Exercises to tighten the skin on the eyelids. How to tighten the upper eyelid? Which cream to choose

One of the desires of every woman is to look young and fresh. And some lucky women do not have to make any effort to do this, especially at a young age. The first thing you look at when you look at a person is the eyes. It is they who, like a mirror, reflect our inner world, state of mind, and sometimes well-being. Therefore, it is more difficult for owners of heavy impending eyelids to hide fatigue, lack of sleep, or a couple of extra years. The eyes look sad and sleepy, and additional wrinkles appear due to the formed folds, which is not at all pleasing. But it's fixable! There are many methods that can correct this shortcoming.

Over time, the skin on the face ages, wrinkles and sagging appear. And first of all, the delicate and thin skin around the eyes is exposed to this. From the loss of elasticity and firmness, the upper eyelids can become heavier and hang over the eyes, and the lower ones can stretch in the form of circles. Before you start to deal with the problem, you need to understand the cause of this deficiency, because the overhang of the eyelids can be not only a consequence of age, there are other factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • allergic reactions;
  • violation of the kidneys;
  • malnutrition and violation of the drinking regimen;
  • sleeping in the wrong position;
  • overweight, sudden weight loss;
  • improper use of cosmetics or an incorrectly selected product.

For various reasons for the appearance of this deficiency, it is recommended various ways fight it:

  • if you inherited the impending eyelid, only surgical intervention can help;
  • if this happened due to improper use of cosmetics, it is enough just to stop using it, choose a product that is more suitable for you, or simply apply it more carefully without stretching the delicate skin of the eyelids;
  • if any disease could affect the weighting of the skin above or under the eyes, you should remove the problem from the inside, that is, apply the appropriate medication prescribed by the doctor.

Violation of the structure of the eyelid, associated with aging and the action of damaging factors, is corrected in a non-surgical way, which involves the use of various cosmetic products and techniques, or by surgical intervention, which is more radical. Here are the main ones:

  • blepharoplasty;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • thread lift;
  • laser tightening;
  • endoscopic lift.

The skin around the eyes of the stronger sex is subject to aging no less than that of women, but often the visible signs of aging of the male eyelids are more pronounced due to anatomical features. Men are prone to significant weighting of the upper eyelids due to low eyebrows. In addition, there is often a significant protrusion of fatty hernias (“bags”) under the lower eyelid on the face. This gives fatigue and extra years to the appearance of the eyes.

Non-surgical eyelid lift at home

Cosmetic procedures for tightening the skin around the eyes cost a lot of money, not to mention surgical intervention. Not every woman can afford such an expensive, albeit quite effective, way of improving appearance faces. But in some cases, procedures performed independently at home can help. They do not involve large monetary costs, but require regularity and perseverance.

Gymnastics for the eyelids

Even if you have heavy hanging eyelids from birth, the situation will only get worse with age. Therefore, it is worth starting to deal with possible deterioration from the age of 35. Tightening the eyelids is not difficult with the help of special gymnastics. After 40 years, the ligaments that connect upper eyelid with levators (muscles that lift the eyelids), weaken. Therefore, doing the following exercises, you can return the muscles of the eyelids to tone, thereby lifting the upper eyelids and strengthening the lower ones. The advantage of this procedure is that the exercises can be performed by combining with other processes - watching TV, being idle in a traffic jam, as well as a minute of rest right at work. It takes only a few minutes a day, and the result will be noticeable after a month of small efforts.

Important: before starting the exercises, it is worth applying a small amount of cream to the skin of the eyelids.

Before starting gymnastics, it is necessary to carry out a small warm-up, which will strengthen the muscles of the eyes and increase their mobility. To begin with, look into the distance for a few seconds, then look as far as possible to the left and alternately turn your eyes clockwise along the dial, lingering on each number for a few seconds. Do 2 circles in each direction. Then blink rapidly 50 times.

  1. Squeeze your eyelids tightly, holding them in this position for several seconds, then open your eyes as wide as possible, looking into the distance. The forehead and eyebrows remain motionless. Do this exercise several times.
  2. Put your index fingers on the corner of your eyebrows, pull them up a little, trying not to wrinkle your forehead. Look down and blink for 30 seconds. Do the same exercise, slightly pulling the skin on the temples back with your index fingers.
  3. With index and thumb with your hands, lightly pinch the eyebrow in the direction from the base to the outer edge, while slightly pulling the upper eyelid. Do 2 sets of 8 reps for each brow.
  4. Relax with your eyes closed. With your index fingers, lightly press the skin at the outer base of the upper eyelid. While resisting pressure, open your eyelids as wide as possible. Stay in this position for a few moments. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Video: eyelid gymnastics

eye stickers

Special eyelid stickers are the fastest way to lift your upper eyelids. However, the effect will end immediately after they are removed. This remedy is a month-shaped sticky strips that are made of breathable fiber and medical glue. They are almost invisible and allow you to apply makeup over them, which will make the stickers even more invisible.

These wonder strips are pretty easy to use - just apply them where you want to create a crease. But it is recommended to remove them with the use of a greasy cream or other cosmetic product to avoid stretching the skin. These thin stickers do not cause discomfort or other unpleasant sensations, so you can wear them at least every day. And after daily long-term wearing, the eyelid will gradually rise on its own.

Use of ice

One of the most effective folk remedies to solve the problem of the impending century is a massage with ice cubes from herbal decoctions. You just need to brew useful herbs that help relieve swelling. The most suitable collection is parsley, chamomile, mint. If you don't have any of these, you can use mineral water with the addition of lemon juice. Freeze the prepared liquid and every morning wipe the skin of the eyelids with ice cubes, gently moving them from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones. Ice tones the skin and improves blood circulation.

Important: after the procedure, do not wash your face with hot water, so as not to nullify the effect, just wait for it to dry and apply a moisturizer.

Folk remedies for eyelid tightening

There is no need to despair if effective cosmetics for skin care around the eyes are not affordable for you. Many products available in the refrigerator will help you easily cope with the problem of a heavy eyelid. For example, potato juice has a tonic effect, it is able to increase skin elasticity and make it more elastic. Just put the potatoes grated on a fine grater on the gauze strips and apply to the lower eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Cucumber gives the same effect. You can use a grated vegetable or just sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles. Cucumber mask will give your eyes a fresh healthy look, relieve puffiness and circles under the eyes. It is good to add parsley juice to the grated pulp of the listed vegetables, which will not only double the effect, but also improve skin color and nourish with vitamins.

Various oils have excellent tightening properties. For example, sesame is good to use as a makeup remover. And grape seed oil will be a good alternative to a moisturizer. Lubricate cleansed skin with a small amount, and before going to bed, remove unabsorbed residues with a paper towel.

Oatmeal based mask is very effective. To prepare it, boil 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal in milk, add 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1 tsp. honey. Let the mixture cool down. You need to apply a thick layer of the mask directly on the eyelids, hold for 20 minutes, then remove with a sponge and wash with warm water.

An excellent tightening and rejuvenating effect is provided by a protein mask, which will help restore skin firmness and elasticity. Grate half a cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice, which must be mixed with whipped protein. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. wheat flour. You should keep the mask until completely dry - about 15 minutes.

Special cosmetics for eyelids

When caring for heavy skin around the eyes, you should choose the right cosmetics. Think carefully about what exactly led to the overhang of the eyelid, and then use the following recommendations:

  • in case of loss of elasticity, weakening of the skin, it is worth choosing cosmetics containing fruit acids. Such funds stimulate the production of collagen;
  • with increased exposure to external factors, such as UV rays, you need to look for antioxidant creams. They protect the skin, refresh it, fight wrinkles;
  • after 35 years, products containing vitamin A will be most useful. They are effective for deep wrinkles and can refresh the look;
  • "bags" and swelling under the eyes are eliminated with the help of hyaluronic acid, caffeine, seaweed.

One of the mandatory items in the fight against impending eyelids is the use of collagen masks. They are quite convenient to use if you do not like cooking with your own hands. Such products are usually sold in the form of a powder that must be mixed with water before application, or as a ready-made sheet mask moistened with a special liquid. Collagen masks are recommended to be used in a course of 10 sessions with a break of 3 months..

Lymphatic drainage

Recently, among cosmetologists, lymphatic drainage of the eyelids has been a success. This procedure is aimed at restoring the work lymphatic system. Indeed, due to the influence of negative factors, the circulation of the lymph slows down, the lymphatic vessels become clogged, as a result of which toxins, harmful substances and toxins accumulate in the body. excess fluid. Therefore, this procedure helps to remove puffiness from the skin around the eyes, remove dark circles under the lower eyelid, and smooth out wrinkles. In addition, lymphatic drainage is recommended as a preventive measure to improve skin elasticity and firmness. Massage is manual and hardware.

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is carried out both in beauty salons by the hands of a specialist, and at home. In the first case, the effect will appear faster, but you can still master the technique of this massage and do it yourself.

Important: the procedure should be performed in the morning on cleansed skin of the eyelids with the application of a special massage cream or oil.

You need to work synchronously with both hands, gently acting on the eyelid so as not to damage the eyeball:

  • in the area of ​​​​the outer corner of the eye, gently massage the skin clockwise, sliding over the skin with three fingers (index, middle, ring);
  • draw a finger along the edge of the lower eyelid, slightly pressing, moving towards the inside of the eye;
  • make a few gentle pressures on the inner corners of the eyes;
  • now return to the outer corner along the edge of the upper eyelid, swiping with two fingers (index and middle) with light pressure;
  • with light pressure, move your fingers from the nose to the temples along the edge of the lower eyelid.

The duration of lymphatic drainage massage is 15-20 minutes. The effect will be noticeable after 7-10 regular procedures.

Video: performing lymphatic drainage massage at home

Hardware lymphatic drainage

Hardware lymphatic drainage is well tolerated by patients of any age category, owners of skin of any type, after it there is no side effects and the result will not be long in coming. There are several techniques for this procedure, but a microcurrent device using electrical impulses is used for the skin around the eyes. As a rule, the procedure is carried out using special cosmetic products based on natural ingredients, such as aloe, chamomile, etc. Several sessions of this technique will not only remove eyelid puffiness and remove “bags” under the eyes, but also remove scars and wrinkles.


Blepharoplasty is an operation to correct the shape and structure of the eyelids, removing excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper and lower eyelids. It occurs most frequently in plastic surgery and is often carried out in combination with other anti-aging procedures. The goals of blepharoplasty are:

  • lifting of the hanging upper eyelid;
  • removal of "bags" under the eyes;
  • elimination of folds and wrinkles around the eyes;
  • change in eye shape.

The procedure itself consists in incising the eyelid, excising excess skin and fat that protrudes. After that, the incisions are sutured with special medical threads. After the operation, bruising around the eyes and swelling may occur, which disappear after 2-3 weeks. Scars after incisions are usually located in places of natural folds, so they are invisible. After some time, they become lighter and may disappear altogether.

If you decide to undergo eyelid lift surgery, you should consult an ophthalmologist, therapist, surgeon and other necessary specialists and find out if you have one of the following contraindications for this type of plastic surgery:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • retinal detachment, glaucoma, dry eyes;
  • violations of cardiovascular activity;
  • severe chronic diseases.

There are several options for this operation, which can be carried out both simultaneously and separately.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids is performed to lift the upper eyelid, the structure of which has been disturbed for any reason - whether it is a congenital feature, a consequence of some disease, or as a result of muscle weakness. This type of surgery can be done simultaneously with a forehead skin tightening. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia.

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids

In blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, bags formed as a result of loss of skin elasticity are eliminated, in which excess fat and liquid. When diagnosing, the surgeon determines the level of skin elasticity and selects the necessary procedure option:

  • transconjunctival blepharoplasty - the incision is made with inside century, which will help to avoid scars;
  • plastic of the lower eyelids - the incision is made under the eyelashes, due to which the scars are also almost invisible;
  • removal of excess skin - an incision is made below the line of the lower eyelid.

Circular lift

A circular lift is a radical solution to correct several problems associated with a violation of the structure of the eyelids. It consists in lifting both the upper and lower eyelids at the same time. Incisions are made in the crease of the eyelid and under the lash line. Circular tightening allows you to get the maximum result in the minimum amount of time spent.

Laser blepharoplasty

Laser blepharoplasty is performed without deep surgical intervention, lasts about 3-4 hours under local anesthesia. During the operation, the area of ​​fiber around the orbit of the eyes is affected using a laser device. Full recovery takes place within a week.

The advantages of the laser procedure are undeniable:

  • the size of the wound from the laser is much smaller than the incision from the scalpel, which means rapid healing and a significant reduction in the rehabilitation period;
  • due to the high temperature of the beam, small vessels are immediately cauterized, which reduces the likelihood of swelling and bruising under the eyes after surgery;
  • no scar after wound healing;
  • minimal risk of infection;
  • no need for hospitalization;
  • persistent effect lasting 4-5 years, sometimes more.

Thread lift (thread lifting)

The essence of thread lifting is that special biocompatible threads are introduced under the overhanging skin, which become a frame, moving tissues to the desired position. At the same time, wrinkles are smoothed out, and overhanging skin returns to its previous position. The threads have a special strength, and specific cones with polylactic acid securely fix facial tissues. They stimulate active neocollagenesis, that is, the formation of young cells. This increases the elasticity of the skin, as the frame is already formed from its own tissues.

For thread lifting, several types of threads are used:

  • non-absorbable (surgical) - polypropylene threads that are inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer. They can be perfectly smooth, or they can have notches and cones that firmly fix them in the right places;
  • absorbable (biodegradable) threads made of caprolac with lactic acid. Known as "bionity". Most often they have notches, are overgrown with natural tissues, forming a strong frame;
  • APTOS Needle - threads of special strength related to the surgical type. Used for clients over 50 years old with pronounced age-related changes.

The procedure is performed within 30-40 minutes under local anesthesia. It is easily tolerated and gives excellent results up to 2.5 years.

Lifting with the help of special threads does not require long-term rehabilitation, has a small number of contraindications and practically does not provoke the development of complications.

Pay close attention to possible contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • atrophy and ptosis of tissues;
  • oncology;
  • various inflammatory processes;
  • cicatricial changes in the skin;
  • some eye diseases.

Endoscopic lift

Endoscopic lifting is used when it is necessary to correct the incision of the eyes, eliminate "bags" and lacrimal grooves. This is a minimally invasive operation in which minimal incisions are made on the skin, into which an endoscope is inserted, and with its help tissue correction is carried out. No sutures are required upon completion, healing is quick and without complications. The incisions are usually made in hidden places, so they are almost invisible. The procedure can be performed even under local anesthesia and lasts up to 70 minutes.

Compared to blepharoplasty, this procedure has several advantages:

  • the duration of the procedure is much less;
  • tissues do not move to the temples, which ensures the invariance of the appearance of the face;
  • long-term result - up to 8 years;
  • the natural section of the eyes is restored;
  • minimal risk of complications.

There are many ways to tighten and correct the skin around the eyes. So there is no reason to get upset and grumble at fate for an unsuccessful eye cut or a sad look due to the heavy impending century. Having determined the cause of the problem, choose the most pleasant and convenient way of self-improvement, prepare the necessary "tool" - cosmetics or products for its home-made, be patient, and - into battle! And remember that the main condition for success is regularity.

These useful exercises are aimed at reducing bags under the eyes, preventing and reducing wrinkles around the eyes, making the skin on the temples toned and elastic.

Exercise "On the horizon line"

Place your fingertips on your temples so that your little fingers are at the outer corners of your eyes. Look into the distance and close your eyelids slightly, as if you want to see some very distant object.

Do not strain your eyes and do not squint: only the muscles around the eyes should work. Gradually tighten these muscles, and gently stretch the skin with your fingers

Having reached the maximum tension, linger in this position for 5 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

After 3 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 2 seconds, relax for 1 second. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo. Do 5 repetitions. Do the exercise 3 times a week.

This exercise is aimed at reducing the tear sacs under the eyes, as well as the prevention and reduction of wrinkles around the eyes.

Exercise "Tight Collar"

Place the pads of your fingers on your cheeks at the base of your temples. Tighten your chin muscles as if you were trying to loosen a very tight collar. Increase tension gradually temporal muscles and muscles of the neck and chin

Having reached the maximum tension, linger in this position for 4 seconds, and then relax for 2 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times. After 3 weeks, start increasing the number of repetitions and gradually bring them up to 10. Then do the exercise every day 7-10 times.
This exercise will help smooth wrinkles around the eyes, reduce bags under the eyes and make the skin on the temples taut and supple.

Exercise "Bye-bye"

Close your eyes with your eyelids closed tightly. Do not close your eyes: the skin on the bridge of your nose should not wrinkle. Gradually increase eyelid tension

Having reached the maximum tension, linger in this position for 5 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

After 2 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 2 seconds, relax for 1 second. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo. Do 10 repetitions.

This exercise will make the skin around the eyes more elastic.

Exercise "Eyes wide open"

Open your eyes wide and gradually increase muscle tension

Having reached the maximum tension, linger in this position for 7 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

After 3 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 4 seconds, relax for 2 seconds. Practice in this mode for 2-3 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.

This exercise will strengthen the ring-shaped muscles of the eyes.

Exercise "Day and night"

Position with eyes open. Spread your index and middle fingers in a "V" shape. Attach the pads of the middle fingers to the bridge of the nose at the inner edges of the eyebrows, and the tips of the index fingers to the outer edges of the eyebrows and lightly press on the skin. Look straight ahead and slightly up. Tighten your lower eyelids, as if trying to squint, and then relax. Only the lower eyelids should work, the upper ones should remain relaxed.

The "squinted" position. Continuing to strain the lower eyelids, close your eyes tightly, stay in this position for 40 seconds and relax

Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is aimed at increasing the size of the eyes.

Exercise "Thoughtful Lady"

Forward facing position. Place the pads of the middle fingers on the bridge of the nose at the inner edges of the eyebrows, and the tips of the index fingers on the outer edges of the eyebrows and lightly press on the skin. Look straight ahead and slightly up. Tighten your lower eyelids, as if trying to squint, and then relax. The upper eyelids should not move.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The "gaze is directed upwards" position. Continuing to strain the lower eyelids, roll your eyes as if you are trying to examine some object hanging above your head, linger in this position for 40 seconds and relax

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower eyelids.

Exercise "Up and down"

Raise your eyes up as if you want to see your own forehead, and stay in this position for 5 seconds and relax your muscles for 2 seconds. Then lower your eyes down, trying to "see" the chin, tighten the muscles for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds. When performing this exercise, only the eyeballs should move. Don't help with your head or neck. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

After 2 weeks, go to an accelerated pace of this exercise: tighten your muscles for 2 seconds, relax for 2 seconds. Practice in this mode for 1.5 - 2 weeks. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the eye muscles.

Exercise "Coquette"

Raise your eyes to the right up, hold your gaze on an imaginary point for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds

Then lower your eyes to the left down, tighten the eye muscles for 5 seconds and relax for 2 seconds

At the same time, look up to the left and down to the right. During the exercise, the head should remain motionless. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

After 2 weeks, begin to gradually increase the pace of the exercise and increase the number of repetitions. After about 2-3 weeks of training, you should do 20 repetitions, taking 2 seconds to relax and tighten the muscles. Next, alternate between fast and regular tempo.
This exercise strengthens the eye and eye muscles, gives the look fluency and mobility. published

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Age-related changes affect the eye area in the first place. Wrinkles, dark circles, drooping eyelids - all this can be corrected and removed with the help of a special set of exercises. Gymnastics for the eyelids is useful in that it not only tightens and rejuvenates the skin, but also tones the muscles.

When to start

Caring for the skin around the eyes and eyelids, as well as performing a set of exercises, must be started as early as possible. Many girls at the age of 25 perform exercises that help keep muscles in good shape and get rid of premature facial wrinkles.

Usually, age-related changes without performing gymnastics for the eyelids begin to appear after 30 years. Many estheticians say it's important to use a holistic approach to slow down these processes, including massage, exercise, and beauty products. Women, in their reviews, note that gymnastics really helps to deal with problems in the eye area, as well as prolong youth and beauty.

The benefits of gymnastics

This is a set of specially designed exercises that help fight age-related changes, dark circles, puffiness in this area, tighten muscles and skin, and correct overhanging eyelids. Thus, it is possible to slow down the aging process and the skin for a long time will stay smooth.

The skin around the eyes is incredibly thin and can easily be injured or stretched, leading to premature eyelid deformity. helps to fight age-related changes of the entire skin, but the complex must necessarily include exercises that are specially designed for the delicate skin of the eyelids. Reasons that contribute to premature changes:

  • dry skin type;
  • lack of moisture;
  • frequent exposure to the sun without protective equipment;
  • neglect of gymnastics for the eyelids;
  • drinking alcohol and coffee;
  • lack of sleep;
  • cosmetic products containing alcohol.

For more effective result, first of all, you need to drink enough water, use creams with SPF, exclude alcohol-containing cosmetics and do eye exercises regularly.

When performing any exercise, it is important to follow the sequence, recommendations and rules. Women note that the result becomes noticeable after two weeks of daily training.

In order for the exercises to bring only benefits, you must follow the recommendations of professional cosmetologists:

  1. Gymnastics for the eyelids should be performed after a shower, when there is no makeup on the face.
  2. Important to accept comfortable posture and be completely relaxed.
  3. For the first few weeks, it is recommended to do exercises in front of a mirror in order to see problem areas.
  4. Gymnastics for the eyelids should not be interrupted and distracted, it is important to be completely focused.
  5. Before starting, you need to warm up the muscles, with the help of special lungs exercises.
  6. All exercises should be done while inhaling and holding your breath completely, and then slowly exhale.

After gymnastics, you need to wash, and then you can do light massage eyelids with patting movements and apply a lifting or nourishing cream around the eye area to consolidate the result.

Preparatory exercises

Before gymnastics for the eyelids, as in any body workout, it is necessary to warm up and prepare the muscles. Experts have developed a set of simple preparatory exercises. If the exercises require the action of the hands, it is worth applying a small amount of cream so as not to stretch the skin and not get additional wrinkles.

1. This exercise is performed in a sitting position with a flat back. You need to open your eyes wide and blink with different speed within 1 minute. It prepares the skin and muscles of the entire eye area.

2. Circular rotation of the eyes in a stationary position is one of the best preparatory exercises before gymnastics from the impending century. The exercise is performed for 30 seconds.

4. With the pads of your fingers, you need to gently press on the outer corner of the eye and squint with only the lower eyelid. 5 repetitions should be performed, after which the muscles are completely ready for the main set of exercises.

Upper Eyelid Exercises

With age, the upper eyelid loses its tone and elasticity and there is such a problem as "hanging eyelid". Gymnastics helps to restore the previous state without much effort. The main thing is the correct and regular exercise.

These exercises are aimed at lifting the upper eyelid, smoothing the skin and eliminating such a problem as an impending eyelid.

  1. Within 30 seconds with your head thrown back, you need to blink quickly. When performing the exercise, the mouth is open, and the breath must be held. The head slowly returns to its original position. The exercise is repeated 3 times for 30 seconds, 10 seconds of rest.
  2. You need to close your eyes and put your index fingers on the upper eyelids. Resisting, you should try to open your eyes for 10 seconds. After you need to remove your fingers, open your eyelids and relax your muscles. The number of repetitions is 4. It is important not to press too hard on the eyelids with your fingers.
  3. The head is thrown back as far as possible. Moving only the eyes, it is necessary to examine the tip of the nose for 5 seconds. Return your head to starting position and repeat the exercise 5 times.

With the help of these exercises, muscle tone returns and skin elasticity increases. Gymnastics for the upper eyelid, which includes these exercises, helps to get rid of the impending eyelid. To achieve maximum results, the exercises should be performed every evening for 14 days.

Lifting exercises

Muscles that are in good shape contribute to the fact that the girl's gaze is always wide and open. Specialists have developed a set of exercises for all the muscles in the area around the eyes, aimed at tightening and improving skin elasticity. They are able to smooth the skin of the eyelids, get rid of mimic and deep wrinkles, and also relieve eye strain.

Gymnastics for the eyelids includes several effective exercises:

  1. The pads of the index fingers should be placed on the temples and gently pull the skin away from the eyes. In this position, one should open and close the eyes 10 times, resisting the strength of the fingers. You need to finish the exercise in this way: first open your eyes, then let go of the skin. The number of repetitions is 12.
  2. It is necessary to close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, then open your eyes sharply and wide and look into the distance for 3 seconds, and again close your eyes tightly. The exercise is repeated 8 times. After that, you should completely relax the muscles and rest for 10 seconds, as recommended by gymnastics experts for eyelid lift.

Completion of a workout

It is important to start and end any workout correctly so that the exercises are beneficial and not harmful. Gymnastics for the face and eyelids contributes to the effective tightening of the skin and the return of muscle tone. To consolidate the result, you need to perform one simple exercise: the palms are warmed up among themselves and, as it were, are applied to the closed eyes, but do not touch the skin.

Thus, the muscles relax, but retain the tone that gymnastics gives them. For eyelids and eye health important rule completion of gymnastics is to rest for 10 seconds. With its help, unnecessary tension will go away and there will be no feeling of discomfort. This rule is especially important for beginners.

The delicate skin around the eyelids is the thinnest on the body, so it needs protection and care after the age of 20. The first signs of aging on it are noticeable much earlier than on other parts of the face.

And you need to take care of this area comprehensively, using not only high-quality cosmetics and natural masks, but also performing special exercises from wrinkles around the eyes. There are several complexes, and every woman can choose the most convenient one.

Causes of wrinkles

For some women, the first wrinkles appear much earlier than others.

And these are not individual characteristics of the organism, but the consequences of poor care or specific factors affecting a person:

  • The reluctance to wear glasses is fraught with regular squinting and the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  • Reading while lying down or in poor/too bright light leads to wrinkles;
  • Ultraviolet, which directly affects the epidermis, also negatively affects it, so it is important to wear sunglasses in summer;
  • The only individual feature that leads to wrinkles, in which even gymnastics may be ineffective, is the severity of facial expressions and emotionality;
  • Daily use of decorative cosmetics;
  • Rubbing and stretching the epidermis after washing;
  • Incorrect application of the cream - it needs to be lightly driven in with pads at the top from the inner corner to the outer, and at the bottom - vice versa;
  • Often wrinkles appear with a long absence of teeth or in the process of sharp weight loss;
  • Hormonal disorders, infections and problems with the digestive organs, nervous system also lead to this pathology.

Gymnastics against wrinkles around the eyes does not require much time, can be performed in almost any conditions.

Complex of basic gymnastics from wrinkles

With the help of exercises for the muscles of the eyes from wrinkles, you can improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids, relieve fatigue from the eyes, and also get rid of slight puffiness. The skin becomes elastic, and new wrinkles form at a slower rate. You can use special decoctions and oils before exercises that help moisturize and tone.

Consider the exercises that are included in the complex:

  • You will need a pendulum clock or any weight on a string. Without turning your head, follow his movements for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat exercise No. 1 for another 5 minutes, but hang the clock higher and do not raise your head.
  • For a few seconds, they carefully peer at a distant object, then sharply shift their eyes to a close object.
  • At a distance of 25 cm, a small object is hung in front of the eyes, then they begin to move it in different directions, and they follow with their eyes without turning their heads, after which several circular motions in different directions.
  • Having tightly closed the eyelids, count up to 3, then sharply open the eyelids and again count up to 3. You need to repeat the exercise at least 8 times.
  • They tightly close and sharply open their eyes several times, and the muscles where “crow's feet” are formed are held with the index and middle fingers.
  • Close your eyes, and put 3 fingers on top. The index finger should hold the outer corner, and the middle one - the middle and eyebrows, while the nameless one focuses on the inner corner. They try to squint their closed eyes, and resist with their fingers.
  • They look forward, and with 2 fingers pull the lower eyelid to the upper one, count to 2 and release the eyelid;
  • This exercise will help from light bags around the eyes - the eyelids are closed, the eyes are raised up, the lower eyelids should straighten out.
  • Fingers are placed to the outer corners of the eyes perpendicular to the wrinkles, the skin is pulled back, the palpebral fissure should decrease. Opened and closed several times.
  • The head is kept still and straight, looking forward. Eyes need to be raised up, counting to 5, then look forward and lower their eyes in the same way, counting to 5.
  • Another effective exercise against wrinkles under the eyes - the head is held straight, looking forward, the eyes are very slowly moved to the left, counted to 5 and returned to their place. Repeat to the right side.

To increase the effectiveness of gymnastics for the skin around the eyes from wrinkles, you need to start monitoring your diet. Proper nutrition is very important for general condition skin.

List of folk remedies for massage and gymnastics

Olive oil is perfect for the epidermis. Just apply it before gymnastics. It will improve the skin, increase its elasticity, improve blood circulation and saturate with important minerals. You can also use pure aloe juice, which is deadly for all mimic wrinkles around the eyes. You can make a recipe with aloe juice and olive oil.

And ordinary ice helps to cope with swelling and unpleasant wrinkles around the eyes. You can freeze not only plain water, but also useful decoctions of herbs - chamomile, calendula and others. Use ice after gymnastics, applying for 3 minutes around the eyes.

Special complex from bags

If dark circles and swelling constantly appear under the eyes, then this can also be eliminated with the help of special gymnastics from wrinkles around the eyes. However, first you need to determine the cause of edema and eliminate it, otherwise no exercise will be effective enough:

  • Edema appears due to alcohol abuse or excessive fluid intake before bedtime;
  • Bad cosmetics often lead to darkening of the skin and the formation of bags;
  • Too much salty foods in food inevitably leads to this pathology after 30-35 years;
  • Excess weight also causes strong bags, and many other problems leading to fluid accumulation are added here;
  • Heart disease, kidney disease, and allergies often lead to pouches.

If all symptoms of violations are eliminated, you can use small complex exercises that will remove the bags and help smooth out the resulting wrinkles:

  1. In the morning, you need to cleanse the skin, and then apply a special cream that matches your type. Within 2-3 minutes, it is driven in with fingertips. The procedure helps to dissolve edema.
  2. Squinting exercise. Close your eyes tightly to tighten the muscles under the eyes, hold for up to 10 seconds and relax. You can repeat 12-15 times.
  3. This exercise is best done outdoors. Spread your legs wide and relax completely, straightening your shoulders. The palms need to be rubbed against each other, and the brushes should be kneaded. Then, while inhaling, the palms are placed on the face and begin to rub it intensively until it turns red. You need to repeat 2 times. Don't forget to wash your hands well before class!
  4. Sitting on a chair, rest your hands on the table. The palms should be pressed to the temples, stretching the skin near the eyes, count to 10 and release the skin. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Again, sitting on a chair, put your palms on your cheekbones, count to 10. Repeat 3-4 times.
  6. Standing, straighten your shoulders and relax your arms well. Open your eyes as much as possible to feel the tension. Count to ten, then close and relax your eyelids.
  7. Fingers should be attached to the lower eyelids and press the skin. Close your eyes and count to 5. Repeat 4 times.
  8. The lips are stretched in a smile, trying to put the muscles of the face into tension as much as possible. Count to 10 and relax. Repeat about 10 times.

The effect of exercises from wrinkles around the eyes will be noticeable after 7-10 days, but only with regular gymnastics can a significant result be achieved.

The complex against edema, when used correctly, gives a noticeable decrease in bags with the exclusion of other adverse factors as early as 3-4 days.

Bartsok-course of gymnastics for the face

In order for the thin skin under the eyes not to be flabby, to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and to maintain vision and eye health, all important structures, including the skin, must have a good blood supply. This is equally necessary for the delicate mechanisms of the eyeball, and for the thin skin under the eyes. Therefore, it is possible to remove wrinkles around the eyes or tighten sagging skin under the eyes only by establishing good blood circulation in the eye area, which, of course, will have a positive effect on vision. To restore normal blood circulation in the eye area, restoring the energy and health of the largest of the muscles located here - the circular muscle of the eye, is of decisive importance. In this muscle, it can be distinguished as separate muscles of the upper eyelid, muscles of the lower eyelid and the annular muscle, as well as several small internal muscles. The most important for blood supply, and hence for vision, and to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes or tighten the skin under the eyes, is the annular muscle of the eye. We will train the annular muscle at the same time as training the muscles of the eyelids.

To prepare and perform the exercises, you need: a mirror, attention and careful control over the course of the training, as well as clean eyes and hands, and, of course, the desire to achieve your goal. To learn how to do the exercises correctly, without the risk of harming yourself, you will need 20-30 minutes. Performing exercises in the future will take no more than a minute or a minute and a half when using audio support each.

What these exercises can do for you:

  • the ability to prevent or remove wrinkles around the eyes, restore smoothness to flabby skin under the eyes;
  • improve vision and eye health.

The causes of wrinkles around the eyes and sagging skin under the eyes, ways to prevent such wrinkles and all the exercises that are useful for eliminating them are described in the article "How to get rid of crow's feet and wrinkles under the eyes".

Exercises are done, practically, in an isometric form: strengthening the annular muscle of the eye should occur without stretching the skin.

The annular muscle of the eye is attached to the bone of the orbit and is woven into the skin of the eye area. Approaching the nose, the muscle narrows, and the annular muscle reaches its greatest width at the bottom and at the outer edge of the eye.

By tensing, the muscle reduces the diameter of its ring, and the skin associated with it also rushes to the center of the eye. Muscle contraction occurs mainly due to the formation of skin folds at the outer edge of the eye. The right and left circular muscles can be tensed separately. Look at the photo, how the annular muscle of the eye is located.

The weakening of the muscle primarily affects the formation of permanent wrinkles at the outer edges of the eyes and sagging skin under the eyes.

If you often squint, then over time, "crow's feet" at the outer corners of the eyes become permanent and more pronounced. If you try to never use the ring muscle, the muscle will weaken and slide down, and the skin associated with it will create the notorious “paws” and folds of thin skin under the eyes.

Regular training of the circular muscle without stretching the skin will make it stronger, increase the elasticity of the skin around the eyes and prevent or remove wrinkles around the eyes, tighten the skin under the eyes. Training will support normal local blood circulation, and, therefore, will positively affect the quality of vision. By learning to control this muscle, you can easily relieve residual muscle tension and freely use the muscle without fear of getting premature wrinkles around the eyes.

Exercise 1.

Preparing for the exercise.

Imagine where the annular muscle of the eye is located under your skin.

Use a mirror. Lift your lower eyelids up. The mirror will show you that you squinted, as if from a bright sun (lower left photo).

Place your middle and index fingers on the edges of the eye socket (lower right photo). The middle fingers with pads should lightly press the skin at the edge of the eye socket, and the index fingers are pressed against the middle ones and also lightly press the pads on the skin near the edge, although the index fingers may not be used at all. The remaining fingers can be folded, as in the photo, or raised up, if you prefer.

Lift your lower eyelids up again. To prevent your fingers from moving with the skin, move them even closer to the eyeball, but do not touch it.

Try to lift the lower eyelids up as high as possible. Feel the tension in the annular muscle. The more it tries to contract, the more your fingers should press against the skin. The fingers should press enough so that the skin (and the fingers along with it) does not move horizontally towards the nose.

It is obvious that when the lower eyelids with effort will strive upwards, the upper eyelids will also slightly fall down.

Remembering to carefully monitor what is happening with the help of a mirror, repeat this technique several times to adapt to the correct and confident performance of the exercise, mentally helping the contraction of the annular muscle (more mental help is needed for the weaker, right or left muscle), and at the same time with breath. As you exhale, relax the muscle, slightly moving your fingers away from the skin. Feel the warmth of relaxation spread over the skin from the eyes towards the ears.

Rest a little and do it again several times, now paying attention also to the fact that during the exercise the eyebrows should not move, the nose wrinkle or the upper lip rise: not a single muscle of the face, except for the annular eye, should strain during the exercise. It may be convenient for you to slightly open your mouth during the exercise.

An exercise.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, place your fingers on the edge of the eye socket. The fingers lie softly and only slightly press inward.

Remember that this is the main exercise in order to improve local circulation and get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. You should try to lift the lower eyelids as high as possible, but your fingers should press down on the skin at the edge of the eye socket so that the skin underneath cannot move.

Helping mentally, especially the weaker eyelid, as if lifting it with your hands, simultaneously with inhalation, increase the strength of raising the lower eyelids to the limit. Hold the tension for 6 seconds, and then relax the eyelids at the same time as you exhale, moving your fingers away from the eyes.

You must learn to feel well not only tension, but also relaxation of the annular muscle of the eye: after each approach, try to feel the warmth and relaxation that radiates from the eyes to the periphery of the face, like a wave from a pebble thrown into water.

During the exercises, carefully observe: all other muscles of the face should remain relaxed. Perhaps, due to the peculiarities of your habitual facial expressions, at the same time as the eyelids, they may try to raise or move the eyebrows, wrinkle the nose, raise the upper lip or corners of the lips.

Regularly it is convenient to study under audio accompaniment. "Audio Support: Exercise 1 for the annular eye muscle" is designed for such an activity.

Exercise 2.

Reinhold Benz's facebuilding has another annular eye exercise that Benz believes is more effective at preventing wrinkles and tightening the skin under the eyes. In this case, the tension of the annular muscle is achieved due to the pressure of the upper eyelid on the lower one. This exercise is convenient to perform when exercise 1 is done easily and confidently, since the eyes will be closed, and control over the face can be exercised only by kinesthetic sensations.

Preparing for the exercise.

Preparation consists in mastering the correct pressure of the upper eyelid on the lower one, as well as controlling the immobility of the remaining muscles of the face with the eyes closed.

Gently close your eyes around the eyeball. Start pressing the upper eyelid on the lower one. Feel that this pressure can be very diverse. Learn to press with the upper eyelid with the same force along its entire length. You also need to learn how to press from top to bottom, on the lower eyelid, and not on the eye: the eyeball should not feel it at the strongest pressure.

Close and open your eyes until you learn how to properly press the upper eyelid down along its entire length with as much force as possible. At the same time, learn to control with your eyes closed, that your eyebrows do not try to fall along with your eyelids, the muscles of your cheeks and lips remain motionless.

An exercise.

Place your fingers on the edge of the eye socket in the same way as in exercise 1. Close your eyes. Press the skin at the edge of the eye socket with your fingers, increasing the pressure of the fingers as the pressure increases down the upper eyelid. The movement of these fingers and the skin under them should not be.

To make the pressure of the upper eyelid stronger, do this at the same time as inhaling. Feel the intense tension in the muscle and thin skin under your eyes. Count 6 seconds. During tension, observe the stillness and relaxation of the rest of the muscles of the face.

As you exhale, move your fingers away from your skin and observe the warmth of relaxation spreading down your cheeks. Before the next repetition, it is not necessary to open your eyes, just completely relax your eyelids.

Repeat the exercise 4-5 more times with 2-3 second breaks between tensions.

You may find it convenient to study with audio accompaniment. "Audio Support: Exercise 2 for the annular eye muscle" is designed for such an activity.

About the regularity of training.

To reduce wrinkles or get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, tighten the thin skin under the eyes, it is advisable to train 4-5 times a week, using both exercises. To remove wrinkles around the eyes, you need to gradually, over 2-4 weeks, increase the number of tension repetitions to 10-12. If you only care loose skin and wrinkles under the eyes, use exercise 2. With such regularity, a visible effect can be achieved after 2-3 months of training.

To maintain vision and normal blood circulation in the eye area, it is enough to train once a week or more often, but by reducing the number of tension repetitions to one or two. Exercise 1 is more suitable for this purpose.

Training the ring muscle will give you the ability to easily express emotions and use it for expressive facial expressions without fear of getting wrinkles, as your skin will become more elastic.

All the techniques and exercises that help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, prevent the appearance and enlargement of crow's feet, help strengthen the thin skin under the eyes and eliminate wrinkles, you can master on Skype training.

Fatigue of the annular muscle of the eye after training can help to remove audio recordings:

air face

Eye immersion