A set of exercises for a girl. Exercises for all muscle groups for girls. Work program options

Sometimes a banal lack of time becomes an obstacle on the way to an ideal body. Modern girls, busy with work, home, family, simply do not find a free minute for themselves. Also, the reason for an imperfect figure may be the lack of financial resources, laziness or even embarrassment, because the fitness center is mostly inhabited by figured girls, whose coaches are inflated guys. And women, afraid to feel like white crows against the backdrop of well-groomed ladies who constantly monitor their figure, simply deny themselves such pleasure as visiting specialized sports facilities.

But the impossibility or unwillingness of buying a subscription to a fitness club does not mean that you can never have a beautiful, fit and slim body. You can solve the problem with an imperfect body on your own without the help of professionals and instructors. The workout program for girls at home will help bring your body closer to perfection.

To achieve good results, one desire to play sports is not enough. It is necessary to think over the training plan completely, including a set of exercises, the number of approaches, the regularity of classes, rest time. Having decided on the program, it is important to strictly observe the sequence of exercises and the frequency of their implementation. Only a systematic approach will help to achieve success.

Beginner level

Do not rush right off the bat, gradualness is important in everything. If you have not played sports before, do not initial stage overload the body. Even if you start exercising from morning to evening and bring yourself to exhaustion, perfect body cannot be obtained immediately.

The "Beginner" level is necessary to prepare the body for future physical exertion. At this stage, we will work only with our own weight without the use of additional items.

The optimal number of classes per week is 3 pieces. There should be a gap of one day between classes, so we give the body the opportunity to rest.

Lesson plan of the first level.

For each exercise, three or four sets of up to 20 repetitions each are done. That is, you need to try to do the maximum number of repetitions, but not more than 20 in one approach, and 60 in three. The total training time is 40 minutes. Break between workouts up to 1.5 minutes.

1 day:

  • ordinary squats;
  • bridge;
  • lunges forward;
  • lifting from the foot to the toes;
  • lifting the body lying on the floor (we swing the press);
  • push-ups on the knees.

2 day:

  • lunges;
  • back support push-ups;
  • abduction of the leg with an emphasis on the hands back;
  • bridge;
  • lifting the body in a prone position on the floor.

3 day:

  • ordinary squats;
  • push-ups from the support;
  • long reverse lunges;
  • toe lifts.

Level "Amateur"

The transition to this level can be made only after you feel that you can easily carry out the program of the previous level.

The body is already accustomed to regular exercise, so it's time to start using additional equipment. At this level, the use of dumbbells is desirable, but if there are none, you can replace them with plastic water bottles.

Plan of lessons of the second level.

The regularity of classes and the frequency of approaches remain identical to the previous level, but for exercises using dumbbells, the maximum number of repetitions is 10 per 1 approach.

1 day:

  • squats - arms with a dumbbell along the body;
  • back support push-ups;

2 day:

  • standard push-ups lying on the floor;
  • breeding dumbbells in the supine position;
  • back support push-ups;
  • bending the arms with dumbbells alternate;
  • lifting the body in a prone position on the floor (press).

3 day:

  • alternating lunges with dumbbells;
  • we swing the press - lying on the blue, we raise and lower the upper body;
  • calf raises with dumbbells;
  • gluteal bridge with a load.

The transition to the next level can be done after 4-5 months regular classes.

Level "Pro"

This level involves the repetition of previously performed exercises with an increase in the number of repetitions and approaches, as well as the addition of new exercises - a pullover with a dumbbell on a chair and slow squats. During training, various muscle groups are worked out, which makes classes more effective.

Lesson plan of the third level.

At this stage, the number of training sessions increases to 4 sessions per week. The number of approaches 3-4 times, repetitions 12-20 times.

1 day:

  • slow squats 3 sets of 30 seconds;
  • breeding dumbbells sitting;
  • standing dumbbell press;
  • calf raises with dumbbells;
  • breeding dumbbells standing;
  • lying on your back, we raise and lower the upper body often - we swing the press.

2 day:

  • simple push-ups from the floor;
  • alternating bending of the arms with dumbbells in a sitting position;
  • pullover with a dumbbell on a chair;
  • in the supine position, breeding dumbbells - from the floor and above you;
  • exercise on the press - lifting the body from a prone position.

3 day:

  • back support push-ups;
  • dumbbell pull to the body;
  • deadlift with dumbbells;
  • exercise on the press - lifting the body from a prone position;
  • extension of arms with dumbbells while sitting.

Day 4:

  • alternating lunges on the legs with dumbbells;
  • lifts with dumbbells on socks;
  • bridge with cargo without support;
  • exercise on the press - lifting the body from a prone position;

Fat burning workout at home

If the main goal is to lose weight, you can perform a special set of exercises aimed at burning fat.

  1. Warm up.
  2. Push-ups from the floor up to 20 times.
  3. Jump rope up to 100 reps.
  4. Lifting straight legs lying up to 20 times.
  5. Press exercise - lifting the body from a prone position.
  6. Stretching.

Performing these simple exercises up to three times a day, you can lose a few pounds and put your body in order.

Video - Great workout for girls at home

What are the benefits of training for girls?

Many girls mistakenly consider sports to be a man's business and are sure that regular training will not only make the body beautiful, but also reduce the breasts. For this category of women, it is much more common to harass the body with various diets, trying to achieve harmony.

In fact, training gets rid of subcutaneous fat, tighten the body, increase the tone of the body. With regular sports, without restrictions on food and drink, taking pharmacological preparations, you can get a beautiful, slender, and, most importantly, healthy body.

Sports at home: what you need to remember?

Sports training will lead to the desired result only if the basic rules are followed.

  1. You can start each lesson only an hour and a half after eating.
  2. Proper breathing during exercise is important. Exhale through your mouth and inhale through your nose.
  3. Before each workout, it is necessary to perform a warm-up, preparing the body for further physical exertion. The recommended warm-up time is about 10 minutes.
  4. In the process of training, you should not limit yourself to drinking water, but you should not get carried away either.
  5. At the end of the workout, it is important to stretch the muscles to consolidate the result. Stretching is enough for 7-10 minutes.

Workout at home - great option put the body in order, fix problem areas and throw off a few extra pounds. But it is important to remember that any exercises are good and effective only in a complex and with regular performance.

What are the benefits?

The rhythm of the life of a modern girl obliges her to be torn between work, study, household chores, family and personal relationships. At the same time, keeping your body in good shape is also necessary.

Finding a couple of hours to visit a fitness club in such conditions is not at all easy. In addition, the decisive factors in the rejection gym often there are lack of finances with banal embarrassment.

Home workouts are a great way out of both problems. Even on a busy day, you can set aside an hour for such classes, adjusting your weekday schedule to your needs. In this case, the girl does not require strong expenses, sophisticated equipment - a sincere desire to be fit and healthy is enough.

Regular exercise in your own room, coupled with a sensible way of eating, will not make you wait, it will always help you lose weight and maintain the desired volumes. Home workouts certainly have a number of advantages over going to the gym. When thinking about what to choose, the following positive aspects of self-study will help to take a step forward:

Free schedule There is no need to adapt to the schedule of the fitness club. You can put the workout in any convenient window, spontaneously or planned.
Saving travel time No need to go to the gym (sometimes not close in location) after study, work, family worries. The round-trip process is very tiring, especially for residents of metropolitan areas. In home training, this factor is excluded.

There is no need to purchase an expensive subscription. The primary argument for those whose schedule often changes and frustrates plans.

It will also be a big plus for beginners who are unsure of the regularity of their undertakings. Matching with the previous aspect, there is no road - there are no constant expenses for travel.

Absence of strangers

Psychological comfort during training is important, especially at the beginning. sports way. At home, you don’t have to be embarrassed by your imperfect figure, the exercises that don’t work out, the lack of fashionable fitness clothes, the exhausted look after a workout.

In a private room, you can do whatever is comfortable. There are no observers here, and you should not worry about someone else's opinion.

Diversity There are so many videos and books on home workouts that it will be difficult to get bored. A boring program is easy to change to another. In this case, you can always choose the level according to your physical fitness. This also applies to musical accompaniment.
Full shower and hygiene

Have you ever picked up dumbbells in your hands immediately after someone worked them out? Please note that the level of hygiene in the gym is an order of magnitude lower than at home.

After a workout at the club, a quality shower is a luxury. At home, you can not only calmly wash off sweat, but also relax your muscles in a hot bath.

Cons of working out at home

Let's also talk about the disadvantages of training that take place at home:

Possible technical errors

With independent training, there is always a risk of making a mistake in the performance of any exercise. Incorrect technique not only minimizes the result, but can also lead to injury. The trainer's control avoids this danger.

Lack of free space The furniture in the apartment often does not leave enough space for fitness. This also includes the presence of neighbors who do not like cardio approaches with jumping and running in place.

For regular classes, constant motivating factors are needed. Some find them in external sources (photos of beautiful figures, idols, desired clothes, understanding the importance to health).

But for some, energy replenishment is a problem. In cases with a paid subscription, it becomes a pity at least for wasted money.

No additional privileges In clubs, the purchase of a subscription often comes with bonuses in the form of a visit to the pool or sauna.

Only strangers can distract in the hall. At home, the circle of irritants expands to TV, the Internet, telephone, calls to the intercom and the door.

If one of the relatives or a child is in the apartment at the same time, the matter is doubly complicated.

Necessary equipment

At home, you can do without equipment at all or replace it with improvised items. It often makes no sense to purchase benches for squats, presses, bench presses, and persistent platforms.

Their role can be successfully played by chairs, beds, bedside tables. For jogging and cardio sets, items are also not much needed (weights for legs and arms are possible, but optional).

However, if you collect the available minimum of "helpers", the effectiveness of training can be significantly increased.

Girls for classes may come in handy:

  • dumbbells - ideally collapsible, but solid ones of 1-5 kg ​​are also suitable, depending on needs and training;
  • hoop, press roller, "health disc" - a good help in the fight for thin waist and flat stomach
  • expander - will make stretching the back, chest and arms more effective;
  • fitball - will allow you to diversify and complicate some exercises;
  • mat for fitness and yoga - will soften the knees, soundproof a little and warm the floor;
  • home treadmill, bicycle, elliptical trainers are worth purchasing if funds and space in the house allow, and the desire for additional load is very high.

Training schemes

Classes for fat burning have a fairly intense form. They include cardio loads and exercises to develop overall body endurance.

An example of a weight loss program

  • Jogging at a slow pace - 15 minutes / jumping rope 5-10 minutes / active swings with arms and legs to the sides - 20 times each (the choice depends on the ability to go outside and the space in the apartment).
  • Turns of the body, torso to the right and left - 20 times each.
  • Push-ups from the floor (from the knees or straight legs), the supporting surface (the edge of the table or bed, the ball) or the wall - 2 sets of 15 times.
  • Squats "sumo" (deep squat with legs wide apart) - 2-3 sets of 15 times;
  • Leg lunges back alternately - 2 sets of 15 times.
  • Twisting the press classic and side - 2 sets of 15 times.
  • Legs "bicycle", "scissors" horizontal and vertical from a supine position - 2 sets of 15-20 times.
  • Stretching: tilting to the legs, turning the torso while sitting and standing, “baby pose” until breathing is restored.

For additional fat burning before stretching, you can add a final set of 50-100 jump rope or 5-10 minutes of hoop/run in place.

Example of a program for relief

To maintain harmony, build a femininely beautiful relief, a complex is required with an emphasis on muscle tone and weighting:

  • Warm-up in the form of torso tilts to the sides and swings of the arms, jumps in place - 20-30 times.
  • Squats with dumbbells (legs shoulder-width apart and sumo).
  • Push-ups from a wall, floor or other surface
  • Leg lunges to the sides and back with simultaneous bending of the arms at the elbows. In the hands of a dumbbell, the arms are unbent when returning to the starting position.
  • Arm press with dumbbells up while standing, then leaning forward.
  • Lifting on socks with dumbbells in hand.
  • Swing your legs to the sides with support on a chair.
  • Twisting on the press (straight and oblique).
  • Lifting fully extended legs lying down (palms under the lower back).
  • Lifting the hips lying on the shoulder blades with emphasis on the heels (legs bent at the knees).
  • Stretching for all muscle groups.


When losing weight

  • Not later than 1-1.5 hours before training, eat a serving of protein (chicken, cottage cheese, fish) with vegetable salad. Eliminate all carbohydrates in the form of fruits, breads, cereals, starchy vegetables.
  • 30 minutes after class, you can consume up to 100 g of pure protein food, after another hour you can go to a meal with porridge or fruit. After 14 hours of the day, carbohydrates are minimized.
  • During training, you can and should drink pure water without additives. The pulse rate should not exceed 120 beats / min. Otherwise, reduce the intensity.
  • When doing cardio, you need good sports underwear with thick straps to support your chest. The total duration of sets is 30-60 minutes, respite between sets is 30-45 seconds.

To acquire terrain

  • Before training, eat 1 fruit 30-60 minutes before training. After class, after the same time, eat 100-150 g of protein (fish, chicken, cottage cheese) with vegetables or drink a stingy protein isolate.
  • Rest between sets 30-60 seconds, total duration 30-40 minutes. Drink water as needed. To gain relief, dumbbells of 3-5 kg ​​are preferred, less weight does not contribute to muscle growth.
  • You should not immediately increase the number of repetitions and approaches to avoid overtraining.

In home training, the result is present in the same way as in club ones. A competent approach and strong motivation to work with your body will help you find the desired parameters, become stronger and more resilient without wasting time and money.

While doing it yourself, you need to remember a few rules:

  1. Inhalation is done with the nose when the dumbbells / body move down, exhalation is done with the mouth when lifting up. DO NOT hold your breath.
  2. Classes should be regular, but not excessive. 2-4 workouts per week is enough for weight loss and work with relief. Between exercise days, an active pastime with plenty of walks and outdoor play is preferred.
  3. The best result is achieved from training at 11-13 and at 17-19 hours of the day. Fitness should be planned so that the stomach has time to digest food.
  4. Balanced diet- the main companion of any training.
  5. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, cm and kg can remain unchanged and even increase due to the characteristics of the female body. With the beginning of a new cycle, the indicators will change downwards.
  6. For women, there is no need to train hard shoulder girdle. Work on the strength of the back, press, hips and fat burning is the main thing.
  7. Waist exercises (tilts and twists of various types) must be done without weighting, so as not to overdo it with the development of lateral muscles and not give the main female pride a straight shape.

Sports doctor, nutritionist, rehabilitation specialist

Conducts general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. He also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! Often the girls I know complain that they don’t have time to go to the gym at all. I try to calm them right away, saying that this is an easily solved problem. After all, you can train at home, spending a maximum of 40 minutes on it.

In order for your body to look fit, you need to strengthen your muscles. Best for this. And what strength training at home for girls is best suited - you will find out today.

In order for the training to have a result, you must follow simple rules. I will tell about them now.

Thorough warm-up and hitch

The first and most important thing in absolutely any physical activity! The warm-up can be done in a dance style to make it more fun. Watch, for example, the video of Natalia Reutova. As a hitch.

Strength training aims to develop your strength qualities. Therefore, you should choose exercises that. Only as a result of stress will the muscles be stimulated to grow.

I ask the ladies not to be frightened and not to imagine how your muscles grow uncontrollably to enormous sizes. Not a single woman has yet pumped over from a power load.

What was stressful in the last workout may no longer be stressful in the current one. The human body is very good at adapting to external factors. Workouts are no exception. So try to surprise him. Even if next time you do one more repetition in any exercise, this will already be progress.

Execution technique

If you squat incorrectly, you can get problems with the spine. If you do push-ups incorrectly, you can damage your shoulders. See how much trouble bad technique causes? In addition, if the exercises are performed incorrectly, the muscles will not receive even half of the load that they could receive. How will they develop then?

Feeling the muscles

You will achieve a much greater effect if you feel the working muscle during the exercise. Often, trainees make the main goal of performing a certain number of repetitions. Moreover, the pace of execution and muscle contraction fade into the background. Well, I'll upset you. This approach is wrong.

Muscle sensations are not easy to achieve. This usually comes with experience. But you can speed up the process. For example, if you are doing a press, put your hand on it and think about contracting it. This technique can be done with any muscle group. Another way is an additional reduction. At the moment when your muscle is tense, try to contract it even more. Do this carefully, as the muscles can be brought out of habit.

Do cardio

It is desirable to highlight separate days for cardio training and strength training. These two physical activity have different effects on the body and, when combined, can negatively affect each other. Cardio (aerobic) training is useful in that it trains cardiovascular system. And the more trained your motor, the more it will travel.

I tried to lay out for you all the life hacks that allow you to quickly achieve results and not fill cones at the same time.

Training program

Strength exercises do not have to be monotonous and monotonous. You can accompany your workout with energetic and rhythmic music. And if climatic and living conditions allow, then it is better to conduct training outdoors!

Strength training. But you can find other uses for it. For example, use for weight loss by reducing rest intervals. In this case, the program should be built according to the fullbody scheme. That is, the whole body is loaded for training. Let's look at full body training with an example.

Training program for all muscle groups:

Jump Squats

The exercise is similar to classic squats. Only the final part of the movement differs. After you crouched (B), you need to get up powerfully and make a low jump. Instead of jumping, you can stand on your toes. Attention! The exercise is performed without stopping. And after the jump, you need to land on a little bent legs(BUT). Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.


For women, well-developed buttocks are important. . Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart (A). From this position, take a step forward. The back leg should remain in place (B). Squat on the front (supporting) leg to a right angle at the knee. The back leg should also be bent to a right angle and the knee should almost touch the floor. Return to starting position and change your leg. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Raising the pelvis lying on your back

Again, it aims at the buttocks and extensors of the back. Lie on your back and bend your legs. Raise your pelvis up until top part torso and hips do not line up. For weighting, you can put a small weight on the lower abdomen. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Push-ups with rotation

Chest, shoulders and back work. Starting position, as with regular push-ups. But after doing push-ups, move your hand up while turning your torso. Do 2-3 sets of 12 reps.

Plank with leg curl

Bend one leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach. Then switch legs and do the same. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps on each leg.

Lying twists

When performing it, you should not try to pull your chest up to your knees. Your task is to move the chest towards the pelvis (B). Only in this case, the abdominal press will work as it should! Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 twists.

In addition, I will give you a couple more exercises with dumbbells. If you don’t have dumbbells, bottles filled with water may well be suitable. Remember that the main thing is desire, and there will always be opportunities.

Dumbbell row in inclination to the belt

Do not be afraid to train your back, as a strong back is the key to good posture and healthy spine!
Take dumbbells in your hands and lean forward. In this case, the back should be flat, and the stomach should be pulled in (A). Pull the dumbbells towards your waist (B). At the top point of the amplitude, bring the shoulder blades together. Lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Pulling dumbbells to the sides

The movement aims at your shoulders. Again, this exercise will not make you a broad-shouldered swimmer. It will strengthen the deltas and make their shape more expressive.
Stand up straight. Lean the dumbbells to your hips from the sides. As you exhale, take your arms to the sides to the horizontal. On an inhale, return the dumbbells to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets of 12-15 leads.

I did not describe in the exercises how to breathe. So now I will talk about it in general terms. Decide on correct breathing very simple. At muscle contraction, that is, when you do the main work, you need to exhale. And breathe in when you relax. For example, if you are doing squats, then when lowering, inhale; while standing up, exhale.

The number of repetitions from 12 to 15 was not chosen by chance. Girls are naturally slower muscle fibers. And they respond better to multi-repetitive training.

When exercising, wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement. And try to keep it from natural materials and allow your skin to breathe! That's all for me. Be athletic and cheerful. Train with a smile and good mood. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates and share information with friends and girlfriends! See you soon.

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No gym? No problem. Any girl or woman wants to pump up her whole body and look beautiful. Is it possible to start our program from scratch? Yes! This set of exercises for all muscle groups for girls at home will help you to correctly compose for yourself training plan and achieve great success.

Lesson time: 15 minutes per day

Equipment: dumbbells, chair, fitness bands, training mat

As you already understood, this workout is suitable for doing at home, and does not carry any contraindications even for beginner girls. Classes will be held in a clear and accessible to all scheme.

Instructions: Choose 4-5 from the exercises below. Perform each of them for three sets of 10 repetitions. Rest 60 seconds, then move on to next round and follow the same load-rest pattern.

Note: If you want to train the whole body, try to choose two up-and-down movements and two up-and-down movements. lower part body.

1. Dumbbell raises up and to the sides

Execution technique: Take a pair of dumbbells in your hands at your sides and stand straight, keep your feet hip-width apart. Engaging your core muscles and keeping your arms straight, raise the dumbbells in front of you until they are level with your shoulders. Then lower your arms, and then raise and spread apart to the sides. This is one repetition. Do 10 reps.

2. Dumbbell row

Execution technique: Take a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Pull your hips back to lower your chest to the floor, stretch your arms to the ground, and turn your palms towards each other. Tighten your core muscles, then pull the kettlebells up to your chest, bringing your shoulder blades together. Pause, then lower yourself back down. Do 10 reps.

3. Dumbbell top row

Execution technique: Spread your legs hip-width apart and straighten them, hold a pair of dumbbells in front of you. Raise the dumbbells by raising your elbows until the weight reaches the level of your chest. Drop them back. Do 10 reps.

4. Side squats

Execution technique: stand up straight, wrap the elastic just below the knees. Clasp your hands in front of your chest. Do big step to the right, then bend your knees, lean back and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Squeeze your buttocks and pull your heels towards the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Do 10 reps.

5. Pulling the leg back

Execution technique: Get on all fours, wrap the elastic band around your hips. Raise left leg in a bent position. Then straighten it and lift it a couple more centimeters. Do the same with the other side. Do 10 reps.

6. Plank

Execution technique: get on all fours. Lower your forearms to the floor, placing your elbows under your shoulders. Your arms should form a 90 degree angle. Raise your hips up and hold a straight line from your heels to the top of your head, looking down at the floor, slightly in front of you. Tighten your abs and hold the position for 30 seconds. Do 10 reps.

7. Pose "Bird-Dog"

Execution technique: Start on all fours with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Raise your left arm in front of you, and take your right leg back and up, forming a straight line from your left arm to your right leg. Hold for a second, then return to the beginning. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Continue alternating for 30 seconds. Do 10 reps.

8. Pose "Bear"

Execution technique: start on all fours. Raise your hips slightly to lift your knees off the floor, keeping your back straight. Hold for 30 seconds. Do 10 reps.

9. Touching the toes

Execution technique: Lie on your back, raise your legs at 90 degrees. Hold a dumbbell between your hands and lift it above your chest. Tighten your lower abdomen, lift your shoulders and bring the dumbbells to your toes. Do 10 reps.

10. Delayed climbers

Execution technique: Start in a plank position on your hands. Bring your right knee to your chest, then your left. Pull your right knee back towards your chest and pause. Repeat the pattern, starting with the left knee. This is one repetition. Do 10 reps.

11. Deadlift on one leg with support

Execution technique: stand on your left leg, hold the dumbbell in right hand. Take your right foot a few inches back, lift your heel, and press your right toes to the floor for balance. Keep your left leg slightly bent. Lean forward, lowering the weight towards the floor. Do 10 reps.

12. Squats with dumbbell raises

Execution technique: hold the dumbbells at shoulder level, bend your elbows, turn your palms towards each other. Push your hips back and squat down. As you rise, press into your heels and twist your torso to one side while raising your dumbbell arms in parallel. Lower back into a squat, then repeat on the opposite side. This is one repetition. Do 10 reps.

13. Sumo Squats

Execution technique: stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed at an angle of 45 degrees, torso slightly forward. Hold dumbbells in front of you with both hands. Inhale as you bend your knees and lower your hips until they are parallel to the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position by pressing on your heels. Do 10 reps.

14. Reverse push-ups

Execution technique: Sit on a chair and grab the front edges with your hands. Raise your ass off the chair and take a position so that your legs form a 90-degree angle. Straighten your arms. This is your starting position. Lower your body down until your elbows form a 90 degree angle. Do 10 reps.

15. Fighter drill

Execution technique: Start in plank position with straight arms. Squeeze your glutes and core muscles to keep your spine straight. Bring your feet to your hands. Rise into a low squat position. Hold for a second, then place your hands back on the ground and kick your legs back to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

16. Glute bridge

Execution technique: wrap the elastic band around the hips and lie on your back, bending your knees, place your feet on the floor at a distance of 30-40 cm from the priests. Squeeze your buttocks and lift your hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Pause at the top, then lower back to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

17. Lunges with a turn

Execution technique: Grab a dumbbell with both hands. Take a big step forward with your left foot. Raise your right heel so that the weight is on the foot. Stretch your arms out in front of you. Allow both legs to bend about 90 degrees. Then turn your torso to the left, keeping your hips still. Move back to stand up and repeat on the other side. Do 10 reps.

28 day exercise routine

Looking for a way to develop physically up a notch and pump up beautiful muscles? No gym nearby, but want real results? Want to burn calories and build muscle without any newfangled machines?

In this regard strength exercises you won't need dumbbells, barbells, etc. This home workout for beginners in sports uses only your own weight, i.e. you are doing basic exercises. Ready for a test? Try this home workout option for girls, then you can move on to more complex ones like.


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To draw up a training program for a girl, it is paramount to determine the purpose of the classes: losing weight, keeping the body in good shape, or gaining weight. muscle mass. In addition to regular exercise themselves, it is important to pay attention to proper nutrition and drinking regimen.

healthy image life and maintenance of the body in sportswear is not only a fashion trend of recent years, but also the right approach to lifestyle in general. A beautiful and toned body is an accessible reality for all girls and men, and desire and constant work on oneself will help achieve the goal.

When compiling a training program for girls, you need to take into account the physiological characteristics of the body. On building muscle tissue hormones - testosterone and norepinephrine. Unlike men, the female body does not have a high content of these hormones, because of this, girls do not exercise to muscle failure.

Therefore, performing a strength exercise, you need to gradually increase the number of approaches. Nature gave a woman the ability to bear children, because of which the female body makes reserves in the form of body fat. For creating beautiful forms you need to combine sports with proper nutrition, which will include daily calorie counting.

You can make a training program for a girl yourself. First, for this you need to determine with the main points.

The difference between the bodies of a man and a woman in terms of pumping muscles

The male body initially has more muscle mass and less body fat in the form of subcutaneous fat. The process of burning fat in men is faster. In a man, the body produces more of the male hormone testosterone, and in a woman less, but more estrogen (the female sex hormone).

Muscle growth requires the male hormone testosterone. Without taking special sports nutrition (anabolic steroids) it is not realistic for a girl to pump up to a muscle of the same size as a man's. Therefore, if a girl does not take supplements, she may not worry about pumping her body and becoming ugly.

When a woman takes steroids in pursuit of muscle mass, she has more side effects than in men, because the female body resists the introduction of unnatural amounts of these substances. There is a load on the kidneys, liver, acne begins, but of course, enhanced muscle processes begin.

More visible changes include: deepening of the voice, increased growth of hair on the body, hyperatrophy of the clitoris begins (it increases in size). Speaking about the effectiveness of muscle pumping, it should be noted that in the female body, the same amount of protein goes to muscle growth after training and protein nutrition as in men.

But depending on whether a woman takes special nutritional supplements, the results of training vary greatly.

If a sports nutrition is not accepted, the volume of muscles in a woman compared to a man is acquired much harder and less mass. But it is strength and endurance that a woman develops more.

And if a woman takes supplements, the increase in muscle volume occurs on a par with a man. The difference is only in the starting point. Men initially have more muscle mass and are stronger.

Defining a workout goal

Starting preparation for training, first of all, you need to decide on the main goal: losing weight, gaining muscle mass, or just maintaining a good shape. Different goals imply different methods.

A set of muscle mass. Principles

When building muscle mass, the body must receive a balanced amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein.

The number of calories consumed for a girl at the beginning of the muscle pumping journey should be from 1600 - 1700 and above. When calculating daily calories, one should not forget about individual characteristics: height, weight, age and level physical training.

Carbohydrates are best consumed for breakfast or 2 hours before a workout, it can be oatmeal, buckwheat or rice. In 20 minutes.

After a workout, restore blood sugar levels will help:

  • Apple;
  • pear;
  • banana;
  • a glass of natural juice.

When building relief body you can't do without the right proteins. You can get them from such products: chicken fillet, eggs, cottage cheese. Of the cooking methods, steam processing, boiling in water or baking are suitable.

female body fats are necessary, their absence can lead to disruption of hormonal processes. Many healthy fats are found in nuts, seeds, fatty fish and soybeans.

It is better to eat at the same time 5-6 times a day and do not forget about the drinking regimen. The number of strength training should be at least 2-3 times a week, lasting about 60 minutes.

To avoid mistakes at the initial stage, you should seek the advice of a professional trainer.

Slimming. Principles

Reset excess weight weight-bearing exercises combined with aerobic exercise will help. The power complex should include: bench press, deadlift, squats, lunges.

Plus a few more exercises with weights to choose from, the total number is 6 - 8. From aerobic activities, swimming, running or cycling are suitable. Strength training should alternate with aerobic, for example, 2 times strength and 2 times cardio.

The total number of calories consumed when losing weight is about 1500 per day. This number will vary depending on the individual. There are special formulas for calculating the caloric content of the daily diet.

Food should be correct and contain many useful substances and trace elements. For the duration of the diet, you need to completely abandon fast food, carbonated drinks and sweets.

Keeping the body in good shape

Good physical form includes: mobile joints, elastic muscles, healthy cardiovascular and respiratory system.

To keep the body in good shape, it is necessary to give up bad habits, proper nutrition and regular physical activity. For girls and women of any age, yoga, Pilates, running, swimming, race walking and cycling.

Workout at home or in the gym: which is better?

results training process depends on motivation and self-discipline. Without these two components, a positive result is impossible, regardless of where the training takes place at home or in the gym.

Benefits of home workout:

  1. Saving money. You do not have to spend money on a subscription to a fitness club, sportswear and shoes.
  2. Convenience. Training can be carried out at a convenient time for yourself.
  3. Absence of embarrassment. In the gym there are people who have succeeded in playing sports, this makes many beginners uncomfortable.


  1. Technical errors. When not correct execution exercise, you may get injured, and not achieve desired result.
  2. Lack of equipment. Training will not be effective without the right equipment.
  3. Financial costs for the purchase of the necessary equipment, but this must be done only once.
  4. There is no way to get advice from the coach.
  5. Poor focus on the process. There are more distractions at home than at the gym.

Necessary equipment for home workouts:

    1. Collapsible dumbbells (weight 1,2,3 and 5 kg);
    2. Folding board for the press;
    3. Rope;
    4. Fitball;
    5. Mat.

Benefits of training in the gym:

  1. The presence of like-minded people. The lesson will be more productive due to the presence of people motivated by one goal.
  2. Various equipment.
  3. No distractions. The atmosphere sets you up for a quality process.
  4. Opportunity to consult with a professional trainer.


  1. Wasting time on the road to the fitness club and back.
  2. Monthly subscription fees. At individual lessons You will have to pay for the services of a fitness instructor.
  3. Queuing for the gym. If the gym is small or lacks equipment, you will have to wait in line.

An unequivocal answer to the question “what training to choose?” - No. It all depends on preferences, the main thing is to correctly draw up a training program and go towards your goal. And then girls, the result will not be long in coming!

Correct load distribution

A competent approach to sports will provide quick and long-term results. To do this, you need to know exactly how to distribute the load on your body.

The distribution of the load, whether it is strength training or cardio, includes the main components:

  1. Warm-up before starting a workout;
  2. Correctly selected program;
  3. Rest between classes.

Any workout should start with a warm-up, and end with a hitch.

The duration of the warm-up is 5 - 7 minutes. The session should last approximately 60 minutes, 2-3 times a week. Important point- the regularity of training. Girls with low physical fitness should start with half an hour of classes. Before starting training, you should consult with your doctor.

Exercises with weights at the initial stage are done in three sets, 12-15 times. If the goal is to lose weight, then gradually the weight of the dumbbells needs to be increased, otherwise the body will get used to the same loads and stop progressing. You also need to work on the number of repetitions and reach 17 - 20 times per set.

If we are talking about a set of muscle mass, then 3 repetitions of 8-10 times are enough. The weight of the dumbbells is selected individually (holding the dumbbells in your hands, you need to try to do 8 repetitions, if, it turns out, you need to take dumbbells weighing a little more).

Rest between sets for about 1 minute, you also need to monitor your heart rate. If the SS frequency is below 140, then the load is insufficient, and if it is above 170, then it is too strong.

The technique of performing the exercises must be correct, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Therefore, it is better to perform exercises in front of a mirror. Usually it takes a month to work out the execution technique. Training should not be daily, the muscles need time to recover and rest.

Pick up training complex a fitness trainer will help, he will select individual training and develop a nutrition program.

Warm up

Warm-up is an integral part of the workout, which includes a set of exercises that prepare the muscles for the main load.

Workout Benefits:

Warm-up starts with slow pace with gradual acceleration.

Approximate complex warm-up exercises:

  1. Rotations of the neck, arms, ankles;
  2. Turns and tilts of the body to the left - to the right;
  3. Mahi legs;
  4. Squats;
  5. Running in place;
  6. Rope jumping.

Training complex for beginners

For girls starting to play sports, it is necessary to draw up a training program on their own. The obligatory point is gradual buildup loads. The training program should consist of exercises for all muscle groups. Much attention must be paid to the correct execution of exercises. From this, the result will come faster.

Each workout begins with a warm-up (6-10 minutes is enough) with a transition to the basic power complex. The duration of the lesson at the first stages is 30-40 minutes, with each workout the time should increase.

For one exercise with weights, 3-4 sets and 12-15 repetitions are done. Rest between sets 40 - 60 seconds. During this time, the muscles will have time to relax and restore breathing. The total number of workouts per week is 3-4.

For effective fat burning, cardio workouts are added, which alternate with strength training.

Advanced training program

The advanced level training program is suitable for girls who have already achieved a certain sports level and regularly visit the gym.

A set of exercises (3 sets = 17 reps):

Fullbody for girls

Fullbody - training for all muscle groups, i.e. The entire body is worked out in one workout. Fullbody training is ideal for those who have just started exercising or have not been exercising for a long time. When performed correctly, it prepares the body for advanced levels of training. The complex is suitable for home and gym.

Approximate set of exercises:

  1. Squats with a barbell (dumbbells) with a wide stance or body bar;
  2. Bench press or deadlift vertical block to the chest;
  3. Deadlift with a barbell;
  4. lunges with own weight;
  5. Rod pull wide grip;
  6. Breeding dumbbells to the sides with two hands;
  7. Push-ups from the knees or from the floor.

For one approach, 15 repetitions are done, the number of approaches is 3 per exercise. Training time - 50 min.

Circuit training

Circuit training involves performing exercises one after another at a certain pace. This is a highly effective type of training, which accelerates metabolism and burns subcutaneous fat. And also, the muscle relief is being worked out and endurance is increased due to cardio training - vascular system.

The training contains 5 - 6 exercises for different muscle groups, which are performed without interruption. Number of circles 4 - 6, rest between transitions from one circle to another - 2 - 3 minutes.

Before starting the circuit training, an articular warm-up is performed, then cardio (running, jumping rope, cycling) for 15-20 minutes.


  1. Burpee (10-15 times);
  2. Twisting on the press (20 times);
  3. Standing dumbbell press (10 - 15 times);
  4. Lunges with own weight (10 - 15 times);
  5. "Hammer" with dumbbells (10 - 15 times);
  6. Push-ups (10 times).

At the end of the workout, cardio is performed at a slow pace.

Fat burning program

The fat burning program for girls should include: strength and aerobic training, proper nutrition. When compiling a training program, you should be aware that the consumption of subcutaneous fat occurs after 30 minutes of intense exercise. Below is training system for 4 workouts per week.

1 day - aerobic training:

Day 2 - aerobic training:

Day 3 - strength training:

Day 4 - strength training.

Each workout is 60 minutes long. The training program can be carried out at home, excluding exercises with simulators.

Fitness program

A fitness program is a system of exercises aimed at correcting the figure and improving health.

Below is a list of the most popular programs:

  • LESS MILLES . The exercises of this program are performed to rhythmic music, most often using dumbbells. Suitable for everyone who loves active fitness.
  • MIND & BODY . The program is aimed at developing flexibility, all exercises are performed to relaxing music. Suitable for all those who do not like intense training.
  • BODY BALANCE . Classes combine exercises from yoga and Pilates. Develop plasticity, endurance and improve health.
  • B ODYCOMBAT . The program combines different kinds martial arts: kickboxing, teikwondo, karate. The duration of the lesson is 50 min. Girls with joint problems should consult a doctor before training.
  • STRECH . A set of exercises is aimed at improving the condition of the joints and increasing the flexibility of the body. Exercise is combined with correct technique breathing. The lesson lasts 1.5 hours. There are no contraindications to this program.
  • PILATES MAT . The program will teach you to feel your body, strengthen your spine and tone your muscles. A month of regular exercise will help you get a beautiful silhouette and good stretch. The duration of the classes is 55 minutes, there are no contraindications for implementation.

Power training

Weight training is indispensable for girls seeking to beautiful body. They are also important when losing weight, because body fat is consumed during strength training. Strength training: develops muscle relief, corrects the figure in the right places, improves coordination and increases endurance.

Principles of strength training:

The strength training program for girls should include exercises for: chest, biceps, quadriceps, triceps, back, shoulders, buttocks and abs. Before each workout, a warm-up workout is done. The number of repetitions and approaches and how to choose the right weight for dumbbells was described at the beginning of the article.

cardio training

Cardio is a great option for those who want to lose weight and increase stamina. It can be: cycling, jump rope, running, swimming, sports or nordic walking. For training in the gym, a rowing or elliptical trainer is suitable.

Cardio training comes in different intensities:

  • Low and medium intensity - suitable for beginners, because. there is no strong load on the heart and joints.
  • High intensity - suitable for people with an average level of physical fitness, increases the metabolic rate during and after training.

When compiling a cardio training program, you need to take into account some of the nuances. To exercise at home, you will need an exercise bike or Treadmill. A suitable option is outdoor activities, where the body is provided with an influx of a large amount of oxygen.

Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and proper shoes to avoid heavy stress on the foot. You need to start the lesson with a warm-up. For those who are overweight and have health problems, walking or swimming is suitable.

For weight loss, it is recommended to combine cardio with strength training. Beginners should start with low and low intensity workouts and gradually increase the load. You need to drink about 1.5 liters of non-carbonated water per day and follow a diet with a calorie deficit. Class time - 40 - 50 minutes, spend at least 3 times a week.

Split program

The essence of all split programs is that only 1 or 2 muscle zones are worked out in one workout. This type of training is suitable for girls involved in power loads more than half a year.

Split program example:

1 workout - arms and back.

2 workout - buttocks and legs.

3 workout - chest and abs.

The number of sets is 3, the number of repetitions is 10 - 15.

Training on simulators

Training on simulators is just as effective as training with dumbbells and a barbell. Before starting work, you just need to figure out how this or that simulator works.

Everyone is familiar with the treadmill and exercise bike, we will dwell on the rest in more detail:

A set of training on simulators for all muscle groups:

  1. Twisting on the "Roman chair" (3 - 20);
  2. thrust upper block (3-15);
  3. Platform (3 - 15);
  4. "Butterfly" (3-15);
  5. Elliptical trainer (15 min).

The effect of the menstrual cycle on training

The quality of the training process is affected by the menstrual cycle. In the first two weeks after menstruation, the body is on a power lift, these days you need to train with more efficiency. In the next two weeks, a period of recession and energy savings begins. This is the time for light exercise and low-calorie eating.

Many girls experience various ailments on the first day of the menstrual cycle, so training on this day should be postponed.

In the presence of gynecological diseases, it is not worth training, but it is better to coordinate training loads with a doctor. During menstruation, the body is in a state of dehydration, these days it is important to drink plenty of drinking water and eat foods rich in vitamins.

Drinking regimen and nutrition

Compliance proper nutrition with regular physical activity is 70% success on the way to beautiful figure and only 30% is proper workouts.

It is very important to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. 1.5, and preferably 2 hours before going to the gym, you need to eat food rich in carbohydrates and some protein. You can get the right carbohydrates from oatmeal, rice, buckwheat and rye bread. And, there is a sufficient amount of protein: in beef, eggs, chicken breast and lean fish.

When losing weight, you can’t eat after exercising in the gym, because. eating will stop the process of burning subcutaneous fat. If, however, there is a set of muscle mass, then after 20 minutes. you can have a snack with a banana, an apple or low-fat cottage cheese. To gain muscle mass, the post-workout meal should consist of carbohydrates and protein, and when losing weight, protein and vegetables.

It is impossible to completely refuse fats, this will cause great harm to the body. Consume fats from the right sources, such as nuts (a handful per day), vegetable oils, hard cheeses and fish.

To avoid malfunction, the body needs to drink the right amount of fluid every day. The indicator is individual for everyone, an approximate number for an average girl weight category- 1.5-2 liters per day.

Progress Tracking

Tracking progress during training occurs by measuring with a centimeter tape. You need to do this once every two weeks and record the results in a training diary. In the same place, to count the calorie content of the daily diet, thanks to the records it will be easier to adjust the workouts and menus.

It is better to refuse constant weighing on the scales, this will not bring reliable information. As you know, muscles are heavier than fat, so at the beginning of training, weight may increase slightly.

A good indicator of progress will be an increase in the number of repetitions, approaches and weight load. Every two months, girls need to change the composition of the training program to improve progress and stop training every six months for two to three weeks to relax the body.

Change yourself and your body and let sport bring only happiness and pleasure!

Video: how to create a training program

How to make a workout plan for girls:

Drafting training programs for women: