Bandy in Irkutsk: how to make a bandy star out of a child. Sports game on the walk “Bandy Playground. Where to send a child in love with bandy to study

Playground. Where to send a child in love with bandy to study

There is such a dashing primordially Russian game - bandy. Today, it still collects full stadiums.


There is such a dashing primordially Russian game - bandy. Today, it still collects full stadiums. However, only in the provinces. But once upon a time, Moscow also brought down the Dynamo in thousands. But where are those times now? Today, even decent ice for a wicker ball cannot be found in the capital. It became curious: do Moscow children really have no chance of joining folk game?


If a metropolitan resident was impatient to make a son Lomanova or as a last resort Obukhov, he has one road - to Krasnogorsk near Moscow. In the Mother See of the children's sections, cultivating bandy, alas, there are no more.

But the regional government has recently taken up children's bandy closely. The conditions for children in Krasnogorsk are almost ideal. The skating rink is flooded there already in October - and there is no end to those who want to use it. In summer, there is even an opportunity to send a child to training camp. Plus the equipment. At the initiative of the Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov, last year the school of the Krasnogorsk "Zorkoy" was purchased equipment for all ages - uniforms, skates, gloves, helmets, protective ammunition. So parents don't have to shell out for uniforms. As, however, and on training. Classes at the school are free. The only thing you have to spend money on is the very road to Krasnogorsk.


If the desire to buy a real bendy club for a child, the ball and skates still does not leave, then you will have to be patient. There are not many places in Moscow and even in the region where you can buy suitable equipment. Especially children's. We need to look at the big ones. sports stores. But for starters, it is better to consult with a coach. For example, in choosing a club, in no case should one be in a hurry. First you need to find out what role your future champion has chosen. If the attacker - a stick, choose a shorter and narrower stick, the stick of the defender is wider and longer. Domestic clubs cost about 400 rubles. In general, equipment for bandy resembles to many equipment for regular ice hockey. The skates are exactly the same. For the first time, a copy for 1000 rubles. It’s better to acquire them all the same, so that the young man can also work out the skating technique in the yard, and not just in training. The ball for Russian hockey costs about 150 rubles. Gloves - 300 .


Anyone who does not have obvious physical disabilities is taken to a specialized school. You have to start at the age of 10. And better - do not believe it! - so that by this age the child still does not know how to stand on skates. The skating technique should be set by the coach. This development takes place in the first two years of study. The same parsley and with the technique of possession of a club. In general, the training program for a young player is divided into three periods. The first two years, the third-fourth and after the fifth. There are many different age groups. Standards, training time, load, methodology. Let's say at first the guys play matches in two halves of 20 minutes. Older boys - for 30 minutes, then - for 40, 45. Time is given even to such things as recovery measures, psychological preparation. And since childhood, your child will be brought up as a “real man”. After all, cowards - they don’t even play Russian hockey!

However, if your child is still too young to be sent to hockey school immediately, perhaps, he is destined in the future to become a pupil of a truly Moscow school.

– Bandy in Moscow is now experiencing a rebirth, – says Chief Specialist FHMR on problems of children's and youth bandy Yuri Khlopotnov. – Last year, the Moscow Federation of Bandy was created, which has already enlisted the support of the Moscow government in the person of Vice Mayor Valery Shantsev. Masters of Dynamo next year will probably play in major league. The Dynamo school will be revived, and, perhaps, in a year or two, children will again be taught Russian hockey in Moscow.


Lyudmila Solodova, mother of Zorky midfielder Dmitry Solodov:

- Dima was born with an injury, he had intracranial pressure, and the doctors did not recommend us to send the child to a sports school. But my son was very fond of hockey, so as soon as Dima went to a comprehensive school, we decided to send him to study at Zorkiy. I think that's where they made my son like that a good man what he is. Low bow to this school and Dima's coach Mikhail Deveshev. He instilled in his son accuracy, restraint, intelligence, and the ability to keep his word. Dima became very independent, from the age of four he washed his own things.

He never resisted training, the coaches did not overload him due to health problems. And soon - only thanks to bandy! My son's head stopped hurting.

Classes gradually developed into a profession, and when he was in the 7th grade, we already knew that hockey was his future. Nevertheless, he did not abandon his studies, his character did not allow it. He studied well at school, and then graduated from the institute.


School "Zorkiy"

Krasnogorsk, tel. 564-71-83.

Krasnogorsk, st. Pionerskaya, 31, stadium "Zorkiy".

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"Empire of Sports" is not just a sports school, it is a place where you can prove yourself and achieve unprecedented heights, meet professionals in their field and find new friends. "Empire of Sports" is the key to victory and success.

For many years, our school has been preparing future athletes and helping adults keep fit. We believe that at any age it is necessary to lead healthy lifestyle life, and playing sports is a great helper in this matter. Therefore, our main goal is to teach children to take care of themselves and to form in them the concept that regular exercise stress is health and attractiveness.

The Empire of Sports has all the conditions for an active sports growth students. Firstly, this is a team of highly qualified coaches, whose ranks include honored coaches of Russia of the first and second categories, masters of sports and prize-winners Olympic Games. Many people are sure that the success of students depends on the coach: his knowledge, pedagogical talent and authority. Our mentors find an individual approach to each pupil, take into account his individual characteristics, skills and training.

Moreover, the Empire Sport school is well equipped, which allows you to train all year round. Classes are held in sports complexes international level:

  • Ice Palace Krylatskoye is one of the world's leading ice rinks, which hosts international and all-Russian championships, mass and corporate events.
  • The Megasport Sports Palace is a modern nine-story complex that meets all modern requirements for holding world-class competitions. Located in the Dynamo metro area.
The program of classes in the "Empire of Sports" is as close as possible to a single standard. Our school includes four directions for children and three for adults.

Sections for children:

Sections for adults:
  • Rhythmic gymnastics
  • Figure skating
Billiardstable game which is popular all over the world. The game contributes to the development of logic, the development of self-control and endurance. There are four types of billiards in total: Russian, American pool, carom and snooker. In the "Empire of Sports" classes are held in Russian billiards and American pool. They differ in the rules and sizes of special tables and balls. For beginners, we recommend the pool, and for fans of the game, the Russian pyramid is suitable.
Rhythmic gymnasticsare a combination of art and sport. Rhythmic gymnastics is undoubtedly the most aesthetic, graceful and inspiring sport. At the Empire Spora school, coaches conduct classes in which students learn stretching, grace, flexibility and coordination.
On the lessons rhythmic gymnasticsour young pupils learn to control their bodies, to feel music and rhythm.
Figure skating- one of the main directions of the school "Empire of Sports". This is a complex coordination sport, which includes changes in direction of movement, as well as additional elements: rotations, jumps and supports.
For us, playing sports is a way of life. School "Empire of Sports" is a place for active people who want to lead a rich and interesting life ready to develop, win and overcome obstacles. Our main reward is the gratitude of our students and pride in their success.

Ludmila Sidorova
Sports game on a field hockey walk

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive, motor.



Systematize and clarify knowledge about the types sports, sports attributes. Exercise children in different types walking and running, throwing.


Develop the ability to set a goal and achieve it, overcoming obstacles.

Develop muscle strength, endurance, responsiveness to a signal, determine the degree of ability to control your body, being in a limited area.

Develop imagination, fantasy and creative motor activity in the game.


To educate children in independence in performing movements at a given pace.

Cultivate moral qualities: courage, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Equipment: Sticks, balls, "gates" - for each team.

Game progress:

Conversation with children about the time of year, about air temperature, about how you can keep warm in cold weather.

Children's answers.

Develop a theme sports talk about types sports. Suggest play a mobile game"To the Stadium"

Movable a game"To the stadium" - children run on cotton in one direction (type of running is set by the teacher) on the command "To the Stadium" the children stop and freeze in a pose athlete engaged in any kind sports, the teacher in turn approaches the child and invites the children to guess what kind sports is engaged this child (name the species sports and athletes)

Discuss with the children what sports attributes they know offer to solve a riddle:

I'm round like a globe

Everyone is chasing me.

They beat with their feet, with their hands,

And I run away - jumping. (Ball)

Bring the ball and the gate to ask the children for what kind sports need these sports attributes.

Children's answers

Ask if children can to play football, invite them to participate in the competition "Agile football player"

Sports game with elements of football - invite the children to split into 2 teams and try to kick the ball into the goal with their foot.

Summing up the results of the competition

Ask for what sports games still need a ball.

Children's answers

Offer to solve a riddle:

Beat bolder with this stick

So that the blow was like from a cannon,

This stick is for hockey

And she's called... (Hockey stick)

Bring in a club, ask in what form sports Both a ball and a stick are required

Children's answers - Hockey with a ball.

Encourage children to try to learn play this game.

Sports game with elements"Bandy"- invite the children to break into 2 teams, and try to drive the ball with a stick to a certain line, and then score the ball into the goal with a stick.

Related publications:

Synopsis of the GCD in the group of general developmental orientation from 3 to 4 years "Playing with the ball" (sensory education) TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF DIRECTLY EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY Cognitive research activity (sensory education).

I want to bring to your attention a game that we made with our children with our own hands (in December) and we played it with great pleasure and will continue to play it.

Sports game "Zarnitsa" Sports game "Zarnitsa" Tasks: 1. Expanding the knowledge, skills and abilities of children in the field physical culture and sports. 2. Expanding the range.

Sports game "Jungle Call" For children of average preschool age Goals and objectives of the game: To develop the skills of the main types of movements. Contribute to the development of independent skills.

Military sports game "Good fellows" Scenario of the military-sports game "Good fellows" in the group preparatory to school. Purpose of the game: 1 Military-patriotic education of children.

MA DOU child development center - d. / Kindergarten No. 137 Synopsis of MILITARY SPORTS GAME. "Zarnitsa"Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory Day. (For older children.

Goal: strengthening the physical and mental health of preschoolers; the formation of moral feelings in children: patriotism, love and respect.

Hockey is a team sport in which two teams try to score as many "pucks" or balls as possible into the opponent's goal using wooden sticks covered with a thin layer of plastic. This sport has a lot of versions and hybrids. The most popular of them: British hockey (drag the ball with a shepherd's crook). You can learn how to play hockey by joining a hockey club.

Establishments (schools, clubs) in Ice hockey for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all hockey clubs, hockey clubs And sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. You can search for a suitable place for playing hockey in Moscow directly on the map or using the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for their subsequent enrollment. For each of sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, description and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

The beginning of winter is a hot time for all fans of bandy - after all, at this time, Baikal-Energy plays its first matches at its own stadium, Record. Each game attracts a large number of fans to the stands. And for sure, many of them thought about whether to send their child to the bandy section? Isn't it great when your son wins and succeeds? And if he also gets into the main team - just a dream! By the way, all this is by no means a dream, but quite real. Bandy clubs in Irkutsk are never empty: from time to time they are stormed by ambitious parents who so want their child to also master the “Irkutsk” sport.

No hard selection

On the initial stage everyone can train with us, regardless of whether they have skills or not, - says the coach of the department sports training"Baikal-Energy" Mikhail Shalaev. - And only then does the so-called "natural selection" occur - someone ceases to cope with the loads, or there is not enough time for the section, or finds another hobby.

It is better to give the baby to the section in the very early age, at 4-5 years old. But you can start practicing later. If the child still does not know how to skate, then this, by the way, will not prevent him from getting into the section. Still, the coach, first of all, is faced with the task of teaching children the basic skills of the game. Also, do not worry that your son will start participating in hockey battles from the very first lessons. The mentor starts with the general physical training of the guys. Play outdoor games and perform special exercises. And only then - classes on the ice. Children are taught to skate and given the basics of a special skating technique that will allow them to quickly move across a huge ice field. And then, of course, the boys are shown how to hold the club correctly. And only after mastering these basic skills, the guys can get into the team that will take part in regional and all-Russian competitions.

If you still decide to send your child to the bandy section, then the first thing you should take care of is equipment. Of course, in some sports schools they give out sports uniforms for free, but it is still not enough. You will have to buy special skates, a helmet with a mesh and protection for the legs and torso. It is dangerous to go on the ice without these attributes. You can also purchase a club for the baby so that he can train on his own after classes in the section. But do not worry that such a purchase will cost a pretty penny. All equipment for bandy is several times cheaper than similar equipment for ice hockey.

Classes are free

Bandy gives children a harmonious physical development, - adds Mikhail Shalaev. “He develops endurance, speed and attentiveness, which is useful in order to assess the situation on the court. Also, this sport teaches you how to work in a team correctly, because interaction with a team is a skill that needs to be learned as early as possible.

It is worth noting that classes in all bandy sections in Irkutsk are absolutely free! So everyone has the opportunity to enroll their child in classes. And the largest of the sports schools in the Angara region - "Sibskana" - has several branches in almost all cities of the region. And in Irkutsk, in addition to the official sections, there are also classes for the initial training of hockey players at stadiums in different parts of the city. Thus, future athletes have every opportunity to start mastering Irkutsk, without exaggeration, the national sport. Only football can boast of a more developed system of children's sections among team sports.

Well, if you have already left childhood, but still dream of putting on a uniform and kicking the ball into the goal, famously circling the goalkeeper, like Evgeny Grishin, then nothing is impossible! In Irkutsk, there are several amateur teams that meet at tournaments from time to time. So gather a team, buy equipment and start training!