Capsules for weight loss lipocarnit. Is Bilayt safe: reviews Bilayt has such features of its reception

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about LIDA capsules (LiDa).

The main question: Almost everyone who has just discovered the miraculous drug Lida (Lida) when calling our managers begins to ask:

And why is it so cheap?

So cheap, or maybe it's a fake / not original?

You have instead 30 capsules coming 15 Or why is it so cheap?!

Why in pharmacies 339UAH, and you 200 UAH??????

Answer: Let's start with the fact that it is not cheap at all. This is the normal market price of Lida capsules. Suppose, if compared with the prices of China, then this is 2-2.5 times more, their retail is 6-7$ per package. If you buy in bulk, it will be 2 times cheaper. This is where we see the real prices, and not the ones that are shown to us pharmacies. For example, in Moscow, where salaries are much higher than in Kyiv, Lida is 700 -1000 rubles (120-160 UAH), in this you can see here BEAUTY CLUB, HEALER, and even a large bunch of shops that sell Lida at reasonable prices.

The Dali company perfectly sells its products to absolutely everyone. Accordingly, it cannot pursue a single pricing policy around the world. Therefore, the recommended price is nothing more than a recommendation and is not. Moreover, both the recommendation and the price exist only for Ukraine.

Question: Tell me, please, I am a very allergic person myself, I just started taking Lida - and on my leg, just below the intimate line, some kind of sore appeared, similar to a sting. Could any of the contained components cause an allergy and can you take Fenkarol when taking Lida.
Answer: When taking capsules "LIDA" throughout the course, dry mouth is observed, the same effect is caused by Fenkarol. In order for these two drugs to "do not interfere" with each other, try reducing the "dosage" of capsules and taking half a day. If the allergy continues to bother you, connect Fenkarol.

Question: Hello, I wrote to you recently. I have been drinking Lida for more than a week, the side effects have all gone, but my appetite has returned (although I try to eat moderately), I was even upset. I still drink a whole capsule after a meal, as I drank from the very beginning. And most importantly, the weight does not go away at all - not a kilogram, but I really want to see at least small results. And what to do with appetite? Thank you.

Answer: Regarding appetite - do not worry and do not force yourself. Eat when your body requires it. Note that you are now satiated with a much smaller amount of food than before. This means that the process of losing weight is still going on. Measure your volumes and you will be happy to note that they have decreased. But in order for the scales to please you, we recommend helping your body cleanse itself of unnecessary toxins: drink laxative teas at night.

Question: Good afternoon! I take Lida for the 4th day. So far there is no significant effect. But I am worried about the yellow coating on the tongue. If it is the liver, is it worth taking the drug further? I also have a friend who has high blood sugar - 8 m against the norm of 6. This is not diabetes yet, but still ... Can she take Lida?
Answer: If you have liver problems, you should stop taking the capsules. Remember that this drug cannot be the cause of the disease, but it can exacerbate it. As for the second question: the drug "Lida" lowers blood sugar, so many diabetics notice an improvement in well-being when taking the capsules. However, we would strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor.

Question: I have been taking Lida for 5 days, until I lost a single gram. Why is that? Doesn't he have an effect on me? I was so hoping...
Answer: Certainly, there are still changes. Many notice a reduction in volume. In order for the arrows of the scales to go down - watch the chair. It must be daily. Take laxative teas at night. Moreover, the choice should not necessarily remain with expensive teas: nothing new has been invented today, and both expensive and cheap teas contain the same laxative and diuretic herbs.

Question: Tell me why different sites on the Internet have different data about fakes? I bought the first one with some signs, read it on your site, the protections are the same as on your site, now I bought a second pack, the protections are completely different, but in another site there are exactly such signs as protection. So what are all the same, not a fake?
Answer: Unfortunately, we cannot give an exact answer to your question, since you did not explain what kind of counterfeit protection you mean. But it should be noted that since January 2005, the manufacturer has changed the packaging almost every month and strengthened the protection measures. Pay attention to the hologram - it should shimmer clearly and brightly. The blisters that have been produced since May of this year differ from the previous ones with white translucent patterns. If there is an inscription "DARLING" carefully consider it. This inscription should be made in two thin lines.

Question: I took the capsules for 30 days, lost 5 kg, took a break for 1 week, started taking it again but with beans, because I was constipated, a week has passed, the weight has been standing still and headaches have appeared, please tell me what to do, because I really want to continue lose weight. thank.
Answer: When headaches appear, we recommend reducing the intake of capsules to half daily after a 3-4 day break. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals, vegetables and fruits. Drink natural juices. Remember, when taking a drug for weight loss, your diet must remain complete! And do not forget about light laxative teas that will help your body cleanse itself and get rid of unnecessary toxins.

Question: I am taking the capsules for the third week. The first two weeks the effect of the capsules was very strongly felt - there was practically no appetite, poor sleep, dry mouth, palpitations. Now, on the third week, the body seems to have got used to the capsules and stopped responding to them. I want to sleep all the time, there is an appetite. Is this temporary or not? Maybe increase the dosage to two capsules a day?
Answer: No, in no case should you increase the dosage. Your body has adapted, but the drug still works. Do not worry, the weight will go away anyway, even if the appetite is restored. But still, notice that saturation comes much faster than before.

Question: Please tell me, if the increased appetite occurs in the evening, at what time is it better to take the capsules in this case? Thank you in advance for your response.
Answer: If one capsule in the morning does not solve this problem, try taking it in the afternoon (before or after lunch)

Question: Hello! Please tell me if this drug can be taken twice a year, but every year. Is it a lot of stress for the body?
Answer: To maintain shape, you can take the drug once or twice a year. In this case, it is recommended to take capsules every other day. Thus, the body is easier to cope with innovation and avoid severe stress.

Question: Good afternoon. Tell me, please, I take contraceptives. Is it possible to take the drug Lida, will it affect the body and the result.
Answer: Yes, you can take weight loss drugs along with contraceptives. This will not affect the result or the body in any way.

Question: Can you please tell me if LIDA can be used for pain in the appendages and do they affect fertility?
Answer: We always recommend to be treated before taking the capsules if there are any problems. The drug cannot be the cause of the disease, but it can provoke a complication, since the body will still be weakened during administration. To maintain, it is recommended to drink vitamins, natural juices, include a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet. It is also recommended to stop taking the drug six months before the planned pregnancy.

Question: Hello. Please tell me what to do, I don't know. I have been taking Lida for a week now. Weakness, headaches... but the main thing is what's going on with my face... The skin has deteriorated and all gone pimples. I don’t know, I didn’t have this even in my teens, but I’m 33. I eat exclusively foods rich in fiber, I drink enough. What can be done?
Answer: When taking drugs for weight loss, the body is weakened and various kinds of allergies are detected. Carefully monitor your diet, you may need to exclude some foods.

Question: Hello. I have been taking Lida for a week now. And today I opened the capsule, and there is a white powder inside, like a medicine ... I want to ask if the composition contains exclusively herbal ingredients, as written in the instructions, then why does the contents of the capsule look more like a crushed tablet? Will it turn out that we are drinking some kind of chemical preparation?
Answer: The herbal ingredients that make up the capsules undergo a certain processing before packaging. Otherwise, it simply will not work to fit this composition into a capsule.

Question: Hello! I have the following question: I started drinking Lida, I drink it for the fourth day (no beans, I drink in the evening green tea) there was a sensation of a lump in the throat. tell me is it ok? How does it affect menstruation? (delay, not pregnant stomach hurts).
Answer: Try drinking natural juices. The sugar contained in them neutralizes the so-called "lump" in the throat. Regarding the delay - this sometimes occurs, the body thus adapts to taking the drug for weight loss.

Question: Good afternoon! I have been taking Lida tablets for a month now and have lost 5 kg. I want to ask if I should continue taking them or if I need to take a short break. Thanks for the consultation. Regards, Tatiana.
Answer: It all depends on your desire. If the goal is more than 10 kg. - the second pack should be taken daily. If the desires are much more modest, and you want to lose another 2-3 kg., It is recommended to take the second pack of capsules every other day for 5 days, then two, then three, etc., thus stretching the second pack for 2 months. Under the condition of such a reception, the desired kg. will go away and the weight will be fixed, which will help to avoid recurrence of reverse fullness.

Question: Good afternoon. I drink Lida for 4 days, my activity is on the move, because of this I smoke almost every half an hour. The question arose: does smoking affect the effect of taking Lida? Thank you.
Answer: No, smoking does not affect the result. But still, try to limit the number of cigarettes per day, as the body is weakened, take pity on him and yourself. Be healthy and happy!

Question: I have been taking capsules for the second month, especially strong weight loss was in the first month -8 kg. Feeling is the norm. Why in the second month, it is already coming to an end - there is no such progress in losing weight?
Answer: The body has adapted and no longer reacts so actively to capsules. The second package usually goes to consolidate the result. But, you see, the process of losing weight still continues.

Question: Hello! I take LID for 5 days, special side effects no, but I really don’t want to sleep, before taking the drug I wanted to sleep always and everywhere, but now it’s like I have a perpetual motion machine, everything has decreased by 1 kg., I constantly want to run somewhere, but I don’t feel overwork, although I work from above 12 o'clock is that ok?
Answer: Yes, don't worry, it happens quite often. The explanation is a large number of tonic herbs that make up the capsules. Limit the intake of coffee and other tonic drinks, try to postpone the intake of capsules in the evening, perhaps this will help solve problems with sleep.

Question: If a child is conceived while taking LIDA. What is the risk?
Answer: Difficult question. For the birth of a healthy child, doctors advise to conduct healthy lifestyle life, give up tobacco and alcohol somewhere six months before conception. We understand that this does not always happen as planned. Consult at the gynecologist, and it is better at several. You understand how important this is. You have to be 100% sure here. Unfortunately, we cannot say about the consequences. Other companies selling this drug say that there is nothing to worry about and that it is enough to simply stop taking it. But who will give guarantees? Who will be responsible if (God forbid!) there are problems?? Many doctors do not recommend using even drops in the nose during pregnancy, what can we say about weight loss products. Check with a doctor you trust. And again, it is better to hear the opinion of several experts. We hope that the doctors will not scare you. We sincerely wish you good health!

Question: I drank 2 courses. In 2 months I lost weight from 73 to 65 kg. I really want to "get" up to 60 kg, but I doubt something, is it possible to drink the third course?
Answer: You can take the drug without interruption only for two months. To continue the process of losing weight, you should take a break (at least a month, optimally two), and only then you can drink another course. In your case, we would recommend taking the third capsule every other day (after the break!). Thus, the last course will last for 2 months, you will be able to lose the remaining kilograms and at the same time consolidate the result. Be sure to watch the chair, it should be daily.

Question: Tell me, when taking Lida capsules, should you exclude any foods from your diet?
Answer: When using the drug, there are no special recommendations for the exclusion of products, but we advise you to try to limit the intake of coffee and carbonated drinks. Strong alcoholic drinks are also undesirable in order to avoid neutralizing the effect of the drug. But basically, eat as the body requires: capsules discourage appetite very much and if you want to eat something, then get enough of much less than it seemed.

Question: Tell me, please! I just stopped breastfeeding, can I start taking the drug right away? After giving birth, she recovered by 25 kg. How to take it more effectively in my case? Thanks a lot!
Answer: If you have already finished feeding the baby, then you can. To begin with, we would recommend that you try drinking the capsules every other day, about a week. And then, depending on your health, you can go to every day. And be sure to watch your chair. It should be every day.

Question: Please tell me Lida capsules are a drug or a dietary supplement? Thank you.
Answer: "LiDa" capsules are a biologically active food supplement (BAA).

Question: I have been taking the capsules for almost a month. After the third week, the appetite resumed again during pyrem. I would like to know the reason. Because the first week I could not look at food. Thanks for the answer.
Answer: Do not worry, the body has adapted and the appetite has recovered. But, you see, to saturate you need much less than before taking the capsules. And despite the resumption of appetite, the process of losing weight still continues.

Question: I have been taking Lida capsules for the second week, I do not lose weight, but I have lost a little in volume. Why is my weight not lost.
Answer: In order for weight loss to be reflected on the scales, try drinking light laxative teas at night.

Question: I have been taking the capsules for a week now, I have lost 3kg, but I feel dizzy, nauseous, have a fast heartbeat, is this from the capsules? Or maybe it's from the fact that I take 2 capsules in the morning. Please advise, thanks in advance. I want to lose 20 kg how should I take the capsules, should there be a lil break no?
Answer: Stop taking 2 capsules immediately! This is categorically impossible to do! We hope this will not harm your health, but please, in the future, before making such decisions, contact our consultants.

Question: My weight is 55 (but short height) I want to lose 5 kg, I have been taking Lida for 2 weeks every other day, the result is 2 kg, tell me is this normal? and in what period the main decline in volumes begins.
Answer: Safe weight loss- This is a drop of 1-1.5 kg. in Week. This is exactly the weight loss that will not harm your body. You are doing the right thing, that with an initial weight of 55 kg. take the capsules every other day. Continue like this, and you will drop your 5 kg. per month.

Question: Do you only have this packaging, or is there a newer one with an illustration of a plant and a logo with a photo of the creator himself? Or is it fake?
Answer: To date, only the packaging that is shown on the main page of the site is on sale. As for the packaging with a photo of the creator, we have no information yet.

Question: Hello, I have two questions. The first - I read that the capsules contain gentian violet. What is this substance? It is said that this medicine is used to treat candidiasis in children and women. Second - during menstruation, can there be any side effects when taking capsules (palpitations, dizziness)? Thank you.
Answer: Gentian violet, a drug, antihelminthic and antiseptic. Palpitations and dizziness are observed during the first days of taking the drug. If this is very disturbing, try taking the capsules every other day for four days, add vitamins to the diet and do not allow yourself to remain hungry.

Question: Tell me, please! I really want to lose weight and I was so deceived ... I bought Lida from the Panda company. Not only did she not lose weight, but her kidneys also began to hurt. I threw away that kind of money. But two of my friends bought capsules from you at the beginning of February much cheaper! And both lost weight without problems. Both are very happy! Tell me, do you have the same package? Or is it already useless to understand all these criteria for fakes? Do you just need to believe?
Answer: In our practice, we have to admit, there are cases with a zero result. In the very near future, we will post statistics on the survey of 100 of our customers on the pages of the site. To date, somewhere around 3-4% are dissatisfied with the result. In many respects it depends on the psychological mood and individuality of the organism. But we can declare with all responsibility that in our company fakes are excluded. Apparently, just Lida is not suitable for you. But do not despair, there are many more ways to lose overweight.

Question: I drank 2 packs of Leads. And what does it mean to drink a "course", please tell me! And what kind of "stabilizer" scheme?
Answer: You can take the drug continuously for only two months. When the desired result is achieved after the first, the second month "Lida" is used as a "stabilizer", that is, it is taken according to the scheme - a day - every other day or even 1-2 times a week. If the desired result after the first month of admission did not satisfy you, then you can take the capsules for the second month every day, but after taking the second package, no "stabilizer" is required. If you want to continue to lose weight after 2 packs of continuous intake, then you need to take a break - 2 months so that the body can recover and relax. And after the prescribed time, you can again continuously take "Lida" for 2 months. But after that, you should forget about this drug this year. From now on, for prevention, you can take "Lida" according to the "stabilizer" scheme.

Question: When taking LIDA capsules, is the desired result of losing weight always achieved? Or are there still such cases when this drug did not help to lose weight? What is the percentage of such cases and why is this happening?
Answer: If your weight gain is not due to hormonal changes, then Lida will help you achieve your goal.

Question: Can breastfeeding mothers?
Answer: No. Just wait, feed yourself as you should, and then, as soon as you recover, you can think about yourself. Health to you and your baby!

Question: I am 44 years old, a few years ago I took hormonal pills for the treatment of the thyroid gland, then endometriosis, after which I recovered greatly and stopped taking the drugs. But the weight remained (diseases too). Tell me, with hormonal disorders, LiDa will help to lose weight?
Answer: It is not recommended to take Lida in case of hormonal disorders. Its effectiveness will be much reduced, perhaps it will not help to lose the gained weight at all.

Question: The second day I drink Lida capsules - severe nausea and dizziness, body temperature is low and the work of the heart has increased, I barely got to work, my appetite disappeared immediately after taking the first capsule. Tell me how long it takes to drink a capsule before breakfast - today I drank before the road - but do I have an hour and a half before work?
Answer: Hello. Nausea goes away immediately if you drink sweet tea with a spoonful of honey. Blood sugar drops when taking capsules, and it must be maintained within normal limits. A very small amount of sweet in this case will help a lot. Dizziness also comes from malnutrition. You have to force yourself to eat. Do not worry, fat burning still occurs, and the vital activity of the body must be maintained. If the state of health does not normalize in any way during the first three days, we recommend taking the capsules every other day, and in order to feel normal on the road, drink the capsule already at work, because after breakfast you can also take the drug. And further. Be sure to contact our consultants if you bought capsules from our company.

Question: I ordered capsules, I'm waiting for the package from day to day. Today I watched the TV channel "Ladies' Club", where they talked about these capsules and fakes. There are 36 capsules in the original package, why do you have 30 of them?
Answer: We offer a link to the manufacturer's website The site is in English and Chinese, see the inscription 350mg x 6pills x 5pcs, which means 350mg * 6 blisters * 5 capsules.

Question: I have been drinking lida for 5 days now and I have had insomnia and general weakness. I hope this is temporary.
Answer: This effect may occur if you have a high blood pressure, try drinking Leovit soothing jelly before going to bed, linseed oil also helps to reduce pressure, 1-2 tablespoons usually normalize blood pressure, in addition, unlike other fatty oils, linseed oil is not deposited in the body in the form of fat.

Question: I have been taking capsules for a week now, I eat little, but for some reason the weight does not change by a single kg, Why?
Answer: Yes, it happens that in the first week you do not see the result. If there are no changes at all, that is, the appetite remains the same, there is no dry mouth and other signs of the effect of the drug, you should try to take one and a half capsules for 3 days (by no means two !!), and then again one at a time. Your body, apparently, does not want to give away what it has acquired for many years, it resists, and it needs a little help, to push it. Don't worry, you will definitely see results. And further. We do not just write and warn about the rise of fakes. It is possible that you have become their victim. Be carefull! Take care of your health!

Question: Hello. I started taking Lida the second pack. During the first month, everything was as it should be - side effects, dropped 4 kg. Immediately started the second course. The weight stopped in place, I really, really want to eat and exactly what is undesirable: sweets, buns, meat. And what is most incomprehensible - dry mouth disappeared. Maybe I should drink not one capsule, but two for several days? Why could this happen? Thanks in advance.
Answer: Never take two capsules. This is strongly discouraged. Do not worry, the restoration of appetite only indicates that the body has adapted and calmly responds to the drug. Do not deny yourself, weight loss will continue anyway, and much more comfortable than during the first course.

Question: Why can't I drink more than 4 packs of Li-Da tablets?
Answer: Everything should be in moderation. Nothing is TOTALLY safe. This drug has been on the market for about two years and it is still very difficult to say what the consequences may be if you get too carried away with it. You need to be as careful as possible and carefully respond to the slightest changes in the body. The capsules should help to move from " dead center", push the body to the process of losing weight. 4 packs are more than enough for this. After the end of the intake, you yourself should take care of your figure. Agree, it is much easier and more pleasant to do fitness in order to only correct the figure, and not strive to lose weight. using simulators 12-17 kg.

Question: I have completed the second course. A week passed, the appetite appeared brutal. I go postochno hungry. What to do? Save. If I get better again, I won't survive.
Answer: Appetite returns at the end of the course. But do not worry, the weight will not return, because you are now saturated with much less food than before.

Q: Can I find out more detailed information about limiting alcohol intake?
Answer: Alcoholic drinks (and beer too) should not be used while taking Li Da capsules, because alcohol stimulates appetite and also increases blood pressure, which, together with the tonic effect of this drug, can lead to undesirable consequences. Stop taking the capsules 1 to 2 days before the intended use of alcohol.

Taken from

To drink or not to drink, that is the question :) Is it worth spending money on a weight loss course? All answers in the review)) I got a burning desire to lose a couple of kilos for the summer, this is true. My weight is about 60kg - height 164 does not look thick, but the bones are quite heavy and wide, so it always seems that the bottom is larger than the top, I wear size 42 top and 44 bottom. There is a tendency to be overweight, but I try my best not to gain more than 60 kg, although sometimes I want to relax and eat heartily :) I will say right away that I don’t go in for sports, I like to walk a lot, I try not to overeat. When I ordered these capsules, I didn’t really count on them, because without sports and strict diets it’s almost impossible to lose weight, but still I wanted to believe that I would slightly correct problem areas (hips and waist). You need to take 1 caps - green during the day and purple in the evening . I took everything as written, plus I limited myself in food, tried to eat light salads and drank juices -for the night don't eat. In general, she led the usual way as before taking the capsules. What I noticed almost immediately: this decrease in appetite is not much, of course, but I wanted to eat less than usual, and digestion improved, although I have no problems with this, I just went to the toilet sorry, I began to go to the toilet more often - the stomach quickly unloads and immediately feels light, after taking it, it happens after an hour or two - I immediately run to the toilet! Lightness is good, but during the day then severe hunger sets in, and before taking the evening capsule it is still a long time and the stomach turns right out of hunger, if there is an opportunity to have a snack with something light. There was a slight decline and it seemed to me that I lost a little weight, then everything came back again, then I lost weight again, in general, the body was in search of whether to lose weight or not. Another moment!!! I don’t know if this applies to capsules or not, but my hair got really bad after a month of taking it, even probably earlier, this is probably due to dietary restrictions, otherwise there’s no way to lose weight only such victims if I just drink capsules and eat everything in a row and at the same time do not play sports, then I'm afraid I'll get better, and not lose weight! I immediately began to treat my hair so as not to go bald.

I don't even know whether to recommend them to anyone or not!? you definitely won’t get any big sense, but toxins are removed from them, but you can also cleanse the intestines or with an enema on laxatives, I write as it is, in fact, what I experienced myself. I take the second pack: that I noticed a feeling of hunger, if earlier it disappeared a little after taking it, now it seems that I really want to eat, as if I hadn’t eaten for two days, my appetite doesn’t beat off - maybe the body got used to them, so it doesn’t help as at the beginning of taking the first pack . I eat as before, well, maybe a kilo less than before, so I didn’t see the difference that I accepted that I didn’t you won’t know if you try it, I found several reviews as such, all different, so I wanted to try it myself. Now I’ll finish the second pack and I won’t order more, because I expected a different result, but alas .... Of the pluses, the composition is quite natural, there is coffee and tea and mango and algae, the capsules are odorless in general, but large, although they should be washed down and easy to swallow

Full ***!!!

My weight is always 56 kg with a height of 164. With age, I recovered to 75. I was horrified and bought this ***. THROWED OUT MONEY! So stop advertising all this rubbish. The THAI pills were excellent, so they began to yell that it was a "drug" No! 500 gr per day. checked for myself. And the drug ... yeah, how after two or three months you see that you are starting to get better - you definitely want to take a pill ... Only it’s not realistic to buy more of them - everything that I bought now - does not work - a fake!

Didn't suit me

I read a lot of reviews, bought a drug for weight loss. I started to take it and not only became very swollen, but also “like a duck”, oil-type liquid constantly flowed out of me with any movement. This is hyper uncomfortable outside the house, even if you walk with a pad. All the same, this is a cure for obesity, and not a means for losing weight. After taking the drug for 3 days, I restored bowel function for three weeks. It’s good that there were no more serious consequences. I recommend using this drug only as directed by a doctor.

Eat almost everything you want

However, it did not improve at all. I think the main merit in this belongs to Xenical. With him, I lost weight to my normal weight of 57 kg. I did not follow any diet, I ate as usual. I ate fractionally, 5-6 times a day, in small portions. But she did not deny herself fats, as well as carbohydrates. This is what Xenical works with. It does not allow fat to be absorbed, but simply removes it unchanged from the body.
It can be seen with the naked eye, sorry for the details, by the feces. The drug provokes a slight laxative effect, but for me this is even a plus, since I have been struggling with constipation all my life. I took a capsule a day for a month, I didn’t dare anymore. But this was completely enough for me to lose 8 kg. The active substance is not absorbed into the blood, and therefore, is not addictive. At the end of taking Xenical, the weight does not increase. Although, when I lost weight to my ideal weight, I decided to turn to proper nutrition and try to limit myself to fatty foods.
However, there are days when I break down, I really want fried potatoes. For such cases, Xenical is in my first-aid kit, it immediately “neutralizes” the junk food I have eaten and protects my forms.

Quality treatment for obesity

In general, supplements of this kind are always doubtful for me, what is the use of them. If they don’t change anything, but I just act on the fact, but succumbing to the desire to do nothing, I eat “pies” and bought to lose weight. There was a desire to buy Xenalten, as it is cheaper, but I did right choice and bought Xenical, only later on the forums I collected information that Xenalten also weakens, but I don’t need it at all. Xenical took exactly 21 days, the pack ended, and the second did not buy. I managed to lose only 3 kilograms, the result is doubtful, if I ate less, I would lose more, but there is no willpower, so I have to resort to this kind of means. I noticed one nuance, as soon as fatty food enters the body (outside of taking the supplement), the stomach starts to hurt terribly, apparently the body has lost the ability to digest fatty foods on its own, so everything eaten is outside and very soon, so after completing the course of taking it is gone another 2-odd kg and this is in two weeks. Let's see what happens next, but such a side effect, although it is not pleasant, I like it. It's good that the dropped back does not think to return.

Effective drug

But only for those who have already decided for themselves that on the rails proper nutrition he can't get up. It’s like mine, in my family it’s simply impossible to eat right, three generations live in the house, so there’s just not enough willpower to eat separately. I take Xenical almost on an ongoing basis, this allows me to at least not gain weight, all the fat comes out and is not absorbed anywhere, this is very important, because we all like to eat “as it should”.
As I do, I take the drug only during a stormy feast, if I know that I can get by with a salad with buckwheat or rice, then I skip the dose. According to the instructions for use, the manufacturer recommends taking the drug only when fat enters the body, otherwise the drug simply does not work. A pack is enough for me for about a month of irregular intake, this is both beneficial and there is an effect. Another point, the drug is not suitable for those who want to reduce the size of calories or reduce appetite, the drug works in fact - it removes fat from food, so there will be no parallel effect of improving nutrition.
I like the drug, even with improper nutrition, I manage to maintain weight at one indicator, which is almost impossible after 30 years.

Additional tool

I use Xenical only for periods, this is my little secret. for example, I know that it’s a shame to deny yourself sweets on New Year’s holidays, it’s the same with holidays and May barbecues, I can’t keep myself in check all the time, we only live once. In general, I bought capsules for every "fireman", so for long holidays I can even go into the red, so to speak, not to mention weight gain, the fattest and most delicious food during the holidays. I take a capsule before meals, but never exceed the dosage of 4 capsules. feasts can be long, then I immediately run to the toilet, this is how the drug works for me. But I am satisfied, without denying myself anything, I manage to maintain my shape during holidays, holidays and friendly gatherings. It's like emergency contraception, in general, a mega cool thing. It does not affect health in any way, because I do not take it regularly, but only from time to time, the body does not even have time to come to its senses, therefore there are never any problems with the exchange. I am completely satisfied with Xenical, despite the not entirely useful and harmless composition, this is the only thing that protects my figure. The main thing is to take the capsules according to the instructions and not to overdo it with the dosages and duration of the course of administration.

It is worth considering that if you overeat for a long time and did not exercise, then they will not help you. Personal advice from me. 1. Install the application on your phone and count calories - it really helps to control the amount of food eaten. 2. Cleanse the stomach for the first few days (heating pad, laxative .. you know))) 3. To form a food habit, you can use an appetite blocker, or a fat burner. The first diet pills that come across do not need to be missed. Previously, everyone praised Lida, Redusksin ... There are a lot of side effects. And after subitramine (a drug) was found in it and a dozen people left for a hospital bed, the manufacturer changed the composition. The vaunted name remains, but there is no effect. There are real equivalents. The same Trif Fast and a lot where there is lipo 9, garcinia bifit. From rare dietary supplements Sind and Slim, Var oil Gold. 4. Go in for sports. No permanent exercise, you will have nothing. You can continue to fight back with excuses, well then you are such a person. Then don't blame others. Even if I, fat women, succeed, then you will be able to lose so much weight and get in good shape. 5. Less nerves. When we are nervous, hormones are produced that contribute to an increase in unhealthy body weight, and we begin to eat a lot, to eat our stress. 6. Our food is everything. Look for information on the net yourself, do not be lazy ....

Beeline- a dietary supplement for weight loss, created according to the ancient Japanese recipes based on herbal ingredients.

In some countries, its distribution is supported by the high level, but on the territory Russian Federation the drug has not yet been certified, but you can still buy it.

Reviews about the use of the drug are quite contradictory, but this does not prevent it from becoming more and more popular among those who want to lose weight.

Consumer reviews

Many people have already experienced its effect, below are the most objective opinions and reviews about these capsules:

Anna, 28 years old:“I have been using Beelight capsules for a little over a year now, they really help, but I combine the intake with trips to gym. Usually, I take a break for a month, once I did not take the drug much longer, the result was negative: 10 kilograms of weight returned, before that I managed to lose 28 kilograms.

Despite many negative reviews, I did not experience any side effects, except for occasional dizziness, which I could not overcome. The capsules did not cause me any changes in the state of the psyche or addiction. ”

Marina, 37 years old:“I gained excess weight from taking hormonal drugs, in order to get rid of it I started drinking Bilayt, then Bilayt Premium. It’s already been 2 months, I lost 12 kilograms, before that they didn’t help sports activities, no diet. For the first 2 weeks of taking it, I felt very dizzy, my mouth dried up, I myself was irritable, but then the side effects disappeared.

Appetite really decreased, but the food did not cause any feeling of nausea. Just in case, I did an ultrasound and took tests, everything is in order.

Alexandra, 29 years old:“I took Beelight for 2 months, the drug really helped me lose weight, I lost about 15 kilograms, but there were many side effects. Insomnia began to torment me, the pressure dropped a lot, my heartbeat increased. After that, I reduced the dosage to 1 tablet per day, but this did not help, and I stopped taking the capsules.

Diana, 24 years old:“For health reasons, I can’t actively engage in sports, so in order to lose weight, I decided to try Beelight. I started drinking 1 tablet daily after the morning meal. I was going to gradually increase the dosage, but in the first month I lost 6.5 kilograms, so I continued to drink 1 capsule, this effect suited me perfectly.

The drug significantly reduced my appetite, but I didn’t starve myself with diets or hunger, I ate everything in a row, I just reduced the portions. No side effects were observed, probably, this is all individually or depends on the quality of the drug.

before and after taking the drug, the timing is unknown

Julia, 34 years old:“Choosing a tool that will help you quickly and effectively lose weight, I settled on Bilayt. I previously read reviews about it on the Internet, there were a lot of both positive and negative opinions, but I decided to try these capsules myself.

I heard about strong side effects, so we decided to independently determine the dose, reducing the one that was indicated in the instructions. It was not possible to completely avoid the negative effects, at first she experienced problems with sleep, suffered from severe thirst, increased sweating. After a while, all this passed, but Beelight helped me lose those extra pounds, as I wanted.

The disappointment was only the fact that as soon as I stopped taking the capsules, the lost weight returned again. I concluded that this good remedy if you need to urgently and greatly lose weight, but you should not expect him to maintain the achieved result for a long time.

Maria, 31 years old:“I took Beelight for 6 months, I tried all 3 types that were in the store. The result is really impressive, I got rid of 30 kilograms of weight. I won’t say that it was easy: hemoglobin dropped, constant pressure surges, shortness of breath, increased heartbeat.

It was very hard, I had to reduce the daily dose to just 1 capsule, after that my condition returned to normal, but the effect was still solid. However, after a year without Beeline, I began to gain weight again, now all the kilograms that I managed to get rid of before have returned.

Ekaterina, 27 years old:“I took Beelight and simultaneously went in for several sports. My main mistake was that I immediately started taking it in large doses, as a result I didn’t sleep at night, suffered from headaches, felt sick, didn’t feel like eating at all, my hands began to shake.

After such an experience, I began to take only 1 capsule per day, and then gradually increase the dosage, it could very much, and the condition soon returned to normal. With this approach, the drug is really, but does not cause a feeling of nausea from eating.

First of all, this helped me to join a balanced and healthy eating during the reception. In the future, this greatly helped to keep myself in shape and prevent weight gain after I stopped drinking the capsules.

Doctors' opinion

If we talk about the opinion of doctors about these capsules, then it is actually always negative, as well as to any other drugs intended for rapid weight loss. Doctors recommend instead of such methods to choose for themselves the right program nutrition and combine it with exercise to lose weight naturally.

Also, Beelight may contain some components, the use and distribution of which is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. This information has not been officially confirmed, but most likely it depends on the quality of the purchased capsules, since a number of independent organizations are engaged in their implementation.

The safest and most effective is Beelight, which was produced in Kazakhstan and imported to Russia.

Composition and properties

According to the statement of Beeline manufacturers, when taking these capsules, it is not necessary to expose yourself to physical activity or follow any dietary complexes.

It is enough just to use a drug that has the following properties:

  1. Help in getting rid of body fat in the most problematic places, which are usually the abdomen, hips and waist.
  2. Implementation of regulation and lipid composition of the blood.
  3. Beneficial effect on metabolism.
  4. decline weight gained after childbirth.
  5. Normalization blood pressure.
  6. Positive influence on the body of people with diabetes.
  7. Skin smoothing and cleansing it from acne.

The drug has all the listed properties due to its special composition, which includes the following components:

  1. hawthorn fruit, known for their healing properties and beneficial effects on cardiovascular system. Due to the ability to reduce myocardial excitability, they contribute to a decrease in heart rate. Also, hawthorn dilates blood vessels that are responsible for the blood supply to the brain and heart.
  2. polypore mushroom is the most mysterious component of Bilayt, since there are many varieties of these mushrooms, and there is no exact information about which ones are included in the product.
  3. coconut poria is another type of fungus from the group of tinder fungus. Until now, its effect on the body has not been accurately studied, although according to some information, coconut poria can help in the fight against extra pounds.
  4. Inner shell chicken stomach.
  5. The root of the opposite Dioscorea. It has tonic properties and is actively used in Chinese traditional medicine.
  6. lotus leaves, which are the main additive in many Chinese-made products, but nowhere is it indicated which kind of plant was used for Bilayt, so it is difficult to assess the effect of this component.


To date, there are officially 3 types of Beelight capsules, all other types are fake, the use of which can be hazardous to health.

The following varieties are officially implemented:

  1. Beelight extra is a course that contains 3 capsule packs, each contains 30 capsules.
  2. Beelight 2 is a premium drug with a reduced number of tablets, the course contains 72 capsules.
  3. Beeline 3 is another premium variety that contains 96 capsules.

Impact on the body

After the start of the reception, Beelight begins to act on the human body as follows:

  1. The cleansing process begins at the cellular level, including a positive effect on intracellular and intercellular fluids, which allows.
  2. Decreased appetite food ceases to cause any desire in a person, but there is no nausea. This allows you not to starve, but simply to reduce the amount of portions consumed.
  3. Elimination of body fat is largely due to the normalization of and .

By providing such a complex effect on the body, Beelight allows you to get rid of 5 kg on average. excess weight weekly.

Instructions for use

As already mentioned, Beelight not only helps in the fight against overweight, but also additionally has a positive effect on many processes occurring in the body. However, there will be no such effect, moreover, you can damage your health if the drug is taken incorrectly.

Maximum efficiency will be achieved if the remedy is taken in 3 stages:

  1. First package allows you to strengthen and prepare the stomach for the upcoming course, normalizes metabolism.
  2. Second package will already affect body fat, and promote their breakdown, help to remove toxins from the body.
  3. Third package has a fixing effect and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs.

The drug must be taken in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Daily dose is 6 capsules, which are taken twice a day 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Not recommended use capsules in the evening, as they have a tonic effect and can cause insomnia.
  3. 1 full course is one and a half months.

cut down daily dosage necessary in the following cases:

  1. Manifestation pronounced side effects or a feeling of discomfort.
  2. Weight loss going too fast.


To date, Beelight is not sold through pharmacy chains, but it can be purchased on the relevant sites on the Internet. Regardless of the type of drug, the price for it is approximately 1500-1800 rubles per pack.

Since the competition in this market segment is quite high, many sellers arrange various promotions and offer a number of discounts, most often they are valid when purchasing several courses at once.

Contraindications and side effects

In some cases, side effects may occur, which may disappear 10-12 days after the start of treatment. In situations where they are too pronounced and cause severe discomfort, it is necessary to reduce the daily dose. If these measures do not help, then it is recommended to stop taking the drug and consult a specialist.

The following may be observed side effects Bilayta:

  1. Sleep disorders.
  2. Feeling of nausea.
  3. General weakness.
  4. Hand numbness or faces.
  5. severe dizziness and lack of coordination.
  6. Increased perspiration.
  7. Difficulties respiratory process.
  8. Dry mouth feeling thirsty.
  9. Sharp decline or an increase in blood pressure.
  10. Heart palpitations.
  11. Cloudiness of consciousness.
  12. Sudden change in mood, increased nervousness, depression.
  13. Calcium excretion from the body.
  14. Complete lack of appetite.

Beelayt capsules also have a list of contraindications in which this drug is prohibited from taking:

  1. Age under 16 years old.
  2. Pregnancy at any time.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Individual intolerance any of the components that make up the tool.