Horse riding school. Free show jumping and dressage classes. Individual program for each student

Eight open fields for training, two warm arenas, a tent for beginners and a stable where more than 70 horses of various breeds are kept. Jumping and dressage can be practiced from the age of 12 - both individually and in a specialized youth school Olympic reserve. Classes are free, there are small fees for the purchase necessary equipment. Set in September. Those who have not yet decided on their classes can first come to Bitsa for an excursion (however, you need to gather a company of classmates, since excursions are only for groups): the center’s employees will show their pets and talk about their characters, ride a horse or pony and give food to the animals. Also in "Bitsa" hippotherapy classes for children with disabilities are held.

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sh. Enthusiastov, 31v

Friendly attitude towards children and parents

One of the oldest clubs in the city is located on the territory Izmailovsky park. Open parade ground, heated arenas, good infrastructure- parking lot, warm locker room, shower, left-luggage office, cafe with children's menu and cartoons on weekends. You can work individually with a trainer in a convenient mode or attend group classes twice a week. Children are taught safety, animal care and basic disciplines: show jumping, vaulting, dressage. Experienced riders can go for walks in the forest. Individual lesson - 1200 rubles.

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Begovaya, 22, building 17, Central Moscow Hippodrome

Only private lessons

A modern and expensive club on the territory of the Moscow hippodrome. The prices for classes are quite high. As such, there is no school with group training - only individual lessons for children from 9 years old. Riders are taught proper posture, control and contact with the horse. Those who have reached the age of 12 and are confident in the saddle are offered to engage in dressage and show jumping. Individual lesson - from 3900 rubles. You can get to the Pradar only with pre-arranged passes.

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Dybenko, 5

School for ambitious athletes

This is a large complex, which was built to Olympic Games 1980. The strongest works on the basis of the complex sport school Olympic reserve in equestrian sports and all-around (DYuSSh), where only the most motivated are selected. Children with entry level preparations are recorded only on paid individual lessons(2000 rubles lesson). Having received certain knowledge, you can try to enroll in sports and recreation groups (SOG) - also paid. And finally, after studying for a year in such groups and having received the 3rd category, you can apply for a place in the Youth Sports School, where education is free. School enrollment opens in August.

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Krasnogorsk district, village. Putilkovo, Putilkovskoe highway, building 4

Attention to newcomers

You can come here for the whole day with the whole family: younger children will ride a pony and have a tour of the stable for them, children from 12 years old and adults will be offered individual or group lessons and pick up a horse. Beginners are taught basic knowledge, and those who already know something - show jumping, vaulting and dressage. Also, everyone (without age restrictions) can sign up for bareback fitness training. In addition, the school has a riding group "Ceremonial", which accepts children from 8 to 14 years old. Pupils of this group participate in parades, festivals and the ceremony of setting up horse guards on Red Square. Price individual lessons- from 2600 rubles for half an hour.

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Ave. Mira, 119, VDNH, pavilion 48

Individual program for each student

All types of equestrian sports are practiced here: horse riding, vaulting, show jumping and dressage. Free master classes are held regularly (see the schedule on the club's website). The stable is large, and the child, depending on his ability to stay in the saddle, will definitely pick up a horse of the right temperament. Almost all classes are individual, group only vaulting and horse riding. Children are accepted from the age of 7 and the training is carried out according to an individual program. The cost of an individual lesson is from 2200 rubles on weekdays, from 2500 rubles on weekends. Younger children who are too early for classes can visit the stable with a tour, communicate with animals and ride a horse or pony with an escort (the escort will be dressed in a cowboy or Indian costume). In summer, a city camp is open in the center.

Equestrian sports can be started with a visit to the pony club. About at what age it is better to send a child to school, and how riding training is useful, Workingmama tolddirector Riding Club of the National Equestrian Park "Rus" Leila Gusova.

In the process of practicing equestrian sports, such qualities of character are brought up like will, responsibility, tolerance for the mistakes of others, quick assessment of the situation. During communication with peers and with his horse, the communicative qualities of the child develop. The ability to work in a team is very useful in life. Concerning physical development, here equestrian sport has no equal. During riding, almost all muscle groups work, coordination of movement develops, as the rider moves in three planes. The muscles of the back and the press are strengthened, the muscles of the legs work well.

In the Soviet Union, children were admitted to equestrian schools from the age of 14. There were few schools, and the selection was very serious. Right now in sports groups On a pony, children are accepted from 6 years old, and in groups on horseback - from 11 years old. Of course, you can come to classes with children aged 3-5, but you need to understand that a horse and even a pony is a serious, strong and wayward animal. Therefore, when conducting group classes, children and the trainer are required to maintain a high concentration of attention throughout the entire session, and it usually lasts 45 minutes. For children from 6 years old, pony groups are made up of a small number of people.

The opinion of many parents is erroneous that a pony club is a ride for children in a circle. on little fat horses. This is not true at all. Pony sport, or rather, sport on horseback up to 150 cm at the withers (the height of the animal) is a separate sports discipline. Pony clubs are designed to educate young riders in dressage, overcoming obstacles, sports driving (riding in carriages). For the most part, pony clubs conduct classes individually and then, as the child gains experience, sports groups are formed. When conducting classes, ponies of Shetland, Welsh, Boelgian breeds are used. Sports ponies are so diverse that for each child you can choose the right four-legged teacher. Once children have acquired the skills to handle their pony, competitive experience, it is easier for them to adapt to the sport of riding and to the loads.

To attend classes at a sports school, you must adhere to a clear schedule. In addition to riding and training in the arena, there are compulsory classes in vaulting, in general physical and theoretical training. Parents should definitely study the route from home to the sports school. The route should be convenient and safe. When choosing an equestrian school, it is necessary to inquire about the level of the teaching staff of the school, the education of the coach, and his sports qualifications.

10 equestrian clubs in Moscow for children

1. Equestrian club "Izmailovo"

from 3 years
m. Highway Enthusiasts
from 1,000 rubles / lesson

The equestrian club in the Izmailovsky forest park was founded in 1935 - then the country's first riding school for amateurs was opened here. Today it is the largest and family equestrian club in Moscow. Toddlers from 3 years old can try to sit in the saddle, and children from 6 years old can become members of the pony club and practice riding small horses. And after six months - to take part in competitions for beginners. But you can just do it. Competitions are always accompanied by a bright and interesting program with master classes, competitions and skating.

2. Equestrian sports complex "Bitsa" (KSK "Bitsa")

from 6 years old
m. Kaluzhskaya
1 100 rubles / lesson

KSK "Bitsa" is the largest equestrian center in Europe, located within the city. On the basis of the equestrian complex "Bitsa" there is a children's and youth specialized school of the Olympic reserve. For training, 8 open fields are equipped with soil that meets international requirements, 2 indoor arenas and a dressing room.
In the pony club of KSK "Bitsa" children from 6 years old are engaged, there are 21 ponies in total. Children are taught safety techniques, horse care skills, the basics of dressage (some elements of higher riding school), show jumping (overcoming obstacles), and vaulting (performing gymnastic and acrobatic exercises on a horse).

3. Nika Equestrian Theater at the Moscow Hippodrome

from 6 years old
m. Begovaya, Belorusskaya
1,500 rubles/class, 4,500 rubles/ab. for 4 lessons

The Nika Theater was founded in the Moscow Zoo almost 15 years ago, and since 2006 it has existed as an independent organization. A pony club has been opened on the basis of the equestrian theater, where children from 6 to 11 years old are taught horseback riding. Children learn to work with a horse on a pony. Classes are held on the parade ground and in the arena, under the guidance of the theater staff. In training, training and game methods are used. And having mastered the skills of riding, children can continue their classes in the theater and sports group.

4. Pradar Equestrian Club at the Moscow Hippodrome

from 2 years
m. Begovaya, Belorusskaya
3,800 rubles/class, 13,700 rubles/ab. for 4 lessons

Toddlers from 2 to 4 years old can ride mini-shetland ponies in the club, which are known for their kind disposition and complaisance. Classes are conducted by experienced trainers with pedagogical training. Children aged 4-9 train on regular Shetland ponies. As a result of training, members of the pony club will learn how to ride a horse at a walk or trot, independently manage a horse, as well as clean and saddle a pony.

5. Equestrian club "Levadia" in the equestrian park "Rus"

from 5 years
Moscow region, Orlovo village
from 1,000 rubles/session, 3,600 rubles/ab. for 4 lessons

Equestrian club "Levadia" is part of the National Equestrian Park "Rus". The club was built on the site of the former stables of Count Orlov. For children in "Levadia" pony club "Humpbacked Horse" was opened. Kids from 5 years old are engaged in horseback riding on the parade ground, and a playground has been equipped for the rest of the little riders. If a child is seriously interested in equestrian sports, he can continue his studies in groups sports training. For children with disabilities in the club "Levadia" there is a department of hippotherapy.

6. Equestrian club "Lyubertsy Horse Yard"

from 2 years
Moscow region, Lyubertsy
from 1,000 rubles/session, 6,000 rubles/ab. for 4 lessons

Toddlers 2-3 years old are taught to ride friendly ponies, and older children can learn to ride already on horseback. The club employs professional instructors, and for beginners there are courses on teaching the basics of riding. Training will help you learn how to stay firmly in the saddle, control the horse, as well as saddle and clean your four-legged friend. Training takes place on the playground. For athletes, they offer classes in horse riding, dressage and show jumping. The Lyubertsy Horse Yard also conducts hippotherapy classes.

7. Equestrian Club "Russian Almaz"

from 2 years
Moscow region, pos. Nekrasovsky
from 1 500 rubles / lesson

The club is located in a picturesque place in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region on 6 hectares of land and has 4 stables, where 130 horses live. Experienced trainers teach children the basics of riding, classes are held on the parade ground and in indoor arenas.
Toddlers train on Shetland (small) pony ponies, while older children can ride a horse. There is also an intermediate option - large ponies up to 130 centimeters high at the withers.

8. Kremlin Riding School

from 2 years
Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district

The most successful students of the school are part of the Ceremonial children's group and perform during solemn divorces and guards in the Kremlin. You can start classes with pony lessons - kids from 2 years old are taught to stay in the saddle, gallop around the field and take care of the horse. Scottish, Welsh and New Forest ponies live in local stables. All animals are well trained and trained. As with adult jockeys, the children's program includes jumping, dressage and vaulting, with the necessary adjustment for the age of the students.

Sports school "Belka" in the KSK club "Belaya Dacha"

from 5 years
Moscow region, Kotelniki
for free

The Belaya Dacha club houses the Belka children's and youth sports school. From the age of 7 you can do gymnastics on a horse, and from the age of 11 you can professionally go horseback riding. Selection and enrollment in the school takes place in the summer, classes begin in the fall. The school has a pony club, where children from 5 to 10 years old are engaged in ponies. After such classes, they easily sit on big horses and achieve excellent results.

. Equestrian club "Nightingale Grove"

from 5 years
Moscow region, Mytishchi
900 rubles/lesson, 3,000 rubles/ab. for a month

In the Nightingale Grove club in Losiny Ostrov Park, you can take riding lessons or seriously engage in equestrian sports. Children are invited to the younger (5-10 years old) or older age group (from 10 years old). AT junior group no more than 3 people are engaged, in the eldest - up to 6 children. In children younger classes last 45 minutes instead of the usual 60. Nightingale Grove has more than 20 horses and two stables. One of them teaches basic riding skills; the other is attended by those who already have sufficient experience in dressage and show jumping.