Advanced training program. Give relief! Exercises for beginners

The intermediate level training program is designed for athletes with at least 1.5 years of training experience. strength training. This program allows not only to induce, but also from time to time to help get out of stagnation, stopping progress in basic exercises. The alternation of variations in the execution of basic exercises will not allow your body to fully adapt to the loads, shaking it during a cycle change. - Exercises written through the “/” sign should be done cyclically. For example, the spelling “sumo deadlift/classic” means that one month you do sumo deadlifts, and the second month you pull classic. - Changing training cycles (changing the execution of the exercise) should not be too frequent. An interval of one month is considered the minimum effective work cycle interval, which can be increased in case of progress in training. Monday 1) Sumo deadlift / classic - when performing a sumo-style deadlift, the legs are wider than shoulder-width apart, the toes are turned outward 45 degrees. During the exercise, the knees are always directed towards the toes. Hands lie on the bar a little narrower than shoulder width. 4 sets of 8-10 reps. 2) T-bar pull - the pelvis is thrown back as a natural counterweight, and also for the greatest stretching of the back muscles at the bottom point of the projectile movement. The slope of the body is 45 degrees to the floor. 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. 3) Dumbbell pull to the belt - depending on the tasks, the angle of the body during the exercise may vary. From almost parallel with the floor to 45 degrees (then the emphasis is on the hand not on the bench, but on the dumbbell rack or on the power rack). 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each hand. 4) Body tilts with a barbell on the back - the barbell is placed on upper part of the trapezius muscles and rear deltas like when doing squats. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the back is as straight as possible. The slopes are carried out to the parallel of the body with the floor on the legs slightly bent at the knees. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. 5) Lifting the bar for biceps - at the lower point of the amplitude, a slight cheating is allowed, which helps the projectile overcome the first quarter of the amplitude due to the efforts of the body. However, the rest of the path should be overcome not due to inertia, but by the efforts of the biceps. 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Wednesday

1) Bench press - legs, shoulder blades and back of the head are firmly pressed to the bench, the lower back is arched up, the pelvis barely touches the bench. 4 sets of 8-10 reps. wooden blocks of different thicknesses, you change the range of movement of the bar, allowing you to work with larger weights compared to the classic bench press. Stop press is performed with medium weights, stopping the bar at various points. working amplitude for 3 to 6 seconds. 3 sets of 8-12 reps. 3) Army press standing– cheating is allowed by “springing” the knees with pushing the weight from the bottom point of the amplitude. During the exercise, it is important not to bend too much in the lower back. 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions. 4) Arnold presses - at the lowest point of the amplitude, the arms with dumbbells are deployed inside forearms to the body and are in front of it on bent elbows. During the overhead press, the forearms turn 180 degrees. 3 sets of 12 reps. 5) French bench press - the bar is lowered behind the head, and the arms at the top point are tilted slightly back to keep the triceps under constant load. 3 sets of 12 reps . Friday 1) Barbell Squat/Half Squat Hold - Hold twice during each rep. When you descend from a position on straight legs, you need to make a 3-6 second pause in the middle of the amplitude. When getting up from a squat, you need to repeat a pause halfway to the starting position. 4 sets of 8-12 reps. 2) Lunges with a barbell - take starting position with a barbell, as if you were going to perform regular squats. Take a wide step forward or backward so that the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor and the back leg is almost completely extended. With the effort of the front leg, return to the starting position. 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each leg. 3) Hack squats - stand in front of the bar so that it is a few centimeters from your calf muscles. Squat down and grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip. Get up from the squat, holding the barbell with outstretched arms behind you. 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. 4) Flexion-extension of the legs in the simulator - during the exercises, make sure that your knees do not go beyond the line of socks, and the lower back and pelvis do not leave the seat of the simulator. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions in each exercise. 5) Raising the legs in the hang and lifting the body on the bench - perform movements under control, without making sudden movements. 3 sets of the maximum number of repetitions in each exercise.

Dmitry Poplavsky
Fourth month of training

Universal training program for advanced Split 3/5 from Fatal Energy:

You should train as before - Mon-Wed-Fri(workouts A, B and C respectively).

All approaches in the program are working (except for those that are separately indicated as warm-ups). The weight of the projectile (barbell, dumbbell, block) in the working approaches is chosen so that it is possible to perform all the prescribed approaches and repetitions with it. Thus, it must be implemented gradual accumulation principle muscle fatigue , wherein ( ! ) it is forbidden to increase the number of repetitions in the first approaches.

Rest between sets for 60 seconds. The only exception can be squats with a barbell, you can rest in them for up to 2-2.5 minutes (when you feel that you have gotten close to your real loads in this key basic exercise). In addition to this, pay special attention to the recommended speed of the exercises.

Having started programs for advanced athletes (as well as subsequent ones), you now simply have to adhere to a systematic increase in working weights. But for the maximum effectiveness of the training, it is extremely important to do this in conditions of ideal technique for performing exercises, especially those that are performed with obviously large weights (more than the athlete's own weight).

Workout A

No. Control Name of the exercise Quantity

hikes and repetitions

Implementation Comments
1 5 minutes In a random manner. In this case, the warm-up should end, as it were, on the rise of strength. You should not be tired after a preliminary warm-up.
2 Bench Press horizontal bench(breast) 1 x 15(warm-up) During the bench press, achieve maximum stability of the whole body. Why should you feel three points of support: feet rest on the floor, pelvis and top part backs tightly adjacent to the bench. With these mandatory requirements, the bench press should be carried out mainly due to the work of the muscles. shoulder girdle- thoracic and deltoid.
3 Bench Press incline bench(breast) 3 x 10 In this second chest exercise do not overweight. The main thing in it is to feel the work of the upper chest bundle. To this end, achieve the technicality of the movement. The angle of the bench is 45°.
4 Bent over row reverse grip(back) 1 x 15(warm-up) Make every effort to ensure that the pulling movement, both up and down, is carried out for the most part by the muscles of the upper back - the latissimus dorsi and trapezius. This circumstance, first of all, should influence the choice of weight in working approaches. This exercise should not be confused with the simultaneous combination of lat pull and lower back pull. For stability, distribute 70% of your body weight on your heels.
5 The pull of the upper block behind the head (back) 3 x 10 The movement should purposefully work out the muscles of the middle back. It is advisable to use a moderate weight in it, which allows you to pull the cable of the block until the moment of complete and controlled contraction of the muscles of the spinal mass. The reverse movement should also be done in a controlled manner, with a feeling of stretching under load.
6 Twisting on top block sitting (press) 3 x 10 Set the weight to a little more than usual. Pay attention to the negative phase of the movement, it should not occur with a loss of load on the target rectus muscle.
Workout B
1 Bicycle ergometer (general warm-up) 5 minutes The same as on the day of training A.
2 Seated Dumbbell Press at 85° (shoulders) 1 x 15(warm-up)
Use a parallel grip, with the dumbbell bars parallel to each other, throughout the entire set. For balance with strength, rest your feet on the floor. The weight of the dumbbells should be such that overcoming it does not lead to fidgeting on the bench. The latter increases the risk of lower back injury.
3 Breeding dumbbells to the sides while sitting (shoulders) 3 x 10 Lifts to the sides should be carried out in practically perfect technique, with a limiting concentration on the middle bundles of deltas. Dumbbells cannot be accelerated up and dropped down. Both phases of the movement must be passed at a more or less constant speed.
4 Push-ups in narrow bars (triceps) 1 x 15(warm-up)
Push-ups should be exactly triceps. Emphasis on the bars as narrow as possible; elbows go back, behind the back. If 15 repetitions in the warm-up is too much for you, feel free to cut them down. There should not be any jerky efforts. Get down to a position where the arms are bent at the elbows at 90 °, no deeper.
5 Raises of almost straight legs in the hang on the bar (press) 3 x 10 The exercise can be performed both up to 90° and higher - up to 120°. Do not swing the body to facilitate the exercises; for this, you can pause between individual repetitions. Or you can use a crossbar located directly next to the wall. Wrist or elbow straps - optional.
Workout C
1 Bicycle ergometer (general warm-up) 5 minutes Same as Workout Day A. Plus, you will need strength for squats on this day, so you can give yourself as little aerobic exercise as possible.
2 Shoulder Squats (legs, quads) 1 x 15(warm-up)
Squat until the back of your thigh is parallel to the floor. In this exercise, work with maximum diligence, putting technique first, and only after, second, a planned increase in the weight of the bar by 2.5 kg. Try to increase the weight of the bar every 1-2 weeks. While such an increase in load without harm to technology is possible. Of course, if you do not abuse, and do not get ahead of events, harming the technique and increasing the risk of injury.
3 Lying leg curl in the simulator (legs, hamstrings) 3 x 10 Perform the exercise at an average pace. It should feel noticeably lighter than the heavy squats that preceded it. Doing the opposite is not recommended.
4 Hammer curls standing with dumbbells (biceps) 3 x 10 Work exclusively with the power of your hands. Swings and excessive rotation of the body will allow you to lift more weight, but will not give you the opportunity to load the shoulder flexors.
5 Bending the arms in the Scott bench with a straight neck (biceps) 3 x 10 Target exercise for biceps shoulders - biceps. The shoulder girdle and pelvis should remain practically motionless during the entire approach.
6 Hyperextensions (lower back) 3x20 Work with own weight. If the load is low enough, it is allowed to deliberately slow down the pace and add a pause of 2 seconds at the peak point of contraction of the psoas and gluteal muscles.
7 Raises on the toe of one leg (shin) 3 x 10 Use a stable stand at least 7 cm high. Hold the dumbbell in the hand of the opposite working leg. For one approach, the exercise should be performed with both legs alternately. Hold onto a wall or other support with your free hand.

before you training program for those who are not accustomed to stop there and are ready to challenge themselves. If you are one of them and are an ardent supporter of the "iron", then we offer you a more "cool" approach to training. This approach involves further increasing the intensity of training (did you forget about the principle of constantly increasing the load?), which will provide a further increase in strength and mass. The muscle grows in response to increased load, which you can achieve by continuing to vary the number of sets and repetitions, changing training weights and experimenting with new exercises.

At an advanced level, we add new exercises to the main body parts, introduce three-sets, giant sets and continue to implement the split method, that is, training different muscles on different days. In our case, this is a high-performance two-day from the plates, which will provide unprecedented concentration on the working muscles and high training volume. Based on the weekly cycle, we planned the workouts so that in one day you train your legs, gluteal muscles, hips, chest, triceps and abdominals, and on another day - back, shoulders, biceps and forearms. Then you will rest for two days and start training again, and on the seventh day you will again devote to rest.

Now you will train four times a week, continuing to adhere to the cyclic principle. But at this level, you will only have two consecutive training schemes (week 1 and week 2), which you will have to alternate until the end of the century. So be patient, grit your teeth and train with the utmost dedication, worthy of a real "pro". At the same time, do not forget about rest, without which it is impossible to increase muscle mass, and about calories that must be regularly supplied to your body. Then thanks to our program, aimed at real and fast disclosure of your individual potential, you will turn into a super giant of muscle mass and strength!


1. Train four days a week. Rest at least 48 hours between workouts for the same muscle group to ensure they get the rest they need to recover.

2. All exercises base complex should consist of 3 sets of 6-10 reps each. Start working on the main exercises only after a warm-up, which includes aerobics, stretching and warm-up approaches. The principle of selection, increase in weights and repetitions remains the same, that is, as the starting weight for the second and third approaches (following the warm-up), a weight should be chosen with which you can perform no more than 6 lifts. As strength increases, bring the number of repetitions in the approach to 10 and again (in the same way) increase the weight, returning to 6 repetitions; and so on and on.

The positive phase of the exercise (concentric phase, weight lifting phase) should be performed fairly quickly while maintaining proper exercise technique; do the negative phase (eccentric, or the phase of lowering the weight) slowly, in four counts.

3. Select the weight in such a way that at the end of each set you reach muscle failure by completing one or two partial repetitions in the "truncated amplitude". This is guaranteed to stimulate muscle growth. But don't forget: when doing partial reps, you need a partner to help you avoid accidents!

4. Vary your workouts just like you did at the intermediate level. Add tri-sets (three exercises performed "in a circle" without stopping) and giant sets (four consecutive exercises without rest).

Hello, friends. Today I want to tell you what microperiodization of training is and how it works. The question is very interesting, so I want to analyze it in detail and give some practical recommendations.

I want to say right away that beginners DO NOT NEED this thing! They still do not work with weights that are as close as possible to the potential and train far from the limit of their strength. With such loads, it is difficult to overtrain the body. But for athletes who have already reached the average level, this technique will be simply necessary.

For beginners, I can advise you to start with these programs:

Why is periodization necessary?

First, I would like to note why periodization of training is generally needed, and why it must be applied at a certain stage.

It is needed for several reasons:

  1. Avoid overtraining.
  2. Break through the weight plateau.
  3. hypertrophy of the sarcoplasm.

Things are very important for a person who does not want to stop there and wants to squeeze the maximum out of their body.

To avoid overtraining you need to start alternating light and hard workouts at a certain stage, because. it is impossible to constantly train at the limit of your capabilities and regularly progress linearly. The body, otherwise, is likely to fail, and this, as you understand, will significantly slow down progress.

Break through the "weight plateau" necessary if you want to make more progress, because MUSCLES DO NOT HAVE TO INCREASE UNLESS THE LOAD IS INCREASING! When your weight on the bar does not increase and the training volume is stalled, then there is no question of significant progress.

Hypertrophy of the sarcoplasm what is this terrible thing? Nothing complicated, friends. Our muscles are made up of different structures. The very structures that we are trying hard to grow are MYOPIBRILS! Thin threads that fill every muscle in our body.

Swelling of the muscle cells that are in these myofibrils - this is called MYOFIBRILLAL HYPERTROPHY (myofibrillar hypertrophy) or "swelling" of cells.

But myofibrils are not the only structures that can grow in our muscles.

It's not hard, friends. Around myofibrils there is a LIQUID, which is called SARCOPLASMA! In fact, SARCOPLASMA is just WATER, with a certain amount of other substances dissolved in it (glycogen, ATP, creatine phosphate, fatty acids, amino acids, etc.)

All this business MYOFIBRILLS (fibers) + SARCOPLASMA (water) lies in the MUSCLE FASCIA!

Muscular fascia- this is a connective tissue sheath, the so-called. A SACK that is filled with myofibrils and sarcoplasm.

So here it is THE VOLUME OF SARCOPLASMA CAN ALSO INCREASE! The increase in the volume of the sarcoplasm is called SARCOPLASMATIC HYPERTROPHY (sarcoplasmic hypertrophy)!

The problem is that training aimed at hypertrophy of the sarcoplasm should be a little different, not familiar to us. Lighter. But in this regard, recovery after these workouts will be faster. Therefore, you will have to train more often.

Here is an example of recovery and training of various muscle functions:

This is important point. Let's be brief again.

  • Our muscles are made up of: MYOPIBRILS + SARCOPLASMA, which are located in the SACK - MUSCLE FASCIA. There are other structures, but for us now the most important are those that have the MOST influence on muscle growth.
  • Both myofibrils and sarcoplasm are susceptible to hypertrophy! Fascia, by the way, is also able to stretch, but this will be a separate article, so .

I think that from all of the above, it is worth noting that periodization of loads is NEEDED after overcoming a certain stage of training. With proper training, approximately in one year.

Until quite recently, there was no such concept at all. Bodybuilders have always trained hard and did not even think about the fact that the alternation in the nature of the loads can give them more progress.

is a stepwise cycling of the direction, intensity and volume of training to achieve maximum strength and mass.

I think it is clear that in order to develop maximum muscle growth at a certain stage (after 1-1.5 years of training), you need to train ALL MUSCLE STRUCTURES.

Those. there should be an increase (hypertrophy), both myofibrils and sarcoplasm. One whole is always greater than a part.

For this, periodization of loads using training cycles is used.

Let's take a look at the training cycles for a bit.


  1. Macrocycle.
  2. Mesocycle.
  3. Microcycle.

MACROCYCLE, as a rule, in bodybuilding consists of three phases:

  1. strength training(2-4 weeks).
  2. Hypertrophy, "work for the mass"(8-12 weeks).
  3. Drying(8-10 weeks).

Each of these phases is called the MESOCYCLE (strength, mass-gaining, drying) and lasts differently. The weeks that make up the mesocycles are divided into MICROCYCLES.

This macrocycle is "classic" because of its consistent change in the volume and intensity of each phase. Those. as it moves from the power mesocycle to drying.

The main thing in bodybuilding is MUSCLE MASS AND BODY AESTHETICS. Strength plays an auxiliary function. That is why the classic macrocycle is built as I showed above.

It starts with a strength training mesocycle (2-4 weeks), then comes the longest and most important mesocycle of muscle mass gain (8-12 weeks), and then comes the cutting mesocycle, during which we try to burn as much fat as possible and keep as as many muscles as possible.

This is the so-called LINEAR PERIODIZATION of training. It is good enough, but its disadvantage is that we develop only ONE biomechanical quality at the expense of another quality.

Those. during the strength mesocycle we lose endurance, and during high volume training we begin to lose strength. To all this, we must add that during any linear mesocycle we can train only one type muscle fibers. Here about different types of muscle fibers.

It is because of these shortcomings that it will be very preferable to use MICROPERIODIZATION within the framework of a weekly microcycle.

Weekly microperiodization of loads in bodybuilding

To develop several or all muscle structures, microperiodization must be used. Large loads should alternate with small and medium ones.

There are A LOT of options, but I will talk about those that I used myself. I liked the effect and the feeling too.

We will need to give a different load for each muscle group in each workout. I will give an example of several complexes, from a person who will be using microperiodization for the first time, to someone who wants to increase the intensity.

Microperiodization for the beginner

So, I'll tell you first about the simplest complex. For beginners who have already been doing about a year in the gym and stalled in the results, this will be the most.

Firstly, I must say that there will be only three workouts per week in two variations A and B, which will alternate within a week, i.e. the whole thing will look like this:

As you can see, in the first week there will be two workouts A and only one B, but in the second week it is exactly the opposite.

This moment is not difficult, I think it is clear.

Also, an important point of this scheme is that the load on each workout is DIFFERENT!

Pay attention to the Plintovich system. The complex is great for beginner bodybuilders. What is the system, how to use it and why?

Plintovich system - what is it?

This is a program that includes three systems that help athletes of different fitness levels achieve impressive results. There is different schemes- for beginners, advanced athletes and gifted professionals. The complex captures all periods of training, which is very important for bodybuilders, because now they can train for a long time according to the same scheme. Reference points ensure the constancy of the training program, as a result, it becomes possible to progress the load. As a result of such training, muscle mass and strength increase.

Features of the Plintovich system

Periodization of loads is used here - weights from light to heavy are applied during various trainings. There are two types of periodization:
  1. Micro - by days of the week.
  2. Macro - by months.
In the first case, the load changes three times a week. In the second case, the load changes every few months - it increases or decreases, or maybe changes direction.

The system options for professionals involve cheating in the first two phases. At the same time, the athlete correctly loads the target muscle groups. Beginners need to use classical technique doing exercises - in this way it is possible to isolate the target muscle group and ensure safety for the joints, protect them from injury.

Plintovich system in bodybuilding for beginners

Such workouts consist of a couple of phases, and they, in turn, consist of circuit training:
  1. First phase- preparatory. It continues for six weeks. During this period, the bodybuilder should not reach muscle failure. Here you should learn the correct technique for performing exercises. During this stage, the beginner develops the neuromuscular connection as well as the joints and ligaments.
  2. Second phase Plintovich's system for those who have just started bodybuilding includes muscle failure, but in the bench press and exclusively in the last set. The second phase continues for eight weeks, it also includes circuit training.

Plintovich system for gifted athletes

Even such athletes are able to withstand such a variant of training on pharmacological support. Therefore, this method is suitable for desperate bodybuilding fans. Such exercises threaten overtraining. In the original version, the Plintovich system in bodybuilding includes two phases without microperiodization. This means that the athlete trains one hundred percent all the time.

The duration of the first phase is a couple of months, while the athlete trains three times a week, performing the same circuit training. The duration of the second phase is from one and a half to two and a half months. A split is already assumed here. It is during the second phase that the athlete gains muscle mass. He trains already four times a week - on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then on Friday and Saturday. A program aimed at increasing the mass of the shoulder girdle and arms is appropriate here. When doing exercises, do not forget about cheating, select Weight Limit. Loads should ideally progress with each workout.

Plintovich system for advanced bodybuilders

There are three phases - the first two are similar to the training system for the gifted, and the third allows you to achieve muscle hyperplasia. As a result, the athlete receives permanent, not temporary muscle mass.

In the first phase, the power press for a couple of repetitions should be performed once. Workouts are divided into heavy and light, as well as medium:

  • First - heavy, exercises during this period are performed with a load of 100% to failure.
  • Second - light, here the athlete uses half of the weights that were used during the heavy phase.
  • On the middle training uses 75% of the working weight of the loads during heavy training.
The duration of the first phase is 60 days. As a result, it is possible to accumulate creatine phosphate and tire contractile proteins as much as possible, as well as the nervous system.

The second phase of the Plintovich system in bodybuilding follows the classical scheme, but with the addition of microperiodization.

The third phase is pumping, thanks to which it is possible to grow muscle mass. During the previous two phases, the bodybuilder manages to gain from six to ten kilograms, and in the third - from another two to four kg of muscles. The duration of the third phase is from one to one and a half months. It is very important here to keep correct technique performing exercises. You should fit into an hour-long workout, and rest no more than forty seconds between sets. There should be no muscle failure, but at the end of the set you will feel a slight burning sensation of the target muscle group.

Plintovich system - training scheme

Here the whole program is divided into several microcycles - by weeks. In one week, there are 3 workouts with repetitive exercises, which differ only in the level of intensity.

An exemplary system is possible in the following version:

  • Barbell Squat - 5 sets and 6 reps.
  • Bench press - three to six, plus a set of heavy weight for one or two reps.
  • Breeding dumbbell lying - three to six.
  • Lifting the bar for biceps in a standing position - four to six.
  • Bench press from behind the head - four to six. The same amount of rod pull to the belt, in the slope.
Such a training system is a strength training option, in addition, with its help, you can impressively gain weight. By properly training, you can achieve unprecedented results in achieving bodybuilding goals without the help of "chemistry". An excellent assistant will be the Plintovich system in bodybuilding. The main thing is to be patient and strive to win.

Learn more about training complex Plintovich in this video: