The procedure for holding The new procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren - Denis Kiriyenko

This Regulation on the school stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determines the procedure for organizing and conducting school stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), its organizational, methodological support, the procedure for participation and determination of winners and prize-winners.

2. The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are:

§ identification and development of students' creative abilities and interest in research activities;

§ creating the necessary conditions for supporting gifted children;

§ promotion of scientific knowledge;

3. Pupils of grades 5-9 take part in the school stage of the Olympiad on a voluntary basis. Quotas for participation in the school stage of the Olympiad are not set.

4. The organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad is a methodologist.



Appendix No. 7 to the order

municipal budgetary

educational institution

"Chehlomeevskaya General Educational

basic school"

dated 06/09/2014 No. 36


on the organization of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the municipal budgetary educational institution "Chehlomeevskaya secondary school"

  1. General provisions

1. These Regulations on the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the procedure for organizing and holding the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), its organizational, methodological support, the procedure for participation and determining the winners and prize-winners.

2. The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are:

  • identification and development of students' creative abilities and interest in research activities;
  • creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children;
  • promotion of scientific knowledge;

3. Pupils of grades 5-9 take part in the school stage of the Olympiad on a voluntary basis. Quotas for participation in the school stage of the Olympiad are not set.

4. The organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad is a methodologist.

5. The methodologist of the educational institution provides information and technical support for the school stage of the Olympiad, submits to the MU "Education Development Center" a report on the results of the school stage of the Olympiad.

6. At the school stage, the Olympiad is held according to the tasks drawn up by the MU "Center for the Development of Education".

7. The jury of the school stage of the Olympiad checks the completed Olympiad tasks of the school stage of the Olympiad. The jury forms the MO from teachers - subject teachers.

8. Jury of the school stage of the Olympiad:

▪ evaluates the result of completing the Olympiad tasks;

▪ analyzes completed Olympiad assignments;

▪ submits to the methodologist reports on the results of the school stage of the Olympiad;

9. Winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad are determined on the basis of the results of completing tasks, which are entered in summary table results - a ranked list of participants, arranged in descending order of their points. Participants with the same number of points are listed in alphabetical order.

  1. The order of the school stage of the Olympiad

1. The school stage of the Olympiad is held from October 15 to November 15 of the current year.

2. To conduct the school stage of the Olympiad in educational institutions, a jury of the school stage of the Olympiad is created.

3. The school stage of the Olympiad is held according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the MU "Center for the Development of Education.

4. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad, who scored the most points, are recognized as winners ( 1 place ) school stage of the Olympicsprovided that the number of points they have accumulated exceeds half of the maximum possible points. In the case when the winners are not determined, only winners (2-3 places) are determined in the school stage of the Olympiad.

5. The winner and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad are awarded with diplomas of the educational institution.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Project work "Model of organizing and holding the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry"

The work was a credit at distance advanced training courses at the Pedagogical University "First of September" and the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University. M.V.Lomonosov on educational...

Regulations on holding the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology in the 2015/2016 academic year in educational organizations in the city of Lgov, Kursk Region

Regulations for holding the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology in the 2015/2016 academic year educational organizations Lgov, Kursk region...

On the approval of the composition of the organizing committee, the subject-methodological commission, the chairmen of the jury, the subject jury and the schedules of their work during the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Nefteyugansk in the 2015-2016 academic year

The order confirming the expert activity of the teacher as part of the subject jury of the Olympiad ...

From September 1, we are waiting for a new procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (previously it was called the "Regulations"). Another project published on I read it and tell you what has changed.

Paragraph 5 determines that the organizer of the school stage is "the local self-government body of the municipal district or urban district that manages education." It used to be an educational institution. And the organizer of the school stage approves the organizing committee and the jury of the school stage, i.e. now the jury of the school stage for this provision is not just anyone from school teachers. Probably, the goal is to conduct a real school stage, and not a fictitious one - not in every school, not so "massive", but simultaneously in all schools, with the same tasks, real testing, etc. This is new, you may have to organize the school stage. See also paragraph 33.

Clause 12. The quota for the number of winners of the final stage of the Olympiad has been reduced to 8%, for the number of winners and prize-winners - to 35% (it was 10 and 45). These quotas are a separate occasion for discussion, but we note the fact of reduction. By the way, in the PCP Olympiads the quotas were always the same (8 and 35).

Clause 16. Central subject-methodological commissions have the right to recheck the work regional stage upon complaint to the Ministry. Also, the commission, together with the organizing committee, considers complaints about the evaluation of the works of the final stage, if the participant and the jury could not agree on the evaluation of the works. Such a norm was also in the old Regulations, but it is doubtful that the jury of the final stage and the methodological commission consist of practically the same people, which, for example, is prohibited in the order of conducting PCP Olympiads. But earlier the mechanism for contacting the central methodological commission was not specified, now it is written (paragraph 69) - "In case of disagreement with the results of the consideration of the appeal, the participant of the regional or final stages Olympiads have the right to apply within seven calendar days after the end of the appeal procedure to the Central Subject and Methodological Commission for a general education subject with a statement on the revision of the points.

Paragraph 22. It is written that "The school stage of the Olympiad is held on assignments based on the content educational programs general education with an in-depth study of general subjects in grades 5-11". This helps answer questions like "why in the Olympiad in Informatics there are tasks only for programming, which is not in the school curriculum"?

Paragraph 25 explicitly allows participation in the Olympiad for older classes, while there is an opportunity to "jump" to the senior class at each stage, but it is no longer possible to return to the junior class. The question is not very clear - if an 8th grader went to participate in the Olympiad for the 9th grade and became the winner of the regional stage, can he immediately participate in the regional stage again next year as a 9th grader?

Item 33. The mechanism of participation in the final stage of the winners and prize-winners of the previous stage, who scored a certain number of points, was transferred to the regional and municipal stage. That is, the school stage takes place everywhere at the same time and in the same way, the passage to the municipal stage is determined by the number of points scored at the school stage.

Clause 42. The works of the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage are published on the Internet without indicating "personal data". It is not clear whether this means that the work is impersonal. In principle, the publication of only the name and surname of a person does not constitute the publication of personal data. And if the work is impersonal, will the results of its verification by the regional jury be published? If so, then according to the published protocol and the results of the check, it is possible to restore the names. It would be nice to explicitly indicate in the Procedure that not only works are published, but also the results of their evaluation by the jury.

Clause 42. The 25% limit on the number of winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad has been cancelled. This will make it easier for us to hold the regional stage - before we had up to 400 participants in the regional stage in Moscow, so that we could issue 100 winners' diplomas. Now, perhaps, the number of participants in the regional stage will decrease. This will also make it possible to complicate the tasks of the municipal stage, which were previously quite simple in Moscow. In fact, the old function of the municipal stage in Moscow can be transferred to the school stage, if it is actually carried out according to general rules.

Item 47. "The composition of the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad annually changes by at least a fifth of the total number of members of the previous year, while none of the jury members can be part of it for more than five years in a row" - this is something completely new. .. I wonder if this clause is retroactive? If it does, then next year all meaningful people from the jury of the regional stage will have to be expelled ...

Item 55. "The delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form.". Will the tasks for the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics be done IN ADVANCE? In general, of course, it turns out funny - a method. the commission makes assignments, submits them to the Ministry, then sends them in encrypted form to the organizing committee, where they are decrypted and transferred to the jury, which for the most part coincides with the methodological commission! That is, it would all work if the jury and the method. commission did not overlap. And it is simply impossible to do without intersections here.

Item 58. "All workplaces of the Olympiad participants must provide equal conditions for the Olympiad participants and comply with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad" - oh, I remind you of the mandatory 4.5 square meters of space for one computer!

Paragraph 59. "Representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad, the organizing committee and the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad, public observers accredited in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia may be present at the venue of the Olympiad" - also new. I wonder if this mechanism will actually work?

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

About the order of the school,
municipal and regional
stages of the All-Russian Olympiad
schoolchildren in Moscow
in 2018/2019 academic year

In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252 “On approval of the Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren”, the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated August 29, 2014 No. 741 “On approval of the Regulations on the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Moscow”.

I order:

1. Approve the composition of the City Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Moscow in the 2018/2019 academic year (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad) in accordance with Appendix 1 to this order.

2. Approve the composition of the City subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad in accordance with electronic Appendix 2 to this order.

3. Approve the schedule for the school stage of the Olympiad in accordance with Appendix 3 to this order.

4. Approve the schedule for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in accordance with Appendix 4 to this order.

5. Approve the list of educational organizations for the coordination of the Olympiad (hereinafter referred to as "Basic Schools") in accordance with Appendix 5 to this order.

6. To the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Center for Pedagogical Excellence" (hereinafter - GAOU DPO CPM):

6.1. To carry out organizational, technical and information support for the preparation, holding and summing up the results of the stages of the Olympiad.

6.2. Ensure the development of Olympiad tasks and requirements for the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

6.3. Carry out, within the framework of the state task, a set of measures for continuous (during the year) preparation of:

6.3.1. Students of the city of Moscow to participate in the municipal, regional and final stages of the Olympiad;

6.3.2. Organizers and members of the jury of the stages of the Olympiad in the city of Moscow on the preparation, conduct and summing up of the school, municipal and regional stages of the Olympiad.

6.4. Ensure the transfer of the results of the participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraph 56 of the "Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252.

6.5. On time until April 1, 2019 ensure the issuance of incentive letters to the winners and prize-winners of the municipal and regional stages of the Olympiad in electronic form and posting on the official website http://website/.

6.6. To ensure participation in the final stage of the Olympiad of participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad in the city of Moscow in the 2018/2019 academic year, who scored the required number of points established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous school year continuing education in educational institutions of the city of Moscow, carrying out educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, as well as persons accompanying them.

7. SAOU DPO CPM together with the Implementation Department public policy in the field of education of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow:

7.1. Provide organizational and methodological support for the activities of the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad;

7.2. On time until May 25, 2019 ensure the issuance of incentive letters to the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad on paper.

8. Heads of educational organizations - chairmen of interdistrict boards of directors of educational organizations:

8.1. Ensure coordination of the school stage and holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad on time and in accordance with the requirements for holding the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

8.2. Ensure the operation of the "Basic School" in the relevant territory.

9. Heads of educational organizations - "Basic schools", specified in Appendix 5 to this order:

9.1. Ensure the work of "hot lines" on the organization and conduct of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

9.2. Appoint a representative responsible for coordinating the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad and for interacting with the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad and SAEI DPO CPM.

9.3. Send proposals to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad on the venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the places for checking the Olympiad works of participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

9.4. Summarize the proposals of educational organizations on the composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and submit it to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

9.5. Ensure that the heads of educational organizations are informed about the dates, places and procedures for holding the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

9.6. Summarize the proposals of educational organizations on the composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and submit it to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

10. To the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow Center for the Quality of Education" :

10.1. Provide scanning title pages and Olympiad works of participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in all general education subjects in which the Olympiad is held, except for computer science and biology:

For Olympiads held on all days of the week, except Saturday, on the next calendar day after the Olympiad (within one day);
- for Olympiads held on Saturday, the next working day after the Olympiad round (within one day).

10.2. Ensure the verification of title pages and Olympiad works of participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad in all general education subjects in which the Olympiad is held, except for computer science and biology, no later than 8 calendar days from the date of the round.

10.3. Ensure the transfer of electronic copies of the Olympiad works of participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad to SAEI DPO CPM in accordance with clauses 10.1 and 10.2.

10.4 Provide advice to educational organizations - venues of the Olympiad on the quality of printing of Olympiad materials and their subsequent scanning and processing in accordance with clauses 10.1 and 10.2.

11. Heads of educational organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education:

11.1. Conduct the school stage of the Olympiad on time and in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage of the Olympiad.

11.2. Inform students and their parents legal representatives) on the procedure for holding the stages of the Olympiad, on the place and time of the school and municipal stage for each general education subject.

11.3. Ensure the collection of applications from parents (legal representatives) of students wishing to take part in the Olympiad, about familiarization with the "Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252 and on consent to the publication of the Olympiad work his minor child, including in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

11.4. Prepare and submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad proposals on the composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

11.5. Prepare and submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad proposals on the composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

11.6. Ensure the issuance of identifiers (individual registration codes) to students who have declared their desire to participate in the Olympiad.

11.7. Provide conditions for passing additional professional education courses “Development of schoolchildren's talent in subject areas. Organization and holding of the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and other intellectual competitions" for teachers who are:

Members of the organizing committee and jury of the school stage of the Olympiad;
- members of the organizing committee and jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

11.8. On time until October 10, 2018 submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad in an educational organization - for Olympiads held until October 4, 2018.

11.9. On time until November 2, 2018 submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad in an educational organization - for Olympiads held from October 15 to October 28, 2018.

11.10. On time until October 10, 2018 transfer, in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage of the Olympiad, data on the winners and prize-winners of the municipal, regional and final stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren of the 2017/2018 academic year to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

12. The State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists, the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, to ensure that the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject is held in the format of an Internet stage for students who have declared their desire to participate in the Olympiad and have not received opportunities to participate in the Olympiad in educational organizations that carry out educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

13. To the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow Center for Technological Modernization of Education" to carry out operational interaction with educational organizations located in the city of Moscow and GAOU DPO CPM to update information about these organizations and their students who have declared their desire to participate in the Olympiad.

14. Recognize invalid the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated August 24, 2017 No. 717 "On the procedure for holding the school, municipal and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Moscow in the 2017/2018 academic year."

15. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow Vasiliev T.V.


about the school stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in 2018-2019 academic year

  1. General provisions

1.1. This provision determines the status, goals and objectives of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), as well as the procedure for holding the Olympiad.

1.2. The Olympiad is held with the aim of identifying and developing the creative abilities and interest in research activities among students of educational organizations, increasing their competitiveness.

1.3. The main objectives of the Olympiad are to stimulate and motivate the intellectual development of students, support gifted students, assist in their professional self-determination, improve the quality of teaching general subjects, and improve the methodology of working with gifted students.

1.4. The organizer of the school stage is the Committee on Education of the Administration of the Volkhov Municipal District.

1.5. The Olympics are held on the following subjects Keywords: astronomy, biology, English, basics of life safety, art (world art culture), literature, geography, social studies, economics, technology, mathematics, ecology, computer science and ICT, Russian, chemistry, history, physics, German, law , Physical Culture.

1.6. To carry out the organization, conduct and methodological support of the Olympiad, an organizing committee of the Olympiad is created, the composition of which is approved by the order of the Committee on Education of the Administration of the Volkhov Municipal District.

1.7. The organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad approves the composition of the jury for each subject; establishes the number of points for each subject and class required for participation in the municipal stage of the Olympiad, in agreement with the municipal subject-methodological commissions.

1.8. The organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad approves the composition of the subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad for each subject, which make up the Olympiad tasks based on the content of the advanced level educational programs.

1.9. Representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad, the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad, as well as persons accredited as public observers may be present at the venue of the Olympiad.

1.10. The jury of the school stage performs the following functions:

1.10.1. Checks and evaluates the performance of theoretical and experimental tasks by the participants of the Olympiad;

1.10.2. Determines the winners and prize-winners;

1.10.3. Conducts an analysis of the Olympiad tasks and their solutions with the participants;

1.10.3. Considers in-person appeals about disagreement with the points given within two days from the date of the Olympiad;

1.10.4. Submits the protocols to the organizer of the school stage within three days from the date of the Olympiad.

  1. Holding the school stage of the Olympics

2.1. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad on a voluntary basis are students of grades 4-11.

2.2. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes. In the case of passing to the municipal stage, these participants perform the Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the school stage of the Olympiad.

2.3. The school stage is organized and conducted by general educational organizations.

2.4. The school stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodical commissions.

2.5. Olympiad tasks are sent to educational organizations by e-mail at 8.30 am on the day of the Olympiad.

2.6. The organizer of the school stage ensures the confidentiality of the Olympiad tasks;

2.7. The representative of the organizing committee from each educational organization ensures the collection and storage of statements from parents (legal representatives) on consent to the collection, storage, use, distribution of personal data of their minor children; determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the school stage for each general education subject.

2.8. Representatives of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad in each educational organization instruct the participants of the Olympiad - inform the participants about the duration of work, the procedure for appealing against disagreement with the points given, the procedure for familiarizing themselves with the results of the Olympiad.

2.9. All workplaces of the participants of the school stage of the Olympiad must provide the participants of the Olympiad with equal conditions and comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

2.10. During the school stage of the Olympiad, participants:

- must follow the instructions of the representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad;

- not entitled to communicate with each other, move freely around the audience;

– have the right to have reference materials, means of communication and electronic computers allowed for use during the Olympiad.

2.11. The individual results of the participants in the school stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants (surname, initials, class, number of points) are entered in the protocol (rating table) of the results in a general education subject, which is a ranked list of participants arranged in descending order of their scores. Participants with the same number of points are listed in alphabetical order.

2.12. The results of the school stage are posted on the official websites of educational organizations on the Internet.

  1. Summing up the results of the Olympiad and awarding the winners

3.1. At the school stage of the Olympiad, according to the results shown by the participants of the Olympiad, the winners are determined.

3.2. The winners and prize-winners of the school and municipal stages are recognized as students who have scored more than half of the maximum possible points. The winners are the participants with the most points. If none of the participants scored more than half of the maximum possible points, then the winners and prize-winners are not revealed.

3.3. The winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad are sent to the regional stage if, following the results of the municipal stage, they scored the number of points necessary to participate in the regional stage, determined by the organizer of the regional stage.

3.4. The winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad are awarded with certificates (prizes) of the general educational organization.

3.5. The quota for the number of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad can be no more than 25% of the total number of participants in the stage.

In total, the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren 2017-2018 includes four stages on the scale of school, municipal, regional and final subject competitions; the score for passing to the next stage is set by the organizers of the event and the commissions of the Olympiad. The number of participants in the competition is growing steadily and is over 6 million people. Any talented student who studies at a Russian educational institution can become a participant in the competition.

What is the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is a system of annual subject Olympiads for students in state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement general educational programs.

The beginning of the development of the popularity of the Olympiad can be considered the 19th century, when the Astronomical Society of the Russian Empire held "Olympiads for student youth." The USSR continued the tradition. Since the 1930s, Olympiads in mathematics, physics and chemistry have been held in the country. Since the 1960s, all-Union and All-Russian competitions have been organized. Other general school disciplines (computer science, life safety and others) began to be popular at the end of the last century.

Rules for holding

The organizer of the competition is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which approves the composition of the Central organizing committee and the Central Educational and Methodological Commissions. The preparation of the texts of the Olympiad tasks themselves is carried out by the Central Subject-Methodological Commissions, the composition approved by the Federal Education Agency. The organizers of the competition approve the composition of the jury, which evaluates the results of the Olympiad tasks. And the winner of the regional competition will go to all-Russian stage.

Every student of a Russian educational institution can take part in this competition. All-Russian Olympiad in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, computer science, life safety, literature, foreign languages ​​and other subjects - unique opportunity for a student to become a participant in the competition, show their knowledge, check the level of their preparation, try their hand at solving various complex tasks of the competition. Such competitive training stimulates the child not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to deepen the already accumulated.

The student's parents submit a preliminary mandatory application for the participation of the child in the event, and also agree to the publication of the student's Olympiad work on the worldwide network (subject to the child's victory at any of the levels of the competition), indicating the student's full data (last name, first name, patronymic, class, subject, subject of the Russian Federation). Familiarization with the Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is mandatory.

The main goal of the competition is to identify talented schoolchildren. There is also a nice bonus - the winners and prize-winners who have scored a certain number of points according to the results of the competition get a unique chance to enter out of competition in any higher educational institution of the Russian Federation according to the profile of the subject of the competition. Another form of encouragement can be equating a prize-winning place with a result of 100 points on the Unified State Examination (USE) in a specialized subject. So it all depends on the level of the student.

Academic subjects

The All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren 2017-2018 is held in 24 general education subjects:

  1. Mathematics
  2. English language
  3. German
  4. Chinese
  5. French
  6. Italian language
  7. Spanish language
  8. Russian language
  9. Physics
  10. Informatics and ICT
  11. Biology
  12. Chemistry
  13. Geography
  14. Astronomy
  15. Ecology
  16. Story
  17. Literature
  18. Economy
  19. Social science
  20. Right
  21. Technology
  22. Art (world artistic culture)
  23. Fundamentals of life safety.
  24. Physical Culture

Dates of the Olympiad 2017-2018

School stages of the All-Russian Olympiad 2017-2018 are held in local schools at the beginning of the school year, in October. Municipal tours start from the beginning of December and continue until the New Year. Then the schoolchildren are given a break - the regional stage starts from the end of January and ends in mid-February. Timing final round change annually. For the 2017-2018 Olympiad, these dates are not yet known. The All-Russian Olympiad in Moscow began on October 4, 2017 in the subject "Astronomy".

Stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

The competition includes four stages: school, municipal, regional and all-Russian.

school tour

The school tour is held by educational institutions in October-November. At this level, students of grades 5-11 try their hand (pupils of grade 4 of general education institutions can also participate in competitions in the Russian language and mathematics). At the same time, if a student is well prepared, he can take a thematic assignment for a class older (for example, an eighth grader can participate in a competition for ninth graders).

municipal stage

municipal stage All-Russian Olympiad is held by local authorities of the educational sphere in November-December. Winners take part in the city Olympiad school tour or students who won municipal tour last year in subjects (if they continue to study at this school).

Regional stage

The organizers of the regional stage are the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the educational field. Held in January-February. At this level, students of grades 9-11 of educational institutions, winners and prize-winners of the previous stages and the first stage, if the school is located outside the Russian Federation, become participants.