Ice Kings. The most famous South Ural hockey players. Expected SKA to pick you

December 1 in Russia decided to celebrate the day of hockey in honor of the game that millions of our compatriots are fond of. The South Urals gave first to the Soviet, and then to Russian and foreign teams a lot of talented players, "AiF-Chelyabinsk" tells about the most famous of them.

A native of the Sverdlovsk region and an honorary citizen of Chelyabinsk. According to the results of his playing career, he was named the best sniper of Traktor - he scored 221 goals in 418 games.

Pavel Datsyuk

Forward from Yekaterinburg, one of the five most productive Russian hockey players in NHL history. As part of the Russian national team, he became the bronze medalist of the Olympics and the world champion. From 2001 to the present, with short breaks, Datsyuk has been playing for the American Detroit Red Wings, with whom he twice won the Stanley Cup. In this team, he is an alternate captain.

In 2014, the hockey player was appointed captain of the Russian national team for Olympic Games in Sochi, but the performance was unsuccessful.

A pupil of the Chelyabinsk "Tractor", plays as a defender. From 2008 until recently, he played for the American teams Manchester Monarks and Los Angeles Kings", is now a player of the St. Petersburg SKA.

Vyacheslav Voynov Photo: Frame

Not the most successful debut of Voinov in the Russian team took place at the Olympic Games in Sochi - the team took only fifth place, and the hockey player himself never distinguished himself.

Vyacheslav Voinov gained scandalous fame during the trial on charges of domestic violence, which began in the winter of 2014 in Los Angeles. The hockey player was sentenced to three months in prison and three years of probation, after the end of the sentence, the 25-year-old player had to leave the United States due to.

And the graduate of Metallurg became the world champion twice and participated in the Olympic Games three times as part of the Russian team. As a center forward, Malkin played for his native club for three seasons, and in 2006 he got into the American " Pittsburgh Penguins where he is currently playing.

Evgeni Malkin Photo: AiF / Alexey Vitvitsky

The transition to a foreign team was marked by a scandal: Magnitogorsk did not want to let a talented player go, and then Evgeny simply packed his things and disappeared from the training base during a trip to the traditional off-season tournament Tampere Cup. The hockey player handed over his resignation to the club management through his agents. An investigation followed, which had no effect on the situation.

In 2012, Malkin was named the most valuable player of the World Cup, and in 2014 - the best striker. He also became the first player to score in each of his first six NHL games.

Now the hockey player is 29 years old. In November 2015, he was his beloved, TV presenter Anna Kasterova.

Evgeny Kuznetsov

A young and promising forward from Chelyabinsk, twice became the world champion in the Russian national team.

Since 2014, the Traktor graduate has been playing for the American Washington Capitals. At 23, he is already an Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

In March 2013 Evgeny Kuznetsov, where he played himself.

In the current draft, we have repeatedly heard the word "for the first time." For the first time it was held outside of Moscow, for the first time in the history of Russian hockey, on the eve of the ceremony for selecting hockey players, a match of juniors - participants in the draft was held, for the first time for 40 people included in the "top" rating of the KHL Central Scout Bureau, excellent promo videos were made, giving an idea about each player. This was said at a press conference by the vice-president of the league Vladimir Shalaev.

He also noted that, apparently, the draft is a boring, routine event, but the internal tension will be very serious. Each club intends to take a talented junior, then to make a star out of him. The fight for the future Malkins and Ovechkins will be serious. If the first two drafts were held in a behind-the-scenes atmosphere, then, starting from the third, the KHL decided to give what was happening as much as possible openness and publicity, in other words, to turn the draft into a show. In Chelyabinsk, where the fourth draft was already held, they coped with all this perfectly well. In the presence of several thousand spectators, the ceremony was led by a popular showman and a native of Chelyabinsk, Stas Yarushin, by the way, an ardent Traktor fan himself. The opening round brought the first surprise. St. Petersburg SKA, which exchanged the first number of the draft from Siberia, which received it by lot, chose the defender of the Moscow Wings of the Soviets Denis Alexandrov. The junior on the podium looked embarrassed by the sudden attention from the press and spectators.

Did you expect SKA to pick you?
I want to say that the draft is a completely new experience. Never experienced this. I did not expect SKA to choose me, and I am very pleased that the St. Petersburg army team did it. I am grateful to the club.

Are you mentally ready to move to another city, will you start a different life?
Of course, ready. It's nice to play hockey everywhere. He is the same everywhere.

Aren't you afraid that it will be difficult to gain a foothold in SKA, is it a leading club?
You have to work to be allowed to play. I will try.

"Tractor" had to join the fight already in the first round. Minsk "Dynamo" set their sights on the first number of the rating of the central scouting bureau of the KHL, the striker of the "Polar Bears" Valery Nichushkin. Club director Vladimir Krechin had to use the right of first choice and protect his pupil. Dressed in a Traktor jersey, Valery appeared before reporters.

Valery, what feelings did you experience when the representatives of Dynamo Minsk named you?
I was in shock, to be honest. Because everyone knew: "Tractor" will protect me.

There was a little excitement. Something could have gone wrong.

Do you want to repeat the path of Evgeny Kuznetsov?
It would be great. I'll be glad if that happens.

As predicted by Vladimir Shalaev, a real battle unfolded in the draft between the clubs for promising juniors. In the third round, the representative of the Nizhnekamsk "Neftekhimik" called the names of the players "Ak Bars" until the right to protect their own pupils ended. Only on the sixth attempt, the Nizhnekamsk team managed to take away the junior from their older brother. There were also incidents. Spartak Moscow lost one of their draft picks by naming a player previously selected by another club.

CSKA was the most active in the draft, with its newly minted general manager Sergei Fedorov getting up 12 times from the table to claim juniors. The Moscow army team took or defended ten of their pupils, plus Artem Prokhorov from the Wings of the Soviets and Viktor Zakharov from the Kiev Sokol.

Pupils of Traktor and the Chelyabinsk hockey school were no less popular. Vladimir Krechin chose and defended the pupils of his club (except Valery Nichushkin) Konstantin Zabavin, Alexander Sharov, Alexei Zakarlyukin, Vladimir Ionov, Artem Penkovsky, Andrey Erofeev, Yegor Ivanov and Canadian defender Spencer Humphreys. The rights to another trainee of Traktor, Pavel Popov, whom the club did not defend, now belong to Yugra.

In the fifth round Avangard Omsk drafted Konstantin Luchevnikov from Mechel and Anton Bespalov from the Sergey Makarov school.

Vladimir Krechin was satisfied with the results of the draft.
- Of course, it's a pity that we lost Popov in the penultimate round, - he said in an interview with a Mediazavod correspondent. “But we couldn't risk Erofeev, who we really needed. You yourself saw how much the young players of Traktor, other schools of Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk Metallurg were in demand. Well, the choice of the Canadian is due to the fact that we have a shortage of good young defenders. Spencer is a versatile player, right-handed, 188 cm tall, tough, can fight, score and pass. I think in the future this hockey player can be with us and be useful.

Two exhibition matches were held on the ice of the Tractor Arena - the KHL + NHL team played with the players of the Children's Yard Hockey League and Udar, the winner of the Night hockey league.

Trainees of Traktor Evgeny Kuznetsov, Nikita Nesterov, Anton Burdasov, Anatoly Raenko, Sergey Banashkov, Andrey Konev, Alexander Budkin, Vladislav Fokin, Georgy Belousov, Yegor Dugin and Dmitry Kostromitin played for the KHL + NHL. The game with the DDHL team ended in a draw - 2:2, then the participants of the match had a shootout, in which professional hockey players turned out to be stronger, having realized two free throws against one.

In the second game, the KHL + NHL hockey players fought with Udar. The players took this match much more seriously than the confrontation with children. They played faster, shot with more power and did not spare the goalkeeper. The final score is 4:2 in favor of the KHL+NHL. As part of an exhibition match, the players of the Udar team, which took 1st place in the final of the VI All-Russian Ice Hockey Festival among amateur teams of the Night Hockey League, were awarded a certificate of honor by the head of the department for physical culture, sports and tourism Administration of Chelyabinsk Evgeny Ivanov.

Evgeny Kuznetsov about the holiday of the Children's Yard Hockey League and his hockey childhood:

“We didn’t have such matches. We just went outside and played. In my opinion, a good initiative, because additional attention to children's hockey not prevent. Perhaps such matches will distract children - they will walk less or it is not clear what to do, instead they will play hockey. When you play with children, you always remember yourself. All games with seniors are remembered and remain in memory, because you experience and try. I hope this initiative will be supported and expanded. I will personally help in any way I can.”

Source - official site of HC "Tractor" This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

Latest news of the Chelyabinsk region on the topic:
Pupils of Traktor played with the DDHL team and the NHL champion

Pupils of Traktor played with the DDHL team and the NHL champion- Chelyabinsk

The KHL+NHL team won two victories under the arches of the Valery Belousov Arena.
20:20 27.06.2017 hcTraktor.Ru

Young hockey players fought with Traktor students in the yard league- Chelyabinsk

CHELYABINSK, AN "Access" ice arena"Tractor" on June 27 took place exhibition match Children's Yard Hockey League - children aged 7-15 opposed current players"Tractor" and its pupils of different years,
18:15 27.06.2017 AN Access

On December 27, Traktor Chelyabinsk celebrates its birthday. One of the oldest domestic clubs is 70 years old! The Urals have won bronze medals of the national championship three times in their history, and in 2013 they played in the final of the Gagarin Cup. The Chelyabinsk club has brought up many world champions and Olympic champions. The history of Traktor is the history of our hockey.

Thunderstorm authorities

In the 21st century, no one can be surprised by a non-Moscow champion. The collapse of the USSR practically nullified the hegemony of the capital in domestic hockey. Gold went to Kazan and Ufa, Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg, and the Togliatti Lada in 1994 became the pioneers. Interestingly, the Volzhan was then headed by the legendary Chelyabinsk resident, who, while still a player, created the history of the hockey province. In the 1976/1977 season, before ending his playing career, he helped his native Traktor win the first bronze medals of the Union Championship. In a key match with the main competitor in the face of Dynamo Riga, Tsygurov scored one of four goals.

Chelyabinsk throughout its 70-year history was known as a thunderstorm of authorities. You can count on the fingers of one hand non-Moscow teams that won medals in the USSR championship. Kyiv "Sokol", Gorky "Torpedo", Leningrad SKA, Riga "Dynamo" and, in fact, Chelyabinsk "Tractor". During its rich history, the Chelyabinsk club took third place three times. In 1993 and 1994, the Urals, at the same semi-final stage, could not cope with Dynamo Moscow.

Matches with the capital's teams are one of the tasty dishes for the Ural public. Long before the 2013 Gagarin Cup final with Dynamo, a legendary match with CSKA took place. On February 7, 1962, Chelyabinsk lost to a formidable opponent with a score of 0:3, but with the support of 5,500 spectators, they snatched the victory! That match, first shown on television, is still remembered by experienced fans.

11 years after the legendary game with CSKA Chelyabinsk players are one step away from the trophy. "Traktor" for the first time reaches the final of the USSR Cup. On the way to the final, the Urals become the creators of a real sensation. Spartak was beaten 9-4 in the semi-finals, and six out of nine goals were scored in the third period. In the decisive match, the Urals again had to meet with the "soldiers". For some time, Traktor even led the score in Moscow, but could not stand the heat and lost the third period ...

From "Dzerzhinets" to "Tractor"

It all started back in 1947. In the voluntary sports society "Dzerzhinets" on the initiative of the director of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant Isaac Saltzman the first ice hockey section is created in Chelyabinsk and in the Southern Urals. "Tractor" did not immediately receive a name known throughout the country. He was "Dzerzhinets" until 1953, and for another five years he was called "Vanguard".

Under the original sign Ural club won the first victory in the elite. The Riga "Dynamo" was defeated - 3:2. It is curious that the match, which was held due to frost in an unusual format - in six periods of ten minutes, was subsequently replayed at the request of the Latvian side. However, the replay, which took place in Moscow, was brought to victory by Dzerzhinets.

Despite the fact that mainly metropolitan giants traveled abroad, the proud club from the Southern Urals was known far beyond Soviet Union. Before going abroad themselves, in February 1954, the team Vasily Karelin on the home ice defeated the national team of the GDR - 6: 2. Traktor (and at that time Avangard) paid a return visit four years later, visiting cities such as Weiswasser, Dresden, Berlin and Krimich. From the German tour, the Chelyabinsk team took away six victories in six games. In the future, such trips became regular, and in December 1973 Traktor reached the Spengler Cup. The Urals almost won the oldest New Year's Eve tournament, but lost to Slovan in the final. Who would have thought that decades later, matches with a team from Bratislava would become a regular diet?

"Tractor" in the KHL: final and nostalgia from Belousov

The Urals left the elite in the Soviet years, but the departure from the Superleague in 1999 hit the city especially hard, where they love hockey and their team. Before returning, the "Tractor" was constantly in major league long seven seasons. He interrupted troubled times - a specialist who returned to his native city after 15 years. Together with Valery Belousov they created what we today call Chelyabinsk hockey. They still have a lot of pupils, followers and just fans.

It is difficult to convey on paper what Belousov means for Chelyabinsk. The 22-year-old striker played his first match for Traktor on October 10, 1971. It is symbolic that the rival of the Urals in that meeting was Dynamo Moscow - a team that, years later, will become the most principled rival for Belousov-coach. In September 1976, he, representing Traktor, played for the USSR national team in the first Canada Cup. The club is named after Belousov today best snipers in the history of Tractor.

However, for Chelyabinsk, Belousov is first of all a coach, and only then a player. Fans of Magnitogorsk and Avangard consider him his own, to whom he gave gold, but silver with Traktor, mined in 2013, is no less valuable. It cannot be said that before the return of Valery Konstantinovich, Chelyabinsk hockey was in the backyard. With a beginner coach Andrey Nazarov a young and provocative team reached the KHL playoffs for two years in a row. With the formation of a new league, Traktor moved to new house. On January 17, 2009, the Traktor Arena was opened for 7,500 spectators, which replaced the legendary Youth, which had served for 40 years.

Under the figure of Belousov in Chelyabinsk, a solid squad was assembled. No, not stellar, not multi-million dollar, but ideally suited to the head coach. The pivotal player of the "silver" team was Vladimir Antipov- a real captain who has seen more than one championship team in his lifetime. He returned to his hometown gifted, but peculiar Stanislav Chistov. In the hands of Belousov, his talent sparkled with new colors. At the gates of that "Tractor" shone Michael Garnett, who in Chelyabinsk was simply called Misha. Between defense and attack cruised the ageless Deron Quint. Well, the diamonds, for which the master was responsible for cutting, were Nikita Nesterov, Anton Burdasov and, of course, . Later joined them Valery Nichushkin- a young giant who burst into domestic hockey like a meteor.

Having led the team in the 2010/2011 season, Belousov did not perform a miracle. Traktor was left without a playoff, but he figured out with whom he should go further, and with whom it would be better to leave. The very next year, Chelyabinsk celebrated its victory in the regular season, and in 2013, the same final with Dynamo Moscow thundered. On the way, the Urals stepped over Barys, Avangard and Ak Bars. It was not destined to beat the team of Oleg Znarok, by the way, also from Chelyabinsk, but the result is far from all that we remember Belousov's second coming to Chelyabinsk. Under him, Traktor was in many ways an archaic team that did not seek to run after imposed trends. While throughout KHL teams they got on the rails of straight-line hockey, in Chelyabinsk there were still old-fashioned rolls, a short pass and a combination game that mentally sent every fan to the Soviet past. "Tractor" remained an island of nostalgia for those who are not fond of the mainstream. Perhaps this is hockey romance.

Black and white heart. Pupils as wealth

Sometimes, when you open the composition of the Russian national team for a particular tournament, you ask yourself the question: “Is there someone here who is not from Chelyabinsk?” At last year's World Cup - a competition of all the strongest hockey players on the planet - trainees of Traktor, our team had more than the rest. At the 2014 World Cup in Minsk, where the Russian team in last time took gold medals, it was possible to count the quartet of Chelyabinsk residents. A month later Oleg Znarok will announce the roster for the Olympics. Up to six Traktor students can go to Pyeongchang.

Such a wide representation of hockey Chelyabinsk in the Russian team is by no means a one-time and temporary phenomenon. So it seems to have always been. In 1993, five current Traktor players at once Andrey Zuev, Andrey Sapozhnikov, Valery Karpov, Konstantin Astrakhantsev and Igor Varitsky became world champions. The first to win the gold of the world championship among the players of the Chelyabinsk club was Sergey Makarov in 1978. Last, on this moment, to whom this achievement was submitted, is.

There are many Olympic champions in the history of Traktor. And last names Vyacheslav Bykov And Evgenia Davydova the list is not limited. This is the already mentioned Sergey Makarov, and Sergei Gonchar, And Sergey Babinov, And Sergei Starikov. However, their namesake Mylnikov, who took the award the highest standard in Calgary 1988, is unique in that he went to the Games, representing his native team.

Today Chelyabinsk residents are scattered all over the world. Evgeny Kuznetsov, one of the strongest center forwards in the NHL, lives in the US capital, never forgetting his native Traktor. Evgeny Dadonov is playing in sunny Florida. Preparing to try on a Columbus sweater young Vitaly Abramov. Most recently in Texas, next to the stars of Dallas, went out on the ice Valery Nichushkin. In a number KHL clubs whole Chelyabinsk diasporas have long been formed. Not all of them were revealed in "Tractor", but each of them has a black and white heart.

How did Traktor prepare for the anniversary?

Traktor started celebrating its anniversary long before the official birthday. Chelyabinsk residents have been playing in retro form for several years, making it a good tradition. The real celebrations began in the December break. As part of the action, which was called "T-70 at the start!", Fans and hockey players spent almost the whole day together. But not in the usual surroundings of a hockey arena, but in an entertainment center, playing air hockey, bowling and intellectual games.

70 years is a respectable age. Even for hockey club. Over the years, many famous players have put on Traktor uniforms. Veterans were invited to a gala reception, where the governor congratulated them on the anniversary of the club Chelyabinsk regionBoris Dubrovsky.

“We are behind seven bright decades, where every year, every season was filled with bright events. "Tractor" - if you give him a description as a person, first of all - a fighter. Sometimes a series of victories is replaced by a losing streak. But Traktor goes forward, often breaking through to victory with a fight. Why should Traktor be especially thanked? First of all, for the fact that he formed a special, in many ways unique hockey school. It is strong in that a unique multi-level system for training hockey players has been created in the Chelyabinsk region - from children and youth to professional ice fighters. Few Russian regions can boast of this. And we have! And this became one of the factors of victory in the fight for the title of the capital of the Ice Hockey World Championship among juniors in 2018,” Boris Dubrovsky notes.

One of the many gifts presented to the fans was a new media cube in the arena - the largest in the KHL. Its presentation took place on December 25 during home match with Dynamo Minsk.

“For almost the entire December, we are preparing and holding many different events related to the 70th anniversary of the Traktor hockey club. And we try to attract to the celebration as many Chelyabinsk residents and residents of the region as possible. The program is designed in such a way that it would be interesting for everyone to participate, express their love for the club, and congratulate their favorite team. We give gifts and accept congratulations.

December 27 is considered the birthday of the Traktor club. On this day, we have a calendar match with Lokomotiv Yaroslavl, and before the game there will be a large pre-match program, where we will tell about all 7 decades of Traktor, hold a parade of Legends and lay a "Time Capsule" with an appeal to the players and fans of 2047 at 100 -year anniversary! And of course, together with our sponsoring partners, we will play live, in live OTV apartment in Chelyabinsk. I am convinced that fans will get a month of positive impressions, pleasant emotions on the anniversary of Traktor and on the eve of the New Year! ”, - says the director of Traktor Ivan Senichev.

Traktor, with its glorious history and army of pupils, has something to be proud of. History is what keeps hockey Chelyabinsk. But the main gift for the fans of the team will be the spring success in the Gagarin Cup. Team today Anvara Gatiyatulina desperately fighting for the playoffs, taking a place in the top eight of the Eastern Conference.

Photo - site and HC "Tractor"

The KHL would like to thank Igor Zhukov, Oleg Vyguzov and the information department of HC Traktor for their help in preparing the material.