A set of exercises on simulators in the gym for women - we draw up a training program. Reduction and breeding of legs. Video: Common mistakes in the gym

Strength training not only carves out a figure with beautiful smooth transitions, they increase the level of the testosterone hormone. This male hormone helps not only pump up the right muscles and give an exciting appeal to the body, but also to cope with the load. And she is weighty.

Of course, if the purpose of the study is gym- work for relief, and not for health promotion and support physical form. Although, no doubt, the last motivation is no less important and also requires effort and self-control.

Regardless of what prompted the girl to step over the threshold of the gym, classes must be supervised by an instructor, according to an individual, well-designed training program.

But personal trainer not everyone can afford, so there are proven training schemes for girls different levels sports training and different effects on muscles.

The right program is a plan that works

where to start training?

The principle of trying everything and immediately leads to nowhere, like the first training to failure. It's not a woman's business to exhaust yourself to the limit. Instead of progress, you can easily overload your muscles by getting carried away with excessive sets and repetitions or training with excessive weights.

Caution and gradual increase in load is the first condition for future success.

Second, start implementing training plan you need a general developmental set of exercises for all muscle groups. After getting used to the workload in 2-4 weeks, they will prepare for serious training. The third is to master the technique of performing exercises on simulators, otherwise you can get injured without achieving the desired result. Finally, it is useful to keep a personal diary, where to note what is planned to be done, how many times and, if weight is assumed, which one.

Beginner girls should not start classes on a split program, even if they are tempted to immediately start pumping up one or two “necessary” muscle groups.

Warm up first

Start with a warm-up

Even if you want to fly up to the projectile and, without wasting time, proceed to the "pumping" part, this is unacceptable. There is an immutable rule - to start training on the program of any level with a warm-up. It is a mistake to neglect it, considering it an unproductive pastime. It will provide warming up of the ligamentous apparatus, muscles and joints, thereby protecting against injuries.

First, warm up in the cardio zone. 10 minutes shown followed by "uphill" on (ski) is fine too. By simultaneously using the hips, you can quickly get in shape on it. Pulse up to 100-120 beats / min. as a result of aerobic exercise for the benefit. Due to the influx of oxygen, blood supply to the muscles occurs, and cardiovascular and metabolic activity increases.

Stretching is an important part of the warm-up

good stretching is the basis of proper exercise

Dynamic stretching is needed to give elasticity to the muscles and mobility of the joints. Training them before the main workout helps to achieve the required range of motion of the arms, legs, and the greatest depth of squats. Usually these are simple tilts to the sides and forward, rotation of the arms, shoulders, lunges. It takes 8-10 minutes in time.

Stretching for a specific muscle group is also performed before the first approach when changing exercises.

How many sets, how many reps...

It all depends on the chosen program and the level of preparedness of the girl. It also matters which part of the body is preferable to train - the lower or upper. The muscles in the body of a woman are unevenly distributed, there are more of them in the lower zone, it is easier to progress there. To develop the chest and shoulders you need to strain more.

Another important factor to take into account is physiology.

Two weeks after menstruation, the body is much stronger than in the following days.

The intensity of exercises on and lower body, as well as quantitative indicators of approaches and repetitions, must be varied. This cycle of loads is called microperiodization.

Those who take into account the natural mechanism and observe sports periodization achieve powerful and lasting results.

Whatever relief is provided for beginners, classes in the gym are not a school physical education lesson in preparatory group. There are other goals here, and you need to tune in to high-volume training with a short rest. This applies to fitness as well. strength training. Underworking (light weights, few exercises, sets and repetitions) is equal to marking time, neither inflated buttocks nor abs will appear.

The average numbers are: 5-6 sets, each with 10-15 reps. On light training days, the number of sets is 3-4. For those who start training for the first time or come to the gym after long break, there is a rule of fifteen repetitions.

You need to start with such a weight that you have enough strength for 15 repetitions for the first approach.

And do not do more than two approaches a day. By the next lesson, you will see how the muscles respond to the load. If you don’t get very sick, it is advisable to conduct a series of training sessions with the same load. The next approach to add after a few sessions.

Pauses between sets are small - 30-60 seconds. With severe fatigue, the rest period is allowed to be slightly increased, but the training cannot be reduced. Over time, the pauses decrease. Creation of new muscle fibers(anabolism) requires a large amount of exercise when oxygen debt. The normal state is if the last exercises (subject to the correct technique) are really difficult to perform, but not to the limit - it is impossible to bring the muscles to microtears.

What is a "base" and why is it useful

basic exercises help to work out the maximum number of muscles

A complex effect on the body is provided by the work of many muscles. Giving yourself an hourly “multi-profile” load is much more useful than an isolated one or two muscles. Biceps or chest can be pumped if everything else is already on the level. Therefore, local training is not for girls. Body building begins with basic, multi-joint exercises, allowing you to simultaneously work out the maximum number of muscles. This is the basis of strength training (the word "base" came from bodybuilding, and there from powerlifting). There are three such exercises:

    with a barbell on the shoulders for the lower body. The squat has the highest sports rating. Included in the work following muscles: buttocks, quadriceps, adductor femoral, straight and oblique abdomen, long muscles back. Mastering the rules of execution is a prerequisite.

    Bench press to strengthen and tighten the chest. When working on horizontal bench the middle muscles of the chest are involved, on the inclined - the upper ones. With a wide grip, the extreme sections are loaded, a narrow grip corrects a sunken chest. Best of all, the golden mean is slightly wider than the shoulders. The first set is warm-up, with light weight, the next 3-4 sets include 7-12 reps. Weight is selected individually. The weight rises on the exhale, falls slowly on a deep breath.

The most important for muscle development are the last 1-2 reps of the last set.

    simultaneously for the top and bottom, including the buttocks. This is a universal exercise performed with dumbbells or with a barbell in three variations: classic, sumo, on straight legs (the best exercise!). It is enough for girls to lift 12-15 kg, nothing more. It is better to start with 5kg, doing 5-10 squats in 3 sets.

On initial stage they have many advantages:

  • physiology; movements are consistent with the anatomy of the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • energy saving; less energy consumption due to the redistribution of muscle load;
  • a set of muscle mass in a shorter period; a high cumulative load contributes to a faster strengthening of the ligaments and joints.

In the program for beginners, basic exercises are given 80-90% of the training time. This is the main tool for the development of muscles, the foundation for building a muscular frame.

About programs and methods

Gyms abound with shells. It is impossible for a person who does not know all the subtleties of training to independently determine the program and choose exercises for a person who does not know all the intricacies of training. Even an experienced instructor may not immediately get to the point and ideally describe the training regimen in each case. Much is adjusted individually, empirically. But popular methods have already been worked out, they can be safely guided by coming to the gym.

Step by step weight loss program

losing weight correctly

This First level, three sessions per week.

The first day

    Warm up on a treadmill, 5-10 min. Jogging with is necessary to fight with extra pounds. The pace of running is slow overweight start with a quick step. Gradually, at the same speed, increase the distance.

    Special warm-up before squats (warm-up approach) to warm up muscles and ligaments with light weight 15 times (so as not to strain).

    Squats. Start with two, then do three approaches. Working weight is selected individually. For example, with some weight they squatted 15 times, and the 16th was no longer possible ... This is the weight that is needed. Landmark - the sensations in the next workout.

    Raise the pelvis while lying on your back. Descents and ascents alternate. During lifting, the feet rest on the heels. A month (twice a week) to work out the exercise without weight, 10 repetitions, 2-3 sets with pauses of 3-4 minutes. Then go to the power version with weights on the lower abdomen (once a week). The working weight is gradually increased until it is possible to lift it 10 times. Do 4 sets with 5 minutes rest in between.

    Dumbbell bench press incline bench sitting. Raising (exhaling) and lowering (inhaling) two dumbbells at the same time. The technique is practiced at low weight. Overloading is dangerous, you can dislocate your shoulder. Perform the same 2-3 approaches. The number of repetitions and weight by strength. If 12 kg will eventually be taken - excellent.

The working weight and the number of presses are selected for a weak hand.

    Twisting on an incline bench. We make cubes on the stomach - we swing the press, performing concentrated bending. Two exercises - for the upper and lower (below the navel) press, 2 sets and 12 repetitions each. A month later, the same is done with weight on the chest - 1 time per week.

Ab exercises do not remove belly fat. This is achieved by overall weight loss.

  • Stretch: shoulders, triceps, abs, buttocks, thighs.

Second day

  • Treadmill.
  • Special stretching before the bench press.
  • Bench press (a scheme similar to the bench press). A narrow grip forms the muscles that push the chest.
  • thrust horizontal block(with preliminary special stretching). When pulling the handle of the simulator to the stomach, exhale, while retracting - inhale. Scheme 2/3, weight up to 12 kg.
  • Stretch: triceps, pecs, broadest backs, biceps.

Day three

  • Treadmill.
  • thrust vertical block to the chest or pulling up in Graviton. The last exercise is more effective. With the help of a counterweight, push-ups and plump ones are much more comfortable. The latissimus dorsi and biceps are loaded. Exercise is useful for scoliosis. Scheme: 2/3 to 10 pull-ups.
  • Lifting dumbbells from a seated position on an incline bench. Biceps are forming. Movements are smooth, without jerks, lowering is slower. The number of approaches is from 2, working weight is up to 10 kg.
  • Bench press on a vertical block simulator to the bottom. Triceps are being developed. Weight up to 10 kg, 2/3 approaches. A useful exercise for those involved in swimming, basketball, gymnastics, badminton.
  • Stretch: triceps, biceps, lats.

After training to restore muscle glycogen and additional education insulin you need to eat a sweet fruit or drink 200 ml of grape juice.

Video: How to lose weight on your own in the gym?

Weight gain program

weight gain exercises for skinny people

Rare skinny girls come to the gym for biceps. Most are concerned about the convex shape of the buttocks, elastic hips,. These places are the focus of training.

The sequence of exercises (there are seven of them) is as follows: on the press, lumbar, buttocks, legs, upper part body.

Preference is given to working with free weights(barbell, dumbbells), not on simulators. In order to gain muscle mass, three training options are practiced, which can be alternated with two visits to the gym or performed three days a week. Warm up and stretch by default.

Option A

  1. Twisting (on a Roman chair, incline bench, on the floor, on the upper block of your choice): 3/10-19 times;
  2. Trunk tilts (back extension in the simulator,): 3/10-19 times;
  3. Squats with a barbell (behind the shoulders and on the chest) or dumbbells: 6-12 squats in 4-5 sets (start with 2-3);
  4. Push ups ( wide grip from the floor or on the simulator - chest press): 3-4 / 6-14 times;
  5. Reduction of hands with dumbbells from a prone position on a horizontal plane (on the "butterfly" simulator, in a crossover): 3-4 / up to 15 times;
  6. Pull-ups with a block to the chest or pull-ups behind the head with a wide grip: 4/8-15 times;
  7. Pullover on straight arms (work with a cable in the upper block) or with dumbbells lying down: 3/12-15 times;

Option B

  1. Raising the legs (in the hang, sitting in the simulator with emphasis on the elbows): 3/10-19 times;
  2. Deadlift (forward bends with a barbell on the shoulders, classic with dumbbells): 4-5 / 8-15 times;
  3. Lunges (with dumbbells, barbell, while walking): 4/8-15 times;
  4. Barbell / dumbbell presses (from the chest, from behind the head while standing or sitting): 4/8-12 times;
  5. Push-ups at the back of the bench: 4/10-15 times;
  6. Bending the arms with dumbbells behind the head (French bench press) standing or sitting: 3-4 / 10-15 times;
  7. Mahi arms to the sides from the hip to the horizontal (with dumbbells) 3/10-15 times;

Option C

  1. Twisting lying on the floor with legs thrown over the "pedestal": 3/10-19 times;
  2. Tilts on straight legs with dumbbells or a barbell on the shoulders (deadlift): 4/10-15 times;
  3. Squats with two dumbbells or weight between the legs: 4-5 / 10-15 times;
  4. Dumbbell (barbell) bench press lying or sitting in the simulator: 4-5 / 8-15 times;
  5. Thrust of the lower (horizontal) block: 4/10-15 times;
  6. Sitting vertical block pull alternately narrow and reverse grip: 4/10-15 times;
  7. High thrust (lifting dumbbells / barbells to the chin while standing): 3 / 10-15 times.

Under the condition of proper nutrition, in 2-2.5 months, stubborn ones build up to 4 kg of muscle.

For advanced girls

  1. Warm up;
  2. Twisting to the pelvis: 5-6 / max. number (before burning in the press area);
  3. Hanging leg raises: 5-6/max. number;
  4. Squats with a barbell (on both surfaces of the thigh, buttocks): 5/10-15 times;
  5. Deadlift: 5/10-15 times;
  6. thrust upper block(on back muscles): 5/10-15 times;
  7. Bent Over Row: 5/10-15 reps;
  8. Bench press, narrow grip (on arm muscles): 5/10-15 times;
  9. Lifting the bar for biceps: 5/10-15 times;
  10. Mahi dumbbells to the sides (on shoulder girdle complex): 5/10-15 times;
  11. Pulling the bar to the chin: 5 / 10-15 times.

For beginners

beginner program

The first month of training is the hardest. Still weak muscle tone, not prepared for sports loads the cardiovascular system interfering with exercise excess weight... Therefore, the entry into the operating mode is gradual, according to an adaptation scheme. So, on the first day they do one approach with a minute rest in between, in the second - two approaches and with a reduced pause for recovery up to 50 seconds. From the third day the program has been running without changes.

  • Cardio load ( treadmill, elliptical trainer, ) - 10 min.;
  • Warm-up with stretching - 10 minutes;
  • Hanging knee lifts on the horizontal bar: 3 / up to 20 times;
  • Leg extension and flexion at the knees while sitting and lying down: 3/10-12 times;
  • Women's barbell squats: 3 / up to 20 times;
  • Retraction of the leg back (on a bench, in a crossover, block simulator): 3 / up to 25 times;
  • Leg swings to the sides (with the cuff of the lower block attached): 3 / up to 25 times;
  • Hyperextension (emphasis under the hips): 3/10-15 times;
  • Vertical block pull to the chest ( reverse grip): 2/10-12 times;
  • Classic dumbbell bench press or folding hands on a "butterfly": 3/10 times;
  • french press(dumbbell behind the head) sitting: 2/10-12 times;

After 12-15 workouts, they give rest to the muscles and recovery time up to 7 days.

Common Mistakes beginners in the gym.

Emphasis on legs and buttocks

strengthen buttocks and legs

    Squat with weight on the shoulders (body bar, bar)- the best exercise for pumping legs and buttocks. The gluteal muscles work at the very bottom. When standing up, when the thighs become parallel to the floor, the quadriceps femoris muscles bear the load. Therefore, to jointly pump up the buttocks and thighs, perform deep squats with full extension. Without weights: 3 / 20-25 reps, with free weights: 3 / 10-15 reps.

    Lunges. They create the shape of the buttocks lunges forward. For circular fat burning, lunges back with alternating rise to a chair are useful. Without weight: 3/15 reps each with the left and right leg. With dumbbells or barbell 3/10.

    Deadlift on straight legs (Romanian deadlift). At flat bum exercise should be given special attention. It forms the back arch, develops the buttocks and develops the hamstrings. Without weights: 3/20-30 times. In the power version 3/10-15 times. If there are problems with the spine, the analogue is hyperextension.

    Glute Bridge(tearing off the pelvis from the horizontal plane from the prone position). This is an isolation exercise for the buttocks. Without weights: 3/20-30 times. With a bar or barbell on the pelvic area: 3/10-15 times.

Split program for strong arms, shoulders, back

split program for advanced girls

Split programs are designed for girls who have been training for over two years. Split schemes are separate cyclically repeated workouts for muscle groups, separated by days.

The training begins with a visit to the cardio zone, followed by a warm-up approach to warm up the muscles.

Shoulder development:

  • standing french press: 3/10-12 times;
  • dumbbell bench press sitting on a bench with a back (grip from yourself): 3/10-12 times;
  • Arnold press (with rotation of the wrists): 3/10-12 times;
  • dumbbell pull to the chin: 3/10-12 times;
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides and in front of you: 3/10-12 times.

Back development (wide grip):

  • pull of the upper block to the chest and behind the head: 3/10-15 times;
  • pull-ups: 3/10-15 times;
  • bent over row: 3/10-15 reps.

Second day - development of hands

  • pull-ups with a reverse grip 3/10 times;
  • California bench press (with a turn of the elbow to the body): 3/10 times;
  • standing barbell curl: 3/10 times;
  • extension of arms while standing (on a cable simulator): 3/12 times.

The break between sets is extended - 2 minutes.

The main training time is 1 hour-1 hour 10 minutes.

Complete 3 day workout program

we connect the maximum number of muscles to work

Three times a week every other day is an optimized regimen for girls who work out in a fitness center or “gym”. The body needs to be given rest to recover, in addition, muscles grow precisely in a state of rest. The principle of the layout of exercises is based on the sequential loading of muscles. The choice of exercises is determined by their ability to involve as many of them as possible in the work.

Monday Tuesday)

  • Warm-up (any cardio equipment) 10-15 minutes.

On muscle corset back:

  • Vertical block pull: 2-3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg.
  • Horizontal block pull: 2-3/10 times, weight 10 kg.

For chest muscles:

  • Breeding dumbbells lying down: 3/10 times, weight 3 kg.

For the relief of the hands:

  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps: 3/15 times, weight 3 kg.

To strengthen the top and internal parts hips:

  • Reduction of legs on the simulator: 2/20 times, weight 15-20 kg.
  • Leg extension on the simulator while sitting: 3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg.
  • Bending the legs on the simulator lying on the stomach: 3/15 times, weight 15 kg.

On the muscles of the lower back and buttocks:

  • Hyperextension: 3/12 times.

For abdominals:

Wednesday Thursday)

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes.

On the back:

  • Vertical block pull: 3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg

For back and arms:

  • Breeding dumbbells lying on the stomach: 3/10 times, weight 4 kg
  • Bench press in the simulator (bench press): 3/10 times. Start without weight.

On the shoulder girdle:

  • Dumbbell bench press from the shoulders up while sitting: 3/10 times, weight 3 kg

For thighs and buttocks:

  • Leg press (replacement of squats for problems with the spine): 3/10 times. Start without weight.
  • Plie squats (with a dumbbell between the legs): 3/15 times, weight 6 kg.
  • Lunges (squat "scissors" with dumbbells): 3/20 times, weight 3 kg.
  • Hyperextension: 3/12 times.
  • (twisting): 3/15 (2/12) times.
  • Warm up on a treadmill or (if you need to lose weight) up to 15 minutes.

Friday Saturday)

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes.
  • Vertical block pull: 2-3/10 times.
  • Horizontal block pull: 2-3/10 times.
  • Bench press in the Hammer simulator while sitting: 2/10 times.
  • Leg press with different leg position 3/10 reps.
  • Leg extension in the simulator: 3/12 times.
  • Bending the legs in the simulator: 3/15 times.
  • Straight-legged barbell row: 3/15 reps without weights.
  • Smith machine lunges or hyperextensions: 3/12 reps.
  • Twisting on a bench with an inclination down (on a fitball): 3/15 times.
  • Warm-up on a stationary bike or treadmill (if you need to lose weight): up to 15 minutes.

This program is designed for three months, then a new complex is selected.

How long to practice and when to expect results

When training in the gym, everyone pursues their own goal: to lose weight, gain weight, build muscle or increase endurance. Accordingly, the results have to be evaluated according to various criteria. For example, if you wanted to build muscle mass and increase strength, the result will be shown by a centimeter tape, the process of losing weight will be reflected by scales and a mirror. By following the schedule and proper nutrition the effort expended will begin to pay off in 6-8 weeks.

10 exercises that kill your body in the gym

Some exercises are not suitable even for veteran gyms due to the fact that they are anatomically incorrectly built. We have selected the 10 most harmful exercises and 10 healthy alternatives for them.

Vertical block pull behind the back

Dangerous: vertical block pull behind the back

This great exercise can become just a shoulder killer if you pull the bar of the machine by the head. The fact is that when you raise your arm to shoulder level, the distance between the acromion, the end of the scapula, and the rotator cuff of the shoulder is reduced. With repetitive movements, the acromion rubs against the tendons, which leads to the appearance of the "swimmer's shoulder" syndrome. Only people with mobile shoulders are able to perform the vertical block pull behind the back correctly. Even worse, if you hit the bar on the bottom of the neck - this way you can easily damage the cervical vertebrae.

Safe: chest thrust

Fulfill classic traction to the chest - it works out the latissimus dorsi no less effectively and is much safer.

Dangerous: Army Back Press

Anatomically, this exercise resembles the pull of a vertical block. However, when performing a military bench press, the athlete's spine experiences compression loads. Lowering the bar behind your back, you risk injuring your shoulders, just like when you do a vertical block pull behind your back.

Safe: classic military bench press

Do a classic chest press. Remember that the technique of the exercise is very difficult, so you should contact the instructor for advice.

Dangerous: chin thrust

Another harmful exercise on our list that affects the fragile shoulder joint. Pulling to the chin compresses the nerves in the shoulders, which can lead to chronic pain.

Safe: Dumbbell Rows

You can do dumbbell wiring to the sides or raise them in front of you. Don't overdo the weight!

Dangerous: leg press at an angle less than 90 degrees

This excellent exercise becomes super harmful when you bend your knees less than 90 degrees. Then you have to round your lower back and push your pelvis forward, which can hurt your back and knees. If you do not want to become a regular visitor to the surgical department of your district hospital in a couple of years, do the safe version of the exercise.

Safe: Classic Leg Press

Try changing the settings of the platform your back is on. You may be able to find anatomically correct position. Press until a right angle is formed in the knee joint - it is easier and safer.

Dangerous: Squats in Smith's car

Dangerous: Squats in Smith's car

This is one of the most common mistakes newbies in the gym make when they think Smith machine squats are safer than free weights. The problem is that a person cannot squat strictly vertically, and the machine strictly puts him in this framework. Because of this, the squat technique is violated, the back and knees suffer.

Safe: Classic Shoulder Squats

Do classic free weight squats inside a power rack. Ask the trainer to show you the correct technique, it is very important in this exercise. Better not sit in a full gray, limiting yourself to 90 degrees.

Dangerous: Squats in the Hack Machine

Squats in this machine are just as harmful as exercises in the Smith machine. The hack-machine forces you to bring your knees forward. Wherein femur tends to crawl forward relative to the tibia bones of the lower leg. Swap out the Hack Machine for classic back squats.

Dangerous: turning the body with a neck on the shoulders

This rare exercise is recommended for the development of the oblique abdominal muscles. Turning the body in an axis with weight on the shoulders primarily harms the spine: the vertebrae are frayed during this exercise.

Safe: twisting

Do side twists. You can twist on your back not in a straight line, but slightly to the side - this will create the necessary load.

Dangerous: French Press

In a couple of years, the French bench press can turn any healthy person into an invalid due to the heavy load on the elbows. Instead, use our healthy triceps loading option, which helps you lift a lot more weight.

Safe: close grip bench press

This exercise works the triceps much better because you lift more weight than the French press.

Dangerous: twisting with hands behind the head

As you lift your body off the ground, you help yourself by pulling your head up with your hands clasped behind it. This can severely damage the cervical vertebrae.

Safe: crunches with hands at the temples

Just remove your hands from behind your head and lightly hold your head at your temples. You can even fold your arms across your chest.

Danger: lazy cardio

Don't make it easy on yourself while doing cardio and don't lean on the handrails - you break your posture and transfer the load to your shoulders and back.

Safe: Cardio Without Handrails

Try to use your arms freely or just lightly touch the handrails to check your heart rate.

  • Dionysus

Nonsense - if you do it right, then nothing will happen.

  • Andrey Mukhin
  • DokBG

Frame squats will just disappoint Evgeny) He just created a blog, but here it is for you!))

  • scorpinho

it’s dangerous to go out in the evening ... and the article is complete nonsense, it especially killed about squats in smith ...


A dude who shows forbidden exercises judges by himself, he generally can’t do half of the exercises .... Who are they? One is skinny, the other is swollen ... "Planet of Fitness")))))))))))))))) Because of them, I seriously can’t take this information seriously .......

  • NaDeo

French elbow press really cuts very much: /

  • asiris

Bredyatina (((((Especially with regard to the thrust of the vertical block behind the back. In general, complete bullshit ......

  • Naira

By the way, everything is written correctly - the most traumatic exercises. And this does not mean that every athlete will get damaged from the very first approach ... it means that the joints will suffer from them as quickly as possible.
To listen to many here - it turns out that the joints of the athletes are perfectly healthy, and there is no injury, and chemistry is nothing more than "supervitamins"))) Not a sport, but just pure entertainment. Athletes should know the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the joints at the level of medical students and nothing else ... so as not to embarrass themselves in the comments.


Naira, Bodybuilders and there are medical students. university, only correspondence students)))))) And without knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the joints, dietology, pharmacology and other sciences, you can’t do anything .... And they understand better than any doctor, because they felt everything that is written in the book ...

  • Naira

JUNIOR, the one who felt it on himself - he will never claim that the article is nonsense and bullshit)))


Naira, About "felt", I mean not only the article .... but in general, any exercise is dangerous if it is not done correctly ....

  • Naira

JUNIOR, I'm talking about the 10 exercises indicated in the article ... even with the right technique, they damage the joints ... precisely because of the anatomical features ...

  • Steel Rat

any exercise is dangerous, only some are more dangerous than others. I don’t urge anyone not to do some exercises, but to say that the article is bullshit is fundamentally wrong. I know for sure that presses from behind the head ruined more than one pair of strong shoulders.
I’m not sure about the twists, but the squat in Smith injures the knees, I heard it more than once, and according to my own feelings, I also had an opinion.


steel rat,
I didn’t say that the article was bullshit, the “models” in the photo killed me .... For example, my shoulders hurt from lifting dumbbells in front of me, my knees from extending my legs while sitting with a lot of weight .... can I add it there?

  • Vadim1

Didn't read previous comments. I read the article - I agree with the author. I haven’t been doing “forbidden” exercises for a long time, because they caused discomfort, and even the ligaments hurt from the French bench press for about 2 months.

  • Steel Rat

I also get from bench press shoulders hurt and what? The article lists potentially the most traumatic exercises, and not those that suit or do not suit you, from which something hurts or does not hurt.

  • Naira

JUNIOR, what difference does it make who is in the pictures?!))) Once again, for consolidation - the listed 10 exercises are ANATOMICALLY INCORRECTLY ARRANGED! Does this tell you anything?

  • vlk-007

Dangerously faulty equipment .... especially when the cable breaks

  • DokBG

I didn’t do and don’t do what is marked with a red cross) I agree with Naira, there are movements that are dangerous in any performance!

  • hellblood

lol French bench press ... I’ve been doing it for 2 years and it’s normal for me) naturally not as the 1st exercise with max weight, but after narrow bench press ... all exercises are traumatic, squat, bench press are much more dangerous than the same Frenchman, so you need to follow gradual progression, do not chase weight, but do it qualitatively with good negatives, and most importantly, do not live on funds for the joints) and if possible, then perform exercises in special simulators, now there is no such heresy in fitness clubs)

  • vlk-007

HellBlood, tell me about joint remedies

  • Vadim1

HellBlood, tell us about your achievements?

  • DokBG

Vadim, the guy is only 17! What the hell are achievements?)

  • Mark Aemdzhiev

Well, what nonsense, I disagree with at least 5 exercises. Pulling the block behind your back with a wide grip is not absolutely dangerous, they would also write that you can get a concussion if you hit yourself on the head with a bar, squats in Smith are normal if they are frontal with legs set forward (you can’t imagine a better final pump on squares). French bench press, you can’t do without it at all, if you don’t take big weights and it’s better to do it on a bench with an incline of 30-45%, and I think narrow grip bench press is much more dangerous for the wrists. The rest of the pictures are just drawn correct technique, not an alternative to "DEATH!!" exercises.

  • Steel Rat

French bench, you can't do without it at all,

4 years of my training for nothing ((((
  • drone

Steel Rat, ha the same garbage! How to live now

  • maximilian9999

steel rat,
check us out your huge triceps

  • Steel Rat

now I’m just putting on slippers, and then I’ll tear my triceps to take a picture to check it out.

  • maximilian9999

steel rat,
take your time, still not impressed

  • Steel Rat

Well, you know better from the cellar.

  • Naira

Mark Aemdzhiev, these exercises even with correct execution, in compliance with safety regulations, damage the joints, and precisely because they do not take into account anatomical features. If with all other exercises and loads the articular surfaces work in the usual mode, then with these 10 - they rub against each other UNPHYSIOLOGICALLY! It is the thrust behind the head that is the most dangerous exercise out of 10.
Damn, guys! Why is everyone so stubborn?! It's not dangerous, bullshit, nonsense ... why the hell to argue with nature? maybe then all those who disagree should start developing their knees so that they bend back? It’s also against the anatomical features of a person, but no one is trying to do it!

Hello friends!

Routine kills. It is with these words that I want to start an article about non-standard exercises. Usually, when you come to the gym, you watch people perform classic squats, bench press, barbell curls, etc. Personally, I am for it, but sometimes I really want to apply interesting, unhackneyed exercises to various muscle groups. As you know, diversity in training process is only beneficial.

Non-standard physical exercises

Basic classics are the basis of the basics for professionals and beginner athletes, and no one refuses them. Today I just want to talk about some unusual muscle exercises that will dilute your daily training routine. In some cases, they can be no less effective than basic physical activity.

Execution method

  • Lie on your right side on a bench. Dumbbell in right hand
  • The arm is parallel to the floor and slightly bent at the elbow.
  • From this position, you begin to reduce your hand towards (similar to the usual reduction of dumbbells with only one hand and on your side)
  • Gently return your hand to initial position
  • Repeat exercise for right hand on the left side

♦ 2 sets of 10-12 reps for each side

Execution method

  • It is necessary to use a simulator - traction of a vertical block or a horizontal bar
  • Grasp the bar with a wide grip. Elbows slightly bent
  • Start moving your shoulder blades up and down.
  • In the lower position, pause for 3 seconds, then return the shoulder blades up

♦ 2 sets of 8 reps

Execution method

  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart
  • Put a barbell behind you
  • Squat down with your knees bent at a 90° angle
  • Grasp the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart
  • From a sitting position, begin to rise smoothly (keep your back straight)
  • Return to sitting position

♦ The exercise is similar to the deadlift, only the barbell is not in front of you, but behind you. Do 2 sets of 10-12 reps.

Non-standard shoulder exercise

Execution technique

  • Take dumbbells in your hands.
  • Bend your elbows at a 90° angle. Keep your hands in front of you
  • From this position, begin to spread your arms to the sides (only the shoulders should work)
  • Slowly return your arms to the starting position

♦ 3 sets of 10 reps

Execution technique

  • Stand in front of the Smith machine and grab the bar with your hands in a close grip.
  • Holding the bar with your hands, move away from the simulator by 1 meter (for a person of average height)
  • Arms are straight, stable body position
  • Begin to bend your arms, directing your body and head towards the bar.
  • Straighten your arms, returning the body to its original position

♦ To make it clearer, please refer to the illustration attached above. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Non-standard exercise for biceps (Hercules)

Execution technique

  • Stand in the middle of a special crossover trainer
  • Grab the top handles on each side of the machine.
  • Straighten your arms
  • From this position, begin to bend your elbows towards your shoulders, straining your biceps. Hold for 2 seconds.
  • Extend your arms

♦ 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Non-standard exercise for the calf muscles

Execution technique

  • Take an empty (no weight) bar. Put it on your shoulders. Feet shoulder width apart
  • Get on your toes
  • Start squatting.
  • Hold on toes for 3 seconds
  • Get back on your heels but stay in a seated position

♦ 2 sets of 12-15 reps

Non-standard press exercise

Execution technique

  • Stand up straight. Feet shoulder width apart
  • Put your hands behind your head
  • Begin to exhale the air, pulling the stomach inward
  • Hold your breath for as long as possible
  • Breathe in the air

♦ Repeat 5-7 times

To begin with, do everything with minimal load and a small number of repetitions. After you master the technique and feel the progress, start increasing repetitions and load.

Everyone who came to train in the gym, in order to achieve the result, must adhere to a specific training methodology. It will be different, given the goal, but everyone needs to perform basic exercises: they will become the basis for further weight loss, drying or building muscle mass.

What are basic exercises

A basic exercise is called an exercise in which 2 or more joints are involved. This indicates that more muscle groups are involved during its execution. This principle helps a person to train with more weight, the body receives serious stress, releases more hormones (especially growth) for the formation of muscle tissue. For example: the bench press option involves the shoulder, elbow joints, and the pull-up uses the elbow, wrist, and shoulder joints. Exercises in which only one joint is involved are isolation exercises.

How to exercise in the gym

Bodybuilding classes imply that the athlete has a training program in the gym, a nutrition plan has been drawn up. Without them, a person will train chaotically, without progress and improvement in results. For newbies the best option it will be if the training system is compiled by a qualified trainer, writes out a progress table, shows and explains the technique of basic exercises. To get the best result, a beginner athlete should pay attention to the following points:

  • balanced diet: getting missing elements, counting and adjusting calories consumed;
  • workout plan: optimal ratios strength exercises, cardio, number of approaches, repetitions;
  • adherence to the schedule (do not miss classes);
  • giving up alcohol, smoking, good sleep.

Effective training program for beginners

The effectiveness of the program depends on the goals set: for example, in order to lose weight, you need to devote more time to cardio, and for weight gain, strength training. There is no universal program and you should select the appropriate exercises according to your personal feelings together with the trainer. As a basis, you can use the basic exercises in the gym, their description is below.

The vast majority of girls go in for sports to lose weight, strengthen, tighten their figure. In this regard, exercises for women in the gym are somewhat different from men's, the emphasis is more on aerobic exercise. The girl's body contains 10% more fat, it is needed to fulfill their natural task - the birth of a child. Therefore, any workout should begin with a run (at least 20 minutes), after which you can proceed to the rest of the basic exercises in the gym.

Best Back Exercises

Basic exercises on the back are used for muscle growth, so it is better for men to get a V-shape. The movements must be performed correctly, in compliance with the technique, so as not to injure the body. Basic exercises in the gym should be the first while the athlete has enough strength to work with weights. To train your back, do:

  1. deadlift- is listed in the top three basic exercises. Well loads the lower back, shoulder girdle, hips, buttocks, biceps of the shoulder. One of the most exhausting, but also useful exercises. It is very important to follow the technique when performing so as not to damage the lower back, which receives a serious load.
  2. Bent over row. Good way pumping the latissimus dorsi, performed after the deadlift, helps to visually make the back wider. The muscles of the shoulder girdle, biceps are also involved.
  3. Pull-ups are a well-known version of an exercise for the back, you can do it at home or on a street sports ground.

Chest workout

pumped up rib cage is not an easy task for any athlete. Many people have to spend more than one week to feel the training technique, to catch the necessary amplitude. Basic best exercises in the gym for the chest:

  1. The bench press is also included in the main three of the base. Allows you to use Weight Limit to load the muscles of the chest, involves the shoulder girdle, forearm. Do not rush to take on a lot of weight, ask someone in the gym to insure you during execution so that you are not pressed by the neck.
  2. Dumbbell bench press. This option allows for less weight, but provides a greater range of motion, which has a beneficial effect on muscle growth.
  3. Push ups. Home version of the basic exercise for the chest, involves the shoulder girdle, biceps, triceps.

Basic bicep exercises

The most effective movement to pump up biceps- flexion at the elbow, but it involves one joint in the work, so such exercises are considered basic with a big stretch. Rather, they can be called the most productive. Basic exercises for biceps in the gym:

  1. Pull-ups (reverse grip). The only option that really involves more than 1 joint, but it will not work for a long time to pump the biceps with it, the athlete gets tired quickly.
  2. Lifting the biceps of the bar in work includes one joint, but has maximum effect in the biceps training course. In addition to the biceps muscle, the anterior bundle of deltas is involved.
  3. Hammer exercise. Athletes often lag behind Bottom part biceps, this version of the exercise provides an opportunity to work out the necessary part of the arm well.


With this muscle group, the situation is simpler than with the biceps. Avoid training the triceps muscle is not worth it, it forms up to 60% of the visual volume of your arm. If the main movement for the biceps is flexion, then for this case it is extension. Basic triceps exercises in the gym:

  1. Close grip bench press. This option provides an opportunity to load the muscle as much as possible, to take a large working weight. At narrow grip excluded from work pectoral muscle, and the entire emphasis is shifted to the triceps. As with chest training, it is desirable that someone insure you.
  2. French press. It is better to perform it with a small weight, this will not overload the elbow joint, but with a large number of repetitions. The sequence is the same with the chest: first do the chest press, and then the French. With this approach, nothing will threaten your joints.

On the shoulders (deltas)

Broad massive shoulders adorn any man. The joints here are very easy to injure, so the movements should be performed very carefully, choosing the right weight. Basic shoulder exercises:

  1. Army press. It is performed standing or sitting with a barbell, which, unlike dumbbells, provides an opportunity to load the target muscles more. Together with the shoulders, the triceps, the muscles of the middle back, are trained to a lesser extent.
  2. Dumbbell press. Perform better while standing, this option is an alternative army press, but they can be performed in one workout.

On the abdominal muscles

As with the biceps, there is no base for this part of the body, all movement options involve one joint. Main principle pumping abdominal muscles- twisting. Abdominal exercises in the gym are performed to maximize the tension of muscle fibers during their contraction. For training, you can do:

  1. Bench crunches are good for upper abs. The lower part is also involved, but less.
  2. Hanging leg raise, it effectively trains the lower abdominal muscles. The press training should be performed at the end of the session, in each approach the maximum number of times.

On leg muscles

This part of the body becomes a problem for men, women. For the first, it becomes a real challenge to increase muscle mass, for the second - to lose weight, deal with cellulite. Women need to work with lighter weights, doing more repetitions to accelerate metabolism, increase endurance. Leg exercises in the gym:

  1. Lunges with dumbbells. Several variants of the execution technique are used, but the maximum effect is obtained if they are done with advancement. You need to squat deeply and rise on your toes. The same muscles are involved as with squats.
  2. The barbell squat is the last exercise in the base three. Beginners are strictly not recommended to perform with a lot of weight. It is better for girls to start simply with a neck, for guys - with pancakes of 5 kg each. This is due to the large load on the lower back. Perfectly worked out quadriceps, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, lower back.

Video tutorials for beginners

Fitness can bring maximum results only if you follow the schedule, diet, exercise technique. The latter is especially difficult to master on your own, because there is no one to point out runtime errors.

To prepare for classes, it is better to watch the video from famous athletes, which talk about the nuances of the technique of classes in the hall. Below are examples of workouts for men, women. Don't forget to wear comfortable clothes.

A set of exercises in the gym for men

Gym workout for girls

Let's discuss the harmful but extremely popular exercises that an incredible bunch of people do every day. We want to remind you for the thousandth time that you should make a decision: to perform certain exercises, based on how they affect your health! Not on the size of the priests, not on the growth of the rear delta, namely, assessing what is the chance of earning an injury.

No need to argue about what is "better" or "worse", it does not matter. We will consider exercises exclusively in terms of two factors: benefit and injury risk to understand whether you will get a profit from them or stay with your own, or maybe lose. You can not take into account only the benefits of the exercise, the likelihood of injury is equally important in this context.

Lateral slopes

I constantly watch how girls in the gym do these exercises with dumbbells, and with a barbell on their shoulders (looks more than spectacular), and on a hyperextension machine, and on a fitball against the wall (looks more than comical). Exercises are performed, apparently, in order to tighten lateral muscles abdomen, strengthen the spine, pump up the oblique muscles of the abdomen, make the waist (x) narrower. It is not surprising that many do them, simply trusting the coach or the media, or based on simple logic: “what I pump, I lose weight.” Let's take a look at these exercises, and what result they lead to in reality.

Side bends are quite popular in gyms and it's not surprising, this exercise is easier and hard to come up with! According to the legend side slopes perfectly work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Now for some classic tediousness. The anatomical movement in this exercise is called lateral flexion of the spine in the frontal plane or slope spinal column to the side.

The main muscles that are responsible for the movement of the spine:

1) Square muscle of the lower back
2) Intercostal muscles
3) Muscles between the transverse processes

As we see oblique abdominal muscles do not work when bending over. You cannot with this exercise“pump up the side press”, because. oblique muscles are not involved.

The waist will also not become thinner. By tilting to the side, you will achieve one thing: make yourself visually squarer. When this exercise is performed frequently with weights, the square muscles of the lower back are tightened and enlarged. They are located in such a way that with their excessive development (with hypertrophy), they expand the waist, resting against the sides from the inside, expanding the oblique muscles of the abdomen, which are responsible for the narrow waist. Oblique abdominal muscles and some exercises for them will be discussed below.

And in general, we will not deceive you and say what can be done from the "rectangle" hourglass and never believe those who convince you of this, seriously! The waist is the same as the shape of the buttocks - either there or not. You need to work in the conditions that you have and achieve maximum results!

Moreover, this exercise is also dangerous for people with problems or weak back, because square muscle the lower back, together with the transverse ones, are the stabilizers of the spine, which strengthen in physiotherapy exercises without weights, in order to restore their work after any injuries, diseases, or prevention. When working with weights, these muscles hold the spine relative to the pelvis and strongly “clamp” the vertebrae together, creating a dangerous load and prerequisites for instability of the vertebrae. These resistance exercises can even exacerbate the spinal osteochondrosis that many people, including teenagers, have.

With an incorrect approach and the use of these exercises, the result is:
once: dangerous load on the spine,
two: we strengthen the existing osteochondrosis,
three: we expand the waist in defiance of the generally accepted stereotypes of some fitness "gurus" common to the masses.

Remove this exercise from the training plan or do it only at the beginning for articular gymnastics, How .

How to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles: exercises

External oblique muscles The abdomen begin at the anterior lateral edges of the lower eight ribs and attach to the iliac crest, pubic tubercle, and aponeurosis of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Internal oblique muscles The abdomen begins on the iliac crest and lumbo-thoracic fascia, and is attached to the cartilages of the last three ribs and the aponeurosis of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Boredom again, the highest level 😂:


- flexion with bilateral contraction, as assistants to the rectus abdominis muscle,
- lateral flexion along with rotation of the spine during unilateral work.
- stabilization of the spine together with the rectus abdominis and transverse muscles.

IMPORTANT: during flexion and rotation of the body from a prone position to the left, the external obliques on the right side and the internal obliques on the left side work - this is due to their structure and the location of the fibers.

well-developed oblique abdominal muscles, along with transverse muscle they form a frame that tightens the waist area and makes it thin, if the square muscle of the lower back is not hypertrophied.

remember, that good result can be achieved only by a set of exercises, i.e. include both statics and dynamics!

1) Dynamic mode of operation.

But what happens when you extend your legs in the simulator? In the bent position of our legs, we have no load at all, and in the unbent position, the maximum occurs, which means that the thinnest part takes on all the work. It is absolutely not physiological and dangerous. In fact, the issue of your injury is only a matter of weight and time.

Also, when performing leg extensions while sitting, the anterior cruciate ligament receives constant tension. There is also an increased risk of lateral deflection of the patella and increased stress against lateral forces.

By the way, this exercise is even more dangerous for women than for men! The ligaments and tendons surrounding the knee areas are much weaker in women than in men. And therefore, any deviation of the weight load from the norm can lead to knee injuries.

Twisting on a Roman chair

Classic: this simulator is everywhere, despite the fact that it is not very anatomically convenient, because. forces the person to do the lift with a straight back. The fact is that the main task of our press is twist the pelvis to the body or the body to the pelvis. When you fix your feet in the rollers below the pelvis, you make it difficult to twist like this. The load on the lower back, hips and iliopsoas muscles increases, and. If you add weight here (and many manage to do this exercise with pancakes from the bar), then you can easily injure your lower back.

Press from behind the head sitting / standing. Traction behind the head of a vertical block

For some reason, it is believed that the bench press and pull of the vertical block from behind the head are almost the key to training. deltoid muscles. Thinking here goes, as they say, in a straight line: the rear deltas must be trained with presses from behind the head or traction behind the head in the simulator (because they are performed from behind), and the front ones with chest presses (performed in front of you). But is it right?

Let's do a little experiment. Let's take a pumped-up person and ask him to take his hand to the side, applying a certain force to it - in front, behind and from above. At the same time, our pitching has to overcome these efforts by tensing the corresponding muscle bundles. Further, holding his hand on the front bunch of deltas, we ask him to turn his hand, thereby duplicating the starting position when doing presses from behind the head. It is well seen that front delta is on top, just along the path of the upward movement of the humerus. Next, ask the lifter to bring their arm forward (duplicating the starting position of traditional chest presses). At the same time, the arrangement of the beams remains unchanged - the front beam is still at the top. At the same time, the role of each of the deltoid muscle bundles becomes clear:

Anterior bundle - agonist(leading beam);
The middle beam is a synergist(assistant);
Posterior bundle - antagonist(its role is not to interfere with the movement of the anterior bundle, the position is relaxed).

By the way, this fact is very easy to check by applying an effort that will be directed upwards (simulating overcoming the weight of the barbell from behind the head). At the same time, you can feel the work of all delta bundles with your hand. It turns out that only two beams are involved in the work - the front and middle. The back, as it was relaxed, remains so relaxed.

Plus, don't forget that our shoulder joints are very mobile.

Thus, training task rear deltas presses from behind the head are unable to solve. In fact, both the chest press and the press from behind the head involve mainly the “front” deltas. The only difference is that the chest press is safer because it's more natural. The seated/standing behind the head press and the vertical block head pull create a load that is unnatural for shoulder joints and lead to injury. In short, there are no advantages, but a lot of minuses.

Mixing-breeding legs in the simulator

Don't believe in this simulator can get hurt? But in vain. In the article, we talk in detail about the risk of injury and the nuances of performing this exercise.

"And here I am.."