How can you reduce the volume of the cheeks. How to lose weight in the face and cheeks. Cheek reduction surgery

Owners of round cheeks for various reasons want to get rid of them. One does not like general form faces, the latter follow fashion trends, others consider round cheeks a sign of fullness. How to get rid of cheeks without resorting to plastic surgeons for help? First you need to identify the true causes of their occurrence, and then consider possible solutions.

Causes of the appearance of roundness of the cheeks

Heredity. You will have to sweat a lot to get rid of chubby cheeks at home.

Wrong diet. A large amount of fatty and salty foods retain water in the body, so the face swells.

  1. Cosmetologists have developed a number of exercises that will help reduce the cheeks through simple manipulations. The effectiveness of the method has been proven more than once, the skin is tightened, the nasolabial folds are smoothed.
  2. It is recommended to regularly use cosmetics that can tighten the skin of the face in the problem area. Gels, creams and serums are auxiliary means, they will not completely relieve you of large cheeks, but will help to quickly eliminate them, along with other procedures.
  3. Get into the habit of using cosmetic ice from medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile flowers, mint, celandine, linden flowers). In the morning, wash your face with cold water, then wipe your cheeks with ice.

Massage to reduce the roundness of the cheeks

Massage will give the best result if the procedure is done along with sets of exercises.

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of honey and warm it slightly in the microwave. Dip your fingertips into the jar, start tapping them on your cheeks, waiting until the honey starts to stick. Do honey massage until the cheeks turn red. Wash your face with cold water and dry your skin with a rough towel.
  2. Wipe your face with lotion, then use a nourishing cream. Start pinching your cheeks, moving towards your cheekbones and chin. Carry out the procedure every other day.
  3. Take a hot bath, turn on the shower and put a strong pressure of water on your cheeks. It is recommended to use a contrast water massage, it will not only smooth out wrinkles and reduce cheeks, but also tighten the face. If possible, perform simple manipulations daily.
  4. Buy a facial massage glove at any cosmetics store. Massage the chin and cheeks, but do not stretch the skin. Permissible Quantity applications - 1 time in 5 days.
  5. An excellent effect is achieved by using a hot and cold cycle alternately. Take two towels, soak one in cold water, dip the second in hot (but not boiling water). Roll them into tubes and alternately tap on your cheeks for 15 minutes, changing the temperature.

Cheek reduction exercises

These methods will not only reduce the cheeks, but also help get rid of the hated second chin. For best result perform the complex every day 2 times for a month.

  1. Sit up straight and tilt your head back strongly. Push your jaw and protrude your bottom lip. Start moving your cheekbones and try to cover your top lip with your bottom lip. Perform manipulations 25 times.
  2. Keep your head straight, tense your cheekbones, then relax. Do this 45 times.
  3. Lie on your back, face relaxed. Now clench your teeth sharply to tighten your cheekbones. Try to stick out your lower lip as much as possible. Push it first forward, then down. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  4. Tilt your head up, turn to the left, rest your chin on your shoulder. Straighten your head, throw it back again, but now lower your chin to your right shoulder. Repeat the procedure 20 times on each side.
  5. Stand up straight so that the whole body is tensed and with it the neck. Stick out your bottom lip and open your mouth. Do the exercise 50 times.
  6. Hold a thin long object between your teeth, a felt-tip pen or a pen is perfect. Say in turn A, E, E, I, O, Z. Say the letters for about 20 minutes without a break. Don't like the way? Use words that have the most of these letters (milk, porridge, apple, and others).
  7. Sit on the edge of a chair with your neck, shoulders, and back tense. Lower your chin to chest, lead them towards the left shoulder along the chest. Fix your head for 5 seconds, return to the starting point. Repeat the steps, guiding your chin toward your right shoulder. Do 20 times on each side.
  8. Laughter is the best cure for chubby cheeks! Smile with all 32 teeth, because when you laugh, most of all muscle groups are involved on the face, and their number sometimes reaches 80. In addition to reducing voluminous cheeks, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, the second chin is eliminated, the oval of the face acquires beautiful outlines.

Masks have an excellent lifting effect, which helps to tighten the cheeks and reduce their volume.

egg mask
Beat 1 egg with a fork, apply to the cheeks and cover them with cling film. Hold for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day.

Egg mask with honey

  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.
  • honey - 30 gr.

Beat the yolk, pour oil into it and add honey. Bring the mass to homogeneity, apply on the cheeks, neck, chin, soak for half an hour. Make a mask every other day.

Egg mask with cucumber

  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.

Peel the cucumber, but do not remove the seeds. Rub it on a fine grater or chop in a blender, add whipped protein and butter. Apply to cheeks, lie down to rest for 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5 times in 10 days.

Egg mask with cornmeal

  • corn flour - 40 gr.
  • egg white - 1 pc.

Pour flour into pre-whipped protein. Cover the cheeks with the composition and hold for 1 hour. Make a mask every day if possible.

Oatmeal mask

  • oatmeal - 50 gr.
  • baby cream - optional
  • baked milk - 40 ml.

Mix the components to a viscous consistency, apply the mixture only on the cheeks. Soak for 40-60 minutes, rinse with melt water. Carry out the procedure 3 times a week.

Oatmeal mask with dill

  • dill - 20 gr.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • oatmeal - 30 gr.

Cut the dill, mix it with oil. Combine the mixture with oatmeal and apply on the skin of the cheeks. Leave for at least 1.5 hours, remove with a tissue and wash with cold water. The course of the procedure is 2 months, gives an excellent result, subject to weekly use.

Tomato mask

  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 25 ml.

Remove the skin from the tomato, mash it with a fork without removing the seeds. Pour in the oil, apply on the cheeks and keep for 20 minutes. Apply daily or every other day.

Blue clay mask

  • blue clay - 50 gr.
  • natural grape juice - 30 ml.
  • corn oil - 20 ml.

Dilute the clay with warm water according to the instructions, stir in the juice and oil. Cover cheeks and wait 25 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Homemade herbal lotions are beneficial when used daily. Make your own and replace your regular facial toner with it.

Chamomile lotion

  • chamomile flowers - 50 gr.
  • celandine - 10 gr.
  • calendula officinalis - 10 gr.

Pour 300 ml of hot water over the herbs and infuse for a day. Strain through cheesecloth or a kitchen sieve, pour into a dark container and store in a dark place. It is recommended to use herbal lotion daily in the morning and evening.

mint lotion

  • rosemary essential oil - 5 drops
  • grapefruit essential oil - 5 drops
  • rose essential oil - 5 drops
  • mint - 20 gr.

Soak the mint in boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Add oil to it and pour into a closed container.

Lotion based on citrus fruits

  • grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed) - 200 ml.
  • lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 30 ml.
  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 10 ml.
  • vodka - 30 ml.

Mix the ingredients and pour into an opaque container. Leave for 5 days at room temperature.

Tired of fighting round and big cheeks? You will be rid of them soon! Do not forget about the daily set of exercises, and then do a massage. Choose recipes for masks and apply them according to the instructions. Replace your regular lotion with homemade decoction, which is very easy to make. Follow the daily routine and get rid of bad habits!

Video: how to get rid of sagging cheeks

Some people are interested in how to quickly remove cheeks from the face? Exactly on our appearance first of all, everyone around pays attention, and the face is always visible to everyone without exception. Attractiveness largely depends on the grace of the neck and the volume of the cheeks, but over the years the skin loses its elasticity, and the cheeks can sag. With fullness, the problem is even more exacerbated. In today's article, we will tell you how to remove cheeks from your face at home and not only.

Causes of fat cheeks

One of the main reasons for the appearance of large cheeks is a hereditary factor. And if chubby cheeks in a child cause tenderness, with age this can turn into a serious aesthetic problem. Getting rid of puffy cheeks on the face in this case is not so easy, and in some cases impossible. If you inherited large cheeks, you will not be able to do without constant exercise and diet to keep them in good shape.

In addition to an innate predisposition, large cheeks can appear due to malnutrition. At the same time, their increase is preceded by a general increase in body weight and the occurrence of fat deposits in its different parts. At the same time, it is especially difficult to lose weight in the cheeks, since the fat in the cheek area does not begin to burn in the first place.

However, effective ways to get rid of cheeks on the face really exist, and now we will tell you about it.

How to remove cheeks for a man?

The external attractiveness of men largely depends on the correct contours of the cheeks. The representatives of the stronger sex think about their appearance much less often than women, so we have some special tips for them.

Regardless of the cause of chubby cheeks, some men try all sorts of exercises and diets, but they tend to lack the patience for them. In order to remove full cheeks, men can be advised the following methods:

  1. The simplest operation to remove special lumps that are present in the cheek area. The surgeon makes small incisions on the inside of the cheek under local anesthesia. The whole operation takes no more than half an hour, and after it the cheeks are fixed with a bandage for about a week.
  2. In the case when chubby cheeks appear as a result of the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, you can get rid of them with liposuction. The method involves liquefying fat with a special solution, which is subsequently pumped out through punctures. The list of advantages of this operation is represented by a long-term and lasting result, as well as the speed of obtaining the effect.

These are the two most simple and effective ways to get rid of full cheeks. Of course, men can also remove their cheeks at home, but a lot of time should be spent on this, and special perseverance is also needed.

How to remove the cheeks of a woman?

For the fair sex, who want to remove their cheeks from their faces quickly, in addition to massages, masks and exercises, some other tricks are available. For example, competent makeup can significantly transform the face. It is important to choose high-quality cosmetics and apply blush correctly in order to visually hide full cheeks.

Additionally, the correct haircut and hairstyle visually helps to reduce the fullness of the cheeks. For example, strands elongated on the sides and a small pile can stretch the oval of the face, and curls only emphasize the plumpness of the cheeks. A tattered short haircut is best suited. Also, owners of chubby cheeks may be interested in our article, with the help of makeup and a special set of exercises.

Cosmetologists note that women with a full face and chubby cheeks age longer, as moisture and elasticity are better retained in the skin, so it is better protected from wrinkles. Thus, before getting rid of full cheeks, think several times, do they bother you that much?

How to remove cheeks in a week?

How realistic it is to remove the cheeks in 7 days depends on each individual case and the specific reason for the fullness of the cheeks. Here are the general rules for how to remove cheeks at home in 7 days:

  1. If you have chubby cheeks due to excess weight, you will have to go on a diet, start doing special exercises, massages and masks.
  2. Review your diet (in the absence of a genetic predisposition, eating healthy food will allow you to remove your cheeks at home in a week). You can read more about the diet against chubby cheeks in a separate article.

If the matter is in the hereditary factor, you will have to stock up on patience and perseverance, otherwise you will not be able to change anything. Sometimes it is possible to remove the cheeks at home in a week only with the help of a surgical operation. Before you decide on it, try other methods, which will be described below.

Exercises for chubby cheeks

If you do not take perseverance and patience, and you are ready to achieve results at all costs, then special gymnastics for slimming cheeks will probably suit you. So, how to remove cheeks at home with the help of exercises?

  1. Sit on a chair, tilt your head back and start making movements with your chin, grabbing the upper lip with the lower one.
  2. Point your head straight, clench your teeth and try to protrude your lower lip as far down as possible.
  3. Point your head straight and lower the corners of your lips, and then tighten the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
  4. Tilt your head slightly and begin to alternately pull your chin to one shoulder, and then to the other.
  5. Hold a pencil or pen between your teeth and start writing different words in the air.
  6. Stand straight with your back straight and your arms crossed over your chest, and place your palms on your shoulders. Gently begin to stretch your neck up to the limit, and then take a deep breath. Count to 10 and as you exhale, take the starting position.
  7. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head down. Press your chin to your chest and begin to gently stretch it to your right shoulder, and then return to the starting position. Tilt your head back and return to the starting position again. Repeat steps for the left shoulder.
  8. Stand up straight, form a tube with your lips and start singing the vowels in any order.

We note right away that you will not notice an instant result from such exercises, but do not stop doing them. On average, the effect appears after a month, subject to regular training.

Masks and massages for fat cheeks

Another rather painstaking way to remove cheeks quickly at home is the use of special masks and massages. However, with regular performance of these procedures, the result in the form of elastic and beautiful skin is guaranteed.

How to remove cheeks with massage

  1. Cleanse your face with special means and apply heavy cream on it. Start lightly pinching your cheeks, moving from the chin towards the cheekbones. Repeat the massage once a week.
  2. Buy a massage mitt to massage your cheeks, but don't overdo it so as not to stretch the skin. Repeat the massage twice a week.
  3. When taking baths, act on the cheeks with a jet of water from a watering can. You can try contrasting washes by doing them every day in the morning.
  4. When performing a facial massage, use steamed honey. Soak your fingertips in it and begin to lightly tap on the skin until a slight redness appears. Repeat the massage every week until you notice the result.
  5. Wash your face with ice cubes, moving in a clockwise direction.

Before any massage procedure, be sure to cleanse the skin of the face, and at the end, apply a cream that matches your skin type.

Cheek slimming masks

Simple homemade masks allow you to quickly remove the cheeks from the face with and without massage, additionally giving the skin a fresh and healthy look. Here are the most popular recipes for cheek masks at home.

  1. Mix 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. olive oil and the yolk of one egg. Apply the mixture on your face with a brush and leave for 20 minutes, and then wash with warm water. Repeat masks twice a week for a couple of months.
  2. Mix a spoonful of Baby formula Baby with the same amount of grated oatmeal and add a small amount of warm milk. You should get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture on the neck, face and décolleté for 25 minutes. Wash your face with warm water and apply cream to your skin. Masks repeat for two months once a week.
  3. Beat the egg white and apply it on the skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask and perform a contrast wash, and then apply a nourishing cream.

Herbal infusion recipes to quickly remove cheeks on the face

Infusions from various medicinal herbs will help you remove big cheeks:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over 3 tbsp. grated chamomile flowers and cover the container with a lid. Leave for a few hours to infuse, and then strain. Use every day as a lotion.
  2. Dissolve in 0.5 l of water 3 tbsp. iodized salt. The solution is suitable for creating hot compresses (soak a terry towel in it and apply on your face for 5-7 minutes). After that, the cheeks should be cooled with ice cubes.
  3. Pour a couple of cups of boiling water over 3 tbsp. chamomile flowers and the same amount of St. John's wort. Leave for 8 hours to infuse the product, strain and start using to wipe the cheeks and face in general.

Nutrition for slimming cheeks

If you are wondering how to remove cheeks from your face at home, be sure to take note of the following: helpful tips by nutrition:

  1. Minimize the amount of salt you consume as it retains fluid in the body. Cheeks from this also inevitably grow fat.
  2. Add calcium to the diet, as it eliminates excess mass in general and allows you to remove the cheeks on the face.
  3. Dilute natural juices with water.
  4. Eat small meals and more often (5-6 times a day).
  5. For fruits, choose apples, grapefruits and oranges.
  6. Half an hour before a meal, drink a glass of water without gas.
  7. Avoid or minimize your alcohol intake.

Surgical methods of getting rid of full cheeks

If the listed methods of how to lose weight in the cheeks at home did not give the result you expected, you can remove the cheeks in a short time by contacting the clinic plastic surgery. Experts will be able to make your cheeks thin by pumping out excess fat without any later visible defects. The operation is called the resection of Bish's lumps. Many doctors are ready to demonstrate to their patients an approximate result using computer simulations. We can recommend the operation for girls with full cheeks who want to get rid of them, avoiding the loss of total body weight.

There is another popular procedure for correcting the cheeks on the face - thermage. It does not give such a good result as plastic surgery, but it is quite expensive. In any case, before deciding on any surgical intervention, be sure to consult a specialist.

The Russian type of face is characterized by rounded, chubby cheeks, and many find it quite cute, but not their owners themselves. They consider this a serious shortcoming and dream of getting rid of them as soon as possible, besides, sunken cheeks are now in vogue. Well-defined cheekbones and the absence of puffy cheeks add sophistication and highlight facial features.

How to reduce cheeks with plastic surgery?

It is quite possible to reduce the cheeks and this can be done in various ways, including plastic surgery. Such operations do not carry a strong intervention and are most often performed under local anesthesia. There are two types of cheek reduction surgery: removal of fat lumps and liposuction.

  • Fat lumps, or in another way Bish's lumps, - that's what they call fat body cheeks, located in a special place between the muscles of the cheeks. Lumps look like fat accumulation in mimic and chewing muscles cheek faces. This fatty layer is designed to facilitate the muscular movements that connect the jaw to the skull and the skin of the face to the jaw.

Bish's lumps are named after the French doctor who first discovered them. Such lumps are present in every person, just in everyone to a different degree. In many, they are barely noticeable, while in others they are so large and protruding that the face, because of this, seems excessively large and rounded. The operation to remove Bish's lumps allows you to achieve aesthetic perfection of the cheeks and reduce the pronounced roundness of the face. With this operation, part of the lumps is removed, and no important parts of the muscles are affected.

  • The second type of plastic is liposuction of the cheeks. This operation consists in getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat by suction of adipose tissue in problem area. It is produced with very thin surgical instruments that have a diameter of no more than 2 mm. Instruments are inserted into small incisions behind the ears and chin, and the marks that remain after the operation are minimal and quickly dissipate.

How to reduce cheeks with diet and sports?

If you are worried about the problem of big cheeks, then evaluate yourself objectively - is it your fault? excess weight? If so, then you need a diet that focuses on reducing your intake of sugary and fatty foods. Try to eat less spicy, salty and smoked foods, alcoholic beverages and coffee.

Reduce cheeks will help and physical exercise, as a result of which subcutaneous fat. Jog in the morning or visit the gym regularly, and then your body fat cheeks will start to leave!

How to reduce cheeks with massage and water treatments?

Very effective in the fight against large cheeks self-massage. It can be performed at least several times a day, the more the better. The main thing in massage is to remember two effective techniques: start moving thumbs, moving from the lower jaw, and finish near the auricle, and then lower part massage your cheeks with light tapping movements, using your fingertips.

Water procedures and compresses also help well in reducing cheeks. Wipe your cheeks morning and evening with an infusion of various herbs, you can take herbs such as chamomile, mint, celandine, sage, lime blossom or yarrow. Cool the infusion in advance in the refrigerator or even make cubes from the infusion in the freezer. It is necessary to prepare such an infusion as follows, on one table. a spoonful of herbs requires one glass of boiling water, wait half an hour and then strain the infusion. Remember that its beneficial properties last only for three days, so do not be lazy to prepare a new one regularly.

Cheek reduction exercises

The cheeks are very easy to change if they are affected by regular facial exercises. Follow this simple set of exercises and after a while you will notice that your cheeks have become more retracted and sunken.

  1. Puffy cheeks. Tighten your cheeks and chin, then purse your lips and start puffing your mouth with air. When the cheeks are completely filled with air, you will feel a feeling of tension. Do not exhale for 10 seconds, then deflate your cheeks and repeat the exercise 10 more times. You can do this exercise by moving the air from your left cheek to your right.
  2. Close your eyes. At first, all you have to do is close your eyes and keep them closed. Now move your lips as if you are saying something like: "Uuuuuf" and "Auh." Relax, then repeat the exercise again and do this 10-12 times.
  3. Hollywood smile. Such an exercise will not only reduce your cheeks, but also give you a portion of positive during its implementation. Stand in front of a large mirror and squeeze your lips. Hold them like this for a few seconds, and then smile as widely as you can. Hold the smile for 5 seconds and then wrinkle your nose a couple of times. Repeat this exercise 10 times as well.
  4. This exercise has been known for a very long time and is recommended not only to reduce the cheeks, but the entire face. All that is required of you is to open your mouth as if you are about to pronounce the letter "E". Hold for a couple of seconds, and then slowly begin to pronounce the sound "O". Do the exercise for about 10 minutes.

  5. This exercise is very easy and fun to do. Inflate your lips as much as you can, feel your jaw muscles tense and the skin on your face tighten. Do the exercise 10-15 times.

How to reduce cheeks with makeup?

To reduce cheeks, apply blush from the direction of the temples to the end of the nose. Highlight the cheekbones more intensely, slightly stretching them to the corners of the mouth. Cheeks can also be reduced by applying blush on the cheekbones in a triangle. Visually affect the cheeks and eyebrows, with chubby cheeks, adjust the eyebrows more subtly at the edges, and leave a little more hair in the middle to form a broken line.

Highlight the eyes in makeup with a smooth, non-greasy line, but do not draw the line beyond the line of the eyes. A voluminous and high hairstyle visually reduces the cheeks, and this can also be achieved with oblique bangs or a side parting.

Read also: How to make your face thin?

Follow these tips and soon you will be pleasantly surprised by your cheeks, which will become noticeably smaller not only visually, but also in reality!

How to remove cheeks at home

The face loses weight last, so even regular visits to the gym and a strict diet will not quickly remove chubby cheeks. Without improvised means to achieve a good result will not work. You will need a clean towel, massage at home, exercise, sound sleep and diuretic herbs.

Women tend to remove chubby cheeks as soon as possible. They apply a cream to the skin of the face, which is focused on removing fluid and losing weight. This should not be done, because the skin of the face is sensitive and delicate. In addition, this approach in most cases causes redness, acne and irritation.

  1. Determine the fluid balance in the body. It is possible that chubby cheeks are a consequence of excessive fluid intake. If this is true, reduce the consumption of spicy and salty foods, minimize drinking water before bed.
  2. Don't skip physical activity. Healthy sleep also has a positive effect on the beauty of the face.
  3. Get a facial massage. The massage complex includes exercises that prolong youth, tighten muscles, eliminate wrinkles and swelling.
  4. Simple exercise. Bend your arms at the elbows and spread them apart. Put your palms on your cheeks. Tighten the muscles of the cheeks, and take the fingers to the ears.
  5. Morning massage involving the use of a towel. Moisten a towel with herbal infusion, take the ends and pat on the face in the chin area. I make an herbal infusion of sage, yarrow, chamomile and lime blossom.

You have learned how to remove cheeks at home. Following the instructions, you will get the first results in the near future. Let me remind you that only a margin of patience and endurance will help to completely eliminate the problem.

How to get rid of cheeks in a week

Chubby cheeks are a wonderful decoration for a baby. For an adult, they cause unwanted aesthetic problems. If the same problem arose, consider how to remove cheeks in a week.

  1. Cause. If heredity is to blame, you will have to be persistent and patient in order to lose weight in your face. In some cases, the problem is solved only surgically, resorting to the services of a doctor. If the cause is overweight, the problem is solved much easier. However, without maximum effort, nothing will come of it. This will require: a diet, a set of exercises, cosmetic measures.
  2. diet. If you want to reduce cheeks in short time rethink your diet. For many women, the face is the first to lose weight. In some cases, weight loss causes a haggard and sagging face. A properly chosen diet and following the rules will help to avoid such a fate: before eating, drink some water, chew solid food thoroughly, divide food into five servings, no hunger strike.
  3. Nutrition. If you want to remove cheeks by losing weight, forget about fried, fatty, rich and sweet. Do not eat ice cream and fast food. It is also better to refuse soda. It is allowed to eat seafood, fruits and vegetables, lean meat. Do not disregard milk and dairy products, which contain a lot of calcium.

I told how to remove cheeks in a week. If you want to meet this deadline, be sure to give up sugar and salt. It is salt that retains excess fluid in the body.


Physical exercises are focused on tightening muscles or reducing the volume of the hips and waist.

Facebook building is a gymnastics that will help to correct the shape of the cheeks and form an oval of the face. Constant training will relieve wrinkles, tighten the muscles of the neck, and rejuvenate the face.

  1. Pull lips strongly forward. In this case, the muscles of the face should tighten. Pronounce the vowels in turn.
  2. Push your chin forward and tilt your head back. Grab the upper lip with the lower lip. Open your mouth wide, stretch out your tongue and twist it in different directions. Close your mouth, clench your teeth tightly and pull your lower lip down with muscle effort.
  3. Close your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Take in air through the nose. Then the collected air is slowly released through the mouth. Repeat the exercise, alternately puffing out your cheeks.

You can count on a good result with daily exercises. Perform each exercise 5 times. Do not use creams and gels that burn fat. Such products for the skin of the face are not intended and can cause an allergic disorder.

Videos exercises

Physical activity and diet will help to correct the figure, but only face-building will eliminate the cheeks.

How to remove cheeks and double chin

Many women and girls are puzzled by how to remove their cheeks and chin. Unlike a figure, which is easy to correct with the right clothes, you can’t hide your face, all the flaws are in plain sight.

The second chin and chubby cheeks most often bother fat women, aged women, genetically predisposed individuals. The second category is especially vulnerable, because with age, the muscles of the neck and face sag, resulting in blurred contours.

The easiest way to remove the chin is with Botox injections or surgery. It doesn't even require physical effort. However, these methods can be harmful to health. Even a highly qualified doctor is not immune from mistakes, and the body's reaction to procedures is unpredictable.

I advise you to pay attention to folk methods used by our ancestors. You can’t count on a lightning-fast result, but safety comes first.

  1. Inflate your cheeks strongly and, after a short pause, release the air.
  2. Inhale air into the mouth and roll between the cheeks like a ball.
  3. Close your lips, puff out your cheeks and squeeze with your hands. After ten seconds, take a break and repeat the exercise.
  4. Retract and extend the lower jaw, alternating a fast pace with a slow one.
  5. Stick out your tongue and pull down. As part of the exercise, pronounce a vowel loudly.

Along with the above exercises, pay attention to the double chin.

  1. Try to reach the end of the nose with the tip of your tongue.
  2. Sit down, put your hands on the table, place your chin on your palms. Raise your face with your hands, resisting. In this case, perform movements up and down.
  3. Move your head from shoulder to shoulder.
  4. Lower your head down and tilt back.

Be sure to read the tips before doing the exercises.

  1. Do a small amount of movement at first. As a result, there will be no pain in the muscles.
  2. Be persistent and keep practicing. You will see the first results in about 40 days.
  3. Having achieved the desired result, repeat the set of exercises every four days.

So you learned how to remove the cheeks and chin. Upon completion of the course, restore the contours of the face, making the appearance irresistible.

Causes of cheek enlargement

In most cases, the appearance of roundness of the cheeks is heredity, which is very difficult to fight and almost impossible to change anything.

In this case, only plastic surgery can help, but before you go to the doctor, you need to try other, simpler means.

First of all, in order to remove big cheeks, you need to follow a diet, do special exercises and visually correct your cheeks with makeup.

It is also possible to remove the cheeks with liposuction, but you need to think about the possible consequences after such an operation. Not everyone will use this method, so you need to be patient and use less painful methods.

How to remove cheeks: basic methods

When communicating with a person, they pay attention to his face and plump cheeks, while not looking very aesthetically pleasing. To reduce cheeks quickly, you need to follow a diet, because when the weight begins to go away, the cheeks also become smaller.

Observe basic rules of proper nutrition:

  • remember: a diet is not starvation, but the right balanced diet;
  • six meals a day;
  • limit your salt intake, because. it retains water in the body;
  • drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals;
  • exclude sweet, fatty and fried foods;
  • eat fruits and vegetables;
  • You need to constantly eat foods rich in calcium.

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will not only reduce your weight, but also improve overall well-being and help reduce cheeks in a short time.

How to remove cheeks: exercises

Simultaneously with the diet for the correction of "chubby" cheeks, you can use exercises for the muscles of the face:

  1. Take air into your mouth and let it out gradually;
  2. Start clenching and unclenching your teeth without opening your mouth;
  3. Inflate each cheek in turn;
  4. Fold your lips into a tube and pronounce the sounds “o” and “y” alternately.
  5. Roll your tongue around with your mouth closed.

Repeat the exercises 10-15 times. The proposed complex will help to reduce the cheeks, as well as make the face healthy, toned, elastic and make mimic wrinkles less noticeable. Exercises must be performed every day and then the result will not keep you waiting long.

Surgical and cosmetic techniques

These methods are quite expensive, but at the same time, not always effective. In addition to all of the above methods of how to remove cheeks, there are also cosmetic procedures:

  • bioreinforcement;
  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy;
  • lifting;
  • thermage.

There is also such a procedure in plastic surgery as resection of Bish's lumps, with which pumping occurs excess fat from cheeks. We must not forget that all these are extreme measures and it is better if you take care of your face by following simple and accessible rules above.

Visual reduction of cheeks with hair and makeup

You can visually correct chubby cheeks with the help of properly selected makeup and hairstyles. Darken your cheekbones with foundation and then apply powder.

Blush will also help, which you need to be able to apply correctly: fold your lips into a tube and apply a darker blush in place of the formed dimples.

But do not overdo it with makeup, it should be unobtrusive and simple.

Hairstyle visually can also help solve the problem of chubby cheeks. Opt for straight and smooth hair, without excess volume and high hairstyles. the main task- hair to hide the surface of the cheeks, thereby visually reducing the face (hairstyles cascade and bob).

Massage and masks for chubby cheeks

Another way to remove your cheeks at home is to massage your face: in the form of light patting, pinching and rubbing with a massage washcloth.

This procedure must be performed every day or every other day. Before starting the massage, cleanse the face or apply a compress of chamomile or calendula infusion for 20 minutes. After the massage, you need to apply a nourishing cream.

An additional way in the fight against chubby cheeks is to apply face masks:

  • Mix egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Combine 1st.l. oatmeal and 1 tbsp. infant formula, add a little milk and stir. Apply the composition for half an hour and then rinse.
  • Apply the beaten egg white on the face for 15 minutes and remove the residue with warm water.

Masks should be done 2-3 times a week for 2 months.

Question answer

Question: What are the main causes of chubby cheeks?

Answer: One of the main reasons for the appearance of full cheeks is heredity and excess weight.

Question: What are the ways to get rid of enlarged cheeks?

Answer: Proper nutrition, salt restriction, exercise, massage, use of face masks and correct application of color cosmetics for corrective action.

Question Q: How often can you exercise?

Answer: It is advisable to start the exercises in the morning and do them every day until the result appears.

Question: What cosmetics can be used to visually reduce the cheeks?

Answer: For this purpose, you will need decorative cosmetics: foundation, powder and blush, the correct application of which will visually make the cheeks less plump.

What causes chubby and saggy cheeks

If chubby cheeks sometimes still look cute, then saggy cheeks are a real problem. And the worst thing is that in most cases the reason for the accumulation of fat on the cheeks is laid down in our genes (i.e., this is heredity).

Sagging cheeks can occur for several reasons. They can manifest themselves both regardless of us and our actions, and because of any of our habits.

The main reasons for the formation of sagging cheeks include:

How to Eliminate Cheeks from Your Face in a Week: Fundamental Habits and Action Plan

If you do not like your face, namely chubby cheeks, you probably thought about what needs to be done to eliminate this shortcoming.

Oddly enough, but subject to a certain set of actions, you can get rid of this problem in just a week.

This set of measures is especially suitable for those who suffer from excess weight and for the same reason have become the owner of a plump face.

What do we have to do:

  • observe proper nutrition: diet;
  • perform special exercises;
  • learn proper makeup and corrective techniques.

Diet to get rid of chubby cheeks

Proper nutrition is the key to health. However, for many, the word "diet" is associated not with the observance of any norms and the distribution of products, but with starvation. It's a delusion.

First of all, pay attention to how you eat. You need to choose the right diet.

In addition, the positive side is that in most cases, if a woman begins to lose weight, then this process begins to be noticeable from the face.

Diet is allowed to choose according to your taste.

However, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Never starve: later it will do more harm than good.
  2. Do not eat everything at once: food for a day should be divided into several meals (optimally from 4 to 6).
  3. When you eat something solid, chew thoroughly: you will not only not choke once again, but also indirectly train your facial muscles.
  4. Get into the habit of drinking a glass of plain water before every meal.

Also try to protect yourself from snacking in fast foods, bakeries. Try to exclude fatty fried foods, sweet cakes and pies, sugary drinks from your diet.

By the way, not only sugar is harmful, but also salt. It is she who is responsible for fluid retention in your body, which means it leads to swelling.

How to Reduce Fat Cheeks and Double Chin with Exercise

As nutritionists always advise, a diet without special exercises will not bring the desired result quickly. Therefore, the cheeks must be trained.

Many complexes have been developed in order to keep facial muscles in good shape. This direction is called "face-building".

The most effective and versatile exercises that are suitable for both sunken and plump cheeks, eliminating the second chin, are the following exercises:

  • Take air into your mouth and do not let it out: squeeze your lips tightly, and the balloon must be rolled from side to side. Also, sometimes try to squeeze the air inside with your cheeks.
  • The next exercise is recommended to be done while standing. You need to stand up straight with your back and shoulders straight.
    We fold our lips into a tube and begin to stretch out the vowels in random order. You can do it several times.
  • A good action not only for the face, but also for the neck: take a pencil or pen (in extreme cases, if there is neither one nor the other, a drinking straw) and clamp it tightly with your teeth. Next, you need to prescribe various letters and words to them in the air.
  • Tilt your head back a little and move your lower jaw back and forth. You can repeat 10 times, gradually increasing the number of exercises.

It is also necessary to remember that getting rid of ugly cheeks does not happen at once. To do this, you need to try regularly.

How to lose weight in the face and cheeks can be found in the video.

How to remove fat using water procedures

Special water procedures have a good effect on the skin and muscle tone. And it is best to use not just pure water, but with the addition of special herbal infusions that have a positive effect on the skin.

Main water procedures are:

  1. Daily douche of the neck with cold water. Also, in addition to water, you can add herbal infusions.
    But remember that infusions can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
    And it's best to cook every day. Douching should be done twice a day: preferably in the morning and in the evening.
  2. For the next procedure, you will need a towel and cold water With salt. With the help of a textile product soaked in a liquid, it is necessary to pat.
    This can be done in two ways: either wrap a towel around your palm, or with both hands hold the towel so that it sags in the center and pull your hands in both directions with sharp movements so that the towel stretches and slaps on the skin.
  3. Contrasting temperature massage. You need to prepare two towels.
    One is wetted in hot water, the second in cold. And alternately apply each towel to the face, at least for a minute.

Just as in the case with physical education for cheeks, you need to understand that such procedures also need to be carried out regularly. Moreover, the desired result appears usually after 20 - 25 days.

Reviews of the effect of hypnosis on weight loss can be found on our website.

Read about the use of water with lemon for weight loss in the article. Recipes and methods of reception.

How to take laxatives for weight loss here

It is for such a minimum period of time that you can tighten the muscles of the cheeks, chin, restore their tone with the help of water procedures.

How to change cheeks visually with cosmetics and hairstyles

There are a few rules that must be followed when applying makeup. First of all, those areas that need to be hidden are darkened.

Accordingly, what we want to highlight is made lighter.

Similarly, the rule with the correction of the cheeks. They can be darkened a little using tonal means, powder.

But at the same time, do not forget to highlight the chin and nose a little.

Blush will also be good helpers in this matter. Pay attention to the eyebrows and arrows of the eyes.

Try not to lengthen them too much.

In addition to makeup, you need to pay attention to what hairstyle you go with. If you want to hide your flaw, try not to comb your hair back and do not hide strands behind your ear. By such actions, on the contrary, you open your cheeks.

It is best to choose the following options:

  1. Hairstyles with bangs various forms: straight, round, oblique and teeth - any of them will help to visually hide the cheeks.
  2. Kare.
  3. Curly strands of medium length, but in no case chemistry with "small lambs".

Massage, masks, infusions

In addition to everything else listed above, massages, the use of healing masks and infusions are effective ways to get rid of ugly cheeks.

The positive side of massage is that you can do it yourself without visiting spas and massage parlors. Also, experts recommend combining some water procedures (for example, patting with a towel or contrasting temperature massage) and regular massage with your fingers.

The massage technology is as follows: it is necessary to go with light pats from the center of the face to the ears. If you also want to remove the chin, then you need to pat both from the chin to the décolleté, and vice versa. Thanks to such efforts, the skin will tone and tighten.

There are also many useful masks that have pull-up effects. They can be purchased at specialized stores, or you can make your own. To do this, you need to choose either egg whites or clay as the main components of the mask. Also good for the skin are products such as honey, kefir, sour cream.

For water procedures, you can add infusions of dry collections of chamomile, yarrow, sage and mint. You can use one herb, or you can combine with the rest.

Surgical methods and salon procedures

If you cannot deal with the elimination of cheeks on your own, you can go to a beauty salon or have plastic surgery.

In the beauty salon you will be offered to do the following procedures:

  1. Thermolifting - the procedure is recommended at the age of 35 years. Thanks to her, the skin gradually becomes more elastic and elastic due to exposure to radio frequency energy.
  2. Bioreinforcement - or facelift. The positive side of this procedure is that it is done without surgery. To obtain the desired result, the doctor will inject special substances under the skin that help smooth out wrinkles and folds.
  3. Lifting massage - is done only on absolutely healthy skin.
  4. Biorevitalization - a specialist introduces special substances under the skin (namely hyaluronic acid), which contribute to its rejuvenation.

Surgical facelift is enough radical method, which also has a number of contraindications. It is performed under general anesthesia.

However, the face does not look beautiful immediately, but only after the recovery period after the operation has passed.

How to prevent fat cheeks

If you are not the owner of thick or sagging cheeks due to heredity, you should think about how to prevent their occurrence.

The set of measures that is aimed at preventing the appearance of ugly cheeks is very similar to the set that helps to remove them:

  1. First of all, watch your posture. Follow proper nutrition.
  2. Sitting at work, sometimes interrupt and do light massage cheeks and chin. It will take almost 10 minutes, and the skin will gradually tone up.
  3. Do not neglect useful masks, sometimes pamper your skin with compresses with herbal infusions and contrasting water treatments.

Among other things, you will have healthy toned skin.

Learn how to remove the second chin in 10 minutes a day from the video.

Diet and sports

When thinking about how to reduce cheeks, first take an objective look at yourself. Maybe it's all about being overweight? Then you need a diet that limits fatty and sugary foods. Do not eat salty, smoked and spicy foods. Give up alcohol and coffee. In addition, daily physical activity can help you, thanks to which you can get rid of subcutaneous fat.

Take morning runs. If you find it difficult to do this right away, start with brisk walks. If you seriously and responsibly approach the solution of this issue, then gradually the fatty deposits from the cheeks will go away.

Massage and water treatments

If you are concerned about how to reduce cheeks on your face, try self-massage. Many consider it very effective tool. It is desirable to do it not once a day, but several - the more often, the better.

Remember two tricks - start in a circular motion with your thumbs from the lower jaw, gradually moving towards the auricle. Then massage your cheeks, or rather their lower part, with tapping movements with your fingertips.

In the morning and in the evening, wipe your cheeks with an infusion of various herbs - chamomile, celandine, mint, sage, yarrow, lime blossom. Cool the infusion, and even better - make ice cubes out of it. It is prepared very simply: one tablespoon (tablespoon) of a mixture of herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for thirty minutes, after which it can be filtered. Its beneficial qualities last only three days, so do not be lazy and cook a new one regularly.

How to reduce cheeks? Exercises

Cheeks, unlike other parts of the body, are easily affected by facial exercises. This is a very simple complex, and after a short time you will see that your cheeks are more toned.

- Tighten your chin and cheeks, purse your lips and puff your cheeks with air. When they are full, you will feel the tension. Hold the air for ten seconds, and then exhale. The exercise must be repeated ten times.

- Close your eyes. Make movements with your lips, as if saying "Auh" and "Uuuuf." Repeat ten times.

- Stand in front of the mirror, purse your lips, after a few seconds, smile as widely as possible. Hold the smile for five seconds and then wrinkle your nose a couple of times. Repeat ten times.

- Open your mouth as if pronouncing the letter "E", fix this position for a couple of seconds, and then smoothly move to the letter "O". The exercise is performed within ten minutes.

Plastic surgery

The question of how to reduce cheeks is of concern not only to very young girls. More mature women also know about the existence of such a problem. True, they often resort to more radical measures - they seek help from plastic surgeons. Probably, if they knew about how to reduce cheeks in other ways, they would use them.

Plastic surgeries to reduce the cheeks do not require strong surgical intervention, so local anesthesia is usually used. They are of two types - liposuction and fat removal.

Lumps of Bish

This is the name of the fatty body of the cheek. Lumps are a fatty accumulation in the masticatory and facial muscles of the face. This layer facilitates muscle movements. Bish's lumps got their name in honor of the doctor from France, who first announced their existence. Everyone has them, but to varying degrees. For some, they are barely noticeable, while for others they are so massive that the face seems unnecessarily rounded and large. Such an operation to remove some of these lumps allows you to achieve a perfect oval of the face, while other facial muscles do not suffer.


This operation is aimed at removing excess fat, which is under the skin, by suction. During it, a very thin surgical instrument is used, the diameter of which does not exceed two millimeters. The instrument is inserted into miniature incisions under the chin and behind the ears. Traces of its introduction remain minimal and dissolve very quickly.

How to visually reduce cheeks?

Sagging or chubby cheeks spoil the oval of the face. The person looks tired and unhealthy. This problem can be solved by those who know how to visually reduce the cheeks. To do this, it is enough to correctly apply makeup and choose the right products that care for the skin of the face.

You will need:

- lifting cream;

- foundation (light and dark);

- Base makeup;

- translucent powder (preferably loose);

- tan-colored powder;

- dark blush;

- shadows are dark;

- brushes for powder and blush;

- voluminous mascara;

- Eyeliner.

Cleanse your face with a mild toner. Then apply a very thin layer of lifting day cream. Drive it into the skin with your fingertips - you need a light massage, and besides, this way the cream penetrates the skin more easily.

In order for tinting products to naturally and imperceptibly merge with the skin, apply a suitable base on it - matting or illuminating. It should be chosen based on the type and tone of your skin. It will ideally hide imperfections and prevent powder and foundation from clogging into the pores. A high-quality primer gives an instant effect of a well-groomed and smooth face.

A successful combination of light and dark tonal creams will help to reduce the cheeks. Apply a lighter product to the center of the face, and cover the temples and cheeks with a thin layer of cream, which is a tone darker. Get an oil-free cream, gel or mousse - gloss is contraindicated for plump or sagging cheeks. Most of all, a foundation that is not very dense in texture, preferably with a velvety effect, is suitable for you.

With a wide and soft brush, apply a tan-colored powder in a strip from the temples to the chin. Dark blush is applied under the cheekbone and shaded in the form of a comma. Underline the eyes with dark shadows, and eyelashes with eyeliner.

Monochrome dark make-up will enlarge your eyes and perfectly highlight your cheekbones - your face will appear thinner and toned. Today we told you about how to reduce cheeks in different ways. We hope that our advice will be useful to you.

Makeup that hides round cheeks in a few minutes

Let's say you have your dream date tomorrow. Or an interview at the company of your dreams. Or just an important event. You want to look good, but cheeks, cheeks...

How to get rid of full cheeks, as they say, on the run? Yes at yoma that can visually change the shape of the face.

To get started, stand in front of a mirror, remove your hair from your face and carefully examine it. Most likely, with full cheeks, your face is round in shape. This means that our task is to narrow it visually a little so that thick cheeks are not conspicuous.

Determine perfect shape your face, to which we will strive. There is a universal rule in makeup: dark looks smaller, and light looks bigger. Therefore, we will hide the fullness of the cheeks with the help of powder or foundation in dark shades.

After evening out your skin tone with powder or foundation, take blush. On the upper part of the cheekbones, it is worth applying a blush of a lighter shade, and below - a darker one. The shade of blush depends on your color type: choose shades of dark clay or chocolate. However, any will do, depending on which color on your face will seem the most natural. One “but” is categorical for everyone - blush should be matte. You don't want your already round cheeks to sparkle like balls on a Christmas tree, do you?

It is very important to use a soft brush to make a smooth transition from the top of the cheekbones to the bottom. Blending from the cheeks to the cheekbones - so the colors will fall more naturally. Apply a thin layer of powder on top. Voila! Your cheeks appear much smaller than they originally were.

You can enhance the effect with a hairstyle. In order to visually reduce the lower third of the face, you just need to increase the upper one, that is, choose a haircut whose silhouette expands upwards. Perfectly hide everything that needs to be hidden, sharp strands combed forward. If you have long hair, then a cascading haircut or a lush, high styling would be a good solution. But smoothly combing your hair back from your face is not worth it - so you only emphasize fullness of the cheeks.

Correct hairstyles for a round face

How to lose weight in the cheeks with a diet

full cheeks are often the result of general completeness or disturbed water-salt balance of the body. In this case, the recipe is obvious - lose weight, and the cheeks will go away.

A wide face is a problem that worries not only ordinary people.

Expert comment:

Probably one of the most famous attempts to narrow the face was made by the singer Cher. According to rumors, she removed several chewing teeth to correct her broad facial features.

We don't know if this is true or not, but modern approaches won't require you to sacrifice your digestion.

Optical illusions, or why relative facial proportions are often more important than absolute ones

Do you perceive your face as wide? To narrow it down, it is not necessary to go to South Korea and perform a complex operation to cut off excess bone tissue. In most cases, it is enough to change the "weight distribution" of features on the face.

Expert comment:

Lindsey Wixson

For example, there is the rule of three thirds, which was formulated by Leonardo da Vinci.

According to the rule, the face can be conditionally divided into 3 parts by two horizontal lines. One of them runs along the line of the eyebrows, the second - at the level of the base of the nose. To make the face look beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary that 3 parts - from the base of the hair to the line of the eyebrows, from the line of the eyebrows to the base of the nose and from the base of the nose to the chin are equal.

In a harmoniously beautiful face, the distance from hair growth to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the base of the nose, and from the base of the nose to the chin is approximately the same.

If in the background round face measurements show a lack of the chin area, to narrow the face you do not have to remove the cheeks - it will be enough . This simple manipulation will significantly stretch and narrow the face. That is why before each procedure we carry out a series of measurements and mathematical calculations.

To change the "weight distribution" of traits, there are different methods. From the play of light and shadow when applying cosmetics to permanent methods of plastic surgery.

We will not talk about the most obvious reason for the fullness of the face associated with excess weight. If after losing weight you did not receive desired effect, then you need to look for other ways to make a wide face narrow.

We will start our story with home remedies, then we will talk about the latest low-traumatic developments in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

To make a narrow face, you first need to visit a dentist

But not at all about the reason Cher did it.

One of the common causes of a wide face is a low bite and worn teeth. As a rule, the problem in this case is accompanied by a crunch and pain in the jaw joint, headaches.

To solve the problem, the dentist overestimates the bite with crowns, removes excess stress from the jaw joint and returns the correct shape to the face. The face becomes narrower.

This is how faces with a low (left) and normal bite (right) look.

Does exercise help to narrow the face with wide cheekbones

To narrow the face, facebuilding instructors recommend training the muscles of the cheek-zygomatic region, and in theory, exercises can give a good effect.

Facial fitness or a new stray for facial gymnastics.

We will not dissuade you from gymnastics, because keeping the muscles of the face in good shape is useful in any case.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to “pump up” only one or a couple of muscles in isolation. To one degree or another, all groups of facial muscles will be loaded, including those areas that expand the face.

How to apply blush to narrow your face

If you apply makeup correctly, then the face visually narrows and slims.

To narrow the face with blush, you need to make the skin under the cheekbones a tone darker. For this, dark blush, dark shades of foundation or matte bronzer, which makes the skin tanned, are suitable.

How to apply these funds?

    With the mouth closed, we lower the lower jaw and retract the cheeks. The line of the cheekbones is clearly drawn on the face.

    On the area under the cheekbones, in the direction from the center of the cheek to the ear, we apply a dark shade.

    We apply a highlighter to the upper point of the cheekbones to emphasize: everything light seems visually larger.

All cosmetics should be used without fanaticism and shade the line of transition from one tone to another so that the face does not lose its naturalness.

The second way is to focus on the eyes and eyebrows to distract the gaze of the beholder from the cheeks. We paint over the eyelashes in two layers, give a neat shape to the eyebrows.

The main advantage of this method is that you can narrow your face with makeup in a few minutes, on your own and almost for free.

The ability to pose and accessories will make a wide face visually narrower.

What to do if you need to make a narrow face "here and now", urgently? For example, you have a photo session. Remember how celebrities pose.

The mouth is slightly open, the teeth are open. In this position, the chin drops, the face visually stretches, the cheeks sink a little, the cheekbones stand out and, in general, the face seems narrower - that's the whole secret. It is worth lowering the lower part of the face a little - and voila, a great photo is provided!

See, for example, how Jennifer Lopez poses:

And here is the result:

Jennifer Lopez

To make the face visually narrower, you can use square-shaped glasses. This accessory works in two directions at once. On the one hand, it makes the temple area more massive, and thus hides a wide face in the cheek area. On the other hand, it distracts the eye from the massive line of the lower jaw.

The same effect gives oblique bangs or voluminous hairstyle.

If temporary measures do not suit you, and you want to narrow your round face for a long time, pay attention to cosmetic methods.

How to make a face with cosmetic methods

  1. With a general fullness of the face, lipopolitics are recognized as the most effective and INNO-TDS Draining ppc. These drugs safely “burn” and remove excess subcutaneous fat.

    Their effect is comparable to liposuction, so do not trust the procedure to a beautician. The drug should not fall outside the fat areas. The procedure should be performed only by a doctor who is thoroughly familiar with the anatomy of the face.

    "Before" and 10 days "after" rhinoplasty (surgeon) and removal of Bish's lumps (surgeon). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

    It is important to understand that for the operation, the doctor must have a well-developed sense of proportion. There is a risk, after removing Bish's lumps, to get excessive retraction of the cheeks. Then the face takes on a tired, haggard look. At Platinental, we remove just enough to keep the face fresh, natural and attractive.

  2. laser face liposuction. The destruction of fat cells in this case is carried out by a laser. A cannula with a laser nozzle is inserted through punctures in the anatomical folds in the ear area.
  3. After the fat is removed, the cannula is switched to the collagen stimulation mode, so the skin recovers and tightens faster after the procedure.

    The procedure allows you to get rid of fat deposits and narrow the face without scars - two-millimeter punctures heal without a trace.

  4. With the initial age-related sagging of the skin - - helps to cope with thread lifting. The threads are pulling up soft tissues up, make the face noticeably narrower and slimmer.

Photos "before" and "after"

A lot of modern girls and women today want to have the perfect slim figure, beautiful appearance. In fact, they look up to famous top models. In order to change their appearance, without thinking at all about the consequences, ladies go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Others simply suffer from flaws in appearance, putting up with what fate has presented. And still others are actively and purposefully trying to get rid of them using simple and affordable methods. Sagging or too thick cheeks on people's faces is an unpleasant problem. But you can get rid of it with effort, diligence and optimism. So, what exactly needs to be done for weight loss in the cheeks? What are the ways to reduce them?

Causes of the appearance of thick cheeks

The main reason for roundness in this area of ​​​​a person's face is heredity. Unfortunately, defeating such a weighty argument is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. If you inherited chubby cheeks, then most likely you will have to work regularly to reduce them with the help of special exercises and a balanced diet.

In addition to an innate predisposition, “wrong” food has a great negative effect on cheek growth. And this becomes noticeable on the face when all parts of the body have already acquired unwanted fat deposits.

So all the same, how can you get rid of fat in this area?

How to reduce fat cheeks

Fat can be quickly removed here only by surgical intervention - liposuction, that is, the release of fat deposits in the necessary part of the body. But you should be aware not only that this is a very expensive method of removing fat, but also that it is completely unpredictable, which is fraught with disappointment and various disorders of the emotional state of a person.

It should be borne in mind that thick cheeks will not lose weight with exercise too easily. This is due to the difficulty in the motor activity of the facial muscles, as well as the fact that the fatty layers on the cheeks the body burns last. Therefore, a balanced diet and special exercises can only slightly correct the size of your cheeks.


Doing these exercises will help reduce the roundness of your cheeks. You need to repeat them every day:

  1. Inflate your cheeks to the limit, hold them in this position for five seconds, then exhale quickly.
  2. Opening your mouth wide, without raising your face, look up with your eyes, and blink tirelessly for one minute. Repeat this exercise five times throughout the day.
  3. From the inflated cheeks, gradually release the air in small pushes.
  4. In strongly inflated cheeks, drive the air from left to right and vice versa. This exercise will help you quickly deal with your problem.
  5. Press your cheeks with your hands and smile. In this case, the fingers should not allow the corners of the mouth to rise up.
  6. Keep your head strictly straight, try to lower the corners of your lips and strongly strain the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
  7. Holding a pencil between your teeth, start writing out words or whole sentences in the air. For example: I want to have a beautiful thin face.
  8. Fold your lips into a tube and start singing all the vowels of the alphabet.
  9. Slightly tilting your head forward, turn it to the right and left shoulder, strongly stretching the chin.
  10. Intensively clap your hands on the face in the problem area.
  11. Firmly squeeze and unclench the muscles of the cheeks.
  12. Sit on a chair with your head tilted back, move your chin so that the lower lip can grab the upper one.
  13. Stand straight with your arms crossed over your chest, holding your shoulders. Start stretching your neck up to the "extreme point", then inhale deeply, count to ten, exhale and return back to the starting position.

You must do these exercises not only until the result is achieved, but constantly so that there is no return to the previous roundness.

Massage and masks

Masks and massages can really help to remove fullness. Their regular use will increase and preserve skin turgor for a long time:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse your face. Apply heavy cream. Lightly pinch your cheeks, starting from the chin and moving towards the cheekbones. Do massage once a week.
  2. Using a special massage mitt, lightly massage your cheeks, being careful not to stretch the skin. This massage can be done twice a week.
  3. While taking baths, alternately direct a strong jet of water onto your cheeks. You can make the water jet contrast. Contrast wash every morning every day.
  4. Do a facial massage using steamed natural honey. With your fingertips moistened with honey, lightly tap the surface of the skin of the cheeks until a slight reddening occurs. Massage can be done once a week until the effect is achieved.
  5. Wipe your cheeks with ice cubes in a clockwise direction.
  6. Do not forget to cleanse your face before starting any procedure. After completion, apply the cream most suitable for your skin type.

    We suggest using masks to reduce the roundness of the cheeks:

    1. To one egg yolk, add one teaspoon of honey and one dessert spoon of olive oil. Mix the ingredients. Apply the mixture on your face with a special brush for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water. Course: twice a week for two months.
    2. Mix one tablespoon of crushed oatmeal with one tablespoon of baby formula "Baby", pour in a little warm milk and mix everything again until thick sour cream. Apply the mixture on the face, neck, décolleté for twenty-five minutes. Wash off with warm water. Apply cream. Such masks can be done weekly for two months.
    3. Beat the egg white a little and apply on the skin of the face for twenty minutes. Rinse off the lifting mask. Take advantage of contrasting water treatments. Apply a nourishing cream.

    Masks perfectly tighten the skin of the face, give it a fresh healthy look, and also have the effect of rejuvenation.

    Herbal infusions

    Various herbal infusions have a wonderful effect on the appearance of your cheeks:

    1. Pour three tablespoons of crushed chamomile flowers (you can use celandine, sage) with a glass of boiling water. Cover the decoction tightly with a lid. Let it brew for a few hours. Strain. Use daily as a facial lotion.
    2. Dissolve three tablespoons of iodized salt in half a liter of water. Use a hot compress solution (soak a washcloth in the saline solution and place it on your face for a few minutes), then be sure to cool your face with ice cubes.
    3. Pour three tablespoons of St. John's wort and chamomile flowers with two cups of boiling water. Let the decoction infuse for eight hours. Strain. Wipe the face, neck, décolleté area daily.

    There are little tricks that also help to reduce naturally plump and not only cheeks:

    1. Massage at the end of the exercises, and apply masks before going to bed.
    2. Minimize the consumption of salty foods, as they retain fluid in the body, which can linger in the cheeks.
    3. Introduce foods high in calcium into your diet. Its use will help to get rid of excess weight.
    4. Dilute natural juices with water.
    5. Try to eat small meals at least five times a day at certain times.
    6. Give preference to oranges, grapefruits, apples.
    7. Drink a glass of plain still water 30 minutes before meals.
    8. Limit your alcohol intake.
    9. Try to sleep lying on your back.
    10. Go for a run, ride a bike.
    11. Visually reduce the cheeks will help dusting them with a darker powder. Likewise with the use of foundation.

    Those who inherited plump cheeks will find it difficult to deal with them. For those who have grown them as a result of immoderate nutrition, it will be easier to get rid of thick cheeks.

    So, regardless of the reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks, you should not sit idly by. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to try hard. With the help of proper nutrition, special exercises, sports, massages, masks and herbal infusions, you will undoubtedly achieve the desired result.