Do-it-yourself sports fish tank. Fishing garden. Do it yourself

A fish tank is a device that allows you to keep prey alive during fishing. Prey can stay in the right fixture for many hours. After the end of fishing, she is released or taken home alive.

Types of cages

It is important to purchase a fishing cage that meets the hunter's criteria and fishing conditions. Products differ in:

  • material;
  • form;
  • length;
  • ring parameters;
  • cell diameter;
  • way of use.

Production material

There are metal and fabric cages. Both varieties have advantages and disadvantages.

The metal fish tank is made of fine mesh. The length does not exceed 2 m. It is convenient to use it when fishing from a boat and in the current.

Metal products are durable. Not a single underwater inhabitant will damage the grid. It refers to predatory species fish, mink, otters. Resistant to mechanical stress. Metal is easy to wash from debris, dirt, mucus. It does not absorb unpleasant odors, and storage at home does not create problems.

Not without drawbacks. The fish is injured on the metal mesh, knocks down the scales, and dies faster. Small size does not allow you to save a lot of prey. It is inconvenient to use the garden on the gently sloping shore.

Fabric cages are safer than metal cages. The fish won't get hurt soft tissue, which allows you to save the catch much longer. The length varies between 2-5m. Large volume allows you to save a lot of fish. She is comfortable and safe in the garden.

There are also disadvantages. Products absorb an unpleasant odor, which is not easy to get rid of. Keeping them in the apartment is inconvenient. Garbage and mucus are much harder to wash off.


  1. Fishing from steep banks. The submerged part must have room for the free movement of the catch.
  2. Fishing on a gently sloping shore, where the bottom drops smoothly. The cage is installed horizontally on the bottom surface. The main part of the structure is under water, and the fish has enough space.
  3. Fishing for bottom species. The fish tank sinks to the bottom. This will allow underwater inhabitants to stay in familiar conditions.

Cell size

Too small cells allow little oxygen to pass through for the life of the fish, it will quickly fall asleep and die.

If the cell diameter is large, then the small fish will freely leave the cage.

In a grid with cells larger than 0.8-1 cm, carp, carp, crucian carp are not kept. They will cut it with their fins and swim away. The optimal size is 0.5-0.8 cm.


The comfort of staying in the cage depends on the volume, which is affected by the length of the structure, the size of the rings. The more tanks for catching fish, the longer it will live.

The optimal width of the rings of round structures is 30-35 cm. The distance between the rings is usually 30 cm. The quantity is determined by the length of the structure.

cage shape

Round products are popular. They differ in size, material, cells.

Less common is a square or rectangular cage. This form has advantages. When it is installed horizontally, the rings do not twist. The fish does not get tangled, does not suffocate. Unlike round fixtures, there is more space.

There are reviews of fishing cages on the net. They will help you understand the varieties. Having familiarized yourself with them, it will be easier to choose the right product.

How to use

For fishing from the shore, it is better to use a wide long fish tank. They are used on cliffs and gently sloping banks.

A metal cage is more suitable for fishing from a boat. A volume of 20 liters is enough for 10 kg of production. In the hot period, it is lowered to the bottom of the reservoir, where the fish are more comfortable. These gardens are closed.

Before choosing a fish tank, important parameters are taken into account. The product is selected according to the characteristics of the reservoir, the coast, the size and quantity of prey.

How to use the garden

You need to know how to install the structure, and how to put the fish in the cage. From the correct use depends on how long the device will last, as well as how comfortable the caught fish will be.

Terms of use:

  1. Take care of stability when setting up in shallow water. Attach the end of the cage to a stake driven into the bottom of the pond.
  2. When installing at depth, attach a sinker. The structure will be stable.
  3. On the current, install the device parallel to the water movement. This will ensure the safety of him and the catch.
  4. Do not tie the cage near snags, stones, surfs, thickets, in a strong current.
  5. Stay close to the garden.
  6. Place your prey carefully.
  7. After the end of fishing, shift the catch and wash the net. At home, spray it with water pressure using detergents.


For work you need to prepare:

  • grid;
  • wire for rings;
  • kapron thread;
  • cargo;
  • rope.

Operating procedure:

  1. Having decided on the size of the cage, cut off the mesh.
  2. We cut the wire. The length of the segments depends on what diameter of the rings is needed. The size of each next ring is better to make a little larger than the previous one. So the finished structure will develop without problems.
  3. The wire is passed at the edge of the grid through the cells, folded into a ring and twisted. We tie the twist with a nylon thread. It is better to fasten the ring and the mesh around the entire perimeter with it.
  4. The remaining rings are attached in the same way with an interval of 30 cm.
  5. We fasten the load to the bottom.
  6. Tie a rope to the top.

We must not forget that the result of fishing depends on many factors. The time of year and day, the nature of the reservoir, bait, spinning affect how many fish will be in the cage. Experienced anglers are familiar with all the nuances of fishing.

Beginners have much less experience, it’s hard for them without recommendations. Any fishing begins with the choice of gear. We recommend taking the advice of professionals. Read how to choose spinning for a beginner.


Before buying a product, understand the varieties. Consider the method, conditions of fishing, the type of fish, the characteristics of the reservoir. If you could not find a suitable option, make the product yourself. Making a fish tank does not take much time.

The choice of cage depends on the conditions of fishing. If the angler understands in what places, by what method, and what kind of fish to catch, then the choice of a cage should not cause difficulties. But still there are several nuances associated with the choice and use of fish tanks, which will be discussed later.

In the case when fishing is carried out with constant movement along the shore, then naturally, there can be no talk of any bulky cage. A simply compact cloth bag that does not dry out quickly is used, which is lowered into the water in a new place, thus supporting the fish vitality. It is also recommended to put more grass in the bag along with the fish.

Metal fish tanks

Metal cages, although they have some positive qualities, are still considered by many anglers to be even harmful. The fact is that the fish is injured on the metal, knocks down the scales, and does not live in metal nets for a long time.

But most anglers who occasionally catch small fish in the local pond choose these cages. Because they are not killed, they are cheap, and the safety of the catch, in this case, is not a priority. Ease of use, with small catches, also does not play a key role.

For anglers who expect a significant catch, of course, a 15 - 20 liter metal cage is absolutely not suitable. Fixing it in shallow water is a problem, the fish in it will always be actually on the shore. Putting fish in it is not convenient, and besides, as already mentioned, such a cage is harmful to fish.

True, metal cages can be used if fishing is carried out from a boat. Then this device will be indispensable in order to extend the life of the fish by lowering it to the very bottom in cold water in a compact cage.

Net cages

Currently, it is recommended to choose a long, woven from artificial threads or from fishing line, cage. With him, it's just the opposite. The fish is the best preserved. When casting from the shore, its tail will be quite deep even in shallow water. The mouth of the cage is attached to other fishing equipment on the shore, or to flyers stuck in the silt, and it is convenient to put the catch in it. Experienced anglers position the neck so that it does not rise from the spot when removing the fish from the hook and sending it to the cage.

The choice of such fishing cages is simply huge, and it is difficult to decide which cage to choose at first glance.

For carp

Many anglers recommend paying attention to the mesh size. A larger cell sails less on the current, therefore, such a cage with a load can be applied there as well. But it should be borne in mind that for small fish, as well as for carp and crucian carp, a very small cell is recommended. Moreover, it is so small that the jagged beam of the carp's fin does not penetrate the net. Otherwise, the fish will ruin the threads very quickly.

This is a special category - carp cages. They are bulkier, heavier, and more expensive. Plus, they take longer to dry. Naturally, such cages are chosen when carp or a lot of crucian are caught. But for other fish, they will not be quite suitable. Why buy expensive thing(several times more expensive), carry and use excess volume and cargo?

How long should the cage be?

The choice of cage length is again related to fishing conditions. For average fishing conditions, and when saving money is a priority, many anglers agree that a 2.5-meter cage will be sufficient. But of course, an extra margin of a meter of length will not hurt, but will only improve ease of use in most cases.

But when fishing on a cliff, when there is at least 1 meter to the water, a cage even three meters long becomes already “not long”. Only a 4-meter cage and longer will be comfortable. The same is true for a very gentle coast.

Other cage selection considerations - net protection

The most vulnerable place of the cages is in the places where the rings are wrapped with a net. Here the mesh wears out most quickly. Moreover, during a good wave, and even on a rocky bottom, a branded cage can self-destruct even in one fishing trip.

The problem of longevity of fish tanks exists. In order not to have a headache about this in the future, you can pay attention to models in which the mesh along the rings is protected from above by an additional hoop. Or choose a simple option without protective hoops and upgrade it with your own hands in a similar way.

This is done simply. Along the hoops, the mesh is additionally covered with a PVC hose cut in half, which is attached to the hoop with clamps.

How to deal with odor

One of the essential criteria for choosing a cage is the preservation of the smell of fish after drying. In principle, the residual smell will be tolerable if fishing tackle is stored somewhere far from home - in a barn, in a garage ... with friends. But if you have to store it in an apartment, then there are serious problems with the smell.

Least of all retains the residual smell of cages made of fishing line or rubberized thread. Yes, and fish with fins on a thick monofilament clings much less.

By the way, one of the ways to deal with the smell of the cage is the way of self-elimination from this struggle, and giving the cage to a car wash, where it will be washed with car cleaning products, which almost completely removes the smell.

Choose compatible with other equipment

Also, when choosing a cage, you should pay attention to its compatibility with existing fishing equipment. If you still have a box, platform, rack, then you should consider how this instance will be attached to them, so that it would be as convenient as possible to use it.

Anchoring a fishing net on the shore

It often happens that the cage floats and is washed ashore. When fishing on a big wave, especially created by boats, when opening locks on a channel, etc. If the cage “runs away”, you have to fix it with a load. In this case, it is better not to put stones inside the cage.

Because, firstly, gusts are possible when pulling out and the escape of the catch, and secondly, the catch itself can once again be injured on a sharp stone. It is better to tie a rope or rubber with a load to the end of the cage, and with the help of such a device, fix the cage in one position. True, in this case, the load may be stuck when pulling out ... So, you have to get it.

The second point is also connected with the swimming of the cage, only this time in the opposite direction, from the angler to the middle of the reservoir. And this is a fairly common occurrence. The reason is in the unreliable fastening of the neck on the shore. Modern cages have a special threaded attachment to fishing posts, which in turn are securely attached to the platform or to the shore. If there is no such equipment, then it is necessary to use a wire tied into a knot to a stake driven into the ground.

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How to choose a fishing net

One of the most important accessories for fishing is a cage. It stores fish throughout the fishing session. Often, fishermen wonder what kind of cage to buy for fishing.

At first glance, there is not much difference where to put the fish. Some people just keep it in a bucket of water. But this is not the best option, and it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. A good cage should perform several functions at once.

First of all, the fish must be preserved in a normal form and not lose appearance. It is one thing if you decide to take her home and quite another if you are going to let her go. Only in a spacious and clothed cage the fish will be well preserved and will be able to continue to live fully.

Also, the cage should be such that it can be placed next to you. It is clear that it is not always possible to fish in comfortable conditions and sometimes the cage can be fixed at some distance. But if possible, it is better to install a cage at arm's length.

The cage must be suitable for the conditions of fishing. If you are fishing from a boat, then you can use cages with a small ring diameter, but quite voluminous. And if you are fishing from the shore, it is better to use long cages with bulky sections.

If you are engaged in running fishing with frequent changes of places, then it is better for you to use a compact cage or a special bag in which it is better to place the grass.

Metal cages for fishing

One of the most famous and frequently encountered are metal cages. They have a small volume, but they allow you to store fish both when fishing from a boat and when fishing from the shore. These cages are of standard construction. There are cages only with a top cover that is held on by a spring. And there are models in which the bottom opens in the same way. These cages are convenient in that the fish can be poured into a bucket or bag by opening the bottom.

What are the advantages of metal cages? First, they are not expensive. Secondly, they are reliable and durable if they are made of high-quality wire. Good metal cages do not rust. Thirdly, it is convenient to fold and pour fish into such cages. When rashing, the fish does not cling to the cells with its fins, as happens with rag cages.

Metal cages dry quickly. They do not need to be washed like rags. It is enough to rinse a little in the pond from mucus and put it in the sun. They will dry within 5-10 minutes.

Another big plus of metal cages is that they cannot be bitten by a water rat. That is, you can leave the cage overnight with fish and not worry about its integrity and the safety of the catch.

If you are fishing from a boat, you can lower the metal net to the very bottom, where the water is the coolest. This way you can keep the fish alive for as long as possible. Folded metal cages are quite compact and weigh not so much.

There are three noticeable disadvantages in metal cages. The first is small volume. You will not be able to store a large amount of fish in it for a long time. There is a high chance of freezing. Especially if you catch perch, roach and bream. Such cages are not always convenient to place in shallow areas. You have to tie a rope to the handle and throw the cage away. Every time you need to throw a fish, you need to pull up the net, which is not very convenient.

And another significant disadvantage of metal cages is that the fish in them is not preserved as well as required. Often scales fly off it and it does not get a very good appearance. If you take her home, then it's okay. But if you are going to let go, then it is not a fact that she will live long after being in such a cage.

Considering all the minuses and pluses, we can conclude that metal cages are not the best. However, they can be fully used. Remember that if you are going to release the fish, then do it right away, do not store it for a long time in such a cage.

Fabric fishing nets

What other fishing cages are there? One of the most common models are mesh cages. They consist of round sections threaded into a mesh. These cages have different lengths. Fish in them is preserved better. These cages are folded into a small bag. They weigh a little. The length of these cages varies from 1 to 4 meters. Longer cages are good because they can be installed next to the fishing chair. Fish can be thrown into the cage without getting up from the chair.

Rag cages have a large volume. They can be installed even on a gently sloping shore. They will still be located in the water and the fish will be quite comfortable in such a “house”.

But there are also disadvantages of such cages. If the fabric is not rubberized or the mesh is not woven from fishing line, then such cages have a fishy smell. You have to wash it and even after that the smell can remain.

Rag cages wear out faster. Particularly problematic areas are the areas where the rings adhere to the mesh. The same rings can quickly fail if they are not made from the most durable materials.

Another important point about underwater life. It is not always safe to leave rag cages overnight in the water. They can be gnawed by muskrats and the entire catch will safely leave the cage.

Today in fishing shops big choice rag cages of different lengths from various materials. Federists, floaters and boat fishing enthusiasts can buy a rag cage for fishing. When choosing, try to pay attention to models with rubberized material or made of fishing line.

Sports cages for fishing

The best cages for fishing are sports. They have a length of 3 to 8 meters. They consist of rectangular or round sections, between which there is a mesh fabric.

Such cages are good because they can be placed on different parts of the coast. On the last section there is a thread to which the stand is screwed, which is installed on the shore. In any case, the fish will be comfortable in them. If you are accustomed to releasing fish at the end of a fishing trip, then they will be best preserved in sports cages. You will not need to figure out for a long time what cages are for fishing. Just use sports, and the health of the fish will be all right.

Of course, sports cages are quite expensive. They require some care. After each fishing, they must be washed or at least dried well. In any case, this is not a metal cage, which seems to be specially designed for lazy anglers. If you are a professional fisherman, then you cannot do without a sports cage. If you are a hobbyist, then the decision whether or not to buy cages depends on your conditions, personal preferences and income.

How to choose the right length of a fishing net

The optimal cage length for standard conditions will be 2-2.5 meters. It is clear that an extra meter will never be superfluous and that the fish will be better stored in it. But practice shows that models with such a length are quite suitable.

If fishing is carried out from a steep bank, then a longer cage is required, from 4 meters or more. The same length will require a cage when fishing from a gently sloping shore.

If fishing is carried out from a boat, then the shortest cages can be used. All the same, all the fish will be in the water. The only question is how many you can catch and whether it will fit in such a cage. But to be honest, probably every angler wants to face such a problem. Let the cage be not the best, the main thing is that the fish is well caught.

How to fix a garden on the shore

When buying a cage from a store, pay attention to the diameter of the rings and what they are made of. It depends on them how convenient it will be to place the cage in the water. Ideally, if you place the cage in the water, like a pipe, and the sections will sink. In such a cage, the fish will last longer.

If you have a short cage, and you have to catch in the current when the wave rolls on the shore, then place a stone inside the cage, and thus you will fix it in one position.

Usually the cage is fixed in such a way that the main part is in the water and only a few sections are on land. Naturally, the cage must be completely in the water. And it is advisable to place it in the shade or throw it in the deepest area in order to create the most comfortable conditions for the fish. Usually the angler sets up a stick or uses a rod horn. A cage is attached to the rack so that it is convenient for you to fold the fish, and the fish itself is well preserved. This is how it looks like:

In no case do not keep the fish in warm water for a long time. If a few pieces fall asleep, then this will negatively affect the still living fish. In hot weather, always check the fish and salt it faster if necessary.

To become a real angler and learn the right choice.

A fish tank for fishing is as necessary as a fishing rod. The cage allows you to keep the fish alive and unharmed throughout the entire fishing process. The use of a cage is especially important if fishing lasts more than a few hours. Despite the fact that the cage is a simple and straightforward device, there are some requirements for its design, as well as selection rules in accordance with fishing conditions and the type of fish being caught.

What cages to take for fishing and which cage is better? Any device is designed to keep the caught fish alive during fishing. However, not every device is capable of this task, especially if the wrong one is chosen.

Fishing cages are distinguished by the following parameters:
  1. The form. Common shapes include round and rectangular. The round shape is the most popular, it is convenient for transportation, moving along the coast and in the water. Depending on the diameter of the rings and their placement, the cage can take on a different form: a can, a bag, a barrel, a hose, a cone. The rectangular shape gives the structure greater stability. Most often, rectangular bases have the same size. The cage in expanded form takes the form of a rectangular tunnel. Such devices are professional and suitable for sports fishing.
  2. Material. They produce cages made of metal, nylon, from fishing line, fabric, rubberized, mixed.
  3. Base size. Round cage bases vary from 25 to 45 cm. Rectangular cages have a base size of 50 * 40 cm and a mouth of 55 * 55 cm.
  4. Length. The length of the device depends on the number of rings, the distance between them. There are cages, consisting of one compartment, with three or more compartments. Ordinary cages are available in lengths of 42 cm, 1.2 m, 1.5 m and more. Cages designed for catching certain fish, such as carp, are 3 m long. Professional cages are at least 4 m long.
  5. Number of rings. The longer the cage, the more rings he has. There are cages with 2 rings - at the base and neck, as well as devices with 3, 4, 5 or more rings.
  6. Number of sections. This indicator depends on the number of rings and determines the length of the structure. The more sections, the more fish able to accommodate the cage without harming it. The standard distance between sections for round metal cages is 30 cm, for sports cages - from 40 to 50 cm.
  7. ring material. Rings made of a metal base are preferable to plastic ones. They are stronger and more stable, but heavier.
  8. Cell size. A very fine mesh makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the fish. A large mesh in synthetic cages is not suitable for keeping carp, crucian carp, carp, as they can tear it with their fins.
  9. Price. Modern sports equipment made of nylon or polyester have a high cost - from 1000 rubles and more. The price of small nylon devices does not exceed 100 rubles, and metal devices average 100-500 rubles.

For a beginner in fishing, a small budget metal or nylon fishing net is suitable, which will accommodate his entire catch.

But an experienced angler knows that the cage must be selected for specific fishing conditions and the fish that you are going to catch.

Modern cages are made from different materials, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the needs of the fisherman, you can choose a cage from the following materials:

  1. Metal cages are the most common, as they are easy to use, easy to clean and durable. Devices made of metal are convenient in the process of use - they are easy to open and close, stable. The metal fishing cage is able to accommodate the catch and keep the fish. But the risk of injury to the fish in them is higher. In an overcrowded metal cage, fish can lose their scales and get hurt. A small metal cage is convenient to use at shallow depths, in swampy areas.
  2. Synthetic cages are more comfortable for keeping fish, but less stable in water. Fishing line devices are flexible, not dangerous for fish, but the period of their use is short. They can easily break on the rocky bottom. Cleaning them is much more difficult than a metal cage.
  3. Fabric cages have the disadvantage that when they get into it fishing tackle they will be difficult to pull out. Fine-grained fabric material dries for a long time.
  4. Rubberized cages are durable in operation, hooks do not cling to it. The only drawback is their high cost. The essence of professional fabric cages, rubberized with latex, is to minimize the likelihood of damage to the fish.
  5. Composite nets, which have a synthetic main body and a dense fabric neck, are less likely to be hooked.

When catching fish with sharp fins (carp, crucian carp), a fine-grained synthetic material tank will be the best to use. In a coarse mesh cage, the fish will breathe easier.

Understanding how cages differ and for what purpose they are intended will help determine the right choice.

You should choose a cage depending on its purpose:
  1. Conventional fish cages are selected depending on fishing conditions and the expected catch volume.
  2. Cages for catching specific fish (carp, crucian carp) are characterized by increased strength and fine-grained material. Made from high quality synthetic material.
  3. Professional cages for sports fishing are characterized by good capacity and large sizes for the free movement of fish.

The length of the cage is determined by fishing conditions. If fishing will take place from a high bank or from a boat, then you should choose a long net of more than 4 m. For fishing from a gently sloping bank, a small device up to 2 m long is suitable. However, experienced anglers advise not to take nets less than 3 m long. Even a slight slope of the bank will take away part of the fishing net, and the fish may be above the water.

A cage with round rings, of the same diameter along the entire length, is convenient in that one end of it can be fixed at the bottom, and the other can be hung on a slingshot on the shore. The device installed in this way will allow the fish to move freely on it. It is convenient to hang a cone-shaped cage on the shore so that its wide part with the fish is in the water.

A good cage with rectangular rings will be more comfortable in waters with current, as it is more stable. A round cage under the influence of the current will roll along the bottom, which will increase the likelihood of injury to the fish.

Modern fishing cages for experienced anglers have the following additions:
  • the last 2 rings are not sewn under the mesh, but are above it. When riding on the bottom, these rings will protect the net well from abrasion and damage, since the main emphasis will fall on them;
  • on the 4th or 5th ring, high-quality cages have handles for which it is easy to pull it out without breaking the rings;
  • have fastenings for installation on a chair or armchair with an adjustable tilt angle;
  • have attachments at the bottom of the cage so that it can be fixed at a depth;
  • The cages come with a carrying bag that is waterproof and odor-proof.

The purchased garden needs to be finalized. A load should be attached to the bottom of the cage. This will make it easier to throw such a device into the water. It will not roll along the bottom and will lie flat.

The cage in the water must be installed at arm's length from the angler, hooking the fish. In this case, the fisherman will not be distracted by the search for a cage, but will quickly put the catch into the device and take care of the next fish.

Whatever the ultimate goal of fishing is to release the fish, cook it right there on the shore or take it home, the fisherman is interested in keeping his catch alive and fresh as long as possible. The right cage allows the caught fish to be in their natural environment and protects them from damage, so that they remain active and alert for many hours.

How to choose a fish tank?

Cages differ from each other in a number of parameters, which include:

  • the material from which the cage is made;
  • length;
  • cell size;
  • ring size;
  • distance between rings;

The base material is the main quality criterion and determines the characteristics of the operation of the cage.

Depending on the type of material, cages are divided into two types:


They are made of fine-mesh metal mesh, due to which they have high strength. The length of metal cages is usually 1-2 m, which makes them suitable for fishing from a boat and in strong currents. They hold their shape well and are durable. Significant disadvantage Such cages are associated with excessive rigidity of the net: a fish in a metal cage damages its scales on the cells, loses its beautiful appearance and dies relatively quickly. This means that it is not advisable to use a metal cage for long-term fishing.


More humane in relation to fish types of cages are made of synthetic fabric or fishing line, in contact with which the fish cannot harm themselves. The average length of fabric cages is 2-3 m, but can reach up to 5 m. The length of the cage required for a given fishing depends on the nature of the coast and bottom, temperature conditions, the size and number of fish caught.

The longest cages are used in the following cases:

  1. Fishing is carried out near the steep shore. A vertically mounted cage is mostly above the water, but the part submerged in the water is sufficient to keep the fish.
  2. The catch consists of bottom fish species. In this case, the cage should be installed vertically and immersed in water as much as possible so that the fish can be at their usual depth.
  3. The coast is gently sloping with a gently sloping bottom. The cage is installed horizontally, parallel to the bottom surface. When lowering into such a cage, the fish receives a minimum of damage and has greater freedom of movement in comparison with a vertically installed cage.

The optimal size of the mesh cells depends on the size of the fish: it should be such that the dorsal fin cannot crawl into it. A tank with a mesh that is too small will not allow enough oxygen to pass through and the fish will fall asleep quickly, while a mesh that is too large will allow the small fish to escape. For medium and big fish the most suitable cell size is 8-10 cm.

The length of the cage, together with the width of the rings that act as a frame, determine its volume. The more space given to the fish, the better they will feel, so when choosing a net for long-term fishing, it is worth giving preference to longer and wider nets. The optimal size of the rings is 25-30 cm with an interval of 30 cm or more between them. The shape of the base can be not only round, but also rectangular, which makes the cage more stable in the course and adds volume to it.

Bottom fishing rod with a feeder for fishing from the shore.

Delivery of bait during fishing to a specific place using feeder feeder — .

DIY manufacturing

Despite the fact that the choice of cages is very wide, it is sometimes difficult to choose one that will meet all requirements, have the desired quality and the right price.

To make a garden with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • mesh burlap or finished mesh;
  • wire or metal cable for the frame;
  • kapron thread;
  • rope;
  • weight;

Manufacturing consists of several stages:

  1. The desired length of the mesh base is selected.
  2. The wire is cut into segments, the length of which depends on the desired diameter of the rings. If a hard wire is used to make the cage, then in order to subsequently fold it easily, each subsequent ring can be made a little larger than the previous one. If the rings are made of soft rope, then this is not necessary: ​​they can be easily folded into a figure of eight and packed in a small case.
  3. The first piece of wire is threaded through the cells at the edge of the base and closed into a ring. To fix the edges of the ring, you can tie them with a nylon thread or roll them. To make the cage more stable in the water, wire hoops can be additionally attached with nylon thread to the net.
  4. The remaining segments are threaded into the base with an interval of 30 cm between them and fixed in the same way.
  5. A handle is made from a rope and tied to the neck.
  6. A small weight is suspended from the bottom of the cage. Without it, folds can form in the cage, once in which, the fish will suffocate.

How to use the garden correctly?

In order for the cage to last as long as possible, several rules should be followed:

  1. The cage should not be tied in places with strong currents, surf, near sharp stones, snags and grass thickets. This can not only damage the fish and shorten its life, but also cause the cage to break or get caught in underwater obstacles.
  2. Over time, the cells of the cage become clogged with mucus. Before leaving fishing, the fish should be pulled out of the cage, and it should be washed and dried. Upon returning home, the cage should be washed again, already using detergents and under good water pressure.
  3. The cage is intended for keeping the catch in the water during fishing, but not for transporting fish.

To bring the catch home in good condition, it is best to use a special container.

The best option, especially in hot weather, is a cooler bag. If the fish has already fallen asleep or has become lethargic, it should be killed and gutted, and then put in a container, shifted with grass - for example, nettles. in a good way preserving the freshness of fish is salting.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. Discussion of the Hungry Fish bite activator.
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.


The main points in the selection, manufacture and use of the cage:

  1. Decide on the type of fishing (boat or shore) and the type of reservoir (standing or moving).
  2. Approximately estimate the size of the fish that will be caught.
  3. Select the appropriate type of cage, its volume and mesh size.
  4. Choose the right material good quality and make a garden with your own hands.
  5. Do not neglect the care of the cage, this will extend its life.