Title page on the theme of football. Abstract: The history of the development of football. offensive line players


  • 1 Game titles
  • 2 General
    • 2.1 History of football
    • 2.2 Rules of the game
    • 2.3 Football in the world
    • 2.4 Tactics
  • 3 Football structures
    • 3.1 Organizations
    • 3.2 Clubs
  • 4 Competitions
  • 5 Varieties of football
  • Notes


Soccer ball

Glass soccer ball - prize for victory.

Football(English) football, "kickball") - a team sport in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal with the feet or other parts of the body (except for the hands) more times than the opposing team. Currently the most popular and massive sport in the world.

1. Names of the game

Full English name association football) was invented to distinguish this game from other varieties of "kickball", especially rugby (eng. rugby football). In the 1880s, the abbreviated name " soccer" (eng. football), which is now widely used in a number of English-speaking countries (excluding England, where fans consider it disparaging).

In other languages, the name of the game is:

  • or by borrowing an English word football, as in Russia - football, in Portugal - the port. futebol.
  • or a translation of the word football, as for example in German it. Fussball, Greek - Greek. ποδόσφαιρο , Finnish - Fin. jalkapallo, Hebrew - Heb. כדורגל ‎, Karelian - Karelian. jalgamiäččy and Adyghe - Adyg. lapeeu.
  • or derived from the words "kick", "leg", etc., as in Italian ital. calcio, Croatian - Croatian. nogomet.

"Football" as the official international name for the game is used by FIFA and the IOC.

2. General part

2.1. History of football

Games similar to modern football have existed for a long time among different peoples, however, the first recorded rules date back to 1848. The birth date of football is considered to be 1863, when the first Football Association was organized and rules similar to modern ones were drawn up. The history of football began a very long time ago. So, for example, in Egypt, and in Germany, and in China there were games similar to football. The most successful of them was called harpastum and was invented by the Italians. But when modern football appeared, harpastum was forgotten. When the British came up with football, they immediately began to popularize it in all countries, including Russia. At that time, many English teams participated in the championship. Football in Russia was first mentioned in the book of one of the doctors [ whom?] “ball games in the air”.

2.2. Rules of the game

Separate football game is called a match, which in turn consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals.

Football is played on a grass or synthetic turf field. The game involves two teams: each from 7 to 11 people. One person per team (the goalkeeper) may play with his hands in the penalty area at his goal, his main task is to protect the goal. The rest of the players also have their own tasks and positions on the field. Defenders are located mainly in their own half of the field, their task is to counteract the attacking players of the opposite team. Midfielders operate in the middle of the field, their role is to help defenders or attackers, depending on the game situation. Forwards are located mainly in the opponent's half of the field, the main task is to score goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do it as many times as possible and try not to allow a goal into your own goal. The match is won by the team that scores more goals.

If during two halves the teams scored the same number of goals, then either a draw is recorded, or the winner is revealed according to the established rules of the match. In this case, additional time may be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each. As a rule, teams are given a break between the regular and extra time of the match. Between extra halves, teams are given only time to change sides. At one time in football, there was a rule according to which the winner was declared the first team to score a goal (the "golden goal" rule) or who won at the end of any of the extra halves (the "silver goal" rule). At the moment, extra time is either not played at all, or is played in full (2 halves of 15 minutes each). If it is not possible to determine the winner during extra time, a series of post-match penalties is held, which are not part of the match: five shots are made at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters by different players. If the number of penalties scored for both teams is equal, then one pair of penalties is broken through until a winner is determined.

2.3. Football in the world

child playing football

According to FIFA, in 2001, about 250 million people played football on the planet. Of these, more than 20 million are women. About 1.5 million teams and 300,000 professional clubs are registered.

In the distribution by country, the United States ranks first (approximately 18 million, of which 40% are women), followed by Indonesia (10 million), Mexico (7.4 million), China (7.2 million), Brazil (7 million), Germany (6.2 million), Bangladesh (5.2 million), Italy (4 million), Russia (3.8 million).

2.4. Tactics

Since football is a team game, mutual understanding of the players, the ability to conduct competent joint actions come first. In this case, the tactical formation of the players is important. The most common tactical scheme in modern football is a game with four defenders, four midfielders and two forwards - 4-4-2. There are a great many schemes, but the very concept of a scheme, as well as the concept of the role of players, is quite relative. Depending on the qualifications of the players, their duties on the field can go far beyond the role. So, often according to the plan of the coach, midfielders, especially the extreme (and sometimes even central defenders) play the role of attackers. In connection with the development of the theory of football and the universalization of players, some previously widely known schemes (for example, the Brazilian attacking scheme "double-ve" or the defense system with a free defender) and many football terms ("insider", "libero", etc.) have become an anachronism. .).

3. Football structures

3.1. Organizations

There are a number of organizations that control, manage and promote football. The main one is FIFA, located in Zurich, Switzerland. She organizes international competitions world scale, in particular the World Cup. Then there are continental organizations and organizations by country, region and city, etc. Each has responsibilities for organizing relevant football competitions, control over the activities of their member clubs, the spread and popularization of football in the region.

3.2. Clubs

A football club is the basic cell of the entire football structure. He is the link between players, staff and organizations. In fact, this is a team of football players that is part of one of the organizations that has a certain infrastructure and staff.

Municipal educational institution cadet school


on the topic: History of the development of football

Chistopol 2011


Everyone has heard the word "football" more than once. In my essay I want to talk about the history of the development of football, their tactics in the game. Football (English football, “football”) is a team sport in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal with the feet or other parts of the body (except for the hands) more times than the opposing team. Currently the most popular and massive sport in the world. Football is played on a field with a special surface made of grass or synthetic material. Up to eleven players play in the two teams participating in the game, each of which has a certain role in the game and a special position in his half of the field. The goalkeeper protects the goal from ball hits, besides, only he from the whole team is allowed to play with his hands, but only in his own penalty area near the goal. Defenders interfere with the players of the enemy team, preventing them from approaching the goal with the ball and scoring a goal. Forwards participate in the game most actively, their role is to score goals to opponents, coming to the necessary actions and playing techniques. Midfielders, on the other hand, are located near the center of the field and, depending on the situation, help either the defenders or the attackers. As many people know, the main object of the game is to get the ball into the opponent's goal, while it is not allowed to use the hands. Each team has its own uniform, badge of the club (country), stadium, sponsor. Best Tournament football is the FIFA World Cup, which is held every four years. Many countries of the world take part in the championship.

1. Various football names

The full English name (eng. association football) was coined to distinguish this game from other varieties of "kickball", especially rugby (eng. rugby football). In the 1880s, the abbreviated name "soccer" (English soccer) appeared, which today has become widespread in a number of English-speaking countries (excluding England, where fans consider it disparaging).

In other languages, the name of the game is:

or by borrowing the English word football, as in Russia - football, in Portugal - port. futebol.

or a translation of the word football, as, for example, in German it. Fußball, Greek - Greek, ποδόσφαιρο, Finnish - Fin. jalkapallo, Hebrew - Heb. כדורגל‎ and Karelian - Karelian. jalgamiäččy.

or derived from the words "kick", "leg", etc., as in Italian. calcio, Croatian - Croatian. nogomet.

"Football" as the official international name for the game is used by FIFA and the IOC.

2. History of football

Football is the most popular team game in the world where you have to fight for a small number of points. The history of the "kick ball" has many centuries. Various ball games similar to football were played in the countries of the Ancient East (Egypt, China), in the ancient world (Greece, Rome), in France (“pa supi”), in Italy (“calchio”) and in England. The immediate predecessor of European football was, in all likelihood, the Roman harpastum. In this game, which was one of the types of military training of legionnaires, it was necessary to pass the ball between two posts. In ancient Egypt, a football-like game was known in 1900 BC. e. In ancient Greece, the ball game was popular in various forms in the 4th century BC. BC e., as evidenced by the image of a young man juggling a ball on an ancient Greek amphora, stored in a museum in Athens. Among the warriors of Sparta, the epikyros ball game was popular, which was played with both hands and feet. The Romans called this game "harpastum" ("handball") and slightly modified the rules. Their game was brutal. It is thanks to the Roman conquerors of the games, and in the ball in the 1st c. n. e. became well known in the British Isles, quickly gaining recognition among the native inhabitants of the Britons and Celts. The Britons turned out to be worthy students - in 217 AD. e. in Derby they first defeated a team of Roman legionnaires.

Approximately in the 5th c. this game disappeared with the Roman Empire, but the memory of it remained with the Europeans, and especially in Italy. Even the great Leonardo da Vinci, whom his contemporaries characterized as a closed person, restrained in the manifestation of emotions, did not remain indifferent to her. In his “biography of the most famous painters, sculptors and architects” we read: “if he wanted to excel, he found himself not only in painting or sculpture, but also competed in the football game, beloved by Florentine youths.” When in the 17th century supporters of the executed English king Charles I fled to Italy, they got acquainted with this game there, and after the accession to the throne in 1660 of Charles II they brought it to England, where it became a game of courtiers. Medieval football in England was extremely reckless and rough, and the game itself was, in fact, a wild dump in the streets. The English and the Scots played not for life, but for death. It is not surprising that the authorities waged a stubborn war on football; even royal orders were issued to ban the game. On April 13, 1314, the royal decree of Edward II was read to the inhabitants of London, under pain of imprisonment, forbidding the game in the city ... In 1365, it was the turn of Edward III to ban football, due to the fact that the troops preferred this game to improvement in archery. Richard II in his ban mentioned in 1389 football, dice, and tennis. The T-shirt was liked and eaten by the poor English monarchs - from Henry IV to James P.

But the popularity of football in England was so great that even royal decrees could not prevent it. It was in England that this game was called "football", although this did not happen with the official recognition of the game, but with its prohibition. At the beginning of the 19th century in Great Britain there was a transition from "crowd football" to organized football, the first rules of which were developed in 1846 at Rugby School and two years later refined at Cambridge. And in 1857 the world's first football club was organized in Sheffield. Six years later, representatives of already 7 clubs gathered in London to develop uniform rules of the game and organize the National Football Association.

It was formed in 1863, and the world's first official rules of the game were developed, which received universal recognition several decades later. Three of the thirteen paragraphs of these rules indicated the prohibition of handplay in various situations. It wasn't until 1871 that the goalkeeper was allowed to play with his hands. The rules strictly defined the size of the field (200x100 yards, or 180x90 m) and the thief from (8 yards, or 7 m32 cm, remained unchanged). Until the end of the 19th century. The English Football Association outside ate a number of changes: the size of the ball was determined (1871); introduced corner kick ar (1872); since 1878 the judge began to use a whistle; since 1891, a net appeared on the gate and an 11-meter free kick (penalty) began to break through. In 1875, the rope connecting the poles was replaced by a crossbar at a height of 2.44 m from the ground. And goal nets were applied and patented by the Englishman Brody from Liverpool in 1890. The referee on the football field first appeared in 1880-1881. Since 1891, the referee began to enter the field with two assistants. Changes and improvements in the rules, of course, influenced the tactics and technique of the game. The history of international football meetings dates back to 1873. It began with a match between the teams of England and Scotland, which ended in a draw with a score of 0:0. Since 1884, the first official international tournaments with the participation of football players from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland began to break out in the British Isles (such tournaments are held annually even now).

At the end of the 19th century football began to quickly gain popularity in Europe and Latin America.

In 1904, on the initiative of Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) was created.

3. Football rules

A separate football game is called a match, which in turn consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals.

Football is played on a grass or synthetic turf field. The game involves two teams: each from 7 to 11 people. One person per team (the goalkeeper) may play with his hands in the penalty area at his goal, his main task is to protect the goal. The rest of the players also have their own tasks and positions on the field. Defenders are located mainly in their own half of the field, their task is to counteract the attacking players of the opposite team. Midfielders operate in the middle of the field, their role is to help defenders or attackers, depending on the game situation. Forwards are located mainly in the opponent's half of the field, the main task is to score goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do it as many times as possible and try not to allow a goal into your own goal. The match is won by the team that scores more goals.

If during two halves the teams scored the same number of goals, then either a draw is recorded, or the winner is revealed according to the established rules of the match. In this case, additional time may be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each. As a rule, teams are given a break between the regular and extra time of the match. Between extra halves, teams are given only time to change sides. At one time in football, there was a rule according to which the winner was declared the first team to score a goal (the "golden goal" rule) or who won at the end of any of the extra halves (the "silver goal" rule). At the moment, extra time is either not played at all, or is played in full (2 halves of 15 minutes each). If it is not possible to determine the winner during extra time, a series of post-match penalties is held, which are not part of the match: five shots are made at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters by different players. If the number of penalties scored for both teams is equal, then one pair of penalties is broken through until a winner is determined.

4. Football in the world

According to FIFA, in 2001, about 250 million people played football on the planet. Of these, more than 20 million are women. About 1.5 million teams and 300,000 professional clubs are registered.

In the distribution by country, the United States ranks first (approximately 18 million, of which 40% are women), followed by Indonesia (10 million), Mexico (7.4 million), China (7.2 million), Brazil (7 million), Germany (6.2 million), Bangladesh (5.2 million), Italy (4 million), Russia (3.8 million).

5. Tactics

5.1 General

Tactics should be understood as the organization of individual and collective actions of players aimed at achieving victory over an opponent, i.e. the interaction of the football players of the team according to a certain plan, which allows them to successfully fight with the opponent. The ability to correctly solve the problems of neutralizing opponents and successfully use their capabilities in attacks characterizes the tactical maturity of both the team as a whole and its individual players. A team can succeed only with well-organized and necessarily active actions of all players in attack and defense. The tactics of the game are constantly being improved as a result of the constant struggle between attack and defense. It is this struggle that is the main driving force behind the development of football tactics. Classification There are two major sections of tactics: attack tactics (Fig. 38) and defense tactics (Fig. 39). They, in turn, are divided into subsections: individual, group and team tactics. Within these subsections, there are groups of tactical actions performed in various ways.

5.2 Player functions

The skillful organization of attacking and defensive actions of the team is achieved by a clear distribution of functions between individual players and groups of players. In modern football, players are divided according to their functional duties into goalkeepers, defensive line players, players middle line and offensive players. In modern football, despite their specialization, each player must skillfully perform all the technical techniques and act competently in attack and defense, depending on the game situation.

5.3 Goalkeeper

The goalkeeper is the only player in the team who is allowed by the rules of the game to touch the ball with his hands in his own penalty area. Hence the main task of the goalkeeper is the direct protection of his goal. Another important function of the goalkeeper is to organize the initial phase of the attacking actions of his team.

5.4 Defensive players

Among the defense players, individual football players also perform various functional duties. Full-backs must combine reliable defensive play with active attacking action on the flanks. Defending themselves, the players of this role must have the skills of personal guardianship of the opponent, skillfully act with the zone method of defense, the “in-line” system of play. In attack, full-backs must skillfully open up in cases where the goalkeeper or teammate has taken possession of the ball. Having received the ball, they must either move forward with it or pass it to their partners in a timely and accurate manner. Full-backs function as an unexpected connection to active offensive actions on the flank and interchangeability with other players. Central defenders are key players in the defensive line, as they operate in the central, most dangerous space for scoring. Players of this role must have tall and have excellent jumping ability for successful martial arts in the air. In the case of an appropriate formation, the front central defender must combine a personal game on a task with actions in the zone, and have good skills in insuring partners. Having mastered the ball, the front central defender quickly moves forward, joining the attack, or performs a pass to partners. In some episodes, he supports the attack "on the second floor" and, if possible, uses a shot on goal. The rear central defender is obliged to subtly understand the tactical situation, "read" the opponent's possible tactical moves and correctly take up a position in defense to take possession of the ball and secure partners. His main tasks are to coordinate all the actions of the defenders and play in the zone, interact with the goalkeeper and partners, and organize the offside position. When transitioning to attack, the rear center back opens up to receive the ball from the goalkeeper or partners, and then continues to develop the attack with accurate and varied passes. From time to time, he himself joins the attack, trying to make the most of the relative freedom to create sharp positions, and sometimes he completes the attack with a strike from long or medium distance. The functions of defenders are developing in the direction of universalization and convergence of their actions with the actions of mid-line players.

5.5 Mid laners

football game tactics goalkeeper

The actions of the midfielders are considered as one of the main factors for the successful performance of the team. Players of this specialization must have excellent functional training that ensures high performance throughout the match, be active in attacking and defensive actions, create and maintain a high pace of the game. The players of this line are also subject to increased requirements in terms of tactical readiness, as they coordinate the interaction of all partners both in attack and in defense. The versatility of the functions of midfielders should be based on high performance skills. As a rule, high-class mid-laners have a strong, well-placed shot. The middle line of the team should be staffed with players who successfully operate in various tactical terms. Full-backs, in addition to good playing skills at the full-back position, must also skillfully operate on the flanks of the attack. Ideally, due to universalism and high functional training, players of this role can completely close the edge of the field, performing increased volumes of high-speed “shuttle” work during the match. Defensive central midfielders are positioned directly in front of their team's defensive line; their task is to impose a fight on the opponent, not to let him go directly to their goal, to counteract passes and strikes at them. Defensive midfielders organize the transition from defense to attack and further development attacks. Often use long transfers of the ball. Playing central midfielders are located under the forwards of their team. Their responsibilities include controlling the middle of the field and providing the team with long-term possession of the ball, and therefore the initiative. These are connecting players, creators of the team's game, setting the direction of attacking actions and actively participating in their completion.

5.6 Offensive players

In modern football, forwards do not have a specific position on the football field, positioning themselves and choosing the direction of their attacking actions in accordance with their capabilities, without violating team tactics. It is advisable to put a tall, powerful forward at the forefront of the attack with the task of trying to “push through” the defense in the most dangerous central zone, complete the partners’ riding passes, pull several defenders onto themselves, thereby untying the partners’ hands. Fast, agile forwards tend to play along the entire front of the attack. They are able to carry out a high-speed individual maneuver on the flank, followed by a pass or “cross” of the ball into the penalty area, receive a pass from a partner to the free zone and, having run away from the defenders, hit the opponent’s goal. When going on the defensive after disrupting their attack, the attackers engage in single combat with the nearest opponent in possession of the ball, or block a certain area.

5.7 Attack tactics

Attack tactics is understood as the organization of the actions of the team in possession of the ball in order to score the opponent's goal. Actions in the attack are divided into individual, group and team.

5.8 Individual tactics

Individual attack tactics are purposeful actions of a football player, his ability to choose the most correct one from several possible solutions to a given game situation, the ability of a football player, if his team is in possession of the ball, to get out of control of the opponent, to find and create a playing space for himself and partners, and if need to win the fight against the defenders. Action without the ball. These include opening up, distracting the opponent and creating a numerical advantage in a separate section of the field. Opening is the movement of a football player in order to create favorable conditions for receiving the ball from a partner. Opening must be done unexpectedly for the opponent and at high speed. This allows you to break away from the opponent and create a certain margin of space to receive the ball. The opening must not interfere with other partners' actions without the ball. It is not recommended to get too close to the player in possession of the ball - this slows down the development of the attack. You have to be careful not to end up in an offside position. Distracting an opponent is a complex movement to a certain area in order to take away a guard and thereby provide freedom of action to a teammate who has the ball or is in a better position to directly threaten the goal. When distracting actions, it must be remembered that the movements must be convincing, i.e. really create a threat and thereby force the defenders to follow the mover. Creating a numerical advantage in a separate area of ​​​​the field is the expedient movement of one or a group of players to the zone where the partner with the ball is located. This creates a numerical advantage in a certain area of ​​the field, which can be used to beat an opponent in single combat or with a combination. Most often this tactical action It is used when attacking with a significant number of players joining the attack. Actions with the ball. The main options for the player in possession of the ball are: dribble, dribble, hit, pass and stop the ball, i.e. all techniques. It is advisable to use dribble as a tactical tool in cases where the partners of the player who owns the ball are closed by opponents and there is no possibility for a pass. Then the player must start moving with the ball along the length or width of the field in order to gain time to open partners or to enter the shock position himself. Stroke is the actions of the player with the ball in order to win the duel with the opponent. This is the most important means of individual defense overcoming. There are the following types of stroke: with a change in the speed of movement, with a change in the direction of movement, deceptive movements (feints). Speed ​​dribble is most effective when dribbling the ball along the sideline or when the ball carrier moves diagonally. Stroke with a change in direction of movement is used in two versions. In the case when the defender is in front of the player with the ball, approaching him at a distance of 5-6 m, the attacker goes to the side. If the defender does not react to this action, the attacker will rapidly increase his speed and leave the opponent behind. If the defender starts to move in a new direction, the attacker abruptly changes it again and picks up speed. The second option is used when the defender is behind or behind and to the side and moving in the same direction as the ball carrier. At the moment the defender approaches the attacker, the latter abruptly stops the ball and, turning 180 °, continues to move past the defender who has slipped through. This type of stroke is especially beneficial for the longitudinal and diagonal movements of the player with the ball. Tracing with the help of deceptive movements (feints) is the most effective means of conducting martial arts in a relatively small playing space (actions in the opponents' penalty area, etc.). Shots on goal are the main means of completing all attacking actions. When performing them, it is necessary to take into account many tactical aspects: assessment of the position of the goalkeeper, the choice of the method of striking and its strength, the suddenness and timeliness of its application. Passing is the interaction of two players when the ball is sent by one of them to the other. At the same time, the transfer is a means of implementing the interaction of two or three athletes, i.e. group action. According to the purpose of the transfer, they are divided into transfers to the legs, to the exit, to the blow, to the “lack”, “shoot through”. By distance, they are classified into short (5-10 m), medium (10-25 m) and long (more than 25 m). Depending on the direction, they are longitudinal, diagonal and transverse. According to the trajectory of execution, transfers are distinguished from the bottom, top and along the arc, and according to the method of execution, soft, cut and folds. Each of the passes can be effective in certain situations (fast or slow opponent, whether he is active on interceptions or prefers to tackle the ball, good or weak heading, etc.), which must be taken into account by the player performing it. The factors influencing the effectiveness of passes are the technical skill of a football player, the ability to see the field, tactical thinking, and the maneuverability of partners. The success of defensive actions depends not only on the coordinated actions of a group of players, but also on their ability to act individually against an opponent in possession of the ball, and without him. Action against a player without the ball. These include closing and intercepting the ball. Closing is the movement of the defending team in order to get into the correct position in order to make it difficult for the opponent to receive the ball. Closing is carried out when an opponent, by his immediate position, threatens the goal or by his actions can create an advantageous position for scoring. The closer the opponent is to the goal, the tighter you need to close it. An interception is a timely, advance approach to the ball by a player of the defending team to disrupt the attacking actions of the opponent. When intercepting, the player must correctly assess the situation and choose the most appropriate technical means interception of the ball.

Acting against the player in possession of the ball, the player seeks to take the ball away, prevent it from passing, reaching a sharp position with the ball, and striking. The selection of the ball, depending on the situation, is performed by one of the previously described techniques: Kick, leg stop or shoulder push. Passing resistance is used when the teammate of the opponent in possession of the ball is in an advantageous position. The defender approaches 2-3 m to the opponent with the ball and prevents him from making an accurate pass. Dribbling is used when an opponent is moving with the ball towards the goal and is intended to prevent him from getting into an advantageous position.

To do this, the defender, as a rule, attaches himself to a moving opponent in a parallel course and tries to push him to the sideline or pass the ball across the field.

Countering a shot is used when an attacker will aim to hit the goal close to the penalty area. At the same time, the defender needs to concentrate all his attention on the opponent's legs, not missing the moment of swinging the kicking leg in order to have time to put his leg in the path of the intended flight of the ball.

5.9 Group tactics

Group tactics deals with the interaction of two or more players on the football field, called combinations. The whole game consists of a chain of combinations and countering them. It is customary to distinguish between two main types of combinations: in "standard" positions and during a game episode. Combinations with "standard" positions. These include interactions when throwing in the ball from out, corner kick, free kick, free kick, goal kick. The simulated combinations allow you to place the players in advance in the most advantageous areas of the field. Each of them has options. They are held after the team has taken possession of the ball. Group actions in game episodes are divided into interactions in pairs, in triplets, etc. The interactions of two partners include combinations of "wall", "crossing", "one-touch transfer". The wall combination is one of the most effective ways to beat a defender with the help of a partner. The player with the ball, approaching a partner, suddenly sends the ball to him and at maximum speed rushes behind the back of the defender. The partner in one touch returns the ball to the first player in such a way that he masters it without slowing down the running speed, and the defenders cannot interfere with him or intercept the ball. The "crossing" combination is most often used in the middle of the field or on the outskirts of the penalty area. The player leaves the ball at a certain point and continues in the original direction. His partner, moving in sync, picks up the ball and goes with it to the free zone. The one-touch pass combination provides for a quick exit of one of the partners to a new position. At the same time, the use of such passes does not allow the defenders to get close to one of the attackers to take the ball. The interactions of the three partners include such types of combinations as “interchangeability”, “passing the ball”, “one-touch passing”. The combination of "interchangeability" can be successfully applied to any part of the field. A variant of it is to connect the extreme defender to the attack on the flank. Having received the ball from a partner, this defender moves forward along the touchline. A partner is moving towards him, pursued by an opponent. Without approaching him, the defender unexpectedly passes to the third player in the depth of the field and makes a high-speed dash along the flank behind the back of the approaching opponent. A return pass immediately follows to the zone vacated on the flank for the turn of the extreme defender, and his place in the defense is taken by the partner moving towards. The "passing the ball" combination is successfully used when completing flank attacks directly in the opponent's penalty area. After a strong transverse (“shooting”) pass along the goal, the player actively goes to it, simulating a shot on goal. However, instead of hitting, he unexpectedly misses the ball to a partner who is left without a defender. The one-touch pass combination with three partners follows the same principles as with two. Most often, this combination is carried out in a triangle. In the process of training, you should learn the structure of the combination, its meaning, the basic principles of execution. The entire football match consists of a combination of simple, played to a high level and complex multi-way tactical combinations with a large number of participating players. But multi-way combinations, in essence, consist of a series of simple combinations that follow one after another.

5.10 Team tactics

Team tactics is the organization of collective actions of the whole team in solving problems that have arisen in a specific game situation. In any tactical construction, command tactics are carried out through two types of actions: a quick and gradual attack. A quick attack is the most effective way to organize attacking actions. Its essence is that by means of a minimum number of passes, an attack is organized at high speed with the player entering a position advantageous for scoring. In this case, the opponents do not have enough time to regroup their forces in defense. There are three phases of a fast attack. The initial phase is the transition from defense to attack through a quick first pass and the return of the players participating in the defense to their places in the attack line. The development of an attack is the implementation of a breakthrough in the defense of opponents before they have time to strengthen and organize actions to neutralize the attack. The completion of the attack is the creation of a scoring situation and a shot on goal. The most common form of organizing attacking actions of a team is a gradual attack. It creates the possibility of long-term control of the ball, as combinations are made using short and medium passes. In contrast to a quick attack, an attack is organized with the involvement of a significant number of players who perform various tactical maneuvers in order to break through the defensive formations in one of the opponent's defense links. With a gradual attack, the following phases are distinguished. The initial phase is the transition from defense to attack, the return of the attacking players who participated in the defense to their places in the attack line and passing the ball to one of the opened defenders. The development of the attack is a gradual advance towards the opponent's goal, carried out through various combinations with the creation of a numerical advantage in certain areas of the field and individual actions of the attackers. Completion of the attack - the creation of a scoring situation in order to bring one of the attackers to the shock position. Group tactics in defense provides for the organized action of two or more players against any opponent who threatens the goal, and is aimed at helping partners. The methods of interaction between two players in defense include insurance, countering the combinations of "wall" and "crossing". Insurance is one of the ways of mutual assistance during the game, which is aimed at choosing such a position and subsequent actions in order to correct a mistake made by a defensive partner if necessary. When countering the “wall” combination, the main point is the choice of position in relation to the opponent who received the first pass. You should take a place near him in such a way as to knock the ball out, make it difficult for him to return the pass or force him to change the original decision. The countermeasure of the "crossover" combination is that at the time of its implementation, the defenders are focusing on the actions of the players guarded by them, especially on the opponent who finds himself with the ball in order to block his path to the goal. The methods of interaction of three or more players include specially organized counteractions: the construction of a "wall" and the creation of an artificial position "offside". In the case when the opponent, having seized the initiative, persistently attacks and strives forward, and his attackers tend to sharply open in front of the goal, it is very effective technique defense is to create an artificial offside position. The defenders are located in close proximity to the attackers of the opponent and, at the command of the latter, before performing a pass towards the attackers, synchronously step forward, leaving them behind. The art of creating an offside position depends primarily on the coordination of the defensive line players. A good tactical means of playing in defense is the organization and construction of the "wall". The "Wall" is used by the team to whose goal a free or free kick is awarded. The defenders line up a group of players in order to block the path of the ball when it is hit in the immediate vicinity of the goal. The installation of the “wall” is led by the goalkeeper, who, as a rule, tries to close the near corner of the goal with his partners from a direct hit, while he himself protects the far one. Team play in defense is based on organized tactical actions of players against attacking opponents. Depending on the structure and nature of attacking actions, team actions in defense include defense against a quick attack and a gradual attack. Defense against a fast attack provides for in the event of a loss of the ball when attacking his team, the players closest to him immediately enter the struggle in order to regain possession of the ball or prevent the first pass from being made. Due to the concentration of players in certain areas of the field, an attempt is made to prevent the high-speed maneuver of the opponents and close the main paths to the goal. It is very important to neutralize the players who usually receive the first pass. When defending against a gradual attack, the defending team at the moment of losing the ball prefers to move back without active struggle, organizing coordinated defensive actions in their own half of the field. With the development of the attack, the defensive players concentrate in the direction of the offensive or disperse along the front and actively participate in the struggle for space and the ball with the obligatory organization of insurance. When an opponent approaches the goal, the defenders must create barriers in dangerous areas in order to make it difficult for his players to enter the shock position. In addition to the general patterns of playing defense against a quick and gradual attack, there are a number of ways to organize team actions in defense.

Personal defense is an organization of defense with the strict responsibility of each defending player for the opponent assigned to him.

Zone defense is a tactical way of playing defensively, in which each of the players controls a certain area of ​​​​the field and enters the fight for the ball with any opponent that appears within it. Combined defense is the most common in modern football. At the same time, some players can only guard their opponents on assignment, while others can mainly play in the zone.

5.11 Defense tactics

Defense tactics involves organizing the actions of a team that does not own the ball, aimed at neutralizing the attacking actions of opponents. As in attack, the game of defense consists of individual, group and team actions.

5.12 Goalkeeper tactics

Modern football requires from the goalkeeper not only skillful goal protection, but also active actions within the penalty box, as well as leadership of all defenders. In addition, the goalkeeper initiates a significant number of his team's attacks. In tactics

5.13 Defensive goalkeeper action

The main task of the goalkeeper is the direct protection of his goal. At the same time, it is possible to single out the game of the goalkeeper at the gate and at the exits. Actions in the goal include choosing the right position that allows the goalkeeper to ensure the desired reception of the opponent's blows with the least amount of effort. In addition, experienced goalkeepers carefully study the actions of opponents in order to determine the favorite directions of their attackers' shots. When choosing a course of action to defend a shot, the goalkeeper must be able to appreciate the strong and weak sides of your game. Actions at the exits are used by the goalkeeper if it is necessary to intercept the innings or “shoot through” the opponent or engage in single combat with him (for example, when the attackers go one on one with the goalkeeper). The goalkeeper must leave the goal in case of emergency, being sure that he will have time to intercept the ball, taking into account the location of other players in the penalty area.

5.14 Actions of the goalkeeper in attack

An important task of the goalkeeper is to organize the initial phase of the attacking actions of his team, after he has taken possession of the ball during the game episode or has received the right to take a goal kick. The organization of the attack during a goal kick is to perform an accurate and timely transfer to one of the partners. One of the options is to use simulated ball rally combinations, the other is to pass the ball to a partner who has opened in an advantageous position. The goalkeeper must remember the general patterns of using passes of different lengths: the shorter the pass, the lower the percentage of losses; the longer the transmission, the sharper it is, the greater the amount of justified risk. The organization of a response attack is used when the goalkeeper takes possession of the ball during a game episode and begins a response attacking action by passing the ball with his hand or kicking. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the ball can be directed to the partner more accurately with the hand, and when kicking, the distance increases, but at the same time the accuracy of the transfer decreases. When choosing a way to organize a return attack, the goalkeeper is guided by the tactical plan of the team's attacking actions, the assessment of the game situation on the field and the positions of the partners, the results of the martial arts of his partners with opponents on the ground and in the air, as well as the principle of maximum security of his goal.

5.15 Managing partners

Assessing the game situation, the goalkeeper must briefly and clearly give instructions to the partners about the direction of development of the opponent's attack, about rebuilding for guardianship and insurance. All this must be done without losing control of the ball, even at times when the goalkeeper himself is in the struggle. The actions in the defense, its stability and reliability largely depend on the mutual understanding of the goalkeeper and the defenders. It should be added that the goalkeeper single-handedly manages the construction of the “wall” during free kicks and free kicks in the immediate vicinity of the goal, as well as the actions of partners in corner kicks.

5.16 Evolution of game tactics

The tactical system is the organization of team game actions, in which the functions of each player and their placement on the football field are determined. Tactical game systems are designed to balance the ratio of attack and defense forces, which is the main factor in the development of the football game. The progress of football is due to the fact that one tactical system is being replaced by another, more progressive one. Such a change in tactical systems occurs over significant periods of time.

5.17 Five in a line system

The first clearly developed system was the “five in a line” system (Fig. 40), created by the English club Nottham Forest in the 80s of the last century. Its name comes from the formation of the front line players. Under this system, the team had two defenders, three midfielders and five attackers. The key position was occupied by the central midfielder, who connected the attackers with the defenders and was the organizer of the entire game of the team. With this system, one of the defenders constantly moved forward in order to create an artificial offside position, and this led to a sharp decrease in performance. Radical measures were needed. And in 1925, the International Football Federation made changes to the interpretation of the rule clause on the offside position. Now the attacking player at the time of passing the ball to him was enough to have in front of him not three opponents, but two. The first years after the rule change were marked by the complete superiority of offense over defense. Having gained freedom of maneuver along the length of the field, the attackers began to easily pass to the penalty area and score a large number of goals. It was necessary to look for effective means of protecting the gate.

5.18 Double-ve system

In 1932, Arsenal coach Chapman pulled back the central midfielder to strengthen the defense of the most danger zone in front of the goal, turning him into a central defender. This naturally led to changes in the positioning of other players and served as the basis for the development of a new tactical system, which received recognition under the name "double-ve", or the system of three defenders (Fig. 41). A "magic square" appeared in the middle of the field, including two welterweights and two midfielders. It was this four that organized both the attacking and defensive actions of the team. For a certain period of time, a balanced state of attack and defense forces was established. However, due to the fact that it is always easier to destroy than to create, after a while the advantage turned out to be on the side of the defense.

5.19 System 1-4-2-4

The Swedish World Cup in 1958 ended with a convincing victory for the Brazilian national team and, as it were, summed up the evolution of football tactics in the 50s. 20th century The Brazilians owed much of their success to the new tactical system (Fig. 42). The players lined up in three lines: four defenders, four forwards and two midfielders. The main advantage of the system is the concentration of players in the defensive line, which allows using the zone principle of organizing team actions and reliable insurance in the most dangerous zone for scoring. Quickly realizing the benefits of the new tactical scheme, all teams began tactical rearmament. At the 1962 World Championships in Chile, all participants played according to the Brazilian system. All but one team - Brazil.

5.20 System 1-4-3-3

Keeping the formation of the defensive line the same, the Brazilians regrouped the remaining two, moving one of the attackers to the middle of the field, which significantly strengthened the midfield link (fig. 43). The presence of three players in the middle line allows you to actively connect at least two of them to the attack. The possibility of interchangeability and insurance of flank players has increased. With this system, one of the central defenders gets the opportunity to actively participate in the attack.

5.21 System 1-4-4-2

This system is known as one of the variants of the "four defenders" system. The players are in three lines. Midfield players, as well as full-backs, fill the free zones of the attack, constantly changing the direction of its development and making it difficult to organize the defense. At the slightest opportunity, one of the central defenders joins the attack.

5.22 Modern tactical systems

One of the main directions in the development of modern football is the tendency to strengthen the offensive power of the team by increasing the mobility of players, their universalization and a clearer organization of the game. At the 10th World Football Championship in 1974, the new principles of the game of so-called "total" football are recognized. This refers to the organized actions of all players, their great activity in any offensive and defensive episodes. An essential feature of "total" football is the universalism of the players. Playing within a certain tactical system, they are in constant motion, act improvised and are able to change the nature of the game in the direction necessary for the team unexpectedly and quickly. Characteristic of modern football is that attack and defense are massive and are well combined with individual methods of play. The clear interchangeability of players from different lines allows you to successfully use mid-line and flank players in attack without compromising defense. Currently, the improvement of modern tactical schemes continues, and many teams successfully use the following tactical modifications: 1-4-1-3-2; 1-4-3-1-2 and 1-3-5-2. With all these constructions, there is a tendency to create a universal system that can change during the game.

6. Football structures

6.1 Organizations

There are a number of organizations that control, manage and promote football. The main one is FIFA, located in Zurich, Switzerland. It organizes international competitions on a global scale, in particular the World Cup. Next come continental organizations and organizations by country, region and city, etc. Each has responsibilities for organizing relevant football competitions, controlling the activities of their member clubs, and spreading and popularizing football in the region.

6.2 Football clubs

A football club is the basic cell of the entire football structure. He is the link between players, staff and organizations. In fact, this is a team of football players that is part of one of the organizations that has a certain infrastructure and staff.

7. Football hooligans

Football hooligans are the most aggressive representatives of the fan environment, who as their main hobby choose to organize a kind of "fight club" with the same fans of the camp of the enemy football team. This caste of fans is the smallest and most closed. Becoming one of them is quite difficult, but if you succeed, you should know that it is for a long time. The Brimson brothers, English writers, compared football violence with smoking in their book: if after you tried it for the first time and you didn’t like it, then you won’t do it the second time, but if you liked it, then getting rid of such a “hobby” will be very difficult.

Why are people doing this? If you do not go into too much detail, then this behavior can be explained by the fact that some people actually like to create near-football violence. This behavior should not be attributed to lack of education, poor upbringing, or other social theory about a difficult childhood. Everyone knows that anyone can be a football hooligan. Regardless of belonging to a social group, social position, personal well-being or other similar factors.

Both a poor student and a rich top manager, everyone can turn out to be a football hooligan. Work, money, career, all this does not play a special role in the life of a football hooligan. Perhaps this is what attracts people to the ranks of such ardent football fans. After all, football hooliganism provides an opportunity in the world of genetic engineering and digital technology to experience a long-lost feeling of male brotherhood. In any situation, all this is a matter of purely personal choice taken by a particular person. Someone likes to collect postage stamps or butterflies, someone needs to conquer Chomolungma or Mont Blanc, and someone will find pleasure in cancer with fans of another (hostile) club. Of course, against the background of other, even the most extreme hobbies, modern near-football violence stands out significantly. high level own social danger. Like it or not, there are several relevant articles in the country's criminal code (in particular, riots, causing harm to property and people's health, hooliganism). That is why the commission of actions provided for by the Criminal Code entails criminal liability. True, before sending people involved in football hooliganism to jail, you should still familiarize yourself with some remarks regarding both the essence and nature of this phenomenon. After all, if you learn more about this phenomenon, you can correctly form an adequate attitude towards football hooligans.

At first glance, the main claim put forward by the hooligans is quite clear - fights pose a threat to harm the property and health of citizens. True, this public discontent, in fact, loses its own practical meaning, because it conflicts with one of the main unspoken laws of this closed community - football hooligans should not attack civilians. Therefore, they fight only with their own kind. It is for this reason that if someone tells you (or you may have read somewhere) a terrible story that football hooligans rob old women and beat babies - do not believe it! This is all not true. “Firms” (namely, this is the name the hooligans themselves gave to their own groups) are at war only with warring “firms”. Strictly speaking, this is precisely the purpose of creating such groups, because it is from the victory over hooligans that they get a "high". Note that football violence has long been transformed into an almost completely closed, one might even say, elite hobby. For example, if we now publish a list of the most significant and grandiose fights that have taken place in our country over the past two years, then most of them will not be known to the general public. The fact is that such fights become known only for the reason that their participants, through the fault of their own desire to brag about a new victory and, possibly, ambition, decided to “take a steam bath” a little.

For this reason, all the talk about the fascist youths at the stadiums, who, with their own bloody fights, scare away true connoisseurs of football and put the health and lives of innocent people at great risk, can be considered the fruit of the work of the imagination of journalists, as well as the inflamed imagination of such people who, most often, like since stadiums are not visited. That is why all those who still go to the stadiums know perfectly well that now there is no danger for the fans. This applies even to such football matches as CSKA - Spartak. The thing is that violence has long since left the football stands and moved into the deep underground. And there he is not seen by the superficial glance of numerous inhabitants. Of course, it also happens that bystanders become witnesses of one of the fights between two warring clans. At the same time, cases when in fact random passers-by suffered in such a scuffle can be quite counted on the fingers (note that the fingers of one hand will be quite enough). In general, the fact of a fight between football hooligans for people who are not involved in this does not pose any danger. Now, near-football violence is more like a “fight club” closed to outsiders, which they join on a voluntary basis in order to fight with their own kind. In addition, these fights, recently (even taking into account their mass character and organization) have become as safe as possible for their participants. The fact is that “firms” everywhere introduced peculiar principles of respect for opponents - “fair play” and completely abandoned the use of improvised means, etc.

In addition, football hooligans are not the only category of fans who are ready to use their own fists and are carriers of aggressive energy.

8. Competition

Football competitions, like in any other sport, are an important part of the game. The competition is organized by the federation, for each tournament a regulation is drawn up, which usually determines the composition of the participants, the tournament scheme, the rules for determining the winner in case of equality of points and some deviations from the rules, for example, the number of substitutions. Competitions are divided into domestic and international, which in turn are divided into club and national teams.

The most famous competitions are:

Hosted by CONMEBOL: National Teams Copa América Clubs Copa Libertadores (CONMEBOL) Copa Sudamericana (CONMEBOL)

9. Varieties of football

There are many varieties of football, mostly with fewer players - including foot-doubleball (played with two balls), Beach Soccer(played on sand), futsal (AMF) and futsal (FIFA) (futsal) (played in the hall on a special surface), yard football (played on any surface on fields of any size by any number of people), swamp football (played on swamp), football freestyle (consists in the performance of all kinds of feints and tricks).

Since the popularity of football is very high, there are many games that imitate football.

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Abstract on the topic:

"Football as a sport"


Petrova Yulia Valerievna

Gareeva Larisa Kamilovna

Shishova Maria Vladimirovna


Gorinova Victoria Nikolaevna

Yekaterinburg 2014


Football (from the English foot - foot, ball - ball) - a team sport in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal with the feet or other parts of the body (except the hands) more times than the opposing team. Currently the most popular and massive sport in the world.

Football is played on a field with a special surface made of grass or synthetic material. Up to eleven players play in the two teams participating in the game, each of which has a certain role in the game and a special position in his half of the field. The goalkeeper protects the goal from ball hits, besides, only he from the whole team is allowed to play with his hands, but only in his own penalty area near the goal. Defenders interfere with the players of the enemy team, preventing them from approaching the goal with the ball and scoring a goal. Forwards participate in the game most actively, their role is to score goals to opponents, coming to the necessary actions and playing techniques. Midfielders, on the other hand, are located near the center of the field and, depending on the situation, help either the defenders or the attackers. As many people know, the main object of the game is to get the ball into the opponent's goal, while it is not allowed to use the hands. Each team has its own uniform, badge of the club (country), stadium, sponsor.

Football is a passionate confrontation between two teams, in which speed, strength, agility, and quickness of reaction are manifested. As the best footballer of our time, the Brazilian Pele, noted: “football is a difficult game, because it is played with the feet, but you have to think with your head.”

1. The history of football

The oldest image of a ball dating back to 2500 BC was discovered on the island of Samothrace. e. One of the earliest images of the ball, various moments of the game, was found on the walls of the tombs of Benny Hassan in Egypt.

Descriptions of the games of the ancient Egyptians have not been preserved. But much more is known about the predecessors of football on the Asian continent. Ancient Chinese sources dating back to 2697 BC talk about a game similar to football. They called it "dzu-nu" ("dzu" - push with the foot, "nu" - ball). Holidays are described, during which two selected teams delighted the gaze of the Chinese emperor and his entourage. Later, in 2674 BC, "zu-nu" became part of military training. The matches were played on limited grounds, with bamboo goals without a top crossbar, leather balls stuffed with hair or feathers. Each team had six goals and the same number of goalkeepers. Over time, the number of gates has decreased. Since the game set a goal to educate the will and determination of warriors. The losers were still severely punished.

Later, in the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD), there was a kickball game in China, the rules of which were peculiar. Walls were installed on the front sides of the playing field, six holes were cut into them on each side. The task of the team was to score the ball into any of the holes in the opposing team's wall. Each team had six goalkeepers who defended these "gates".

Around the same time, a game similar to football - "kemari" appeared in the country of Yamato, aka Japan, which at that time was under the strong political and cultural influence of China. The game was of a religious nature, being an element of magnificent palace ceremonies, and was most widely used among the noble families of the country in the 6th century. n. e. Matches between the two teams were held on the square in front of the emperor's palace. The four corners of the playing field were marked with trees, which symbolized the four cardinal points. The game was preceded by a procession of priests who carried a ball kept permanently in one of the Shinto shrines. The players were distinguished by special kimonos and special shoes, since one of the features of "kemari" was that the ball was constantly kicked up with a kick, preventing it from falling to the ground. The goal of the competition was to score the ball into the goal, which resembled the current one. It is not known how long the game lasted, but the fact that its scope was limited by certain regulations was not in doubt: an indispensable attribute of the competition was hourglass.

Meanwhile, the ball continued its journey around the globe. In ancient Greece, "all ages are submissive" to the ball. The balls were different, some were sewn from colored patches and stuffed with hair, others were filled with air, others were filled with feathers, and finally, the heaviest ones were filled with sand.

The game with a big ball - "epikiros" - was also popular. It was in many ways reminiscent of modern football. The players were located on both sides of the center line of the field. On a signal, the opponents tried to kick the ball between two lines drawn on the ground with kicks (they replaced the gate). The winning team was awarded a point. Another game common among the Hellenes was "feninda". The object of the game was to get the ball over the end line of the field in the opponent's half. Aristophanes mentions these competitions. The famous playwright of Ancient Hellas Antiphanes (388 - 311 BC) can be called the first football reporter. The very nature of the "reportage" gives an idea of ​​the high intensity of sports passions. Tribute to the foot ball was paid not only by the writers of Hellas, but also by ancient Greek sculptors. Several bas-reliefs telling about sports games have survived to our time.

Another kind of similar games in Ancient Greece was "harpanon". This game can be considered a distant predecessor of football and rugby. Before the start of the competition, the ball was carried to the center of the field, and the opposing teams simultaneously rushed there in order to capture it. The team that managed to do this went on the offensive to the opponent's line, that is, to the kind of in-goal field that exists in modern rugby. You could carry the ball in your hands and kick it. But it was not easy to get ahead with him. There were continuous fierce fights on the field.

Equally uncompromising was the favorite game of the inhabitants of Ancient Sparta - "espikiros", which was of a military-applied nature. Its essence was that two teams threw the ball with their hands and feet over the field line, to the side defended by the opponents. The restriction of the game by certain rules was indicated by the mandatory presence of a referee on the field. The game was so popular that in the VI - V centuries. BC. even the girls played it.

The other most common game among the Romans was "harpastum". She was of a very violent nature. Two teams, located opposite each other, tried to move a small heavy ball across the line, which was behind the shoulders of the rivals. At the same time, it was allowed to pass the ball with your feet and hands, knock the player down, taking the ball away in any way. The passion for "harpastum" was strongly encouraged by the Roman nobility, led by Julius Caesar. It was believed that in this way the physical perfection of the soldiers was achieved, strength and mobility appeared - qualities that were so necessary in military operations that the Roman Empire constantly waged.

Over time, they began to use a large leather ball sewn from ox or boar skins and stuffed with straw for competitions. It was allowed to pass it only with the feet. The place where it was necessary to score the ball has also changed. If at first it was an ordinary line drawn on the site, now a gate without an upper crossbar was installed on it. The ball had to be kicked into the goal, for which the team was awarded a point. Thus, "harpastum" acquired more and more features of today's football.

For the first time the word "football" occurs in an English military chronicle, the author of which compares the passion for this game with an epidemic. In addition to "football", kickball games were called "la sul" and "shul" depending on the region in which they were practiced.

English medieval football was very primitive. It was necessary to attack the opponent, take possession of the leather ball and break through with it towards the "gate" of the opponent. The gates were the border of the village, and in cities, most often the gates of large buildings.

Football matches were usually timed to coincide with religious holidays. It is interesting that women participated in them. Games were also held during holidays dedicated to the god of fertility. A round ball made of leather, which later began to be filled with feathers, was a symbol of the sun. Being the subject of a cult, he was kept in the house in a place of honor and had to guarantee success in all worldly affairs.

For the first time the word "football" is found in written sources dating back to the reign of the English King Henry II (1154 - 1189). Detailed description Medieval football can be summarized as follows: on carnival, the boys went out of town to play ball. The game was played without any rules. The ball was thrown up in the center of the field. Both teams rushed to him and tried to score in the goal. Sometimes the goal of the game was to drive the ball into the goal of their own team. The adults liked the game too. They gathered in the market square. The mayor of the city tossed the ball, and the fight began. Not only men, but also women fought for the ball. After honoring the player who managed to score a goal, the game resumed with even greater excitement. It was not considered reprehensible to knock down the enemy with a bandwagon and give him a cuff. On the contrary, this was seen as a manifestation of dexterity and skill. Players in the heat of the fight often knocked down passers-by. Every now and then there was the sound of breaking glass. Prudent residents closed the windows with shutters, locked the doors with bolts. Therefore, it is not surprising that the game in the 14th century was repeatedly banned by the city authorities, was anathematized by the church and incurred the disfavor of many rulers of England. Feudal lords, clerics, merchants vying with each other demanded that the English king stop the "demonic zeal", "the invention of the devil" - that's what they called football. On April 13, 1314, King Edward II banned "raging with a big ball" on the streets of London, as "dangerous for passers-by and buildings."

However, the magical power was stronger than the formidable royal edict.

Games began to be held on wastelands outside the city. Team members tried to drive the ball into a pre-marked place - a site similar to the current penalty area. The bone of contention was a semblance of a modern ball, made from the skin of a rabbit or a sheep and stuffed with rags.

The best times for football players came only in the 17th century, when Elizabeth I lifted the ban on football in 1603. Despite this, the highest clergy and city authorities opposed the game of football. This was the situation in many cities. And although the games often ended in fines and even imprisonment of the participants, nevertheless, football was played not only in the capital, but also in any, even the most remote corner of the country.

The further development of football in the British Isles was unstoppable. Hundreds, thousands of teams sprang up in cities, towns, villages, schools, colleges. The time was rapidly approaching when this disorderly movement turned into an organized one - the first rules, the first clubs, the first championships appeared. There was a final demarcation of supporters of the game with hands and feet. In 1863, supporters of the game "only with their feet" separated, creating an autonomous "Football Association".

The Italians are also proud of their football past. They consider themselves, if not the founders of the game, then, in any case, its longtime admirers. Proof of this is the numerous records in historical chronicles about ball games that the ancient ancestors of the Italians amused themselves with. The name of the game comes from the name of the special shoes worn by the players in "harpastum" - "calceus". The root of this word is preserved in the current name of football - "calcio".

A detailed description of the Italian medieval "football" was compiled by the Florentine historian of the 16th century. Silvio Piccolomini. Heralds announced the upcoming competition. They also informed the people of Florence the names of the players a week before the competition. The game was accompanied by the thunder of orchestras. In Piccolomini you can find an exposition of the rules of "ginaccio a calcio", which, of course, are very different from the current football ones. There were no gates, instead of them they stretched huge nets that were placed on both sides of the field. A goal was counted even if it was scored not with a foot, but with a hand. The team, whose players did not hit the net, but beat them by, was punished: they were deprived of their previously scored points. The judges were literally on top. They did not move around the field, but sat on a raised platform. Their actions were monitored by an authoritative commission that could eliminate incompetent referees.

The day of the first match - February 17, is celebrated in Florence, annually since 1530. The holiday is still accompanied by a meeting of football players dressed in medieval costumes. The game "ginaccio a calcio" was popular not only in Florence, but also in Bologna.

Football-like games have been widespread in Mexico since antiquity. The Spaniards, who first entered Central Mexico, inhabited by the powerful Aztec tribe, saw a ball game here, which the Aztecs called "tlachtli".

The Spaniards looked with surprise at the game of rubber ball. European balls were rounded, made of leather, stuffed with straw, rags or hair. In Spanish, ball games are still called "pelota", from the word "pelo" - hair. The Indians' balls were bigger and heavier, but bounced higher.

It is difficult to say when the Indians began to play ball. However, the records on the stone disks of the stadiums indicate that they were passionate fans of the "tlachtli" one and a half thousand years ago.

Among the Mayan tribes, a platform (about 75 feet) served as a place of competition, laid with stone slabs and framed on two sides by brick benches, and on the other two - inclined or vertical wall. Carved stone blocks various shapes served as marks on the field. The game was played by two teams of 3-11 players each. The ball was a massive rubber mass from 2 to 4 kg. The teams ran out onto the field in formation. The knees, elbows and shoulders of the players were wrapped in cotton cloth and specially made cane films. There was a solemn uniform in which the players performed worship and made sacrifices to the gods: on their heads was a helmet richly decorated with feathers; the face, with the exception of the opening for the eyes, is closed.

Indian players were preparing for the match not only the costume. First of all, they prepared themselves. A few days before the competition, they began the ritual of sacrifice, and also fumigated their costume and balls with the smoke of sacred resin.

Although the Mayan game had many secular features (for example, spectators were present), it was basically cult and ritual.

2. Worldwide distribution of football

Modern organized football originated in the UK. With the development of communications and international travel, British sailors, soldiers, merchants, technicians, teachers and students "grafted" their favorite sports - cricket and football around the world.

The local population gradually got a taste, and football gained popularity all over the world. By the end of the 19th century football had literally invaded Austria. There was a large British colony in Vienna at that time. Moreover, its influence was so strong that the two oldest Austrian clubs wore English titles"First Viennese Football Club" and "Vienna Football and Cricket Club". From these clubs, the famous "Austria" was later formed.

Hugo Meisl played in the Vienna Cricket, who later took over as secretary of the Austrian Football Association. He recalled that the first game in Austria under real football rules took place on November 15, 1894. It was a match between the Cricketers and Vienna, which ended in a convincing victory for the Cricketers. In 1897, M.D. Nicholson was appointed to a position in the Vienna office of Thomas Cook & Sons. He proved himself to be the brightest and most famous English player in the history of Austrian football and became the first secretary of the Austrian Football Association.

Football became widespread in continental Europe thanks to the efforts of Hugo Meisl. It was he who was the main initiator of the Mitrop Cup (the forerunner of modern Eurocubes) and various national championships that contributed to the popularization of football in Central Europe.

Hungary was one of the first European countries to recognize and immediately love football. And it was brought by a young student who returned home from England in the 1890s. The first Hungarian team featured two Englishmen, Arthur Yolland and Ashton. Even before the outbreak of the First World War, some English clubs visited Hungary.

Some argue that football was introduced to Germany as early as 1865. Then it was a little organized kind of game, which English boys who studied at German schools showed to their classmates. But "adult" german football developed largely thanks to the enthusiasm of the two brothers Shriker, who even borrowed a large amount of money from their mother in order to contribute to the financing of the first overseas tour, which the Football Association team held in 1899.

Jimmy Hogan made an invaluable contribution to the development of Dutch football. In 1908, there were already 96 clubs in Holland and a fairly strong team, led by Edgar Chadwig, a former England national team player.

Football appeared in Russia in 1887 thanks to the English brothers Charnock, who owned a mill in the village of Orekhovo near Moscow. They bought the equipment in England, but they did not have enough money for boots. Clement Charnock solved this problem by adapting some of the mill equipment to a kind of darner, with which the spikes were attached to the soles of ordinary players' shoes. In Russia, the new game was enthusiastically accepted and in the 1890s. Moscow has already formed in the capital football league. For the first five years, the winners of all its championships were the Charnok team - Morozovtsy.

One of the first countries in continental Europe where truly strong teams was Denmark. The Danes were trained by English professionals, and at the beginning of the 20th century the Danish team was one of the strongest in Europe. At the 1908 Olympics, the Danes reached the final but lost to Great Britain.

Football conquered not only Europe, but the whole world. It was brought to Brazil by English sailors in 1874. However, the true missionary of football in Brazil is Charles Miller, a native of São Paulo, the son of English immigrants. He studied in England for a long time and played there for the Southampton club, and when he returned home 10 years later, he brought with him a fairly complete kit and two soccer balls. Miller encouraged the workers and employees of the Gas Company, the Bank of London, and the São Paulo Railway Authority to organize their own football teams. He also attracted the founders of the Athletic Club of São Paulo, which at that time was engaged exclusively in cricket, to this cause. First "real" football match took place in April 1894. The railroad workers defeated the Gas Company team.

The first club, consisting mainly of some Brazilians (" Sports Academy Mackenzie College"), was founded in São Paulo in 1898. So South American football developed simultaneously with European football.

In Argentina, football appeared largely thanks to the representatives of the British diaspora in Buenos Aires. However locals At first they were not very interested in this game. Even in 1911, there were quite a few English players on the Argentine national team. But the popularization of football in Argentina and in some other countries of Latin America was not promoted by the British, but by Italian immigrants.

Football came to Africa thanks to the English and French colonists. Germany and Portugal made their modest but no less significant contribution to the development of football on the African continent.

The rules and order of this once unorganized "wild" game was determined in the rooms of private schools and universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Almost every school and every football club had their own set of rules. Some rules allowed dribbling and passing the ball with hands, others were categorically rejected; somewhere the number of players in each team was limited, somewhere not. In some teams, it was allowed to push, hook and kick an opponent in the legs, in others it was strictly prohibited.

In other words, English football was in a chaotic state. And in 1846 the first serious attempt was made to unify the code football rules. H. de Wheaton and J. S. Tring from the University of Cambridge met with representatives of private schools to formulate and adopt a set of uniform rules.

The discussion lasted 7 hours and 55 minutes and resulted in a document published under the title "The Cambridge Rules". They were approved by most schools and clubs and later (with only minor changes) they were adopted as the basis of the rules of the Football Association of England. Unfortunately, no copies of the original Cambridge Rules have survived. The earliest document in existence, to which modern rules Football Association, this is a set of rules published by Mr. Tring in 1862. These were the rules of the game, which Mr. Tring himself defined as "the simplest game." They had a great influence on the development of football as we know it today.

Rules of the game

There are 17 official rules of the game, each containing a list of caveats and guidelines. These rules are intended to apply at all levels of football, although there are some changes for groups such as juniors, seniors, women and people with disabilities. The laws were very often formulated in general terms, which make it possible to simplify their application depending on the nature of the game. The rules of the game are published by FIFA but maintained International Council football associations (IFAB).

Each team consists of a maximum of eleven players (excluding substitutes), one of whom must be the goalkeeper. Unofficial competition rules may reduce the number of players to a maximum of 7. Goalkeepers are the only players allowed to play with their hands, provided they do so within the penalty area of ​​their own goal. While there are various positions on the field, these positions are optional.

A separate football game is called a match, which in turn consists of two halves of 45 minutes. The pause between the first and second halves is 15 minutes, during which the teams rest, and at the end of it they change goals.

The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal, do it as many times as possible and try not to allow a goal into your own goal. The match is won by the team that scores more goals.

If during two halves the teams scored the same number of goals, then either a draw is recorded, or the winner is revealed according to the established rules of the match. In this case, additional time may be assigned - two more halves of 15 minutes each. As a rule, teams are given a break between the regular and extra time of the match. Between extra halves, teams are given only time to change sides. At one time in football, there was a rule according to which the team that scored the first goal (the “golden goal” rule) or won at the end of any of the extra halves (the “silver goal” rule) was declared the winner. At the moment, extra time is either not played at all, or is played in full (2 halves of 15 minutes each). If it is not possible to determine the winner during extra time, a series of post-match penalties is held, which are not part of the match: five shots are made at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters by different players. If the number of penalties scored for both teams is equal, then one pair of penalties is broken through until a winner is determined.

Basic football attributes.

Matches can be played on both natural and artificial turf fields. According to the official rules of football, artificial turf must be green. The playing field has the shape of a rectangle. The touchline must be longer than the goal line. It was decided that the size of the field should be 100-110 m (110-120 yd) in length and a minimum of 64-75 (70-80 yd) in width, but then this requirement was suspended.

The marking of the field is done with lines no more than 12 cm (5 inches) wide; these lines are included in the areas they delimit. All lines must be the same width.

Name of field lines

The two long lines that define the field of play are called sidelines; two short lines - front lines. as well as goal lines. because they have gates.

middle line

The field is divided into two halves by a middle line connecting the midpoints of the touchlines. In the middle of the center line, the center of the field is marked - a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft). A circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) is drawn around the center of the field. From the center of the field mark at the beginning of each of the halves of regular and extra time, as well as after each goal scored, the kickoff is performed. When the kick-off is taken, all players must be in their own half of the field, and the opponents of the team taking the kick must be outside the center circle.

goal area

On each half of the field, the goal area is marked - the zone from which the goal kick is taken.

From points 5.5 m (6 yds) from the inside of each goalpost at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn inland. At a distance of 5.5 m (6 yds) these lines are joined by another line parallel to the goal line. Thus, the dimensions of the goal area are 18.32 m (20 yds) by 5.5 m (6 yds).

penalty area

Each half of the field is marked penalty area-- an area in which the goalkeeper may play with his hands and a penalty kick will be awarded against a team that commits a penalty kick in its own penalty area.

From points at a distance of 16.5 m (18 yds) from the inside of each goalpost, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn inland. At a distance of 16.5 m (18 yds) these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. The size of the penalty area is thus 40.32 meters (44 yards) by 16.5 meters (18 yards). Within the penalty area, in the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 m (12 yds) from it, a penalty mark is applied - a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 m (1 ft). Outside the penalty area, a circular arc with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) is drawn, centered on the penalty mark. This arc is used to position the players of the teams when breaking the penalty kick.

Corner sectors

In each of the four corners of the field, an arc with a radius of 1 m (or 1 yard) is drawn with a center in the corner of the field, limiting the sector for corner kicks.

At a distance of 9.15 m (10 yds) from the edges of the corner sectors, marks may be placed at the touchlines and goal lines (with outside lines adjoining them at right angles) used to determine the distance at which the players are when a corner is taken.

Also, at each corner of the field, flags must be placed on flagpoles at least 1.5 meters (5 feet) high, without points at the top.

The soccer ball must be spherical and used for playing soccer, the parameters of which are regulated by Law 2 of the Laws of the Game.

The ball consists of 3 parts: tire, lining and camera.

Tire - the upper shell of the ball, which is hit.

Lining - the middle shell of the ball, the thickness of which determines the strength of the ball (the thicker, the stronger)

The chamber is the central shell of the ball, into which air is pumped for more comfortable striking.

Standard provisions

There are set pieces in football. The standard provisions in football are free kicks, free kicks, corner kicks and other kicks, which are taken at the signal of the referee.

The standard provisions are:

· Initial hit. It is applied at the beginning of each half, as well as after each goal scored. Assigned from the center point of the field (in the central circle)

Throwing in the ball (out). Throws hands from behind the sideline. It is assigned after the ball has crossed this very side line. In this case, the out is thrown by the opponent of the player whom the ball touched last before leaving the touchline.

· Goal kick. It is applied by the goalkeeper after the ball has completely crossed the goal line (outside the goal territory) from the player of the attacking team.

· Corner kick. It is applied by a player of the attacking team from the corner sector. It is awarded if the ball completely crosses the goal line (outside the goal territory) from a player of the defending team.

· Free kick. It is assigned in case of a dangerous game against an opponent (failed violation) against the team that committed dangerous game. It breaks from the point where the moment of the dangerous game took place. A goal scored by a direct free kick does not count.

· Penalty kick. It is appointed in case of violation of the rules at the gate of the team that violated the rules. It can only be awarded outside the penalty area of ​​the offending team (if the foul occurred within the penalty area, a penalty is awarded). A free kick, as well as a free kick, is taken from the point of infringement. A goal scored by a direct free kick counts.

Penalty. It is applied from a special mark located 11 meters from the gate. Assigned if a player violates the rules in his own penalty area.

· Controversial ball. Committed by an official dropping the ball between two opposing players. Assigned if the game was stopped in a situation not related to the rules.

Rule violations

Fouls (violations)

The most common violations are:

Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent

tripping or attempting to trip an opponent

Jump on an opponent

Attack of the opponent

Pushing an opponent with hands

Striking or attempting to do so against an opponent

· And others

Unruly behavior

Unruly behavior in football can be represented by the following phenomena:

3) Obscene expressions and gestures, etc.

Football structures

There are a number of organizations that control, manage and promote football. The main one is FIFA, located in Zurich, Switzerland. It organizes international competitions on a global scale, in particular the World Cup. At the continental level, the football population is provided by 6 organizations: CONCACAF, CONMEBOL, UEFA, CAF, AFC, OFC. FIFA is trying to spread football outside of Europe and South America. In 2002 the World Championship was held in Japan and South Korea, and in 2010 - in South Africa. Football is most developed in Europe. The 20 richest clubs are located there. Of the 700 players who participated in the 2006 World Cup, 102 played in England, 74 in Germany, 60 in Italy, 58 in France. Players mainly go to Europe because of high salaries and participation in the strongest leagues in the world.

clubs football sport team ball

A football club is the basic cell of the entire football structure. He is the link between players, staff and organizations. In fact, this is a team of football players that is part of one of the organizations that has a certain infrastructure and staff.

Referees keep order on the football field. Their job is to identify violations of the rules.

The Role of the Judge

Before the match, the referees must check the goal net and markings football field and analyze weather conditions. After the game, the referees write a score sheet in which they explain all their decisions. During the game, the referee must determine, for example, how much time will be added to the main or whether the ball crossed the goal line or not. If a player, at the discretion of the referee, has broken a rule, he must award a penalty kick. The referee may issue a warning to the player or stop the match for any reason. On average, a referee runs 10 kilometers per match.

Referee assistants

In addition to the chief referee in football, there are also side referees. They help determine an offside position. They can also tell the referee in a situation where he did not see a foul or a goal. In 2012, UEFA added a referee outside the goal.


So, we can conclude that football is one of the oldest sports games, the origin of which dates back to the distant past.

It is worth noting that many years of attempts by kings and kings to stop this "dangerous" game have failed. Football turned out to be stronger than prohibitions, lived and developed safely, acquired a modern form and even became an Olympic sport.

Today, football enjoys national recognition, probably there is not a single person who would not know this sport.

List of sources used

1. Football: Handbook / Ed. - comp. Chumakov E.M. - M.: Physical culture and

sport, 1985.

2. All about sports. Handbook, 2nd ed., in 3 volumes - M .: Physical Education and

sport, 1988

3. Physical culture and sports. Small Encyclopedia - M .: "Rainbow", 1982.

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Department of Theory and Methods of Football

on the topic: "The history of the emergence and development of football"

Completed by: Gerashchenko Daria

1st year student

Checked by: Neretin A.V.

Volgograd - 2011


The history of the emergence and development of football

How football started in England

The history of the emergence of football in Russia

History of our national team Soviet Union


Football is the most accessible and, consequently, mass means of physical development and health promotion for the general population. About 4 million people play football in Russia. This truly folk game is popular with adults, boys and children.

Football is a truly athletic game. It contributes to the development of speed, agility, endurance, strength and jumping ability. In the game, a football player performs extremely high-load work, which contributes to an increase in the level of a person’s functional capabilities, educates moral and volitional qualities. Diverse and large-scale motor activity against the background of growing fatigue requires the manifestation of volitional qualities necessary to maintain high gaming activity.

Since training and football competitions take place almost all year round, in a variety of, often dramatically changing, climatic meteorological conditions, this game also contributes to physical hardening, increasing the body's resistance and expanding adaptive capabilities.

In training for other sports, football (or individual exercises from football) is often used as an additional sport. This is due to the fact that football, due to its special impact on the physical development of an athlete, can contribute to successful preparation in the chosen sports specialization. The game of football can serve a good remedy general physical training. A varied run with a change in direction, various jumps, a wealth of body movements of the most diverse structure, strikes, stops and dribbling, the manifestation of maximum speed of movement, the development of strong-willed qualities, tactical thinking - all this allows us to consider football such sports game, which improves many valuable qualities necessary for an athlete of any specialty.

Emotional features allow you to use the game of football or ball possession exercises as a means of active recreation.

The "geography" of Soviet football is vast and varied. There are football teams in polar Murmansk and sultry Ashgabat, green picturesque Uzhgorod and harsh Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka.

Football teams have been created in our voluntary sports associations, at plants and factories, on collective farms and state farms, in higher educational institutions and schools. There are more than 1,000 specialized football departments of the Youth Sports School and 57 Sports Schools, 126 training groups under the teams of masters in the country. Several times more boys participate in mass competitions club "Leather ball". The mass nature of football is the key to the continuous growth of sportsmanship.

Football competitions are an important means of mass involvement of workers in systematic physical education.

football athlete competition physical

1. The history of the emergence and development of football

The most popular game of our time - football - was born in England. The Englishman kicked the ball first. However, the priority of the British is disputed by a number of countries, and primarily Italy, France, China, Japan, Mexico. This "intercontinental" dispute has a long history. The parties support their claims with references to historical documents, archaeological finds, statements famous people of the past.

To establish who hit the ball first, you first need to know when and where he appeared. Archaeologists say that the leather companion of man has a very respectable age. On the island of Samothrace, its oldest image was discovered, dating back to 2500 BC. e. One of the earliest images of the ball, various moments of the game, was found on the walls of the tombs of Benny Hassan in Egypt.

Descriptions of the games of the ancient Egyptians have not been preserved. But much more is known about the predecessors of football on the Asian continent. Ancient Chinese sources dating back to 2697 BC talk about a game similar to football. They called it "dzu-nu" ("dzu" - push with the foot, "nu" - ball). Holidays are described, during which two selected teams delighted the gaze of the Chinese emperor and his entourage. Later, in 2674 BC, "zu-nu" became part of military training. The matches were played on limited grounds, with bamboo goals without a top crossbar, leather balls stuffed with hair or feathers. Each team had six goals and the same number of goalkeepers. Over time, the number of gates has decreased. Since the game set a goal to educate the will and determination of warriors. The losers were still severely punished.

Later, in the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD), there was a kickball game in China, the rules of which were peculiar. Walls were installed on the front sides of the playing field, six holes were cut into them on each side. The task of the team was to score the ball into any of the holes in the opposing team's wall. Each team had six goalkeepers who defended these "gates".

Around the same time, a game similar to football - "kemari" appeared in the country of Yamato, aka Japan, which at that time was under the strong political and cultural influence of China. The game was of a religious nature, being an element of magnificent palace ceremonies, and was most widely used among the noble families of the country in the 6th century. n. e. Matches between the two teams were held on the square in front of the emperor's palace. The four corners of the playing field were marked with trees, which symbolized the four cardinal points. The game was preceded by a procession of priests who carried a ball kept permanently in one of the Shinto shrines. The players were distinguished by special kimonos and special shoes, since one of the features of "kemari" was that the ball was constantly kicked up with a kick, preventing it from falling to the ground. The goal of the competition was to score the ball into the goal, which resembled the current one. It is not known how long the game lasted, but the fact that its scope was limited by certain regulations was not in doubt: an indispensable attribute of the competition was an hourglass. Interestingly, two Japanese clubs still play kemari. But this happens during big religious holidays on a special field, not far from one of the monasteries.

Meanwhile, the ball continued its journey around the globe. In ancient Greece, "all ages are submissive" to the ball. The balls were different, some were sewn from colored patches and stuffed with hair, others were filled with air, others were filled with feathers, and finally, the heaviest ones were filled with sand.

The game with a big ball - "epikiros" - was also popular. It was in many ways reminiscent of modern football. The players were located on both sides of the center line of the field. On a signal, the opponents tried to kick the ball between two lines drawn on the ground with kicks (they replaced the gate). The winning team was awarded a point. Another game common among the Hellenes was "feninda". The object of the game was to get the ball over the end line of the field in the opponent's half. Aristophanes mentions these competitions. The famous playwright of Ancient Hellas Antiphanes (388 - 311 BC) can be called the first football reporter. The very nature of the "reportage" gives an idea of ​​the high intensity of sports passions. Tribute to the foot ball was paid not only by the writers of Hellas, but also by ancient Greek sculptors. Several bas-reliefs telling about sports games have survived to our time.

Another kind of similar games in Ancient Greece was "harpanon". This game can be considered a distant predecessor of football and rugby. Before the start of the competition, the ball was carried to the center of the field, and the opposing teams simultaneously rushed there in order to capture it. The team that managed to do this went on the offensive to the opponent's line, that is, to the kind of in-goal field that exists in modern rugby. You could carry the ball in your hands and kick it. But it was not easy to get ahead with him. There were continuous fierce fights on the field.

Equally uncompromising was the favorite game of the inhabitants of Ancient Sparta - "espikiros", which was of a military-applied nature. Its essence was that two teams threw the ball with their hands and feet over the field line, to the side defended by the opponents. The restriction of the game by certain rules was indicated by the mandatory presence of a referee on the field. The game was so popular that in the VI - V centuries. BC. even the girls played it.

Greece is not far from Rome, and the Hellenes "passed" the soccer ball to the ancient Romans. For a long time The Romans were influenced by the richest Hellenic culture and, naturally, adopted many sports games.

The other most common game among the Romans was "harpastum". She was of a very violent nature. Two teams, located opposite each other, tried to move a small heavy ball across the line, which was behind the shoulders of the rivals. At the same time, it was allowed to pass the ball with your feet and hands, knock the player down, taking the ball away in any way. The passion for "harpastum" was strongly encouraged by the Roman nobility, led by Julius Caesar. It was believed that in this way the physical perfection of the soldiers was achieved, strength and mobility appeared - qualities that were so necessary in military operations that the Roman Empire constantly waged.

Over time, they began to use a large leather ball sewn from ox or boar skins and stuffed with straw for competitions. It was allowed to pass it only with the feet. The place where it was necessary to score the ball has also changed. If at first it was an ordinary line drawn on the site, now a gate without an upper crossbar was installed on it. The ball had to be kicked into the goal, for which the team was awarded a point. Thus, "harpastum" acquired more and more features of today's football.

For the first time the word "football" occurs in an English military chronicle, the author of which compares the passion for this game with an epidemic. In addition to "football", kickball games were called "la sul" and "shul" depending on the region in which they were practiced.

English medieval football was very primitive. It was necessary to attack the opponent, take possession of the leather ball and break through with it towards the "gate" of the opponent. The gates were the border of the village, and in cities, most often the gates of large buildings.

Football matches were usually timed to coincide with religious holidays. It is interesting that women participated in them. Games were also held during holidays dedicated to the god of fertility. A round ball made of leather, which later began to be filled with feathers, was a symbol of the sun. Being the subject of a cult, he was kept in the house in a place of honor and had to guarantee success in all worldly affairs.

Since football was common among the poor, the privileged class treated it with disdain. This, of course, explains why we know so little about the rules of the game and the number of matches of that time.

As already mentioned, for the first time the word "football" is found in written sources dating back to the reign of the English King Henry II (1154 - 1189). A detailed description of medieval football comes down briefly to the following: on Shrove Tuesday, the boys went out of town to play ball. The game was played without any rules. The ball was thrown up in the center of the field. Both teams rushed to him and tried to score in the goal. Sometimes the goal of the game was to drive the ball into the goal of ... own team. The adults liked the game too. They gathered in the market square. The mayor of the city tossed the ball, and the fight began. Not only men, but also women fought for the ball. After honoring the player who managed to score the year, the game resumed with even more excitement. It was not considered reprehensible to knock down the enemy with a bandwagon and give him a cuff. On the contrary, this was seen as a manifestation of dexterity and skill. Players in the heat of the fight often knocked down passers-by. Every now and then there was the sound of breaking glass. Prudent residents closed the windows with shutters, locked the doors with bolts. Therefore, it is not surprising that the game in the 14th century was repeatedly banned by the city authorities, was anathematized by the church and incurred the disfavor of many rulers of England. Feudal lords, clerics, merchants vying with each other demanded that the English king stop the "demonic zeal", "the invention of the devil" - that's what they called football. On April 13, 1314, King Edward II banned "raging with a big ball" on the streets of London, as "dangerous for passers-by and buildings."

However, the magical power was stronger than the formidable royal edict.

Games began to be held on wastelands outside the city. Team members tried to drive the ball into a pre-marked place - a site similar to the current penalty area. The bone of contention was a semblance of a modern ball, made from the skin of a rabbit or a sheep and stuffed with rags.

And yet, the passion for football captured more and more. more people. The game began to be mentioned more often in historical chronicles. Due to the brutal nature of the competition, Richard II in 1389 issued another restrictive "football edict", which, in particular, stated: "The violent people playing in the streets make a big mess, cripple each other, break windows in the house with their balls and cause great harm to the inhabitants.

The best times for football players came only in the 17th century, when Elizabeth I lifted the ban on football in 1603. Despite this, the highest clergy and city authorities opposed the game of football. This was the situation in many cities. And although the games often ended in fines and even imprisonment of the participants, nevertheless, football was played not only in the capital, but also in any, even the most remote corner of the country.

The further development of football in the British Isles was unstoppable. Hundreds, thousands of teams sprang up in cities, towns, villages, schools, colleges. The time was rapidly approaching when this disorderly movement turned into an organized one - the first rules, the first clubs, the first championships appeared. There was a final demarcation of supporters of the game with hands and feet. In 1863, supporters of the game "only with their feet" separated, creating an autonomous "Football Association".

The Italians are also proud of their football past. They consider themselves, if not the founders of the game, then, in any case, its longtime admirers. Proof of this is the numerous records in historical chronicles about ball games that the ancient ancestors of the Italians amused themselves with. The name of the game comes from the name of the special shoes worn by the players in "harpastum" - "calceus". The root of this word is preserved in the current name of football - "calcio".

A detailed description of the Italian medieval "football" was compiled by the Florentine historian of the 16th century. Silvio Piccolomini. Heralds announced the upcoming competition. They also informed the people of Florence the names of the players a week before the competition. The game was accompanied by the thunder of orchestras. In Piccolomini you can find an exposition of the rules of "ginaccio a calcio", which, of course, are very different from the current football ones. There were no gates, instead of them they stretched huge nets that were placed on both sides of the field. A goal was counted even if it was scored not with a foot, but with a hand. The team, whose players did not hit the net, but beat them by, was punished: they were deprived of their previously scored points. The judges were literally on top. They did not move around the field, but sat on a raised platform. Their actions were monitored by an authoritative commission that could eliminate incompetent referees.

The day of the first match - February 17, is celebrated in Florence, annually since 1530. The holiday is still accompanied by a meeting of football players dressed in medieval costumes. The game "ginaccio a calcio" was popular not only in Florence, but also in Bologna.

Football-like games have been widespread in Mexico since antiquity. The Spaniards, who first entered Central Mexico, inhabited by the powerful Aztec tribe, saw a ball game here, which the Aztecs called "tlachtli".

The Spaniards looked with surprise at the game of rubber ball. European balls were rounded, made of leather, stuffed with straw, rags or hair. In Spanish, ball games are still called "pelota", from the word "pelo" - hair. The Indians' balls were bigger and heavier, but bounced higher.

It is difficult to say when the Indians began to play ball. However, the records on the stone disks of the stadiums indicate that they were passionate fans of the "tlachtli" one and a half thousand years ago.

Among the Mayan tribes, the place of competition was a platform (about 75 feet), laid with stone slabs and framed on two sides by brick benches, and on the other two by an inclined or vertical wall. Carved stone blocks of various shapes served as marks on the field. The game was played by two teams of 3-11 players each. The ball was a massive rubber mass from 2 to 4 kg. The teams ran out onto the field in formation. The knees, elbows and shoulders of the players were wrapped in cotton cloth and specially made cane films. There was a solemn uniform in which the players performed worship and made sacrifices to the gods: on their heads was a helmet richly decorated with feathers; the face, with the exception of the opening for the eyes, is closed.

Indian players were preparing for the match not only the costume. First of all, they prepared themselves. A few days before the competition, they began the ritual of sacrifice, and also fumigated their costume and balls with the smoke of sacred resin.

Not much time passed, and reports of "tlachtli" flew to the capitals of other European powers. Soon there were rubber balls brought from the New World, and gradually everyone got used to them.

In the late 60s, clay figurines depicting ball players were found near the capital of Mexico. They date from around 800-500 BC. BC.

Ball games among the Indians of America were not limited to "tlachtli". No less popular was "pok-ta-pok". The game was played by two teams two against two or three against three. Almost every tribe used ball games not only in religious rituals, but also to temper the body and spirit.

But perhaps the most original was the game of the Iroquois, called the "high ball". The Indians competed by moving across the field on high stilts. The ball could be thrown not only with a racket, but also with the head. The number of goals was usually limited to three or five.

All the mentioned ball games are described in historical chronicles or confirmed by archaeological finds. This gives grounds for temperamental Mexicans to assert that football was popular on the Latin American continent long before the first Englishman hit the ball.

How football started in England

In the official home of modern football, England, the first documented game of football took place in 217 AD. In the area of ​​​​the city of Derby, a derby of the Celts against the Romans took place. The Celts won, history did not save the score. In the Middle Ages, the game of ball was very popular in England, a cross between ancient and modern football. Although most of all it looked like a chaotic dump, turning into a bloody fight. They played right on the streets, sometimes 500 or more people from each side. The team that managed to drive the ball across the city to a certain place won. The 16th-century English writer Stubbes wrote of football this way: “Football brings with it scandals, noise, strife. noses full of blood - that's what football is." Not surprisingly, football was considered politically dangerous. The first attempt to combat this scourge was made by King Edward II - in 1313 he banned football within the city. Then King Edward III banned football altogether. King Richard II in 1389 introduced very severe penalties for the game - up to the death penalty. Thereafter, every king considered it his duty to issue a decree banning football as it continued to be played. Only after 100 years, the monarchs nevertheless decided that it is better to let the people deal with football than uprisings and politics. In 1603 the ban on football in England was lifted. The game became widespread in 1660, when Charles II ascended the English throne. In 1681, a match was even held according to certain rules. The king's team was defeated, but he rewarded one of the best players on the opposing team. Until the beginning of the 19th century, football was played as it should - the number of players was not limited, the methods of taking the ball away were very diverse. There was only one goal - to drive the ball to a certain place. In the twenties of the 19th century, the first attempts were made to turn football into a sport and create uniform rules. It didn't take long for them to succeed. Football was especially popular in colleges, but each college played by its own rules. Therefore, it was the representatives of English educational institutions who finally decided to unify the rules of the game of football. In 1848, the so-called Cambridge Rules appeared - after delegates from colleges gathered in Cambridge in order to streamline the football game.

The main provisions of these rules were a corner kick, a goal kick, an offside position, a punishment for rudeness. But even then, no one really performed them. The main stumbling block was the dilemma - to play football with your feet or both with your feet and with your hands. At Eton College, they played by rules that were most like modern football - there were 11 people on the team, handplay was prohibited, there was even a rule similar to today's "offside". College players from the city of Rugby played with their feet and hands. As a result, in 1863, at the next meeting, representatives of Rugby left the congress and organized their own football, which we know as rugby. And the rest developed rules that were published in newspapers and received universal recognition.

Form start

This is how football was born, which is played all over the world today.

The history of the emergence and development of football in Russia

Modern football in Russia was recognized a hundred years ago in port and industrial cities. It was "delivered" to ports by British sailors, and to industrial centers by foreign specialists, who were employed quite a lot in Russian factories and factories. The first Russian football teams appeared in Odessa, Nikolaev, St. Petersburg and Riga, and somewhat later in Moscow. Since 1872, the history of international football matches has begun. It opens with a match between England and Scotland, which marked the beginning of a long-term competition between English and Scottish football. Spectators of that historic match did not see a single goal. In the first international meeting - the first goalless draw. Since 1884, the first official international tournaments with the participation of football players from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland began to be held in the British Isles - the so-called international championships of Great Britain. The first laurels of the winners went to the Scots. In the future, the British more often had an advantage. The founders of football also won three of the first four Olympic tournaments - in 1900, 1908 and 1912. On the eve of the V Olympiad, the future winners of the football tournament visited Russia and defeated the St. Petersburg team three times dry - 14:0, 7:0 and 11:0. The first official football competitions in our country took place at the beginning of the century. In St. Petersburg, a football league was created in 1901, in Moscow - in 1909. A year or two later, leagues of football players appeared in many other cities of the country. In 1911, the leagues of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov, Kyiv, Odessa, Sevastopol, Nikolaev and Tver formed the All-Russian Football Union. Early 20s. was a time when the British had already lost their former advantage in meetings with the teams of the continent. At the 1920 Olympics, they lost to the Norwegians (1:3). This tournament marked the beginning of a long-term brilliant career one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time, Ricardo Zamora, with a name associated with the brilliant success of the Spanish national team. Even before the First World War, the Hungarian national team achieved great success, famous primarily for its attackers (Imre Schlosser was the strongest among them). In the same years, Danish footballers also distinguished themselves, losing at the 1908 and 1912 Olympic Games. only to the British and who had victories over the amateur England team. In the Danish team of that time, midfielder Harald Vohr (an outstanding mathematician, brother of the famous physicist Niels Bohr, who also superbly defended the gates of the Danish football team) played an outstanding role. The approaches to the gates of the Italian national team were guarded by the then magnificent defender (perhaps the best in European football of that time) Renzode Vecchi. In addition to these teams, the elite of European football included the national teams of Belgium and Czechoslovakia. The Belgians became Olympic champions in 1920, and the Czechoslovak football players became the second team of this tournament. Olympic Games 1924 opened football world South America: Uruguayan players won the gold medals of the winners, defeating the Yugoslavs and the Americans, the French, the Dutch and the Swiss. Take a look at the football field during the match. Players run and jump, fall and get up quickly, make a wide variety of movements with their legs, arms, and head. How to do here without strength and endurance, speed and dexterity, flexibility and quickness! And how much joy overwhelms everyone who manages to hit the gate! We think that the special appeal of football is also due to its accessibility. Indeed, if for playing basketball, volleyball, tennis, hockey, special grounds and quite a lot of all kinds of equipment and devices are needed, then for football, any piece is enough, albeit not quite flat ground and just one ball, no matter what - leather, rubber or plastic . Of course, football captures not only the joy of the players themselves, who, with the help of various tricks, still manage to subdue the initially recalcitrant ball. Success in a difficult struggle on the football field comes only to those who manage to show a lot of positive qualities of character.

If you are not brave, persistent, patient, do not have the will necessary for waging a stubborn struggle, then there can be no talk of even the slightest victories. If he did not show these qualities in a direct dispute with an opponent, then he lost to him. It is also very important that this dispute is not conducted alone, but collectively. The need for coordinated actions with teammates, help and mutual assistance brings you closer, develops a desire to give all your strength and skill to a common cause. Football is also attractive to spectators. When you watch games high-class teams, for sure, you will not remain indifferent: the players deftly circle each other, make all kinds of feints or soar high, hitting the ball with their feet or heads on the move. And what pleasure the players give to the spectators by the consistency of actions. Is it possible to remain indifferent when you see how skillfully eleven people interact, each of which has different tasks in the game. Another thing is also interesting: every football game is a mystery. Why in football do the weak sometimes manage to beat the stronger? Perhaps mainly because the competitors during the whole game prevent each other from showing their skills. Sometimes the resistance of the players of the team, which is considered to be noticeably weaker than the opposing team, reaches such an extent that it nullifies the opportunity of the stronger ones to fully show their qualities. For example, skaters during the course do not get in each other's way, but each run along their own path. Footballers, on the other hand, encounter interference throughout the game. Only the attacker wants to break through on goal, but out of nowhere the opponent's leg, which prevents it from doing so.

But to perform this or that technique is possible only under certain conditions. You will see this once you start. workshops with a ball. For example: in order to hit the ball or stop the ball, you need to conveniently position the supporting leg, touch a certain part of the ball with the kicking leg. And the goal of the opponent is to interfere with this all the time. In such conditions, not only technical skill, but also the ability to overcome resistance becomes very important. After all, in essence, the whole game of football consists of the fact that the defenders interfere with the attackers with all their might.

And the outcome of the fight in duels is far from the same. In one game, success is achieved by those who are better at offensive techniques, in another, by those who can stubbornly resist. Therefore, no one ever knows in advance how the struggle will turn out, and even more so who will win. That's why football fans are so eager to get on interesting match That's why we love football so much. In football, as in any competition, the more skilled win. Half a century ago, the Uruguayan football players who won the Olympic Games in 1924 and 1928 were such skilled craftsmen. and at the first World Cup in 1930. At that time, European teams preferred tall, strong people who could run fast and hit the ball powerfully. Defenders (there were only two of them then - front and rear) were famous for the power of blows. In the five forwards on the edges, the fastest ones most often acted, and in the center - a football player with a powerful and accurate shot. Welterweights, or insiders, distributed the balls between the extreme and central. Of the three midfielders, a footballer played in the center, tying up the majority of combinations, and each extreme followed “his” extreme attackers. The Uruguayans, who learned football from the British, but understood it in their own way, did not differ in such strength as the Europeans. But they were more agile and faster. Everyone knew and was able to perform a lot of game tricks: heel strikes and cut passes, kicks through themselves in the fall. The Europeans were especially struck by the ability of the Uruguayans to juggle the ball and pass it to each other from head to head, even in motion. A few years later, having adopted their high technique from South American football players, the Europeans supplemented it with solid athletic training. The players of Italy and Spain, Hungary, Austria, and Czechoslovakia were especially successful in this. Early and mid 30s. became the time of the revival of former glory English football. A formidable weapon appeared in the arsenal of the founders of this game - the "double-ve" system. The prestige of football in England was defended by such masters as Dean, Bastin, Hapgood, Drake. In 1934, 19-year-old right winger Stanley Matthews made his debut in the national team, who went down in the history of world football as a legendary person.

In our country, football has also been developing rapidly in these years. Back in 1923, the RSFSR team made a victorious tour of Scandinavia, outplaying the best football players in Sweden and Norway. Then many times our teams met with the strongest athletes in Turkey. And they always won. Mid 30s and early 40s. - the time of the first fights with some of the best teams from Czechoslovakia, France, Spain and Bulgaria. And here our masters have shown that Soviet football is not inferior to advanced European. Goalkeeper Anatoly Akimov, defender Alexander Starostin, midfielders Fedor Selin and Andrei Starostin, forwards Vasily Pavlov, Mikhail Butusov, Mikhail Yakushin, Sergei Ilyin, Grigory Fedotov, Pyotr Dementiev, were admittedly among the strongest in Europe. The years following the end of World War II did not bring a single leader to the football world. In Europe, the British and Hungarians, the Swiss and Italians, the Portuguese and Austrians, the football players of Czechoslovakia and the Dutch, the Swedes and Yugoslavs played more successfully than others. These were the heydays of offensive football and outstanding forwards: the English Stanley Matthews and Tommy Lawton, the Italians Valentine Mazzola and Silvio Piola, the Swedes Gunnar Gren and Gunnar Nordal, the Yugoslavs Stepan Bobek and Raiko Mitic, the Hungarians Gyula Siladi and Nandor Hidegkuti. During these years, attacking football also flourished in the USSR. It was during this period that Vsevolod Bobrov and Grigory Fedotov, Konstantin Beskovi, Vasily Kartsev, Valentin Nikolaev and Sergey Solovyov, Vasily Trofimov and Vladimir Demin, Alexander Ponomarev and Boris Paichadze showed themselves to the full and in all their brilliance. Soviet football players, meeting in those years with many of top clubs Europe, often defeated the famous British and future heroes of the 1948 Olympics, the Swedes and Yugoslavs, as well as the Bulgarians, Romanians, Welsh and Hungarians. Soviet football was highly rated on the European arena, despite the fact that the time had not yet come for the revival of the USSR national team. In those same years, the Argentines won the South American championships three times (in 1946-1948), and on the eve of the next world championship, which was to be held in Brazil, the future organizers of the world championship became the best. The Brazilian attack line was especially strong, where center forward Ademir stood out (he is still included in the symbolic national team of all time), and insiders Zizinho and Genre, goalkeeper Barbosa and central defender Danilo. The Brazilians were also favorites for the final match of the 1950 World Cup. Everything spoke for them then: big victories in previous matches, home walls, and a new game tactic (“with four defenders”), which, as it turned out, the Brazilians for the first time applied not in 1958, but eight years earlier. But the Uruguayan team, led by the outstanding strategist Juan Schiaffino, became the world champion for the second time. True, the victory of the South Americans did not leave a feeling of complete, unconditional: after all, the two strongest teams in Europe in 1950 did not participate in the World Cup. Apparently, the national teams of Hungary and Austria (which included world-famous Gyula Grosic, Jozef Bozhik, Nandor Hidegkuti and Walter Zeman, Ernst Happel, Gerhard Hanappi and Ernst Otzvirk), had they participated in the World Cup, would have defended the honor of European football in the stadiums of Brazil more worthily. The Hungarian national team soon proved this in practice - they became the Olympic champion in 1952 and won almost all of them in 33 matches. best teams world, having only drawn five and lost two (in 1952, the Moscow team - 1: 2 and in the final of the 1954 world championship, the German team - 2: 3). Not a single team in the world has known such an achievement since the hegemony of the British at the beginning of the century! It is no coincidence that the Hungarian national team of the first half of the 50s was called the dream team by football experts, and its players were called miracle footballers. Late 50s and 60s. entered the history of football as unforgettable, when adherents of different playing schools demonstrated outstanding skills. The defense prevailed over the attack, and the attack triumphed again. Tactics survived several small revolutions. And against the backdrop of all this shone brightest stars perhaps the brightest in the history of national football schools: Lev Yashin and Igor Netto, Alfrede di Stefano and Francisco Gento, Raymond Kopa and Juste Fontaine, Didi Fields, Garrincha and Zhilmar, Dragoslav Shekularac and Dragan Dzhaich, Josef Masopust and Jan Popluhar, Bobby Moore and Bobby Charleston, Gerd Müller, Uwe Seeler and Franz Beckenbauer, Franz Vene and Florian Albert, Giacinto Facchettii, Gianni Rivera, Jairzinho and Carlos Alberte. In 1956, Soviet football players became Olympic champions for the first time. Four years later, they also opened the list of European Cup winners. The USSR national team of that period included goalkeepers Lev Yashin, Boris Razinsky and Vladimir Maslachenko, defenders Nikolai Tishchenko, Anatoly Bashashkin, Mikhail Ogonkov, Boris Kuznetsov, Vladimir Kesarev, Konstantin Krizhevsky, Anatoly Maslenkin, Givi Chokheli and Anatoly Krutikov, midfielders Igor Net something , Alexey Paramonov, Iosif Betsa, Viktor Tsarev and Yuri Voinov, forwards Boris Tatushin, Anatoly Isaev, Nikita Simonyan, Sergei Salnikov, Anatoly Ilyin, Valentin Ivanov, Eduard Streltsov, Vladimir Ryzhkin, Slava Metreveli, Viktor Monday, Valentin Bubukin and Mikhail Meskhi. This team confirmed its highest class with two victories over the world champions - football players of Germany, over the national teams of Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, Poland and Austria, England, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Before complete triumph in these four years, to win two most honorable titles (Olympic and European champions), I would like to win the world title, but ... The best of the best at that time were still the players of the Brazilian national team. Three times - in 1958, 1962 and 1970. - they won the main trophy of the World Cup - "Golden Goddess Nika", having won this prize forever. Their victories were a real celebration of football - a game of bright, sparkling wit and artistry. But failures creep up on the luminaries. At the 1974 World Championships, the Brazilians, speaking without the great Pole, surrendered their champion powers. For the next four years, the throne was seized for the second time - after a 20-year break - by the players of the German national team. They were helped not so much by the "native walls" (the championship was held in the cities of Germany), but, above all, by the high skill of all the team's players. And yet deserve to be personally noted by its captain - the central defender Franz Beckenbauer and the main scorer - the center forward Gerd Müller. The Dutch, who took second place, also performed well. Center forward Johan Cruyff stood out in their ranks. The second big success (after winning the Olympic tournament in 1972. ) were achieved by the Poles, who this time took 3rd place. Their midfielder Kazimierz Dejna and right winger Grzegorz Lato played excellently. The following year, our football players made us talk about themselves again: Dynamo Kiev won one of the largest international tournaments- European Cup Winners' Cup. Bayern Munich won the European Cup (again, Beckenbauer and Müller played better than others). Since 1974, the winners of the European Champion Clubs' Cup and the Cup Winners' Cup have contested the Super Cup in the decisive match between themselves. The first club honored to take this prize is Ajax from the Dutch city of Amsterdam. And the second - Kiev "Dynamo", which defeated the famous "Bavaria". 1976 brought the first Olympic victory footballers of the GDR. In the semi-finals, they beat the USSR national team, and in the final - the Poles, who bear the title of Olympic champions in 1972. In the GDR team, goalkeeper Jurgen Kroy and defender Jurgen Derner distinguished themselves in that tournament, about whom 4 goals were recorded (more than he scored only center forward of the Polish national team Andrzej Scharmakh). The USSR national team, like four years ago, received bronze medals, defeating the Brazilians in the match for 3rd place. In the same year, 1976, the next European Championship was held. Its heroes were the football players of Czechoslovakia, who defeated both finalists of the X World Cup - the teams of Holland (in the semi-finals) and Germany (in the final). And in the quarterfinal match, the future winners of the championship lost to the players of the USSR. In 1977, Tunisia hosted the first world championship among juniors (players under 19), in which 16 national teams took part. The list of champions was opened by young football players of the USSR, among whom were the now well-known Vagiz Khidiyatullin and Vladimir Bessonov, Sergey Baltacha and Andrey Bal, Viktor Kaplun, Valery Petrakov and Valery Novikov. 1978 gave the football world a new world champion. For the first time, the Argentines won the best-of-breed competition, defeating the Dutch in the final. Argentine football players achieved great success in 1979: they won the junior world championship for the first time (the second in a row), beating the first champions - juniors of the USSR in the final. In 1980 there were two major football tournaments. The first - the European Championship - was held in June in Italy. After an eight-year break, the winners of the championship of the continent were the footballers of the German national team, who once again showed an excellent game. Particularly distinguished in the West German team Bernd Schuster, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Hans Müller. The second largest football competition of the year was the Olympic tournament in Moscow. The laurels of the Olympic champions were won by Czechoslovak football players for the first time (they took 3rd place at the European Championship). Our team won bronze medals for the third time in a row. 1982 brought the third victory in the World Cup to Italian footballers, in whose attack Paslo Rossi scored. Among the defeated by them were the teams of Brazil and Argentina. Rossi received in the same year the Golden Ball - a prize for the best football player in Europe. However, two years later, at the European Championships, another team was the strongest - the French team, and best player continent became its leader - Michel Platini (he was also recognized as the best player in Europe in 1983 and in 1985). 1986 Dynamo Kyiv won the European Cup Winners' Cup for the second time, and one of them, Igor Belanov, received the Ballon d'Or. At the World Cup in Mexico the strongest team, as in 1978, became the national team of Argentina. The best football player of the year, Diego Maradona of Argentina was recognized.

4. The history of our national team of the Soviet Union

The official date of "birth" of the national team of the Soviet Union is November 16, 1924: on that memorable day, it first met in an official match with national team another country.

The first opponent who came to visit us - the Turkish national team - was beaten dry - 3:0. After that, the USSR national team "wrote" its history for more than ten years. She performed at the stadiums in Germany, Austria and Finland, received foreign guests, but in all these competitions only Turkey was opposed by the national team. Last match The USSR - Turkey took place in 1935. The footballers of the national team went home and did not gather for many, many years. The national team ceased to exist. Perhaps the country's club championships, which began to be held next year, also played a role here (the season was then much shorter than it is now, and the leading players spent most of it in their clubs). Only after the end of the Great Patriotic War when the All-Union Football Section entered into International Federation football associations (FIFA), we seriously thought about recreating the national team. And its official international debut was to be the XV Olympic Games. During May-June 1952, the USSR team as a whole successfully held 13 meetings with the teams of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Finland, receiving very high praise in the international press. Of particular note is the victory and a draw in two matches of cathedral Hungary, a team that became Olympic champion in the same year and shone with a bright constellation of talents. The revived national team of our country received the official "combat" baptism on July 15, 1952 in the Finnish city of Kotka - in the Olympic match with the national team of Bulgaria. It was a very difficult match. Two halves failed. In extra time, the Bulgarians opened the scoring, but our players found the strength not only to equalize the chances, but also to take the lead (2:1). The next Olympic rival of the USSR national team was the Yugoslav national team - the silver medalist of the 1948 Olympics, one of the strongest teams in Europe. The duel was dramatic. Losing): 4, and then 1:5, our players managed to win back (5:5), but in the replay the next day they still lost (1:3) and ... dropped out of the tournament. The relative failure of that team is largely due to the fact that its birth coincided with a generational change in our football. Alone outstanding players(Anatoly Akimov, Leonid Solovyov, Mikhail Semichastny, Vasily Kartsev, Grigory Fedotov, Alexander Ponomarev, Boris Paichadze) finished or finished their performances, others (Vasily Trofimov, Konstantin Beskov, Vsevolod Bobrov, Nikolai Dementiev, Vladimir Demin) although they remained in service, but the good times are already past. And the younger generation has just fledged, gaining strength. The next season was spent studying mistakes. And in 1954, the team began new "fights".

True, it was already an almost completely renewed team: only four of the Olympians-52 remained in it. The backbone of the team was the Moscow "Spartak" - the champion of the country in 1952 and 1953. Gavriil Kachalin replaced Boris Arkadiev as coach. Already from the first steps new composition The national team declared itself loudly. On September 8, 1954, at the Moscow Dynamo stadium, the Swedish national team was literally defeated (7:0), and after 18 days a draw (1:1) with the Olympic champions - the Hungarians. The next season turned out to be very successful for the players of the Soviet national team. After a victorious winter tour of India, the players in red shirts on June 26



Football. Textbook for physical institutes. Edited by Kazakov P.N. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1978.

Barsuk O.L., Kudreyko A.I. Pages of the football annals. - Minsk: Polymya, 1987 - 160 p.

Football is very popular modern game, which is played by many millions of young people, and even more follow the progress of their favorite teams to the heights of champion glory. If you try to delve into history and unearth where the origins of the origin of this unique sport come from, then it is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to this.

Archaeologists from all over the world find evidence in various parts of our planet that even in ancient times, the progenitor of the modern soccer ball, made of animal skins or bladder and filled with air, served as a tool for various games in China, Europe, Australia, America, Africa. True, it has not yet been possible to find any official evidence of how long our ancestors have been fond of this sport.

History of the development of Football

It is important to note that until a certain time, ball games did not have single rules. Each football team created its own rules. Sometimes, when a competitive duel of two or more teams was held, the players simply agreed on the rules that should be followed during the game, and in order for everything to be fair, special judges and arbitrators were chosen. They tried to form something similar to the modern rules of the game in England in 1847. Initially, a set of such rules was used by private English football clubs, but it soon became popular among ordinary village players. Very soon, the idea of ​​introducing uniform rules of the game and training athletes for them was supported by most of the clubs titled at that time, and it began to be actively promoted not only in England, but also far beyond its borders. An important stage in the development of modern football was its separation from rugby in 1870. From that moment on, football clubs are already starting to play by the rules that have survived to this day. Now in every country there are at least a few solid elite clubs that compete for the title of the best. Modern football is played by children, teenagers, adults and even women. Championships between schools, regions, countries, clubs has become quite commonplace.

And today, when it comes to football, there is no need to talk about what it is and how to play it. Even in our days of technological progress, when computer games occupy almost all the free time of teenagers, the street football game remains one of the most interesting and in demand. And a modern school without a stadium adapted for playing football is simply not considered complete.

Of course, general rules games are carefully written and detailed. But if we talk about them briefly, then two teams compete on the field, as a rule, eleven players each. You need to play by passing the leather ball with your feet to the players of your team in such a way as to eventually roll it into the opponent's goal. The one who scores more goals is considered the winner. Of course, in order to get the result, it is necessary to show the most coordinated teamwork and, in some cases, individual skill.

However, you can play football just to get together, get a little psychological relaxation, increase the level of adrenaline in the blood and train "stagnant" muscles.