Drying workout. Drying training program for men and girls. Standard diets may vary

Surely there are a lot of questions: run or swing, or both? And how to run correctly, and how to swing correctly during drying?
Let's start with running. You can run in 3 ways:

1st) In the morning on an empty stomach. Familiar and familiar to everyone, because so often before the summer you can see people at the stadiums, diligently trying to lose weight.

2nd) After strength training, when you have already run out of glycogen stores for hard work with weights.

3rd) Before going to bed, i.e. after all meals.

It's not just that, it's all about glycogen stores in the muscles. Muscles consume a lot of energy and this energy is stored in your muscles in the form of glycogen. Simply put, glycogen is your food (carbohydrates), whatever you eat. Fat does not burn while there is a lot of glycogen in the body, because. there is no need to use fat as energy as long as there is another source of energy. Glycogen is least in the morning after sleep, because. during sleep, you did not eat anything, and the muscles consume quite a lot of energy even while inactive. Also after strength training, it is consumed as a source of energy. The same situation is before going to bed, when you have not eaten for some time. it best options when to run.

How to run to lose weight?

Fast or slow? How many times a week? It is best not to run, in the usual sense of the word, but walk fast ( slow run jogging). In time, from 20 minutes to 60 minutes, although it can be longer depending on your fitness level. How often? 3-4 times a week is enough. But I must say right away that running is not the only moment in losing weight. It is also important to monitor the carbohydrates entering your body. To be honest, I never liked running, and I dried myself mainly due to the reduction of carbohydrates and did not exhaust myself by running around (I ran 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes). By the way, I already talked about nutrition in the article: I advise you to read.

Can strength training be used to lose weight or get lean?

Of course it is possible and even necessary! Usually only one thing can be heard here: reduce rest, increase reps, gasp between sets, etc. Actually it is not. What would go fat, not muscle (this mainly applies to men, because women do not have the task of maintaining muscle), MUSCLES SHOULD BE USED, but NOT exhausted by work. They need to be trained so that the body knows that you are using them and you need them, then at the end you will really get a lean muscular body, and not a flabby body with burned muscles.

How to train during drying / weight loss?

I advise you to train in the same way as for mass. This is 6-10 reps, 2-4 exercises per muscle group, in 2-4 sets. Why? Firstly, during drying, you have little energy reserves, and if you do 15 or more repetitions in a set, you will simply burn your muscles. Secondly, for a natural it is much more effective to train in a small number of repetitions - in the range of 6-10 (I speak from my experience). Do not chase after weight gain, because. on drying, this will be very difficult and traumatic. Try only to keep the weight, or reduce if you feel that you have less strength. Moreover, in the approaches do not reach failure! Because this is a pointless exercise, especially on drying. The point is to make your muscles work but don't suck all the glycogen out of them. By the way, if you need a refusal, you can read in the article: You need to lose weight gradually. If you have sharp jumps, i.e. either you have sharply limited carbohydrates, or you have exhausted yourself all day running, then you will not only burn extra muscles, but also harm your health, because. you need to understand that the internal organs also need energy, and if it is in a sharp deficit (sharp stress), then the body will not thank you, to put it mildly ... The result is important in the long term. Do not aim that you will lose weight in just 1 month. Of course, you can lose weight in a month, but it’s more correct to say that you simply “throw weight” along with muscles and with serious health consequences. Count on a period of approximately 4-6 months. The slower you lose weight, the better the result will be.(i.e. after the end of drying, you will not gain enough excess weight, which, by the way, often happens to someone who loses weight dramatically in just a month). The approximate amount of how much pure fat can be thrown off in a month without harm to health and burned muscles is about 3-4 kg, no more! If a person loses 5-6 kg or more per month, then 100% he harms his health, not to mention the lost muscles.

Here is a good example:

Let's say a person lost more than 5 kg in a month. But besides the fact that he harms his health, in 90% of cases after that he will gain more than the weight from which he began to dry, because. the body will greatly slow down the metabolism and will work in "emergency" mode, storing fat.

Another case:

Here a person gradually lost weight by 3-4 kg per month. The body gradually lost fat and did not change to a slow metabolism, because. there were no stress conditions for the body in the form of severe energy restriction. These graphs are conditional, but the main thing is to understand the essence, and this is the most important thing. Again, I repeat, on average, expect 4-6 months. Yes, it's hard, but the harder the goal, the more pleasant the result will be when reaching the goal! :)

Returning to training, then say what is better - strength work or running - you can’t, because. Everywhere has its pros and cons. It is best to combine work with weights and running. By the way, here I would like to add that the work of the brain consumes approximately 20% of all human energy (provided, of course, that we use it) This is not a joke, friends. That's why mental work is so tiring ... Therefore, try to train your brain too :))

More important point about vitamins. During drying, this will be very useful. You can buy a complex of vitamins at any pharmacy.

Try to feel your body, if suddenly you get sick, for example, then do not mock the body, and until complete recovery, consume as much food as the body requires.

Thank you all for your attention! :) You can ask all questions on the forum.

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Important! If you are determined to achieve results and want to as soon as possible achieve the goal (lose weight / lose weight or dry the body, correctly compiling a diet / nutrition plan, training program and daily routine), then use the services of a personal fitness trainer online ==>

In order for the body to be strong and sculpted, you need to work not only on increasing muscle mass, but also on reducing body fat, because otherwise all the work on the muscles may simply not be visible. For athletes, a program such as drying is used for this. It involves a low-carbohydrate diet, as well as without fail regular classes sports. Let's talk about what training should be for drying the body of men, because without them you will definitely not be able to achieve the desired result.

Drying is aimed at getting rid of fat, while maintaining muscle mass. The result of it is a beautiful relief toned body with the most "dry" traced muscles.

Drying includes two mandatory aspects - a diet that involves a minimum of carbohydrates in the diet and a maximum of proteins, as well as a cutting training program for men, which includes general or special strength exercises. Remember that in the absence of one of these points, drying will not bring the desired result.

The drying program is used by both professional athletes who do it before competitions and performances, and amateur athletes. It is a continuation of the process of gaining muscle mass, since along with the latter, the body usually gains a few extra pounds of fat. In order to better evaluate the results of his physical activity, the athlete changes his diet and training program. It is an integrated approach that is important, because if you follow only a diet, you can lose all muscle mass, negating all your efforts.

In drying, an aerobic program is actively used, which perfectly helps to burn fats. But strength training is also necessary, because muscle mass should not be allowed to go away when losing weight. You can use special fat burners that will help speed up the process of burning fat while maintaining muscle.

Basic principles of successful drying training

An important condition for successful cutting is the creation of a calorie deficit. It is important not only to consume them moderately, but also to spend actively, loading yourself as much as possible. Accordingly, the “drying” training program for men should be as energy-intensive as possible. Compound exercises that provide a total body workout, such as bench presses, barbell squats, and deadlifts, are best.

These body drying exercises for men, which are multi-joint, should be the basis of drying. Much also depends on energy consumption. Thus, by resorting to high-rep exercise with reductions in working weights, which is known as pumping, we will provide a long-term acceleration of metabolism, which will actively burn fat for a long time after training.

Although such a program is quite effective, it does not provoke microtrauma. muscle fibers, which take place when training with large weights and a small number of repetitions. When drying, our body works according to a regime of controlled caloric deficit, due to which there is no resource left for compensation and supercompensation. Thus, non-recovered muscles due to heavy exercise may be seriously injured.

A sign that you have chosen the right weight is a strong burning sensation in the involved muscle, which appears after 12-15 repetitions of the exercise. There is another method to increase the effectiveness of classes and accelerate the processes of fat burning - this is the compaction of classes, the active pace of the exercise and the minimum break between sets. The seal is of the following types:

  • superset program- in one exercise, several elements are combined so that the muscles are worked out more efficiently (this can be a bench press on a board with an incline angle of 40 degrees).
  • dropset program- performing exercises with a gradual decrease in working weight by 20%.

Drying circuit training: example program

The high-intensity body-drying circuit training for men is very common and is considered effective. It makes it possible to increase stamina and, of course, burns fat remarkably. This training requires recovery, and it is carried out every other day. Thus, we get 3-4 sessions per week. Several exercises, called a circle, are done one after another with a minimum interval of no more than 3 seconds. Rest between circles should be no more than two minutes. In one workout, you can increase the load and reduce the duration of rest.

Determine the number of circles yourself, depending on the level of your training. You can start with one circle, and gradually reach three very intensive and high-quality circles.

First workout

The first circular training program for drying the body for men may include the following exercises:

  • The pull of the block to the belt in a sitting position. it basic exercise to work out the shoulders, biceps, quadriceps, latissimus dorsi, lower back.
  • Bench press - works out the muscles of the chest and triceps.
  • Leg press. Perfectly involves the legs, buttocks, thighs. There is no risk of back injury.
  • Bending the legs in the machine - effective exercise for calf development.
  • Press from behind the head, which helps to work out the deltoid muscle.
  • Biceps barbell curls are an exercise, respectively, for working out the biceps.
  • Extension of the arms through upper block. This exercise works the triceps well.

Each exercise in the circle must be repeated 12-15 times.

Second workout

The second drying training for men is performed a day after the first, and can be based on such exercises:

  • Squats in Smith's car;
  • deadlift;
  • bench press incline bench in the supine position;
  • broach along the body of the bar or lower block;
  • bench press narrow grip in the prone position - works out the triceps;
  • lifting dumbbells alternately. This exercise engages the biceps, brachioradialis, and deltoid muscles;
  • barbell pull to the chest from top to bottom, which is performed in a sitting position on block simulator;
  • leg raises in an emphasis on the uneven bars.

Do each exercise 12-15 times. The only exception is the last exercise, which is desirable to do the maximum number of times that you can.

Third workout

  • The hack squat is a great exercise for working the entire lower body;
  • hyperextension - an exercise to work out the muscles of the back, buttocks, hip flexors;
  • bench press to the chest up in the Smith simulator. Works out the triceps and deltoid muscles;
  • lifting dumbbells in a sitting position on a bench will help to work out the biceps;
  • French bench press - an exercise for training triceps;
  • traction of the bar to the belt in an inclined position - works out the muscles of the back;
  • breeding dumbbells on an inclined bench in a prone position;
  • body lifts with weight on a bench with a reverse incline.

The exercises are also repeated 12-15 times.

Based on this program, you can create various variations of training that you can use during the drying period. Of course, drying the body for men in the gym provides more opportunities, but you can also work out at home using horizontal bars, bars, weights, dumbbells and other equipment.

Drying the body for men: a little about nutrition

With a program such as body drying for men, training should be complemented by a well-thought-out diet that will meet all the rules. The basic principles of building a diet will be as follows:

  • Be sure to have breakfast. Neglecting the morning meal seriously slows down the metabolism.
  • You need to eat often and little by little - every 2-3 hours, five times a day. Such nutrition will allow maintaining the most correct functioning of the metabolism and will not allow the body to actively accumulate fats. Besides, fractional nutrition makes it possible to avoid the painful feeling of hunger.
  • The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime.
  • Most of the food should be eaten in the morning.
  • And the diet excludes sweet, flour, fast food, various sauces, alcohol.
  • Drink plenty of fluids - at least two liters a day.
  • In the diet in small quantities should be fats, but only healthy, vegetable origin. They are found in fish, nuts, vegetable oils.
  • The body, due to severe restrictions, needs support. To provide him with this, use vitamin and multivitamin complexes.

Despite the fact that drying is considered a carbohydrate-free diet, carbohydrates should still be present in the diet, especially on the day of training. But they must be complex. These are cereals, durum pasta, fruits and vegetables, black bread. simple carbohydrates, which provoke sharp jumps in sugar, are excluded from the diet.

The basis of the diet will be squirrels. They are represented by lean meats and poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, low-fat dairy products.

The correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is important. It will change depending on from the drying phase: first, we gradually reduce carbohydrates and increase proteins, then we go in the reverse order, consistently returning to the usual diet. On the initial stage drying the amount of carbohydrates is limited to 2 grams per kg of weight. As for calories, they need to be calculated based on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Drying the body for men, in which training and nutrition are indispensable components, helps to achieve the perfect physical form. It is not easy to withstand it, but the result is worth it. Do not forget that before starting the program you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Drying training video program

In the gym and beyond, drying the body is probably one of the most popular topics among athletes, and both boys and girls argue with the same heat about how to dry muscles properly and how difficult it is. However, it is better to turn to competing bodybuilders for experience in this matter, their result is obvious and most pronounced.

Our expert, Dmitry Yashankin, tells how to dry properly.

Where does the drying of the body begin?

Let's be honest with each other. There is no need to entertain illusions: the layman is unlikely to be able to look like embossed and muscular guys on the covers of magazines. They are either young fashion models who have never had problems with dryness, or bodybuilders in competitive form using pharmacological special means, without which it is impossible to achieve muscle stiffness and venousness.

We are interested in getting rid of fat in a "natural" way, which means that initially expect the result to be, but not like the bodybuilders on the podium. For example, consider the example of a fat burning workout.

Preparation for competitions, which in common people is called drying the body, can be divided into two successive stages: fat burning and "eyeliner". "Eyeliner" is the final stage, during which the athlete begins to manipulate the water balance in the body, achieving a minimum amount of fluid under the skin.

However, the "eyeliner" brings only a short-term effect, but we will borrow the experience of fat burning.

What can a 30-year-old man, inclined to be overweight and regularly exercising with iron, borrow from the arsenal of athletes? Unfortunately, nothing new. Everything has been known for a long time and works great.

But if everything is so simple, why are there so many people with overweight? First, because it's difficult. Not difficult, but difficult.

Gaining mass, working on the relief, drying the body is a lot of work and, frankly, not very creative and interesting.

How to exercise while drying the body

Many visitors to fitness clubs and “atmospheric” rocking chairs in the basement do things that make no sense to do. A typical picture: a full individual, thirsting for relief, with a feverish gleam in his eyes, wraps himself in a kind of miracle belt and goes to the cardio zone.

Returns after 20-30 minutes, lathered, suffocated and rushes to pump the muscles of the press, and after - for example, biceps. What is the logic in this?

First, remember: there are no miraculous belts and shorts for ladies. practical use will not bring. And there is no effect from a local increase in temperature in problem areas of the abdominal area of ​​the press either. On the contrary, you run the risk of overloading the heart, overheating internal organs located in abdominal cavity and trite to earn a rash-prickly heat.

And the inspiring streams of sweat that are caused by these warmings have nothing to do with fat burning and how to dry yourself properly - even more so.

Secondly, running for people over 30 and weighing more than 100 kg is not recommended at all for safety reasons. knee joints and spine.

However, we must remember that during the period of fat burning and drying of the body, it is necessary to perform aerobic work and cardio exercises. This is exactly the level of exercise that allows us to stay in the zone of sufficient oxygen consumption. It is believed that the target heart rate (heart rate) for fat burning is 60-70% of max heart rate.

For example, if you are 30 years old, then: 220 - 30 = 190. Your heart rate should be: 60% -70% of 190, that is, 114-133 heart rate.

If you suffocate, it means that oxygen starvation occurs and the oxidation process is inhibited. Burning in the muscles means that the load is too great and the energy supply is due to anaerobic glycolysis of glucose and the fat is not oxidized again.

Abs workout

During the period of fat burning on drying the body, this is an almost useless exercise, since local lipolysis does not exist (unlike local lipogenesis).

But if the reason is not only subcutaneous fat, but also the “sagging” of the skin of the abdomen, and you want a toned stomach, you know: this is responsible transverse muscle abdomen is the deepest abdominal muscles and not involved in anatomical movements. You can pump it up with the so-called vacuum (by drawing in the abdomen as you exhale).

Abdominal vacuum

In addition, the abdominal muscles are a very small muscle mass and often even a 30-40 minute abs workout does not cause significant energy consumption, and in a trained person it does not even bring the heart rate closer to the fat burning zone. The same applies to other conditionally small muscle groups.

  • First of all - power training 40 - 60 minutes.
  • Give preference to large muscle groups, reducing rest between sets (no more than 1 minute) and arranging auxiliary exercises in three-, giant-, or even. It turns out a sort of interval aerobics.
  • For best results, you can try specific sports supplements.
  • To develop strength, use techniques kettlebell lifting, weightlifting and wrestling.

An example of the word training.

Drying strength training

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It can be any physical activity, ranging from banal walking on a treadmill with a maximum incline to bag work or group strength training with pretty ladies.

If there is a desire to make the fat burning process more intense, and the result of drying the body more pronounced, you can add aerobics in the morning before breakfast.

Nutrition for drying the body

If, having lived to the age of 30, you have never had the opportunity to count cubes on your stomach, then you will have to count calories.

Philistine recommendations like "Eat less!" won't help you. Tips not to eat after 6 pm, not to eat after workouts, or even worse - to starve, are applicable for girls who strive to put on a fashionable new thing for the holiday, but not for adult serious men.

Our task during the drying of the body is to destroy fat as much as possible with minimal loss of muscle tissue. And since we do not use special means from the arsenal of hormones that help maintain muscle, we must be extremely accurate and accurate.

The price of your drying of the body is worthless if, as a result of losing 20 kg, you do not change the composition of the body - the ratio of muscle / fat. Moreover, you will look even worse than before the execution: before you were big and fat, and now you are small and fat.

To avoid this, every week gradually reduce the daily ration by no more than 500 kcal (or better by 200-300) until we reach the mark of 2000 kcal.

How and what to eat during drying

To calculate the required amount of nutrients in the daily diet during the drying period of the body, we take the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) for a low-carbohydrate diet as a percentage of calories.

Remember: you should never feel hungry. Meals should be fractional, every two hours eat a small portion.

For example, you started to dry your muscles and planned to go to 2500 kcal / day:

  • B - 50% = 1250 kcal. 1250/4 = 312.5 grams
  • W - 20% = 500 kcal. 500/9 = 55.5 grams
  • U - 30% = 750 kcal. 750/4 = 187.5 grams.

It is clear that all these tenths of grams are very arbitrary. To be honest, for me personally, so many carbohydrates are too much. So, if your metabolism is similar to mine, obviously slow, then gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates and add protein by the same number of grams.

There is another option for a carbohydrate-free diet, but I do not recommend it for those who do not take hormonal drugs, otherwise catabolism muscle tissue will be huge.

Consume carbohydrates in the morning, make sure they are low. Proper sources of carbohydrates:

  • oatmeal,
  • buckwheat,
  • Brown rice,
  • pearl porridge.

After all, they talk about weak people: "I ate little porridge!".

For fruits, you can eat green apples (preferably half an apple) and grapefruits. Green vegetables rich in fiber are allowed to be consumed without restrictions: greens, different types cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce.

Try not to mix carbohydrates with fats, but limiting fat intake as much as possible is a big mistake. Just divide them for simplicity into "good" and "bad".

“Good” fats are vegetable fats (except palm oil) and fish oils, that is, all those that are liquid at room temperature.

In a healthy diet, and even more so during muscle drying, they should be up to 70% of the total fat, so you may have to add them to the diet. For example, in the form of a couple of tablespoons of linseed oil.

We often get an excess of “bad” fats during the day, so choose low-fat cottage cheese and chicken (or turkey) breasts. Of course, no skin.

Eat protein mostly in the afternoon. Sources of protein during the drying period of the body will be: chicken breasts, sea low-fat fish, low-fat cottage cheese and egg whites.

Protein derived from plant foods is not included. Taking into account that there are about 20% of protein in “protein” products, we calculate: 1.5 kg of products to obtain only the cherished 300 grams of protein.

So the athlete will definitely not have to starve on drying, and if you add the carbohydrates in the diet, then there may even be a problem with the consumption of such an amount of food. Here, sports nutrition comes to the aid of those who want to dry their muscles.

Sports nutrition and body drying

You must understand that supplements are only a small help and it is unwise to build an entire fat loss strategy around them. On the other hand, drying the body is exactly the period when the consumption of supplements is most justified.

I have tried with and without additives. With additives it is tastier and psychologically easier. I can advise: vitamins, glutamine, fat burners, pre-workout.


On the "drying" you can drink sports or pharmacy vitamins, you can make injections. In any case, remember that the dosage should be increased and adequate to the load.

Fat burners

It's hard to judge how good a fat burner is because the most effective fat burner without proper diet does not work, but a diet without "burners" can give an effect.

You can try to consume fat burners - or LJ, as professional athletes call them - there will be no harm from this, but it is possible that there will be benefits too. Usually, fat burners have a dual effect: they enhance lipolysis processes and stimulate the nervous system.

It is convenient to use fat burners precisely because of this “vigority” effect, since a low-carb diet during drying of the body can cause a breakdown, and sometimes it is difficult to motivate yourself to workout without additional incentive. For the same purpose, pre-workout complexes are also used.

Be careful when combining fat burners and pre-workout complexes so as not to get an overdose of caffeine, which can be found in both products. Carefully study the composition or consult with a specialist. If in the total basket of dietary supplements that you consume, there will be a total amount of BCAAs, glutamine, arginine and other amino acid components more than planned by 5-10 grams, this is only good when you dry your muscles. However, if you get an overdose of caffeine, guarana, green tea extract and other stimulants, then this is fraught with negative consequences for your body and first of all - for the heart.

Protein is necessary if, due to circumstances, you sometimes have to skip meals, or because you can no longer look at fat-free cottage cheese. In this case, during the day, consume the concentrate, after training, drink isolate or hydrolyzate, and before going to bed - casein-based protein, multi-component or extended release.


I was always skeptical about it and took it on strong recommendation. And it just so happened, or is it really the merit of glutamine, but in the last two dryings I didn’t get sick, despite the flu epidemics and, usually for 3-4 weeks of diets and aerobics, I’m guaranteed to catch a cold. So try. Effective dosage from 20 grams per day

Then you just have to control and adjust the process of drying the body according to objective and subjective criteria. Make it a rule to weigh yourself and take anthropometric measurements once a week at the same time.

The most objective criterion is the percentage of body fat through bioimpedance analysis, however, unfortunately, such an accurate measurement method is not available to all amateurs.

Available at home capiperometry (pinching of fat folds) and scales using BES show a very approximate result, and the calculation of this indicator using formulas generally has little to do with real numbers.

Therefore, to track the dynamics, regularly weigh yourself and monitor the change in chest girth, waist, pelvis, shoulder, thigh and lower leg.


During drying, the psycho-emotional state worsens, nervousness, irritability and lack of desire to do anything appear - that's side effects strict diet and exhausting workouts.

Remember: drying the body in bodybuilding is a serious test for an athlete.

However, relief training improves blood circulation, and hence muscle nutrition. Plus, you can finally show off the results of your grueling hours at the gym! To go through this period correctly, listen to the experience of professionals.

Train anytime, anywhere, dry your muscles smartly and good luck in building the perfect body.

Drying the body is a stage that a training man goes through - an amateur athlete and a professional performing on stage. It is a logical continuation of a set of muscle mass, at the same time as several kilograms of fat are inevitably gained. In order to objectively evaluate the fruits of his efforts in the gym and make them obvious to others, a bodybuilder moving on to cutting changes his diet and training program. An integrated approach gives best result: only a calorie deficit will lead, first of all, to a decrease in muscle, and fat will not budge.

The aerobic program is considered one of the weight loss methods used for cutting. But, not supported by hard work in the gym, cardio exercises also lead to the fact that a man parted with part of his hard-earned body. The use of a fat burner during drying will safely speed up the process and prevent the muscles from “deflate”.

Basic principles of successful drying

To achieve this goal, a man needs to create a calorie deficit. They should not only be consumed within reasonable limits, but also spent, performing exercises, to the maximum. So, training should be energy-intensive. Most in line with this requirement basic program, training the whole body:

  • bench press;
  • deadlift;
  • squats.

These multi-joint exercises should be relied upon during drying. The method of training also affects energy costs. The multi-rep, weight-reducing method known as pumping gives you a sustained metabolic boost that works long after your workout to burn fat. Despite the high efficiency, such a program does not lead to microtrauma of muscle fibers that occur during training with heavy weights and a low number of repetitions. During the drying of the body, a man works in a controlled calorie deficit mode, which leaves no resource for compensation and supercompensation. This means that muscles that have not recovered can be easily injured by heavy exercises.

Symptom right choice weight is an unbearable burning sensation that appears in the working muscle after 12-15 repetitions of the exercise.

Another method to increase the effectiveness of training and accelerate fat burning is to compact classes, a high pace of exercise with minimal rest between sets. Seal types:

  • superset program - a combination of several elements in one exercise for more effective muscle development (press on the board with a slope of 40 degrees);
  • dropset program - a series with a consistent weight reduction of 20%.

Circuit training example

Efficient and widely used scheme - high intensity circuit training. Helping to part with the body fat of a man during drying, it increases stamina. Requiring long recovery, it is held every other day, it turns out three classes a week. Several exercises - a circle - are performed one after another with a minimum interval (no more than half a minute), rest between circles - up to 2 minutes. Within one workout, the load can increase and the rest time can be reduced.

The number of laps during drying depends on the level of preparation of the man's body. You can start with one and gradually come to three solid circles.

First workout

  • traction block to the belt while sitting - a basic exercise for the biceps, shoulders, lower back, quadriceps, latissimus dorsi;
  • bench press - aimed at triceps, chest muscles;
  • leg press - works well on the legs, hips, buttocks, but does not threaten injury to the lower back;
  • bending the legs in the machine is the only effective exercise that promotes the development of calves;
  • press from behind the head - directed to the deltoid muscle;
  • lifting the barbell for biceps is the main exercise that develops the biceps;
  • extension of the arms on the upper block - to increase the mass of the triceps.

Perform 12-15 repetitions of each exercise in a circle.

Second workout (every other day)

  • bench press on an incline bench;
  • squats in the Smith machine;
  • deadlift;
  • broach of the lower block or bar along the body;
  • bench press with a narrow grip - an effective exercise for the development of triceps;
  • alternate lifting of dumbbells for biceps - biceps, brachioradialis, deltoid muscles are involved;
  • barbell pull from top to bottom to the chest on a block simulator in a sitting position;
  • lifting the legs in emphasis on the uneven bars the maximum number of times.

The number of repetitions (except for the last exercise) is 12-15 times.

Third workout

  • Hack squats are an excellent study of the entire lower body;
  • hyperextension - the buttocks, back, hip flexors are being worked out;
  • press up to the chest in Smith - deltoids and triceps;
  • lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting on a bench;
  • French bench press - trains triceps;
  • traction of the bar to the belt in an inclination - the back muscles are trained;
  • breeding dumbbells in a prone position on an inclined bench;
  • torso lifts with weight on a back inclined bench.

Each exercise is repeated 12-15 times.

This program is the basis for various variations that you can create individually for yourself and use during the drying period.

All athletes who have reached a certain level, who have gained good muscle mass during the mass-gaining period, sooner or later must switch to the type of training that allows you to burn excess fat, i.e. "dry" your body. Of course, this applies only to those athletes who have such a goal, you must admit that such a thought would never enter a powerlifter's head. This method and the training program for drying the body, voiced in this article, can be used by bodybuilders who are not related to competitive bodybuilding, although some of the material will be useful for experienced, competitive athletes.

So what do you need to do in order to show off your muscular and relief body after a good mass gain? All that is required of you is to compose the right program workouts and, most importantly, follow a diet for drying muscles. But now we will talk about training. Despite the fact that there are only two tasks, you will need to work hard, both literally and figuratively. Since the amount of carbohydrates decreases somewhat on drying (sometimes they are even completely excluded from the diet, but this principle of nutrition is mainly used by experienced bodybuilders), and therefore there will be not enough energy, and it will be very difficult to train. It is at this moment that you need to be able to overcome yourself and force yourself to plow in the gym, otherwise the fat from your “greasy” parts will never go away.

Here are a few rules that will help you when compiling a training program for drying the body:

Features of the training program for drying the body

As we have already said, in your training program for drying muscles, you should use the pump style, i.e. high reps (15-20) to speed up your metabolism. It is necessary to significantly reduce the working weights in almost all exercises. Most likely, this process will take place without your knowledge, because. there will be a lack of calories in the body, a lack of energy, and you simply won’t have enough strength for heavy approaches with huge weight. It is necessary to use basically only those that involve several muscle groups and expend more energy.

Body Drying Workout (4-Day Split)

Day 1 (chest, biceps):

  • Bench press 4x15;
  • Incline dumbbell bench press 4x15;
  • Mixing hands in a 4x15 crossover;
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing 4x15;
  • Press.

Day 2 (back, triceps):

  • Thrust of the upper block to the chest 4x15;
  • Dumbbell row in an incline 4x15;
  • The thrust of the lower block to the belt 4x15;
  • French bench press 4x15;
  • Extension of the arms from the upper block 3x15.

Day 3 (shoulders):

  • Bench press sitting 4x15;
  • Rod pull to the chin 4x15;
  • Breeding hands to the sides 3x15;
  • Breeding arms to the sides lying on an inclined bench with a stomach 4x15;
  • Shrugs with a barbell 4x15.

Day 4 (legs):

  • Squats with a barbell on the chest 4x15;
  • Leg press 4x15;
  • Lunges with dumbbells 4x15;
  • Rise on socks in the simulator sitting 4x15.