Finger gymnastics on the theme of fruit. Finger games on lexical topics card file on speech therapy (senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Exercises for the tongue "Winter's Tale"

Fruit: materials for games, conversations and activities with preschool children. Finger gymnastics. Entertaining speech exercises and games for children. Physical education minutes. Cartoons.

Fruits: materials for games, conversations and activities with preschool children

In this article you will find:

  1. A conversation about fruits.
  2. 10 speech games on the subject of fruit.
  3. Finger gymnastics.
  4. Three ideas for physical education minutes.

Additional material to the article - riddles about fruits can be found in the article

Kindergarten 100 years ago. "Conversations with young children" L.K. Schleger.

Conversation about fruits L.K. Schleger. 1913

Preparing for a conversation.

Different fruits in front of the children. They name them, determine the shape, colors. Determine by touch and taste with closed eyes.

Catalogs of fruits should be at hand; drawings in paints (that is, color pictures); artificial fruit


Where do fruits grow? What is the name of the tree that grows apples? Can plum trees grow on an apple tree? What does a ripe apple look like? What taste is it? (Sweet, juicy). Who rouged an apple like that? What protects the pulp of an apple? (Skin). When is the apple ripe? The beauty of an apple tree hung with ruddy apples. Has anyone seen an apple tree with apples? What are the apples on?

Who can tell how it grows Apple? Is it always so big and ruddy? What color is an unripe apple? And what does it taste like? Before the apple appears, the apple tree blossoms. When does she bloom? Spring. Has anyone seen an apple tree in bloom? In the spring we will look at it, but for now let's look at the picture.

Let's see, what's inside the apple, cut - one along, the other across. What are the seeds in and how many are there? Why do apple trees need seeds? Why do you need pulp? She guards the seeds. What color are the seeds ripe? And the unripe ones?

What kind seeds at the cherry? At the plum?

Who eats ripe fruits? Are people the only ones who eat and love them? Do people eat seeds? They spit them out. And what do the birds eat? Seeds fall on the ground, and what grows from them?

What comes across sometimes in apples, pears, plums? Worm. How did the worm get into the apple tree? Does the worm stay in the apple? He gnaws it and comes out (find an apple with a worm's move). A chrysalis is made from a worm, and a butterfly is made from a chrysalis.

What do we do with fruits? What do we make jam from? Has anyone seen dried fruit? Show and try. What else is made from fruit? Kvass, liqueur.

Are we growing grape? What is made of it? What fruits do you still know that grow in warm countries? Oranges, tangerines, lemons. Are the skins of oranges and lemons as thin as those of an apple?

What are the fruits of an oak, a Christmas tree? Who collects and eats them? Is it fruit?

Children's work on the theme "Fruit".

  • Modeling fruits, drawing them.
  • Cutting and pasting (application).
  • Cutting out pictures with fruits from catalogs, magazines.
  • Illustration "Picking apples".
  • Fruit shop (making a layout for children's games together with the children)

Question for educators to think about:

Exactly 100 years have passed since the publication of this conversation for young children by the talented teacher Louise Karlovna Schleger! Have we and our children changed? How is the conversation about fruits L.K. Schleger from contemporary fruit discourses in kindergarten? What are the requirements for a conversation with children taken into account when compiling this conversation? What would you change in it?

You will learn more about conversations with children and about our history of the methodology for developing children's speech from the article based on the materials of the book by E.A. Flerina "The Living Word in a Preschool".

Practical materials for classes, conversations and games with children on the topic "Fruit"

Speech games with preschool children on the topic "Fruit"

Game 1. Ladder in the garden. Pick a word.

Together with the child, think of as many words as possible about what fruits are. For example, today we will play with the word “apple” - “What can be an apple?”, And next time with the word “pear” - “What is a pear?”. You can pick up words on the road, on a walk, on a bus or in a car. But the best thing is to play!

How to generate interest in the word match game?

Speech exercises are difficult for children, so it is best to do them in game form and so that the child could clearly see the result of his efforts. I came up with my own technique for this - "a visual game assessment of the result of a speech." Here's how I do it.

I usually paint on an easel a big tree felt-tip pen (you can draw a tree on a piece of paper or on a board). On the tree I draw fruits, but they must be drawn very high from the ground. There is a ladder next to the tree. The stairs are drawn as two vertical parallel lines. But - this is important - steps are not drawn on it!

How we play: we pick up words and climb up the ladder for fruit. One word = one step.

As soon as we have chosen one word, I draw one step. I found another word - I draw another step. How many words were picked up - so many steps appeared on the ladder! With each word, steps are added, and we climb higher and higher (you can rearrange the figures of children according to the image of the ladder). The task is to get to the top of the tree, and for this you need to pick up a lot of words!

At the top of the tree, children should definitely be in for a pleasant surprise! When the children take an apple (or plum) from the crown of a tree, they should find something on the back of the picture - a plan indicating the place where the surprise is hidden, a riddle, a small gift, a beautiful piece of paper, words of congratulations from the Gardener, a drawn medal, magic words etc.

Tip for adults

Words for the game: fragrant, large, tasty, tasteless, sour, sweet, ruddy, tender, fragrant, juicy, liquid, red, yellow, golden, striped, mature unripe, ripe, round, oval, elongated, soft, hard, rotten, wormy, dried , large, small, boiled, summer, early, early, southern.

Useful advice:

  • It is better if you say in this game words that are rarely found in everyday communication (“fragrant apple”, “fragrant apple”, “ripe apple”), and the children will pick up more simple words(“sweet apple”, “round apple”, “ruddy apple”). If children find it difficult, then you can suggest words to the kids with a gesture, suggest the first syllable, remind a familiar line from a poem in which this word occurs
  • This game is difficult for children at first. But in the future, interest and attention to words, to expressive speech develops. Children begin to be very attentive to the words and literary texts that are read to them, listen to the speech of adults and notice bright figurative epithets in it. Therefore, the game is very useful for developing attention to the language, and for enriching and activating the vocabulary of children, and for preparing for schooling.
  • I really like to read to children a poem by Y. Akim, in which there are many expressive epithets. Listen to it in a child and find beautiful, special, expressive words in it.

“The apple is ripe, red, sweet, the apple is crisp, the skin is smooth. I will divide the apple in half, I will share the apple with my friend. (I. Akim).

Here is another poem about apples, in which there are many beautiful figurative words for a speech game.

Fragrant, ruddy, There are sweet, there are spicy, There are sour, there are tart, There are soft, there are strong. There are fresh, dried, and even soaked ones.

The most important sweet fruit grows in our garden. It is amber and fragrant, Sweet and sour, golden. Large, round and crispy, the King is real! There is with a ruddy barrel, And with a cheerful worm. Our apple tree marvelously gave a lot of apples: Very sweet, fragrant, And so pleasant to the taste.

Game 2. I know.

First player starts: I know a lot of fruits: an apple. The second player continues: I know a lot of fruits: an apple and a pear. The third builds the chain further: "I know a lot of fruits: an apple, a pear and a plum." The task is to continue the chain and not confuse anything. An adult in the game may make a deliberate mistake, for example, by naming a vegetable instead of a fruit. Will children notice this mistake?

The game develops attention and memory.

Game Tips:

For children, the chain should not be too big! If many children play, then it is better to make not one long chain of words that is difficult to remember, but several chains.

When composing a chain, you can string large wooden parts on a cord. So we clearly see how many words we remembered and picked up.

Game 3. Let's collect fruits in a basket.

Each player names one fruit. If he called correctly, then he puts a cube in the basket. One word is one cube. The task is to fill the basket with words - cubes, remembering and naming as possible more fruits. You can play for a while - you need to have time to fill the basket in 2 minutes. This is a sufficiently large period of time sufficient to complete the task.

What children can name: apple, pear, quince, cherry plum, shadberry, apricot, peach, plum, lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pomegranate, pineapple, persimmon, banana, mango, avocado, kiwi and other fruits.

You can "put" in the basket not only the names of fruits, but also phrases. For example: “fragrant apple” - put a cube. Now we need to come up with the following phrase - "golden pear". Next, a new phrase - "blue plum". And so we fill the basket.

Game 4. Classification. Fruits and vegetables.

Children are given pictures with fruits and vegetables mixed. You need to put fruits in one basket and vegetables in another.

Be sure to ask your child: “Why do you think this is a fruit?”.

To generalize children's ideas about fruits and clarify the generalized concept of "fruits" with children 4 years old and older, you can spend exercise with pictures for the development of logical thinking "What are fruits?".

Step 1. Put 3-4 pictures of fruits in front of the child. For example, apple, pineapple, banana, plum. You can use real fruits or dummies. Ask what is the difference these items? Let their child compare tell each other that they differ: a) in color - “the plum is purple, and the apple is scarlet”, b) in size “the plum is small, and the pineapple is large”, c) in the nature of the surface (smooth, rough), d) shape ( round, oval, long - short).

Step 2 Then ask the main question: How are these pictures similar? What do these items have in common?" This is a difficult question. If necessary, help the baby with leading questions.

  • What do people do with them? Are eating. So they are similar in what they are? Correctly! Edible.
  • Where do they grow? Yes, they all grow not on the ground, but on trees, in the garden.
  • Can they grow themselves in the field or in the forest? No. Who planted them? Human! Can they grow without care, watering? So how are they similar?

Step 3 After discussion, do with the baby conclusion about the fact that all these pictures depict plants - fruits. And once again discuss the main features of fruits. Fruits are plants, they are always edible, they grow in the garden, they are planted and grown by a person, people take care of them. People cook fruit jam, compotes, jelly, marmalade and other delicious treats.

Step 4 Ask to select fruits from pictures of different products. Ask why is it a fruit? Maybe it's a vegetable? Point out the difference - fruits grow on trees in the garden. And vegetables grow on the ground in the garden.

Game 5. What is made from fruits? Cheerful cooks.

At the beginning of the game, we remember all the dishes that are made from fruits. Think about the favorite dishes of your children and your family.

Hint for adults: juice, compote, jelly, fruit drink, jam, jelly, jam, jam, marmalade, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits, Turkish delight are made from fruits. Remembered something else? I will be glad to your additions in the comments after the article.

And then we begin to play with the children - “cook” their favorite dish. For example, we cook marmalade. We depict how we stir the mass in the pan, how we lay it out with a spoon on a baking sheet, and then cut it into slices with a knife, treat the toys. And at this time we are talking about marmalade, learning to form adjectives from nouns.

Let's make marmalade from different fruits, and we will succeed (we start the phrase, and the children suggest the answer). Apple marmalade - what do we call it? Apple.

  • Marmalade from plums - what? Plum. (A common mistake is “creamy”! Pay attention to the child that creamy is made from cream. And made from plums is plum)
  • And from pears? Attention! Here common mistakes, the correct option is pear.
  • And what about peaches? Peach!
  • From apricots? Apricot.
  • From an orange? Orange.
  • From tangerine? Mandarin.

And then we start play in the cafe. Each time, we don’t just say a word, but depict a whole scene - we treat visitors, taste, lick, offer, ask questions. And at this time we say: “Oh, what a fragrant apple marmalade we got. And try pear? Maybe you like plum more? If the child allows typical mistake, for example, says “apple” instead of “apple”, then it is best to treat guests - toys - with apple marmalade, saying this word many times in the game in different phrases: “Would you like to treat yourself to apple marmalade? It is very tasty!". Or: “Our apple marmalade is very fragrant and not cloying, you will like it!”.

One such game- to persuade the character to try exactly apple marmalade, praising it in every possible way. And each time repeating its name and fixing the correct version of the word in speech. Naturally, at first the toy refuses, and then agrees. And she really, really likes apple marmalade. And your kid, playing, masters a new word for him, and will no longer make mistakes in it! And he himself will not notice how he learns to speak grammatically correctly!

Further You will only need to remind him of the correct option in everyday communication: “Remember, we played with fruits. What is the correct name for apple marmalade? Correct your mistake. Here's a smart one! Yes, apple! Never repeat your child's mistakes. It is very important for the baby to hear the grammatically correct speech of adults!

Game 6. Call me affectionately.

  • Apple - ? Apple.
  • Plum - ? — Cream
  • Apricot - ? - Apricot.
  • Pear - ? - Pear.
  • Orange - ? - Orange.
  • Mandarin - ? - Tangerine.
  • Lemon - ? Lemon.

Game 7. Wizards.

Give your child a magic wand and let him turn into a wizard. An ordinary pencil wrapped in foil can act as a stick. For beauty, you can attach a brush, bell or other attribute of magic to the pencil.

The task of our little wizards is to grow a lot of fruits. An evil wizard bewitched the garden, and only one apple grew in it. But our little wizard is waving his wand and it's a lot of things? apples!

  • There was one plum, a wave of the wand, and it turned out a lot? Drain.
  • Instead of one orange, a lot has grown? oranges.
  • There was one pineapple, but there was a lot of what? Pineapples.
  • There was one pear. Has it become a lot? Pears.
  • One banana hung on a branch, but there were a lot? Bananas.

In this grammar game, the kid gets acquainted with the genitive plural of nouns. You will be able to see and correct common grammatical errors. For example, children may say that there are a lot of "apples" instead of correct option"apples". Often babies say that there are a lot of “pears” or “pears” instead of the correct version of “pears”. If the kids are wrong, then spend with them next game to improve speaking skills.

Game 8

Lay out 6 pictures in front of the child. Each picture shows fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, pineapples (you can take another list of pictures). Let the baby close his eyes, and at this time you will remove one of the pictures. What was missing? Pears.

In this game, the child also learns to use words in the genitive case correctly.

Visual material (pictures)+ for this game and other games articles already posted in the section of the site "Library of games, pictures and materials for activities with children" -

Game 9

  • Lemon, mandarin, orange, cucumber.
  • Pineapple, boletus, apple, pear.
  • Pear, plum, fruit, kiwi.
  • Plum, pear, compote, apple.

Be sure to ask the children why they chose this particular word as odd. Children have their own logic, and it also has the right to life! In addition, the ability to explain and prove one's point of view, to build arguments is very important in life and begins to develop in a child precisely in preschool age! Take advantage of these child development opportunities!

Game 10

In this entertaining and fun game it is very easy to learn how to correctly use nouns in the genitive plural. It happens so naturally! Children love to play, they play the game many times, and every time they develop and reinforce their speech skills without any edification, boring exercises or long explanations - naturally and effortlessly!

For the game you will need pictures, each of which depicts several fruits. You need two identical sets.

One of the children is the leader. He is given one set of pictures. All participants in the game take a picture from another set.

The facilitator's task is to guess who has what. The dialogue goes like this:

- Do you have lemons? I do not have no lemons! Do you have oranges? No, I do not have oranges! Do you have apples? No, I do not have apples! Do you have pears? No. I have no pears! Do you have tangerines? Yes, I have tangerines.

It is discussed in advance how many questions the host can ask one player. Usually it is 4-5 questions. If he was able to guess, then the children change roles in the game. The leader becomes a player, and the child whose picture is guessed goes further.

If the presenter did not guess from 4 questions, then he continues to guess.

You can play this game together with your baby. Then the adult asks questions, and the child answers. Then switch roles.

Finger gymnastics on the topic "Fruit".

1. Orange.

We bend the fingers one by one.

We shared an orange. There are many of us, and he is one! This slice is for hedgehogs, This slice is for ducks, This slice is for ducklings, This slice is for kittens. This slice is for the beaver, And for the wolf - the peel!

2. Compote.

We depict actions in accordance with the text:

We will cook compote, We need a lot of fruits here: We will chop apples, We will chop a pear. Squeeze out the lemon juice, drain, and put the sand. We cook, we cook compote. Let's treat honest people.

3. Fhands.

We unbend the fingers one by one.

This finger is an orange, He, of course, is not alone. This finger is a plum, Delicious, beautiful. This finger is an apricot, It grew high on a branch. This finger is a pear, He asks: “Come on, eat!” This finger is a pineapple, Fruit for you and for us.

Fun physical activities:

1. Harvest.

Show actions: we carry the ladder, put the ladder, pick pears, put them in boxes, load them into the car.

2. How a gardener grew an apple tree.

Show actions: the gardener digs a hole, plants an apple tree, whitens the trunk of an apple tree, waters, fertilizes, prune, collects fruits.

3. Apple.

That's the apple! It's full of sweet juice! (stand up, arms to the sides, stretch) Stretch your arms, pick an apple! (hands up, stretch up) The wind began to swing a twig, it's hard to pick an apple! (arms up, tilts to the sides) I will jump, I will stretch out my hand and quickly pick an apple! (jumping up, clapping overhead)

Cartoon "Orange" based on the fairy tale by Stepan Pisakhov.

Find fables with your children in this cartoon :). What could be in reality, and what is here like in a fairy tale?

Until we meet again on the "Native Path"! I wish you success and joyful communication with children!

Useful materials for classes with children on the development of speech (pictures, tasks, games, presentations) can be found under the headings:


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Natalia Semenova
A selection of finger games on the theme "Vegetables and Fruits" for the second junior group

When preparing a program of classes in preschool educational institutions, the age characteristics of students should be taken into account. For children aged three or four, the main activity is play. While playing, children learn about the environment, learn social roles, and absorb elements of national culture. For the purpose of the harmonious development of their pupils, experienced teachers resort to finger gymnastics, which can also be used through game exercises.

Finger gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills hands Value finger gymnastics lies in the fact that by developing the hands of children, we stimulate the development of students' speech.

Finger Gymnastics is a multi-purpose set of exercises with which you can simultaneously develop hand motor skills, speech, as well as imagination and memory.

Lesson goals finger gymnastics in kindergarten these are:

Development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements fingers;

Improving the articulation of sounds and the formation of the rhythm of speech;

Development of higher psychological functions: thinking;



Formation of perseverance, attentiveness of students.

During the course of the finger gymnastics with children aged three to four years, the teacher needs to decide the following tasks:

Develop small movements fingers, as well as the synchronicity of actions fingers of both hands;

Combine manual and verbal actions; develop the higher psychological functions of children through repetition and memorization of rhymes used in this kind of games, as well as by visualizing the text of the game;

To form children's interest in games of this kind;

To use folklore material in the work, which will contribute to the upbringing and development of the individual within the framework of given cultural traditions.

Goals and objectives of the exercises finger gymnastics can be adjusted depending on the physical and mental development of children.

How to effectively conduct finger gymnastics

1. Important in working with children is their interest in performing certain actions.

2. Feature finger gymnastics is that it is always a game, and children love to play, so there should be no problems with doing the exercises.

3. Finger gymnastics can be done both individually and with a group of children.

4. The timing of gymnastics may vary depending on the type of game. (on average games last from three to five minutes).

5. If the game takes a small amount of time and is well known to children, then you can complete its task during walks and in between classes.

6. Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to prepare children's pens: warm them up. To do this, you can gently rub the handles against each other or stroke.

7. After our pens are ready, it is necessary to proceed to the gymnastics itself.

8. There are loads of exercises finger gymnastics based on manipulations with small objects (pencils, threads, cubes, balls, etc.)

When conducting finger gymnastics uses the following methods:

Show actions;

Actions by the hands of the child;

Child's independent actions.

Finger gymnastics begins with the fact that the teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game, the text of the exercise and handouts, if any. Next, the teacher himself begins to complete the task, pronouncing the text of the game (poem, counting rhyme, etc., while the children begin repeat.

With kids second junior group you can learn poems, songs in advance, look at illustrations, discuss and retell the texts necessary for classes.

Tips for holding finger gymnastics:

1. The teacher must slowly and clearly pronounce the words of the poem (counters or others, focusing on difficult to pronounce sounds (tempo can be increased over time).

2. Watch your movements (After you repeat) and staging children's fingers.

3. When performing exercises, everyone should be involved fingers of both hands.

4. Each exercise repeat 2-3 times.

5. Use accompaniment, illustrations, video (this will help common development child).

6. Match games, which use all the movements of the hand (compression, extension, the work of each finger) .

7. Use a variety of exercise types.

8. When carrying out finger gymnastics it is recommended to use visual material. This will contribute to the development of imagination, figurative thinking of children.

9. As an illustration, they can used: drawings, toys, colored paper, interactive whiteboard, etc.


At the girl Zinochka

Vegetables in a basket:

Children make hands "basket".

Here's a fat squash

I put it on the barrel

Peppers and carrots

Cleverly put it down

Tomato and cucumber.

flex fingers, starting with the big one.

Our Zina - well done!

Show thumb.


We chop cabbage, chop,

We salt-salt the cabbage,

We three-three cabbage

We are eating cabbage.

Movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the pads fingers, rub fist on fist. Clench and unclench your fists.

Pulling, pulling grandma and grandpa

Pulling fingers on the nail phalanges

From the ground a big turnip:

Here comes our granddaughter,

The dog Bug would help.

Where is the cat, mouse - baby?

eponymous fingers touch each other.

Even though I held on tight

Pulled out turnip.

Big finger shakes apples.

The brushes are clenched into a fist, we unbend a large finger.

The second collects.

Extend the index finger.

The third carries them home.

Extend the middle finger

The fourth falls out.

We unfold the nameless one.

The smallest one is a jerk.

We unbend the little finger

Everything, everything, everything eats.

We will cook compote,

Left hand - "ladle", the right one simulates stirring.

You need a lot of fruits:

Let's chop apples

Bend over fingers starting with thumb.

We will chop the pear

Squeeze lemon juice

We put the drain on the sand.

We cook, we cook compote.

Again "boil" and "stir".

Let's treat honest people.

Extend your arms to the sides.

The hands are clenched into a fist.

Big plum finger shakes.

Extend the thumb.

The second collects.

Extend the index finger.

The third carries them home.

Extend the middle finger.

The fourth falls out.

We unfold the nameless one.

The smallest - "naughty"

Everything eats everything.

We unbend the little finger.

fruit basket

Like our Zina

Fruits in a basket:

Children make hands "basket".

apples and pears,

For the kids to eat

Peaches and plums -

How beautiful!

Look at the runet!

flex fingers starting with the little finger.

Tastier than ours no fruit!

Stroking the belly.

fruit palm

This finger - orange,

He is certainly not alone.

This finger - plum,

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger - apricot,

It grew high on a branch.

This finger - pear,

Requests: "Come on, eat!"

This finger - pineapple,

Alternately unbend fist fingers, starting with the big one.

Fruit for you and for us.

They point with their palms around and at themselves.

Berries are gooseberries,

Cranberries, blueberries, cranberries,

Raspberry, strawberry, rosehip,

Currant and strawberry.

index finger one hand is counted, bending, fingers on the other hand.

I remember the berries at last.

What does it mean?

They raise their shoulders, they are surprised.

I'm fine fellow!

The thumb is extended forward.

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group on the lexical topic “Forest. Berries"

(First year of study)

Correctional and educational goals:

Consolidation of ideas about the forest and plants growing in the forest. Clarification, expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic. Improving the grammatical structure of speech, teaching how to make sentences; form nouns with diminutive suffixes; reinforce the use of prepositions;

Correction-developing goals:

The development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Education of love and respect for nature.

Equipment: Type-setting canvas, pictures depicting autumn signs, a basket with planar images of berries, pictures depicting berries, notebooks, colored pencils, a ball.

1. Organizing time.

- The one who will name the names of the mushrooms will sit down.

- Where do mushrooms grow?

What else grows in the forest?

- What are we going to talk about today?

2. Finger gymnastics "For the berries"
One, two, three, four, five, The fingers of both hands greet.
We go for a walk in the forest. O without hands "go" with index

For blueberries, for raspberries, and middle fingers on the table.
For lingonberries, for viburnum. Fingers are bent, starting with the big one.
We will find strawberries
And take it to my brother.
3. Introduction to the topic. Game "Walking in the forest"

- Forest is big house where different plants, animals and birds live.
We're going to the forest. "Who will you see in the forest?" or “What will you see in the forest?”
Children answer: “I will see trees. I see bushes. I will see flowers. I will see animals. I will see birds. I see mushrooms. I will see berries."
Children call wild berries (from pictures) - lingonberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries.

4. Exercise "Tell me which berry"

What is lingonberry? Red, sour, small.

What is raspberry? Pink, large, sweet, juicy.

What blueberry? Blue, sweet, small.

5. Exercise "Echo"

- We got lost in the forest. Let's shout "OW!"

The girls are loud and the boys are quiet.

6. "What's gone?"

- Look at the pictures carefully.

Now close your eyes, I'm removing one picture. What was missing?
7. The game "Big - small"

berry - berry raspberry - raspberry
strawberries - strawberries blueberries - blueberries

bush-bush cranberry - cranberry
leaf - leaf bird - bird
flower - flower branch - branch

8. The game "One - many" (with the ball)
Mushroom - mushrooms berry - berries
tree - trees bush - bushes
Leaf - leaves bird - birds
Flower - flowers branch - branches

9. Physical education "Picking berries"

I take berries from the branches Perform actions according to the text.

And I collect in a basket.

Berries - a full basket!

I'll try a little.

I'll eat a little more -

It will be easier to get home.

And then more raspberries.

How many berries are in the basket?

One, two, three, four, five…

I will collect again.

10. The game "What shall we cook?"
From mushrooms - mushroom soup.
From raspberries - raspberry jam.
From blueberries - blueberry jam.
From strawberries - strawberry jam.
From cranberries - cranberry juice.
From lingonberries - lingonberry jam.

11. The game "What is it?"(finish the sentence and repeat it in full).
Birch, aspen, oak are ... (trees).
Honey agaric, russula, fly agaric - this is ... (mushrooms).
Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries are ... (berries)
12. Game "Come up with a sentence about berries"

Guys. Look at the pictures. Each of you will choose a berry and come up with a proposal about it. I will help you:

We have collected a lot of cranberries.

A lot of strawberries grow in the forest.

Blueberries ripen on the bushes.

Mom made raspberry jam.

Dad brought a lot of lingonberries from the forest.

13. The result of the lesson.

Remember what was said.

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Olesya Lukyanova
Integrated lesson in senior group"Berries"

Target: create conditions for the formation of children's ideas about berries.


educational: to form children's knowledge about forest and garden, edible and poisonous berries.

Educational: develop speech and expand active vocabulary older preschoolers; develop fine motor skills.

Educational: to promote the education of respect for nature and the desire to help birds.

Educational area: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Types of children's activities: playful, productive, communicative, motor.

vocabulary work: wolf bast (wolf berry, May lily of the valley, raven eye, belladonna, forest, garden berry, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, currant, cranberry, strawberry, cranberry, cherry, lingonberry, strawberry.

Equipment: easel, laptop, ball, planar images of birds (tit and sparrow, plywood house, feeder, pointer.

Demo Material: picture series "Garden and forest berries» , power point slide presentation "Poisonous berries» .

Handout: colored pencils, coloring pictures depicting berries on twigs(raspberries, mountain ash, gooseberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants) on the subgroup of children; scissors, strips of colored paper in blue, red and green, templates berries, simple pencils, plates (on the subgroup of children) ; plasticine, oilcloths for modeling, plates (on subgroup of children, baskets 4 pieces, cards with the image of garden and forest berries 2 teams equal.

Preliminary work with children: learning finger gymnastics "Per berry» , learning physical minutes "In the woods", looking at dummies berries, conversation.

Individual work: consolidation of generalizing concepts (Rita, Ruslan, consolidation of the skill of forming adjectives from nouns (Andrey, Yaroslav).

Structure lessons:

1. Introduction.

caregiver: Guys! Look how many of us there are today. Let's give smiles to each other. Turn to your neighbor and smile like a cat in the sun. Now look at me and smile like a sly fox. Now smile, as if you were given a little puppy, smile from the bottom of your heart! (I invite the children to sit on the chairs).

And now, guys, I will give you a riddle, guessing it, you will find out what we will talk about today, learn a lot of new and interesting:

Was green little

Then I turned red.

I blushed in the sun

And now I'm ripe.

Children: Berry!

caregiver A: That's right, guys. We will talk about berries.

2. The main part.

caregiver: Please tell me which berries you know?

Children: Strawberry, currant, blueberry, strawberry, blueberry, strawberry, etc.

caregiver: Oh, what good fellows! Do you know where they grow berries?

Children: In the forest, in the garden.

caregiver A: That's right, guys. How are they called in one word? berries that grow in the forest?

Children: Forest.

caregiver: And now I will make riddles for you, and you try to guess the names of the forest berries:

Lots of dark blue beads

Someone dropped it on a bush.

Collect them in a basket.

These beads are. (blueberry)

What the berry like this - blue - blue?

In the swamp, here and there these berries grow.

Berry like a drop, slightly oblong,

It sways on the bush, what is it called? (Blueberry)

In the forest in deep autumn

Wherever moss grows

This blushes berry

Over bumps in the swamps. (Cranberry)

I am small in the forest,

Fragrant and scarlet.

But less than strawberries.

So who am I (Strawberry)

Like small grapes

Red clusters hang.

Pick them up in September

Stock up on vitamins.

In the middle of deadwood - look! -

What the berry?. (Cowberry)

If the children find it difficult to answer, I help them by saying the names berries, I ask the children to selectively show me this or that berry on posted pictures.

caregiver: Guys, what are they called berries that grow in the garden?

Children: Garden.

caregiver: And what kind of garden berries you know?

Children: Raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry, currant, etc.

caregiver: Guys, can you come up with a riddle about any garden berry? (children guess puzzles: by shape, color, taste, etc.)

caregiver: And tell me please than forest berries different from garden ones, what do you think?

If the children find it difficult to answer, I tell them about differences: forest berries smaller than garden berries; garden bushes and leaves berries are larger than the forest ones; behind the garden man caring for berries, and forest grow themselves.

caregiver: Guys, do you want to play?

Children: Yes.

The game "Collect in a basket"

Children are divided into 2 teams. On two tables "clearings" scattered and mixed forest and garden berries. At the command of the educator, the participants of each team go to their table and begin to sort berries. In one basket they collect forest berries, in another - garden. The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.

The teacher praises the children and asks to sit down in their seats.

caregiver: Guys, what are the benefits berries for humans?

Children: You can eat them, they are healthy, there are a lot of vitamins.

caregiver: Correctly. Berries- a very useful product rich in vitamins and nutrients. And some of them we use as medicine. For example strawberries, strawberries, raspberries are rich in vitamin C, which is very important for the prevention of colds. They strengthen the immune system and fight harmful microbes. Berries Blueberries have a very beneficial effect on our eyesight. Lingonberries and cranberries are excellent helpers for relieving heat. Guys, what do you think? berries are useful? Are there any harmful berries? (children's answers). Does anyone know their names?

In addition to useful berries in nature grow and poisonous berries. Collecting berries, do not confuse edible with poisonous! poisonous some berries. They should be remembered so as not to harm either yourself or your comrades.

Wolf's bark - small bush, blooms in spring with lilac pretty small fragrant flowers on branches without leaves. In autumn, red-orange oblong flowers ripen on the plant. berries, very seductive. But they are not only eaten, it is not recommended to touch them - the plant is poisonous!

Belladonna (belladonna)- the whole plant is poisonous, especially black with a purple tint berry, which ripens in the autumn on a dirty purple (or green) stem. It blooms with bell-shaped brown-violet flowers.

May lily of the valley is our regal forest flower. Who among us has not admired the delicately smelling white bell flowers? The whole plant is poisonous, especially the bright red ones that appear in autumn. berries - lily of the valley fruit. But the leaves and seeds are widely used in the manufacture of medicines that improve heart function.

The raven eye has a black fruit berry resembling a large blueberry, only this fruit grows- berry alone - in the midst of wide (not small ones like blueberries) leaves.


Sunny fine day

My friends and I are going to the forest.

We carry baskets with us (Walking in place)

Here's a good trail! (stop, spread arms to the sides)

Collecting strawberries

Looking for delicious blueberries

blueberry, bone berry,

Sour cranberries. (Tilts to the right, left leg)

And around full of raspberries -

We couldn't get past (we spread our arms to the sides)

Collecting bushes ... (Turns left - right)

There are great places here!

Again we go through the forest, (Walking in place)

And around - so interesting!

Time to rest, my friend. (We stretch)

We will sit down on a stump! (sit on chairs).

Didactic ball game "Name it right".

The teacher throws the ball and says the phrase from which you want to form a name adjective:

Raspberry Compote… (crimson)

Blueberry Jam… (bilberry)

Strawberry Jam… (strawberry)

Kissel from currant ... (currant)

Cherry juice... (cherry)

Cranberry juice… (cranberry)

Ice cream with strawberries (strawberry)

The formation of a diminutive form noun:

Berry ...(berry)

Strawberries… (strawberry)

Cherry (cherry)

Rowan (pock)

Cowberry (lingonberry)

Strawberry (strawberry)

The teacher praises the children for their answers.

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Pictures with the image:

Tangerines, watermelon, strawberries, currants

Gooseberry, raspberry, strawberry, tomato

Strawberry, blueberry, plum, rowan

Crow's eye, gooseberry, lingonberry, raspberry

caregiver: Guys, you hear a knock, it seems, outside the window (I go up and push the curtains, a tit and a sparrow are sitting on the feeder outside the window of the plywood house). Oh guys, yes we have guests! Who is it?

Children: Birds. Titmouse and sparrow.

caregiver: Guys, our feeder is empty, and the birds probably want to eat!

By the way, they love to peck berries. BUT berries now there is almost nothing left in the forests and gardens and the birds have nothing to eat. Help the birds, feed them berries made by hand?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: You can help the birds in three centers. You need to think and decide where you would like to work. In the 1st center you need to color berries the corresponding color, recognizing the image berries on a branch(twigs of raspberries, mountain ash, gooseberries, blueberries, currants, strawberries) and spread out. In the 2nd center - cut berries from strips of colored paper and put on a plate. And in the 3rd center blind plasticine berries. But before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Per berry»

One, two, three, four, five, (fingers greet each other, starting with the little finger)

We go for a walk in the forest. (two fingers of the right hand "walk" on the palm of the other hand)

For blueberries

for raspberries,

For cranberries

For viburnum.

We will find strawberries (alternately bend the fingers on the right hand, starting with the little finger)

And take it to my brother. (squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands 4 times)

Children choose a center and get to work.

Finished berries on plates and in a basket they put the birds near the feeder.

The teacher praises the children.

3. Final part.

Children with a teacher stand in a reflective circle.

caregiver: Guys, do you think it is important what you learned today? (children's answers). What exactly? (children's answers).

caregiver: In what centers did you work? What did they do there? (children's answers). Were there any difficulties in completing the task? Which? (children's answers). What did you like the most? (children's answers).

Well done! You have worked very hard today! Did a good deed - fed the birds berries. And now I propose to go outside and feed the birds on our site. Do you agree?

Children: Yes! (teacher and children leave).

Theme: "Toys"
Finger gymnastics "Toys"

On a large sofa in a row, alternately clap their hands and
banging their fists.
Tannin's dolls are sitting:
Two bears, Pinocchio, Bend all fingers in turn.
And cheerful Chipolino,
Both a kitten and an elephant.
One, two, three, four, five. Unbend alternately all fingers.
We help our Tanya Alternately clap their hands and
We count the toys. banging their fists.

Theme: "Autumn"
Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.)

One, two, three, four, five, bend fingers on both hands,
starting with the big ones.
Let's collect the leaves. Rhythmically squeeze and unclench
Birch leaves, fingers are bent again, starting with
Rowan leaves, large.
poplar leaves,
aspen leaves,
We will collect oak leaves, "Stride" on the table in the middle and
We'll take the autumn bouquet to mom. index fingers of both hands.
N. Nishcheva

Theme: "Vegetables"
Finger gymnastics "Vegetables"

The hostess once from the bazaar They squeeze and unclench their fingers.
Hostess from the market home
Potatoes, fingers are bent alternately.
Parsley and beets.
Y. Tuvin

Theme: "Vegetables"
Finger gymnastics "Cabbage"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

We chop cabbage, Rhythmic strikes with the edge of the palms on the table.
We three carrots, Rubbing palms together.
We salt the cabbage, Index and middle fingers rub against
We are eating cabbage. Grasping movements with both hands.
We chopped the cabbage, Rhythmic strikes with the edge of the palms on
Frayed, Rubbing palms together.
Salted, Index and middle fingers rub against
And stuffed tightly into the tub Blows with both hands on the table.
Everything is fine with us now. Shake off with hands.

Theme: "Fruits"

Playing with massage balls "Plum"

I hold the plum in my hand, Put the ball on my right palm.
I clench in a fist, Squeeze it tightly.
I let go, I open my hand Open my hand.
And I roll with my hands. Roll the ball between the palms.
N. Nishcheva

Theme: "Fruits"
Finger gymnastics "Orange"

We shared an orange, Walk in a circle, holding hands.
There are many of us, and he is one.
This slice is for the hedgehog. Stop facing in a circle.
This slice is for a swift. Bend one finger on both
This slice is for ducklings. hands, starting with large, for each
This slice is for kittens. the name of the animal.
This slice is for the beaver.
And for a wolf - peel. Depict the mouth of a wolf with two
He is angry with us - Trouble!!! They squat. They cover their heads with their hands.
Run away, who goes where! They scatter.

Theme: "Fruits"
Finger gymnastics "Compote"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech.)

We will cook compote - The left palm is held with a "ladle",
You need a lot of fruits. Here. index finger of the right hand
We will chop apples, Bend fingers one at a time, starting We will chop a pear, from a large one.
Squeeze lemon juice
Put the drain and sand.
We cook, we cook compote, Again they “cook” and “interfere”.
Let's treat honest people.
N. Nishcheva

Theme: "Fruits"
Finger gymnastics "Fruits"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech.)

Adults and children know: They squeeze and unclench their fingers.
There are many fruits in the world!
Apples and oranges, Bend one finger at a time, starting
Apricots, tangerines, from the little finger.
And bananas and pomegranates
Rich in vitamins.

Theme: "Mushrooms"

(Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

Top - top - five steps, "Step" fingers on the table.
There are five mushrooms in the box. Intertwined fingers - made tuesochek,
Amanita muscaria is a dangerous mushroom. thumbs- a pen.
And the second is a fox, They bend one finger on both
Red pigtail. hands on each mushroom name,
The third mushroom is a wave, starting with the little fingers.
Pink ear.
And the fourth mushroom is morel,
Bearded old man.
The fifth mushroom is white,
Eat it boldly!

Theme: "Mushrooms"
Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech.)

We walk along the paths, They clench and unclench their fists.
We walk the paths
We walk with baskets, we “Step” with our fingers on the table.
We go with baskets.
Directly behind the edge, fingers suddenly bend in turn.
We found waves
And a stump with honey agarics under
Rowan thin.
Strong boletus has grown
under the birch
The red boletus has grown
Under the aspen.

Theme: "Mushrooms"
Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

We'll go into the woods, They squeeze and unclench their fingers.
We will find the fungus From the hands they fold the fungus: one hand
clenched into a fist, the other covers the fist
In a smart hat, They squeeze and unclench their fingers.
Light chocolate.
I'm in the forest on green delirium, Fingers "walk" on the table.
I'll collect the mushrooms in a box, They imitate a basket with one hand,
another put mushrooms in it.
I take saffron milk mushrooms in the aspen forest, They bend their fingers one by one.
Along the birch - boletus
On pine stumps - mushrooms,
And under the tree - a white mushroom - a boletus.

Theme: "Bread"
Finger gymnastics "Bread"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

Sasha walked along the highway, Fingers "walk".
carried dryers in a bag.
Drying - Grisha, drying - Misha, Massage of the fingers of the left hand.
There are dryers Prosha, Vasyusha, Antosha.
2 more drying Nyusha and Petrusha, Massage of the fingers of the right hand.
3 more drying Pasha, Tanya, Vanya.

Theme: "Clothes"
Finger gymnastics "I put on a glove"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

I put on a glove, Stroking in turn with one hand
I don't get into it. another, as if putting on a glove.
Count the guys, Rhythmically squeeze and unclench
How many fingers does the glove have.
We begin to count aloud: Bend the fingers on both hands,
"One, two, three, four, five!" starting with the big ones.

Theme: "Shoes"

Exercise with massage balls "Funny legs"

In smart sneakers Roll the ball forward.
funny legs
Skipping run Roll the ball back.
Along the sandy path.
N. Nishcheva

Theme: "Home"
Finger gymnastics "Building a house"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

Tuki - tuki with a hammer, They knock with their fists one on the other.
I'm building, I'm building new house. The palms are at an angle
It will be big, like a spruce, the tips of the fingers touch.
There will be windows, there will be a door. They make a "window" and a "door" from the fingers.
I will put everyone in it: Clap your hands.
Mouse, rabbit, fox.

Topic: "Household appliances"
Finger gymnastics "Household appliances"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

We buy a computer, Squeeze and unclench your fingers.
I've been waiting for it for a whole year! They clap their hands.
But one thing confuses me: They squeeze and unclench their fingers.
The mouse lives in the computer. Fingers "run" on the table.

Theme: "Furniture"
Finger gymnastics "Furniture"

(Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

We will count the furniture: Squeeze and unclench your fingers.
Armchair, chair, sofa, stool, Bend fingers on the right hand,
starting with the little finger.
Shelf, wardrobe, bed, whatnot. Bend your fingers over left hand,
starting with the little finger.

Theme: "Furniture"
Finger gymnastics "A lot of furniture in the apartment"

(Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

One, two, three, four, Rhythmically squeeze and unclench
Lots of furniture in the apartment. cams.
We will hang a shirt in the closet, Bend the fingers, starting with
Let's put a cup in the cupboard. large, for each name of furniture.
To rest the legs
Let's sit on a chair for a bit.
And when we were fast asleep
We were lying on the bed.
And then me and the cat
We sat at the table.
They drank tea with jam. Clap hands alternately and
Lots of furniture in the apartment. banging their fists.

Theme: "Dishes"
Finger gymnastics "Helpers"

(Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

One, two, three, four, five - Claps.
We washed the dishes: One palm slides over the other.
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon Bend fingers one at a time
And a big ladle. each dish name.
We washed the dishes, One palm slides over the other.
Only we broke the cup, Fingers are bent again.
The bucket also fell apart
The nose of the teapot broke off,
We broke the spoon a little.
So we helped mom. Rhythmic punches and
palms alternately.

Topic: "Man. Body parts"
Finger gymnastics "Body"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

Is on our fingers In the course of reading point to
nails, mentioned part of the body.
On the hands - wrists, elbows.
Crown, neck, shoulders, chest
And don't forget your belly.
There are knees. There is a back
But she is only one.

Topic: "Man. Body parts"
Finger gymnastics "Early - early in the morning"

(Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

Water, water, Children imitate shaking off water from
Wash my face, Show me how to wash my face.
To make the eyes shine, One is folded on each line
To make the cheeks burn, a finger on both hands.
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.

Topic: "Man. Body parts"
Finger gymnastics "Head"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

We have on our heads Point to the mentioned part
Two ears and two lobes. body.
Brows. Cheekbones and whiskey
And eyes that are so close.
Cheeks. Nose and two nostrils
Lips, teeth - look!
Chin under the lip.
Here's what we know!

Topic: " New Year»
Finger gymnastics "Gifts"

(Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

Santa Claus brought gifts: Children "walk" with their fingers on the table.
Primers, albums, stamps, For each name of the gift
Dolls, bears and cars, bend one finger at a time: first
Parrot and penguin, on the right, then on the left hand.
Chocolate half a bag
And a fluffy puppy.
N. Nishcheva

Theme: "New Year"
Finger gymnastics "Herringbone"

(Coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

In the morning the children were surprised, They spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders.
What miracles happened
This New Year's Eve night.
Expected anything, Squeeze and unclench their fingers.
And we saw the parade:
Snowmen stand in a row, Draw three circles in the air with their hands.
Eyes are burning merrily, Close and open with palms
And in front of them is a Christmas tree Clap your hands.
Fluffy, with needles.
G. Utrobin

Theme: "Winter"
Finger gymnastics "We went for a walk in the yard"

(Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Work on the pace and rhythm of speech).

One, two, three, four, five, bend fingers one at a time.
We went for a walk in the yard. "Walk" on the table with the index and
middle fingers.
They sculpted a snow woman, “Sculpt” a lump with two palms.
They fed the birds with crumbs, “They crumble bread” with all fingers.
Then we rolled down the hill, Lead with the index finger of the right
hands on the palm of the left hand.
And also rolled in the snow. They put their palms on the table, then one, then
the other side.
Everyone came home in the snow. Shake off palms.
We ate soup and went to bed. Movements with an imaginary spoon;
hands under the cheek.