Bench press with a narrow grip on an incline bench. Types of bench presses lying on an inclined bench - we swing the top and bottom of the chest. Advantages of squeezing the sports equipment up and at an angle

Bench Press incline bench (incline press barbells) trains the upper bundle of pectoral muscles (near the collarbones), front deltoid muscles, triceps.

The exercise is performed on a special strong bench with a changeable angle of inclination using racks for the barbell. The incline bench press is one of the main basic exercises for training the muscles of the chest and the entire shoulder girdle.

Starting position

Prepare the bar on the racks, set the working weight on it. Be sure to secure the pancakes with locks.

Sit on an incline bench, grab a barbell with an 85-95 cm wide grip or more if you have long arms and high growth. Place your feet firmly on the floor, spreading them at least 60-70 cm wide. This will allow you to press the barbell stably and at full strength. For convenience, you can put some stable stands under your feet (stacks of large pancakes, a low cabinet, etc.).

Sitting comfortably and steadily on an incline bench, remove the barbell from the racks and straighten your arms.

Incline bench press, exercise technique

Slowly lower the bar to your chest near your collarbones. Hold this position for a moment and begin to vigorously press the bar up with the force of the muscles of the upper chest. Straighten your arms, fix this position for a second and tighten your chest muscles additionally. Slowly lower the bar to your chest again. Perform the desired number of repetitions.

Bench press lying on an inclined bench. Start.
Bench press lying on an inclined bench. Finish.

If you find it difficult to lower the bar to upper part chest, stop the barbell 5-10 cm from the chest. This amplitude is quite enough for a full workout. Moreover, such a limitation in amplitude is often necessary to protect against injury. shoulder joints. Especially if they are already problematic.

Hello! We continue the topic various exercises for pumping individual muscles and today we will talk again about pumping the chest. Most of the gym goers love this theme because breasts get a lot of attention.

This is one of the favorite muscles that many people enjoy training. And even pain after a workout is perceived as pleasant. And I'm no exception...

Now, when I hit the keys, I just feel pain in the muscle fibers after a workout in the gym. But let's talk about the topic. So...

If we are talking about the dumbbell bench press lying on an inclined bench, then several muscle groups are affected here at once:

  • Breast;
  • Shoulder.
  • Trapezoidal;
  • Triceps;
  • back muscles;

Shoulder muscles and triceps advantage perform a contractile function. Their main feature is that during the exercise they help each other work. (muscles-synergists).

The back in this case is pumped more passively, directly when the dumbbells go down (negative phase). The anterior pectoral muscles are responsible for the push, after which all other muscle groups are involved during the exercise.

Our the main task- as far as possible to weaken the involvement of all extraneous muscles, except for the pectorals, during the exercise.

This is achieved by the execution technique, the angle of the bench and the special position of the body. We'll talk about this a little lower.

Using the angle of the bench

As I said in the article about the angle of inclination, it directly affects the muscles that will tense up with us. But let's repeat in this article:

  1. If the angle is increased too much, shoulder muscles and the back will be heavily overloaded, then the chest will practically not receive a load;
  2. If you lower the bench too low (reduce the angle), the triceps will be overloaded.

To solve this problem, just follow simple rule: you need to increase the angle of the bench by no more than 20-30 degrees. Then the muscles are included in the work most harmoniously, and when performing approaches with the head up, the load on all muscle groups will be distributed evenly.

Why is the incline press better than the classic?

This exercise is the one that I would advise girls first of all. Do you know why? Because it is the most effective for chest training as such.

Since girls should not pump their breasts much (because this makes no sense), then even if you use only this exercise to train the chest, this will be quite enough. It is very cool! Why women do not need to focus on breasts I wrote

Before starting a workout, it is very important to consider that girls have a minimum of muscle in their upper body. Therefore, the training program, the load and the number of approaches should be developed taking into account these features.

Too much intense training can cause stress to the body and the appearance of pain in the chest. In addition, during training it is very important to ensure that there are no injuries and blows to the chest. In addition to the muscles, the mammary glands can be affected due to the impact. Exercises with dumbbells for girls should be done slowly to avoid overload.

The best thing to do when lifting heavy weights is not to train alone. When performing approaches, you will also need to monitor correct breathing. So it will turn out to save strength much longer, and the exercise will be much more effective.

It makes sense for men to “bomb” their chest in a hard way. Therefore, they can use a whole arsenal of chest exercises. By the way - there is an article where you can choose for yourself some

But why is the incline press so good? Here are the most compelling reasons for this:

  1. Amplitude. We have the ability to lower dumbbells much lower than the barbell, because we do not have a bar. This makes the exercises more difficult to do and therefore more effective.
  2. Safety. Since the weight of the dumbbells is quite small - when the muscles are turned off, we can simply throw the dumbbells on the floor and we will not be crushed. Although I never do this (I hate it), but this is my personal opinion. Throw pancakes on the floor, dumbbells for health, only it makes sense if you really can’t hold them in your hands anymore, and don’t just throw them, because you are an ill-mannered goat.
  3. Supination. At the highest point, we can turn the dumbbells in our palms in order to better feel the contraction of the muscles. It's very efficient!

But I am sure you will be interested to know something else that is related to the incline press and scientific research. More on that below.

Research by Bret Contreras

A certain Bret Contreras conducted an experiment that recorded the degree of muscle involvement during training using the most different exercises. The goal is to find out which exercises for which muscles are the most effective in terms of mass gain.

For this, he used an electromyograph. This is such a device that uses everything in medicine. After he published the results of his research in 2010, it generated a wave of great surprise, since the very foundations of bodybuilding were affected. Some habits, postulates that have existed for years.

Bret himself is very turned on bodybuilding and is a fan of it. Moreover, he is a scientific researcher who has modern equipment, he is a writer and a famous fitness trainer. That is, a person is not just a theorist, but a practitioner and researcher! This is a word about the fact that this guy is not such a mediocre figure in the field of iron sports.

And here he is (in the photo below) torturing the skeleton and telling something there. Hey Bret!

So, according to the results of research, the dumbbell bench press on an incline bench turned out to be the most effective for the upper chest in terms of involving muscle fibers. Next in descending order:

  • 2nd place - horizontal press with a wide grip in the style of "guillotine" (when the bar of the bar falls to the throat).
  • 3rd place - bench press on the floor.

But that's not all. There are a couple more interesting facts:

  • According to research, the barbell bench press on an incline bench works more on the MIDDLE chest than on the upper one.
  • The classic bench press was generally called the most ineffective for the chest. Surprised? I think yes.

Here's the research guys. How do you feel about such things? It's just that there are people who, having learned about some kind of research, perceive it all too categorically. Someone writes that now he will not do a regular bench press, there will only be an inclined one.

Personally, I respect such studies, but I do not consider them absolute truth. In any case, only practice will help you figure it out finally. Try, listen to the sensations, draw conclusions. This is very difficult, because it requires conscious training.

Unpleasant moments

Yes, there are some unpleasant moments that you should pay attention to:

  1. High risk of accidental injury. Since the weight of the dumbbells can be large, even if perfect technique there may be errors. Still, we are human beings, we can do something inadvertently. But in this exercise, the slightest jerk of a dumbbell with a large weight to the side can lead to rupture of ligaments, damage to tendons and other injuries. Such injuries take a long time to heal and interfere with training.
  2. The impossibility of a smooth increase in weight. This problem will affect only very healthy guys who work with extreme weights. For example - you want to move from a weight of 45 kg to a slightly heavier weight, for example 47 kg. But you may conclude that you cannot do this, because there are no pancakes that would make you gain that much weight. I have to hang 50 at once, and this is too much.

It's time to move on to discussing the execution technique in order to avoid injuries and learn useful tricks.

Secrets and subtleties of execution technique

The first thing I want to talk about is how to take dumbbells and throw them. How do I see it in gyms? There people are divided into several groups in this respect:

  1. Some lie down on a bench, take dumbbells from the floor, and throw them with the strength of the biceps in starting position to the shoulders.
  2. Others, before lying down on the bench, stand up and take dumbbells in their hands, throw them to their shoulders, and only then sit on the bench.
  3. Still others, while standing, take dumbbells, rest them on their hips (above their knees), sit down and then help to throw the dumbbells to their shoulders with a push of the legs in turn. This is the most correct technique if no one helps you.
  4. But in my gym, guys pulling heavy weights just asked 2 people to help them lift the shells to their original position. It is too a good option. But if you are too shy or have not yet mastered the gym, then this option is not for you.

An important detail that should not be forgotten - correct position hands The wider the arms are, the more load the pectoral muscles receive. If the arms are narrow, then the triceps and back take on most of the load. Here it is very important to find the best option so that they are evenly at work during training.

A lot also depends on the speed of the workout. For example, if you lift dumbbells quickly, then it works mostly fast muscle fibers.

This type of execution is possible even with sufficient big weight, raise the projectile is required at least up to two times per approach. Beginners are encouraged to work the weight slowly to get used to the feel and determine which groups are involved in multiple sets. It can also help correct some runtime errors.

The correct position of the legs plays a big role. If you put them too far, a "bridge" may form. In this case, the biceps and triceps are much more involved, and the chest practically does not receive its load. When you firmly fix your legs and lie flat on the bench without deflection or bridge, you can focus on the work of the chest.

Immediately you need to figure out how to breathe correctly during the exercise. Very often, beginners make a common mistake by taking a breath at the moment the projectile pushes. As soon as the projectile rises, you need to exhale. Lowering the projectile, take a deep breath.

That's all I have on this topic. I hope this information was useful to you and I was able to provide you with the information you were looking for. Describe in the comments how you feel about this exercise. Are you doing it?

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In the gym you can find various simulators for pumping up the muscles of the chest, but the bench press on an incline bench is a classic of all exercises for this muscle group.

Moreover, to give the greatest relief, there are various options for changing the degree of inclination, depending on which muscles need to be pumped. To pump up each muscle group of the thoracic region, there is a basic bench press exercise:

  • classical (lying on a bench horizontally);
  • lying at an angle upward;
  • lying down at an angle.

However, constant exercises only in a horizontal position will not give the desired relief. Pressing at various angles trains and develops the lower pectoral muscles, which give volume to the chest.

Bench press on an incline bench with an angle of 30 and 45 degrees

Any strength exercises involve a warm-up, so before exercising on the simulator, you should stretch your muscles and joints well.

The incline bench press has a number of advantages:

  • develops strength and volume results of several chest muscles at the same time;
  • at an inclination of 30-45 degrees, a significant number of fibers of the clavicular head are involved chest muscle;
  • help overcome the lack of muscle response to training (plateau).

So, to give volume to the chest, an inclined bench press at an angle with a different degree is perfect. In this case, the main load, and, accordingly, pumping, will be in the following muscles.

Major muscles:

  • pectoralis major;
  • pectoralis minor.

Additional muscles:

  • front deltas;
  • serratus anterior;
  • trapezius muscle;
  • triceps brachii (triceps).

The bench press is performed on an inclined bench according to the following scheme:

  1. Most gyms the incline bench in the starting position has too much angle (up to 60 degrees). Therefore, before starting the exercise, you must set the angle to 30 or 45 degrees.
  2. The bar must be installed on the supports of the bench rack and the necessary weight should be fixed on it. Next, you should take a lying position on the bench, grab the barbell with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders and bring it to straightened arms.
  3. While inhaling, you need to slowly lower the bar until it comes into contact with top chest and linger for one count, straining the muscles of the chest.
  4. Squeeze the bar of the bar up, tensing the muscles of the chest and return it to its original position as you exhale. Repeat the required number of times.
  • if the bar “walks” in the hands, then it is necessary to reduce the weight on it;
  • legs should be fixed on the floor, the exercise is done without lifting the heel off the floor;
  • the points of contact with the bench should be the shoulder blades, sacrum, head, shoulders;
  • the curvature of the lower back should be minimal;
  • it is necessary to reduce the shoulder blades during the exercise;
  • the neck should clearly fall on the upper point of the chest (collarbone), so sometimes you can take your head back a little.

Bench press on an incline bench head down

The incline press allows you to involve other muscles in the pumping process to give the chest a larger volume.

In this case, the main load goes to the lower parts of the chest muscles.

Main muscles:

  • pectoralis major;
  • pectoralis minor.

Additional muscles:

  • front deltas;
  • triceps

The downward tilt press exercise technique involves the following procedure:

  1. The back of the bench should be located below the horizontal line in relation to the floor by 30-45 degrees. The legs should rest against the support rollers. The head, shoulder blades, sacrum and shoulders are pressed to the bench.
  2. Lying on a bench, remove the bar from the support racks and lift it up with outstretched arms.
  3. While inhaling, slowly lower the bar to the lower part of the pectoral muscle.
  4. Straining the pectoral muscles, with a strong movement while exhaling, squeeze the barbell up to fully extended arms.

Additional recommendations for the downward incline press:

  • It is not recommended to perform such an exercise for a long time, since you can not immediately get used to the fact that blood rushes to the head (after all, it turns out that the exercise is done lying head down).
  • Breathing should be even and without delay to avoid dizziness.
  • Before adding weight to the bar, you should work out the technique of the exercise.
  • Lifting and lowering the bar must be slow and controlled.

As for the number of approaches, the exercise is usually done in three or four approaches:

  • 2 sets - warm-up for 10-15 repetitions with light weight;
  • 2 sets - the main exercise for 6-8 repetitions with the required weight.

For best results you can do 2-3 additional partial repetitions while maintaining the technique of the exercise.

For women, the dumbbell press is better. The main difference between the dumbbell press and the barbell press is that due to the absence of a bar, the dumbbell press increases the amplitude and, accordingly, the work of the muscles is even more activated. Dumbbells, in addition to the pectoral muscles, involve the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks.

Some features in the dumbbell press technique:

  1. The back of the bench should be at an angle of at least 30 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to lie down on a bench: press your legs to the floor, body and head are pressed to the bench.
  3. Join hands should be above shoulder level and spread them, bending at the elbows.
  4. Raising your arms with dumbbells is required until mild pain or discomfort appears in the muscles.

Thus, the barbell bench press on an incline bench, as well as the dumbbell press at different angles, are the most effective exercises, which are aimed at working out the upper or lower parts of the pectoral muscles.

The most common strength exercise with a barbell in the gym, performed by almost every trainee, is her bench press from a prone position. horizontal bench. This is evidenced by the constant queues at the horizontal bench, and the corner benches at this moment often remain unused. However, this approach does not ensure the correct formation of the pectoral muscles, during the training of which it is necessary to change the angle of lifting the weight.

Three components are distinguished in the human pectoralis major muscle: clavicular, sternocostal and abdominal. To train each of these parts, exercises are provided from a prone position:
- classic bench press from a horizontal bench;
- squeezing the bar at an angle in the lower direction (decline);
- squeezing the bar at an angle in the upper direction (incline).

The last two exercises have not found proper distribution among practitioners of strength training with a barbell, despite their undoubted importance for the harmonious formation of chest muscles.

Anatomical atlas of the work of the chest muscles during the bench press lying on an incline bench

On the front surface of the human chest is a large fan-shaped superficial muscle which is called the pectoralis major muscle. The fibers of this muscle are oriented in different directions, which provides the appropriate angles of its stretching from the upper to the lower part of the chest. This muscle is attached in a place where the fibers of all three of its parts are connected on a large tubercle, which is located on the crest of the humerus.

Three heads are distinguished in this muscle: clavicular, sternocostal and humeral. When squeezing the training projectile up at an angle, contractile tension occurs in the clavicular head, and when horizontal press bar effort occurs in the sternocostal head of this muscle. It is necessary to pay attention to the impossibility of completely eliminating the work of the fibers of the upper and lower regions of the pectoral muscle when squeezing in the lower direction at an angle of weight.

What gives squeezing the barbell at different angles?

A developed pectoral muscle is an indicator of the correct attitude to its formation, and especially to the most lagging upper chest.

In order to strengthen the entire volume of the pectoral muscles, various variations of one strength exercise.

Squeezing the bar while lying in a horizontal position on the bench refers to basic exercises, which provides strengthening and growth of the pectoralis major muscle, its outer and lower regions. With this exercise, the entire volume of the chest is harmoniously and correctly created. Nevertheless, it will not be possible to build a balanced-proportionally developed muscle structure with this exercise alone.

The lower part of the pectoralis major muscle is more developed, and accordingly it has more fibers and volume than other parts. Therefore, only angled push-up exercises can eliminate the one-sided flat development of the chest muscles.

The main task of pressing the weight up at an angle is to uniformly form the muscles and create a square shape in them.

Advantages of squeezing the sports equipment up and at an angle

The main priority areas of the strength exercise for squeezing the barbell at an angle of 40 degrees upwards include:

Simultaneous work on the development of strength and volume of certain muscle groups - pectoralis major and minor, triceps brachii and anterior deltas;

The study of the electrical activity of the muscles during squeezing at an angle of the bar revealed the involvement of a significant number of fibers in the clavicular head of the pectoral muscle;

Overcoming the training fee and as a result - improving the performance of the strength exercise - the classic bench press.

Incline Bench Press Techniques

The correct execution of the exercise provides for the exact observance of its technique, which ensures the optimal load of the target muscle group. The following step-by-step guide will help you achieve your goal.

Stage number 1.
Set the slope on the bench at 30-45%. Having placed the bar of the bar on the rack supports, equip it with the required weight, be sure to fix it at both ends with clamps. From a lying position on a bench, take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders. The starting position will be the removal of the barbell on straight arms.

Stage number 2.
Lowering the bar until the bar touches the chest is carried out on inspiration. At the moment of touching, the movement is delayed for a second, while the pectoral muscles are strained as much as possible.

Stage number 3.
With the tension of the pectoral muscles, after a delay, the bar is squeezed up to its original position simultaneously with exhalation.
The exercise is repeated the required number of times, in accordance with the developed plan of the individual training program.

Pressing the weight on an incline bench as an exercise has several options for performing:

Apply a different grip width, thereby redistributing the load. At wide grip the neck of the bar the main effort is given to the shoulders, and with a narrow neck, the triceps are more involved;

Change the angle of the bench to 30 degrees, 45 or 60, and also lower the bench to place the athlete upside down;

Squeeze the bar with a reverse grip;

Use the Smith machine to press the weight at an angle up;

Squeeze dumbbells;

Use a power rack to press weights at an upward angle.

Variants of the exercise in the examples.

Practical instructions for the exercise

To get the most out of your upward angle press exercise, follow these guidelines:

Hands must firmly hold the bar, if it is impossible to confidently hold the weight, it must be reduced;

The legs are fixed on the floor rigidly, while the heel is the support;

The reference points of the athlete on the bench should be: head, shoulders, shoulder blades, sacrum;

While squeezing the bar, it is necessary to maintain a natural deflection in the lower back;

When performing the exercise, the reduction of the shoulder blades is mandatory;

Lowering the bar to the top of the chest should be clear, and its neck should touch the collarbone, while a slight retraction of the head is possible;

The concentric phase of the exercise - lifting the barbell, should be performed twice as fast as its eccentric phase, that is, lowering sports equipment;

The forearms are held vertically at the lowest amplitude point of the movement;

Inertia must be extinguished in order to prevent the barbell from beating off the chest;

Sitting on the bench, you must set chest forward, while bending in the lumbar;

It is impossible to tear off the shoulders from the bench at the time of the training movement.

What exercises are best for developing upper muscles?

All chest muscles are involved in the work while squeezing the barbell from a prone position. A common belief among many barbell lifters is that flat barbell presses work the muscles in the mid-chest, while incline presses work the muscles in the upper or lower chest. lower muscles chest. However, this belief is refuted by the results of a scientific analysis conducted at the University of Queensland (Australia) by scientists from the "Department of Anatomical Sciences" and "Department of Human Movement Studies".

The researchers used electromyography to obtain data on the extent to which different muscle fibers were affected by the bench press. As a result, it was found that the lower chest muscles are most active when pressing the weight horizontally than when tilting the bench, both up and down. The muscles of the upper body are used more when pressing the weight up at an angle than when pressing down at an angle or horizontal press of the weight.

There was also an analysis muscle activity at various options barbell grip. The results showed that the combination of an upper bench incline and a narrow grip on the bar is the best for effective development. upper muscles chest. The general conclusion of the researchers is that squeezing the weight at different angles does not give great benefits, so they recommended doing this exercise in a horizontal position.

Which of the presses is best to accelerate the growth of chest muscles?

Trusting results scientific research will be able to choose for himself exercises that will provide him with the effective development of the pectoral muscles. For beginners strength training attention should be paid to the periodic replacement of the bar with dumbbells, which provide big stretch and a wide range of motion, which is very important for influencing pectoral muscle growth.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that in order to get a developed, voluminous and massive chest in training program include the following strength exercises:

Squeezing the bar from a horizontal position;
- squeezing dumbbells up at an angle;
- squeezing the weight at an angle down, using the Smith machine.

In conclusion, I would like to focus on the fact that everyone who has found the opportunity to carve out time for regular training in their busy work schedule acquires not only an athletic appearance and external aesthetic appeal, but much more - strength and health.

In the training programs of representatives power types sports, a special place is occupied by a bench press lying on an inclined bench.

According to the degree of effectiveness of the development of the upper array of pectoral muscles, this exercise occupies a leading position.

Purpose of the exercise

The main purpose of the incline barbell lift is to develop the upper chest.

The technique of performing a barbell bench press on a sports incline bench is fundamentally different from a horizontal (classical) bench press. If, in a horizontal position of the body, the main load is distributed on lower part pectoral muscles and triceps, then with oblique execution triceps are gradually turned off from work, and the entire load is concentrated on the contraction of the upper pectoral muscles.

Preparing for the exercise

Before the exercise, you need to pay attention to the following conditions:

  • Verify that the height of the restraints on the equipment racks is set correctly. If it is not possible to raise or lower the limiters to the desired height, use a rubber mat or a thin block as a lining under the bench legs.
  • In order to prevent the rod from sliding and reduce vibration, put special rubber pads on the stops.
  • Use equipment that allows you to lower the bar to the limiters in its lower position, if it is impossible to complete the started exercise. If such equipment is gym missing, use the safety net from an experienced partner.
  • Use a sturdy and stable professional incline bench press with the back tilted between 30 and 45 degrees, midway between the uprights.
  • Lie down on the bench so that your gaze is fixed exactly on the bar.
  • Bend your legs at the joints at a right angle, and rest your feet firmly on the floor.
  • Bare-chested incline bench presses are not recommended. Wear a T-shirt or tank top.
  • Position yourself securely and steadily on the bench so that the bar or plates do not touch the equipment racks during the exercise.
  • Firmly fix the position of the hips, back and head during the exercise.
  • To remove a dangerous load from the lower back, do not arch your back when lifting the barbell. To do this, you need to slightly raise your legs, placing pancakes or a lining of the required thickness under them.

Attention! To avoid loss of stability and tipping over, it is forbidden to put your feet on the bench.

  • When doing the bench press while lying on a gymnastic incline bench, make sure that the forearms are always perpendicular to the floor. With the correct position of the forearms, the elbows should be exactly under the wrists.
  • To control the movement of the bar, use only the "closed grip", in which the thumbs of both hands are turned inward.
  • When grasping the bar, make sure that your palms are symmetrical in relation to the center of the bar. A well-developed "muscle memory" will allow you to do this automatically after a while, minimizing the possibility of injury with a significant increase in the result.

Performing an exercise

The bench press on an incline bench is performed similarly to the classic bench press technique. When performing an exercise with an inclination, the following procedure is used.

  1. After you yourself or with the help of a partner have removed the barbell from the limiters, take a short pause. Fix the position of the bar above the upper part of the chest with strictly outstretched arms to stop the rocking of the bar.
  2. Squeezing your shoulder blades as much as possible, gently lower the barbell, ensuring constant control over its movement. The duration of the projectile drop should be approximately 2 seconds.
  3. Lower the bar to the level of the upper chest, closer to the throat. Keep your forearms perpendicular.
  4. Slowly spreading your elbows to the sides, lower the barbell to its lowest position.
  5. Without a pause at the lowest point, smoothly and strictly vertically, squeeze the barbell to the top position.
  6. Lock the barbell in the up position with your elbows fully extended.
  7. Squeezing the shoulder blades as much as possible, tighten the muscles of the whole body and slowly lower the barbell to the lowest position.
  8. Breathe in when the bar is in the top position. Hold your breath as you lower the bar. In the process of lifting, exhale again.

Note. The closer the elbows are to the body, the more involved the triceps are. The farther the elbows are from the body, the greater the load on the chest.

Complete the required number of sets and reps.

As a rule, the incline bench press is performed in 3-4 sets: two sets - warm-up, 10-12 repetitions each, and two sets - with the main working weight, 6-8 repetitions each.

Precautionary measures

The bench press lying on an incline bench has an increased risk of injury if personal safety precautions are not observed when working with weights. Compliance with the technique of performing an inclined bench press will ensure a long training process without the risk of injury. To do this, the following conditions must be met.

Before performing the exercise, check the technical condition of the bench and equipment racks. If necessary, adjust the height of the uprights and the angle of the bench according to your anatomy or your own preferences.

Make sure that the weight of the rod is correctly selected and that the pancakes are securely fastened. In order to avoid projectile skew, be sure to use locks.

Perform the exercise only after a thorough warm-up and a set of exercises to stretch the pectoral muscles.

When performing a training bar press on an incline bench with a maximum or close to it weight, be sure to use insurance in the face personal trainer or a partner from among the visitors of the gym.

To avoid injury to the lower back, do not arch your back. Slightly elevated legs will help prevent arching of the back.

Incline Bench Press Techniques

Here are a few tricks that can greatly increase the effectiveness of the incline press:

Before switching on this exercise into the training program, it is necessary to accurately master the technique of performing the exercise according to your own feelings and on the advice of more experienced partners.

  1. The grip width should be 3-5 cm less than the grip width used when performing the exercise, lying in a horizontal position.
  2. The movement of the rod is recommended to be carried out according to a reduced amplitude. When working in this mode, the bar is not brought to the extreme upper and lower extreme points of the amplitude. This method allows you to increase the intensity of the oblique bench press, which has a positive effect on increasing muscle endurance.
  3. When performing the exercise, use video recording or ask someone to look behind you from the side. Thus, you can view the training process in great detail.
  4. To improve the grip of the palms on the neck, use chalk or talcum powder. Apply the powder by thorough rubbing on the entire surface of the inside of the palm.
  5. To prevent your hands from slipping on the neck, be sure to keep it clean.
  6. To avoid losing control over the movement of the projectile, do not be distracted and do not turn your head while performing the exercise.

The basis for planning your training process there must always be a principle gradual increase loads. Strict adherence to this rule will allow you to achieve outstanding results in the bench press on an incline bench.

Performing the above exercise techniques in compliance with safety precautions, the barbell bench press on an incline bench will help you acquire a beautiful and powerful chest in a short time.