Such an unusual trampoline sport: exciting ups and downs. Trampolining as an Olympic sport: history and classification Trampoline competition where were

A trampoline is a projectile, which is a mesh of durable woven braid, which is stretched with springs inside a metal frame. The frame can be located above a special pit or stand on legs. The trampoline can be round, square, have the form of a track. And what is it for?

The trampoline is used for jumping. Trampolining is a sport that has been included in the Olympic program since 2000. In addition, this sports equipment used in acrobatic, circus numbers, slamball.

Trampolining very useful: they develop the vestibular apparatus, improve dexterity, coordination, endurance, flexibility. They also train those muscle groups that are practically not used by a person in Everyday life. Due to the alternation of loads between landing and flight, the cells of the body function more efficiently, more oxygen is supplied to them, and metabolic processes are improved. After jumping, people feel more cheerful and energetic.

If speak about professional sports, trampolining is divided into individual jumps, tumbling, synchronized jumps and double mini-trampoline. Individual jumps are an exercise consisting of ten elements. All elements are performed during continuous, high, rhythmic jumps with rotation from feet to back, legs, stomach without direct jumps and delays. The routine should demonstrate a variety of elements with interesting spins and pirouettes. It must be performed with the preservation of height, good coordination, technique. According to the rules, the competition takes place in two stages: at the first stage, athletes show compulsory and free exercises, the second includes only free exercises.

Acrobatic track is another discipline from trampolining. This competition consists of two free exercises in the preliminary stage and two free exercises with 8 elements in the final stage. As in individual jumps, stops and gaps between elements are prohibited. Acrobatic combinations may include a series of jumps with back, front and side rotations. Repetitions in the exercise are prohibited. Pace, coordination, technique must be on high level.

Synchronized jumping competitions are held between men's and women's pairs. In the preliminary competitions, two exercises are performed, in the final - one. Partners must perform the elements in the same way, however, a deviation of no more than half of the element is allowed.

Double minitramp is the youngest type of acrobatics, it is about ten years old. But even during this time, he managed to find his niche in the sport. The jumping requirements here are the same as in the other three disciplines.

Trampoline jumping is also used in other sports, for example, in snowboarding, gymnastics, kiting. They allow you to feel your body in the air and understand the pattern of movements, which makes it possible to avoid mistakes in performing tricks.

The trampoline was invented in the distant Middle Ages by a French circus gymnast. Du Trampoline. For many centuries, this projectile has been used in street performances, and only in the 1920s entered the active life of athletes. The first exercises on the trampoline were included in the training of athletes by the Americans.

In 1939 G. Nissen patented his version of the trampoline and set it up for mass production. Things were going so well that trampolines appeared in every American school, and jumping on them became traditional part physical education lessons.

The popularity of trampoline exercises grew rapidly: already in the 1940s this separate view sports, in 1948- the first specialized US championship happened.

The next decade brings trampolines worldwide popularity: the number of their fans, in particular in Europe, becomes so large that the first trampoline federations appear here, and there is a final separation of trampoline jumping from gymnastics.

In 1964 in London The first trampoline world championship was organized, and since then such championships have been held regularly. It should be noted that already at the debut world championship, representatives of 12 countries.

Trampoline sport as part of the Olympic movement

Since the 1980s World Cup stages are added to the world championships. The prestige and popularity of trampoline continues to grow, federations are becoming more powerful, and in 2000 a historical event occurs: individual jumps are switched on in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

Reference. The first Olympic trampoline champions are Russian athletes— Pupils of the Krasnodar School of Acrobatics — Irina Karavaeva and Alexander Moskalenko.

When did women start taking part in these competitions?

Although the jumping trampoline was invented and patented by a man, this sport is always open to the beautiful half of humanity. In the first world championship(remember that this 1964), not only athletes, but also athletes could take part. IN Olympic Movement jumping also entered as sports unisex.

Photo 1. Individual women's trampolining at the 2004 Olympics. Several people are standing next to the projectile, who insure the athlete.

Trampolining as a separate sport

Trampoline acrobatics - prestigious sport, with its own traditions, rules, legends and constant work for the future.

Disciplines and their rules

The program of the Olympic Games includes only individual trampoline jumps, but there are several disciplines in this sport, and each of them is remarkable in its own way.

At world championships and stages of world cups, athletes compete in the following types of trampoline jumping.

Individual at the Olympics

As part of this direction, athletes present to the judges several exercises, which are jumps, rotations and pirouettes ( only 10 required elements in each exercise).

Gymnasts push off the trampoline and, having completed the element, land on their back, stomach, legs or in a sitting position. The following element must be executed without a pause: inserting simple vertical jumps into the program is prohibited.

The judges evaluate the quality of the jumps, the complexity of the exercises, and the height of the athletes' flight.

Important! At serious competitions, athletes appear before referee team twice: during the execution of the mandatory own programs.

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In such jumps a team of gymnasts consisting of two people of the same sex, which at the beginning of the exercise are facing each other. Then they begin the performance, trying to perform all the elements not only cleanly, but also as synchronously as possible.

Acrobatic track

The trampoline in this discipline is something like a corridor with a length of 25 meters. The athlete has 6 seconds to execute eight exercises- without pauses, jumps and runs. Acrobatic track is a very spectacular and exciting sport.

Photo 2. Performing the program on the acrobatic track. The athlete performs a somersault over the head.

double mini tramp

This is the jump direction. requires additional props in the form of a mini trampoline. The athlete, starting from the trampoline, performs the element in the air, but lands not back on the trampoline, but on the mini-trampoline. After that, the spring performs the next element.

Attention! Landing on a trampoline in the end should be clear and accentuated, for this the judges in the double mini-tramp follow especially strictly.

Development in Russia

Trampolines are gaining popularity in the USSR in the 1960s during the period of rapid development of astronautics. Being important part physical training pilots and cosmonauts, trampolining becomes interesting for the broad masses of people, and especially for children who dream of space travel. Every child wants to experience the feeling of flight and weightlessness, which is why this surge of “trampoline popularity” is so understandable. during the time of Gagarin and Titov.

Among professional athletes, Soviet and Russian trampolines have always been very strong and fought for medals of the highest dignity in all competitions.

Early 2010s However, Chinese athletes dominated, but gradually their hegemony ceases to be relevant: Russian athletes again successfully fight the Chinese in all disciplines of trampoline jumping.

Useful video

Watch the video showing some of the performances at the Russian Trampoline Cup.

Pros of classes

Today's fashion for healthy lifestyles and fitness, as well as the recent successes of Russian trampolines in the international arena, have revived people's interest in this most interesting sport. Since you can do such jumps at any age, at any complexion and in almost any state of health(under the guidance of a coach and with the consent of the attending physician!), around us there are more and more trampoline centers.

IN gymnastic halls corners with trampolines materialize, and among children's attractions, various jumping platforms (inflatable, tension, and so on) are especially popular.

Factors making trampoline jumping attractive and tactical the right choice for a person:

  1. You can start jumping on a trampoline with any functional training.
  2. trampoline exercises help to lose weight, make the body stronger and more flexible.
  3. The vestibular apparatus is strengthened, coordination of a person in space becomes noticeably better.
  4. Trampoline jumping - great exercise option for many other sports (from basketball to figure skating).

And finally jumping on a trampoline is just nice. Due to the presence of depreciation, physical exercise feel relieved: the joints do not experience harmful damaging effects. Therefore, losing weight and becoming stronger with the help of a trampoline will turn out without stress and always in a good mood.

> Sports Encyclopedia

After the invention of George Nissen became popular all over the world - and not only as a training apparatus, trampolining as a sport began to develop very rapidly. In the 1950s, the United States became the first country to host a trampolining championship, and in 1958, England hosted the first television broadcast of a national tournament in this sport. In 1964, seven national federations established the International Trampoline Federation. Its first president was the Swiss Rene Charest, and the first tournament held under its jurisdiction was the World Championship. The USSR almost did not lag behind the "world of all" in terms of the development of trampoline jumping. In 1965, the first national championship was held, in 1971 the All-Union Trampoline Federation was founded. After entering the international arena, Soviet and then Russian trampolines quickly became the main favorites of any tournaments. In 1988, the IOC officially recognized the International Trampoline Federation, which nominated its sport as a candidate for a place in Olympic program. On September 1, 1997, the IOC session included trampolining in the official program of the 2000 Games - medals, starting from Sydney and still being played in individual competitions men and women. The first in history Olympic champions Russians Irina Karavaeva and Alexander Moskalenko became the trampoline jumpers. Two years later, the International Trampoline Federation ceased to exist, having achieved the main goal for which it was created. Now the International Gymnastics Federation is responsible for this discipline.

The Russians were left without medals in the men's individual tournament, although they claimed to be in the top three for the Games

Vladimir RAUSH
from the Olympic Park

Trampolining is associated with a Russian fan, first of all, with Alexander Moskalenko And Irina Karavaeva, who at the 2000 Games in Sydney became the first champions in Olympic history this sport. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but strong jumpers in our country have not died out. On Friday, in the women's competition, she cherished medal ambitions Yana Pavlova, but in the end she could not break into the top eight, remaining in the ungrateful 9th ​​place. A day later, two of her colleagues joined the fight - Dmitry Ushakov And Andrey Yudin.

A professional trampoline has a very relative resemblance to a popular attraction, where everyone can try their hand at any TsPKIO. In addition to coordination, which seems to be taken for granted in this sport, several other qualities are required here. First of all - a magnificent eye. In the center of the trampoline, although a large cross is depicted, facilitating the orientation of the athlete, however, this is not enough. They say that a good jumper must have several pairs of eyes at once, including those on the back of his head, in order to accurately determine his location in space.

Next - a powerful, inflated back. The specificity of the trampoline is that the athlete must go into each element strictly vertical position. Only then will the tightly stretched net throw you straight up. It is the back that acts as a kind of steering wheel, with which the athlete controls his center of gravity and, accordingly, the direction of flight. It is worth at least a little change in the angle of landing, as immediately there is a threat to fly somewhere to the podium. To prevent such trouble, the athlete must be insured by a coach with a small mat. If suddenly something went wrong, he immediately throws his Lifebuoy under the feet of the ward, thus helping to extinguish the speed.

Finally - strong legs and well-developed "breathing". The entire performance, consisting of ten acrobatic elements of varying complexity, lasts no more than 20 seconds. But during this time, the legs have time to literally become stiff, and the breath intercepts. It's not even worth talking about composure and courage. For a trampoline, in which athletes fly up to 7-8 meters into the air, this is a common place.

The nominal leader of the Russian team was considered Ushakov. Four years ago, he thundered all over the planet, sensationally winning a silver medal at the London Olympics. However, since then, the 27-year-old athlete from Yeysk has not achieved great achievements. In individual competitions at the World Championships, he never managed to rise above fifth place, mainly collecting medals in team performances. 20-year-old Togliatti Yudin was in the shadow of a more experienced comrade. However, the initiates claimed: this guy is ready to storm the summit. Last year, for the first time, he declared himself at the top of his voice, taking third place at the world championship in Danish Odense. And in this season became one of the leaders of the World Cup, winning four of its stages at once.

Both Russians overcame the qualification barrier without any problems. Ushakov in two attempts he scored 109.180 points and took fourth place, Yudin located behind him with 108.725 points. The preliminary tournament was won by the reigning world champion Chinese Gao- 112.535 points.

Alas, as soon as the main competitions began, trouble happened. Yudin already after his second element, he landed on the very edge of the net, literally walking with his back on the safety mats. Naturally, the next repulsion catapulted him out of the jump zone - and this was the end of the fight for medals for our athlete. Ushakov went out on the platform immediately after the unsuccessful performance of a comrade: one could imagine how much effort it cost him to maintain composure. Dmitry performed with dignity, but a score of 59.525 points allowed him to take only 5th place. The gold medal was sensationally won by the Belarusian Vladislav Goncharov, which until now has never stood on the highest step of the podium. He scored 61.745 points and was ahead of all his rivals.

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Olympic Games 2016. Trampoline. August 13th.
Men. Personal superiority. The final.
1. Goncharov (Belarus) - 61.745. 2. Dong Dong (China) - 60,535. 3. Gao Lei (China) - 60.175. 4. Munetomo (Japan) - 59,535. 5. USHAKOV - 59.525. 7. Ito (Japan) - 58,800. 8. Schmidt ( New Zealand) - 57.140. 9. YUDIN - 6.815.

- this is not only a very popular entertainment now and an excellent training tool for representatives of some professions, but also a separate sport included in the program of summer Olympic Games. And the history of the trampoline, oddly enough, began with the indigenous peoples of the North ...

Thanks to the Eskimos and circus performers

You may be surprised, but the progenitors of the modern trampoline were ... Eskimos. It was they who came up with this fun at one time. The role of a trampoline was then played by stretched elastic skins of animals, in particular walruses.

In the middle of the 19th century, a new entertainment "came" to Europe. He was immediately taken into service by circus performers. According to contemporaries, the famous circus artist and acrobat Pablo Fank was a great master of jumping on a device that vaguely resembles a trampoline.

At the beginning of the 20th century, many circus troupes already had a “jumping bed” type act in their repertoire. However, the trampoline in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it now appeared only in 1936.

With the light hand of Nissen

The trampoline was invented by American George Nissen. In the 30s of the last century, he was the best in the world in diving and acrobatic jumps. It was Nissen who designed the first prototype trampoline in his garage. With the help of elastic bands, he connected part of the canvas with a hinged metal structure.

At first, the new device was used exclusively for acrobatic training. However, gradually, as they say, they tried it and began to actively use it in various fields.

In 1942, Nissen, together with his colleague Larry Griswold, created The Griswold-Nissen Trampoline & Tumbling Company, which became the world's first official manufacturer of trampolines.

From the US Championship to the Olympics

First official competitions trampolining was held in the United States in 1948. A decade later the new kind sport began to make its way in the Old World. Moreover, the British were its most active propagandists.

In the 50s, trampolining tournaments began to take place in different countries - both in Europe and overseas. It is quite logical that in 1964 the International Trampoline Federation was registered. Since that time, world championships have also been held regularly.

But the trampoline failed to break through to the Olympics for a long time. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to change the status and enter under the auspices of International Federation gymnastics. As a result, the trampoline was still included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games!

First Olympic awards in trampolining were played in September 2000 in Sydney, Australia. Our compatriots won - Irina Karavaeva and Alexander Moskalenko. Interestingly, George Nissen, the founder of the modern trampoline, watched the competition from the stands of the Sydney Superhouse...

As you can see, trampolining has come a very thorny and interesting path. Thanks to our coaches, you, friends, have the opportunity to join this wonderful sport. And, perhaps, after a while, the awards of honorary tournaments will be awarded to you!..