Kolya eyes. The path of a Russian fan: from Sklif to prison. How do you feel about the friendship between Dynamo and CSKA fans?

Sergei Gorbachev was given 18 months in prison. He is 33 years old, in the fan movement received the nickname "Brick". For a year and a half, he has been the executive director of the Arsenal fan club (Tula). Member of the Central Council of the All-Russian Association of Fans (VOB).

- In the fan club, Sergey was engaged in the yard football league and various economic issues, - Mikhail Maksimov, an employee for work with fans of FC Arsenal, tells Metro. - This is not his main job: for the most part, Gorbachev worked in a senior position in a construction company. Together with other members of the VOB, he was detained on a bus on the way from Cannes to Lille. All of them were arrested for a day, then they were charged. Now we are communicating with the Russian Embassy in France, with the consuls. And we are also trying to find lawyers ourselves, to raise money for help. At the consulate we are told that they will ask the court to lower the sentences for the convicts, they also ask us not to interfere and not to look for lawyers on our own for the time being. The situation is confusing and complex.

The French site La Marseillaise tells in detail about how they behaved and what the Russians said at the trial. According to the online publication, at the trial, Gorbachev said that Russians and English fans were attacked by the French of Arab origin, and he himself did not take any active steps.

Nikolai Morozov, a member of the Moscow Dynamo fan club, received 12 months in prison. Morozov, nicknamed "The Eye", works as a manager in a logistics company. In June 2015, Kolya Glaz gave an interview to the official website of Dynamo fans in which he admitted that he misses the near-football atmosphere of the early 2000s.

According to him, then there was romance, people were really for the idea, and not for sports: "someone could come drunk, but everyone had a great desire to catch an opponent and smash his face." Morozov added that the most cool fight happened to him in 2004 on Prospekt Mir, which he and his comrades almost pulled out in the minority against Spartak fans. After the collision, Morozov ended up at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute.

“Kolya has always been a leader in spirit,” Morozov’s friend Igor tells Metro. - When necessary - he could punch him in the face, when the situation allowed - he remained calm. It always seemed to me that "fanboyism" was for him a real passion, which he gave himself from beginning to end. He is not a bandit and not a villain by nature. I can't even call him an aggressive person. We will try to do everything to get him out of French captivity.

At the trial, Morozov stated the following.

“I'm not a murderer, I'm not a drug addict, I'm an honest man,” he said. - I regret. I didn't hurt anyone and didn't even think about it.


Alexey Erunov, director of work with fans of Lokomotiv and the leader of the Vikings fan circle, was sentenced to 2 years. In March, Yerunov turned 29 years old.

- In the movement there are more than a dozen people whom Lyosha helped on a variety of issues, and everyone who at least once talked with him, despite the formidable appearance, knows Lelik as an honest, kind and helpful guy! - says on the page of the Lokomotiv fan club in social network"In contact with".

La Marseillaise, on the other hand, described Yerunov as "a hefty fellow with a shaved head." He was identified in two videos, one of which was recorded on a Russian fan's GoPro camera. On the second video, according to the prosecutor, the accused was captured with a chair in his hands. Yerunov admitted that he was indeed in the footage, but denied all charges. He stated that he was in the crowd because of emotions.

“I apologize for what happened,” Yerunov said to the judge. “From now on, I will think before showing my emotions in this way. I love France, where I have already been, and would like to return here.

Details of the biographies of Russians convicted in France became known

Yes, Russian fans convicted in France are not angels. But the sentences handed down by him in Marseilles - from a year to two years in prison - amazed many. We talked to those who are familiar with Yerunov, Morozov and Gorbachev and learned some details of their biographies, as well as "behind the scenes" details of everyday life of fans in France. Meanwhile, it became known that five Russians were detained for a fight with the Spaniards in Cologne - now they face up to 10 years in prison ...

Sergei Gorbachev

The ex-head of the Dynamo Moscow fan club, 28-year-old Nikolai Morozov, was sentenced to a year in prison. Kolya "The Eye" (nickname in fan circles) has been in the fan movement for a long time. He himself repeatedly told how he began to go to football since 1997, and began to fight back in the fourth grade: “Big uncle ran, hit, somehow it all started.”

Nikolai Morozov

According to Morozov himself, after one of the fights against the Moscow "Spartak" on Mira Avenue, he was in a serious condition at the Sklifosovsky Institute, while in the rest of the collisions he received all kinds of injuries - broken arms, ribs, his head was broken. Nikolay, by the way, is engaged in boxing and Thai boxing. Not married, no children. He notes that when they appear, he will in every possible way dissuade "from fanaticism" for any team. He enjoys hunting and collecting weapons.

Andrey, a fan of the Russian national team, who recently returned from France, spoke about Nikolai Morozov and the fan side of the European Championship:

Yes, I know Nikolai Morozov. As for his position as the head of the fan club, maybe he was once listed, but now there is such confusion and vacillation that several leaders have already changed.

And Morozov, of course, was friends with Dynamo, but he hung out more with Yaroslavka (CSKA fan movement - MK). I think that they took him for real deeds, he can hardly be called an "innocent victim." Remember, there was an attack by fans on the Dynamo base? (About four years ago. They fired at the territory with pyrotechnics and left leaflets with threats - Auth.) So, Kolya was almost in the forefront.

He has been traveling for a long time, fighting, but here he was somewhat unlucky: he got caught.

The problem is that the attitude towards Russians is somewhat wild. I watched the match England - Russia in the English fan-sector. On the way to the stadium I bought a piece of cheese in a store, I went through the security service, the inspectors told me: “We advise you not to take cheese with you.” Why? They quite seriously answer: “What if you want to throw someone in the head?”. Here are the sheep! The funny thing is that there were cigars in the bag and it was lit, I was still worried that they would take it away, but they didn’t even look. So it wasn't that hard to get the fireworks through, I guess.

- How did you get to the British?

I didn't have a ticket at all. I approached the stadium, the guys of Arab appearance asked: “Do you need a ticket?”. And they show the pass for 100 euros, and I only have 15. Another one comes up, asks for 20 euros for a ticket, they bargained for 15. Apparently, there was some kind of quota of the cheapest tickets, which the speculators left, because with us in the sector there were also the French, a la "grandmother of God's dandelion", a few of our guys, I later joined them.

Now the fanaticism has gone a little stupid, they really do not understand what can be done and what can not. For example, English boys were standing nearby, showing us their middle fingers and yelling: “Fucking Russian!”

That the French are not ready for the championship is no longer a secret. With me, such a story happened: an open cafe, simple fans are sitting, with children, wives, suddenly fans jump out from around the corners, they scattered all the tables, the cafe was destroyed, the people fled with fright. When the police arrived, everything was already quiet. Drunken Englishmen burst into our hotel, yelled for us to come out to fight, tried to break the door, but could not.

- Do you think we can get three of our guys out?

Certainly! Remember how it was in Poland ... They chipped in on a lawyer and pulled everyone out. So, I think it will be about the same here.

- The club will connect?

Rather, they will take a neutral position, they will not completely deny it, but will limit themselves to comments like: “Yes, we are doing our best,” and so on.

- Andrei, you revolve a lot in these fan circles, how do your comrades-in-arms treat those who ended up in prison there?

Young boys, of course, are delighted - it's cool, such fame, everyone writes, they say ... But the "old people" (after all, brains appear with age) are more sympathetic: Well, wow, that's bad luck! In addition, by the time of the 2018 home World Cup, I think the screws will be tightened up a lot.

“Lesha even sent a sports uniform to the colony”

Colleagues of the director of Lokomotiv for work with fans Alexei Erunov and the executive director of the fan club of the Tula Arsenal Sergey Gorbachev told how they were going to help them.

Alexey Erunov

The press service of Lokomotiv reported that a lawyer for Alexei Erunov, sentenced to two years, has already been found. The situation in the club is considered politicized. When asked whether the salary of the current director of the club for work with fans would be kept for Alexei Yerunov, they said: "No comment."

According to friends, Alexey Yerunov is a person with outstanding leadership qualities. At the age of 16 he became the leader of the fan group, at 22 he took a serious post, leading the work with the fans of FC Lokomotiv. For several years he raised his daughter alone.

Firstly, Alexey is a very open, positive and sympathetic person. Another would not have become the leader of the red-green fan movement, - says his colleague Alexander. - For example, he immediately joined when one of the fans was diagnosed with cancer. To help the guy raise money for the examination, he organized an action. Then the players, sponsors and the fans themselves joined the podium. The team contributed about 600 thousand rubles. The guy flew to Germany for an examination, then for an operation. Unfortunately, time was lost, while all the approvals were going on, the fan could not be saved. I also know that Leshka immediately responded when one of the elderly fans needed help, who had problems with his spine.

As friends say, Aleksey Yerunov sought to give more free seats to schoolchildren in the stands, negotiated with Russian Railways so that extra charges were removed from organized groups of fans. Helped fans get permissions and approvals for banners, flags and drums.

Thanks to Lesha, the players of the Tula Arsenal held open physical education lessons in schools, - Alexander recalls. - He traveled with fans to orphanages, collecting things for children. And even at the request of the prisoners, he sent a sports uniform to the colony.

The fact that Alexei was given two years in prison is complete stupidity, savagery and absolute unprofessionalism, says his friend Ivan Krylov, who is in France. - The evidence base collected by the French side does not withstand any criticism. Based on the materials of the case, it turns out that they did not check anything. Several thousand Englishmen stood in the square in Marseille. When the Russian guys appeared, they started throwing bottles at them. In theory, at least several hundred British fans should sit in French prisons ...

If the contract remains in force after the appeal, we will think about what to do. In any case, Alexei and his family will not be left without help.

In Tula Arsenal, they are doing their best to help the executive director of the fan club, Sergei Gorbachev, who was sentenced in France to an 18-month prison term.

Our fans are now trying to collect at least some amount. To be honest, not much has been collected so far. People respond, but not in en masse, - says Mikhail Maksimov, an employee for working with fans of the Tula Arsenal. - . They take every step to help the guys.

We, in turn, are waiting for the arrival of the head of the All-Russian Society of Fans Alexander Shprygin. They are to be deported to Russia tomorrow, on Saturday. After all, all the guys who were convicted in France were members of the executive committee of the VOB.

Now all hopes for an appeal. For our part, we will take all steps to send Sergei to serve his sentence in Russia. He is divorced, he has no children, but he has a sick mother in his arms. Now his family communicates with lawyers. Experts say that Sergei can be released from custody if he pays a large fine.


Russian fans were sentenced to up to two years... They left for the Euro, they will return to the World Cup...

The official website of the Dynamo Moscow fans published an interview with a famous Dynamo fan - a very legendary figure in the Dynamo fan movement - Nikolai Morozov, better known as Kolya "The Eye". Representing Nikolai does not make much sense. After all, as they say: "who is in the subject, he knows." In this interview, alldynamo.ru talked with Nikolay on a variety of topics, ranging from near-football events more than 10 years ago to the current situation around Dynamo Moscow.

Hi Nikolai, in such cases I won’t ask you a standard question about yourself and how much you support Dynamo, please tell us in what year you first came to football, what were your impressions, do you remember with whom were playing?

- Hello. I can’t remember who I played now, but I remember the most memorable match, it was 1997 Dynamo - Spartak at the stadium in Cherkizovo, Dynamo won 2: 1, I also remember the adventures before the match.

How do you like the atmosphere of the stadium in '97?

— It was really cool, it was like in the good old England, there were no underage fools in sweatpants, like sweatshirts, as they are now.

How old were you when you first took part in some kind of pre-football or football adventure?

That was 4th grade. The older guys took with them to football in Cherkizovo for the match Spartak - Dynamo, they had to participate, the big uncle ran up and hit. Something like that.

Please tell us how your development in near-football went, since 1997, how did you come and immediately take part in interesting events, how did everything happen?

- I went with older guys, my brother told them that if they take me to football, they will answer for me with their heads, so they tried not to take me! But I myself asked to participate, a couple of years after I started skating, I participated in an episode on Belorusskaya, so this topic caught fire, then I constantly found myself in the forefront in various topics and movements.

You started back in the dashing 90s. In 97 you were quite young, how does the current generation differ from the previous one, what format do you personally like, the current or the 2000s or the 90s.

- Definitely the 2000s! 2003-2004, because there was romance, people were really for the idea, not for sports, someone could come drunk, someone could come on drugs, someone after training, all people are different. But everyone had a great desire to catch the opponent and smash his face. "Smoke", then go to football, drink, celebrate, but now this is no longer the case. Now people have other interests in terms of football.

What do you think is going on in Dynamo near-football now?

- Now in the Dynamo near-football there is a specific seizure. There are two offices, these are 9-ka and Capitals, which are trying to do something, and the rest have left only names. In fact, they are engaged in minimal manifestations of activity. As a rule, some of them try to spoil something on football, shout, set fire to fire, but it doesn’t get to specific topics. And if they do happen, I constantly hear that improvised means were used there. It was from the OTF and the Patriots. There, either someone somewhere didn’t come out or someone didn’t help the guys.

Let's imagine that you can influence the whole near-football in Russia, what would you change?

- To make it the same as it was in 2003-2004, let's return to this time again, because it was clear why people were doing it. And now I don’t understand today’s youth who start playing near-football, while they don’t go to football and don’t know who plays in their favorite team. It has become fashionable, so they get and injure each other, not for the sake of an idea, but simply because it is fashionable, this was not the case before.

Do you think the use of "arguments" in a fight is acceptable or not? I'll bring you specific example: “CSKA played with Roma in Rome. The Italians used stones, bottles and even a knife.” In that case, is the use of "arguments" justified?

- Let's start with the fact that there is my close friend, who actually suffered in Rome from this knife. Secondly, I believe that when we have intersections in terms of near-football, there has been an agreement for a long time that we act without improvised means. As for such actions on the part of foreign hooligans, if they took the path of using various objects in a fight, then I think that there will be nothing terrible if a pipe flies to him in response for such stories, it will be an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Tell us about the most memorable fight for Dynamo?

- There were a lot of fights, the coolest one was on Prospekt Mira in 2004. Of course, I suffered very much in that episode, so much so that I even lay in Sklifa (ed. Note: Sklifosovsky Institute). There were half as many of us and we practically pulled out this fight. That one was very cool. Lost due to the greater number of Spartans. This is the coolest fight, not even describe in words!

Often injured?

- I got injuries all the time, pierced heads, broken arms, pins were inserted, the arm was assembled in parts, all arms were broken, a broken face is generally the norm.

Are the effects of injury now affecting your health?

- Yes, of course, they affect, but honestly, I don’t regret anything, it was cool!

What do you think is the best martial art for near-football?

- In fact, now mixed martial arts have become very popular in Russia. Mixfight, but in fact in all fights, first of all, the main thing is who will hit whom first. I do boxing and Thai boxing, I think that you need to be able to punch and kick, wrestling is, of course, very cool and great, but in order to make the same pass to the legs, you need time, you need to have time to do it and not miss a blow.

What gym would you recommend to novice athletes who are just getting into the sport?

- Well, to be honest, I could now advertise our SKBI "Varyag", but I can say that the main thing is the desire of beginner athletes. The important thing is to walk, but where to walk doesn't really matter. Well, do not engage in nonsense, develop in all directions, spiritually and physically.

How do you feel about the friendship between Dynamo and CSKA fans?

- The attitude is positive, I respect the guys and comrades. After all, there was a feud between us in the late 80s. I think that everything is being done correctly, let's move closer. In general, I am positive.

However, in hockey the situation is slightly different. CSKA is historically the main opponent of Dynamo hockey. Some of the fans are not very positive about CSKA fans either. Should this situation be changed or left as it is?

- To be honest, I follow hockey, but there is no movement in the hockey stands. Was not so long ago hockey game CSKA - Dynamo, did not observe any hostility. Of course, in the heat of the fight, someone might shout something, I myself made comments, but nothing more, I did not notice any hostility.

Smoothly move on to another topic, you are such a prominent handsome young man, married, do you have children?

- No, there are many brides, young handsome, we must defeat all the brides more.

Have you thought about children yet or is it too early?

- Actually, I thought, but I need to meet a worthy woman, I haven’t met yet.

Do you plan to send your children to sports or martial arts? Suppose your future son should go the same way as you, or would you prefer for him more quiet life?

- Definitely would not want the child to be engaged in near-football. Because in my heart I understand that this is a real disease. I'm already sick of her, there's nothing to be done about it. I would give it to sports for sure, because sport is, first of all, a discipline. And then what will come out of it, it’s not for me to decide, but I have to study, go in for sports unambiguously.

Dynamo has not been very happy with us lately. At the end of the championship, we took only fourth place, while we were counting on a completely different result. What do you think caused the current recession, because Dynamo lost to almost all of its principal rivals, with the exception of CSKA. And at the end of the second round, they took almost the last line. What is the reason?

- The decline is caused by the fact that we have practically no replacements! On the man who is considered the main star Russian football we just can't rely on. He can play football very high level, but it seems that he does not want to do this. Sasha Kokorin has a big salary, he just gets money and does nothing. In fact, in almost all matches, the team dominated, pressed, but always lacked something. With the exception of the last 4-5 matches this season, the team's game suited me, then something happened, maybe we got tired, it's hard to explain.

Many blame head coach Stanislav Cherchesov for this decline. Do you think there is a certain coaching flaw?

- To some extent, there is, but I would leave Cherchesov for the next season. Because the constant change of coach will not bring anything in the end. The team was cut, did not give up, gave up even when they lost, and there was no such thing as before, when the matches were simply merged through the sleeves. The team has character and it pleases. However, something happened at the end of the championship and this has yet to be dealt with.

You are a member of the governing body of the Dynamo Fan Club and represent the organization. There is enough conflicting information. How can you characterize the organization as a well-known and respected person? How is it fundamentally different from the one that existed for a long time before that.

- First of all, for me there are no mysteries about the organization. I don't understand where all this gossip and rumors come from. There is no inconsistency. I think our main advantage is openness and accessibility. We tell about all our actions and moves and do not keep anything secret. We have opponents who are constantly trying to spoil, to promote their own. They were invited to most of the events, it is their business that they did not come. We are trying to bring something good, a team of people has gathered who no longer need extra pennies. For us, this is simply not acceptable. To take something for yourself, as it was before, but it was and this is an indisputable fact. Therefore, only a positive attitude!

Do you think that that independent vector of relationship with football club right?

— I think that the club can help with some issues, for example, allocate a bus, this is normal. And when the behind-the-scenes divisions become obvious, as they used to be, and there were no reports, etc., it is already completely different. Therefore, I believe that the chosen vector is absolutely correct. We do not depend on anyone, we do not hide anything, all the reports are available and they are constantly checked by the members of the Central Council. They calculate everything down to every penny, which was not the case before. It pleases me. All came on a selfless basis. Everyone wants to bring something good. And there are people who pour dirt on the organization. This is their business, we do not pay attention to anyone, we move on and work.

What do you think is needed to ensure that the stands of the stadium are full before the opening of the new Dynamo stadium in 2017? What needs to be done for this?

- The team must please the fans. She must play. Recently, the team played in European competitions, the public saw it and began to actively go to Dynamo. It's simple, if the team continues like this, I'm sure that the number of fans will increase. It is necessary to close all issues within the fan movement and try to resolve them. Everyone suffers from this. Someone wrote to someone somewhere, someone said something to someone somewhere, someone is already thinking why should I go to football. Next, we need to develop children's programs, it is necessary that people in the structure of the FC pay special attention to this. In this case, 20 thousand will gather in the stands.

How do you feel about the possibility that Dynamo will be able to play at the new CSKA stadium next season?

— I would be very happy, because it is practically the center of Moscow. I confess that sometimes, I don’t really want to drag myself through traffic jams to Khimki and I have to stay at home and watch football on TV. We need to develop such projects as the "fan zone", playrooms for children, we need to do this, this is the right vector of development. Previously, no one cared about it. Now there are those people who can, and most importantly, want to do this for the benefit of the fans.

What is your main hobby besides football?

— Hunting, nature and travel.

So are you a gun collector or do you just hunt sometimes?

— I love weapons, hunt and collect.

How often do you visit the team's away games and what is the most interesting away game?

- On the this moment I don't attend away games as actively as before, because it's not as interesting. Little fun, few personalities with whom it is interesting to ride. Now mostly incomprehensible young people in sweatpants who constantly get drunk drive. In general, if an interesting company is going, then of course, I’m happy to go.

There were a lot of departures, the coolest for the national team in Dortmund, when the European Championship was held in Poland. As for the Dynamo, I can name a huge amount of fun and carbon monoxide trips.

In conclusion, what would you wish to young fans who are just starting to go to the stadium?

- First of all, you need to love football, love your team. As for all football-related stories, time will tell whether you need it or not. The main thing is to love football and understand why you are ready to receive and injure guys like you.

Thank you very much, Nikolai, for a very frank and detailed interview, good luck and success to you!

On June 16, the Marseille court sent three Russian fans from the courtroom to jail. Director official club Lokomotiv fans received two years, the head of the Tula Arsenal fan club Sergei Gorbachev- 1.5 years, and Dynamo - 1 year. The case of the latter is being handled by two lawyers at once - from France (from the beginning of the process) and Spain (who joined the case after the conviction). We contacted a sworn attorney

Tribunals of Valencia, Member of the Madrid Bar Association, Doctor of Laws Alfonso Francisco Lopez Loma, who spoke about the features of the most complicated case of Euro 2016.

- What exactly is Nikolai accused of?
- In fact - in participation in the riots and fights that took place in Marseille before the match between Russia and England. The wording is: "Participation in riots and vandalism."

- Does the investigation have enough evidence?
- I think that his guilt in participating in the riots has not been proven. There are videos on which Nikolai is indeed in the old port, but does absolutely nothing illegal. Yes, he does not hide his face in front of provocations against the fans, but he does not cause physical harm to anyone and does not destroy anything. The only thing that is confirmed for sure is the leadership in the Dynamo Moscow fan community that is not hidden by Nikolai himself. To summarize, in my opinion, the detention of Nikolai lies in the fact that, firstly, he is a citizen Russian Federation and secondly, an active football fan.

Photo: From the personal archive of Nikolai Morozov

Why did the French court decide so quickly?
- The practice of "quick production" is considered common in French and Spanish law, but it is important to make the following clarifications here. Such cases are mainly characteristic of persons who have abused alcohol while driving or when detaining an offender red-handed - when stealing from a store or a robbery. In these cases, the violation of the law is obvious, so the decision is made in short terms. But the case with Russian fans is from a different plane.

- Was there enough time for defense?
- In the practice of "fast trials" very little time is given to organize a defense. They usually involve on-duty lawyers or professionals who work with clients and receive notifications of their detention. Nikolai, on the other hand, was initially disoriented and delayed a little with the correct reaction, as he did not understand what exactly he was being accused of. Unfortunately, I cannot tell how the trial itself went, since I entered the defense after the verdict was passed, but at the moment the case is under appeal.

- Why did French justice need a quick trial?
“Obviously, they needed to give a visual, sensitive and intimidating lesson to other fans. The prosecution was presented by the prosecutor, who had clear and specific instructions - to sentence at least someone. The most famous representatives of the fan community were chosen as representatives of the fans of the Russian Federation.

By the way, in the French Republic, the very leadership in the mentioned structures is considered a criminal act.

- Do you consider the process political?
- Let's see how it will be in the end, but I not only have such feelings, but I also sign: "Yes, the process is political." Obviously, there were riots, but it is worth asking the question: why were these three people condemned and not others? Perhaps this is a culture of "minimum effort". I also wonder: where is this famous slogan "freedom, equality, fraternity" and legality, which the French are so proud of? In this case, it looks more like a guillotine. But I would not like to speculate on this topic.

How is the appeal going?
- It was filed on June 27, the last day established by law for this proceeding. After that, the higher authority must make a decision within one month. The release will not be immediate and it will certainly not be considered until the end of the Euro. Ideally, what can be done is to conclude a judicial agreement with the French justice authorities on voluntary expulsion from the French Republic with promises not to enter the country for a certain period. In any case, convicts can be subjected to the procedure of “replacement of execution of punishment” with house arrest at the place of residence in the Russian Federation. I cannot make any more comments on this issue, since this is a matter of negotiations with the French justice authorities.

- How do the three Russians feel?
- During the meeting, I saw Nikolai in a cheerful mood and calm, feeling his innocence. Everyone who knows Nikolai personally says that he is a born athlete and a fairly self-confident person. As always, I saw his wide smile and faith in the triumph of justice, despite the circumstances. I also had the opportunity to meet other Russian guys. They keep together, keep well, go in for sports. Their mood is good, they believe that they will get out of this situation with dignity and soon enough. I even got the impression that they were spending holidays paid for by the French state. I also want to note that Nikolai carries the word "Motherland" in his arteries, as he met me in a tracksuit with the inscriptions "Russia" and "I am proud to be a citizen of Russia."

- I have heard that the conditions in Marseille prison are very bad.
- This is an old institution, but to the credit of the French officials - they show a good attitude towards Russian citizens. Convicts are given the opportunity to communicate with their lawyers without any obstacles and at any time. The regime in prison is quite strict, it's true. Also, I cannot say that it is right to keep prisoners convicted of ordinary crimes (for example, Russian fans) side by side with prisoners, most of whom are suspected of committing serious and especially serious crimes related to terrorist activities.

- Do you receive support from Russian officials?
- Yes. One can feel the constant presence and participation of members of the diplomatic corps. The day before my visit, the consul of the Russian Federation in Marseille was with the guys for several hours. I understand that legally (technically) they do not have much power to change the situation, but we are in constant contact.

- Do you really think that the Russian fans are not to blame?
- We are not talking about the search for the guilty. Without a doubt, there were clashes between the fans, and the city's infrastructure was destroyed. But to the question "who is to blame?" I will answer this way: excessive drinking and provocations from English fans. It is possible that after drinking so much beer, they completely fell off on their own.

On my own behalf, I want to add that any aggression is always condemned, and I also believe that every person has the right to self-defense. I also note that the French Republic is in difficult situation in connection with the constant terrorist attacks, the general strikes of trade unions that are strangling the country, and all this kills the festive feeling from the European Championship. I ask myself: is the French side well prepared for competitions of this level? Was she able to ensure the security and conduct of such a major international competition? I am also interested in the statistics of sentences for English citizens: did the French police condemn them? Or is it about the “war” only with Russian fans?! Be that as it may, I will do everything possible so that the innocent Nikolai will be at home in a month.