How to quickly pump up the inner surface of the thigh. How to pump up your legs: training on the hips. Reduction of legs with a fitball

The inner thigh is a problem area for many women, and not only those who have excess weight but also those who are actively involved in fitness. Of course, these two categories have problems different essence, and in any case, you need to know how to pump up your legs with inside.

In the first case, when a girl is overweight, a large amount of fat is deposited on her inner thigh, which does not look very good, but it also rubs jeans.

In the second case, when a girl is engaged in building up the muscles of the hips, the inner part of the thigh is lagging behind, and the thigh becomes not rounded on both sides, but aesthetically ugly arched. Today we will tell you how to pump inner part hips.

Anatomy of the inner thigh

It is very important to see the anatomy of the hips in order to learn how to pump up the thin muscle of the thigh and the adductor. It is this muscle that is usually in less tone in girls, which is why it does not look aesthetically pleasing.

The inner thigh is made up of:

  • sartorius muscle
  • Iliopsoas muscle
  • comb muscle
  • thin muscle

The main function of these muscles is to bring the leg, which means that all exercises will also be based on this.

These muscles are located just above the quadriceps femoris on the inside of the leg under the groin.

How to pump up the inner thigh at home?

In this article, you will learn how to quickly pump up the inner thigh, and in the gym. Here will be presented a variety of exercises performed with an expander, in simulators and with your own weight.

Exercise number 1. Exercises for the tailor muscle with an expander are very convenient to perform at home. You can perform it with expanders of two types: a regular elastic band or a simulator.

In the first case, the elastic must be hooked on something, and the second end must be fixed on the leg. Stand up straight, hold on to the support with your hand. Take your leg as far as possible to the side and return to starting position. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

In the second case, a special simulator for the inner thigh is bought, which is placed between the legs and compressed. Lie down on the floor, bend your knees, the simulator is placed between your knees. Squeeze the handles of the simulator as much as possible. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

Exercise number 2. The second exercise is performed in the gym in special simulator. Sit in the simulator, put your legs on the bindings and bring them together. This exercise It is convenient that there is an opportunity to increase the load. Do 2 sets of 15-20 reps.

Exercise number 3. Next exercise You can do it both at home and in the gym. It is the perfect answer to the question - how to pump up thin legs and buttocks at home for a girl. You can do it with your own weight or with a kettlebell. Take the kettlebell in your hands, put your legs very wide, spread your socks to the sides. Squat down to parallel to the floor. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise number 4. This exercise is an analogue of the exercise with an expander, only performed in block simulator which allows you to adjust the weight. You put on a special cuff on your leg, you hook the carabiner of the block onto it. Hold on to the support with your hand and take your leg to the side. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps, increasing the load with each set.

Exercise number 5. The last exercise in our complex is lying leg raises. It is very simple and convenient for home training. Lie down on the floor, lift your legs up and spread apart to the maximum. Do 2 sets of 20-25 reps.

How to pump up the inner thigh at home - video:

This question is very difficult, as each case will be special. It all depends on how often you train and how well you recover. If you know how to pump internal muscles legs at home following the example of any fitness model, this does not mean at all that you will get exactly the same result and in the same time frame.

But we can assure you that with regular training and proper nutrition, you will notice obvious changes in the constitution of your legs in 3-4 weeks. Follow some rules for a quick result:

  1. Train to the best of your ability - start with 1-2 workouts per week, but don't exercise every day;
  2. Observe proper nutrition to reduce the amount subcutaneous fat or to retain his interest;
  3. Eat enough protein (about 1-1.5 grams per 1 kg of your weight, so that the muscles of high quality are restored and strengthened;
  4. Sleep at least 8-10 hours so that your body recovers completely - not only your well-being, but also beauty depends on this!

Discussion: 10 comments

    I generally yell at these exercises. I did all of them and it didn't work. If you want to know how to pump the inside of the thigh and not suffer from bullshit, then do two exercises - squats with a barbell (alternate between normal execution and sumo style) and deadlift. Everything else as a background, any swings, oohs, sighs, etc.

    Exercise number 5 is cool, but I do it in a crossover. I take the handles from the upper blocks, replace them with loops and do it. I don’t use the simulator for the inner thigh, it is uncomfortable and somehow ridiculous.

    It is a pity for the house not quite suitable exercises. I don’t buy simulators for the inner thigh for home, they are expensive and negative reviews too much. Only 3 and 5 are suitable for me, but I only use them to improve the relief. Isn't strength training with heavy weights necessary to increase muscle?

    And the static helped me. Like in exercise 3 in the squat, only sit to the maximum. I started with two minutes, my legs were shaking terribly. Now I do 4 sets of 3-4 minutes and my legs look completely different. dare

    The article is excellent, but their smiling faces are infuriating. Have you plowed in the hall once? It's better not to look at the face at all. Even leg abductions in the simulator on the last repetitions make the muscles burn with fire.

    I would never have thought that everything is so simple. I don't even believe it. I will try to do these exercises, but even regular squats without weight 50 times per approach, the inside of the thigh did not do better.

    good exercise, good article, but if you are looking for how to build up the inner thigh, then you can’t do without powerful basic exercises. Mahi and other “leading” movements will perfectly remove fat on the inside of the thigh, but they are unlikely to allow you to build mass.

    The guide is ok but not complete. It is said how to quickly pump up the inner thigh at home, but the exercises are mainly for the gym. Nothing is said about hormones, but in vain. Without strength exercises what could be the weight gain? You won't even be able to lose weight. And as an alternative for alternating between strength training exercises, they are quite justified, they will load the target muscle.

    And how to pump up the inner thigh at home for a girl if there is no sports equipment? There is only a skipping rope and a great desire. Maybe there are some cool exercises with your body weight, for example, like the fifth point?

    I will give a little advice about exercises with an expander or a simulator. Use static instead of dynamics. The tension is wild, the muscles are burning, in a couple of months the legs have decently increased in volume, despite the fact that there is less fat. This is a cool indicator of progress.

The question of how to pump up the inner thigh is quite complex and controversial. At different times, there were different opinions about what exercises really help well. At the moment, experts agreed on the opinion that the exercises for mixing and raising the legs, which were popular long time are actually not very efficient. The most effective exercises for the inner thigh turned out to be very unexpected.

How to pump up the inner thigh?

To achieve results, it is important to perform exercises for the internal muscles of the thighs regularly, every other day or every day, depending on how you feel. In addition, it is important to perform them correctly, otherwise they simply will not give the desired effect.

Actually pump up inner surface hips can be done by doing just one exercise - but doing it correctly. This is a magical exercise - squats with a barbell, but not in its usual form, but in a slightly modified form. However, an integrated approach, as in any business, gives faster results, so if you add a few more approaches of other exercises to it, you will notice the effect much earlier.

How to pump up the inner thigh muscles: barbell squats

We will analyze in detail how to perform this basic exercise, which will quickly make your legs toned and beautiful.

  1. Stand up straight, legs wider than shoulders, feet pointing towards outer sides at an angle of 45 degrees, shoulders straightened, on the shoulders (but by no means on the neck!) - a barbell. The back should be perfectly flat along the entire length, including the neck (make sure that the chin is raised).
  2. Take a deep breath, slowly pushing your buttocks back, as if you were going to sit on an invisible chair, move down, bending your knees to a 90-degree angle (thighs should be parallel to the floor).
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Make sure that the back remains straight, the head does not lean down. Hold at this point for two seconds and slowly return to the starting position. After that, exhale.

Such squats should be repeated in three sets, 15-25 times each. If this is too difficult for you, start with a load of 10-12 repetitions in three sets. Since it is quite easy to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh with this exercise, because it involves a variety of muscle groups, you will get a double effect: squats with a barbell or body bar actively work the muscles of the buttocks, giving the body in this area a firm and attractive look.

How to pump up the inner side of the thigh: an exercise for the lazy

To achieve the look of beautiful, slender, elastic hips, in addition to weighted squats, you should use another exercise that can be performed lying down, for example, while watching a movie.

If performed correctly, even these two exercises will be quite enough to short time give your feet nice shape and pump up the inside of the thigh.

Slenderness and beauty of the legs can be obtained no matter what constitution you have. But for this you need not be lazy and work out all the muscle groups in the legs. Enough problem area, the inner surface of the thigh is considered, for its beautiful reliefs special exercises are needed. How to pump up the inner thigh, we will answer this question.

You can do muscle training, as in gym as well as at home. The most important thing is that the training is regular, only then the result will be achieved.

On the inside of the thigh, as well as on the lower part of the press, usually most of all accumulate body fat. Therefore, it seems to many that if you properly download these parts of the body, then immediately it will bring beauty and harmony. But it is not so.

In order to eventually get a beautiful muscular relief, you will first need to get rid of the fat layer in these places. And here only special exercises for certain muscle groups can not be dispensed with. You'll have to sweat in general aerobic training.

The fact is that special exercises for certain muscle groups, this is an anaerobic exercise option, when the muscle is simply pumped up. If you pump up the muscle, while not getting rid of the fat layer, then it will not look very aesthetically pleasing. And aerobic exercise will just help get rid of the fat layer. Ideally, your workout should be half aerobic and half anaerobic.

As an aerobic exercise, you can choose running, any more or less active species dancing, cycling, jumping and more. It will be any load that will make your body sweat. And already in the second half of the workout, it would be ideal to connect special exercises aimed at the desired muscle groups.

They will be the final step in getting rid of the internal and external fat layer, it is these exercises that will finally form your beautiful leg relief.


Now let's go directly to the description of the actions that will help form a beautiful embossed inner thigh. One of the most effective exercises for the legs is squats. For the inner thigh, these squats are suitable.

Let's get straight. We place our legs shoulder-width apart. If you are in the gym, then you can do these squats with an empty bar. At home, you can pick up a towel or just do it with straightened arms. So, bring your hands out in front of you. Your toes are pointing to the side. Start doing deep and slow squats.

When performing them, make sure that the knees do not visually go beyond the toes of the feet. Also, be careful not to arch your back too much. It is very important to squat low enough, in this case the effect will be felt. With these actions, the buttocks are also worked out, the calf muscles work additionally, in general, such squats are extremely useful for a girl. Ideally, you need to do 10 times three sets of such squats.


Another wonderful exercise that is the answer to the question: how to pump up the inside of the thigh is lunges. With lunges, the muscles of the buttocks and muscles are also worked out. lower press. Successive lunges. They can also be made at home. And in the gym, they are ideal as a warm-up.

To start performing alternate lunges, we become straight, the legs must be pressed tightly against each other, the back remains flat. First, we take a deep step with one foot forward and to the right at the same time, then the leg bends until a right angle is formed in the knee, and the second knee almost touches the floor.

In this position, if everything is done correctly, you will feel a stretch in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner thigh, here you need to linger for a while, and then return to the original position. Repeat the same steps with the second leg. Do five lunges on each leg.

Then you can complicate these actions. To achieve this, when you are at the bottom, when the knee touches the floor, in this position, squeeze your buttocks with all your strength, then, pushing off with your heel, take the original position. Do at least five glute lunges on each leg.


To do this exercise at home, you will need a chair. Stand behind the chair, at a distance of about 30-40 cm from it. Leave your hands on the back of the chair. To make it easier to balance, lean forward a little. We transfer the weight of the body first to the right leg, and with the left leg we swing to the side.

Do 15-20 swings on each leg, you can do several approaches. In order to pump the abdominal muscles in these actions, you just need to make sure that during the exercise it is tense.

Internal leg raise

This exercise is a wonderful answer to the question of how to pump up the inner thigh. It is easy to perform at home. It isolated uses this particular part of the legs.

To do this, lie on your side. The leg that was at the top must be bent at the knee and thrown over the leg that was at the bottom. Put the hand that turned out to be at the top under the head, and with the other hand rest against the floor. Pull the sock towards you. Tighten the leg that was at the bottom, and lift it as far as possible. Then return it to its original position. Perform 20 such actions on each leg.

Performing such exercises regularly, and combining them with aerobic exercise, you can pretty quickly put in order the inner thigh area and related muscles.

Tightened inner thighs look attractive, sporty and healthy. But the trainers unanimously say that losing weight in this zone is not an easy task. Get ready to work hard.

The inner thigh at home can be reduced through high-interval or power training. This article contains exercises for the inner thigh muscles that really work. It's time to put yourself in order, and we will help you with this!

The length of your legs depends on genetics. But how to pump up the inner thigh and make it more beautiful is another question. Fat on the thighs is located in two layers: superficial and deeper.

The good news is that it is possible to change the fat and muscle composition of your legs. If you increase the indicator of strength and endurance, then your legs will become slender and elastic.

Having a general understanding of the anatomy of the muscles of the legs, you will definitely be able to understand the whole ins and outs of training.

Hamstrings These muscles are located at the back of the thigh and help you bend your knees and stretch your hips.

Abductor muscles are the internal muscles of the thigh.

Quadriceps - they consist of four sections and form the anterior muscles of the thigh.

Calf muscle (medial head) - This is the uppermost of the two calf muscles.

Front tibialis muscle - it is located in the lower leg and helps you bend your ankle.

soleus muscle - This calf muscle located under the medial head.

Having understood a little about anatomy, let's see exercises on the inner thigh at home for girls. All of them are easy to perform (they can even be done at home) and quite interesting.

  1. Lateral leg lift with fitball

This simple inner thigh toning exercise was recommended by experienced fitness instructors.

Add some spice to the main training process using fitball.

Lie on your side on the floor. Cross your arms in front of your body. If you feel discomfort, then bend your elbow lower hand and put your head on this hand.

Place the fitball between your legs. Slowly lift the ball towards the ceiling using your hips and buttocks.

Return to starting position. Do three sets of 15 reps.

  1. Squats

Many people know that squats are the most effective exercises for the inner thigh. Matt Townsend, a celebrity trainer, also shares this opinion.

Also, this exercise is highly fat burning.

Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart.

Put your hands on the back of your head. Squat down slowly: thighs should be parallel to the ground.

Hold this position for three seconds.

Return to starting position.

An important point: when squatting, your knees should not go beyond your toes.

Pull your shoulders back and keep your chest upright.

Repeat the exercise 12-15 times.

  1. Jumping left and right on one leg

Put some kind of "obstacle" on the floor. Or you can just present an object to jump over.

Stand on one leg, slightly bent knee and jump left and right from the "obstacle".

Start at close range until your legs get stronger. Then you can increase the distance.

Balancing can be a challenge at first. If you continue to practice effectively, then stabilization will appear very soon.

  1. Glute Bridge

If you need exercises for the inner thighs and buttocks, then you have come to the right place.

Lie down on the floor. Bend your legs, connect your knees.

Keep your feet at a distance. Place a pillow between your thighs. Raise your hips slowly and lower them as well. Squeeze your knees together as you move up and down. Maintain tension on the pillow at all times.

In the same position, lift your hips into a bridge. Keep a pillow between your knees. Squeeze the pillow about 30 times. Lower your pelvis and relax your back.

  1. Frog

The frog is a good and simple exercise in order to pull up thigh muscles. Exercises for the inner thigh do not always require a lot of effort. The frog is still more connected with the concept of gymnastics.

Lie on your back, lift your legs and straighten. Bend your legs, keeping your heels together, and spread your toes.

Slowly spread your knees in different directions, tensing your muscles. Then straighten, engaging the inner thigh muscles. Do three sets of 12 reps.

  1. dance movement

Add some spice to your workout with this fun dance move. This dance combination will refer to hip-hop. The video is in English, but visually you will understand what needs to be done and how.

The three steps that go into this workout are the snake lunge, the criss-cross, and the simple hip-hop squat.

Stand up straight. Raise your chest and tighten your abs. Take your right leg back. Do this 4 times and go to the cross.

Perform the previous movement and cross your legs 4 times. Then move on to squats. Keep your fingers in front, repeat the squats and return to the starting position. It is advisable to do this all to the music, adhering to the rhythm. Repeat squats 4 times.

Then repeat the entire complex to the beat. All three exercises must be performed with maximum concentration on the muscles of the inner thigh muscles in order to engage the target muscles for strengthening and tightening.

  1. A set of exercises in motion

Keep your feet together. Step back and squat. Do big step, slightly wider than width hip joint. Connect your legs to each other.

Do 10 reps on each side.

  1. Exercise for the inner and outer thigh

Keep your feet together. Take a side step to the side, bend and hold one arm in front. Connect your legs back.

Bring your leg back with a curtsey. Don't let the body spin. You must keep your core muscles straight. Your legs should look like zigzags.

If you want to make this exercise more difficult, then add weight. Relax and repeat the exercise on the other side. Do 5 times on each side.

The last two inner thigh exercises were recommended by Astrid McGuire, celebrity fitness trainer. The best thing about these exercises is that you can do them in the comfort of your own home.

  1. How models train all sides of the thigh at Victoria Secret

Keep your hands on your hips. Make a semi-squat and from this position step left and right. Do 12 reps on each leg. This is a simple exercise, its results are amazing.

Another exercise that came from the dance world. Stand up straight, keep your legs straight with your hands on your waist. Take your leg back, and then smoothly bring it forward, making a semicircle. The sock looks down. Do 10 reps on each leg.

Do this movement slowly and under control.

  1. Exercise for the distance between the hips

Lie on your side and on the floor. Straighten your bottom leg.

Cross your top leg over it. Put your head on your hand. Raise your bottom leg up.

Keep your leg parallel to the floor and lift your heel towards the ceiling. This action keeps the tension right in the desired area. Also control upper part body while you are doing the exercise.

  1. Leg abduction with rubber band

Take rubber band, tie her to a weight of 23 kilograms or more. This is done so that the weight does not roll back to the sides during training.

Put your hands on your hips. Take a step to the side and move your leg

Contraction contraction is what makes this exercise effective. Repeat the process for the other leg. Do ten repetitions on each leg.

  1. Plie squats with dumbbells between legs

Straighten your legs and stand wider than your shoulders. Take, for example, a 16 kg dumbbell and hold it between your legs.

Take the pelvis back, do not fill up the chest and shoulders forward and do a squat. Repeat 10 times.

  1. Exercises for the hips with a fitball

Spread your legs as wide as possible. Squat down and make sure your knees are directly over your heels.

Lean your fingers on your fitball. Lower yourself down, keeping the ball under your fingers the whole time. Do 10 reps.

Another workout is the fitball deadlift. Step one leg back and hold the ball.

Pull in your belly. Bend parallel to the floor, standing on one leg, and lower the fitball.

Touch the ball to the floor. Return to starting position. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

Proper nutrition for slim hips

  • Drink two glasses of water in the morning and 8 more glasses of water throughout the day.
  • You can replace the water with herbal tea. Other drinks are not allowed.
  • Avoid all grains and grains, but half a plate of brown rice a day is okay.
  • Eat lots of fresh fruits
  • Avoid sugar and sugary foods. The best substitute is stevia.
  • Eat 4 servings of protein per day. Serving size is the size of your fist.
  • Consume 2 tablespoons of oil daily. Oils can be any: olive, coconut, flaxseed, unrefined nut oils.
  • Avoid all dairy products. The replacement is whey protein with water and fruit.
  • Try eating more organic foods. Enjoy what you eat.
  • Eat every 3 hours.
  • Add fish oil and probiotics to your diet.
  • Get a pedometer. Aim to walk 5,000 to 10,000 steps daily.
  • Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.
  • Start jumping rope. This will help burn calories, increase agility and achieve results faster.
  • Get around the city by bike.
  • Do the scissors. Lie on your back, lift your legs up and begin to swing them crosswise to the sides.
  • Maybe you should start dancing.
  • Make friends with lunges and squats - they are the most effective exercises to improve the hips.
  • Lunges strengthen the hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes. Whereas squats work on the hips and buttocks.
  • You can drink Yerba mate. This tea is clinically proven effective in burning fat.
  • Eat more vegetable protein to boost metabolism.
  • Try high interval training (HIIT). They take less time than cardio and tone your thighs.


patience combined with the right exercises help you achieve your dream feet. The appearance and size of the distance between the hips depends on your genetics and the natural structure of the body. And therefore, no matter how hard you try, you will not get super-model hips if there is no genetic predisposition to this.

Also to improve appearance thighs, you can use anti-cellulite creams, massages, body wraps, etc.

Constantly train, performing the described set of exercises, observing the technique and rules for performing movements, nutritional recommendations, and your legs will become the envy of you. And you will only have to accept compliments with a smile, because you deserve it.

On the inside of the thigh are the large, long and short adductor muscles, the pectineus and thin muscles. They adduct and flex the hip and also rotate it outward. It is these muscles that we will pump.

Bodyweight exercises

Press your lower back to the floor, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Bring and spread your legs 20 times, rest and do two more sets.

The exercise will be even more effective if you hang weights on your legs.

Adduction of the hip from a position on the side

Lie on your side, leaning on your forearm. The lower leg is straightened, the second is bent at the knee. Raise your straight leg off the floor, hold for one to two seconds, and lower.

Deep lunges to the side give good load on the inside of the thigh. Keep your hands on your belt or in front of you, try not to round your back.

Perform three sets of 15 lunges in each direction.

Squat plie or sumo

In order for squats to pump exactly the inside of the thigh, you need to put your legs wider, turn your socks to the sides and squat deeply, trying to make your knees look to the sides.

Do three to four sets of 20 squats.

Exercises with additional equipment

Mixing with Pilates Ring

A Pilates ring can be found at the gym or bought at a sports equipment store.

Lie on your side, place the ring between your legs at or above your ankles, and lower your leg against resistance.

Do three sets of 10 reps on each leg.

For this exercise, you can use an expander tape, a short expander, or an expander-eight folded in half.

Put the expander on your legs, lie on your side and push your knees apart, overcoming resistance. Do three sets of 10-12 reps on each leg.

For this exercise, you will need a long . Hook it to the rack, put the loop on the leg that is closest to the rack, and turn sideways.

Take the working leg behind the supporting one: forward and to the side. To complicate the exercise, move away, pulling on the expander.

Do three sets of 10 reps on each leg.

Exercises with free weights and machines

Sumo squat with kettlebell or dumbbell

Squat with dumbbells

Grab a kettlebell or dumbbell and do deep squats with a wide setting of the legs and breeding of the knees to the sides.

Three sets of 10 repetitions will be enough to load the inner thigh well. Of course, if you.

Exercise on the simulator for reducing legs.

Such a simulator is in almost any gym. Perform three sets of 5-15 repetitions depending on the working weight. Choose a weight so that the last repetitions in the approach are difficult. So your progress will be much faster.

Crossover exercises with leg abduction

This exercise is similar to leg abduction with an expander, but it is more convenient to perform it on the simulator. Set the working weight, fasten the binding on the leg and turn sideways so that the leg with the binding is closer to the simulator.

Step back and raise your working leg about 30 degrees - this is the starting position. Bring the working leg behind the supporting one in front, overcoming the resistance of the simulator. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat. Perform three sets of 5-15 reps depending on the working weight.

Include these exercises in your workout, increase the working weight or the number of repetitions if you are exercising without weights, and your hips will become more toned and attractive.

After training, do not forget to stretch the adductor muscles. How exactly to do this, you can see.