Freestyle wrestling presentation. Freestyle wrestling presentation. History of Greco-Roman wrestling

State autonomous institutions of the Kaliningrad region professional educational organization“College of Service and Tourism” Completed by: 3rd year student Asadova Amina Bayramovna

Presentation on the topic: Freestyle wrestling


  • Introduction.
  • The history of the origin of freestyle wrestling.
  • What is freestyle wrestling?
  • Determine the effectiveness of the impact of sports on human health.
  • The benefits of wrestling.
  • Draw your own conclusions.
  • Relevance: The current economic and environmental situation in our country has led to a sharp deterioration in the health of the population. The current state of the physical and spiritual health of students causes serious general concern.
  • It has been proven that for health reasons 52-58% of schoolchildren have restrictions on one or another type of activity. The reason for such a deplorable state of health of the younger generation is the low physical activity of children. In such a situation, it is of particular importance Physical Culture and sports.
  • At present, when the true values ​​​​and the popularization of many types of martial arts in Russia are being revived, the use of freestyle wrestling is relevant. Freestyle wrestling makes the same demands on those involved, like any kind of wrestling. wrestling. And therefore it is an effective means physical training and improving the health of children.
Freestyle wrestling is a single combat between two athletes who, with the help of various techniques- captures, throws, coups, trips, sweeps, etc. - they strive to put each other on the shoulder blades and achieve a clear victory, or a victory on points (each successfully performed technique is estimated by a certain number of points). Freestyle wrestling is a martial art of two athletes who, with the help of various techniques - grabs, throws, flips, trips, sweeps, etc. - seek to put each other on the shoulder blades and achieve a clear victory, or victory on points (each successfully performed technique is estimated by a certain amount points). History of the development of freestyle wrestling
  • On the international sports arena, the history of freestyle wrestling appeared later Greco-Roman wrestling. England is considered the birthplace of freestyle wrestling, later it appeared in America. The history of freestyle wrestling also took place in America. In the United States, freestyle wrestling is very popular, they love it there. strong people. For the first time at the Olympic Games, freestyle wrestling competitions were also held in the USA in 1904. Only American wrestlers participated in them - 38 people. Since then, the United States has traditionally performed well in freestyle wrestling. Americans won 99 Olympic medals from 1904 to 1996, more than any other country. For many years, the USSR national team, and now Russia, has been competing with very strong US wrestlers. Other leading countries are Iran, where this wrestling is the national sport and where wrestlers are almost deified, as well as Turkey. Some sports observers at one time, due to the popularity of freestyle wrestling in the world, even expressed concern that the IOC might exclude Greco-Roman wrestling from the program of the Olympic Games.
The influence of freestyle wrestling on the human body:
  • Freestyle wrestling develops a person's endurance, mobility, strength, dexterity. Thanks to exercise bones, tendons, ligaments become stronger, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, posture improves. The art of wrestling consists, first of all, in the ability to effectively control the situation and shape it in your favor.
Injuries in freestyle wrestling.
  • Wrestling is characterized by a very high percentage of injuries received during both competitive and training activities. A large number of injuries in this sport can be explained by the fact that wrestling is a contact sport in which contact occurs almost constantly. This results in a high risk of injury. In addition, the struggle is characterized by a large number of collisions. Injuries occur during "stalls". Wrestling is characterized by a very high percentage of injuries received during both competitive and training activities. A large number of injuries in this sport can be explained by the fact that wrestling is a contact sport in which contact occurs almost constantly. This results in a high risk of injury. In addition, the struggle is characterized by a large number of collisions. Injuries occur during "stalls".
Wrestling Benefits:
  • Naturalness;
  • availability;
  • emotionality;
  • the presence of weight categories that remove restrictions for wrestling for everyone;
  • high health-improving, educational and educational value.
Conclusion Sport is an integral part of human life. Sports are not only useful, but also interesting. Exist different kinds sports, depending on our preferences and capabilities, we can choose swimming or running, football or tennis, etc. Sports has ancient history and its importance is increasing every year. I would like to finish the work with the words of V.V. Putin, which became the motto for many: "Children's and youth sports are the foundation of the country's health." Thank you for your attention

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Completed by: 8th grade student Kamila Kuznetsova Head: Ekimkov Gennady Vasilievich IMPACT OF FREE WRESTLING ON HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL QUALITIES Project topic:

The purpose of the project: Determining the impact of freestyle wrestling on human health

Tasks: The history of the origin of freestyle wrestling What is freestyle wrestling ?! Determine the effectiveness of the impact of sports on human health. The benefits of wrestling. Draw your own conclusions.

Introduction Relevance: The current economic and environmental situation in our country has led to a sharp deterioration in the health of the population. The current state of the physical and spiritual health of students causes serious general concern. It has been proven that for health reasons 52-58% of schoolchildren have restrictions on one or another type of activity. The reason for such a deplorable state of health of the younger generation is the low physical activity of children. In such a situation, physical culture and sports are of particular importance. At present, when the true values ​​​​and the popularization of many types of martial arts in Russia are being revived, the use of freestyle wrestling is relevant. Freestyle wrestling makes the same demands on those involved, like any kind of wrestling. And therefore it is an effective means of physical training and strengthening the health of children.

Freestyle wrestling is a martial art of two athletes who, with the help of various techniques - grabs, throws, flips, trips, sweeps, etc. - seek to put each other on the shoulder blades and achieve a clear victory, or victory on points (each successfully performed technique is estimated by a certain amount points).

The history of the development of freestyle wrestling On the international sports arena, the history of freestyle wrestling appeared later than Greco-Roman wrestling. England is considered the birthplace of freestyle wrestling, later it appeared in America. The history of freestyle wrestling also took place in America. Freestyle wrestling is very popular in the United States, strong people are adored there. For the first time at the Olympic Games, freestyle wrestling competitions were also held in the USA in 1904. Only American wrestlers participated in them - 38 people. Since then, the United States has traditionally performed well in freestyle wrestling. Americans won 99 Olympic medals from 1904 to 1996, more than any other country. For many years, the USSR national team, and now Russia, has been competing with very strong US wrestlers. Other leading countries are Iran, where this wrestling is the national sport and where wrestlers are almost deified, as well as Turkey. Some sports observers at one time, due to the popularity of freestyle wrestling in the world, even expressed concern that the IOC might exclude Greco-Roman wrestling from the program of the Olympic Games.

The influence of freestyle wrestling on the human body: Freestyle wrestling develops a person's endurance, mobility, strength, dexterity. Thanks to physical exercises, bones, tendons, ligaments become stronger, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, and posture improves. The art of wrestling consists, first of all, in the ability to effectively control the situation and shape it in your favor.

Injuries in freestyle wrestling. Wrestling is characterized by a very high percentage of injuries received during both competitive and training activities. A large number of injuries in this sport can be explained by the fact that wrestling is a contact sport in which contact occurs almost constantly. This results in a high risk of injury. In addition, the struggle is characterized by a large number of collisions. Injuries occur during "stalls".

Advantages of wrestling: Naturalness; availability; emotionality; the presence of weight categories that remove restrictions for wrestling for everyone; high health-improving, educational and educational value.

Conclusion Sport is an integral part of human life. Sports are not only useful, but also interesting. There are different kinds of sports, depending on our preferences and abilities, we can choose swimming or running, football or tennis, etc. Sport has an ancient history and now its importance is increasing every year. I would like to finish the work with the words of V.V. Putin, which became the motto for many: "Children's and youth sports are the foundation of the country's health."

The report is over! Thank you for your attention!

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freestyle wrestling- view sport, which consists in the single combat of two athletes according to certain rules; using various techniques (captures, throws, flips, sweeps, etc.), in which each of the opponents tries to put the other on the shoulder blades and win. In freestyle wrestling, in contrast to Greco-Roman, captures of the opponent's legs, sweeps and active use of the legs when performing any technique are allowed.

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History From historical sources it is known that in the 18th century in England there was a wrestling in which the wrestlers were allowed to hold the legs and hold the legs. On the international sports arena, freestyle wrestling appeared later than Greco-Roman (French) wrestling. Lancashire is considered the birthplace of freestyle wrestling. Then she appeared in the USA. The fight was called Catch-wrestling. In the United States, freestyle wrestling began to develop in two directions: wrestling itself and professional wrestling. Freestyle wrestling was cultivated mainly in colleges and universities in the United States (in Russia it was called "free-American amateur wrestling"). The rules of international freestyle wrestling are similar to this type of wrestling. In 1904, freestyle wrestling was first included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games in St. Louis (USA). All 42 athletes were from the USA. This happened due to the fact that the United States, using its right as hosts, turned on catch wrestling (student, amateur version). The Olympic Committee agreed and named it freestyle wrestling. But, the Europeans were not familiar with this type of struggle and therefore none of them dared to take part. Therefore, the Olympic tournament in freestyle wrestling was in jeopardy and then the Americans timed their national championship to the Olympics and organized it as Olympic competition. At the next Extraordinary Olympic Games in 1906, the Greeks preferred Greco-Roman wrestling (classical) wrestling, removing freestyle wrestling from the program, since it was unfamiliar to them. In the future, freestyle wrestling was constantly (with the exception of the 1912 games in Stockholm) included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. In total, from 1904 to 1996, Americans won 99 Olympic medals at the Olympic Games - more than any other country at that time. Moreover, in 1904 a “record” was set that will never be broken, since the wrestlers were only from the USA - Olympic medals all the advantages went only to them.

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In 1912, before the start of the Summer Olympic Games in Stockholm, the first international union FILA wrestlers (German: Internationaler Ring Verband). Officially, the first (not counting the meeting in Sweden) congress of the union met in June 1913 in Berlin. There were delegates from the following countries: the German Empire, the Grand Duchy of Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Russian Empire, Hungary, Austria, Bohemia (Czech Republic), Great Britain. Between 1904 and 1912, the number of athletes entered in one weight class from one country, not limited. From 1920 to 1924, no more than two athletes from one country were allowed to enter in one weight category. In 1920, during the Antwerp Summer Olympics, the International Olympic Committee recommended the creation of an independent federation for each sport. And the following year, at the Olympic Congress, the IOC in Lausanne was formed International Federation amateur wrestling (IAWF). In 1928, the first European Championship was held in Paris. And since 1928, in the weight category, only one participant can represent the country. The Olympic tournament is held according to the elimination system.

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In 1951, the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA, French FILA) was created. Since the same year, she has been holding world championships (FILA Wrestling World Championships). By the 1980s, women's freestyle wrestling gained recognition in the world and, as a result, in 2004 it was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games, becoming the third women's Olympic martial art (after judo and taekwondo). The debut of a new women's sport took place at the 2004 Olympics in Athens. Currently, the leading countries in freestyle wrestling are: USA, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cuba, Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, Japan.

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The specifics of training Freestyle wrestling is a tandem of flexibility and strength. Due to the specifics of wrestling, a special place in the training is given to the study of the "bridge", the position of the athlete in which only the hands, forehead, sometimes the chin, and heels touch the mat, and the back is curved. For the development of flexibility, learning a certain set of acrobatic exercises is used: somersaults, a wheel, a fly, a rondat, a back and forth somersault, an Arab somersault, a handstand and walking on the hands, lifting from the back with a deflection. Without strong and elastic joints, blood vessels and the lymphatic system, a wrestler has no chance of winning, so the technique of falling and self-insurance is carefully practiced. Respiratory system and general endurance is developed by running on long distances and outdoor games, rugby basketball is especially popular. Technical actions are practiced on a mannequin (doll, stuffed animal), and then in work with a partner. In training bouts, technique is honed and special endurance is developed. Endurance plays a big role. Strength is developed on shells (crossbar, bars), as well as work with weights (squats, deadlift, bench presses / standing, exercises from powerlifting / bodybuilding / weightlifting), without weights (push-ups from the floor), work with a tourniquet. It is recommended to exercise on a tourniquet near gymnastic wall, work out the twists: thigh.

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USSR and Russia For the first time, Russian freestyle wrestlers took part in the Olympic Games in 1952 as part of the USSR national team. The USSR freestyle wrestling team took first place at these Games, and the Georgians Arsen Mekokishvili and David Tsimakuridze became Olympic champions. In total, from 1952 to 2008, freestyle wrestlers of the USSR / Russia won at the Olympic competitions (gold - silver - bronze): 1952 - 2 + 1 + 0 (8 categories) 1956 - 1 + 1 + 4 (8 categories) 1960 - 0 + 2 + 3 (8 categories) 1964 - 2 + 1 + 2 (8 categories) 1968 - 2 + 1 + 0 (8 categories) 1972 - 5 + 2 + 1 (10 categories) 1976 - 5 + 3 + 0 (10 categories) 1980 - 7 + 1 + 1 (10 categories) 1984 - did not participate 1988 - 4 + 3 + 2 (10 categories) 1992 - 3 + 2 + 2 (10 categories) 1996 - 3 + 1 + 0 (10 categories) 2000 - 4 + 1 + 0 (8 categories) 2004 - 3 + 0 + 2 (7 categories) 2008 - 3 + 1 + 2 (7 categories) 2012 - 1 + 1 + 2 (7 categories) 2016 - 2 + 1 + 0 (6 categories)

Wrestling History of Women's Wrestling History of Women's Wrestling Initially, wrestling as a sport, entertainment and training was purely male occupation. Women rarely fought, although there is evidence from different historical periods of female wrestlers (the oldest known to us and the most famous female wrestlers are Spartan girls). Initially, wrestling as a sport, entertainment and training was a purely male occupation. Women rarely fought, although there is evidence from different historical periods of female wrestlers (the oldest known to us and the most famous female wrestlers are Spartan girls). As civilization developed, and with it the democratization of society, women, imitating men, began to gradually engage in sports invented by men. Some of them have had minor rule changes to accommodate them. female body. Pursuing certain types sports, women also adopted the principles of training typical of men. As civilization developed, and with it the democratization of society, women, imitating men, began to gradually engage in sports invented by men. Some of them have been introduced small changes in the rules, adapting them to the characteristics of the female body. While engaging in certain sports, women also adopted the principles of training typical of men. Since the beginning of the 20th century, women have become actively involved in wrestling competitions and wrestling performances - from circus arenas to gyms. In the second half of the 20th century, freestyle wrestling became one of the most popular sports among women. combat sports. By the 1980s, women's freestyle wrestling was recognized in all parts of the world and, in the end, in 2004 it was included in the program of the Olympic Games, becoming the third women's Olympic martial art. Beginning in the early 20th century, women became active in wrestling competitions and wrestling performances ranging from circus arenas to gyms. In the second half of the 20th century, freestyle wrestling became one of the most popular martial arts among women. By the 1980s, women's freestyle wrestling was recognized in all parts of the world and, in the end, in 2004 it was included in the program of the Olympic Games, becoming the third women's Olympic martial art. Women, as a rule, fight more provocatively than men, they are less likely to have a sedentary positional fight, there are fewer stoppages due to passivity and the resumption of a bout on the ground, and clear victories happen more often. Women's wrestling matches are more spectacular and emotional. Women, as a rule, fight more provocatively than men, they are less likely to have a sedentary positional fight, there are fewer stoppages due to passivity and the resumption of a bout on the ground, and clear victories happen more often. Women's wrestling matches are more spectacular and emotional. Women's freestyle wrestling is very popular with American female students and high school students. high school. The undisputed pioneer in the development of women's freestyle wrestling is the University of Morris, Minnesota, USA. A common occurrence in school and university wrestling (mainly in the USA) is mixed bouts. Women's freestyle wrestling is very popular with American female students and high school students. The undisputed pioneer in the development of women's freestyle wrestling is the University of Morris, Minnesota, USA. A common occurrence in school and university wrestling (mainly in the USA) is mixed bouts. The International Wrestling Federation (FILA - French abbreviation: "Federation Internationale de Luttes Associees") was founded in 1912 and unites more than 130 national federations. In the program of the Olympic Games since 1904 (except 1912). The International Wrestling Federation (FILA - French abbreviation: "Federation Internationale de Luttes Associees") was founded in 1912 and unites more than 130 national federations. In the program of the Olympic Games since 1904 (except 1912). The first World Championship was held in 1987 in Lorenskog, Norway. All the gold medals were then taken by European women. Since then, the number of national teams on women's wrestling , and not only Europeans already get medals. The first world wrestling champions to make history were: The first world championship took place in 1987 in Lorenskog, Norway. All the gold medals were then taken by European women. Since then, the number of national teams in women's wrestling has been growing every year, and not only Europeans already get medals. The first world wrestling champions to make history were: World Freestyle Wrestling Championships: World Freestyle Wrestling Championships: 1987 1989 1990 1991 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 Vijar (Belgium) - 44kg Anne Holten (Norway) - 47kg Anne Marie Halvorson - 50kg Sylvia Van Gucht (France) - 53kg Isabelle Durte (France) - 57kg Ine Barley (Norway) - 61kg Brigitte Heerlen (France) - 65kg Georgette Jean ( France) - 70kg Patricia Rosinol (France) - 75kg RULES FREE WRESTLING RULES Freestyle wrestling is a martial art of two athletes who, with the help of various techniques - grabs, throws, flips, footboards, sweeps, etc. - seek to put each other on the shoulder blades and achieve a clear victory, or a victory on points (each successfully carried out reception is estimated by a certain number of points). Freestyle wrestling is a martial art of two athletes who, with the help of various techniques - grabs, throws, flips, trips, sweeps, etc. - seek to put each other on the shoulder blades and achieve a clear victory, or victory on points (each successfully performed technique is estimated by a certain amount points). Before the fight, the referee checks the nails on the hands of the athletes without fail: they must be cut short. Hair must be cut short or, at the request of the Referee, tied back. Wrestlers must not come out on the mat sweaty. It is forbidden to lubricate the body with any fatty lubricants. In addition, wrestlers at the time of the fight should not wear anything that can cause injury to the athlete himself or his opponent: rings, earrings, bracelets, etc. Before the fight, the referee must check the nails on the athletes’ hands: they must be cut short. Hair must be cut short or, at the request of the Referee, tied back. Wrestlers must not come out on the mat sweaty. It is forbidden to lubricate the body with any fatty lubricants. In addition, wrestlers at the time of the fight should not wear anything that can cause injury to the athlete or his opponent: rings, earrings, bracelets, etc. e. WRESTLING MAT WRESTLING MAT The wrestling mat is a 12 meter square vinyl-coated mat. The minimum thickness of the carpet is 4 centimeters. The so-called "competition area" is a yellow circle with a diameter of 9 meters, in the center of which is marked in red a small inner, or central, circle - with a diameter of 1 meter. Here the fight is not conducted - it just starts, the wrestlers return here every time after the fight stops, as well as when one of the opponents is placed in the stall position. The main actions take place in the 8-meter wrestling zone. From the inside, along the perimeter of the 9-meter circle, there is a red strip 1 meter wide - the so-called "passivity zone". The wrestling mat is a 12 meter square vinyl-coated mat. The minimum thickness of the carpet is 4 centimeters. The so-called "competition area" is a yellow circle with a diameter of 9 meters, in the center of which is marked in red a small inner, or central, circle - with a diameter of 1 meter. Here the fight is not conducted - it just starts, the wrestlers return here every time after the fight stops, as well as when one of the opponents is placed in the stall position. The main actions take place in the 8-meter wrestling zone. From the inside, along the perimeter of the 9-meter circle, there is a red strip 1 meter wide - the so-called "passivity zone". WRESTLING EQUIPMENT WRESTLING EQUIPMENT

The wrestler's equipment consists of:

Special shoes - special shoes

wrestling shoes

Handkerchief (to wipe saliva, blood, sweat). The scarf should be tucked into the tights. - handkerchief (to wipe saliva, blood, sweat). The scarf should be tucked into the tights.

FILA-approved ear protectors are mandatory for the female cadets and juniors. For seniors, this protection is optional.

SCORE OF POINTS SCORE OF POINTS Points are awarded to wrestlers for performing holds, counter-moves, combinations and defenses: Points are awarded to wrestlers for performing holds, counter-moves, combinations and defenses:

- A wrestler receives one point for transferring an opponent to the ground;

- Two points are awarded for turning the opponent's shoulders so that his back is at an acute angle to the mat. This qualifies as a "dangerous position". The next point may be awarded if the opponent is held in that position for 5 seconds, which the referee counts; - Two points are awarded for turning the opponent's shoulders so that his back is at an acute angle to the mat. This qualifies as a "dangerous position". The next point may be awarded if the opponent is held in that position for 5 seconds, which the referee counts; - Three points are valued when the opponent is moved to the ground and into a "dangerous position" in one move; - Three points are valued when the opponent is moved to the ground and into a "dangerous position" in one move; - Five points are “worth” by throwing an opponent in the air and other similar tricks. Five points are also awarded for a high-amplitude throw, in which the center of gravity of the thrower is higher than the center of gravity of the thrower. - Five points are “worth” by throwing an opponent in the air and other similar tricks. Five points are also awarded for a high-amplitude throw, in which the center of gravity of the thrower is higher than the center of gravity of the thrower. Freestyle wrestling is the most noble and non-commercial kind of martial arts. It prohibits not only biting, scratching, pinching, etc., but also the following dangerous techniques allowed in other types of martial arts: Freestyle wrestling is the most noble and non-commercial kind of martial arts. It prohibits not only biting, scratching, pinching, etc., but also the following dangerous techniques allowed in other types of martial arts: - Any blows (hands, feet, knees or head); - Any strikes (hands, feet, knees or head);

Manipulations with joints (including the crease of the arm, elbow, shoulder, hand, leg creases and other techniques against the knees, hips, neck crease and manipulations with small joints - twisting fingers, etc.);

Choking holds and techniques that make it difficult to breathe (for example, plugging the opponent's mouth or nose);

Local pressure on the opponent's body (shoes, knee, elbow, hand, etc.);

Lifting and throwing the opponent's head on the floor (other throws on the floor are allowed);

Grasping or pressing on the opponent's genitals. In women's fights, it is forbidden to deliberately pinch the opponent's chest;

Grabbing an opponent's clothing and using one's own or someone else's clothing to perform tricks.


Winners and prize-winners of the Beijing Olympics Winners and prize-winners of the Beijing Olympics WEIGHT CATEGORY UP TO 48 KG: WEIGHT CATEGORY UP TO 48 KG:

Carol Hwin, Canada

Chiharu Ityo, Japan

Irina Merleni,

Maria Stadnik,


Saori Yoshida, Japan

Xu Li, China

Jacqueline Renteria,


Tonya Verbeck,

Kaori Ityo, Japan

Alena Kartashova, Russia

Randy Miller,

Elena Shalygina,


Wang Jiao, China

Stanka Zlateva, Bulgaria

Agnieszka Wiesczek,