What are the exercises for the back. Back exercises in the gym. back exercises in the gym

Few people now think about their lives without training in the gym. Everyone understands the benefits and pleasure that classes bring. Taking care of their appearance, ordinary people achieve stunning results, achieving a beautiful athletic figure.

Important training principles

inspiring appearance There are three main groups attached to your back: latissimus dorsi, trapezius and lumbar muscles. Developing all three, you can achieve an indicative result. And without developed muscles there will be neither a good sports image, nor distinctive results in strength exercises (squats, deadlift).

Coming to the gym for the first time, most likely, you will be engaged in a circular program, that is, working out the whole body for each workout. Having accumulated experience, a more reasonable solution would be to switch to split program- the option in which your workouts are divided into separate trainings for arms, legs, for example, back, etc.

Since the back is an accumulation of large muscle groups, it would be advisable to allocate more time for its training, or at least not combine it with complex training hands (when the biceps get tired and there is no time and energy left for the back) or with heavy squats (when there is no strength left at all).

The best thing combine back training with exercises for triceps, shoulders, hips and biceps. At the same time, the scope of the athlete's activity is also taken into account. In the event that your work is somehow connected with physical labor, then you should limit yourself to back exercises. 3-4 kinds, and if during working hours you do not particularly use your lower back, then you need to draw up a program based on the calculation 6-8 exercises.

It should be borne in mind that in sports the back is " weak point”, that is, her training can be traumatic. Lower back pain, spinal problems, osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, etc. - that's what can happen when you ignore the safety rules. Therefore, all exercises must be approached fully armed, having studied in detail the correct technique of execution. You should not chase high weights at the beginning of classes, it will definitely come to this, but you still need to increase the working weight very carefully, without making big jumps.

Targeted back training

If you decide to dedicate a separate day to your back alone, then you can make such a complex:

  1. Hyperextension;
  2. Deadlift;
  3. Bent over row;
  4. Bent over two dumbbell rows;
  5. Pullover;
  6. Front traction (horizontal);
  7. The thrust of one dumbbell in an inclination to the belt;
  8. Shrugs.

Do all exercises for 3 sets in the rep range of 10-12 times.

Pain and crunching in the back over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements, up to disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy recommended by orthopedists...

Back workout for girls

Basically, exercises for men and women do not differ. Only the goals pursued by representatives of both sexes differ. If men strive to gain mass, then for girls the relief and harmony of forms look more attractive. But pumped up female back looks very impressive, so the ladies should do the exercises.

In women's training, it is important not to overdo it with large weights, so as not to lose the elegance of the forms. Therefore, the principle is the same: perform all the same exercises, but with much less working weight and more repetitions and approaches.

Program example:

  1. hyperextension- 15-20 times 4 sets;
  2. thrust upper block - 20 times 5 approaches;
  3. Incline dumbbell row- 15 times 4 approaches;
  4. front thrust- 20 times 3 sets;
  5. Lower back bends- 15 times 3 sets.

This will be quite enough to maintain a slender beautiful figure.

We'll talk about which exercises for the back in the gym are the most effective! And so often, visitors to gyms have a habit of working out only those areas that are visible in the mirror. As a rule, these are chest and shoulder muscles, biceps, press.

But paying attention to the back is essential, not only to ensure symmetry between the front and back of the body, but also to general strengthening health.

Weak muscle corset can lead to a violation of posture, as well as provoke acute pain, especially with increasing loads on the upper shoulder girdle.

Which back muscles need to be worked out regularly? The best exercises for the back in the gym

Do back exercises gym essential for the development of the reference V-shaped torso. After all, a sign of an ideal male figure is broad shoulders, embossed chest and a narrow waist. In order to achieve this effect, it is recommended to regularly work out the following spinal muscles:

  • the broadest;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • trapezoidal;
  • straightening the spine;
  • oblique.

The exercises below can be combined into a single training complex, to which you need to devote at least two classes per month. But it is better to add one exercise to your regular training plans.


It's technical difficult exercise will help to work out the entire back muscle group (from the calf to the shoulder). The effectiveness of training is determined by the fact that when correct execution, 75% is used muscle mass, including the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles of the back.

It is very important to follow the execution technique, because any mistakes can lead to serious complications, including hernia and pinching of the vertebral nerves.

It is necessary to start working with the barbell with a minimum weight, not forgetting the weightlifting belt. For one workout, it will be enough to complete 3 sets of 6 repetitions. After a few sessions, you can increase the weight, while the number of approaches should remain the same.

Bent-over barbell row (forward and reverse grip)

When done correctly, Weight Limit it will be possible to take it much faster, without fear of the development of a large number of health complications. Depending on the original physical training, you can raise the barbell:

  • direct grip (in this case, the trapezius muscles are mainly loaded);
  • reverse grip (the neck is picked up from under the bottom, as a result of which the latissimus dorsi are worked out).

Attention! Bent-over barbell raises are very stressful for the lower back, so it’s best to do the exercise at the very beginning of your workout. It is not recommended to perform tilted barbell lifts in combination with the classic deadlift.

Wide grip pull-ups

Many athletes have heard that pull-ups directly affect the development of the back. Indeed, pull-ups are one of better ways develop the upper shoulder girdle and back as a whole.

But only pulling up, performed with a wide grip, will allow you to work out the latissimus dorsi muscles as much as possible. Pull-ups are suitable even for beginners, because it is quite difficult to make mistakes in execution. In very rare cases, pain in the shoulder joints may occur.

But in the end, you need to learn how to perform 82 pull-ups in 5 repetitions. It is not worth increasing the load further, because this will lead to wear shoulder joints. If the reference number of pull-ups is mastered, then you can add weights, but do not increase the number of approaches.

Before each approach to the horizontal bar, it is necessary to warm up the shoulder joints. And the pull-ups themselves are an excellent warm-up before doing the deadlift.

T-bar pull

The T-bar pull-up is one of the classic exercises and is great for those who can't handle a lot of weight while lifting the barbell in a bent over.

Due to the fact that the simulator allows you to focus on the stomach and hips, the spine is not loaded. This means that the athlete will be able to do more repetitions and take more weight. You can lift the T-bar:

  • neutral grip (palms facing each other);
  • narrow grip (palms are brought together as much as possible);
  • wide grip (handles spread apart, palms “look” down).

The wider the grip, the better the muscle corset will be worked out. With a neutral grip, maximum attention is paid to the rhomboid muscles, and with a narrow grip, the biceps are additionally pumped.

The exercise is performed at the end of the workout, according to the system of "failed" repetitions. This means that lifting the T-bar should be performed as many times as you have enough strength, and after the appearance of characteristic symptoms, add 2-3 more repetitions.

If there is no room special simulator, then you can lift a conventional fixed neck, with a counterweight on the working side. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the legs are bent at the knees, and the press is as tense as possible. Otherwise, squats and tilts with a weighting agent will be performed, which will not affect the development of the back in any way.

Traction of the lower block with direct and reverse grip

This exercise will allow you to pump even the most small muscles back. The advantage of the lower block pull is that even women can perform it, as well as people with a minimum level of physical fitness. The load is regulated by increasing the weight, as well as by changing the grip width of the simulator arm.

With the classic traction of the lower block (straight neutral grip) the latissimus dorsi muscles are being worked out. If you perform the exercise with a wide handle, then the load will be transferred to rather specific zones of the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

The pull of the lower block is best performed immediately after the deadlift. It is enough to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions. It is very important to control the pace and spend at least four seconds holding the machine handle against the chest, and the same amount of rest between repetitions.

If the exercise seems too easy, then it is recommended to complicate it not only by increasing the weight, but also by changing the grip. Performing the pull of the lower block with a reverse grip, you can work out almost all areas of the back and biceps. To reverse grip often athletes who have already "taken" the maximum weight when performing classical traction bottom block.

Top block pull

The pulldown is also considered one of the easiest and relatively safe workouts for developing the back. The simulator will be an outlet for those people who have not yet mastered pull-ups with a wide grip.

Due to the possibility of increasing the load, the thrust of the upper block is also suitable for those who have already reached the reference 82 repetitions and want to develop further.

Narrow and neutral grip activates the biceps and bands muscle fibers, which are located closer to the center of the back. But a wide grip will allow you to work out all the zones of the latissimus dorsi. Upper block work is great for building muscle mass.

This exercise is an excellent warm-up for the shoulder joints. It is enough to perform three sets of 12 repetitions. But if the athlete uses the maximum weight, then it is better to work with the simulator after pre-warming up the muscles and classic pull-ups.

Dumbbell row with one hand

This exercise allows you to work both sides of the back, controlling the weight for the working and non-working arms. The range of motion also increases significantly. If, when performing a deadlift, the neck rises only to the level of the press, then when working with dumbbells, you can bring the elbow beyond the level of the shoulder.

In this case, almost all the muscles of the upper back are involved. Thanks to the emphasis of the non-working hand on the bench, the risk of improper work with dumbbells is significantly reduced. The core is easy to control, fatigue does not set in so quickly, which allows you to perform more repetitions.

One-arm dumbbell raises are usually performed in the middle of a workout. It is enough to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.


Hyperextension - refers to very light exercise, therefore suitable for women and beginners. It is not easy to complicate the lifting of the body, so the number of approaches can be determined using the “to failure” method. Athletes often perform hyperextensions during breaks between basic sets. The technique is quite simple:

  1. Fix the legs so that the hips lie completely on the bench with an inclination angle of 45 degrees;
  2. Cross your arms over your chest;
  3. Raise your back completely straight until the body is in a position perpendicular to the floor;
  4. Slowly take the starting position.

Also, you can perform hyperextension from a classic bench or on a Roman chair.

Back recovery after training

If the whole training was devoted to the development of the back, you need to pay attention to the quality recovery of the body.

First, it is necessary to abandon any load on the latissimus dorsi, otherwise the risk of injury will increase several times. Secondly, it is advisable to visit a massage therapist who will help prevent the development of painful symptoms.

Also, you can drink potassium and do some back stretching exercises (for example, pull your knees to your chest, or try to reach your palms to your feet from a sitting position).

We recommend reading an article on the topic - how to build back muscles. In it, you will find additional exercises and a completely different approach to pumping up the back muscles, as well as various tips to strengthen your back.

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Video: back workout

Back exercises for girls

The back in bodybuilding plays an almost decisive role. After all, it is she who gives the athlete that very characteristic V-shape. She also forms good posture. In addition, the back is extremely important for performing many strength exercises. For example, deadlifts and squats.

But the back is not alone big muscle. In turn, it is divided into the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, lumbar and long. Therefore, each muscle requires a separate approach.

Features of back training

Beginners are advised not to work out each muscle separately, but to perform the so-called basic exercises. This will strengthen the body as a whole, make it hardy, improve strength indicators, and also increase overall muscle mass.

For those who do the split system, it is recommended to train the muscles of the back on the same day as the arms, chest or shoulders. Those whose occupation is associated with severe physical activity, you can reduce the number of approaches to 3-4. The rest is recommended to perform from 6 to 8.

The back is the most traumatic area human body in bodybuilding. Therefore, special attention should be paid correct technique performing exercises aimed at developing the back. You should not chase after large scales: first you need to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus. Yes, and too much weight will not affect the technique in the best way.

Exercises for the development of back muscles

It makes sense to focus on the latissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles.

Exercises for the development of the latissimus dorsi

  • main exercises - traction to the belt. Target group: upper and middle back, biceps. You can perform traction with both a barbell with a T-bar and dumbbells. At the same time, the rule works: if you pull the load closer to the belt, the lower sections of the widest are worked out, and if to the chest, then the upper ones. Traction can be performed alternately with one dumbbell, leaning the knee of the other leg on the bench. It is very important to avoid cheating and turn off your hands from work;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar. Target group - lats and biceps. Pull-ups are performed only with weights! Exercises with own weight will never lead to outstanding sports success. This rule is especially true for bodybuilding. Therefore, it makes sense to hang from the belt, for example, a pancake from a barbell or several pancakes from a dumbbell. The grip should be slightly wider than the shoulders. Too wide as well as too narrow grip prevent a good contraction of the widest;
  • traction of the upper block behind the head and traction of the upper block to the belt. Target group: lats, biceps. Despite the fact that this is a “training” exercise, it is included in the mandatory program even for those athletes who neglect the simulators. Perfectly gets to the latissimus dorsi;
  • shrugs - they work on the trapezius muscles. The main mistake of beginner athletes is circular movements of the shoulders during the exercise. Shoulders must move strictly vertically! At the same time, you can even lower your chin to properly shorten the trapezoid.

Muscles of the lumbar

  • deadlift . Target group: the muscles of the lumbar region, however, all muscles work to one degree or another. Basic exercise, which must be included in the training complex not only for a beginner, but also for an “experienced” athlete. It is the deadlift that significantly strengthens the entire body as a whole and helps to build muscle mass. But it has a particularly beneficial effect on the lumbar region. While doing this exercise very important to follow correct technique. The back should not arch. She must bend! Legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width. Undermining the weight is carried out at the expense of the legs, but it rises already with the muscles of the back. As the athletes themselves say, there should be a feeling that the heels are pushing through the floor. The weight is also lowered due to the muscles of the lumbar region. In no case do not "throw"! The bar should lower slowly and under control;
  • forward bends with a barbell on the shoulders. Target group: lumbar muscles. The bar is placed on the shoulders, the bar is wound behind the head. The athlete bends and straightens. All movements should be tried to be made precisely due to the muscles of the lower back, without the participation of the legs;
  • hyperextension. Some athletes neglect this exercise, which is completely in vain. Hyperextensions perfectly develop both the leg muscles and the gluteal and lumbar muscles. The athlete lies down on the bench, placing a roller under the hips, leans forward, arms crossed in front of him. Next, the body is straightened in line with the legs. At the same time, you don’t need to bend: there is a high risk of injury even for an experienced athlete. Hyperextensions can be performed both without weight and with weight, if you hold a pancake from the bar in front of you on your chest.

A strong back is not only beautiful, but also an indicator good health. It is from the muscles of the back that our posture, gait and the general tone of the whole body depend. The muscular corset constantly supports the spine distributing the load evenly.

It is impossible to properly pump up the muscles of the back without knowing its anatomical structure.

There are two main classifications according to which they are divided:

  1. By location.

There are superficial and deep muscles. The first include the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles, as well as the extensors of the spine. All of them are on the surface, are clearly visible and require careful study.

The deep layer of muscles consists of dentate, rhomboid, and levator scapulae muscle fibers.

  1. If you look at the departments, then the trapezius muscle occupies upper part, widest middle, and rectifiers lower back.

The number of exercises needed to achieve the result:

  • For weight gain - 6-8 times in 3-4 sets, the weight of the load itself is important.
  • For drying (relief), we perform 13-15 exercises in 3 sets.
  • Beginners are recommended to perform 12-13 repetitions with a gradual increase in weight. The number of approaches is also 3.

Back exercises in the gym

When exercising in the gym, much more equipment is available for doing back exercises. Thanks to free weights you can reach the peak load necessary for muscle growth for those who want to pump up, and specially designed shells will make back exercises in the gym safe in case of spinal health problems.

Working out the muscles of the upper back:

  1. Shrugs.

Can be performed both with dumbbells and with all types of barbells, in a standing position or on incline bench. The technique consists in raising the shoulders, while the extra weight is held by the hands. upper limbs at this time they remain intact, that is, they do not bend in any of the joints. Exercise causes thickening of muscle fibers, making them more massive.

  1. Bent over row (+ rhomboid muscles).

The barbell or dumbbell row is the best exercise in the gym for building upper back mass, but you need a strong lower back to be strong enough to hold and lift the maximum weight in this exercise. It is performed standing, tilting the torso at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor level. The legs are slightly bent, the arms are straight at first and hold the barbell. Raise the bar up towards the chest area, pulling the elbows and shoulder blades back. Various types of rods are used.

Bent-over barbell rowing can be replaced with one-handed dumbbell rowing with an emphasis on a bench or a block pull, the main thing is to choose a simulator with an emphasis not only for the legs, but also for the body. These options for back exercises in the gym take the load off the lumbar.

Exercises for the middle back:

  1. Head pull-ups.

They are performed on a horizontal bar with a wide setting of hands. At the top of the lift, the back of the head should touch the crossbar. Effective for the growth of muscle fibers in breadth, a special result is achieved when using weighting. The grip is straight.

AT gyms pull-up machines are now available. When using them, it is possible to facilitate the exercise - relevant for girls.

  1. Traction:

Strengthening the lower back and torso muscles:

Back exercises in the workout program

  1. Workouts with an emphasis on width.
    • Pull-ups with extra weight.
    • Bent over row, then deadlift.
  2. For strength.
    • Deadlift
    • Pull-ups on the bar.
    • Pulldown of the upper block, then deadlift with a reverse grip.

The number of approaches - 4, repetitions - 10-12.

Our spine is under constant stress. In a sitting position, it can withstand about 20 kg of weight, in a standing position - from 8 to 15, and in a lying position - from 6 to 9 kg. In fact, our back does not rest, which is why it is so important to transfer some of the load to the muscles. This is especially true for people who sedentary image life.

Weak muscles are unable to support the spinal column, and this threatens with a violation of posture, the development of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. How to avoid it? It is necessary to visit the gym in order to strengthen the muscular corset, which will unload the spine a little, make the body strong and slender. All the intricacies of working out the spinal muscles will be discussed further.

Which back exercises are suitable for whom?

The spinal muscles in girls are initially less developed than in men. Feature representatives of the weaker sex - narrow shoulders and rib cage, wide pelvis and hips. And in men, on the contrary, the shoulders are wide, and the pelvis is narrow. That is why the exercise program for them is different.

Women's complex

If a woman wants to strengthen her back muscles, correct her posture the gym must be visited at least 2 times a week.

The more magnificent the chest, the higher the risk of developing posture defects, diseases of the spine.

Basic exercises for women:

Don't bend your arms!

  1. Shrugs

Trapezius muscles are formed.

If you are a beginner, take dumbbells with a minimum weight, arms along the body. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, but do not bend your arms. At the highest point, linger for 5 seconds (A), return to the starting position (B).

  1. Reverse Bent over Row

Take dumbbells (2.5-3 kg) from below, so that the palms are facing the face. Bend the body forward so that a 45 degree angle is formed. Raise both arms in different directions, make sure that they do not bend at the elbows.

Do not arch your back, the spine should be straight, this threatens with a violation of posture.

  1. Alternate bent over row

The latissimus dorsi muscles are worked out, while the load on the spinal column is reduced.

2 options for starting position:

  • Turn sideways to the bench, lean on your right knee and hand on it. Tilt your body left leg put back.
  • Both limbs on the floor, you need to push forward and slightly bend your right leg. Lean on the bench with your right hand, tilt your torso.

Take a projectile weighing no more than 3 kg in left hand. As you inhale, raise your hand to your stomach or slightly higher. At the highest point, hold for 5 seconds, bring the shoulder blades together. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Back, legs should be straight. Only the hands work, the body remains motionless.

  1. Deadlift

almost all muscles work

Stand with your feet slightly knees bent at shoulder level, toes straight or slightly outward. Get down to the bar, your back is even, take the projectile so that your palms are turned to your face.

Tear off the barbell from the floor due to the tension of the hips, in parallel, smoothly unbend your back. Do not strain your hands, perceive them as ropes. At the highest point, bring the shoulder blades together, straighten your shoulders, chest and then your knees.

In order to lower the projectile, first bend your legs, move your pelvis back and gently tilt your torso forward. The bar moves vertically, along the line of the shins and hips.

Do not round your back, tighten your abdominal muscles.

Video effective exercises to strengthen the back of girls:

Complex for men

  1. Pull-ups on

Train the broad muscles of the back, biceps.

Grab the bar with the backs of your hands facing you. The distance between the limbs is at least 30 cm, so the latissimus dorsi will receive good load. The legs are bent at the ankles and slightly bent to prevent jerking.

While inhaling, gently pull your chin to the crossbar, due to the tension of the muscles of the back and arms, exhale. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Inhale again, slowly lower yourself down.

Do not relax, raise your shoulders. The start of the rise is due to spinal muscles, and biceps work at the top point.

If you find it difficult to complete this exercise, use a special counterweight. If pull-ups are easy, increase the load by wearing a belt with special weights.

  1. Deadlift with barbell

back should remain straight

Numerous joints and almost all muscle groups are involved in this exercise.

Stance - legs at shoulder level, socks look straight, you can turn a little to the sides. The position should be as stable as possible. Bend your legs and lower yourself to the bar, while your back is even, take the projectile with your palms away from you (straight grip). The upper limbs are 20-25 cm wide. The torso is lowered forward, the spine is even, the shoulder blades are shifted.

Start lifting the bar due to the efforts of the thigh muscles, while the back does not move. Raise your torso first, and only then straighten your knees. Lower the projectile vertically (along the line of the hips and shins).

  1. Incline bar lift

The broad muscles of the back, arms, trapezium are trained.

The starting position should be stable, legs slightly apart, knees bent. Tilt your body, grasp the barbell with even hands so that the back of your hand is facing you. Level up, pick up the projectile.

Then you need to tilt the body by 45 ° and slightly bend the back in lumbar, projectile in the hands opposite the knees. Lumbar muscles tense.

Raise the bar to the lower part of the press, while pulling your elbows back and lifting as high as possible. This is how the spinal muscles will work, not the biceps. Hold at the highest point for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.

During the exercise, do not move your legs and head. The distance between the hands should be 25 cm. In order to use the trapezium, bring the shoulder blades together at the highest point.

Video how to build back muscles:

Universal exercises for the back

Male and female complex can be supplemented with the following exercises:

  • hyperextension

The muscles of the lower back, the back of the thigh work.

Lie on the machine with your legs under the rear roller and your pelvis on the front cushion. Legs and back form a straight line. Slowly lower yourself down, pause for a moment, and return to the starting position.

Warms up muscles before exercise heavy exercise. This exercise can be performed on or just on the floor, leaning on the stomach.

Horizontal or vertical block finish the main workout to consolidate the result. Work in progress broad muscles back, biceps, deltas, forearms. This is a simple exercise that does not require special skills.

Indications and contraindications

stop immediately if you have back pain

Why is it important to strengthen your back muscles? Firstly, the posture improves, the person looks slim, tall. Secondly, pain in the back and legs disappears. Thirdly, with the help of exercises for the back, the patient recovers from an injury, only in this case the complex must be coordinated with the attending physician, who has information about the course of the disease.

Main testimony:

  • Hypodynamia, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Osteochondrosis - the spine becomes more mobile, the muscles of the back are strengthened, posture improves.
  • The initial stages of scoliosis - the corset of the spine is strengthened, stretched, due to which the curvature decreases or completely disappears.
  • Intervertebral hernia - there is an unloading of the spine, the pain syndrome disappears, flexibility returns, mobility is restored.
  • Prevention of diseases of the spine.

It is strictly forbidden to perform exercises if a person feels acute back pain. This applies to people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system who physiotherapy exercises under the guidance of a doctor. Such pain is a harbinger of relapse.

Main contraindications to perform exercises using sports equipment (dumbbells, barbells):

  • increased blood pressure;
  • asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe diseases of the spine;
  • women feel unwell during menstruation;
  • any chronic disease.

start with light exercises and gradually increase the load

First of all, you need to soberly assess your physical capabilities. If you are a beginner, then start with simple exercises with minimal burden. Give yourself and your body the opportunity to learn the technique of performing the exercise, bring it to automaticity, and only after that increase the load. Do not forget that back exercises are extremely traumatic!

The minimum number of repetitions for beginner athletes is 10 times. Try to constantly increase the number of repetitions by 1-2 times. After doing the exercise more than 15 times, increase the load.

If your goal is to dry your muscles, then increase the number of approaches and rest less. Approximately 10 times in 5 sets.

If you want to increase body weight, then do more basic exercises for the back with loose shells (barbell, kettlebell, dumbbells). The number of sets should be reduced.

The back muscles are often worked out on the same day as the pectorals. It is recommended to start from the back, as these muscles are larger and require more strength and energy to pump. However, if they are lagging behind, then start with them.

  • the duration of the first three workouts should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • the maximum duration of classes for girls is 45 minutes;
  • exercise regularly with a break of 48 hours;
  • always start with a warm-up (bending, stretching, bending);
  • alternate weight classes with gymnastic exercises;
  • nutrition should be balanced: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of still water during exercise.

There are many exercises to strengthen the back muscles, which are performed in different variations. But the following can be distinguished:, traction with barbells, with dumbbells or kettlebells in an incline. As well as classes on a block simulator and hyperextension to complement the complex. Also, don't forget to listen to your common sense, personal trainer and the attending physician. After all, a strong and strong back is not only beautiful, but also important for health!