Physical culture lesson "Journey to the autumn forest". Summary of the lesson “Walk in the autumn forest Physical education lesson walk in the autumn forest

yulia darieva
Physical education in senior group"Journey to the Autumn Forest"

Physical education in the senior group

« Journey to the autumn forest» .

Program tasks:

Exercise children in jumping forward;

Exercise children in walking with a side step on a gymnastic bench.

Pin skills: perform the correct variety of walking (on toes, with high knees) and running in a column.

Develop physical skills in children quality: general endurance, speed, strength, coordination

Follow the rules in mobile games.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health, a desire to engage in physical education.

Area Integration: "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Knowledge",

"Communication", « Physical training» .

Lesson progress

The children enter the room. Hello.


The days got shorter

The nights have become longer

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?


What are the signs autumn? (list)

Guys, stand up nicely, trim your socks, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back.

I suggest you go to autumn forest. In the forest you must observe certain regulations: do not make noise, do not shout, and if there are obstacles on the way, then be careful and careful.

Close your eyes, turn around yourself - open your eyes.

"In the forest autumn for a walk

I invite you to go

More interesting adventure

We guys can't find it!"

CHILDREN: Let's go on a hike

Many discoveries await us.

Right, march forward. (Half circle passed: "Let's go beautifully, straightened our shoulders")

- "We walk among the tall trees" (Rise on toes, arms to the sides, breathe through your nose)

-"Let's go among bushes» (Sit down, hands on your knees - walking in a half-squat position)

-"Let's walk on the grass" (Big steps - walking with big steps)

-"Crossing Big Rocks" (knees high)

And now we're chasing each other in a circle (running in a big circle)

Step march, slowly as the weather is good! (marching)

Attention! Three march!

1. "Trees Grow".

I.P. - foot stand on the width of the foot, parallel, arms below.

1- arms to the sides;

2-hands up, rising on toes;

3- arms to the sides;

4- return to starting position; (7-8 times)

1. "The squirrel shakes its head"

I. P. - about. With. hands on the belt

1 - head tilt to the right;

3- head tilt to the left;

4 - return to the starting position (7-8 times)

2. "The wolf is looking for hares"

I. P. feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1- turn to the right, arms to the sides;

3-4 also in the other direction; (7-8 times)

3. "The Christmas tree is swinging"

I.P. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1 - tilt to the right, left hand up;

2- return to and. P.

3-4 the same in the other direction; (7-8 times)

4. "Hares jump on the lawn"

I.P. - hands on the belt, legs together.

1-4 jumps

5 - pause, repeat 5-6 times

5. Exercise to restore breathing

We raise our hands through the sides up, inhale through the nose, exhale - and. P. (3 times)

Around! (line up in one column)

It was interesting to play, warm up. Now we will easily overcome all the obstacles that we will meet in autumn forest.

You will need:

1. Step over the stumps (knees high).

2. Walking on a narrow path (walking on the bench with a side step)

3. Jump over "puddles" (jump on two legs, arms back, jump, arms forward)

4. Walk among the Christmas trees (snake walking between objects)

Children pass the obstacle course - in a streaming way 2 times.

Here we come to a forest clearing. Let's play.

P/I "Homeless Bunny"

M. P. GAME "We will go…"

We will go from the beginning to the right,

And then we'll go to the left

And then we'll all get together

And then we'll all disperse

And then we all sit down

And then we all get up

Let's take a deep breath and stand still.

Oh, guys, we played too much, it's time to go back.

Close your eyes, turn around. Here it is over trip to the autumn forest.

Did you like it? And I really liked travel.

And now we return to group. March behind Maxim!

Publication date: 12/14/17

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 1 "Fairy Tale", r.p. Kochenevo, Kochenevsky district, NSO.

Synopsis of an integrated physical education and speech therapy lesson "Journey to the Autumn Forest" in the preparatory group.

Priority educational area: physical development, social and communicative development, speech development.

Planned outcome of the lesson: Creating positive emotions, developing empathy. Communication and interaction of the child with the adult is provided. Formed motivation for future activities. Children have the ability to move in space. Children can coordinate their actions. Formed ideas about the relationship between music and movement, the skills of diaphragmatic breathing. A friendly attitude towards the environment is formed. Imagination, speech activity are developed, the vocabulary on the topic "Autumn" is activated. Children master articulation positions, self-massage skills. A reflection of activity has been formed. Strengthened ability to work in a team.

Developing subject-spatial environment: Directly educational activities take place in the gym;

Attributes: autumn trees, autumn leaves (birch, maple, oak, aspen). Sports equipment (arcs, hoops, jump ropes, gymnastic bench, tunnels, ropes, skittles). The hall is decorated on the theme "Autumn". Phonograms of songs on the theme "Autumn".

Target: development of positive dynamics of physical, speech, and general development children preschool age.


Cognitive and speech development:

  • continue work on diaphragmatic breathing, development
  • to strengthen the health of children, to promote the formation in children of such physical qualities as dexterity, strength, courage;
  • develop muscle strength and coordination abilities;
  • foster a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, interest in sports games, "healthy" competitive spirit, self-organization skills.
  • introduction to verbal art, development of aesthetic taste;
  • evoke positive emotions from physical activity.

phonemic hearing, hand-eye coordination.

  • automate sounds (s, w, z, f, l, r) in words, syllables, tongue twisters.
  • learn to coordinate movements with the sounding word.
  • broaden horizons, enrich vocabulary.
  • to activate vocabulary on the topic "Autumn".
  • develop the ability to relieve emotional stress, promote relaxation of all respiratory and other muscles of the body.

Physical development:

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Lesson progress:

To the music of "Autumn Waltz" children enter the hall.

Communication game "Hello"

Instructor: Hello guys. Now say hello to yourself and to each other.

Hello, hands, clap-clap-clap (clap hands)

Hello legs, top-top-top (hands on the belt, stomp)

Hello, cheeks (pointing finger to cheeks)

Chubby cheeks, plop plop plop (fists knock on puffed cheeks)

Hello, eyes, moment, moment, moment (pat eyelashes)

Hello, our nose, beep-beep-beep (with index finger press on the tip of the nose)

Hello, teeth, click-click-click (click teeth)

Hello sponges, smack-smack-smack (smack lips and blow a kiss)

Instructor: Children, tell me, please, what time of year is it?

Children: Autumn.

Autumn comes to the music.

Speech therapist (Autumn): Hello children? Tell me, please, what is autumn like?

(Children name the epithets of autumn)

Speech therapist: They say that nature has no bad weather, every weather is a blessing! I invite you to go to the autumn forest. Let's admire nature, breathe fresh air, feel how nature smells in autumn. Let's play, compete in the meadow. Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Speech therapist: Before the trip we will coordinating warm-up in combination with speech:

The north wind blew:

“S-s-ss”, I blew off all the leaves from the linden ... ( wiggle your fingers and blow on them)

Flying, spinning

And fell to the ground (circle around yourself and sit down)

The rain began to beat on them:

"Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!" (tap fingers on the floor)

The city hammered on them

The leaves are all pierced through (pound fists on the floor)

The snow then covered smooth movements of the hands back and forth)

Covered them with a blanket (palms firmly pressed to the floor)

Instructor: The road is long, you will need to overcome many obstacles. Can we with you? Is everyone ready?

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest?

Children: You can not break trees, tear flowers, leaves, make loud noise, scream. Do not litter, take your trash with you. You can sing slowly.

caregiver: our children love and respect the forest, they know proverbs about it.

Children: "Forest - wealth and beauty, take care of your forests."

The forest sees, the field hears.

"Forest and water are brother and sister."

"The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest."

"The forest side not only feeds the wolf, but also the peasant to his fill."

Instructor: Well, if that's the case, I'll check you out and start walking for you.

Walking and running around the hall, accompanied by tasks for the development of attention and auditory memory.

Dynamic exercises:

In the autumn forest for a walk

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventure

We guys can't find it.

Become friend after friend

And watch carefully.

Along the paths, along the paths

Let's go for a walk in the forest.

Maybe in the autumn forest

We'll find a boletus.

1. Walking one after another in a column one by one.

2. Walking on toes. Walking on heels.

3. Walking with high knees (do not step in puddles).

4. Running in a column one at a time, with a change in direction.

5. Walking on the bridge (across the river).

6. Jumping from bump to bump

7. Crawling into the tunnel.

8. Jumping over the stream.

Instructor: So they came to the meadow. Look how beautiful it is around! How many different leaves. Let's dance with them.

Rhythmic dance with leaves.

Speech therapist conductsbreathing exercise "Wind and Leaves".

After inhaling, the children hold their breath and while exhaling, swinging their raised arms, pronounce the sound “f.” for a long time. Then, on one exhalation, the sound “p.” is pronounced several times, making a stepped exhalation, and gradually lower the hands down (“leaves fall”).

The instructor conducts game "You fly, fly, my leaf"

Children stand in a circle and pass the leaf to each other, saying: “You fly, fly, my leaf, quickly, quickly hand over hand. Whoever has a magic leaf will say the word to us. The word should refer to the theme "Autumn".

Speech therapist: Guys, let's depict autumn with you (facial exercises)

portray Early Autumn(Early autumn has a light tread, a cheerful face. She is joyful, generous, kind, beautiful).

portray late autumn(Sad, sad, crying, gloomy).

Instructor: Now let's have a relay race.

Children are divided into two teams: "Healthy" and "Cheerful".

  • Relay "Let's collect leaves for the herbarium."
  • Relay race: "Migratory birds"
  • Relay: "Quickly take it"

Remind the children and show what a herbarium is. In front of each team, at a distance of 5 m, there are “leaves” in the hoop: maple, oak, birch, aspen. There is a tunnel between the team and the hoop. On command, they run forward, crawl into the tunnel, run up to the hoop, take one piece of paper, return back in a straight line, pass the baton to the next participant. (One team collects the leaves in a basket with the sound c - aspen, the other - with the sound z - birch). The first team to collect the papers correctly wins.

Instructor: Children, where do birds fly in late autumn?

Children: In autumn, many birds fly to warmer climes.

Instructor: But they do not fly one at a time, but gather in flocks. Let's take the birds to warmer climes.

The 1st member of the team (leader) runs around the landmark with a rope, returns to the team, the 2nd member takes the rope, and they run together, then the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc., until all the team will not catch on the rope and will not run the distance. The first team to run back and complete the task correctly wins.

Instructor(takes a basket of cones): Guys, look what Autumn has in store for the forest dwellers! Shall we play a game of cones?

Children stand in a circle. Cones are scattered around the circle, fewer in number than the participants themselves. Participants of 2 teams stand in a circle and run in one direction to the music, when the music ends, they take one cone each. Those who do not have enough are eliminated from the game, then, the children put them in their place, the game continues. Each time the instructor removes two bumps. The team whose member remains in the game wins.

Speech therapist: Very beautiful in autumn in the forest. There is a carpet of leaves on the ground. Evergreen trees. Mushrooms hide under the trees, berries glisten in places.

And who can we meet in the forest?

(children's answers)

Speech therapist: Face massage "Hedgehog" (with spoken words).

Zha-zha-zha -

We found a hedgehog in the forest.

Lightly touching with fingers, draw on the forehead 7 times.

Zhu-zhu-zhu -

We went to eat.

Lightly touching with fingers, draw on the cheeks 7 times.

Already-already-already -

There is a big puddle ahead.

Put your palms to your forehead, as if making a visor, and rub your forehead with movements to the sides - together.

Jock-jock-jock -

Put on, hedgehog, boot.

Massage the wings of the nose with fists.

Instructor: Oh, guys, we got lost in the forest! How will we find our way home? (Children's answers.)

Speech therapist: Mimic exercise "Echo" for the development of emotions.

Children mimic the content of the poem:

Everyone shouted: “Ay!”

Nobody responds

Only an echo responds.

Our echo returns

Quietly to us: “Ah! Ay!

Echo! Echo! Here's the fun.

It echoes every time

Mimics us.

Instructor: The day is already drawing to a close, we need to return home. Did you like our autumn walk in the forest? What did you like about her? (Children answer.). Who would you like to tell about our trip? .

Let's wave goodbye to the forest: "Goodbye, forest!".

Autumn treats everyone with apples. Children leave the hall to the autumn song music.

Program tasks:

1. Accumulate and generalize motor an experience:

Maintain distance while walking and running;

Achieve conscious, active, with proper muscle tension the performance of all types of exercises (ATS and ORU)

2. Develop children's physical quality: general endurance, speed, strength, coordination.

3. To form a conscious need for motor activity.

4. Cultivate love and respect for nature.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, "hemp", a basket with cones, a gymnastic bench, an arc module, 4 cones, a path with traces, an easel, a map of the forest, a basket with sweets (cones with condensed milk).

Lesson progress


Guys, stand up nicely, trim your socks, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back.

Let's greet each other. Fizkult! (Hi)

Today we will go to autumn forest. Close your eyes, turn around yourself - open your eyes.

"In the forest autumn for a walk

I invite you to go

More interesting adventure

We guys can't find it!"

Turn right, march forward. (Half circle passed: "Let's go beautifully, straightened our shoulders")

- "We walk among the tall trees" (Rise on toes, arms to the sides, breathe through your nose)

-"Let's go among bushes» (Sit down, hands forward - walking in a half-squat

-"Crossing Big Rocks" (knees high)

And now I will make riddles, and you show me clues:

The beast is furry, clubfoot, he sucks his paw in the den. (Bear) (walking at a bear step)

Clubfoot, small, in a white fur coat, felt boots. (Hare) (Jumping forward pushing off with both feet)

And now they ran along the forest path (running in a big circle)

We walk in a circle, we stop. "A leaf fell on our palms". Let's blow on him.

Guys, look at the meadow in front of us, and in the basket the squirrel has prepared cones for us. Take one bump and stand in two columns, on two paths. Let's play with cones.

But first, let's check the distance, stretch your hands forward, do not interfere with each other?

1. First exercise "Squeeze the bump".

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. Squeeze the bump first with one hand: "One two Three" Shifted the bump to the other hand. compress: "One two Three"

We started. (2-3 times) They dropped their hands. Shaken. And we repeat the exercise again.

2. Second exercise "Shift the bump"

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. We rise on toes, hands up, shifted the bump. They dropped their hands.

Started (8-10 times).

3. Third exercise "Show me what a beautiful bump" Squat.

Starting position: heels together, toes apart. They sat down, showed a bump, stood up.

Started (8-10 times)

4. Fourth exercise "Tilts down"

Starting position: feet shoulder width apart. They bent over, put a bump, straightened up, showed their hands. When tilted try not to bend your legs.

Started (8-10 times)

5. Fifth exercise "Tilts to the side".

Starting position: feet shoulder width apart. Take the bump between the palms, raise your hands up, lean to the right, straighten up, then to the left.

Started (8-10 times)

6. The sixth exercise jumps "Funny boys"

Put the bump on the floor. Jump over the bump (jumping back and forth).

Started (8-10 times).

7. Breathing exercises

Now take the cones and put them in the basket.

Run, don't forget to breathe through your nose (run). Walking. Let's breathe - inhale - exhale.

They got in line.

It was interesting to play, warm up. Now we will easily overcome all the obstacles that we will meet in autumn forest. And in order not to get lost, I prepared a map for you. Look at her, what awaits us ahead.

You will need:

1. Jump over the stumps.

2. Walk along a narrow path (walking on the gymnastic bench on toes, arms to the sides)

3. Crawl under "thorny branches" (elastic band 2 times)

4. Follow the trail. (path with footprints)

5. Walking on a winding path. ( "snake" bypass 4 cones)

Children go through an obstacle course.

Help me put everything in the basket.

Everyone stands in the center.

Well done boys. Here we are with you went to the forest clearing. Look how many stumps are here! Do you think this is good or bad? (Bad! You can't cut trees.) But so that these cut down trees would not be so insulting, I suggest playing with them.

mobile game: "Stump":

Children stand on stumps laid out in a circle. One of the children does not have enough hemp, he becomes the driver. Approaching one of the children says the words:

“Can I ask you, can I buy a stump from you?”

The second child answers:

“If you are a daring friend, then the stump will be yours!”

After these words, the children run in different directions. The driver becomes the one who did not have enough hemp.


But why don't children birds in the forest sing? (migratory birds flew south)

But we haven't forgotten about them!

Do you want to play the game "Stork"?

Low mobility game: "Stork"

Day-to-day stork stands alone on its leg.

On one I doze off during the day, (children stand on one leg, arms to the sides).

On the other I sleep at night. (children stand on the other leg, hide their hands behind their backs)

The one who stands on two legs is out of the game.


Outcome. Relaxation.


They stopped, closed their eyes, turned around. Here it is over trip to the autumn forest.

Did you like it? What do you remember the most?

Yes, today we ran a lot, walked, did interesting exercises with cones.

All this helped us to become strong, healthy, cheerful. Let's give smiles to each other. Now let's share our mood with the guests. Approach the guests, take them by the hand, smile. Thank you! Now with a great mood we go to group.

Children leave the hall and see a basket of nuts - sweets.

caregiver: “Look, guys, how the forest dwellers liked you, that they prepared gifts for you!

Walk in the autumn forest

Program content:

1. To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bseasonal changes in nature.

2. To consolidate the ability of children to use familiar modeling techniques in their work:

The ability to pinch off small pieces from a large piece of plasticine;

Roll out small balls with your fingers or between your palms;

Press on the plasticine balls with your fingers from above;

Smear plasticine balls on cardboard.

3. Develop independence and creativity. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

preliminary work: reading and memorizing poems about autumn, guessing riddles. looking at paintings and illustrations on the theme "Autumn", looking at a walk autumn leaves.

Demonstration equipment: a painting depicting an autumn forest by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", a sample of work, a sheet of drawing paper (a clearing is drawn), on which children will place their works.

Handout: colored cardboard, cardboard silhouettes of trees (the basis for plasticineography), plasticine, boards, napkins.

Conversation about the signs of early autumn.

The teacher asks questions: What month is it now? How many autumn months?

Name them. What do we call autumn in September? (Early.) Is the weather very cold? Are people dressed warm or summery? What is the sky like in early autumn?

Does it rain often? Is the wind blowing cold or warm? Are there flowers in parks and gardens? Do birds arrive in early autumn or prepare to fly away? Are the leaves on the trees yellow or still green? Do people plant vegetables and fruits or harvest them?

Children answer questions by looking at a picture of autumn.


 Correct the mistakes.

Educator. We were sent a letter by Dunno. He writes that autumn is his favorite season, and he wrote a story about it. Listen.

Early autumn - beautiful time of the year. Early autumn happens in July. The sun is very hot. People bathe in rivers and lakes. Birds fly from distant lands. The grass and leaves on the trees are green. There are many snowdrops and tulips in the forests, but no mushrooms yet. Sometimes it snows and the children make a snowman.

Children name mistakes in Dunno's story.

Educator. Guys, let's tell Dunno about the signs of early autumn. The children take turns calling the signs.

Finish the sentence.

Educator. What is the difference between early autumn and summer? Complete the sentences.

In summer, the days are long, and in autumn - ... (shorter) .- In summer, the nights are shorter, and in autumn - ... (longer).

In summer, the rain is warm, and in autumn - ... (cold).

There are many birds in summer, and in autumn - ... (few).

There are many flowers in summer, and in autumn - ... (few).

In summer, the grass is green, and in autumn - ... (yellow).

Description of the picture.

Children, together with the teacher, describe a picture depicting an autumn landscape.

. Wood molding.

Children sculpt a tree from brown plasticine: roll out a sausage, making one end sharper and thinner - this is a trunk, put it on a board, press it lightly lower part and the top, but do not flatten. Thin sausages of different lengths are rolled out of black plasticine - these are branches, they are applied to the "trunk" so that the long "branches" are at the bottom. One of the sausages in a stack is cut into small pieces, rolled out of them

a lot of sausages, distributed on the "branches". A thin sausage is rolled out of green plasticine, cut into pieces, rolled into small balls, shaped into leaves and distributed on branches.

Leaves can be made from watermelon seeds by attaching them to the branches.

Finger gymnastics.

For a long, long time we sculpted, Hands clasped in the castle, circular rotations of the hands. Our fingers are tired. Shaking hands. Let them rest a little Stroking each finger in turn. And start sculpting again. Raising the arms to the sides

Let's spread our hands together and start sculpting again. Clap your hands.

. Reflection.

Creating a "Forest" layout - children put molded trees on a tray.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 183 "

Abstract educational activities for physical development

"A walk in the autumn forest"

Prepared by: tutor of the first

Orenburg, 2018

Topic: "A walk in the autumn forest" Bouncing to the palm of the educator. Creeping through the gate. Rolling the ball with two hands and one hand between objects

Dominant educational area: Physical development.

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Physical development".

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, musical, motor.

Target: the development of various types of movements.



To form the ability to crawl into the gate.

Exercise in rolling the ball with two and one hand between objects.

To improve the ability to bounce to the palm of the educator, which is above the raised hands of the child.


Develop motor activity of children.

Develop attention, thinking, speech.


Develop the ability to listen carefully and follow the instructions of the teacher.

Build respect for nature.

The form: game.

Methods and techniques: conversation, outdoor game "On a flat path", exercises "Crawl into the hole", "Help the hedgehog roll apples", "Jump to the apple", musical game "Forest exercise", methods of control and self-assessment: verbal assessment of activity.

Educational technologies: - Fedorova S.Yu. Sample Plans physical education classes with children 2-3 years old.

Preparation for educational activities in the classroom and in regime moments: getting to know the animals living in the forest, completing tasks: roll the ball, crawl through the gates, get to know the outdoor game “On a flat path”

Planned targets for education: The child has a large and fine motor skills, he strives to learn different kinds movements (bouncing, crawling into the gate, rolling the ball with one and two hands). Participates with interest in outdoor games with simple content, simple movements.

Organization of the environment for educational activities:

Visual material: Model of a tree (apple tree), figurines: mushrooms, hedgehogs, a soft toy - a fox, a TV set, musical exercises, crawling gates, a basket with apples.

Handout: small yellow and red balls

Apples (paper)

1. Introductory part.

Educator: - Guys, do you like apples?

Children: - Yes.

Children: - We want.

1.2 Motivation for educational activities.

Educator: - I heard that a lot of apples ripened in the forest. Do you want to go to the forest for apples?

Children: - We want.

1.3 Goal setting:

Educator: "To find an apple tree with ripe, delicious apples, we need to go to the forest"

2. The main part.

The game "On a flat path"

The teacher speaks rhythmically, at a certain pace text:

On a flat path

On a flat path (children walk)

Our legs walk one, two, one, two.

By pebbles, by pebbles

On pebbles, on pebbles (jump on two legs, slightly moving forward)

In the hole - bang (squat down).

We got out of the pit (children rise).

Educator: So we got to the forest. Look who is it? (A fox is standing next to the gate)

Children: Lisa.

Educator: Right! And this is her hole (points to the gate). To get to the apple tree, we need to crawl through the fox hole.

Exercise "Crawl in a hole"

The children take turns crawling through the fox's hole. (Gate)

Educator: Guys, we ended up in a forest clearing. Look who is it? (In the clearing hedgehog)

Children: - Hedgehog.

Educator: - Guys, look how many apples he collected for his children. He is very tired. Let's help him roll apples into the house.

Exercise "Help the hedgehog roll the apples"

Educator: We will roll red apples with one hand, yellow apples with two.

Children roll yellow and red balls between the chips.

Teacher: Well done guys! You helped the hedgehog! For this, he gives you a musical charge.

Music game"Forest Charging"

Children perform the movements that the teacher shows to the music.

Educator: So we got to the apple tree. See how many ripe apples are on it. I will pick an apple, and you have to jump to my hand to get apples.

Exercise "Jump to the bull's-eye"

Children jump up to the palm of the teacher. For this he receives an apple.

Educator: That's how many apples we have collected!

Educator: Guys, where did we go today? What for? Who did we meet? Whom did they help? Did you enjoy being in the forest? And now it's time for us to return to the group.