Is it possible for a thin person to gain weight and how to do it? Where do skinny men come from? Food should be varied.

Many people have problems with overweight. But there are those who, on the contrary, no matter what methods they try, cannot To gain weight, and this is already a cause for concern, because underweight can be as harmful and even dangerous to health as any degree of obesity. However, many of those who want to gain weight do not have health problems. They need extra weight to build muscle.

Whatever the reason you want get better fast at home, the main principles remain unchanged.

How can you properly, and most importantly, safely get better at home?

What does "underweight" mean?

If your body mass index is below 18.5, then your weight is considered underweight. So, a small body weight is not enough to maintain health. A BMI greater than 25 is considered overweight, and more than 30 is considered obese.

However, some thin people do not have health problems. In this case, using calculators to calculate BMI is not always justified.

MT deficiency is most often observed among girls and women. Thus, 1% of underweight men account for 2.4% of females.

What are the health implications of being underweight?

Video on how to gain weight and what is BMI

Currently, the disease of obesity is one of the largest and most pressing health problems worldwide. However, underweight can be no less dangerous than obesity.

According to studies, being underweight increases the risk of premature death in men by as much as 140% and by 100% in women.

Being underweight can cause a weakened immune system, an increased risk of infections, osteoporosis, and fertility problems.

How to properly and safely gain weight for a thin person

If you are underweight, then you need to build muscle and subcutaneous fat first, not a bunch of belly fat.

Let's move on to quick ways to help you gain weight without harming your health.

Deciding to quickly gain weight, it is important to eat healthy, environmentally friendly food.

To recover quickly at home, you need to consume more calories than your body normally requires.

If you need to increase body weight gradually, eat, on average, 300-500 calories more than your body burns every day.

If you want to recover extremely quickly, then consume 700-1000 units more than your body needs.

Eat lots of protein! Protein is one of the most important substances required for normal weight gain.

Human muscles are made up of protein. Without it, most of the extra calories can end up as fat. According to research, protein foods are rich in calories that need to be turned into muscle, not fat.

However, protein is insidious, albeit useful. It gives the eater a feeling of satiety and reduces appetite, so consuming protein makes it difficult to reach the required number of calories needed.

If you want to gain weight, start with 1.5 - 2.2 grams of this building material per kilogram of body.

Foods high in this nutrient include meat, fish, eggs, many dairy products, legumes, and nuts. Protein Supplements, such as whey protein, can be very helpful in getting enough protein.

Protein, as a biologically active substance, forms the building blocks of muscles. The use of a sufficient amount of this material is necessary for a set muscle mass and not just to get fat.

Eat lots of carbohydrates and fats. Eat at least 3 times a day

When trying to lose weight, many people limit the amount of carbohydrates or fats.

If you plan to gain weight quickly, do the opposite. By consuming these substances, you will not get enough of the calories you need.

The fastest way to gain weight is to eat foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates.

Don't post. Their direct purpose is to lose weight and improve health, but if you need to get better, take enough calories.

Eat high-calorie snacks whenever possible.

It is very important to eat natural, unprocessed foods as they are low in calories.

Video on the topic of the article:

Here is a list of some high-calorie foods that are great for fast weight gain:

Nuts, dried fruits, dairy products, fats and oils, cereals, meat: choose fatter parts.

Many of them quickly cause a feeling of fullness, and sometimes you have to force yourself to eat, because you feel that you are no longer hungry.

In order for extra calories to go into muscles, and not just into fat cells, you need to start lifting weights.

start visiting gym and swing 2-4 times a week. Lift the weight and try to increase it over time.

If you have never been to such institutions, find a personal trainer, he will help you choose the right exercises.

10 more super useful tips to help you get the most out of your life fast deadlines gain weight at home

  1. Never drink water before meals. It will fill your stomach and you will get full faster, which means you will not gain the required number of calories.
  2. Eat more often. Have frequent snacks and eat at night before bed.
  3. Drink milk. Whole milk is a source of pure protein and calories.
  4. Make gainers (carbohydrate-protein shakes) for quick weight gain. They are high in essential proteins, carbohydrates and calories.
  5. Eat from large bowls. If you want to get more calories, eat from large plates.
  6. Add heavy cream to your coffee. This is an easy and fast way to gain weight while getting more calories.
  7. Take creatine. Creatine for muscle building will allow you to gain a couple of pounds in a month.
  8. Increase your sleep time. Muscles are also formed during sleep.
  9. Eat protein-rich foods first, then vegetables. If you have a lot of dishes and products on your table, give preference to those that are high in calories and rich in protein. Eat vegetables last.
  10. Do not smoke. As a rule, smokers weigh less than those who do not have this habit, and quitting it often leads to weight gain.

There are many other foods that can help you gain weight even faster. These are milk, Gainer shakes, cream that can be added to coffee, and frequent snacks and meals.

Gaining weight quickly at home can be difficult, but consistency is the key to long-term success!

Many almost never manage to gain weight and get better. The reason for this lies in the fact that the body has a given (inherent in nature) value of weight, and at the same time the body feels quite comfortable.

If you are trying to lose weight, or vice versa, To gain weight, exceeding or decreasing this value, the body may begin to resist changes, thus regulating the degree of hunger.

If you get more calories, then be prepared for the fact that your body will begin to react and resist, reducing appetite and increasing metabolism. These processes are regulated by the brain and hormones such as leptin.

Summing up the above, we can say that when you gain weight, you complete a marathon, but not a sprint. You will need a lot of time because get well soon almost impossible. But you have to be consistent if you want to be successful.

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Here's a paradox - someone even has a tiny donut extra pounds, and the other eats from the belly and is slender, like a cypress, or even just thin, one might say, skinny, and passionately wants to get better. Is it possible for such people to gain weight, what should be done? Are there other methods besides enhanced nutrition - answers and useful tips in this article.

Reasons for being underweight

So, you are determined to get better. Thin women want to add roundness to their forms, and angular men want to add volume to their muscles.

Are you afraid of difficulties? After all, gaining weight is not an easy task. It may take a lot of time, effort and patience. And the increase, most likely, will not be particularly noticeable.

Thinness in the absence of diseases is more of a psychological problem. You just don't like your own appearance and it seems - the treasured few kilograms will save the situation.

In general, according to many doctors, thin people have better health and are more likely to live a long life.

Before you start gaining weight, eliminate one of the causes of thinness.

Reason number 1. Diseases

Often weight loss is associated with hormonal imbalances. A disruption in the production of thyroid hormones affects the metabolic rate, which can cause weight fluctuations.

Often these diseases are accompanied by loss of appetite. This symptom should alert and force you to consult a doctor. It is pointless to try to gain weight if its loss is associated with some kind of illness.

Reason number 2. Bad habits

Do you know this fact - smoking speeds up metabolism?

Reference: metabolism (metabolism) - a set of chemical reactions in the body that support its vital activity.

In addition to harm to health, smokers often also have a high risk of losing weight.

Painful thinness is also characteristic of drug addicts.

Excessive consumption of tea and coffee (containing caffeine) also contributes to weight loss.

Reason number 3. The human constitution

Body weight is genetically programmed. Thinness is laid in you by mother nature, you can’t get anywhere - it will be very difficult to recover.

If you have an asthenic body type, it means that gaining weight is really hard work for you. Thin asthenics have an increased metabolic rate. There is not enough fat mass, and the muscles are poorly expressed.

How to be so slim? Expert opinions differ. Some argue that with the right approach, it’s real to get better, it’s just that the process will be long and hard, and the result will be modest. Others are sure: to deviate from the genetically laid down norm is a useless exercise. All the same, with difficulty, the kilograms gained with difficulty will quickly leave.

Reason number 4. Physical activity

Strong physical activity - strenuous sports training or hard work - often leads to weight loss. By the way, in addition to the loss of fat and muscle tissue, the body also loses moisture. It helps to reduce body weight, but dehydration is extremely harmful.

How to be? Optimize exercise and eat well.

Reason number 5. Stress

You know, after all, a common truth - all diseases are from nerves. Troubles at home and at work, conflict situations, diseases of loved ones, difficult life situations cause nervous tension and stress. Because of this, a person can lose weight dramatically - stress hormones actively burn fat.

Determine the body mass index

Are you sure you're too skinny, or do you think so? It is very difficult to assess yourself objectively.

There is such an indicator of BMI (body mass index), which will help to understand whether the problem is far-fetched or real.

It is calculated as follows: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) 2.

The weight in kilograms is divided by your height squared. For example: with a height of 1.7 m and a weight of 65 kg, the BMI will be 22.5. This indicator fits into the norm recommended by the World Health Organization - from 18 to 24.9.

Smaller numbers already indicate a lack of weight, and an index of 16 and below - there is a dangerous pronounced lack of mass. It is necessary to recover, but only under the supervision of doctors, because obviously we are talking about serious health problems.

It turns out that the task of gaining weight in each case is very individual. For some, this is vital, and for some it is important from an aesthetic point of view.

What to do to get better

We decided that only quite healthy people can gain weight themselves. In principle, ideally, they should also turn to professionals. A nutritionist would select the optimal weight gain program specifically for each person. Realizing that this option is not available to everyone, we will figure out how to recover on our own.

Sleep and rest mode

Does it help to gain weight? Definitely yes. And here's why: a sound restful sleep, ideally 8 hours, relieves stress (and we remember that they lose weight from it), improves mood, improves appetite. During sleep, growth hormone somatropin is produced, which promotes muscle building.

On weekends, allow yourself a daytime afternoon nap, just lie down, relaxed, for half an hour or an hour. After having lunch at work, also try to sit quietly for a while. During the working day, relaxing 10-15-minute breaks are useful.

Evening walks will help improve sleep.

Sports activities

We remember that excessive physical activity provokes weight loss, on the contrary, properly dosed sports activities help increase body weight.

Supports muscle development physical exercises, and they are needed by both men and women, but to varying degrees.
It is optimal, of course, to deal with personal trainer on individual program. But ... In general, we manage ourselves.

You need to load all muscle groups, great way- Swimming, tennis. Weight training will do. There are many complexes for muscle development. We set out to train regularly - choose the right one, since they are easy to find on the Internet or in specialized literature.

Nutrition for those who want to get better

We have come to the most interesting part - after all, most of us are sure that it is proper nutrition that will help you gain the cherished kilos.

A calorie is a unit of energy that is contained in food and used by our body.

If you consume more calories than you expend, the excess is stored by the body and weight is added. How much someone needs these same calories depends on gender, age, activity and physical activity. Average: 1600-2400 for women and 2400-3000 for men.

To get better, you need to increase your calorie intake by 500-1000 per day. But remember: it is not the number of calories that is more important, but where they are contained. Food must be healthy! You can, of course, gobble up a cake and add about 500 units, but it’s probably more useful to get them by having lunch with a piece of turkey with a rice side dish.

So, you should not overeat with buns, pies, cakes and chocolates. Calorie? Yes, but our goal is to get better, not to get diabetes, caries and indigestion. We will add kilograms by eating healthy foods.

Here is a whole list of what saturates the body with the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins:

  • Eggs are tasty, high-calorie, a source of protein, vitamins A, D, E, folic acid.
  • Fatty fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna contain the protein we need, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids contribute to the work of the heart.
  • Shrimp is a high-calorie seafood rich in protein and amino acids.
  • Cheese is valuable for its high content of protein and fat, calcium, and calorie content.
  • Milk, sour cream, yogurt - we use it daily, we get vitamins, protein, calcium.
  • Oil: we eat both butter and vegetable - olive, sunflower, peanut, corn.
  • Carbohydrate-rich foods: pasta, oatmeal, cereals, baked goods, legumes, brown rice, vegetables.

And also obligatory in the diet: fruits, juices, nuts and seeds, dried fruits.

We are also trying to gain weight with nutritious cocktails.

There is such folk recipe: in a glass of dark beer, stir 2-3 tablespoons of fatty sour cream, salt and drink.

Another high-calorie drink: mix a glass of milk, a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a teaspoon of honey, add a couple of ice cubes.

In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is good to have snacks during breaks. Suitable almonds, peanuts, dried fruits. Do not forget about fruits - bananas, peaches, melon, grapes. It is quite possible to afford ice cream or cake between main meals.

Such a rich diet in order to get better is recommended by many nutritionists.

But there is also an alternative point of view. Its adherents criticize frequent and high-calorie meals, giving their reasonable arguments.

Firstly, if you saturate the body with food all day, when will all of it have time to be digested? Secondly, from such food there is a load on the pancreas, liver, and our internal organs- not a conveyor for processing the flow of products ().

There is no more, but better - this is the motto of this method.

Those wishing to increase adipose tissue(ladies, of course) carbohydrates will help. And muscle development is promoted by amino acids obtained from protein products: eggs, milk, meat, fish. Men should focus on them.

Enzymes that help digest food are supplied by vegetables and fruits. They are essential in the diet of those gaining weight.
In general, the menu, the purpose of which is to get better, is simply the envy of losing weight. Is it possible to compare the range and quantity of products needed in these cases?

Regarding special means: anabolic steroids, gainers, protein supplements. Don't think they are yours Lifebuoy. Similar things are used by athletes with strong physical activity and under the supervision of experts.

Achieve results with proper nutrition and lifestyle.

Let's try not to harm ourselves in pursuit of the desired kilograms, not to turn into an automaton, absorbing more and more portions of food. Better to be skinny but healthy than fat but sick.

Most people aspire to have slim figure, therefore, they try to adhere to debilitating diets, use miracle drugs for weight loss and do not even think about the fact that someone is trying by all available means to gain weight and envy them a little.

Those people who by their nature have a thin body, thin legs and arms are envious of fullness, which, in combination with tall makes the figure look awkward. In some cases, girls who consider themselves too thin and not attractive can be envious.

If someone believes that thinness is a punishment of nature, from which it is impossible to get rid of, then he is greatly mistaken. Do you think this is complete nonsense? Probably, you have repeatedly started to eat in large quantities and everything in a row? And as a result, they got the usual overeating, there was a heaviness in the stomach and they began to use "festal" or "mezim".

Basically, there is nothing like that. Although this method of weight gain gives a good effect, the truth is that weight increases due to an enlarged belly. Want to get this look? If not, then this article will talk about how to quickly gain weight at home and become possessed. developed muscles. To do this, you should start to follow a diet, and training can be done at home.

How to quickly gain weight at home: a special diet

The path to a healthy body begins with proper nutrition. The first step to gaining weight is to prepare the body for the proper absorption of food. In simple words this means the restoration of metabolism. The first thing to do is to completely give up smoking and alcohol.

The second is to carry out a "cleansing" of the stomach. For breakfast, throughout the week, you need to eat fiber. In its pure form, it can be purchased at a pharmacy (granules or powder). Pour it with yogurt or kefir and that's it, breakfast is ready. If there is no desire to go to pharmacies in search of fiber, then you can find a good replacement for it - buckwheat porridge with milk or oatmeal without additives.

After the work of the stomach is normalized, it is necessary to seriously deal with the weight gain system. Not cleaning the gastrointestinal tract will be a serious mistake in this matter. Because of this, the intestines can become even more clogged, and this can lead, as a result of increased nutrition, to an increase in the size of the abdomen and insufficient absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats necessary for the body.

How to gain weight with exercise?

Before you fully focus on the diet, you need to focus on physical activity. It should be noted that not all exercises contribute to muscle growth. For example, running and cycling are not suitable for these purposes: on the contrary, they are relevant when losing weight, but we do not need this. We need exercises that help build muscle. Important to remember following points: the weight of the weights should increase gradually and the loads should also increase.

Dumbbells, kettlebells, a barbell and a horizontal bar will help during the training period. Training must be built according to a certain scheme. You should do four times a week: on Monday and Wednesday, do muscle exercises shoulder girdle and arms, on Tuesday and Thursday - back muscles, emphasis on legs and abs.

Exercises for women and men are inherently different. First, consider a cycle of exercises that allow men to gain weight at home. Training will be based on strength exercises for pumping up the muscles of the body:

  1. Exercise for arms with dumbbells - bending arms with dumbbells while sitting and standing, push-ups, pull-ups on the bar different grips(direct, reverse and wide).
  2. To pump up the muscles of the legs, you need to do squats on one leg with a kettlebell on your shoulder, it is allowed to hold on to the wall with one hand, step lunges with dumbbells and squat so that the hips are parallel to the floor.
  3. You also need to perform exercises for the press, which are familiar to us from physical education classes, as well as an understanding of straight legs, hanging on the horizontal bar, "fold" - simultaneously raising legs and arms in a prone position.

The listed exercises will make up the upcoming workouts. At first, you need to perform a small number of exercises in one approach, gradually increasing the number. The maximum number of approaches is 4-5, which consist of 10-12 repetitions.

It will not be difficult for girls to gain weight with exercises at home than for men, only some exercises need to be replaced by others.

You need to leave exercises with dumbbells, pull-ups, push-ups, squats on both legs, exercises for the press. Add to the training program you need to tilt with dumbbells forward (swing gluteal muscles), exercises for the chest (you need to lie on the floor, keep your knees bent and do the wiring with dumbbells). You need to start with a smaller amount and bring each exercise to 3-4 sets, 8-10 repetitions each).

What to eat to gain weight

How to quickly gain weight at home with the help of proper nutrition? And now we focus our attention directly on the diet itself. In the days intense training, in your diet you need to include foods containing complex carbohydrates. The fact is that they will be an excellent source of energy. The right carbohydrates are found in dairy products, cereals, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

You need to eat your dose of carbohydrates one and a half hours before the start of the workout. It can be a bowl of buckwheat porridge or fruit seasoned with sour cream mixed with sugar and washed down with a glass of milk. You also need to consume carbohydrates after a workout, as they performed difficult exercises for which a lot of energy was expended. It is she who needs to be restored by eating a high-carbohydrate meal 15-20 minutes after the end of the workout.

The main element of the diet is protein. After all, we are trying to increase our weight through the growth of muscle mass, and not just build up body fat. It is protein that is the building material for muscles and contributes to their rapid growth. What foods are high in protein?

source vegetable protein are: nuts, legumes, cereals, seeds. Animal protein can only be obtained from their meat. In this case, nutritionists advise eating baked lean meat or boiled chicken breast. But, with an increase in your weight, you can periodically eat cutlets, steaks and chops.

In addition, it is necessary to include potatoes, eggs, fish, vegetables and fruits in the diet. As a variety, you can include corn and olives on the menu. You can also enjoy puddings, chocolates and cakes. But it’s not worth getting too carried away with different goodies. It must be remembered that in order to gain weight you do not need to eat everything, otherwise you can ruin your stomach. Eating unhealthy foods should be no more than once a week, in the rest of the period you need to eat dried fruits, nuts, honey, cottage cheese with sugar as a dessert.


Knowing how to gain weight and what food to eat, you should properly distribute food intake throughout the day. Consider how you need to build your diet in order to gain weight for men.

During the day, there should be three main meals, during which you need to eat approximately 400 grams of food. You need to distribute the products as follows: in the morning you need to eat porridge with fruits, at lunch you need to eat the first course, a meat dish with a side dish, and for dinner - a meat dish with salad. Between the main meals, you need to additionally arrange snacks twice. As a snack, you can eat cottage cheese, yogurt, chocolate, jam, toast, and so on. Snacks should be small in volume and high in calories.

For girls, the diet for weight gain at home has some differences, but is generally the same.

The foods are the same, nutritious and high in protein. There should be 8 meals throughout the day, every 2 hours. While eating, you should not eat a lot of food, but do it qualitatively, paying attention increased attention for high-calorie foods.

Alternate meals should be alternated as follows: the odd meal should be dense, and the even meal, on the contrary, should be light. For example, during the first dose, you need to eat cottage cheese with fruit or an egg with vegetable salad; as a second dose - tea, chocolate, fruit; the third - lunch with the first and second courses; the fourth is nuts, honey, and so on.

Such a diet is at the same time a panacea for those who do not yet know how to quickly gain weight, as well as expanse for those who like to eat tasty and a lot, since you can include any food in the diet and not limit yourself in the amount of food. The main thing that needs to be observed at the same time is to avoid overeating and not to eat through force, otherwise you can disrupt the work of the stomach.

During such a diet and training, you need to know when to stop. Only in this case, kilograms of the desired, healthy weight will begin to appear, giving your body an attractive and healthy look.

How to quickly gain weight.

Usually all girls write and give various tips how to quickly and effectively lose weight, lose weight, but I have another question for you, on the contrary. How to gain weight for a girl at home? Is it possible to get better and quickly acquire the missing kilograms?

A calorie surplus will help you quickly gain weight, otherwise, if it doesn’t help, check your hormones.

And why did you decide that they were missing and why did you urgently need to gain weight? Go in for sports, over time you will gain quality weight, not fat. I want to get fat - eat like a pig, more carbohydrates and you will be "happiness", but why this nonsense.

What if you are too lazy to exercise?

There are rolls from morning to night, I only gained weight in this way, but also threw off a couple of days before the previous state. In general, no way, I'm also skinny.

Damn, the figure is perfect! What for they are needed, these kilograms? Rejoice that you are slim, it will be easier to gain weight with age, and it will be harder to lose weight. So don't be stupid.

Is it possible to get better? Easily. In short, look: you fill the freezer with dumplings and take a month off from work. You can, of course, diversify your diet with sausages and sandwiches, so on the very first day of your vacation, lie down on the sofa and start actively throwing yourself in the contents of the freezer, not forgetting, of course, about sandwiches and voila, in a month you weigh 90 kg, everything ingenious is simple .

No need to specifically gain weight, as advised here. Eat right, and if there is a deficit of weight, then it will return to normal.

There are some vitamins, with them the appetite becomes good, and delivers normally.

If you're naturally thin, you won't gain weight no matter how hard you try.

Yes, you still have time to get better, enjoy yourself, unless, of course, you have anorexia.

There is a slight weight loss. Just do not lean on high-calorie junk food! No buns. Fractional nutrition must be frequent. You have to eat every two hours. Be sure to eat right. I have recovered so much from 45 kg. I remember getting up on the scales in the morning, and there - 45, 44, 43. So scary, really.

And then a banal random cold and in three days out of 8 kg gained in two months, 10 runs away.
Oh, how I used to get tired of this!
Half a kilo of macaroni and cheese every night, at night. Two or three plates of sauce, a whole Ossetian pie in one snout. As far as I remember, it still hurts. Then she spat and scored on this lack of weight. Normalized with age.

Go to the gym, swing, nothing else, and eat more, Google to the rescue. In general, the author wanted to show off in front of fat girls more than to really ask something.

Only sport. Protein and all. I remembered that five years ago I was just as skinny.
Don't worry, you'll get better by 30.

I weigh 46 with a height of 168, a slight lack of weight. Decided to get fat. I downloaded an app that counts how many calories I eat. As a result, at a rate of 2500 calories, I eat 3000, but there are no results.

If you are a thin girl, then with such a constitution, food cannot add weight in any way. Only sports can pump up the right places. The buns won't help. My thin colleague eats like a company of soldiers, this is not an exaggeration, since I have the opposite problem, I once estimated how many calories she gets per day. She counted about 4000, this is only for a working day, and she also eats at home. And those 4,000 are biscuits, chocolates, McDucks and other fat bullshit. And she is 34 years old, so the body is not growing. If such a build and metabolism is high, in order to gain weight - only a rocking chair.

Are you a fool? Why spoil the figure that millions of fat and overweight dream of?

Increase your calorie intake. And, of course, we're talking about proper nutrition.

Your girlfriend needs to be tested for hormones - thyroxine, leptin, not gaining weight with a calorie surplus is not normal.

Only sports will help, and with a lot of weight in the gym and Gainer. Well, there are 6 times a day. Otherwise, you won't be able to gain weight.

Eat meat, mayonnaise and eggs, there are a lot of calories and all kinds of baked goods, pies, whites, and then you will definitely gain weight.

Protein and a gym, well, or hamburgers and a sofa, depending on how much weight you need.
I also forgot, and you can also gain weight from sweets.

Oh, this is my dream, why do you need to gain weight, judging by the photo - you don’t look like an anorexic! You have very beautiful figure, the only thing that can be done is to pump up a little and then it will be generally perfect.

McDonald's to help skinny girls!

You are so beautiful ideal figure why ruin it?

I also could not gain weight, the hall was to help, and now I want to be thin again.
No need to gain weight, then it will be more difficult to lose weight, and it will be more difficult to refrain from eating.

How the advice wavered - eat more. It does not help! You can't stuff millions of kg of food into yourself anyway. I also have the same problem, lack of weight, and advice - eat a lot of rolls, etc. - it's just about nothing.

Like this! Potato dumplings!
PS. This is not for myself, this is for my husband.

I have the same problem, I have had the same weight for many years. Is it possible to get better?

That's it, I have so gastritis appeared.

Before, in my school years, I was always skinny. I remember how they poured into my ears that "this is ugly" and "I need to get better." And she did believe! Dreamed of gaining weight! Diligently ate and, oh happiness, scored, and realized what a horror it was.
Now for many years I have been supporting "my" correct weight. And it's not as easy as before 20.
By the way, many of my classmates "with forms" have grown ugly and look 10 years older.
Why am I? To the fact that listen more to yourself, and less to the opinion of the surrounding "well-wishers". Maybe you don't need this extra weight at all?

Baby food for underweight patients.

The man asked for advice on how to gain weight quickly, not "oh, why would you gain weight"

God, this is my blue dream - to eat and not get fat.

There are specials in the pharmacy. nutrition and weight gain shakes for underweight children. One "empit" is worth something. You need to eat a balanced diet in parts and often. Those 7-8 times a day, but in small portions. My brother suffered from this. Walked like a skeleton. His mother used to make liver pancakes for him every day. Cream, eggs and beef liver. And seasonings. It is also good to eat liverwurst and black pudding. natural.
And, of course, do not lean on fast carbohydrates. It won't lead to anything.

There was the same problem until 18-20 years old, a thin girl, always 50 kg with a height of 173.
I really don’t like it when there are no thighs at all, legs are sticks.
Now at 23 everything is more or less harmonious, 53 kg is ideal for me. I go to yoga, the gym did not suit me in terms of load.

To lose weight, you need to eat, and to gain, you also need to eat, often! Gym and a huge amount of carbohydrates (healthy carbohydrates). My husband was still slender, he gained the necessary kg in two months, eating a lot of porridge, everything went into porridge - chicken, even sausage, since there was no money at that time.

Where do you skinny girls go? There are only fat or average girls on the street. For some, 45-50 kg is "thinness", but for me it is already "in the body".

I only lost 5 kg from stress during exams in three days. All my pants were starting to fall off.

And how much weight did your husband gain on such a diet? And you can learn more about nutrition. Mine can’t get fat in any way, even though every day there is meat, sausage, side dishes, etc. For dinner, he eats 8 pies. And on the scales plus 0, where it all goes is not clear at all.

There are a lot of slender, thin girls on the street. Go to any center. There are plenty of skinny ones too.

As he told me and showed the photo, everything happened in three months! As he said, he took a 5-liter pot and made porridge, threw all kinds of meat crap there and ate 7 times a day. No sweets, pies, and plus BCA, and cheap in powder, I think, for two months on such a diet, anyone will gain weight, only discipline is needed.

The figure, in my opinion, is very beautiful! The main thing is that there is a butt and the waist is expressed. The legs are slender and long. Beauty is! Another thing, of course, if you are not comfortable in this weight.

Increase your carbohydrate intake.

Only a rocking chair for weight gain! Powerlifting Help! Plus the butt pumps up.

Drink enzymes or start with a probiotic, try to eat more often, include milk, cheeses, nuts, oily fish, potatoes and sweet potatoes in your diet, physical activity helps increase appetite.

Better go to the gym and build muscle, they will only improve your body, why fat, I don’t understand.
And I wouldn't put on weight if I were you.

Eat at night, before going to bed like me, you will get fat, I guarantee you.

Instead of a marathon "lose weight by summer" got out "fat by winter". Seasonality.
You don't need to hurry. Need to get better. It is necessary to swing the body to physical. activity and weight gain will go. Naturally, this is not about fitness, which in other circles is called "sport", but this is a hoax.
You will be fine with regular sports, such as athletics, few times a week. Only your hips are dystrophic, the rest is close to normal. Hence the choice of sports.
The point is that, in the process, the body will want to eat, strengthen the structure. The diet will be closer to sports, respectively.

Eat lots of carbs and train for muscle, not fat.
But if I were you, I wouldn't gain weight!

Baby food for premature hip.

If the figure is the same as in the photo, then there is no need to gain weight.

Can you advise how to gain weight for a skinny girl?

It is believed that most people suffer from overweight. But in fact, both among women and among men there are many who would like not to lose weight, but to increase their body weight. Moreover, the principles of weight gain for men and women have significant differences. How to gain weight for a man with a thin physique?

How to gain weight for a guy

Often, guys suffering from underweight ask how thin to gain weight? Usually they claim that they do not limit themselves in food and even have a snack before bed, but they cannot increase body weight in any way. It is unlikely that when asking the question of how to gain weight for a man, the representatives of the stronger sex want to acquire a sagging abdomen. On the contrary, everyone strives to have a toned, muscular body. That is, gaining weight due to body fat is not an option. Therefore, we will talk about how to gain weight for a guy by increasing muscle mass and accumulating a small amount of fat.

It is worth noting that this way of increasing body weight, despite the fact that it is slow and difficult, at the same time, is more productive and effective. Muscle growth is not a fast process. However, with the right approach, it will be easy to gain one or two kilograms of body weight per month due to the growth of muscle tissue. Basically, an increase in muscle mass is achieved during strength training, especially in the presence of additional weights.

As you know, the main male hormone is testosterone, which, among other things, is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. Regular physical activity contributes to the production of hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone by the endocrine system. Besides, power training have another positive.

The release of hormones that promote muscle growth also contributes to an overall improvement in the cardiovascular and immune systems. That is, with the right loads, an increase in body weight due to the growth of muscle tissue will have a healing effect on the entire body. Equally important when deciding how to gain weight for a man is the observance of the regimen and the right diet.

How to gain weight for a skinny person

Asking experts the question of how to gain weight for a man, for some reason, many people forget about balanced diet. The fact is that not every food contributes to a set of muscle mass. For example, a full plate of convenience foods is not the best option. Eating quick-frozen meatballs or sausages is unlikely to gain anything other than fat. Such food is poor in protein, but rich in cholesterol and simple carbohydrates.

To answer the question of how to quickly gain weight for a guy, you should know that often low calorie intake does not allow you to increase body weight. Therefore, a balanced and properly selected diet is one of the main factors for quality weight gain. In order for muscle mass to grow, it is necessary to have an excess of calories in the body. The body is designed in such a way that with an excess of calories, weight is gained, and with a lack of them, fat is burned.

How to quickly gain weight for a man if the calorie content of his diet is insufficient to increase body weight? You need to calculate first daily allowance calories needed to maintain weight and add an additional 500 calories. This can be calculated by the formula: body weight multiplied by a factor of 45. However, with heavy physical work, more calories will be required. For weight gain, it is very important that the caloric content of the diet exceeds the needs of the body. And, we can say that the problem of how to gain weight for a man will be half solved.

If there are only 2-3 times a day, as most men do, then gaining muscle mass will not work. Large portions are poorly absorbed, so the muscles will not grow. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, making protein snacks between main meals. To create new cells, the body needs proteins, which are building materials, and carbohydrates are needed for energy.

How to quickly gain weight for a man

The use of complete high-quality protein is a prerequisite for increasing muscle mass, and hence weight. With a lack of protein, even with an increased caloric content of food, muscles will not grow especially. Moreover, a fatty layer may appear, but the muscle tissue will not increase at all. Daily in the diet should be two servings of meat or fish, two servings of egg white and cottage cheese. Also, do not neglect vegetable proteins.

For breakfast, it is best to eat scrambled eggs, cottage cheese with dried fruits, cereals, yogurt, milk, herbs and fruits. Lunch and dinner can consist of a salad and any animal or vegetable protein products with a side dish. As a side dish, cereals such as rice, buckwheat, pasta seasoned with olive oil are suitable. During a snack, you can treat yourself to dried fruits, cottage cheese, a sandwich, nuts or a light salad.

How to quickly gain weight for a guy, what needs to be done for this? It is very important for rapid weight gain to drink as much as possible more water. Fluid directly affects body weight, and water is essential for all cells in the body to function properly. A healthy body will gain weight faster with proper nutrition and exercise. Men are advised to drink at least two liters of fluid daily. Milk is especially useful for muscle growth, so you need to drink it regularly.

How much weight can you gain

Men who want to increase body weight are often worried about the question: how much can you gain weight? It is worth considering that the rate of weight gain in people with different physiques is significantly different. With a lean physique, gaining weight will not work as quickly as with a tendency to be overweight. A lot depends on genetics, effort put into training and diet, and patience.

Another important aspect for weight gain is regular rest. It is necessary to try to avoid stresses that negatively affect body weight, as well as to sleep at least eight hours a day. The fact is that muscle growth does not occur during training, but when a person is resting, especially at night.

How to gain weight for a man so as not to harm the body? Experts do not advise in pursuit of rapid increase muscle mass to use various synthetic cocktails. They will not bring anything good for the body, and can even lead to illness. In addition, the athleticism acquired in this way will be short-lived.

For how much you can gain weight, no one can say for sure. It is best for the body to gain weight slowly but surely through regular exercise and a balanced diet. Then the resulting effect will last for a long time.