For the profession of a racer, what school subject to study. I want to be a racer! Where to begin? Made myself

. C A K S T A T I G O N SCH I C O M.

In order to answer the question " how to become a racer ”, you need to ask yourself another important question: “how exactly become a racer ”, because, thanks to this clarification, the first clarification of the situation for the future rider will begin.

The next question should sound like this: “how far am I ready to go along the chosen path and what I am ready to give for it.” In this case, we are talking about the degree of perseverance and diligence and the amount of work that is necessary in order to achieve the desired result and those costs (mental, financial, etc.) that are inevitable and which are proportional to the level on which the future racer wants to go.

In this section, we will talk about those competitions in which a potential rider can take part that are relevant to the programs “ AR- Motorsport ”, that is, about amateur and professional circuit races. This information will answer the question how to become a racer ».

In chapter " Racing ”, the characteristics and differences between amateur and professional circuit competitions are given. It should be added that a person who does not have any experience in driving, even a very "modest" in its characteristics, a racing car should not force things, and try after a single test to go to the race of any amateur stage, because, almost certainly, it will end serious accident, and financial loss. Therefore, you should not save on tests, it will cost you more, literally.

In order for something to work out well, you need to be able to assess your capabilities in an adult way, and devote enough time to preparing for competitions, because, participation in automobile competitions, even amateur, it is, far from always, an “easy walk”. In light of the above, we can rephrase a little main question « how to become a racer ”, to a more refined version: “how long will it take to become a racer ».

Likewise, it should be said here that to rule racing car, it's not the same as driving, even a very powerful, road sports car. First of all, because a strictly “allotted” trajectory of movement is used for racing, similar to a narrow corridor, and if you stray from this trajectory, then you will inevitably stray from the “racing rhythm”. This is well known to all, more or less intelligent riders.

And this can sometimes be observed when, some, the owner of a powerful road car comes to ride in a karting club. This little "cart" reveals all the mistakes that the "pilot" makes, for "one or two". That is why, almost all professional racers started and are starting with karting.

Also, you need to take into account that a race car behaves like an exposed nerve: it is very sensitive to the slightest "annoyance" from the person driving it, and if you do not "merge" with the race car into one, if you do not understand what to do with it “capricious creature”, if you don’t have the same “bare” sensitivity on your part, then you can forget about records. This, looking at professionals on TV, you might think that everything is not so difficult, but we already know that this fantasy is not true.

Let's summarize what has been said. First of all, the question how to become a racer ' should be more precise. Then, you must decide what you want from the auto racing niche you have chosen. After that, you need to decide what you are willing to give in order to achieve your goal. It is this clarity of intentions that gives rise to the result. And don't forget to believe in yourself.

How to become a professional racer in Russia

If you are a car enthusiast, then surely when you watched Formula 1 competitions on TV, you imagined yourself driving a racing car. Indulged in dreams of a racing career and regretted that your life went a little differently. the site tells you how you can follow your dream and conquer the racetracks of our country.

If you are a car enthusiast, then surely when you watched Formula 1 competitions on TV, you imagined yourself driving a racing car. Indulged in dreams of a racing career and regretted that your life went a little differently. Sovsport. entells you how you can follow your dream and conquer the circuits of our country.

As many motorsport fans know, most drivers " royal races started his career in karting. Moreover, almost all of this stage was passed in childhood. But what if you are no longer a child, and the desire to race on a professional basis has not disappeared anywhere?

Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation. it circuit racing RRC , where available good skills and a certain amount of money to get through is quite realistic. In order to apply there, you need to get a racing license. How to do it?

To do this, you must undergo an examination at a local sports and physical education dispensary. Then you need to prepare all the equipment and conclude an agreement with the insurance company. Having prepared everything Required documents, apply for a license to the main commission of the RAF. To obtain the status of a professional race car driver, the federation's functionaries will require that they graduate from a certified extreme driving school or present a certificate from a team that is ready to enroll a candidate for pilots. Please note that your license will expire at the end of the calendar year, December 31, regardless of the date you received it.

Particular attention should be paid to equipment. It includes a helmet, balaclava, fireproof overalls and gloves. All these pleasures will cost about 40 thousand, but without them you will not be allowed to race. Ammunition can be rented.

The RRC sign combines several racing series, such as Legends, MitJet, National, Touring Light, Super Production, Touring, LadaGranta Cup and Russia Grand Prix. We will now briefly describe each of them.


The cheapest series in terms of financial costs. The average cost of participation in the water stage is 60 thousand rubles. About half of this amount will be spent on renting the car itself, while the rest includes an entrance fee and the service of professional mechanics. The cost of Ena's racing license to participate in the stages of this series is only 250 rubles. You will be provided with cars stylized for the 30s by the American company "600 RacingInc" with an engine capacity of 1.3 liters and a power of 130 hp.


Also are good option for beginners. Cars in this series remotely resemble sports cars, and are equipped with a 1.3-liter engine of 150 horsepower. However, the cost of participation is higher: for one stage you will have to pay 150 thousand rubles.


The most mass touring semi-professional class in RRC. It has a relatively low cost - 120 thousand per stage. Races are held mainly on Kalinas with a 140-horsepower engine. In addition to them, Renault Logan and Sandero of Russian assembly, as well as Wolskwagen Polo, can be announced. The entrance fee for participation in the competition is 15 thousand rubles.

"Touring Light"

This series involves cars with 1.6 liter engines with engine power up to 180hp. The main segment here is occupied by foreign cars CitroenC2, HondaCivic, the aforementioned Polo and Peugeot 206. They race here and on LadaKalinaSport with all the necessary refinements. Participation in one stage will cost the racer 200-250 thousand without taking into account tests and tire costs.

"Super production"

The engine power of cars in this series reaches 240 “horses”, and the maximum speed is up to 185 km / h. As a rule, these are old BMW 320, HondaCivic and OpelAstra models. The cost of one car per stage fluctuates around 300-350 thousand rubles.


In fact, the entire RRC elite is gathered here. Cars in this class comply with FIA regulations, so you can often find decommissioned vehicles from European racing series here. Their power can reach 300 horsepower, and maximum speed- 200 kilometers per hour. The pleasure of riding such a monster costs 400-450 thousand.


Specialists of AVTOVAZ for this series brought the engine "Grants" to 240 horsepower. In fact, this is the same car that participates in the Touring class, but in a more simplified modification. The cost of participation in one stage is 260 thousand rubles.

"Formula Russia"

The only class in RRC with open wheels. Here are those pilots who plan to race at the international level in the future. The cost of the race is kept secret, however, according to rumors, it is in the region of 407 thousand rubles. The car is allowed to be rented either for the whole season or for half of it. In case of shortage of funds, the administration of the championship can help find sponsors. The series involves TatuusFA010 cars from the Italian Formula Abarth. Their maximum power is equivalent to 180 horsepower, and they develop 250 km / h.

As you can see, auto racing requires large financial investments and a lot of time. However, if you are able to give both for the sake of thrill and the desire to realize your dream, then we can only wish you that it comes true!

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Race driver- sportsman, professional participant of automobile races. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physical education and life safety (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Auto racing is spectator sport. The driver drives a special, custom-made racing car. Each such car is exclusive, perfect, magnificent. A racing driver in his professional qualities must correspond to this miracle of technology and engineering.

The success of the competition depends on how the rider feels his car and merges with it in a single impulse. Driving a car is a certain coordination of movements, in a racer it is ahead of consciousness. These should be automatic reactions that are developed by many repetitions, depend on experience. A rider devotes a lot of time to training, so when he participates in competitions in real time, some things he gets automatically.

Racing driver leads serious training to the competition long before they start. Its tasks include: studying the topography of the track, conducting the race according to the topography of the track; operation and management of a racing car; theoretical development of effective maneuvers on the track before the race together with the coach or independently while passing the track; opportunity assessment vehicle and participation in its improvement; regular training in preparation for the race; psychological preparation to the race.

Pros and cons of the profession


Prestige, passion, for fans of extreme sports - an incredible adrenaline rush. Racers are called adrenaline junkies.


Danger and serious risk, colossal responsibility. Behind the race car driver are sponsors, mechanics, a whole team, thanks to which it becomes possible to participate in races. The burden of responsibility before them is very pressing.

A racing driver is not so much a profession as a vocation. The pilot of the car, the race car driver, gets nothing but the respect and admiration of the people who root for him. And a cup that costs several hundred rubles. There are super professional pilots, few of them in Russia, who receive money for their work. But in Russian circuit sports there are not even five of them. The vast majority of racers do it for their own pleasure, invest their money in racing. The most talented, experienced, professional ones find an opportunity to attract other people's money (sponsors' money). As a rule, racing drivers make their living in a field indirectly related to racing - this can be automotive journalism, coaching and instructor work, preparation of automotive presentations, etc.

Types of automobile competitions can be classified according to the types of tracks on which competitions are held, according to the features of racing technology, according to the features of sports regulations, etc.

The composition of the crew of the car depends on the type of race. For example, in a race car around the ring, the driver controls the car on his own. And in galli, the crew of the car consists of two people: the first pilot is the driver, the second pilot is the navigator.

Racing cars.

European firms started building racing cars after 1900. Today there are a large number of different racing cars. According to the engine capacity and weight, racing cars are divided into groups - racing formulas: formula 1 (3 liters, less than 500 kg), formula 2 (up to 1.6 liters, less than 450 kg), formula 3 (up to 1 liter, less than 400 kg). Most well-known firms for the production of racing cars - these are Lotus (Great Britain), Porsche (Germany), Ford (USA).


Automobile sports organizations (sportsman, coach); sports clubs; sport sections.

Important qualities

The ability to take risks, quick response, developed spatial imagination, distribution of attention, flexibility of thinking, high noise immunity, self-confidence, good coordination movements, physical endurance, the ability to analyze and predict the development of the situation, mental and emotional stability, perseverance and perseverance, the desire to win, excellent health, sharp eyesight, good eye, excellent concentration.


Salary as of 11/19/2019

Russia 25000—120000 ₽

Moscow 30000—120000 ₽

Where do they teach

You can become a professional race car driver by participating in sports clubs and sections.

Famous race car drivers

In Formula 1, race cars are extremely fast, and the safety of the race car driver is of great importance. Before each race, the condition of the rider and the car is checked. A Formula 1 participant must wear a special Sparco suit that protects him from fire for 14 seconds. One of the best racing drivers in the world is Lewis Hamilton, a British race car driver who plays for the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes team. He became the youngest world champion in Formula 1 history at 23. So far, no one has been able to achieve its result.

Motorsport in Russia

On the the highest level motorsport is located in Tatarstan - the entire leadership of the republic is engaged in motorsport. There is a chic autodrome, the best rally-cross track in Europe, now the construction of the ring track is almost completed. Tatarstan is a real refuge of motor sports, the only one in the whole of the Russian Federation. There is only one autodrome in the Moscow region - Myachkovo. There is also a small track in Krasnoyarsk, but it is too far from Moscow. Such a deplorable situation in Russian motorsport is explained by the fact that it is unprofitable for the organizers to hold auto races, it is unprofitable, they are left with a small margin. Most often, it is impossible to hold a competition without outside help, without additional sponsorship. There is a serious problem with motorsport developers or promoters. In Russia, there is no track for the Formula 1 stages, at one time there was no investor who was ready to invest big money in this. Such a huge professional circuit would give a boost to motorsport in Russia.

Motorsport in America

In America, the motorsport industry is superbly developed. Races from the NASCAR series are incredibly popular - 36 stages a year, 40 cars at the start, 6 cameras are installed on each car, which “water” the entire track in real time. This means: 240 cameras on cars plus the same number throughout the track. About 150 thousand spectators at each race. Tens of millions of TV viewers watching this series. Races are held three days in a row: Friday, Saturday, Sunday. This is a professional, serious and extremely profitable industry.


Was born: 26.04.1987
Growth: 178 cm
The weight: 74 kg
From 2006 to 2010 rode for the Vector Racing team. Now he represents the Yakhnich Motorsport team.


Vladimir on how motorsport works in Russia and abroad:


There are many disciplines in motorsport, but two of the largest groups can be distinguished among them: motocross (off-road races) and “ring” - on bikes on asphalt. Highway-ring types of motorsport require b about large investments of funds both from the organizers (building a track with a hard surface is an expensive pleasure), and from the participants (sportbikes are much more expensive than motocross motorcycles). In Russia, motorsport fans don’t have much money, so motocross is better developed in our country than “highway”, especially since we, frankly, have a lot of off-road. We even have a world-class Russian motorcycle racer - Evgeny Bobryshev. In 2010, he was one of the top ten riders in the Motocross World Championship. I started my sports career off-road for the same reason - from 15 to 19 years old I participated in the cross-country championships of Russia.


There are two main events in road racing: the World Superbike Championship and the World Road Racing Championship (Moto GP). The first is carried out on motorcycles created on the basis of serial models, in the second one rides the so-called prototypes - bikes that are made specifically for the pilot and for the championship regulations in the amount of several pieces. If we compare the two championships, Moto GP is cooler - it is an analogue of the automobile Formula 1. I scored my first Superbike World Championship point in 2007 in the Superstock 600 class at Brands Hatch. In Moto GP, I rode the 2009 season in the GP250 (250cc) class, and at the Le Mans stage I got into the top ten. In 2010, I again started the season in Moto GP, but due to an injury received at the first stage, I could not finish it. This year I participated in the 6th stage of the World Superbike championship in the Supersport class on a wild card (at the invitation of the organizers and without participation in the qualification), and in 2012 I will be in the same class full member world championship.


Now 7 motorcycle manufacturers take part in the World Superbike Championship: the “Japanese four” - Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki, Italians Ducati and Aprillia, as well as BMW. A Superbike class motorcycle costs 150-200 thousand dollars, a Moto GP class bike costs under 2 million dollars. At the same time, World Superbike and Moto GP do not differ so much in intrigue and intensity of passions. average speed in the Moto GP class - about 175 km / h, and in the Superbike class - 150 km / h. I have a Yamaha R6 now and I've been riding it all season in open championship Italy in the Superstock 600 class. On the same bike I will participate in the 2012 Superbike World Championship.


Now I am in the Yakhnich Motorsport team, which is named after one of the owners, businessman Alexander Yakhnich. On the Russian teams it is difficult to earn, so they are mostly owned by wealthy people - as a hobby. The team gives me motorcycles, mechanics, takes me to training and competitions. Besides, I get paid here. I won’t tell you how much my pay is, but abroad riders of my level receive about 200,000 euros a year. Now imagine the total cost per team, given that Yakhnich Motorsport has 5 motorcycle racers - 2 women and 3 men.

The management of the team, based on their financial capabilities and my athletic performance, decides where and how I will compete. For example, I got into Moto GP because Vladimir Truschenkov, the head of my previous Vector Racing Team, decided to send me there, and now the owners of Yakhnich Motorsport have decided that I have a place on World Superbike.


Russian motorcycle racers can only train for serious championships abroad. Traveling to Germany, Spain or Italy is an expensive pleasure. Only for the track, the team pays 300-400 euros per rider per day, and you also need to buy tires, pay for the delivery of equipment, hotels, depreciation of bikes. For example, it takes three sets of rubber per day, since you wind up 300 km per workout. It runs in order - one ride on the weekend costs 5 thousand euros. Therefore, until recently, I did not train much, and only this winter I got the opportunity to travel more: we lived for almost two months in Spain, and I rode there every weekend. In Russia, a cross-country motorcycle also helps out - you can train on them all year round.


The main market for motorcycle manufacturers is Europe, so almost all stages of the Moto GP and the Superbike World Championship are held in the Old World. In Russia, there has not yet been a world-class motorcycle racing track, but by the summer of 2012, near Volokolamsk, they promise to complete the construction of the Moscow Raceway ring, which will regularly host one of the stages of the World Superbike Championship. If this happens, the level of Russian road motorcycle racers will certainly rise sharply.


Vladimir rides this bike. The aerodynamic body kit is the same as the production model. There are no rear-view mirrors, optics, fasteners for numbers, a sound signal, fasteners for a luggage net, steps and handles for a passenger.

Replacing the serial clutch and transmission is prohibited, however, a quick-shift system permitted by the regulations has been installed, which allows you to shift gears without depressing the clutch.

The cylinders, pistons, rings, injectors, crankshaft and camshaft are the same as the stock bike. The electronic "brains" of the engine have been modified, racing wiring has been installed, new intake and exhaust systems, and a radiator with increased performance. As a result, the engine runs on gasoline with an octane rating above 100 and produces 140 hp on the dyno. s., and not 105, as in stock models. Engine capacity - 600 cubic meters. cm.

The frame is serial.

Vladimir advises how not to lose face on the race track:


1. Think

A few days before the race, I mentally go through the entire track up to each turn. If a track is new to me, I sit down at the Playstation and ride it in virtual reality. Before the stage, I replay in my head different situations that may arise on the track: what could be the results of the qualification, who will stand where on the grid, who can close me, whom to overtake on the first relay.

2. Warm up

Before leaving for the start, be sure to stretch and warm up on an exercise bike for at least 10 minutes. This is both physical and psychological preparation - while I am pedaling, I internally gather and go into a state of "high alert". I take my trainer with me.


1. Keep your eyes open

The main principle of driving any wheeled vehicle is where I look, I go there. On a motorcycle, it is worth staring at a pole, and you have already crashed into it. However, on the track, I not only draw the trajectory in front of the bike with my eyes, but also look at the next turns - at a speed of under 200 km / h I will be there in a couple of seconds.

2. Slide

In a gentle turn, the bike on the "derzhak" (both wheels retain traction. - MH ) travels faster than gliding. But some - steep - hairpins pass sideways faster. Thanks to skid rear wheel motorcycle after the apex ("upper" turning point. - MH) immediately finds itself on an accelerating trajectory.

3 facts from the biography of Vladimir Leonov, despite which he got into the highway-ring motorcycle racing

Made myself

I have never had a coach. My father put me on a motorcycle. He has been involved in motocross since high school. They even wanted to take him to the CSKA team, but the documents were mixed up at the military registration and enlistment office, and he had to go to serve in the usual unit. As a result, he never became a professional athlete.

In the yard "firewood"

Until I was fifteen, I didn’t have a real sports bike, and I didn’t really go to competitions. My father made my first motorcycle out of a bicycle when I was five years old. Then I had another bike with a D6 engine, then a converted moped with a Kovrov engine and a “chezet” with a 125 cc engine.

Started late

I came to road racing quite late - at the age of 19. In Europe, parents send their children to the section to engage in road racing, as in our country. figure skating, - from 5 years. By the age of 20, such athletes already have 10 years of experience in racing on asphalt.

Motorcycles for road racing (SHKMG) are divided into classes depending on the engine size. All significant national championships in SHKMG are built on classes from the World Superbike Championship (and insignificant ones, like the Russian one, too): Superbike itself (engines from 750 to 1200 cc) and Supersport (from 400 to 750 cc). The main classes duplicate two additional ones: Superstock 1000 and Superstock 600, which allow serial motorcycles with minimal design changes. Moto GP has three classes - Moto GP (motorcycles with engines up to 800 cc), Moto2 (up to 600 cc) and GP125 (up to 125 cc).

A child lives in any man - this is a fact, although men themselves deny it. However, with age, their toys do not tolerate changes, they only acquire new dimensions. Now it's not just a car on a string, but a real car. It also happens that adult representatives of the stronger sex seriously think about how to become a racer. And in the 21st century, everyone has such an opportunity.

Numerous sports schools are now open, which train racers from young to old. Therefore, there is only one answer to the question of how to become a racer in Russia - it is very simple, the main thing is to be patient, seriously set a goal for yourself and work to achieve it.

Problems of racing sport in Russia

Racing has always attracted people. This is a spectacular event, excitement, adrenaline, extreme. Today, both amateurs and professionals arrange races, and competitions can take place not only on cars, but also on water, air transport and even self-made vehicles. But we will dwell in more detail on competitions among cars. If you are a parent future star autotracks or an adult man who wants to change his life, then for sure you constantly have many questions, for example, how to become a racer. And all these questions are far from groundless, because a novice racer really does not know where to go and where to get the necessary skills.

Street racing

There are not many places in our country where you can master this sports craft. In cities with a population of up to 500,000 people, the infrastructure for holding such events is completely absent. For this reason, informal and semi-basement communities arise, whose members proudly call themselves street racers. They buy cheap domestic cars for themselves, tune them up and, to loud music and the squeal of brakes, disturb the sleep of the inhabitants of the sleeping areas of their towns.

Saying it's illegal is an understatement. This is very dangerous, and not only for irresponsible "racers" (by the way, these people have nothing to do with motor sports). As a rule, their cars are not in perfect condition, they themselves often participate in races while intoxicated, and the risk of getting into a fatal accident or becoming the culprit is more than high. Therefore, here you need to remember once and for all: illegal street racing is illegal, dangerous and not about sports. But let's talk about how to become a professional racer in Russia right now.

Features of the profession

Everyone who is looking for an answer to the question of how to become a Formula racer and plans to drive a racing car must understand that this is not a toy, this is a real sport, a profession. You can't be a Saturday racer twice a month, you need a completely different approach here. And since we consider this sphere of human activity as a profession, we should say about its features.

The main event in the life of a rider is competition. He prepares for them for a long time, carefully and responsibly. To be an athlete, it is not enough to buy a used "seven" and completely tint it - to participate in professional competitions you will need a special car (for rally, formula and off-road racing, you need different configurations of cars). And this is a very serious expense item. Every day you need to spend a lot of time on sports tracks, and these are the costs of their rental, gasoline, equipment, etc. In addition, you must have personal coach, a mentor who can work with you individually or as part of a small group of like-minded people. All this suggests that the participants in the races are not poor people, you must have considerable funds in order to come into this sport. Finally, there are also physical and moral qualities that anyone who gets behind the wheel of a sports car must possess.

The car is a source of increased danger. The driver should actually be a part of his iron horse, its continuation, feel its dimensions. Some athletes admit that they talk to their cars, feel their mood and live as if it were not just an engine and an iron body, but a real partner and comrade. So racing is a whole philosophy, a way of life that requires a lot of time, money and special moral qualities.

Pros of the profession

Few people think about the pros and cons of a racing car. It is not enough to know what it takes to become a racing driver, it is also important to weigh the pros and cons. Some dreamers are still dreamers when they learn how much to do and how far they need to go before entering their first ever competition.

But first, about the positive, namely the advantages of the racer profession. People who are in love with cars most often come to this sport. It is not uncommon for current athletes to work outside of their driver's seat in a field close to racing. Someone is engaged in teaching activities, automotive journalism, others work at automotive presentations, exhibitions, or even at least in car dealerships. One way or another, there are no “strangers” here.

The advantages of this lifestyle and the profession as a whole include, of course, prestige. If you manage to break through to the top of the racing sport and lead the tops of the most successful racers, then consider that you have earned a comfortable old age for yourself and your children. Secondly, pilots become for the adrenaline rush. Racing is not just excitement and struggle, but also a great danger. Risk and extreme make people drop everything and press the gas pedal to the limit.

Cons of the profession

However, not everything is so smooth. The life of a racer is a constant stress. The same risk, adrenaline and danger to life, which can be attributed to pluses, is also a minus. There is a risk not only to get into an accident, but also to die in it or remain disabled for the rest of your life. There are many examples when successful athletes were left without legs, arms, or even went to another world after a terrible accident. In addition, the king (and in our case, the racer) is made by the retinue.

Sponsors, crew, mechanics, club - all these people are behind the athlete and make it possible for him to participate in competitions. Expensive contracts are concluded, the burden of responsibility at some point begins to literally put pressure on the pilot of a sports car. However, this story is not only about motorsport, this situation is inherent in any big one. Thus, if your goal is amateur races, then there is less responsibility, but you need to understand that it will never completely disappear.

Qualities required for a rider

Anyone who has made the decision to professionally engage in motorsport must regularly undergo a medical examination. There are no people here with any kind of disease, your cardiovascular and nervous system should be in perfect order. Among the qualities that are necessary for any racer, one can note the speed of reaction, the ability to take risks and put other people at risk, the ability to negotiate, convince sponsors and the crew of their confidence and victory, sociability. Good intuition, coordination of movements, physical and psychological endurance, the ability to quickly make an important decision, the ability to analyze, have good vision, the so-called "eye".

It is also important to have critical and strategic thinking, the ability to think quickly and analyze the situation, feel the car and be able to predict the development of events. In addition, you need to perfectly understand the device of the car, be able to fix breakdowns on your own.

Place of work for the racer

As for places of work, there are not so many of them. Indeed, this is a specific profession, especially for our country. Learning how to become a racing driver is only half the battle. But where then to get settled? If we consider racing as a professional hobby, then this is not such an acute issue. However, if you really decide to go into the profession “with your head”, then you can try to find yourself in sports clubs, motor sports organizations (you can be not just an athlete, but also a qualified coach), sports sections. In the end, you can try to create your own school or your own sport Club in your hometown and turn your favorite business into a profitable business.

Where they train to be racers

How to become a professional racer? In fact, there is only one way - to come to sports school or section. There is a possibility as individual lessons, and group courses in their age group. The problem is that in most cities in Russia there are no specialized institutions that can help you get a professional racer's license. The option of “going abroad” is quite possible, but in this case you will either have to live in two countries, or leave your homeland forever. In addition, you need to be fluent in a foreign language and have enough funds to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is best to find an option within your native country, fortunately, today it is not so difficult to do this.

Motorsport Center in Russia

The main center of all riders in our country is not in Moscow and not in St. Petersburg, but in Tatarstan. Yes, indeed, local authorities pay great attention to racing in the region. There is an excellent modern circuit with a high quality infrastructure that meets all international standards. There is also the best rally-cross track in Europe, a fairly large ring track.

Many clubs, sections and schools - all located in Kazan and around the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Therefore, there should not be any particular problems in mastering this craft, although it must be admitted that developing in the classical direction is not as difficult as becoming a rally driver in Russia. Recently, an autodrome has also been developed in Sochi and Krasnoyarsk, there is a small track in the Moscow region. This is where the racing infrastructure in Russia, alas, ends, which, on the other hand, gives hope for the development of this area in the near future.


Thus, anyone can become a racing car pilot in Russia. It is better, of course, to start your sports career from childhood or adolescence, however, if you are 30 and you decide to change your life, then no one will forbid you to do this. In Russia, the only place where you can become a sports racer is Tatarstan. There they can teach anyone how to become a racer, but on the condition that a person has carefully thought through everything, weighed it and is ready for the difficulties that will arise on the path of becoming a professional athlete.