the press, and not the neck.

Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.


It pumps the extensors of the back, buttocks and the back of the thigh.

Insert your legs into the hyperextension machine, put your hands behind your head. Keeping your back straight, lower your body and then lift it up. At the top, look at the wall in front of you. Avoid jerks and sudden movements, perform the exercise smoothly and under control.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps. In the future, you can increase the number of repetitions to 20-25.

Loads the hips, buttocks and core muscles.

Put your feet slightly wider than your straightened shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together, turn your toes a little to the sides. Take your pelvis back, bend slightly in the lower back and with an inhale go into a squat. Keep your back straight, look forward.

Sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. If from it, the knees do not turn inward, and the back remains straight, try to sit lower. If at the same time the back is rounded, return to the previous position, that is, again make the hips parallel to the floor.

Come out of the squat on an exhale.

Start with a 15 or 20 kg bar and gradually increase the load. Keep an eye on technology at all times.

Pumps back muscles.

Sit on a bench, press your feet to the floor. Grab the handle with a forward (focus on the back) or reverse (focus on the biceps) grip. possible every week. Squeeze your shoulder blades, lower your shoulders, straighten your back. As you exhale, pull the handle up to touch your chest. The body does not lean back, the shoulders are lowered, the shoulder blades are brought together.

Return the handle back and repeat the exercise.

Well loads the buttocks.

Prepare the barbell, sit next to the bench and put the bar on your feet. Lean back on the bench, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. Supporting the bar with your hands, place it on the pelvis. Tear it off the floor, distribute the weight between the fulcrum on the bench and the feet on the floor.

Due to tension gluteal muscles tilt your pelvis up until it is fully extended hip joint. Get down and repeat.

pumps pectoral muscles and triceps.

Lie down on a bench press with your feet flat on the floor. With a straight grip wider than shoulder width, grasp the barbell. Remove it from the racks, lower it to touch the chest and squeeze it back.

Strengthens the shoulders.

Stand straight, raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level and lower them back. Keep your elbows slightly bent so as not to overload the joint.

II strength training

They pump the rectus abdominis muscle with an emphasis on lower part(lower press).

Lie down on a bench and grasp its edge with your hands. Raise your legs and bend at the knees.

Raise your legs even higher and lift your pelvis off the bench. Return to starting position.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps.


They pump legs, buttocks and core muscles.

Hold dumbbells in outstretched arms. Lunge forward, touch the floor with the knee of the leg standing behind. Watch to anterior knee didn't go over the toe.

Stand up and lunge with the other leg. You can do it on the move or, if the room is crowded, on the spot.

If you want to add extra core and shoulder strength, try another option: with dumbbells over your head.

Do two sets for each hand.

Loads the back muscles.

Place your left hand and knee on a support, such as a bench or box. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders and arm with a dumbbell, bring your shoulder blades together.

Pull the dumbbell to your waist and lower it again. It is very important to pull exactly to the belt, and not to the chest, not to raise the shoulders and not to spread the shoulder blades. Otherwise, you will shift the focus from the arms to the back muscles.

Deadlift with barbell

Pumps the buttocks and extensors of the back.

Stand close to the bar so that the bar is above the lacing of your shoes. Squat down by pushing your pelvis back. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Raise the barbell, fully straighten your hips, then return to the starting position.

It pumps the pectoral muscles and loads the shoulders.

Lie down on a bench, press your feet to the floor, raise the dumbbells in front of you so that your palms look at each other. Spread the dumbbells apart, slightly bending your elbows to protect your joints. Turn your palms at the bottom point towards the ceiling.

Bring your hands together and repeat.

Load the triceps.

Find support: a box, a bench, a stack of steps. Turn your back to her, put your hands on her, straighten your knees. Do a reverse push-up until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, but not lower. Return to starting position.

Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps.

III strength training

Twisting on the press

Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.


Do 3 sets of 15 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.

Loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks, pumps well inner surface hips.

Pick up one. Place your feet so that they are twice as wide as your shoulders, and your socks look to the sides. Take the pelvis back, slightly bend in the lower back.

Do a squat, spreading your knees to the sides. Do not bend your back: it should be even and tense throughout the exercise.

Pumps back muscles and shoulder biceps.

Take the barbell with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders, tilt your body to parallel with the floor. Bend your arms, bring your shoulder blades together and bring the projectile to your waist, and then lower it. Do not unbend until you finish the exercise: the body should be parallel to the floor or close to it.

Loads the chest, triceps and shoulders.

Raise the bar to your chest, bring your elbows forward a little, lower your shoulders, slightly bend your lower back. From this position, squeeze the projectile up and take it behind the head.

Look straight ahead at all times. When the bar goes past the face, do not lift the chin. Instead, retract it.

Pumps the extensor muscles of the back, buttocks and back of the thigh.

The Romanian deadlift differs from the classic deadlift in that you minimally bend your knees and at the lowest point do not put the barbell on the floor, but bring it to the middle of the lower leg. The back remains straight throughout the exercise.

An effective exercise for pumping the buttocks.

Turn your face to the simulator, put a special belt on your leg and attach it to lower block. Take your leg back and return back.

What should be cardio training

Cardio on the machines

If yours is more than normal, you should not run on the track: this way you will put too much stress on the joints. Instead, choose a brisk walk uphill (the path can be adjusted incline), an exercise bike, an ellipse, a stepper, or an airbike.

Do cardio at a moderate intensity so that you can last without slowing down. The main thing is to increase the pulse and keep it at that level for the right time.

If a long monotonous cardio makes you sad, try exercising with headphones. If this does not help, choose intense circuit training with own weight. They are also suitable for those who cannot go to the gym five times a week.

Circuit training

This is when you perform several exercises in a row for different muscle groups, usually with or without a short rest, and then start over. Circuit training is good because it allows you to reduce rest time: some muscles have time to recover while others are working, and the pulse remains elevated, as well as calorie expenditure.

Here is an example of a circuit training with weights own body. You need to do 5 circles without a break. If you choke, rest for 30 seconds to one minute and continue with the exercises.

And another circle. This time interval, that is, with a clear time frame. You work for 30 seconds and then rest for the same amount. In total, you need to complete 6 circles.

All the girls want slim stomach, a strong ass and a toned figure, but sometimes the paths to achieve the goal are chosen strange.

Someone comes to the gym to hunt suitors, someone tries to lose an extra 20 kg a month before the vacation, someone plows so that the guys can only envy, someone just chats on the phone or communicates with a girlfriend using exercise equipment as chairs (“well, we are in gym, which means that by default they should lose weight”). The girls are different. I will try to describe the brightest representatives of the fair sex who decided to join the sport in one way or another.

Seasonal visitors

They are very easy to recognize when you have been doing the same gym for a couple of years. Usually such girls appear in March-April, shortly before the holiday season. Or, oddly enough, a month and a half before the New Year holidays. Probably to restore beauty before the "lewd" corporate parties.

They don’t work out very hard, they rarely turn to coaches, they try to figure out the simulators on their own and do something, just to do at least something. When I see that a person can simply harm his health, and I carefully try to suggest how to do the exercise correctly, I often get the question: “ What exercise should I do to lose weight?? I usually answer that, first of all, you need to figure out your diet, limit the consumption of sweet / starchy foods and not overeat corny. Unfortunately, for the most part, girls are offended and disappointed, assuming that I'm just hiding the secret of a beautiful figure. And there is no secret. You can start with this:

But it is easier for such girls to believe in the existence of magical methods and exercises than in a banal discipline in nutrition and training. As a result, they quickly become disillusioned with the sport and after a month and a half they score on training sessions that were not very frequent anyway.

Telephone operators

With a phone in hand, they spend more time in the gym than with simulators. The exercise is performed for 30 seconds, then the phone conversation lasts 5-10 minutes, whether it is a voice call or a text chat. Of course, it is a personal matter for everyone how to spend their time in one place or another, but often such ladies are engaged in telephone communication without leaving the simulator or barbell and preventing others from using this equipment. When you culturally and carefully ask to release him (due to the lack of analogues in the gym), it is easy to run into outright rudeness, saying: “What is it, I work here, don’t bother me to train!”. Yeah, how about "training".

Girls, if you really decide to spend your time going to the gym and improving your physical condition, leave your phone in the locker room or locker for valuables. Don't take it to the gym. There is a great dependence on time in the efficiency of performing the same work. Do ten sets of 10-15 repetitions with a break between sets of 1-1.5 minutes, and you will qualitatively load the target muscle group in 25-30 minutes. Do the same, but with "telephone" breaks between sets of 5-7 minutes, and you will simply waste one and a half to two hours of your life.


These are very proud ladies. They will never turn to the duty coach with a question and will not even read the instructions on the simulator. They themselves know how to perform a particular exercise and work with equipment. Sometimes such girls invent absolutely unthinkable options for using simulators. Although, not only girls :).

In my many years of practice, I did not often come across such inventors, but a couple of times I saw with my own eyes absolutely amazing things they do in the hall. Once I watched this and wondered why the coach who wandered nearby did not react. At first, he tried to gently suggest himself, saying that this thing should be pushed back with one foot, pressing on the platform with the whole foot, and not trying to swing his arms, resting on the platform with both legs. At an attempt to help, I received a harsh response from two girlfriends, bullying their bodies and an iron machine: “ We ourselves know how to!».

Then he hinted to the coach that it was necessary to somehow save the ladies, otherwise they would hurt themselves and crawl out of the hall on four limbs, and not leave on two. Maybe even the employee will listen. But he replied that for three days he had tried to help them this way and that, and to explain, but many times he had been sent to hell.

Girls, do not reinvent the wheel and at least read the accompanying instructions that are on almost every simulator. They will not write bad things there, they will not hide the truth. Well, the coaches are also worth listening to.

Pretentious / hunters

To be honest, I still have not learned to 100% distinguish one from the other. Although, it seems to me, often these two types of gym visitors are mixed.

They are brightly made up, frankly dressed, contempt for hard-working and actively sweating athletes, focused precisely on training, is seen in their eyes. They shoot with their eyes, lazily move dumbbells, spin closer to the exercising men.

Usually they leave disappointed that healthy and sweaty dorks pay more attention to "pieces of iron" than to such hunters. Personally, I have nothing against them - they don’t interfere with training, and sometimes they even motivate them with seductive forms and outfits :).

Gentle minimalists

« You know, I want to remove my tummy, I want my butt to stand up, just don’t put a lot of pressure on me so that I don’t turn into a man! ”, - this is approximately the dialogue I hear very often between the coach and the neophytes. Moreover, girls seriously believe that if they suddenly strain to the point that they sweat or feel a burning sensation in their muscles, then in the morning they will wake up like this:

Or like this:

Girls, dear, even to achieve such a figure:

You have to plow like you never dreamed of, keeping a diet and working in the gym for a couple of hours a day, five times a week. And even if you press your own weight lying down, squat with your own weight and do deadlift also with your own weight, do not turn into a man. But beautiful figure with similar strength conditions (and reasonable nutrition) you will get.

In general, such girls, as I call them - “gentle minimalists”, do not lift anything heavier than kilogram dumbbells or 1-2 tiles per day. block simulators. As soon as they feel serious tension in the muscles, they immediately stop the exercise. They are very worried and worried when they are offered to use more serious weight, for example, to perform 12–15 repetitions with difficulty and really make the muscles work.

I repeat - girls, you can’t turn into a man, don’t be afraid to strain in the gym and don’t turn it into a convenient excuse for yourself not to work. As the saying goes, you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Fitness Monsters

There are two options here. The first one is good, when a girl is really into training, understands what she is doing, works hard and hard (by the way, women are more enduring than men) and constantly. The result is usually visible to the naked eye:

Second option- not very good. The girl comes to the gym full of enthusiasm and 110% sure that the more she does in a workout, the faster she will lose weight and gain a toned figure. Without nutrition control and any training program. Grab more, throw - further. First, run for 30 minutes, then an hour and a half of work on simulators, then an orbit track or exercise bike for another 30 minutes. And so on 5 times a week. Then cakes, ice cream, sweets and other sweets for the night (after all, I worked / will work in the gym!), In the morning - with coffee, at lunch - after a heavy meal, to cheer myself up for a fruitful workout in the evening.

Unfortunately, this principle does not work. Even if you practice every day. Nutrition - 70% of success in getting a toned figure without excess. Yes, and overtraining does not bode well. Usually, girls have enough sunk for 3-4 weeks, after which, disappointed, they disappear from the horizon. Miracles don't happen.

If you want results - control your diet and don't rush. Do at least 2-3 times a week, but constantly. Limit yourself to sweets and forget about constant snacks with coffee / tea, sweets and cookies. A good piece of cake or 3–4 solid cookies, which are perceived by many girls as a small snack, is 400–600 kcal and almost a third of your daily nutritional allowance.

It's better to do something than complain

Be that as it may, the examples described above are still more the exception than the rule. I have seen and see many girls doing sports. For the most part, they try to work correctly, listen to the coach, behave culturally in the gym. Let not everything and not everyone succeed, but these people do not sit at home idly by and complaining about fate, about wide bone or a thousand other reasons that supposedly prevent them from taking care of themselves. Girls go to the gym and work, often after a hard day's work, tired or sleepy.

Nevertheless, there is enough energy, and at the end of the workout you feel better than before. After all, the body gives us exactly as much energy as we require from it by our actions. But that's a completely different story.

Hello lovely ladies! If you are reading this now, it means that you still managed to pull yourself together, and you are already taking the first steps towards your perfect body. Naturally, at this stage, you began to be interested in what a girl should wear to the gym, what norms of sports etiquette are common in the gym, will training bring the desired result at all? Why the right “bow” guarantees half the success in training? These are very pertinent and important questions, and I will go into each of them in detail below.

Should a girl go to the gym? If possible, of course it's worth it! You certainly won't harm yourself. Today, for many people who are constantly hurrying somewhere in the harsh confines of a big city, exercising in the gym is a way of life, an excellent psychological relaxation and an opportunity to spend an hour and a half alone with your body and thoughts to your favorite music.

Prevention chronic diseases, normalization of water-salt balance - the list can get very long. But the benefits that you get from sports directly depend not only on the quality and program of classes - the right clothes and shoes will also contribute.

Pros and cons of the gym

First of all, your classes will directly affect the distribution of energy. The calories that enter the body of a girl with food will no longer automatically go into body fat. The body will be motivated to always be in good shape and dispose of excess in time.

For many women, this is the ultimate goal of exercise. But in order to come to it, while maintaining health and shape in the long term, you need to understand that difficulties await you on the way: injuries, monotonous activities, psychological apathy, because the result will not appear immediately.

Without this, it is useless to go to the gym: what should you take with you?

The comfort, convenience and sense of confidence of girls in the gym also depend on what they are wearing. Before you go there, do not forget about the faithful helpers - accessories. A forgotten towel or water has ruined more than one workout.

I compiled a list of the most necessary things for you in the gym, based on my own many years of experience in the gym, and also asked for the opinion of several fitness instructors I know. On the way to sports victories clothing and footwear can make a significant contribution to your success.

Sports bra

Why do you need a bra or top for fitness? Everything is simple here. To keep the shape of the chest when the whole body starts to gain muscle mass and burn fatty tissue, girls need to buy one more piece of clothing than guys. All women should take care of the health of the mammary glands, regardless of the features of the forms. Sports bras are divided into several varieties:

  1. Light support. Bras of this shape are designed for calm walking or yoga.
  2. Average support. In this top, even the most magnificent forms will look more modest, however, in it you can safely dance and do cardio.
  3. High support. Maximum cup support ideal for running intense training and power loads in the gym.

The function of a bra for girls is simple - in the right underwear, your breasts should not “jump”. It will be better if you do not go to the gym in your usual bra, and when choosing a bra, give preference to comfort criteria over appearance.


Shoes, girls, are your foundation and what you will see in front of your eyes 50% of the time when exercising in the gym. Therefore, it is so important for beginner athletes to choose comfortable and beautiful shoes for the gym. To improve exercise technique, minimize the risk of injury, focus on the following options:

  • Sneakers for power sports. You will not need them if you evenly distribute the load in the gym and do not approach dumbbells heavier than 10 kg. But those who are going to seriously engage in power extreme sports, bodybuilding and powerlifting will need the so-called weightlifters. This shoe has a solid, high and rigid sole, it fits snugly to the foot and does not slip. If you want to , high heel will help correct the wrong tilt of the body during exercise. Known models: Adidas AdiPower, Nice Romaleos. As a beginner, you should also try the minimalist type of sneakers. This stretchy and flexible shoe will allow you to fully control the movements of the foot and provide the most stable base during squats. A good example is the Nike Free Hyperfeel.

  • For fitness. It is not necessary to go to the gym in shoes that are capable of providing lightness, cushioning and air permeability during jumps, fast physical activity, aerobic exercises. Trainers with a mesh surface and a soft insole, such as Ryka Vida and Ryka Influence, will fit perfectly into your fitness training program.

  • Cross training. Running shoes of this type should not be confused with weights or lighter fitness shoes. The outsole is firm enough to provide stability, but at the same time, you can run and jump in them due to the flexibility. Reebok Crossfit Nano are popular.

With a comfortable shape adapted to your exercises, you will gain freedom of movement on different levels difficulties. Girls should not come to training in sneakers: a heavy flat sole can harm the health of the foot.

Czech shoes and slippers are only suitable if you are doing warm-up and light aerobic exercises. Try to choose shoes with a solid back that will not sag from constant wear, and from breathable material (cotton, synthetics, raincoat fabric).


Girls should choose T-shirts and T-shirts from these materials:

  1. Polyester. Dries quickly and does not lose shape after washing.
  2. Coolmax. The material wicks away moisture twice as fast as other fabrics, leaving the skin dry.)
  3. Elastane. Breathable elastic fabric, receptive to light.
  4. Meryl.
  5. Nylon.
  6. Polyamide.

Today, you can buy sweat-wicking and heat-transfer clothing because standard cotton T-shirts get wet quickly. Good synthetic fabrics will allow moisture to pass through and the fabric won't stick to your wet body.

If you are going to wear a cotton T-shirt to the gym, then color will play a big role. The lighter the T-shirt, the brighter the sweat will appear on it, stop at dark colors.


Why do girls wear leggings (leggings) in the gym? Guys can’t treat themselves to the “effect of slender legs” that leggings create, but girls actively exploit this piece of clothing. Sexy, stylish, and most importantly, comfortable - to make it so, opt for stretchy, breathable fabrics that will not hinder movement. One of the best options will become polyester with elastane or cotton.

For girls, leggings come in high and medium fit. An average landing can cause discomfort for girls during squats, as parts of the body will simply fall out. To avoid this in advance, stop at leggings with a high fit. For chubby girls, dark tones are suitable, for thin girls, light ones.

Dark color will visually reduce the volume of your body. You can buy leggings at sports shop as well as in the boutique. The main thing is to find out in advance the composition of the material and be sure to make sure when trying on that the clothes fit comfortably on you. Instead of leggings, a regular one is also acceptable. sportswear, just make sure that the pants meet all the above criteria.

Sports water bottle

Physical activity in the gym literally “evaporates” water from the body. The common myth that you can’t drink during a workout is not true. You should drink periodically, but in very small portions. There are a wide variety of water containers, from simple bottles from the supermarket to bicycle special non-spill bottles.


Loose hair in gym- a bright marker that the girl came just to "show off." If you are serious, you can also collect your hair in a ponytail or bun using a regular elastic band, as long as it does not pull your hair very tightly. You can use "crabs", hairpins.

phone holder

Going to the gym without a phone today is an almost impossible mission and a real torture. During a break, many girls use smartphones to distract themselves, someone listens to music. So that the “treasure” is always with you, you can use special holders-sleeves that are attached to the arm. In addition, almost every simulator has a special pocket for your phone.

Travel set of cosmetics

If you like order and organization, in addition to clothes, you may need a travel cosmetic bag in the locker room. All your cosmetics, shower gel, shampoo, bath accessories, varnishes, antiperspirant and other hygiene products can easily fit there.

Good antiperspirant

Due to the fact that the main function of deodorant is to hold back sweat, many experts recommend that girls stop using it during training in a stuffy gym complex. In addition to the fact that the smell of sweat can mix with the sweet smell of deodorant, it is important to sweat properly during class. But, if you generally don't sweat much, you can use a solid deodorant.


Equipment for hands is an integral part of the uniform for those who are engaged in strength exercises. At first, when the weight is small, you can do without them. But if you exercise regularly, you yourself will feel the need to protect your hands from sweat and calluses. Choose fingerless gloves for a comfortable grip.

Don't Do This: What Not to Wear

Now you know how to start exercising, what clothes and accessories a girl will need in this difficult matter, so that visiting the gym is as effective as possible.

But let's talk about decorations. Taking them off before training is a must if you don't want to ruin your jewelry. Using my own example, I will say that chains easily catch on iron, earrings on a towel, and, most importantly, rings. From heavy traction, you will not notice how they bend.


We talked about the most important features of the appearance in the gym. Now you know what a gym wardrobe gives - this is a significant impetus for supporting the culture of sports and developing your own body. Numerous photos of "bows" on the Internet will introduce you to the latest trends in this area, show interesting models of clothes and shoes.

On my own behalf, I want to add that experience, of course, will come to you with time. It is up to you to decide in which direction to move and what to wear. Whether you want to draw attention or focus solely on yourself, remember that beautiful appearance will surely spur you to work on yourself properly, and convenience and comfort will minimize difficulties on the way to the desired goal.

See you soon, dear girls! Share these tips with each other on social networks and leave your opinion in the comments on what clothes and shoes are best to wear in the gym.

In contact with

So, if you decide to lose weight, then the following tips will help you:

1. Work with your own weight. If you have a few extra pounds, then this has its own plus in terms of training. Now you do not need to work with heavy weights, since you already have everything you need (in good sense the words!). The more body weight, the more difficult it is to train, and this is exactly what is needed to accelerate fat burning. Fat people lose weight very quickly (if you follow the diet and exercise). An overweight person can easily lose 10 kg in a week, so now you need to work with your own weight (do, try push-ups, do exercises with dumbbells, etc.).

2. Break your workout into two parts. Spend 30 minutes in the first half of the day, and 30 minutes in the second half of the day. This will help to use most of the muscles during the day.

3. We increase endurance. Fat people do not have good endurance, and it is very important for full and effective training, so do exercises to increase endurance every day.

4. We train the heart muscle. Reinforced (and not only) training for obese people can be dangerous due to a strong load on the heart, so before starting intensive exercises, gradually train the heart muscle ( good way- run).

5. Load up on protein and products containing . Protein food plus fiber is the perfect combination for weight loss.

6. Stretching (stretching exercises). Excess weight gives a load on the joints, in connection with which, injuries and muscle hypertrophy occur, so be sure to spend 10-15 minutes exercising on.

7. Accelerate metabolism. You need to wake up yours from a long hibernation, and special products (water, spinach, apples, cabbage, bran, dairy products, etc.) will help you, as well as regular exercise (at least 3 times a week for 60 minutes ).

8. We do not sit on starvation diets. This will only lead you to unnecessary breakdowns, so it is better to contact a nutritionist who will draw up a competent weight loss scheme for you.