General cleaning how many calories. How many calories can you burn with one cleaning? Laundry and ironing work in the complex

The best way keep fit - regular physical activity. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to fit training into your daily routine. Good news for those who do not have time and energy for sports feats in their everyday life: household chores burn calories no worse than exercising in the gym.

Cleaning - the leader in burning calories at home

Properly distributing the load, you can successfully lose extra pounds, strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms, back and abdomen, and as a bonus, get a clean apartment.

According to studies conducted by American scientists, regular cleaning up in a year allows you to lose 50 thousand kcal. You can get rid of this number of calories if you run about 80 hours in a row or ride a bike at an average pace of 2500 kilometers!

  • Floor washing replaces a whole range of exercises: squats, tilts, cardio. It is best to wash the floor by hand, bending over, legs wide apart, moving shoulder girdle left-right. In the process, the muscles of the back, abs, arms are involved, the back of the thigh, muscles of the legs and buttocks are trained.

    If you do decide to use the mop, pull in your stomach and tighten your abdominal muscles. The amplitude of hand movements should be maximum.

    On average, 245 kcal per hour is spent on wet cleaning. Compare: 30 minutes of step aerobics eliminates 200 kcal.

    In an effort to wash the floor in hard-to-reach places, moving furniture for this (to the best of your ability, of course), in 30 minutes you can spend an additional 150-200 kcal.

  • window washing with proper intensity of movements will help burn from 250 to 450 kcal. Active rotational movements hands include biceps and triceps. And cardio strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • Vacuum cleaner- efficient home exercise machine, provided that you do not just sluggishly brush the floor, but vigorously bend over, squat and move your arms. Pulling the brush, bring the shoulder blades together: this will help to work out the muscles of the back. Vacuuming in half an hour burns approximately 120 kcal.
  • On the dusting most often it takes 15-20 minutes, which allows you to spend 20-25 kcal. Alternate between dusting near the floor and cleaning upper shelves, reach for the far corners, so you get good load and work on stretching your back and spine.
  • Cleaning mirrors, tiles and plumbing in an hour will save you from 260 kcal. To enhance the work of the hands, increase the pressure on the surface and the range of motion.
  • washing dishes puts pressure on your back. After the holidays or the visit of guests, this type of activity is of maximum benefit. Washing a mountain of plates for an hour, reassure yourself that you can spend more than 200 kcal at a time.

Helpful Hint: To pick up things from the floor or get them from the lower shelves, do not bend over, but squat. Holding the squat for 15 seconds will noticeably increase the load. Cleaning up the nursery, where a lot of toys are scattered on the floor, you will quietly strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, as well as increase the overall endurance of the body.

General cleaning after moving or repair is distinguished by increased efficiency. In terms of the amount of energy expended, it is comparable to a moderate-intensity aerobics class or a three-kilometer walk.

If desired, calorie consumption can be increased by 15% by wearing weights sold in sports stores. At first it will be unusual and difficult, but gradually you will get used to it. Be careful, this is only suitable for those people who do not have problems with the joints and spine!

Laundry and ironing work in the complex

A washing machine is now in almost every home, it greatly simplifies life and saves time. But there are things that have to be washed by hand in the old fashioned way. This is great for burning calories. When washing clothes by hand, you can lose up to 120 kcal per hour. Hand washing curtains, blankets takes up to 220 kcal per hour, which replaces 30 minutes of work in the gym.

Hanging laundry after washing additionally allows you to get rid of 25 kcal in ten minutes.

Clean linen needs ironing. If you iron while standing, you can get rid of 157 kcal in an hour. When performing the same work while sitting, the indicator decreases to 100 kcal. Add folding clothes after ironing, that's another 120 kcal per hour.

As a result of all the manipulations, you have a result equivalent to a full-fledged water aerobics workout.

Does cooking help you lose weight?

Cook standing up, use kitchen appliances to a minimum, and then an hour at the stove will destroy 90-100 calories. It is important that you do not taste anything in the process, otherwise you risk consuming more calories than you burn.

Helpful Hint: To increase energy expenditure, increase the intensity of movement and the speed of homework. To make it easier to keep pace, turn on your favorite music. So you can quickly cope with routine duties, get a charge of vivacity and good mood.

Going to the store - an element of strength training

Shopping in large supermarkets, where you have to walk for a long time from shelf to shelf with a loaded cart, you can burn from 200 to 260 kcal per hour.

The more you buy, the more calories you burn. It is important to calculate the forces: purchases will still need to be transported home! For the best result, try to load the heaviest things into the cart or basket first: you will get an additional load on your arms, legs and back muscles.

If you need to buy a lot of products at once, go to the store 2-3 times. The effect of cardio training with weights is guaranteed to you. Walk home to and from the store at an above-average pace.

It has been experimentally proven that half an hour of carrying bags, the contents of which allow you to feed a family of three three times a day, burns 190 kcal.

Garden work - outdoor fitness

If you have a garden, you are a lucky person! For an hour of gardening, you can easily spend up to 330 calories, correct your figure and get rid of excess weight. Weeding, planting, working with a shovel, hoe or rake, harvesting, watering: there are loads for every taste.

Housework cannot completely replace sports. But any homework requires a significant amount of effort and calorie expenditure, and since there is no end in sight to it, good housewives have additional opportunity always look slim and fit.


We all do house cleaning in one way or another. Sometimes we do it quickly, and when we are waiting for guests, we arrange a general cleaning.

No one likes this activity, but it has several positive aspects (not counting the cleanliness of the house).

Many of the things we do while cleaning help us burn calories and thereby lose weight.

This list contains household chores that together can help you burn more than 1,000 calories.

How to burn calories

1. Bath cleaning.

It takes 15 minutes to clean the tub or shower to burn 90 calories. You can burn even more calories if you properly clean all soap suds.

2. A little rearrangement.

Do you want the room to change a bit? We all want to freshen up our home sooner or later. Try moving a table, chairs, armchairs, and/or other furniture that isn't too heavy for you. Just 25 minutes of such activities is enough to burn more than 100 calories. You can burn even more if, for example, you order new furniture and help lift it up the stairs.

3. It's time to wash the dishes.

Washing dishes by hand can take 20-30 minutes, especially if you need to wash greasy pans and pots. During this time, you can burn about 80 calories. Turn on your music or TV to make it more fun, and perhaps washing the dishes will not seem like such a tiring task to you.

4. Turn on the vacuum cleaner.

If you vacuum your entire apartment properly, and even closets, armchairs and sofas, you can burn about 200 calories.

How to burn 1000 calories

5. Bon appetit.

Cooking lunch or dinner for an hour will help burn 150 calories. And if you consider that after cooking there is a mountain of dirty dishes, then you will get serious physical exercises.

6. Crystalpurely.

How long have you been washing windows? Just 1 hour of cleaning windows, glass and mirrors in the house will be equal to a 230 calorie burning exercise.

One of the frequently asked questions of women of this resource, who are mainly engaged in housework.

How many calories are burned while cleaning the house?

I hope this article will be useful to many of them ...))

While cleaning and doing other housework, our body burns calories - sometimes even more than we can imagine. Therefore, many experts argue that cleaning and washing dishes can even contribute to weight loss. And vice versa: women who do not clean are more prone to obesity.
We present to your attention some types of housework and the number of calories that are burned at the same time:

  • Sweeping the floor burns 240 kcal per hour. If you turn on fast music and move to the rhythm, this will speed up the burning of calories.
  • Washing floors - 325 kcal per hour. If you get down on your knees and rub the floor hard, you will burn more calories.
  • Cooking - 150 kcal per hour. The more we do with our hands,
    standing on our feet, and not sitting, the more energy we spend and the more we lose weight.
  • Laundry - 260 kcal per hour. It is advisable to put a wash basin on the floor and often bend down and straighten up.
  • Washing dishes, cleaning surfaces from dust - 200 kcal per hour.
  • Child care - 205 kcal per hour. If you sink to the floor
    play with the child, run with him around the house and lift him up
    hands, you imperceptibly spend at least 205 kcal per hour.
  • Snow removal - 415 kcal per hour.
  • Lawn mowing - 325 kcal per hour
  • Leaf raking - 235 kcal per hour
All these types of "physical activity" not only help burn a pretty good number of calories, but also help keep the house clean.

Obesity is currently the number one problem. Many people want to lose weight, or at least not gain a couple more. extra pounds. There is just no will power. This is a very complex and long process, you need to radically change your diet. This article will not cover options. different diets or advice on how to lose weight. Here will be described ways how not to gain a couple more extra pounds. Nothing complicated, no food restrictions. Just doing household chores is also a kind of physical activity.

So let's start with cleaning. Surely every woman does this, but she doesn’t know how many calories it takes. All further given data are calculated for 30 minutes of work.


Dusting burns 80 calories. If a woman washes windows, she spends 280 calories. Wiping the floors, loses 130 calories. Vacuuming carpets - 205 calories. Sweeping floors - 108 calories. Cleans plumbing and spends 275 calories. Wipes a mirror or glass - 265 calories are spent. Washing tiles - 20 calories, but dishes - 50 calories. Changing linen on a double bed burns 35 calories. Just putting everything in its place - 115 calories. General cleaning burns 96 calories. Rearranging furniture - 223 calories. If you make repairs in the apartment, you will lose 150 calories.


When a woman irons while sitting, 40 calories are spent, and when she irons while standing, 70 calories are spent.

Cooking food

It takes a lot of time to cook food, as well as extra grams of fat. As many as 75 calories. Peel vegetables with a knife - 30 calories.


Let's move on to laundry. This type of activity consumes a lot of energy. When hand washing small items, you can lose up to 60 calories. Hand washing curtains, blankets and other similar items - 110 calories.


If you live in a high-rise building and you don't have an elevator, that's just great. the best physical activity can not found. Walking up the stairs takes away as much as 270 calories. If you run up the stairs, you will lose 600 calories. Walking down stairs is less - 131 calories.


Do you live in a private house and have your own garden? You are fabulously lucky. Since doing business in the garden, you can fine-tune your figure. For example, digging the beds takes 180 calories, planting seedlings 150, watering the beds 160, weeding 170 calories, fertilizing 200 calories. Tree pruning - 178 calories. Planting seedlings - 170 calories. Collect fruits and lose 180 calories. Cleaning leaves - 148.


winter sport

Winter will come soon and at this time it will be possible to go skiing, while spending 303 calories. Snow removal takes 220 calories. Skating can burn between 180 and 600 calories. This is a highly effective sport for weight loss.

Biking - 250 calories.
Swimming - 226.
Beach volleyball- 298 calories.
Walking in the woods burns 62 calories, while picking berries and mushrooms burns 182 calories.


At home, you can turn on music and dance a little. Slow dances take 230 calories, fast dances a lot more. Jump rope to a song and you'll burn 460 calories. Run in place and burn 359 calories.


If you have a child, give him some of your time. Playing active games with children takes 190 calories, walking with a stroller - 75, bathing a child - 94 calories. Take a shower yourself - 50 calories. Just lie down and soak in the bath - 20 calories. Talk on the phone - 40 calories, play games board games- 25 calories. Get dressed - 48, do makeup and hair - 62 calories.

Quite simple and everyday things, and how much excess energy is burned!

Recently, a very large number of different diets have been divorced. But despite all their differences, most tend to believe that it is necessary to count the calories that we get from food and that we spend. Mopping floors with a handy mop

Today we would like to tell you how many calories are burned during cleaning and in particular when mopping the floor. Perhaps this data will help you in planning your daily routine as part of some kind of diet.

cleaning and calories

Scientists around the world are constantly monitoring the process of human development, and have long noted that now humanity is growing not up but in breadth. This is understandable, since most of us are sedentary image life, eats without special restrictions and devotes little time to his health. No matter how much we talk about diets, sports, most often these are just words.

Therefore, to correct the situation, many people are already starting to play sports, trying to go to gyms and swimming pools. But even if you don't visit gym You can work on your weight at home.

Washing floors with a rag on your knees

We all know how much energy it takes to do household chores that seem so simple. Indeed, many cleaning or tidying activities require the body a large number of calories to work. Therefore, we will postpone going to the gym for a while and calculate how many calories are burned during household chores.

Approximate figures

Estimated energy costs for household chores, averaged from many sources:

  • 60-80 kcal per hour is killed only from being in harsh kitchen conditions with temperature changes and high humidity;
  • 200 kcal per hour of preparing food for cooking: cutting meat, washing fruits, cleaning and cutting vegetables;
  • 200 kcal per hour is spent when washing dishes, despite the apparent ease of this activity, the back muscles take on more energy;
  • 200 kcal can be lost in an hour of cleaning in the closet, while ironing takes only 150 kcal / hour;
  • 150 kcal per hour spent on the process of making a bed, which must be done every day in the morning, if you have not done this, do it now;
  • 300 kcal per hour is spent when wiping dust with a damp cloth, if you climb into hard-to-reach places, calorie consumption increases, but more than 350 does not rise;
  • 250 kcal is spent for 1 hour of working with a vacuum cleaner, all the same, the device tries harder than you, so move more actively around the apartment;
  • 300 kcal - exactly so many calories per hour, but since this process is very laborious and slow, this great job for half a day;
  • 350 kcal per hour is burned when washing floors with a mop, but if you are washing the floor with a rag while kneeling, then the calorie consumption approaches 400;
  • the same number of calories per hour (400) is consumed when washing tile in the bathroom, treating it with compounds against mold and fungus;
  • 350 kcal per hour will be spent by you when washing the sink, toilet, bathroom, to a greater extent calories are consumed due to difficult working conditions;
  • 300-350 kcal per hour will be burned during hand washing, the number of calories will depend on the volume of things.

Note that with complex cleaning, even more calories are spent, so try to combine complex tasks with easy ones, for example, after simple manipulations with dust, take up mopping, and then again choose a less time-consuming job - take apart the shelves in the bathroom.

Thorough cleaning of the floor

Very important for loss more calories do not take frequent breaks while cleaning. The maximum calorie consumption is reached after 15-20 minutes of vigorous activity, i.e. from now on, each action will destroy the maximum possible amount of energy.

If you do long break, then the muscles will cool down, and it will take another 15-20 minutes to reach the optimal mode. By this time, some decline in strength will already be felt, so you will not be able to hold out at this pace for a long time.

Therefore, count on your strength for at least 1-2 hours of systematic work without a break, during this time you will spend a huge amount of calories, which you will then gladly replenish.

If we take the average data, then in any case you will spend about 300 kcal per hour of cleaning. It is easy to calculate that for a half-day active weekly cleaning you will spend about 1200 kcal. An impressive amount, but to achieve it you have to work hard.

Cleaning done, time to rest

It will give you an excellent tone, which you can choose at your discretion. To the rhythms of your favorite songs, things will go more actively, and time will fly faster. You will not even notice how you will part with a lot of calories.

But even after putting things in order in the apartment, putting yourself in order, you will spend additional calories. After that, looking at the cleanliness in the house, you will be satisfied with yourself and your work. Just do not try to eat up at night, after such a good physically difficult day at work How much effort was spent, is it really all in vain.