Biodynamic features of performing knockout punches in boxing. Biodynamic features of performing knockout punches in boxing Young men of the II and III category

The blows inflicted by a person who owns the techniques of kickboxing, Thai boxing, hand-to-hand combat or other martial arts are always very strong. At the same time, there are people who have very developed muscles, but their blows are rather weak.
The reason for this is this: the force of impact depends not only on the force of muscle contraction. It depends on the coordination, interaction of the upper and lower extremities and on the speed of muscle contraction. An untrained person, striking with his fist, uses only the strength of his hand. The one who understands hand-to-hand combat, not only perfectly uses the strength of the hand, he concentrates the strength of his body, makes the shoulder, hip, arms and both legs move rapidly and in concert, and concentrate all the power of this movement in the fist, generating crushing power.

Let's take for example the case when kickboxer a strikes from the left-hand stance right hand. It begins with the right leg resting on the floor, then there is a rotation of the body and a twisting movement of the waist, and so gradually the impact energy from the hip, through the buttocks, waist, lower back and shoulder, and finally reaches the front surface of the fist. The lower back plays the role of a bridge connecting the reactive force of the leg resting on the floor through the rotation of the body, the movement of the lower back with the force of the arm, as a result of which an explosive force is formed, everything is set in motion, the whole body moves in a single impulse.
Such a blow carries a huge crushing charge. Strictly speaking, the hand here is just a conductor of effort, and only the whole body, interacting with all the muscles, can make this effort powerful enough. In case you are attacking and moving forward and you want your fist to be strong enough, you need to bend your knees, shift the body's center of gravity slightly towards the back leg, turn the body counterclockwise and use reactive force in order to increase the speed of the punch. . Turning the body in the lower back creates the conditions for the created effort to manifest itself most fully and freely.
This way of creating a striking force, when hands and feet interact, creates more favorable conditions for subsequent actions, for a continuous attack, and this moment is very important for both attack and defensive counterattack. In addition, training strength and speed various activities when practicing self-defense techniques, at the same time it is necessary to increase the hardness and resistance to shock loads of those places of the fist and foot that are used to strike.
Since the structure of various parts of the human body is not the same (visit the Anatomy section - author), in a real fight you can hit the enemy on a hard bone and injure yourself. Therefore, in order to avoid injuries such as the front surface of the fist, the wheel of the fist, the knuckles of the fingers, the toe of the foot, the knee, etc.


INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………..3CHAPTER 1. BASICS OF THE THEORY OF IMPACT…………………………………………4 1.1. Biomechanics of shock actions……….………………………………………7

CHAPTER 2. BIOMECHANICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE BOXER’S MOVEMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………….15 LIST OF LITERATURE……………………………………………………………...16


The task of biomechanics is, said A. A. Ukhtomsky, to establish "the conditions under which the driving forces of the muscles act on the solid parts of the skeleton and can turn the body of an animal into a working machine with a certain useful effect." The punches and defensive actions of a boxer include both translational and rotational movements. Such a movement is called translational when any line conventionally drawn inside the body moves parallel to itself (for example, the movement of a boxer forward when attacking with a direct left blow to the head). During rotational motion, all points of the body describe circles, the centers of which lie on a straight line, called the axis of rotation. The movement may be more translational than rotational, or vice versa. Translational and rotational movements performed simultaneously form a complex movement. In some cases, the actions of the boxer include movements in the vertical direction. So, a blow inflicted by the right or left hand from below to the head at close range is associated with the extension of the legs, with a directing force upwards.


A blow in mechanics is a short-term interaction of bodies, as a result of which their speeds change. The impact force depends, according to Newton's law, on the effective mass of the impacting body and its acceleration:

Fig.1 - Curve of impact force development in time.

F - strength,
m - mass,
a - acceleration.

If we consider the impact in time, then the interaction lasts a very short time - from ten thousandths (instantaneous quasi-elastic impacts) to tenths of a second (inelastic impacts). The impact force at the beginning of the impact quickly increases to its maximum value, and then drops to zero (Fig. 1). Its maximum value can be very large. However, the main measure of shock interaction is not the force, but the shock impulse numerically equal to the area under the F(t) curve. It can be calculated as an integral:

S - shock impulse,
t1 and t2 are the start and end times of the impact,
F(t) is the dependence of impact force F on time t.

Since the collision process lasts a very short time, in our case it can be considered as an instantaneous change in the velocities of the colliding bodies. In the process of impact, as in any natural phenomena, the law of conservation of energy must be observed. Therefore, it is natural to write the following equation:

E1 + E2 = E"1 + E"2 + E1 p + E2 p

E1 and E2 are the kinetic energies of the first and second body before the impact,
E "1 and E" 2 - kinetic energies after impact,
E1p and E2p are the energies of losses during impact in the first and second bodies.

The relation between the kinetic energy after the impact and the energy of losses is one of the main problems in the theory of impact. The sequence of mechanical phenomena upon impact is such that first the deformation of the bodies occurs, during which the kinetic energy of motion is converted into the potential energy of elastic deformation. Potential energy is then converted back into kinetic energy. Depending on what part of the potential energy goes into kinetic energy, and what part is lost, being dissipated by heating and deformation, three types of impact are distinguished:

    Absolutely elastic impact - all mechanical energy is conserved. This is an idealized collision model, however, in some cases, for example, in the case of billiard ball impacts, the impact pattern is close to a perfectly elastic impact.

    Absolutely inelastic impact - the deformation energy is completely converted into heat. Example: landing in jumps and dismounts, hitting a plasticine ball against a wall, etc. With an absolutely inelastic impact, the velocities of the interacting bodies after the impact are equal (the bodies stick together).

    Partially inelastic impact - part of the elastic deformation energy is converted into kinetic energy of motion.

In reality, all impacts are either absolutely or partially inelastic. Newton proposed to characterize a not quite elastic impact by the so-calledrecovery factor . It is equal to the ratio of the velocities of the interacting bodies after and before the impact. The smaller this coefficient, the more energy is spent on non-kinetic components E1p and E2p (heating, deformation). Theoretically, this coefficient cannot be obtained, it is determined empirically and can be calculated using the following formula:

Where v1, v2 are the speeds of the bodies before the impact, v "1, v" 2 - after the impact.

At k = 0, the impact will be absolutely inelastic, and at k = 1, it will be absolutely elastic. The recovery factor depends on the elastic properties of the colliding bodies. For example, it will be different when hit tennis ball o different soils and rackets of different types and qualities. The recovery coefficient is not just a characteristic of the material, since it also depends on the speed of impact interaction - it decreases with increasing speed. The handbooks give values ​​for the recovery factor for some materials for impact velocities of less than 3 m/s.

1.1. Biomechanics of impact actions

Percussion in biomechanics are called actions, the result of which is achieved by mechanical impact. In percussion actions, there are:

1. Swing - a movement that precedes the impact movement and leads to an increase in the distance between the impact link of the body and the object that is struck. This phase is the most variable.

2. Striking movement - from the end of the swing to the start of the strike.

3. Impact interaction (or impact itself) - collision of impacting bodies.

4. Post-impact movement - the movement of the impact link of the body after the termination of contact with the object on which the impact is applied.

In a mechanical impact, the speed of the body after the impact is the higher, the greater the speed of the striking link immediately before the impact. With strikes in sports, such a dependence is not necessary. Some athletes who have a very strong blow (in boxing, volleyball, football, etc.) do not differ in great muscle strength. But they know how to communicate great speed the striking segment and at the moment of impact interact with the body being struck by a large impact mass.

Many striking sports actions cannot be considered as a "pure" strike, the basis of the theory of which is outlined above.

In the theory of impact in mechanics, it is assumed that the impact occurs so quickly and the impact forces are so large that all other forces can be neglected. In many striking actions in sports, these assumptions are not justified. The impact time in them, although short, still cannot be neglected; the path of impact interaction, along which the colliding bodies move together during the impact, can

reach 20-30 cm.

Therefore, in sports impact actions, in principle, it is possible to change the amount of movement during the impact due to the action of forces not related to the impact itself.

A blow is an impact on the opponent with the aim of inflicting injury. The blow is delivered from a certain distance. No distance, no hit.

A blow delivered from a small distance is called a poke. To achieve the result, the poke should be applied to the pain points of the body and be sharp enough.

If the impact surface does not develop sufficient speed, then the impact turns into a push, provided that mass is invested in the impact.

If the mass is not loaded into the blow, it goes into a poke. To apply a strong hard blow, consider:


That is, to increase the impact force, it is necessary to increase the mass invested in the impact, and the impact speed, and reduce the duration of the impact.

1. Mass must be put into the impact. To increase this component of the blow, you can, transferring the weight of the body to the front leg, strike before placing the foot on the ground. However, the possibility of "failure" forward should be taken into account, so the gravity vector should not go beyond the support area after setting the foot. This is achieved through

lengthening the step and lowering the center of gravity (squatting).

2. The blow must be fast. That is, the impact force depends on the speed of the impact surface prior to contact.

The numerator of the fraction (1) can be represented as the difference between the initial and

final velocities during the impact. The final speed is not always equal to zero, since the enemy can, softening the blow, retreat back, and the speed of the impact surface at the end of the contact will be equal to the speed of the enemy.

Speed ​​is achieved by relaxing before impact. This is necessary so that the antagonistic muscles do not interfere with the attacking action, since the relaxation time of the muscle is approximately 1.5 ... 2 times longer than the tension time. In addition, the "wave" contributes to the increase in speed, i.e. sequential inclusion in the work of different muscle groups.

3. The blow must be short. The blow must be delivered with a "frame", i.e. the body must become a rigid strut between the ground and the enemy. To do this, it is necessary to remove the backlash from the joints involved in the strike.

For example, with a direct punch, these are the wrist, elbow, shoulder joints, joints of the spine, hip, knee and ankle joints.

In karate, rigidity is achieved by twisting the arm lengthwise, lowering the elbow, reversing the other arm, rotating the pelvis in the forward direction, straightening the "back" leg, and firmly supporting the heel.

In boxing, the blow is delivered in such a way that the arm is integral with the shoulder girdle, for which the shoulder is pushed forward (unlike classical styles of karate); in addition, the blow is applied a little from above, so that the line of force coincides with the line of the bones.

A boxing-type strike is usually weaker than a karate strike, but due to the fact that it is done with a large "carry" in depth, the probability of "hooking" the enemy with it is higher, in addition, it is more "long-range" due to the forward shoulder and is easier to join in the series.

Some "smearing" in time, although it reduces the strength

strike, but makes the impact on the enemy fuller.

In the figure, the karate kick is shown in blue, and the boxer's kick is shown in red. The “ideal” case, when the blow does not hit the target, is considered. In the event of a hit on the target, the change in speed occurs almost instantly.

It is necessary that the hit occurs, if not at the point of maximum speed, then at least in some zone of effectiveness, otherwise the blow will "humble" or the kicking limb will slow down its movement itself. As can be seen from the graph, the zone of effectiveness of a boxing strike is somewhat larger. EXAMPLE. A car traveling at a speed of 30 km/h hits a moving obstacle. In this case, three situations are possible:

1. The vehicle is driven with the engine off and the brakes off. In the "car-obstacle" system, only impact forces act.

2. The engine is on, moreover, the car is moving rapidly. Then, at the end of the impact, its speed will be greater than at the beginning, the amount of motion (momentum) of the system will increase, and an additional force caused by the action of the car engine will act on the hit body.

3. The engine is off and the brake system is on. The speed and amount of movement of the car will decrease due to the applied brakes. The described can be compared with the action of human muscles during impacts. If the shock link at the time of impact additionally accelerated due to muscle activity, shock impulse and, accordingly, the departure speed projectile increase; if it is arbitrarily slowed down, the impact impulse and departure speed decrease (this is sometimes necessary for precise shortened shots, for example, when passing the ball to a partner).

Some punching movements, in which the additional momentum gain during the impact is very large, are generally somewhere between throwing and punching.

Coordination of movements with the most powerful blows is subject to two requirements:

1) message top speed hitting link by the moment of contact with the struck body. In this phase of movement, the same methods of increasing speed are used as in other moving movements.


2) increase in impact mass at the moment of impact. This is achieved by "fixing" the individual links of the striking segment by simultaneously turning on the antagonist muscles and increasing the radius of rotation. For example, in boxing and karate, the force of a blow with the right hand is approximately doubled if the axis of rotation passes near the left shoulder joint, compared with impacts in which the axis of rotation

coincides with the central longitudinal axis of the body.

The impact time is so short that it is already impossible to correct the mistakes made. Therefore, the accuracy of the strike is decisively ensured by the correct actions during the swing and the striking movement.

The tactics of conducting a duel often require strikes that are unexpected for the enemy (“hidden”). This is achieved by performing strikes without preparation (sometimes even without a swing), after deceptive movements (feints), etc. The biomechanical characteristics of strikes change, since they are usually performed in such cases due to the action of only distal segments (wrist strikes).

Speed ​​and force of impact depend on the rational successive impulse inclusion of body elements in the impact movement, namely: the movement of the next part of the body is caused by the impulse created by the movement of the previous part of the body and, thus, each subsequent part of the body begins its movement not from zero speed, but from the final speed of the previous one part of the body, which, as it were, plays the role of the last stage in a multi-stage rocket - it gives the impression of a "wave" running through the body. Thus, the technical component of the impact force is the result of a successive acceleration (a successive increase in speeds) of individual parts of the body from the bottom up: legs, hips, arms.

Overclocking methods in various types martial arts can be different.


Movements in boxing, depending on the morphological, physiological and psychological characteristics of a boxer, have their own spatial, temporal, speed and dynamic characteristics. Therefore, their variability has no limit. For biomechanical analysis boxer's percussion actions, several fragments from the work of V.M. Klevenko. If you look at the kinematic structure of the human body, it is easy to imagine the axes of rotation and fulcrum when striking. The participation of the boxer's lower body in the mechanics of punches occurs according to the following three-joint kinematic chain: foot - shin - thigh. This kinematic chain, by transmitting translational motion to the body, contributes to the acceleration of the rotation of the pelvis. When relying on left leg rotation occurs around a vertical axis passing through the left foot and left hip joint; when resting on the right leg, rotation occurs around an axis passing through the right foot and right hip joint. The diagonal axis of rotation when resting on the left foot passes through the left foot and right hip joint; when resting on the right foot - through the right foot and the left hip joint. From the kinematic chain - lower leg - thigh, the movement is transmitted to the following three-joint chain: shoulder - forearm - hand. The links of the belt of the upper limb are movable, for example, one half of the belt can move independently of the other (right from left or left from right). When striking, forces are transferred from the foot to the shin and thigh, then to the pelvis, torso to the belt of the upper limb and from it to the shock part of the hand. Thus, starting from the first moment of the impact action (from the push of the foot) to the final moment (the action of the impact part of the hand), the force and speed seem to increase in each chain. The smaller the muscles, the faster they can contract, but at the same time they must be strong enough to support the translational effect of large muscles and accelerate the action, i.e. increase the force of impact. Depending on the direction of the impact (straight, lateral, from below or combined - from below from the side, straight from the side, etc.), certain muscle groups are included in active work, the quality of which determines speed and strength. Therefore, when building workouts, it is very important to take into account anatomy data in order to develop the most right program athlete training. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen, latissimus dorsi back, large and small pectoral muscles, trapezius, involved in the "twisting" of the upper body around the vertical axis. After striking and some twisting of the body, the body naturally tends to unwind, and therefore, biomechanical conditions are created for delivering subsequent blows with the other hand. A series of short blows in close combat, regardless of the movement of the legs, is mainly applied due to the active actions of the muscles of the upper limb belt with very small rotational movements of the body. The most complex movements are made by parts of the body during defensive actions, when the boxer needs not only to escape from the opponent's blow, but also to create a starting position for his own active actions.


The more support, the stronger the blow. - When the center of gravity shifts towards the impact, its power increases.
- The lower the center of gravity of the body, the more stable the position will be, the stronger the blow will be.
- M x V \u003d F, mass x speed \u003d impact force (to increase the impact force, you must increase the mass or speed).
- With the successive participation of more muscles, the impact force increases.
- If a greater force is applied in a shorter period of time, the effect of this force increases sharply.
- Distance plays a big role in the impact (either the push or the impact is missing).
- Stronger blow in a straight line (parallel to the floor).
- Impact power P \u003d Rkinet. + Rstatic.
- Body speed (moving) \u003d shock speed of the limbs + Rk Rst
- Impact speed depends on:
1. From the reaction of the brain.
2. From the reaction of the body (impulse).
3. From the speed of the muscles (coordination), limbs.
4. On the speed of the body.
- The difference between tightening and loosening certain muscles increases the speed of the blow.
- The destructive force of an impact depends on the angle at which it is applied to the impacted plane.


1. Degtyarev I.P. Training of boxers / I.P. Degtyarev // Kyiv. 1985. 2. Klevenko V.M. Speed ​​in boxing / V.M. Klevenko // - M. 1968. 4. Morozov G.M. Lessons professional boxing/ G.M. Morozov // - M. 1992.

5. Nikiforov Yu.B. The effectiveness of training boxers / Yu.B. Nikiforov // - M. 1987.

6. Romanenko M.I. Boxing / M.I. Romanenko // Kyiv. 1978. - 31 p. 7. Matveev L.P. Fundamentals of sports training of boxers / L.P. Matveev // Boxing Stars. - 2008. - No. 7. – P.15-28 8. Filimonov V.I. Boxing. Sports and technical and physical training/ IN AND. Filimonov. - M.: Insan, 2000.- 425 p.

Regarding the participation of various parts of the body of athletes in impact actions, the opinions of specialists are very often ambiguous. Some researchers believe that the whole body is involved in the performance of strong blows and the blow, in general, depends on the mass and speed of the body's movement, others argue that the impact mass depends on the weight of the hand and is approximately 4.5 kg. D2D. In textbooks on boxing, the effectiveness of punches is associated with the features of the manifestation of kinetic energy: E=(mv)2\2 according to the formula of this energy, the power of punches is associated with the manifestation of the speed capabilities of boxers, quadratically increasing the force of punches with an increase in their speed. At the same time, there is a feature that should be noted that the formula gives the speed of uniform motion, and impact interactions involve actions performed with acceleration, which, ultimately, does not detract from the regularity identified by the formula, but gives it more importance.

Thus, the speed of punching movements is an essential component of the effectiveness of knockout punches and it is the speed of punches that needs to be worked on by those who want to increase the effectiveness of punching movements. In other types of martial arts, where there are weight restrictions and the mass of athletes is approximately the same, an increase in the effectiveness of combat operations is possible only by increasing the speed and based on their features of the above formula.

It is important to note the role that the length of the lever of the hand involved in the blow plays and an increase in this lever leads to an increase in the power of the blow, and this applies both to blows performed according to the “poke” variant (direct blows in boxing) and to blows of the “hook” type. (side and bottom punches in boxing). The backhand strikes performed in kickboxing and Muay Thai can only be enhanced by pivoting and incorporating the "rotational mass" of the movement into them. The magnitude of impacts is also affected by the value of the "attached mass", which varies depending on the type of impacts: ballistic or non-ballistic types of P8P impacts.

Considering the biodynamic features of the performance of impact actions, the following order of the parts of the body involved in the impact should be noted:
1. The push of the foot and the transfer of body weight to the front standing leg;
2. Rotation of the hip joint;
3. Rotational-translational movement of the body;
4. Impact movement of the hand; five. rotational movement brushes.

Thus, the impact force is the result of the summation of the velocities of the individual links of the body during the successive acceleration of the links of the body from the bottom up, with each subsequent link starting to move when the speed of the previous one reaches its maximum. Specialists in percussion martial arts compare this movement with the movement of a wave or a blow of a whip. Such a movement is typical for qualified athletes, for unskilled athletes there is a simultaneous inclusion of all muscles in the work.

In the impact movement, scientists have identified two main parts: in the first, all parts of the body involved in the impact movement are accelerated; in the second - there is a sequential braking of the links of the body from the bottom up due to the braking actions of the left and right legs. Such a mechanism of movement contributes to an increase in the speed of the overlying parts of the body correlates with the ballistic nature of the movement P4P.

The efficiency of ballistic movements is explained by the fact that the kinetic energy accumulated in the initial phase (the source of which is muscle contraction) is used appropriately, and the additional efforts of the muscles fixing the joints are minimized.

There is another type of impact, which is called non-ballistic and in practice is referred to as "push", and sometimes called "tense" or "fixed". High-speed strikes performed according to the mechanism of ballistic movements are characterized by a sharp ejection of the arm at the initial stage of the movement, and in the final phase of the strike, there is a decrease in speed compared to the initial one. Non-ballistic (speed-power) strikes are characterized by a uniformly accelerated movement of the hand throughout the entire trajectory of movement. Such strikes are characterized by the successive activation of muscle groups, which ensure the execution of a strike movement with an increase in the speed of movement of the hand until it hits the target.

According to boxing experts P5P in non-ballistic punches of boxers, the antagonist muscles involved in controlling the speed and accuracy of movements are somewhat tense. In ballistic strikes, the accuracy is less because it is associated with a large initial speed and relaxation of antagonist muscles compared to non-ballistic ones.

As practice shows, ballistic strikes are used mainly as direct punches at long and medium distances, non-ballistic ones are more suitable at medium and close distances in the form of hooks to the body and head. We agree with the opinion of D.D. Donskoy, that when struck by a hand, the kinematic chain forms a kind of percussion lever, which can be of greater or lesser length. Naturally, a long lever has a greater impact point speed than a short one, if there is time and there is no need to mask the true intentions of the impact action.

Strikes performed with a large swing allow you to develop greater speed by the end of the movement, but they are tactically disadvantageous P9P. When performing basic (knockout) strikes in martial arts, the dynamic task is reduced to the maximum transfer of the kinetic energy of the movement of the final link (striker) to the struck object (opponent) and , in accordance with the laws of mechanics, this can be achieved either by increasing the speed of the impactor, or by increasing its mass, which again follows from the above formula for kinetic energy.

However, as indicated by?4p, the speed of movement of the considered kinematic chain is determined mainly by the speed of contraction of the main muscle groups involved in the shock movement and has known limits, and therefore it remains only to increase the mass of the link at the moment of its contact with the target, combining this with the successive fixation of the joints of the limb and its transformation from a soft kinematic chain into a rigid lever, which makes it possible to connect the mass of the proximal chain links to the mass of the final link at the moment of impact. The consequence of this is the pre-impact braking of the striking segment at the moment of its contact with the target.

It should be noted that strikes in sports are an incomparably more complex phenomenon than the impact of solid bodies or mechanical systems. The human body plus the projectile (glove) is more correctly considered as an open system with an open energy input, and therefore the Newtonian theory will not be enough to understand this phenomenon, it will be necessary to introduce the energy characteristics of the impact action. At the same time, it is important to understand that the mass of the striking link cannot be accurately determined, since it is associated with the body and the mass of the impactor (hand + forearm, hand + forearm and part of the shoulder) can also be different.

Thus, the effectiveness of sports strikes depends on several factors: the rigidity of the striker, the magnitude of the added mass, and most importantly, the work of forces on the path of the joint movement of bodies during the contact time. The strength and speed of the blow largely depend on the preliminary stretching of the muscles (recuperation), which is created due to the advancing movement of the D7D body links. An example of such a mechanism in a percussive movement is the advancing movement of the pelvis in relation to the shoulder girdle, which contributes to the stretching of the muscles of the trunk and the muscles of the shoulder flexors. percussion hand. As a result, the potential energy of elastic deformation accumulates in the muscles of the trunk and shoulder girdle, and then, when the arm moves, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, ensuring the effectiveness of the blow.

Therefore, the correct use of the energy of elastic deformation of the muscles of the body and shoulder in the impact movement is a significant additional factor that increases the speed and effectiveness of the impact. In this connection, there is a real need to develop and strengthen, with the help of special exercises, muscles of the arms and legs, differentially build the process of their preparation for impact actions.

It should be noted that high-speed ballistic strikes with the right hand from a long distance are distinguished by the non-stop increasing speed of the fist until it touches the target. Similar strikes in the middle distance can be performed with simultaneous tension of both the main muscles and the antagonist muscles, which ensures their greater accuracy and strength, as well as the possibility of some correction of movement along it.

Boxing studies have established D8D that the quality of a boxer's punch is significantly affected by the degree of development of strength and speed of the upper limbs, as well as their ability to quickly build up efforts in the initial stage of the punching movement. In addition, a significant factor in increasing the strength of the blow is the ability of the muscles to achieve maximum effort in the minimum time.

A significant dependence of the magnitude of the impact on the length of the body, as well as the length of the links of the legs and arms, is revealed, which is explained by the doctrine of Archimedes about levers and points of their application. It has been established that the shorter the distance of the blow, the closer the hand should be kept at the right shoulder and the blow should start from the shoulder, the farther the distance of the blow, the closer the right hand should be located to the midline of the body (chin) and in this case maximum speed impact is achieved due to a significant rotation of the shoulder girdle.

It has been determined that with direct blows with the right hand and side blows with the left, when set to fight at a high pace, it is preferable that the position of the fighter is when the axis of rotation of the body passes along spinal column. In strikes with an emphasis on strength, a larger radius of rotation is needed and therefore the axis of rotation passes through the left shoulder and left leg with a direct blow with the right and through the right shoulder and right leg with a lateral left leg, while the legs are more widely spaced.

In conclusion, we consider it necessary to note that the reason for a possible deviation in the technique of performing blows, along with training errors, may be an insufficient level of general and special preparedness of an athlete. The lag in the development of individual muscle groups can lead to imperfection of the motor structure, to the inability to fully use the strong link of the motor apparatus in a holistic shock movement.


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Contemporary Issues physical culture and sports: Materials of the university scientific and practical conference of young scientists, students, graduate students, applicants and schoolchildren dated February 22, 2014 - Churapcha: PEP FGBOU VPO "CHGIFKiS", 2014. - 55 p.



annotation scientific article on health sciences, author of scientific article - Stepanov M.Yu., Yakupov A.M.

In boxing, the main and only means of achieving victory over the opponent is a blow. At the same time, the blow is the most important component of modern boxing technique. In order to win in the ring, it is necessary to apply accurate, fast and accentuated strikes. Mastery of perfect percussion technique allows boxers to achieve high sports results in competitive activity. In the training process of boxers, various modes of physical activity and their combinations are used, aimed at developing exclusively contractile characteristics of skeletal muscles. However, in coaching practice, even in elite sports, due attention is not paid to the development of impact actions from the standpoint of managing biomechanical and biodynamic characteristics. This is due to the complexity of obtaining these data in the process of training, so the search for fundamentally new means and methods for improving the physical performance of athletes remains relevant. Methods: Analysis and generalization of scientific literature, experiment, testing (biomechanical, biomedical, general physical fitness), methods mathematical statistics. Results. A technique for the formation of shock actions in boxing has been developed and tested, which is based on sets of exercises and consists of 4 blocks (GP, SFP, kicktest-100, KIT-70). The results of testing on general physical fitness revealed a significant increase in the standing long jump (m) and pushing the ball 4 kg (m). The biomechanical characteristics of the punching actions of boxers have increased, which determine the maximum aerobic power of a direct and side punch in full coordination: the power of arm extension (sitting on a chair), the power of a kick (from a combat position), the speed indicators of a direct and side punch, the speed indicator of the approaching exercise "straight blow" (sitting on a chair). The biodynamic characteristics of the force of impact on the bag increased, the rate of gain was 5 tons, the sum of the force of impacts in one minute. The dynamics of the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (the dynamics of the Ruffier index) in the experimental group is more pronounced, which indicates a significant level of adaptation of the reserves of the functional system, a high degree of boxers' readiness for the upcoming loads. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the technique has been experimentally proven in terms of a significant increase (p=0.05) in the following indicators: physical fitness, biomechanical, biodynamic characteristics of impact actions, adaptive reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

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The text of the scientific work on the topic "Some aspects of the formation of a strike in boxing"

UDC 796.081 DOI 10.14526/00_1111_22


Yakupov A.M. - PhD student Stepanov M.Yu. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Martial Arts, FSBEI HPE "Tchaikovsky Institute of Physical Culture",


SOME ASPECTS OF A STRIKE FORMATION IN BOXING Yakupov A.M. - post-graduate Stepanov M.Y. - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor of the theory and methodology of single-combats department

Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education "Chaikovskiy Institute of Physical Culture",

e-mail: [email protected]

Key words: technique of impact actions, biomechanical characteristics of impacts, inertialess simulators.

Annotation. In boxing, the main and only means of achieving victory over the opponent is a blow. At the same time, the blow is the most important component of modern boxing technique. In order to win in the ring, it is necessary to apply accurate, fast and accentuated strikes. Mastering the perfect technique of shock actions allows boxers to achieve high sports results in competitive activities.

In the training process of boxers, various modes of physical activity and their combinations are used, aimed at developing exclusively contractile characteristics of skeletal muscles. However, in coaching practice, even in elite sports, due attention is not paid to the development of impact actions from the standpoint of managing biomechanical and biodynamic characteristics. This is due to the complexity of obtaining these data in the process of training, so the search for fundamentally new means and methods for improving the physical performance of athletes remains relevant.

Methods: Analysis and generalization of scientific literature, experiment, testing (biomechanical, biomedical, general physical fitness), methods of mathematical statistics.

Results. A technique for the formation of shock actions in boxing has been developed and tested, which is based on sets of exercises and consists of 4 blocks (GP, SFP, kicktest-100, KIT-70).

The results of testing on general physical fitness revealed a significant increase in the standing long jump (m) and pushing the ball 4 kg (m). The biomechanical characteristics of the punching actions of boxers have increased, which determine the maximum aerobic power of a direct and side punch in full coordination:

arm extension power (sitting on a chair), kick power (from a combat position), speed indicators of a direct and side impact, speed indicator of the lead-in exercise "direct blow" (sitting on a chair). The biodynamic characteristics of the force of impact on the bag increased, the rate of gain was 5 tons, the sum of the force of impacts in one minute. The dynamics of the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (the dynamics of the Ruffier index) in the experimental group is more pronounced, which indicates a significant level of adaptation of the reserves of the functional system, a high degree of boxers' readiness for the upcoming loads.

Conclusion. The effectiveness of the technique was experimentally proven in terms of a significant increase (p=0.05) in the following indicators: physical fitness, biomechanical, biodynamic characteristics of impact actions, adaptive reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Keywords: the technique of strikes, biomechanical characteristics of strikes, inertialess training simulators.

Abstract. The main and the only means of triumph over an opponent in boxing is a strike. A strike is an important component of modern boxing technique. In order to win it is necessary to fulfill exact, quick and accentuated strikes. Mastering a perfect technique of strikes fulfillment allows the boxers to achieve high sport results in competitive activity.

Different rates of physical loads and their combination are used in the training process of boxers. They are directed at retractive characteristics of skeletal muscles development. However, in the training practice, even in sport of the highest results, less attention is paid to strikes development from the position of biomechanical and biodynamic characteristics management. It is connected with the difficulty of getting this information during a training lesson, that is why the search for new means and methods of sportsmen's physical working capacity increase is still very urgent.

Research methods: Scientific literature analysis and summarizing, an experiment, testing (biomechanical, medical-biological, general physical training test), methods of mathematical statistics.

results. The methodology of strikes formation in boxing is created and approved. The methodology is based on the complexes of exercises and includes 4 blocks (general physical training (GPT), special physical training (SPT), a kick test- 100, a control- measuring training simulator (CMTS - 70).

Results tests on general physical training revealed a reliable increase in standing longjump (meters) and a ball pushing (4 kg) (meters). Biomechanical characteristics of strikes in boxing increased, which define a maximum aerobic power of a direct and side strike in full coordination: the power of hand extension (sitting in a chair), the power ofpush with a leg (from a fighting position), speed indices of a direct and side strike, a speed index of a leading exercise "a direct strike " (sitting in a chair). Biodynamic characteristics of a hitting force on a bag, the speed of 5 tons achievement, the sum of strikes power in a minute also increased. The dynamics of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems state (Rufe index dynamics) in an experimental group is more evident and it shows a high level of functional system reserves adaptation, a high level of boxers" readiness to further loads.

Conclusion. The effectiveness of methodology is proven experimentally according to a valid increase (p=0.05) of the following indices: GPT, biomechanical and biodynamic characteristics of the strikes, adaptive reserves of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems.

Introduction. In boxing, the main and only means of achieving victory over the opponent is a blow. At the same time, the blow is the most important component of modern boxing technique. In order to win in the ring, it is necessary to apply accurate, fast and accentuated strikes. Mastering the perfect technique of shock actions allows boxers to achieve high sports results in competitive activities. (T.O. Dzheroyan, 1953; I.P. Knips, 1958; O.P. Topyshev, 1974; F.A. Leibovich, V.I. Filimonov, 1979; Z.M. Khusyainov, 1983, etc.) .

In the vast majority of studies on training process boxers (Filimonov V. I. 2009, Khusyainov 3. M., Garakyan A. I. Yu. V.; Verkhoshansky, 2013), various modes of physical activity and their combinations are used, aimed at developing exclusively contractile characteristics of skeletal muscles. In coaching practice, even in the sport of the highest achievements, due attention is not paid to the development of shock actions from the standpoint of managing biomechanical and biodynamic characteristics. This is due to the difficulty of obtaining this data during the lesson.

The search for fundamentally new means and methods for increasing the physical performance of athletes remains relevant. Currently mainly used strength training equipment, where the resistance force is formed by a set of weights. The conditions under which the muscle strength is directed against the weight of the load stimulate mainly the force component F = m(a + g), and the conditions under which the muscle strength is directed against the inertial force of the load stimulate the speed of muscle contraction to a greater extent ^ = mа.

Thus, in the second case, it is easy to see the possibilities for overcoming the dialectical contradiction between the weight of the load and the speed of muscle contraction. Unfortunately, the conditions corresponding to the work of muscles against the inertia of the load have not found application in the practice of sports training, which is associated with the need for special equipment. However, the desire to rationalize the methodology of special strength training will eventually force us to seriously think about it (Verkhoshansky, 2013).

To resolve these contradictions, a simulator was designed in an artificially controlled environment, with incoming information about the urgent training effect, and on its basis, a method for forming boxers' strike actions was developed. This simulator has several advantages over other resistance exercise mechanisms. The most significant of these achievements are:

1) the emergence of a computer with a stored program that regulates the amount of force, speed, acceleration, work, power and fatigue. This choice is made on the basis of continuous simultaneous measurement of the performance of the athlete;

2) the use of a reliable set of brake linings instead of weights, springs or pneumatics with manual adjustment to ensure the safety, noiselessness of the isokinetic mode;

3) stimulation of the speed of muscle contraction;

4) the ability to work only in the overcoming mode, which distinguishes the KIT-70 from any other simulators that exist on the fitness market today;

5) the software component of the simulator is able to record and calculate the results of athletes so that their coaches understand the strengths and weak sides during or after each workout and corrected the load in a timely manner.

The method of formation of strike actions distinguishes three main forms of strike execution: ballistic, non-ballistic and power, which are different in their biodynamic and technical-tactical characteristics, hence the means for their formation are used in different modes with different intensities. The essence of the methodology was reflected in the articles.

The developed methodology for the formation of shock actions is based on sets of exercises and consists of 4 blocks (OPT, SPT, kicktest-100, KIT-70). The alternation of exercises depends on the individual data obtained using KIT-70 and kicktest-100, where the load and intensity of exercises are given computer program. The calculated indicator of the load is the indicator of maximum anaerobic power (MAM). This indicator is determined in 8 exercises of the developed set of exercises and forms the basis of the athlete's individual profile.

To test the effectiveness of the experimental methodology, a study was formed. The experimental base of the study was SDUSHOR sports complex"Olympic" and the stadium "Builder" Surgut. The experiment involved 56 people who made up the control and experimental groups, 28 people each. A training technique was developed for 12-14 year old boxers using inertialess speed-strength simulators and dynamic bags for those involved in the experimental group (experimental technique). In the experimental group, exercises aimed at SPT were performed on KIT-70 simulators. The control group did the following exemplary program boxing approved All-Russian Federation boxing.

The effectiveness of the technique was experimentally proven in terms of a significant increase (p=0.05) in the following indicators: physical fitness, biomechanical, biodynamic characteristics of impact actions, adaptive reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Testing for general physical fitness was carried out according to the boxing program (Akobyan A.O. et al. 2010). They revealed significant gains only in the standing long jump (m) - from 1.86±0.02 to 2.22±0.02 m, and pushing the ball 4 kg (m) - with a strong hand and with a weak hand - from 5.68±0.20; 4.92±0.17 to 9.07±0.14; 8.38±0.19 m, respectively.

The biomechanical characteristics of the punching actions of boxers, which determine the maximum aerobic power of a direct and side punch in full coordination, increased from 10.82±0.69 to 20.54±0.58 W/s and from 15.27±0.10 to 25.99 ±0.10 W/s. The arm extension power (sitting on a chair) increased from 6.09±0.02 to 12.01±0.02 W/s. The power of the leg kick (from the combat position) increased from 3.13±0.16 to 5.11±0.07 W/s. The speed indicators of direct and side impact increased from 3.27±0.10 and 2.91±0.12 to 5.08±0.08 and 4.90±0.02 m/s, respectively. The speed indicator of the lead-in exercise "direct strike" (sitting on a chair) increased from 2.50±0.02 to 3.41±0.02 m/s.

The biodynamic characteristics of the impact force on the bag increased from 234±24 to 288±14 kg. The rate of gaining 5 tons before the experiment - 12.9±0.3 after - 10.6±0.1s. The sum of the force of blows in one minute changed from 14 254±249 to 23 479±281 kg.

The state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the control group: the dynamics of the Ruffier index is as follows: September - 9.0 ± 0.6, February - 5.4 ± 0.7, June - 3.3 ± 0.6 with a significance level R<0,05. В экспериментальной группе динамика более выражена и имеет следующий вид: в сентябре 2012г индекс равен 8,4±0,7, в феврале 2013 г. -4,4±0,8 и в июне 2014 - 2,1±0,8, что говорит о значительном уровне адаптации резервов функциональной системы, о высокой степени готовности боксеров к предстоящим нагрузкам.


1. Verkhoshansky, Yu.V. Fundamentals of special strength training in sports / Yu.V. Verkhoshansky. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet sport, 2013. - 216 p. : ill.

2. Stepanov, M.Yu., Yakupov A.M. Comparative analysis of the biodynamic and biomechanical characteristics of the direct blow of the right boxers at the stages of initial training and sports improvement / M.Yu. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // Physical culture: education. Education, training. - 2014. - No. 3. - C. 35.

3. Stepanov, M.Yu. Yakupov A.M. Technique of formation of percussion actions in boxing / M.Yu. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2014. - No. 9. - C. 69.

4. Makshakova E.A., Stepanov M.Yu., Yakupov A.M. Description, characteristics and advantages of the control and measuring simulator (KIT-70) / E.A. Makshakova, M.Yu. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // "Training of combatants: theory, methodology and practice": Sat. materials of the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference; Tchaikovsky state. Institute of Physics cult. - Tchaikovsky, S. 127-130.

5. Makshakova, E.A., Stepanov, M.Yu., Yakupov, A.M. Characteristics of exercises performed on inertialess speed-strength simulators for the formation of a blow in boxing / E.A. Makshakova, M.Yu. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // "Training of combatants: theory, methodology and practice" / collection of materials IV

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference; Tchaikovsky state. Institute of Physics cult. - Tchaikovsky, S. 130133.

6. Stepanov, M.Yu., Yakupov, A.M. Analysis of correlation relationships of exercises that form shock actions in young boxers / M.Yu. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // "Modern trends and educational technologies of physical training and sports in the professional activities of law enforcement agencies" / Sat. scientific articles of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation; Perm, pp. 369-375.

1. Verkhoshanskiy, Y.V. The basis of a special power training in sport / Y.V. Verkhoshanskiy. - the 3rd edition. - Moscow: Soviet sport, 2013. - 216 p.

2. Stepanov, M.Y., Yakupov A.M. A comparative analysis of biomechanical and biodynamic characteristics of a boxer "s direct strike at the stages of initial training and sport development / MY Stepanov, AM Yakupov // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. - 2014. - No 3. - P .35.

3. Stepanov, M.Y., Yakupov A.M. The methodology of strikes formation in boxing / M.Y. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2014. - No 9. - P.69.

4. Makshakova E.A., Stepanov M.Y., Yakupov A.M. Description, characteristics and advantages of control-measuring training simulator (CMTS - 70) / E.A. Makshakova, M.Y. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // "Wrestlers" training: theory, methodology and practice": materials of the IV th All-Russian scientific-practical conference; Chaikovskiy Institute of Physical Culture. - Chaikovskiy, P. 127-130.

5. Makshakova E.A., Stepanov M.Y., Yakupov A.M. Exercises characteristics, fulfilled at inertialess speedpower training simulators for a strike formation in boxing / E.A. Makshakova, M.Y. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // "Wrestlers" training: theory, methodology and practice": materials of the IV th All-Russian scientific-practical conference; Chaikovskiy Institute of Physical Culture. - Chaikovskiy, P. 130-133.

6. Stepanov, M.Y., Yakupov A.M. The analysis of correlation interactions of the forming strikes exercises of young boxers / M.Y. Stepanov, A.M. Yakupov // "Modern directions and educational technologies of physical training and sport in the professional activity of power departments" / collection of scientific articles of All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation; Perm, P. 369-375.

A blow can be defined as a combination of the interaction of individual parts of the body, which are included in the work in a certain sequence. A certain sequence of inclusion in the percussion action of the body links (from proximal to distal) allows the best way to summarize their movement speeds and obtain the highest resulting fist speed. First of all, the torso is rotated around the vertical axis with simultaneous squatting, during which the GCT (general center of gravity) is lowered, and the subsequent push of the leg standing behind. For this, an external force is used - the reaction force of the support, necessary to create an additional torque of the body, which contributes to its better rotation. In addition, due to this force, the whole body moves forward. BCT is shifted to the front border of the support (body weight is transferred to the front leg). Turning the torso helps bring the shoulder of the striking arm forward, acting as a support as it moves forward.
With continued rotation of the torso (which is accompanied by a push of the leg from the support), the boxer performs a striking movement with his arm, using the reaction force of the support (external force) to increase its speed of movement. In addition, the extension of the arm in the elbow joint significantly increases the speed of movement of the hand to the target.
Immediately before the impact, the so-called "pre-impact inhibition" of the parts of the body involved in it is observed. In this case, the same sequence of inhibition is observed (from the proximal links of the leg to the distal links of the arm).

The height of the strike target (for example, a direct blow to the head or torso) does not play a significant role in the structure of striking movements. It depends on the degree of bending of the legs in the combat stance during the shock movement of the arm.
When performing a strike, one must maintain a stable position so as not to lose combat capability and not open up for the opponent's counterattacking blows. At the same time, in all cases, the BCT should not go beyond the front boundary of the support area.
After the punch is executed, the boxer returns to the fighting stance either by moving the torso back, using the push of the leg in front and shifting the projection of the BCG from the front border of the support area to its middle, or (when performing a strike with a step) putting the leg behind and bringing the projection of the BCG to the middle of the support area.
Maintaining stability through correct and active "footwork" allows the boxer to quickly and efficiently switch from one action to another, i.e. successfully fight. Performing a blow, the boxer must constantly insure himself against a possible counterattack by the opponent, covering his chin and torso with his free hand.
An analysis of the boxer's combat actions shows that the following tasks are solved when striking:
1) to determine the defensive actions of the opponent and bring the blow to the target, i.e. to strike as quickly as possible;
2) to bring a blow of a certain force to the target in order to negatively affect the combat capability of the opponent, i.e. to strike as hard as possible.
A prerequisite in both cases is to hit a certain (for example, unprotected or vulnerable) place on the body
opponent, i.e. the accuracy of the strike movement. Controlling the impact accuracy depends on the speed and duration of the impact movement; the higher this speed and the shorter the shock movement, the more difficult it is to implement the control actions and the worse the controllable movement.
The most important task of the technical and tactical improvement of boxers is to achieve high accuracy in performing punching movements at high speeds, as well as to improve accuracy in fast-moving conditions.
Studies show that the biomechanical structure of impact movements depends on the tasks set: to strike as hard as possible or as quickly as possible. These tasks are determined on the basis of attitudes related to real combat situations (“for strength”, “for speed”), which in a shock movement determine the force of impact of the fist with the target and the total time of this movement.
When set to “force”, the shock impulse is the largest in magnitude, but the time of the shock movement is also the largest. Consequently, winning in the force of impact, we lose in the speed of movement. When set to "fast"
the shock impulse is the smallest in magnitude, but the time of the shock movement is much less than when hitting “for force” (a decrease in the value of the force indicator gives a gain in the speed of striking). Thus, it is possible to distinguish two ways of performing strikes depending on the setting: a strong strike and a fast strike.
The impact force can be determined using the second law of dynamics: Fsp = mVo/t, where m is the mass (impact mass), Vo is the speed of this mass at the initial moment of impact, t is the interaction time of the colliding bodies. Thus, the magnitude of the impact force depends on the impact mass, the speed of its movement and the impact time. The Fsp value is also influenced by some other factors: the weight category of a boxer, his qualifications, functional asymmetry, the rigidity of the kinematic chain upon impact, the form of the impact movement.
As studies show, the size of the shock mass during punches in boxing is approximately 3.2% of the boxer's body and includes the mass of the hand, forearm and shoulder (in the anatomical sense). Consequently, with an increase in the weight category, the impact mass and thus the impact force increase.
With an increase in the speed of movement of the impact mass (during acceleration to the moment of impact), the impact force increases. Studies have shown that the average speed of the fist when hit by a master of sports is 4-5 m/sec. By the time of the impact, the hand has a maximum speed (for masters of sports it reaches 8-10 m / s).
The values ​​of the impact mass and velocity are inversely proportional: with an increase in the impact mass, the velocity of its movement decreases and vice versa (ceteris paribus). This explains the lower speed of punching movements of boxers of heavy weight categories in comparison with boxers of light weight categories. Since it's impossible
to simultaneously increase the impact mass and the speed of its movement in order to achieve the maximum impact force, it is necessary to find their optimal ratio. Significant impact force can be achieved at low speeds of impact movement due to the productive work of a large muscle mass. The maximum impact force depends mainly on the speed of the impact mass.
The impact time is inversely proportional to the impact force, does not depend on the velocity of the impact mass at the initial moment of impact, and increases with an increase in the masses of the colliding bodies and a decrease in the stiffness of the kinematic chain during impact. As studies show, the time of impact of the fist with the target is 14-18 ms, with an increase in this time to 30 ms, the impact acquires a "jogging" character. The magnitude of the impact force is closely related (r=0.89) to the boxer's weight category. On the one hand, this is explained, as mentioned above, by an increase in the impact mass, on the other hand, by an increase in the physical possibilities for the manifestation of muscle strength. Closely related (r = 0.80) is the impact force and the boxer's qualification. So, if for 1 kg of weight of a novice boxer
2.25 kg of impact force is distributed, then the masters of sports already have 4-8.2 kg.
This shows the ability of a qualified boxer to coordinate his efforts, to fully use his physical abilities within the framework of optimal technique.
Functional asymmetry is expressed in the boxer's inability to perform punching movements with the right and left hand with the same high quality and magnitude of punching force. So the force of impact with the left hand is lower than the right (for the right-hander) by 40%.
It is known from mechanics that the greater the rigidity of the colliding bodies, the higher the magnitude of the impact force. This means that in the kinematic chain of the "arm" it is necessary to create maximum rigidity upon impact, blocking movements in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. Movement in this case is carried out due to the mobility of the scapula and some freedom in the shoulder joint.
Upon impact, the kinetic energy of the impact mass is completely converted into the kinetic energy of the impacted body. Energy transfer is improved when the centers of mass of the kinematic links (hands, forearms and upper arms)
at the moment of impact lie on the line of this impact. Angles at the elbow and wrist joints impair the transfer of impact energy.
The nature of the impact may vary depending on the degree of increase in the speed of the impact movement. A rapid increase in this value (significant acceleration) determines such a quality of impact as "sharpness". Therefore, there are two ways to execute strikes: normal and sharp.
A study of the technique of strikes with their tactical implementation showed. that boxers use three types of punches: the first type is characterized by the manifestation of minimal speed or strength. These are reconnaissance, search or blows that reveal the opponent's defense. The second type is characterized by the optimal speed or force of impacts (optimum, according to research, is 70-75% of Fmax and Vmax). Such blows are the main means of attack. The third type is characterized by the maximum manifestation of the speed of impact movement or impact force. Such strikes in combat are used sporadically, in the most advantageous, tactically prepared situations. These blows (both strong at Fmax and fast at Vmax) are usually called "accented" in practice. As a rule, accented blows are sharp at the same time.

The results of the biomechanical analysis of movement during a direct impact showed that:
a) the kinematic characteristics of impacts with settings "for force" and "for speed" are different in their values;
b) regardless of the installation, the body is initially rotated around the vertical axis with the lowering of the BCT (squatting);
c) in the future, a push is made with the leg standing behind from the support and the body is moved forward and the shock movement of the hand towards the target is carried out.

On fig. Figure 1 shows an electromyogram of a direct right punch, typical for a highly qualified boxer. Attention is drawn to the concentration of bioelectrical activity of all muscles immediately before the collision; after that, the activity drops sharply. This indicates that a skilled boxer produces a blow due to the work of previously relaxed muscles; after the blow, he again quickly relaxes them.
Let us consider the mechanism and sequence of the work of the legs during impact, in particular, the order of activation of the right and left calf muscles (Fig. 2).

As you can see, in both cases (with the settings “for strength” and “for speed”), first of all, the right leg is included in the work, which provides a squat (lowering the BCT) and then repels from the support, rotates the body around the vertical axis and advances BCT to the front boundary of the support. The bioelectrical activity of the left gastrocnemius muscle lasts much longer than the right one. This is due to maintaining the boxer's posture while advancing the BCT to the anterior support boundary (the body weight is kept on the left leg). The right calf muscle works in an "explosive" type, providing repulsion from the support. Note that when set to “strength”, the activity (in time) of the right gastrocnemius muscle is higher by 14%; the left one is 26% higher compared to the “fast” setting.
Chronogram of muscle work by links of the body - leg (calf, quadriceps), arm
(deltoid, triceps) allows you to identify their specific coordination relationships (Fig. 3).

As you can see, with both settings, the order of switching on the links of the body when performing a strike
same type. So, the shock movement begins with the inclusion of the right calf muscle in the work. This is due to the beginning of the turn around the vertical axis, the squat and the advancement of the BCT. When set to “force”, there is an earlier (in relation to the moment of impact of the fist with the target) its activation, which is associated with a longer duration of the impact movement. The duration of the bioelectrical activity of the gastrocnemius muscle when set to "strength" is 36% longer than the duration when set to "fast". In the latter case, the work of the calf muscle is rather "explosive" in nature.
The active work of the legs is also ensured by the inclusion of the quadriceps femoris muscle. This contributes to the increase in the speed of movement of the body when turning and moving forward. When hitting with the setting "for strength", the quadriceps muscle is included in the work in the middle of the work of the calf muscle, and when set "for speed" - simultaneously with it. Sequential inclusion of the gastrocnemius and quadriceps muscles sums up the speeds from the underlying link to the overlying one. The duration of the bioelectrical activity of the quadriceps femoris muscle when set to “strength” is 25% longer than the duration when set to “quick”.
Against the background of the active movement of the legs (and, consequently, the body), the hand (fist) moves towards the goal. The beginning of this movement is provided by the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscle. When set to “strength”, the duration of bioelectrical activity is 28% longer than the duration when set to “fast”. In addition, if when set to “strength”, the deltoid muscle works until the moment of impact and even somewhat later, then when set to “speed”, its work ends before the moment of impact. Consequently, here, too, the work of the muscle is clearly explosive.
An integral part of the shock movement is the extension of the arm in the elbow joint. At
this movement creates the final speed and the impact itself is realized. Three-headed work
the muscles in both settings are of the same type, however, when set to “speed”, its duration is 11% less than when set to “strength”.
It is characteristic that before the moment of impact of the fist with the target and even a little further, the bioelectrical activity of the quadriceps femoris muscle (right) and gastrocnemius muscle (left) is observed. This indicates the creation and maintenance of a stable position of the body during the execution of a shock movement (rotation around the vertical axis, movement of the BCT, etc.) and at the moment of impact of the fist with the target.
After the blow, the bioelectrical activity of the registered muscles drops, the boxer returns to its original position - the fighting stance, when the muscles are relaxed.
Thus, the cumulative activity of the muscles of the body links in the shock movement is an upward wave of efforts with consistent and expedient inclusion of the muscles. This switching sequence allows you to continuously and smoothly increase the speed of each subsequent link, i.e., the speed of movement increases from the supporting links of the body to the distal ones. This pattern is especially clearly manifested when performing a strike with the setting “for strength”. For a strike “for speed”, the absence of a “wave” is characteristic, but a certain sequence of work of the links of the body (legs - arms) is still preserved. The movement is more fleeting, it immediately creates enough
high speed due to the coordinated work of the muscle groups of the legs. In the future, the speed increases only due to the extension of the arm in the elbow joint. At the same time, the relatively low activity of the leg muscles (calf and quadriceps) should be noted. Since in both variants of shock movements (for strength, for speed) the activity of the muscle groups of the legs is most important, special attention in the training process should be paid to the technique of effective work of the legs and the development of the special physical qualities necessary for this - strength, speed, etc.

Based on the articles by O.P. Topyshev and G.O. Jeroyan in the Boxing Yearbook. - M.: FiS, 1978