Beijing changed the summer Olympics to the winter. Beijing is an example for Sochi

Capital of the XXIV Olympic winter games in 2022 will be Beijing. The Chinese capital won the vote of the members of the International Olympic Committee at the session in Kuala Lumpur. The only competitor - Kazakh Alma-Ata lost four votes.

Beijing will be the first city in history to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. The main starts for athletes who are not friends with ice and snow were already held in the Northern Capital in 2008. After 14 years olympic fire will again be in the second largest city in China.

Current elections Olympic capital turned out to be extremely boring. For the second time in the 21st century, only two applications made it to the final elections. The last such case was associated with the 2006 Olympics, when the Italian Turin and the Swiss Sion came together in a dispute. Since then, at least three cities have always claimed the White Olympics.

But a year ago, there were much more participants among the official applicants. Six cities could reach Malaysia, but for various reasons they refused to continue the fight.

First from Olympic dream Polish Krakow refused, which planned to host the competition along with Zakopane and the Slovak village of Jasna - if successful, this could be the first Olympics in different countries. But the inhabitants of Krakow at the local referendum abandoned the plans of the authorities. Almost 70% of the residents then said "no" to the Games.

Lvov was next. He also talked about plans to make Western Ukraine one of the centers of winter tourism.

However, the ensuing crisis deprived the country of any chance to host the Olympics. Then thoughts were expressed that Lvov could compete for next Games in 2026, but nothing has been known about these plans since then.

Among the competitors of Beijing and Alma-Ata, there are quite serious bids from Oslo and Stockholm - the capitals of traditionally strong winter sports powers, whose entire infrastructure has long been ready. Their shares were raised by the fact that Scandinavia has not hosted the Olympics since 1994, and Asia already received the Games in 2018 thanks to the Korean Pyeongchang. However, neither in Norway nor in Sweden did the Olympic plans receive support from political elites, and both cities were forced to follow Krakow and Lvov.

Thus, only two cities remained among the contenders, for which large winter sport competitions- a real exotic. Alma-Ata can boast of hosting winter Asian Games which cannot be compared with the real Olympics. Beijing, on the other hand, has hosted the World Short Track Speed ​​Skating Championships and the World Curling Forum only twice. About top-level competitions in hockey, biathlon, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, ski jumping, Nordic combined, snowboarding, bobsleigh and luge have never been heard in Kazakhstan or China.

Nevertheless, both cities turned out to be the only contenders for the Olympics, promising that all sports facilities would be built, and that there would be suitable tracks and slopes in the vicinity that would not be inferior in quality to European ones.

Actually, in Beijing, all indoor arenas are already ready - the stadiums built for the Summer Games are being converted to the needs of the Olympics. Where basketball and handball matches were played, hockey players will now fight, volleyball players will be pushed out by figure skaters, and the screams of curling players will be heard where splashes of water were previously heard due to ski jumping.

Perhaps it was the story of the conversion of summer arenas into winter ones, as well as the usual large-scale approach of the Chinese to organizing competitions, that charmed the IOC members. In a single round of voting, Beijing received 44 votes to Almaty's 40. New Olympics after Sochi in the post-Soviet space will not be.

More news, materials and statistics can be viewed at winter views sports.

Image copyright EPA Image caption International Olympic Committee made his choice in favor of the capital of China

The 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing, it was announced at a meeting of the International Olympic Committee in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Initially, three cities claimed the title of the capital of the 2022 Olympics - Oslo, Alma-Ata and Beijing.

The Norwegian capital withdrew its candidacy in October 2014.

Image copyright AP Image caption In the event of a shortage of natural snow, the Chinese authorities promise to synthesize artificial

Beijing hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics. The Chinese capital has become the first city to host both the summer and winter Olympics.

On average, it snows in Beijing for only a few days in early February, and the snow cover does not exceed 7 cm.

However, the Chinese authorities promise to purchase equipment for creating artificial snow.

The infrastructure is already there

Image copyright AFP Image caption The Chinese delegation began to dance after the announcement of the voting results

Beijing is going to use the famous Water Cube - a swimming complex that will be converted into winter sports.

The stadium "Bird's Nest" will host the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics.

In addition, China still has a large media center, as well as many hotels built for the 2008 Games.

According to the plans of the Chinese authorities, the Olympics will be held in three places at once: directly in Beijing, Yanqing County and the city of Zhangjiakou.

Image copyright AFP Image caption The stadium "Bird's Nest" will host the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics

This is due to the lack of snow in Beijing itself. As a result, it turns out that the Olympic Village will be located at a distance of about 200 kilometers from some of the sports facilities.

However, China promises to build a high-speed railway for the competition.

The announced budget is $3.9 billion, but it does not include estimates for the construction of the railway.

For the first time in history, a city that hosted the Summer Games won the Winter Olympics. IOC prefers Chinese bid over Alma-Ata

The host of the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games has been determined. Beijing received this honor at the 128th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Kuala Lumpur. The Chinese capital will be the first city to Summer Games will also accept winter ones. Such in Olympic history was not there yet. In a head-on collision, Beijing defeated another candidate - Kazakhstan's Alma-Ata. 44 members of the IOC voted for the capital of China, 40 for the Kazakh city.

Beijing was initially considered the favorite Olympic race. The Chinese organizers relied on the rich experience they gained during the 2008 Summer Games and the rich infrastructure left after them. They planned to use most of these objects one way or another. For example, on the famous National Stadium, better known as the "Bird's Nest", should take place the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics. For the competitions of the 2022 Games, it is planned to use three clusters: central Beijing (opening ceremony, figure skating, short track, ice hockey, curling, speed skating), Beijing Yanqing County ( skiing, bobsleigh, luge, skeleton) and the city of Zhangjiakou ( ski race, ski jumping, biathlon, freestyle, snowboarding).

China became the 15th country in history to win the right to host the Olympic Games more than once and the 9th country to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. In addition, Beijing has become only the second capital of the state (after Oslo) to host the Winter Olympics. The fact is that strict requirements for ski disciplines force all the White Games to be held near the mountains. BUT ski resorts located in close proximity to the capitals, in principle, there are not too many in the world.

From the point of view of the supporters of Beijing's bid, the comparative remoteness of the Chinese capital from the mountains, with modern transport capabilities, is not such a disadvantage. The environmental aspect was considered a big disadvantage of the Chinese application - the state of the air in the 20-million-strong metropolis caused criticism even during the 2008 Games. But, apparently, this did not confuse the members of the IOC. As well as the fact that the International Olympic Committee will probably again have to resolve the numerous problems caused by the rejection of the Chinese political system in the Western world. However, in Kazakhstan there would be no less such nuances.

Both applications demonstrated their commitment to Olympic values, which they once again confirmed today during their presentations, TASS quotes Alexander Zhukov, head of the Russian Olympic Committee and head of the IOC evaluation commission for choosing the venue for the 2022 Olympics. Both cities wanted to leave a positive legacy for many years to come. The candidates earned the gratitude of the millions of people they represented.

We are honored that the IOC has made the decision to award the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Games to Beijing, the Chinese organizing committee said in a statement. - We express our gratitude to the IOC and all Olympic Movement. Just as with Beijing 2008, the Olympic family believed that the city would once again host the self-sufficient and economical Games as promised. It will be an unforgettable event at the foot of the Great Wall of China for all Olympic family, athletes and spectators. The Games will multiply the potential for the growth of winter sports in our country, in Asia and around the world.

I think it's right choice, - quotes the words of the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko "R-Sport". - In the light of all recent events, in terms of the ability of our colleagues from China to hold events of this magnitude, this is an objective choice. Beijing is the capital of world sports, they know how to organize such events and create infrastructure. Our colleagues from Kazakhstan would also cope with the Games at the highest level. It was certainly not easy for the IOC members to make a choice, but on the whole, I think it is the right one.



The victory of Alma-Ata, of course, was more profitable for Russia than the triumph of the Chinese bid. First, a three-hour time difference with Moscow (vs. a five-hour time difference with Beijing) would provide us with higher ratings for live TV broadcasts. In addition, there were more options for preparing our team for the 2022 Games. Now it makes sense to think about creating more or less permanent training bases in the Far East, which could be used during preparations for three Olympics at once - the winter 2018 and 2022 and the summer 2020.

Secondly, culturally, Kazakhstan is certainly closer to Russia than China. This would provide Russian specialists, including those with experience in the Sochi-2014 project, with more chances to participate in the preparations for the 2022 Olympics. Although, for sure, some of them will be useful in the Beijing project. Generally new Olympic victory China has an important geopolitical aspect, which illustrates the process of formation of this country as a superpower, which is taking place before our eyes.

Another important nuance associated with the victory of Beijing. China in this moment difficult to classify as leaders winter sports. However, local athletes have recently progressed rapidly in this direction. In Vancouver 2010, they hit the top ten for the first time in history. medal count. True, in Sochi 2014, China somewhat lost ground, but this was rather an unfortunate accident - the number of competitive Chinese in winter sports is increasing year by year. The country obviously has both the money and the human resource for this.


The Chinese, no less than the Russians, like to successfully perform at home competitions. And this means that after winning the competition for the right to host the 2022 Olympics, a country that not so long ago made a breakthrough into the cohort of world leaders in summer disciplines may try to do the same in winter ones. It is still difficult to imagine competitive Chinese skiers or bobsledders. But, in the end, a quarter of a century ago, no one could have imagined that representatives of this country could win Olympic medals in athletics, swimming or fencing. However, now it is a fact.

The possible expansion of China could have far-reaching consequences for the world of winter sports. In the year of the celebration of the centennial anniversary of their Communist Party, the Chinese team intends to lay down the bones for the sake of getting into the top three medal standings at the home Games.


The fight for the 2022 Games has been overshadowed by an unprecedented string of candidate withdrawals. At first, more than 15 cities showed interest in the Winter Olympics, after preliminary negotiations with the IOC, the number of serious contenders dropped to eight. But then the candidates began to pour in one after another - the Swiss St. Moritz, the German Munich, the Polish Krakow, the Swedish Stockholm, the Ukrainian Lvov and the Norwegian Oslo took self-withdrawal. Moreover, the last four cities managed to submit an official application to the IOC, having spent substantial money on its execution.

Olympic projects in St. Moritz, Munich and Krakow had to be curtailed after they were not supported in local referendums. In fact, the rules of the IOC do not require the mandatory approval of the Games by the residents of the city that claims to be the Olympics. For example, there was no such voting in Sochi. However, the application must include survey results. public opinion. And other things being equal, preference is given to those candidates who enjoy greater support from the local population. Or the Organizing Committee of the Games, which, without attracting the attention of the IOC, neutralizes protest moods.

It cannot be said that there were no opponents of the 2022 Winter Games in China and Kazakhstan. However, the peculiarities of the political regimes of these countries allowed Beijing and Alma-Ata to bring their applications to their logical finale - voting at the IOC session. The choice of two Asian candidates, despite the fact that the 2018 and 2020 Games have also already been given to Asia, is unlikely to have greatly pleased the International Olympic Committee, which until recently professed the principle of "alternating continents". But Thomas Bach and Co. had nowhere to go. For the first time since the early 1980s - since the Cold War - the IOC had to choose from only two candidates. Although in the current economic and political situation it could be even worse.

The bidding crisis for the 2022 Games was one of the reasons that forced the new leadership of the IOC to adopt a reform package that significantly reduces the financial burden on the organizers of the Olympics. In addition, the organizing committees received a long-awaited "carrot" - the opportunity to propose additional sports for inclusion in the official program of the Games. For the first time, such an experiment in relation to the summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo 2020, and in relation to the winter - in Beijing 2022. Most likely, the Chinese will lobby for skating and acrobatic disciplines, and this does not bode well for us.

Both of the remaining candidates had many shortcomings, and they would hardly have become favorites in the confrontation, for example, with Oslo or Munich. In the vicinity of Beijing, the Zhangjiakou resort suitable for the ski cluster was found as much as 200 km away - skiers have never been so far away from the capital of the Olympics. The construction of a high-speed highway from Beijing to Zhangjiakou threatens to result in a cosmic sum. Therefore, by a special resolution of the IOC, the costs of non-sports infrastructure were urgently excluded from the list of Olympic investments. This explains the relatively small figures indicated in the applications of Beijing (1.5 billion dollars) and Alma-Ata (1.8 billion). Although the example of Sochi shows that in settlements that were not centers of winter sports before, no less than 20 billion are needed to prepare and host the games.

Countries that have hosted the Olympic Games




Great Britain









KUALA LUMPUR, 31 July. /Specialist. corr. TASS/. Beijing has been selected as the host of the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. The elections were held at the 128th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Kuala Lumpur.

Alma-Ata also claimed to host the 2022 Olympics.

Beijing won the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic host election by four votes over Almaty. 44 members of the International Olympic Committee voted for the capital of China, 40 for the Kazakh city.

China will host the Winter Olympics for the first time. In 2008, the Summer Games were held in Beijing.

The Olympic Games will be held for the first time for the third time in a row in Asia (after Pyeongchang 2018 and Tokyo 2020). In addition, Beijing has become the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Games.

Reaction to the choice of Beijing as the host of the 2022 Games

Xi Jinping, Chinese President:"China's 1.3 billion people strive to host a fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Olympic Games. We will fulfill all our obligations, together with other countries and the IOC, we will realize new stage development of Olympic winter sports and to promote the Olympic spirit".

Vitaly Mutko, Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation:“I’m sorry that Alma-Ata was not chosen as the capital of the 2022 Olympics. It’s a shame for the Kazakhs, our friends. I know with what soul and heart Kazakhstan prepared. I’m sure they would have held these competitions at the highest level. But I think that the decision The IOC was objective on this issue.China is now one of the leaders in world sports.This is a country that develops sports at the state level.China fulfills all its obligations, holds all international competitions at the highest level. sports world China's prestige is very high. It was extremely difficult for Kazakhstan to compete with him."

Dmitry Svishchev, Chairman of the Committee for physical culture, sports and youth affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:"As head of the committee State Duma, I was more impressed by Alma-Ata. Russia and Kazakhstan have a lot in common, a common sports history. Those facilities that were built and are being built in Kazakhstan were created with the help of Russian specialists. I really hoped that it would be in Kazakhstan that winter Olympics. But Beijing is also a good place for the 2022 Games. Russian athletes, who competed in China, have achieved considerable success in various international competitions. I am confident that our teams will prepare well for Beijing 2022 and perform well there."

Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan:"This event once again demonstrated to the world the great potential of the new China. I am confident that the Chinese side will make every effort to ensure high level organizations Olympic Games and contributed to further strengthening Olympic tradition glorification of the friendship of peoples and the world.

Competitions in Beijing are planned to be held in three locations: central Beijing (opening ceremony, figure skating, short track, ice hockey, curling, speed skating), northwestern Beijing Yanqing County ( skiing, bobsleigh, luge, skeleton) and in the city of Zhangjiakou (cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, freestyle, snowboarding).

The International Olympic Committee has selected Beijing as the host city for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Thus, the capital of China will become the first city to host both the summer and winter Olympics.

The decision was made during the 128th session of the IOC, which takes place from July 31 to August 3 in Kuala Lumpur. Beijing overtook Alma-Ata, which was its only rival.

The Chinese capital was already host to the 2008 Summer Olympics.

Ukrainian Lviv refused to qualify for the 2022 Olympics. After negotiations between International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and National Olympic Committee President Serhiy Bubka, the parties came to the conclusion that Lviv is unlikely to be able to host the Olympics in eight years.

Instead of applying for the 2022 Games, the Ukrainian city will apply for the 2026 Olympic Games. The application for the 2022 Olympics has been withdrawn. According to Yatsenyuk, "the bid for the 2026 Olympics will be an excellent tool to restore the country's economy and will be a reward for the Ukrainian society."


Six cities have applied to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics: Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan), Beijing (China), Krakow (Poland), Lviv (Ukraine), Oslo (Norway) and Stockholm (Sweden).

Representatives of candidate cities will be invited by the IOC to participate in a seminar in Lausanne on December 4-6, and will also travel as observers to Sochi for . The list of candidates will be shortened by the IOC on 8-9 July 2014. The 2022 Games Capital Election will take place during the 127th session of the IOC in Kuala Lumpur on 31 July 2015. Recall that the 2018 Games will be held in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
