Facebook building with evgenia baglyk nasolabial triangle. Features of facial gymnastics according to the method of Evgenia Baglyk. The effect of the face-building technique

We will start with a simple gymnastics. People who suffer from edema do it 2 times a day after waking up in the morning and before going to bed in the evening. Thus, you will be much more efficient in dispersing the lymph. So let's go!

First, we will draw horizontal eights with our eyes, that is, as infinity in one direction, and in the other direction. We will do repetitions 5 times. For 5 accounts.

Now eights are normal. Number 8 in one direction, and in the other. Try to draw as big as possible.

Now we will draw circles: in one direction a large circle, and in the other a large circle. We will do 5 reps. You can increase the amount as far as you feel comfortable until your eyes get very tired.

Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes

Upper eyelid

We will upper eyelids put pressure on the lower ones, pressing down very hard, without closing your eyes. We fix the fingers in the corners. You do not indent, you immediately put your fingers in as soon as the eye is completed. Remember that we do not push with all possible force. Our task is simply to fix the skin, to press it against the bone. That's it, you don't need to push harder!

Press the upper eyelids on the lower ones. One - opened, two - opened, three - opened, four - under your fingers you should feel rattling, tension. Six, seven, eight, nine. And on the last count, we linger longer: we hold on as long as we can and that's it - we relax.

They blinked their eyes, clapped. This exercise strengthens upper eyelid, namely its moving part, so that there is no flabbiness, and so that this zone is elastic and toned.

lower eyelid

We will look a little higher, find a point on the wall for yourself, and with the lower eyelids we will reach up, as if you do not see something, you want to read something and squint. Squinted - relaxed, squinted - relaxed. As in the photo.

Now we fix the corners with our fingers in the same way, do not press with all our might, just press the skin, look up and do the exercise, pull up the lower eyelid, the forehead should not move at all. We do one - relax, two - relax (you should feel the entire area under the eye), three, four, five, six (remember the forehead), seven, eight, nine and tightened, held and relaxed. Good! They blinked.

This exercise is for smoothing out wrinkles, removing crow's feet to plump the area, reduce dips, and remove bags.

Pumping the orbital part of the circular muscle of the eye

Now we will pump the orbital part of the circular muscle in order to smooth out the crow's feet from the outside and, in principle, strengthen the skeleton of the eye so that it does not sit down or shrink over time. This means that we will close one eye first, then the second eye very tightly, we no longer simply press it lightly, but we close our eyes with all our might and pump each one in turn.

Fixation is important. We place our fingers along the eyebrow at the top, along the bone below, do not climb into the eye socket - along the bone along the eyebrow. We place the fingers at the top so that the eyebrow is completely closed. We must definitely fix the inner corner of the eyebrow.

The index fingers meet, make sure that you press with the pads of your fingers, and do not dig in with your nails, otherwise there will be marks. And when you fix the eyebrow, make sure that you place your fingers on the relaxed eyebrow, and the eyebrow is in its natural place.

So, we fixed it, we don’t press it with all our might. We fix just enough so that the skin does not wrinkle, and we begin. Also, when we do exercises on one eye, we try to leave the other without movement. Get ready, let's get started.

One we strain - we relax, two we strain - we relax, three we strain - we relax, four ... we continue further. You should feel under your fingers up and down that the muscles are trying to break out and shrink into the center. The tension should be strong, much stronger than in our previous exercises. There are 3 more times left, and now we press and fix, or rather, we linger longer - and we all relax. They blinked and moved to the other eye.

We fixed it in the same way, we already know how, and we squeeze it with all our might. One - we relax, two (remember about the second eye, we try to strain it as little as possible), three, four, five, six (lips and jaws opened), seven, eight, nine and now we closed our eyes with all our might and hold: we held and relaxed . Blink a little.

For those who cannot work out their eyes one at a time, then I recommend easier exercises for you.

You just put your fingers in the corners and learn to close your eyes: one - the second, one - the second. We try to keep the eyebrows moving less, and when you get a little more confident in doing this, then you can gradually move on to the exercise that was given above. To get faster, you need to try, not be afraid and monitor what happens to the muscle.

And our last exercise for wrinkles - we will bulge our eyes wide. We look ahead, the face is motionless. On the count of one - they bulged with force and relaxed, on the count of two - they bulged and relaxed. At the same time, the forehead does not move, everything is relaxed here, we do this in order to strengthen the muscle that raises the upper eyelid, and it is inside. It depends on its tone how wide our eyes are, we strengthen this muscle so that we do not have a lowered eyelid, and so that the upper eyelid is in good shape, and we also help to relax the circular muscle of the eye after squeezing.

Be sure to do the exercises in the exact order in which they are told. Only 10 times and now they opened their eyes very wide and remained bulging - they lingered and relaxed, blinking. Fine!

Exercise on the upper and lower eyelids, we do 30 repetitions. Exercise, when we close one eye at a time, we do 20 for each and we also do bulging 30 times. If you are doing alternate closing, then you are doing 30 times.

And it’s also important not to rush, because there is a fat pad in this area, and if you do very intensively and do a lot of repetitions, you risk drying it out, then the eye will look like it’s sunken, like you’re sick, so be sure to slow pace. Be patient!

This concludes our exercises for correcting the eye area, they are the most effective. Don't forget to exercise every day!

Expert trainer – Evgenia Baglyk

5 (100%) 3 votes

Today we are working on a very important area - the center of the face. The shape of your face in general and how much it holds or how much it begins to swim and fall depends on what tone the muscles of this part are in. We will form the contour itself and correct the nasolabial zone.

Exercises for the central part of the face


This is very important exercise. We are working on the zygomatic muscles in order to form beautiful apples of the cheeks, so that there is more at the top than at the bottom, that is, an inverted triangle, not vice versa when everything goes down. Well-developed zygomatic muscles hold our face like a frame, they do not allow us to fall. And also, if one of the zygomatic muscles works less, a pronounced one may appear.

First, they pulled the mouth into an oval. This is your starting position. You should immediately get used to it, do not let go of the corners to the sides. We will push. A lot of people don't get it right the first time, and that's okay. IN Everyday life your muscles do not work in this mode, so it may take you some time to feel them.

What can I do to feel faster? Try to make faces as if you felt an unpleasant smell or you don’t like something, that is, you push this part up.

The task is to raise the central zone: not squint under the eyes, but raise the cheekbones up. You can smile as if you are laughing very hard to tighten this zone, wink, as if you are winking at someone so exaggeratedly. Making these areas move is our goal.

After you have tried these methods, again make an oval with your mouth and try to make the same antics out of the oval. And now we will fix this position, because the nasolabial part is moving one way or another, no matter how hard we hold our mouth, we will fix it and we will do exercises on the cheekbones. It is important that the eyes do not connect and that the mouth stays in place.

Please note that our hands are always in only one position. Unnamed fingers under the nostrils, middle and index - near the nose. And see that your jaw is not as open as possible, because your joints will numb. You are not pulling the oval down, but forward, that is, my jaw is not lowered to the maximum. This was the first exercise. After training the cheekbones, move on to the next.


Next, we will do exercises for fangs. Why are these muscles important? They are wide enough, they go from below the eyes, they will support the middle part so that they do not fall down. If someone has a spasm of the nasolabial fold, this will help to make a smoother transition, and we will also form the contour of the lip.

We make such a wide grin, trying to open the fangs, as if you were a vampire. I have one client who said that it was the grin of a vampire. The task is to open the front teeth at least up to the fangs, up to the fourth. At first you just tried it, now we will fix it with our hands.

We lay our fingers obliquely: ring and middle. The nameless one is somewhere above the lip, the middle one is a little higher. We clamp very tightly and do the same as in the previous exercise. That is, your movement will stop here, it will not go higher there under the eyes.

It is important that the corners of the mouth are not connected. We do not work with the corners of the mouth, we raise the center, that is, as if the threads are pulling you from the lip upwards. So that this part does not rise above the finger, because this will mean that you are not holding, and you will make yourself a very risky room.
The movement stops here, but you should feel tension from the lip and up, you should feel your cheekbones tense up, or rather, these are fangs. Two.


Now we do exercises on the cheeks. Their tone is needed in order to maintain the lower third of the face. The buccal muscle also does not work practically in ordinary life, therefore, naturally, it becomes flabby very quickly, fleas begin to appear, the contour of the face floats.

As in the previous exercises, we stretch the mouth into an oval, we already know how to do this. From this position, we will try to press our cheeks on our fingers, which will act as a simulator. That is, we draw in the cheeks. We will put the index and middle fingers on the cheek, without tearing the mouth, without resting with the fingers: the fingers are even along the cheek. The only thing is that you must move your fingers so that you immediately feel the cheek, so that it is not located somewhere separately. And from this position we will try. Fingers in tension are your simulators, and you press with your cheeks.

Notice how my cheeks go inward. You should have the same amplitude, that is, the cheek is gone and puffed out, gone and puffed out. It is very important! This will indicate that your muscle is working fully.

What is important here? Keep your mouth in an oval. If you do like this, you will form a very large hall for yourself. You can try to say "o" at the moment when you press your cheeks.
Say “o-o-o-o-o”, that is, due to this “o”, you, as it were, plan a movement for yourself. When you succeed, you will put your thumbs across the nasolabial line. What for? In order to further protect yourself and keep the nasolabial zone so that it does not fidget with you.

Let's do it a few more times. Try not to move your jaw down too much, because then your joint will become numb, and you will not be able to strain your cheeks, that is, your jaw is a little lower.
The main thing is to pull the mouth forward and press with the cheeks, namely with the cheek muscles. After the exercise, inflate the right and left cheeks now, blow through the lips. The vibration must be strong.

Statics for the nasolabial zone

And the last exercise - we do statics in order to align the nasolabial zone. We have this mimic zone. All the muscles of the center are very strongly clamped, they spasm. Grimacing, somehow doing these things, for example, straining very hard here, pursing your lips - all this, by the way, must be excluded, that is, you must control your mouth, carefully monitor what is happening, and stop moving it in vain. It means when you do not talk, do not express emotions, but move this part.

To relieve spasm, we stretch our mouth into an oval, a smooth, beautiful oval, as we did for the cheeks and cheekbones. The chin should not wrinkle, and the corners of the mouth should go forward. The entire nasolabial area should be completely smoothed out. You stretch and stay there for 10 seconds. Let's try, I'll tell you, and relax.

It is necessary to strive to ensure that the shape of the lips is really like an ideal “o”. This can be done by everyone whose muscles are unclenched, that is, if you fail, this does not mean that you have such a physiology, it happens because you just have muscle spasms. You have to try until you succeed. Let's go again and relax.

At first, you may be uncomfortable, your lip may tremble, tension may not go away here, or your jaw may become numb. When all the spasms are gone, you will be absolutely comfortable with this state, this position.

Let's agree this: you do this exercise 5 times a day for 3 times for 10 seconds, that is, one approach, the second approach, the third approach 5 times a day. It takes a minimum of time, but then you will constantly remove the spasm here, and you will get a beautiful oval.

Try to do it qualitatively, a lot depends on the correctness of the exercises.

Facebook building coach Evgenia Baglyk

As you know, nature does not tolerate emptiness, therefore, an organ that does not work gradually atrophies - the body believes that if it is not in demand, then it is of no value. In order to keep our body strong and strong, we train long and diligently, do massage and various physiotherapy procedures to maintain beauty and health.

But for some reason, we constantly forget that our face also has muscles that can and should be trained. If this is not done, one should not be surprised at early aging, the appearance of sagging cheeks, double chin, flabby neck, bags under the eyes and deep wrinkles on the forehead.

Of course, you can turn to a good plastic surgeon, pay solid money for the operation, and then recover for another six months after it. However, even after the most successful operation, no one can guarantee that in a year or two the muscles will not weaken again and the same problems will appear again, which they just got rid of with such difficulty.

A special system of “fitness gymnastics for the face”, which is called face-building, will help to cope with aging. It includes many different fitness classes for different muscle groups, as well as plastic and lymphatic drainage massages.

This system does not require any special skills or the use of tools, special means and equipment. An online course of exercises for different areas of the face called “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk” turned out to be especially effective and accessible to everyone.

Project founder

A talented fitness trainer with extensive experience, Evgenia Baglyk once wondered why the body successfully fights the signs of aging with exercises, various workouts and minimally invasive methods, and for the correction of facial features, cheekbones, they mainly use "heavy artillery" - dangerous and not always justified plastic surgery.

She began to collect information on the issue of interest to her, carefully study it, study in detail the structure of the bones of the facial part of the skull and the muscles attached to them, the location of the main nerve endings, lymph nodes.

As a result, Evgenia developed her own system of exercises, which are a kind of fitness for facial muscles, personally tested by the author. Evgenia tested many existing techniques and selected, in her opinion, the best and most effective ones, modified them and added a number of movements from her own extensive practice. When she realized that her system was working, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk became available to all men and women, as the author began to lead own program in the Internet.

What problems does facebuilding solve?

Like any muscles of the body, those that are on our face can be successfully “pumped up” and trained, made more dense, strong and elastic. At the same time, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk does not mean at all that the appearance will be covered with the same bumps as on Schwarzenegger's biceps. Firstly, and graceful, it is physically impossible to bring them to such a state by fitness, and secondly, no one will lift them with a face of gravity.

But you can get the following benefits with the help of exercises:

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk is a universal course for men and women of all ages. Young people will be able to get rid of small imperfections, eliminate unnecessary body fat, carry out skin correction after losing weight, getting rid of sagging cheeks and oval changes, improve skin blood supply and nutrition, acquire a beautiful fresh complexion. For those whose age is older, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk will give a correction different zones, removing flabbiness of the skin, making the tissues more elastic, tightening the outlines and smoothing out deep folds. Such fitness will completely eliminate that part of the wrinkles that is directly related to facial expressions and wrong habits, for example, sleeping on the wrong pillow or propping up the cheek with the palm of your hand.

Exercises for different muscle groups of the face

When you read user reviews about Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk, you understand that the effectiveness of this gymnastics largely depends on how hard a person is engaged in fitness and how much time he is ready to devote to exercises. The author of the methodology on the site warns that in order to obtain an excellent result, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the trainer exactly, and the correction will appear no earlier than in two weeks.

To ensure that the result is always high level, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk should become part of a person's daily life. Just like we visit regularly gym and others sports activities, facial muscle training should become a regular daily practice. If you devote insufficient time to classes or do it periodically, even an excellent result achieved over a certain period will quickly come to naught in the absence of constant practice.

One of the most popular complexes from Evgenia Baglyk is the following:

Read also: Change Yourself: Facebook Building by Galina Dubinina

These five exercises are the simplest and most popular of Evgenia's many activities. By visiting her website or watching numerous videos on the net, you can find a lot of useful things for yourself and improve your appearance with simple and effective methods. You can train on your own, carefully listening to the recommendations of the creator of the system, get individual lessons via Skype or personally visit Evgenia's classes in Kyiv. Those who perfectly master the practice of face-building and feel the talent of a coach in themselves are given the opportunity to teach other people this wonderful science - to be young and beautiful in a natural way.

Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. The author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

Comments 1

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Facebuilding for the face (from English facebuilding) - fitness, gymnastics for the facial muscles, developed by the German surgeon Reinhold Benz. A pleasant oval of the face, alluring lips, the absence of wrinkles - all this is achieved with regular training to smooth the contour of the face.

What is facebuilding

To develop and tighten the “frame” of the facial muscles is the main task of this fitness. The German doctor created the name by analogy with the term bodybuilding, the popular "sculpting" of the contour of the muscles of the body among men and women. All developed exercises for the face and neck will help slow down the aging process without surgical intervention, restoring firmness and elasticity to the skin.

All facial gymnastics for the face consists in alternating relaxation and tension of different muscle groups. Daily strengthening of facial muscles (facelift) is the main condition for obtaining a guaranteed result. Age, according to reviews, is not a hindrance to special gymnastics. However, there are also contraindications for this kind of aerobics. You can not do gymnastics:

  1. with hypertension;
  2. after plastic surgery;
  3. after Botox injections;
  4. with pathology of the facial nerve.

Facial exercise

Gradually, smoothly create loads for muscle groups, following the instructions. Do not overdo it. Regularity, perseverance will be useful for systematic evening workouts. The complex of exercises for the face is divided into several stages:

  • Training. Regardless of which facial muscles will be involved, they should be warmed up before any workout.
  • Exercises. Directly performing on your own in front of a mirror, using instructions from a training video or together with a trainer.
  • Rest. An important step is to prevent overload of the muscles of the face, so as not to harm yourself. Take a short break in between other exercises, trying to relax your entire face.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

To highlight the cheekbones, reduce the roundness of the cheeks with their overhanging contours (jowls), make them more elastic - study exercises for the cheeks and cheekbones. facial muscles with the help of this method, they will strengthen, tighten up with regular training - face-building for the face. Special gymnastics to strengthen facial muscles and smooth facial expressions is as follows:

  1. Make a big smile.
  2. Fix the corners of the lips with your thumbs.
  3. Raise the corners of your mouth towards your cheekbones. Count to ten.
  4. Repeat three times.
  5. Imagine a small ball in your mouth. Roll it in a circle, from one cheek to the other - ten times.

Facebook building for the eyes

To eliminate puffiness, remove bags under the eyes, tighten hanging eyelids, smooth wrinkles around them, use the correct load. Facebuilding for the eyes will help to change the contour, restoring youth and elasticity. facial muscles. Instructions:

  1. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes so that they touch the lower eyelids.
  2. Slightly lift the lower eyelids up - ten times. Never stretch!
  3. Fix the skin near the outer corners of the eyes with your fingers. Close your eyes.
  4. Repeat this ten times.

Facebook building to eliminate nasolabial folds

In hard lighting, the loss of elasticity of the muscles around the mouth is very noticeable and upsetting. If you laugh a lot, or want to continue to enjoy life carelessly, Facebook building from nasolabial folds will help you cope with this. Do the following exercises:

  1. Place your thumbs in your mouth so that they are located exactly under the nasolabial folds, vertically, between the lip itself and the teeth.
  2. With your index fingers, touch your thumbs through the skin of your upper lip.
  3. Slowly and gently pull your upper lip down a little, smoothing out the lines and wrinkles.
  4. At the same time, smile broadly, activating the muscles of the cheeks.
  5. Fix this position by counting to ten. Repeat three times.

Facebook building from the second chin

Preventive face-building from the second chin trains the hyoid muscle. To correct the shortcomings is subject even to those who are just beginning to get acquainted with the exercises. You can start creating the appearance of your dreams at any time, you just need to systematically engage. Exercises:

  1. Stick out your tongue as much as possible upper part faces while keeping still. Repeat ten times.
  2. Sit up straight. Raise your chin. In the mouth, with clenched teeth, rest the tip of the tongue against the lower jaw, forming an arc. Count to ten. Then repeat two more times.

Facebuilding for the nose

It will help not only smooth the skin, but also improve the overall shape of a special face-building for the nose. By reducing its swelling or creating a smooth transition from the nose to the cheeks, gymnastics allows you to slightly change your appearance and fall in love with yourself again. The following exercises are suggested:

  1. Place your index fingers along your nose. Then wrinkle it, being careful not to raise your mouth or wrinkle your forehead. Repeat ten times.
  2. Place the tips of your index fingers on the bridge of your nose.
  3. Gently pull down, while trying to feel the muscles of the nose themselves. Repeat a couple more times.

Facebook building for lips

The cherished volume of the lips is achieved by strengthening the weak labial muscles. Face-building for the lips will overlap with exercises for the nasolabial fold, with tightening the cheeks and forming the contour of the cheekbones, as well as aligning the chin line. An integrated approach will help to consolidate the already achieved effect. Gymnastics for lips:

  1. Squeeze your lips tightly, gently smoothing out the wrinkles around the edges.
  2. Do not pull strongly to the sides, press gently, smoothing.
  3. Feel the tension in your lips.
  4. Return to starting position. Repeat five more times.

Video: facial gymnastics at home

Facebuilding for the face will tighten imperfections, even out and emphasize the contours of the face in a light that is favorable for you. Since it is not always possible to understand from a book or pictures how to strengthen muscles, at what angle to hold your palms, in which direction to raise the corners of your eyes or mouth, and in general the very dynamics of the exercises, the pros offer their help, advice and visual accompaniment of the lessons.

Correction of the oval of the face involves a surgical operation or contouring by means of injections from a beautician - the procedures are expensive and with a lot of contraindications. Opponents radical methods practice gymnastics for the face (facebuilding) and note a persistent positive effect.

Facebook building against a wrinkled forehead

Emotional people are more prone to the formation of forehead wrinkles due to active facial expressions. The habit of wrinkling the forehead when making up the eyes also harms the skin. Special exercises will help tone the frontal muscles and tighten the skin. Classes are based on the usual movements of the eyebrows with the creation of resistance with the fingers. The training is led by Evgenia Baglyk, the founder of the international online Facebook building school.

How to remove nasolabial folds

The wrinkles formed by the nasolabial folds are the deepest. The causes of "nasolabial folds" are lethargy and muscle strain. The online class contains 3 exercises for the cheeks and lips, plus relaxing techniques. The face expert gives recommendations on the frequency and intensity of training.

Exercises for the perfect face shape

Online fitness for a tightened face oval. The lesson is designed for the simultaneous performance of exercises under the account. As equipment you will need own hands and a simple pencil. The complex is convenient for performing at home or in the office.

How to make lips look bigger and plumper

Lips like Jolie's are ideal for many women. There are exercises to give volume to the lips. The meaning of the lesson is to increase blood flow and gradually pump the circular muscle of the lips. Funny names of exercises - "duck", "horse" - speak of ease of implementation. As a result of training, the lips are filled with a bright color, wrinkles around the mouth are tightened.

Nose exercises

Aspiring Facebook builders usually fixate on problem areas ah and forget to exercise the nose. At the beginning of the lesson, the facial gymnastics trainer dispels the myths about the correction of the shape of the nose and gives two effective exercises. At the end of the lesson, viewers will learn about the promise of regular training and the positive effects. The advantage of the lesson is a detailed demonstration of the actions of the hands during gymnastics. The correct position of the fingers prevents the appearance of creases and wrinkles.

Basic facial exercises

The forehead, eyelids, lips, chin and cheeks are problem areas that need correction and tightening with age. A set of exercises from the video is designed to work out all problem areas in one session. A warm-up is shown to enhance blood circulation and muscle preparation, performed before class. The lesson talks about precautions and contraindications.

Facebook building from bulldog cheeks

Sagging cheeks cause loss muscle tone with age or as a result of sudden weight loss. The lessons shown in the video tutorial are quite difficult for beginners. When performing, you need to control the nearby muscles and not include them in the work automatically - this is the difficulty. The video also contains interesting exercises for the study of the nasolabial zone.

How to remove the second chin

The second chin can appear early and significantly spoil appearance giving the face extra age and fullness. For the prevention and removal of folds, it is necessary to strengthen the cervical and chewing muscles. The tutorial video gives exercises using arm strength resistance and shows rotational movements with stretching effect. The complex is simple and suitable for daily practice.

How to pump up the cheekbones and tighten the oval of the face

A large number of muscles are responsible for lifting the oval. The lesson tones the muscles of the face and neck through tension, stretching and relaxation. The author of the lesson combines exercises with self-massage. Massage movements along the desired lines in right direction allow you to deceive the laws of gravity and keep your face toned for a while.

Mimic muscles of the face - a detailed overview

For a deep dive into the topic of face fitness, we suggest that you learn more about muscular structure faces. The video tutorial clearly demonstrates anatomical structure on 3D models. The author talks about the functions of each muscle: moving the eyebrows, lowering the corners of the mouth, etc. Having an idea of ​​the muscles being trained makes it easier to perform the exercises correctly.

Gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Regular face gymnastics improves color and general state skin. You can diversify your workouts by purchasing special gadgets for the face in Chinese online stores. Choose any of the complexes you like or make individual ones based on those proposed in the article.