Calculation of fat in the body of a woman. Underwater weighing method. Minimum percentage of body fat

What do most women do when they want to evaluate their figure? That's right, get on the scales! So? The current weight is compared with what it was a year ago, five, ten. Such a comparison may indeed say something, but in many cases it is like fortune-telling on coffee grounds. The fact is that with age, body composition changes, muscle tissue is gradually replaced by fat.

For reference, the body weight of a woman is made up of the weight of the skeleton (12%), muscles (35%), fat (24%) and the mass of other body components, in men, the mass ratios are slightly different - the skeleton accounts for 15% of the total mass, the muscles - 45% and fat approximately 12%.

Let's say the muscles decrease, and the fat is added by exactly the same amount - what's good about that? In other words, simple weighing cannot be your compass in the beauty world. A much more precise tool is needed. But what if we use calculators to calculate the ideal weight? In one column, write your height, and in the other, respectively, find yours. optimal weight. Then it remains only to stand on the scales, and the picture of one's own state becomes as if clear.

Meanwhile, not everything is so simple (just do not fully take into account). And the American insurance companies were the first to discover this. At one time, they actively used the body mass index (BMI) to determine the degree of their risk when insuring the life of a client. After all, the higher overweight, the greater the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. However, even clerks, far from medicine, after several years of experience, it became clear: there is no direct relationship between height and weight.

How to find out your body fat percentage?

One of the most accurate methods is body composition analysis, waist/hip ratio assessment, and skinfold measurement.

Body composition analysis shows the distribution of your weight: how much fat is in it, and how much is everything else. Such an analysis can be done in many sports and health centers and fitness clubs. Some of the ways to conduct this test are quite simple, some are much more difficult. We will return to this later.

Skin Fold Measurement .

To calculate the percentage of fat in the body, first of all you will need a thickness gauge - a device that is shown in the pictures. It can be purchased at any sports shop. However, you can also use a regular ruler, for this you need to attach it to the fold, shifting a couple of centimeters to the base (as shown in the figure below.

Measurement Rules
Take all measurements while standing.
Take measurements on right side body.
Gather the fold with your thumb and forefinger (as shown). Grab the skin wide enough so that the fat layer is folded in two between your fingers. Squeeze the fold hard enough (slight pain) to expel water from the adipose tissue.
Place a ruler or thickness gauge 2 cm away from your fingers (between the peak and the base of the crease).
To improve the accuracy of your body fat percentage, take 2-3 measurements, but do not take 3 consecutive measurements in the same place at the same time. You must alternate the following places alternately: triceps - stomach - thigh - triceps and so on.
To maximize the accuracy of your body fat percentage, ask a loved one to take measurements and compare with yours. Enter the average results into the system.
It must be remembered that after a while, repeated measurements should be taken by the same people who did it the previous time.

For a more visual implementation of the measurement rules, a picture is shown below.


This method of research is carried out on special equipment, similar to the one that stands in the ultrasound rooms. Ultrasonic waves penetrate deep under the skin and show the thickness of the fat layer on the measuring scale. As a rule, ultrasound scanning is carried out in several places. The data obtained in this way is used to calculate the total percentage of fat in your body.
Oddly enough, but opinions about this method paradoxically diverge. Some experts consider it very accurate, others argue that the device, in principle, is not able to give the correct result.

Method for measuring bioelectrical resistance (BES)

With the BES method, a small electrical current is passed through your body. No more than a tiny pocket battery. Current is applied through electrodes attached to the arms and legs. Adipose tissue, unlike muscle, do not conduct current. It turns out that the faster the current passes through the body, the less fat it contains. The data obtained are substituted into formulas that take into account height, gender and age. Thus, the percentage of fat in the total body weight is calculated.

Weighing in water

The study looks like this: you sit in a chair suspended from the scales, exhale, and you are immersed in a tank of water. For about 10 seconds, while underwater weighing is in progress, you naturally cannot breathe. The whole procedure is repeated several times. The three highest scores are averaged. Based on it, using several complex formulas, the percentage of fat in body weight is calculated.
This time-consuming and inconvenient method is used exclusively for research purposes. In addition, when weighing women, it is not particularly accurate due to the fact that formulas that work well for men give significant errors here. The reason is that between women there are large differences in the density of bone and muscle tissue - for some they are dense, while for others they are loose.

Formulas for calculations

Body fat percentage is calculated using the formulas for the body circumference method developed by Hodgdon and Beckett. Men and women require different methods of measurement because men tend to accumulate fat on their belly (apple shapes) and women tend to accumulate fat on their belly and thighs (pear shapes).
Formula for men:
Percent Body Fat=495/(1.0324-0.19077(log(Waist-Neck))+0.15456(log(Height)))-450
Formula for women:
Percent Body Fat=495/(1.29579-0.35004(log(Waist+Hips-Neck))+0.22100(log(Height)))-450

To determine the norm, the data from the formulas are presented in the table below

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Which burns fat faster: running or lifting? Many people think that lifting weights works much more efficiently than aerobics. Is it true? Let's find out a little lower.

Coming to the gym, newcomers, due to their inexperience, make many mistakes. Of course, there is a fitness instructor in the gym who will show a series of exercises and correct the errors that have appeared. However, we will tell you in this article what exercises you need to do, how many approaches.

By following all diets and regimens correctly proper nutrition, you still can not achieve an increase in muscle mass. In order to achieve a certain result, there are only two options: go to sport Club or housework. Of course the fitness instructor will select necessary complex exercise and talk about diet. However, in this article we will offer you a way to build mass based on several exercises.

Consider in this article how you can build muscle at home. The main hindrance to studying at home is our laziness. However, if you overcome it and start exercising at least an hour a day, after a couple of weeks you will notice results. And be sure to give yourself at least one day off.

By definition from reference books on physiology, there are three main body types. Z knowing the characteristics of each of them, you can change your body, while quickly picking up only correct complexes exercise or diet. However, on the Internet there is a certain scatter of concepts and terms for determining the type of physique - we will try to eliminate this.

The article will consider exercises that allow you to pump up important muscles - lower press. These exercises can be performed both at home and in gym. This manual is intended for those people who wish to pump nice abs quickly, while devoting only about ten minutes a day.

This article will talk about a beautiful male figure, namely, with regard to wide shoulders. Consider exercises to keep your muscles in good shape. They can be done at home or in the gym.

Would you like to know how to measure your body fat percentage but don't know how? Today it is as easy as shelling pears: just turn on the online calculator, and it will calculate the necessary. With the help of a special table, which will display the ratio of body weight and age, height, gender, you can find out exactly how to calculate how many calories the body needs for normal functioning.

If you are on the way to improving your figure, then, of course, you need to calculate the body mass index, the content of proteins, carbohydrates in food. Can help with all of this. body fat calculator. Of course, how many calories we consume or burn daily, depends on our physical form. From the excess of these same calories, subcutaneous fat mass begins to be deposited, and soon you will need a diet or a good one. sport program to get rid of them.

Naturally, if you are planning to go on a diet, the first question will be: how to measure the amount of fat in the body. This problem has already been solved, since the calculator will calculate it by itself. The next step is to discuss plans with a dietitian. It is better to consult than to hurt yourself even more because of the wrong approach to fixing the problem. It is also important to understand that you need to limit yourself only in the amount of food, and you need to use everything in moderation. Meals should be balanced amount such components:

  • carbons;
  • proteins;
  • fats.

low calorie diet can bring you a lot of harm, because it is not able to give human body everything you need for a normal life. Fatty acids are especially important, from which other substances are then synthesized in the body. They are extremely important for the growth of hair, nails, the renewal of skin balls and the normal functioning of organs.

So, the online calculator is not only the answer to the question of how to calculate the presence of fat in the body, but also your indispensable assistant in everything related to nutrition and figure.

How to measure body fat percentage

How does the calculator determine the presence of fat in the body? Naturally, he is able to calculate it using a number of formulas. But in order for the calculator to give a definition, you must specify all the necessary parameters, without which it will be impossible to make a calculation. What should be entered:

All instruments necessary for measurements:

  • scales;
  • measuring tape.

The analyzer will only show actual results if you have made all measurements accurately. That is why the tape must be used in such a way that it does not tighten the skin and does not hang freely, and it is worth making sure that the scales are accurate. It is also worth measuring weight in the morning and without clothes, without eating, and height - without shoes and with a straight back.


This point is also important. How we live depends on the need of our body for various substances. Exist different levels activities:

Given the way of life and other above-mentioned indicators, you can correctly calculate the required number of different useful substances. Naturally, the whole diet will be significantly different. First you need to calculate the amount of protein that you need to consume daily, because protein is a building material human body, it is important for muscle tone, for the production of hormones. The more active your lifestyle, the more protein your body needs. Norms for fats and carbohydrates should be calculated based on the amount of protein.

If you are going to go on a diet, first analyze your indicators together with your doctor, then it will be easier to choose the type of diet that is most suitable for you. There are protein, and low-calorie, and many other diets. But whatever you choose, remember that health is above all. No need to starve your body or reduce the required rate of vital substances.

Explanation of the numbers

Body mass index- the ratio of mass to height. The smaller your figure, the smaller the index. It is measured in kilograms per square metre. But you need to pay attention to the fact that the formula does not take into account the characteristics of your body, so the results may not be true, for example, for athletes. The index may indicate that a person is overweight, but if their amount of body fat shows the category of athletes, then they are pumped up, not fat.

The ratio of height and waist - indicates the amount of abdominal fat. Everyone knows that its excess is very dangerous, since the work of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and blood vessels depends on it. Thus, there are many complex diseases, which are very difficult to cure.

It should be noted that each organism has different levels of fat. They are different for men and women. Men are more muscular, and if they still have fat deposited, then this happens in most cases on the stomach. In women, fat is deposited not only on the stomach, but also on the hips.

Lean body weight- the mass of a person, excluding fat. Here, the mass index is very important in the calculations, because with it the calculator will calculate the required number of calories. If necessary, he will reduce or increase the rate.

Calories required each day are the calories that the body expends. Their number depends on lifestyle, activity. This is a very important indicator that is taken into account with every choice of diets.

Protein - it, of course, must be consumed daily, because it is one of the most important components in our body. When laying down the right diet, first of all calculate how much protein is required. Everything else is adjusted based on it.

Fat Percentage

So how much body fat is normal? For each it's own. For example, bodybuilders and athletes have a few percent less body fat than people who lead a less active lifestyle. Their bodies are basically muscles in very good shape. But it's not worth "degreasing" your body. There is no need to be a fanatic of a small and fragile figure, because this is not suitable for every organism.

Do you know what a lack of fat for the body turns into? First of all, the metabolism, the condition of the skin, hair and muscles, the functioning of organs worsens, the production of hormones, including sex hormones, stops, which causes serious illnesses.

Don't Predict Your Obesity, after all, excess weight is determined by the percentage of fat above 30%. If this percentage is less, you have a completely normal, healthy body. If the fat mass is only 5-10%, this is already a problem. You need to rethink your diet and exercise.

Both obesity and anorexia are terrible diseases. Because of them, the work of the whole organism as a whole is disrupted. The spine, heart, digestive system and even perspiration - all this depends on the mass of fat. BUT appearance generally changes beyond recognition. Here, not only physiological, but also mental health suffers. A person does not like himself, which causes depression, apathy and even nervous breakdowns are not uncommon.

Other ways to calculate body fat

To date, the calculator is far from the only device capable of such actions. For example, to calculate obesity, use bioimpedance. But such a device is not very convenient, since it can be used exclusively at home. If you want to know the most accurate result, then this device will help you.

For those who do not want or cannot visit a medical laboratory, scales have been created that are able to determine the ratio of muscle to fat as a percentage. How does this device work? With the help of electrical impulses passed through the human body. Therefore, do not neglect the safety precautions when using these scales. Take measurements exclusively in a warm room and only at a body temperature of 36.6. do not take food or diuretic drugs as the results will not be accurate. Even a pre-shower can hurt you when calculating your body fat percentage.

Practice even weighing in water. Of course, only in laboratories. The patient's weight is measured first in air and then in water. The results are compared, and with the help of various formulas and differences in the density of adipose tissue in different environments, the percentage of body fat is calculated. This method is quite accurate and helps to correctly determine the degree of obesity.

You can also measure the amount of fat by simply measuring the fat folds on the body. You just need to pinch the fold in four places:

  • on the triceps;
  • on the biceps;
  • in the navel;
  • under the shoulder blade.

Doctors use a caliper - a special device to measure the thickness. But at home, a caliper or the most common ruler will do. According to the special table, determine your result. It is important to know that this table takes into account both age and gender of a person. Over the years, the amount of fat in the body still increases, and this is quite normal.

To quickly determine the percentage of body fat, the online calculator is best used daily, independently compiling a table or graph. This approach will help the user navigate and will clearly show real changes. In general, in order not to worry about the question of how to find out the percentage of fat in the body, it is important to lead an active life.

Be healthy and take care of your figure!

Attention, only TODAY!

Previously, to determine general state health used the human body mass index. Today, for this purpose, tracked body fat percentage.

You can find many articles on this topic, including the definition of this indicator using tables, formulas, or other methods. This material discusses the main ideas of these articles, and the result is presented in pictures for a visual representation of the state of the male and female body, depending on this indicator.

To have an idea of ​​what this material is about, it is necessary to understand several terms and concepts.

How is this percentage calculated? The amount of fat in kilograms is divided by body weight and then converted into a percentage. For example, with a total weight of 80 kg for a man and a mass of fat of 13 kg, the percentage of fat will be 16.

Fat distribution

Each has its own characteristics of the body and organism, including the distribution of body fat. So, some women have a small amount of fat on their stomachs, and an excess in the triceps and hips. For others, it's the other way around. As for men, in most cases, fat deposits are mainly observed in the abdomen. The pictures clearly show in which parts fat is most often deposited in the female and male sexes.

Figure Features

They are also different for everyone, so people with the same percentage of fat will look different in appearance. As an example, here we can cite models and athletes, in which this indicator is exactly the same, and the differences are visible to the naked eye.


The pictures show people in the age category of 25-35 years. It should be noted that the older a person becomes, the more fat is contained in his body. For example, men aged 20 and 50 have the same percentage of body fat, but for the first (young) it will be 15%, and for the second - 20%. This is due to the property of fat to increase with age around the organs and in the muscles.

Muscular furrows

In the process of inflating the body, a relief is formed, the muscles become more visible and resemble grooves in appearance. It is also important to have an idea of ​​what vascularity is. As the percentage of body fat decreases, veins appear on the body - this is the meaning of this term.


This percentage of fat content is typical for the period of preparation for sports competitions. In this case, increased vascularity is observed - veins are visible on almost every muscle. Even the muscles on the buttocks have small gaps, and the absence of such indicates a very low fat content. The norm for men is about 2% fat content. It is this amount that is necessary for the body to function normally, since fat protects the organs in abdominal cavity and thoracic region.


This indicator is not as categorical as the previous one, but it is still not normal for most representatives of the strong field. The fact is that this is reflected in appearance, for example, the face looks emaciated, which causes concern among people around. Such a percentage of fat content is typical for most models, they have clearly defined muscles, there is a bright vascularity, including the muscles of the limbs and abdomen. When the abdominal muscles are clearly visible, the muscles are clearly separated - this indicates a low fat content.


It is a normal level for a man. Of course, the abdominal muscles are not as clearly visible as in the previous case, but the abdominal muscles are clearly visible. This is exactly the state and body shape that most men aspire to. It is also considered attractive to the fair sex. For this percentage of fat content, grooves are characteristic only on the arms and shoulders, and not on every muscle.


This level corresponds to men with a toned and slender figure. The contours of the muscles are clearly visible, but there is no visible separation between them. As a rule, the grooves are covered with a small amount of fat. However, this does not negatively affect the shape of the body - the figure is beautiful, despite the fact that there is no obvious allocation of muscles.


This level of fat content is characterized by a not very clear allocation of muscles and blood vessels. In most cases, men have a small tummy. For example, the male part of the New York population generally has a body fat content in the range of 20-25%. But in other places this figure may differ. As a rule, in a man with a height of 180 cm and a body weight of 81 kg, the fat content in the body is about 20% fat.


In this case, there is a significant increase in the volume of the waist, muscles and blood vessels are practically not visible. With a man's height of 180 cm, the minimum volume of his waist can reach 91 cm. Also, for such a percentage of fat content, a slight increase in neck volume is characteristic, small fat folds. But all this is perfectly hidden by clothes. Men with more high level fat content than specified in this paragraph, face the problem of obesity. Abdominal type of obesity is recognized if the waist circumference exceeds 101cm.


This indicator is characterized by the spread of fat throughout the body, including the formation of fat deposits in the waist, hips, back, calves. Visually, the waist looks larger than the hips, the muscles are not visible at all, the stomach sags.


When body weight is constantly increasing, the amount of fat also increases, more of which accumulates in the abdomen. At this level, an even more sagging belly is observed, the waist as such completely disappears (its volume can exceed 101 cm). Such a belly is called "beer".


As in the previous case, body fat concentrated in the waist and abdomen. The waist circumference can exceed 145cm. With this indicator, a person is faced with a number of problems of movement, especially on the stairs. It's hard to bend over. These are the first signs of obesity!


The minimum level that can only be observed in women involved. Vessels and muscle grooves are clearly visible. For the normal functioning of the body, the fat content is within 8-10%. What is the reason for such a difference compared to the minimum figure for men (2%)? This is due to the high fat content in the area around the uterus and mammary glands, so there is no need to strive for a male indicator, since this is a health hazard for the fair sex. The girl in the photograph probably has the upper limit indicated, since the vessels are poorly visible.


Corresponds to the second level of fat content in the male. This indicator is typical for the bulk of models advertising underwear. At the same time, most of those may face problems associated with a violation of the functionality of the body. The muscles of the limbs, shoulders, and abs are clearly visible. Because of low level fat content, the shape of the hips and buttocks is not pronounced.


In the body of most athletes, this is the percentage of fat. A small amount of fat is observed on the limbs, the abdominal muscles are clearly visible. The minimum level of separation of muscles among themselves.


Typical for most of the fair sex. Such a woman cannot be called too thin, but not fat either. A small layer of fat is present on the buttocks, the bend of the hips is clearly visible. This level is typical, for example, at 163 cm of height and 59 kg of body weight.


Unlike men, in whom the accumulation of fat is observed mainly in the abdomen, in the bulk of women, this is deposited in the buttocks and thighs. The latter are pronounced with a rounded shape. 30% fat is the upper limit for the average woman.


An even greater increase in the hips, rounded shapes are acquired by the neck and face. Hips can exceed 100cm, waist - 80cm. The belly starts to sag.


Hip circumference can exceed 106cm, waist - 90cm, hips - 63cm.


This level is characterized by the appearance of noticeable folds, the skin condition worsens. Hip circumference can exceed 115cm, waist - 90cm. The shoulders look noticeably narrower than the hips.


The hips become even larger, noticeably exceeding the width of the shoulders. The skin condition worsens, the fat is clearly visible. Hip circumference can exceed 115cm, waist - 101cm. Example: with a woman's height of 163 cm and body weight of 90 cm, half of them are muscle mass, the remaining 50% are fat.

How to reduce the percentage of body fat - Video


This page contains calculators to help you determine a number of key parameters that are very important to combat overweight and subsequent maintenance of normal weight.

Here you can calculate: metabolic rate, body mass index, daily calorie requirement, body type, etc.

Attention! All parameters are calculated based on your individual anthropometric data, so enter input values ​​as accurately as possible, in tenths and hundredths of numbers if possible.

To calculate parameters with other input data, there is no need to refresh the page, just edit the original values ​​and click the calculate button.

The question mark means that there is additional information for this item. To read it, move the mouse cursor over the sign.

Basic parameters

Enter your basic anthropological parameters, which will be the basis for all subsequent calculations. For some calculations, you will need to fill in additional fields that are given in each calculator separately.

Parameter Meaning
Weight, kg):

By default, this field is automatically populated with your current weight, which is retrieved from your weight recorder.

If you do not keep a weight recorder or the data is outdated, fill in this field yourself.

Height (cm):
Floor: Female Male
Level of vital activity: Sedentary image of life Little activity Moderate activity High activity Very high activity

Passive lifestyle- little or no exercise, sedentary work

little activity- small exercise stress or exercising 1-3 times a week

moderate activity- enough physical activity or sports 3-5 times a week

high activity- heavy physical activity or sports 6-7 times a week

Very high activity- very large daily physical activity or training 2 times a day, such as a marathon

Basal metabolic rate

The value of the main exchange (SBI)- this is the minimum number of calories needed to maintain the vital activity of the body in a state of complete rest. Simply put, this is the amount of energy (measured in calories) that the body will expend if you spend 24/7 in immobility.

The basal metabolism can burn up to 70% of the total calories burned, but this figure varies depending on various factors. Calories are expended on various physiological processes, such as breathing, blood circulation and maintaining the desired body temperature. Naturally, on average, the body burns more calories than the BOO.

Basic metabolism is one of the most important factors determining the intensity of metabolism in general. This indicator tells us how many calories the body needs in order to maintain weight, lose it or gain it.

Calculation method: According to the Muffin-Jeor formula According to the Harris-Benedict formula

Methods for calculating the SBI

Mifflin–St. Geor formula the “youngest”, it was launched in 2005, according to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), today it is considered the most accurate in calculating calories for a healthy person.

Harris-Benedict Formula was withdrawn in 1919. It is characterized by large errors when applied to modern people with their way of life. As a rule, calculating calories using this formula gives an increase of about 5%, and this must be taken into account.


SBI based on lean body mass. Percentage of body fat

The disadvantage of both formulas presented above is that they do not take into account the percentage of musculature in the body, although, as you know, it is muscle mass that directly affects the metabolic rate.

Therefore, these formulas are well suited for people of average build. However, in some cases it is more correct to use the formula Ketch-McArdle, which is based solely on the indicator of "dry" body weight.

To calculate "lean" body weight, you must first determine the percentage of fat in the body. To do this, you need to specify additional initial data.

Parameter Meaning
Neck circumference (cm):

Neck circumference is measured by placing a tape around the neck horizontally.

Measurements should be taken so that the tape is tensed but not compressing the skin.

Waist circumference (cm):

Men measured horizontally, at the level of the navel.

Women measured horizontally, at the level of the minimum width of the abdominal cavity.

Hip circumference (cm):

The largest horizontal circumference around the hips should be measured.

Attention! This dimension is only relevant for women. Men can fill in this field with any number.

After filling in all the fields, click the calculate button.


Body fat percentage: -

Mass of fat: -

Basal metabolic rate: -

Daily calorie requirement: -

Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI)- a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s mass and his height, and thereby indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or excessive.

To calculate your BMI, click the calculate button. In addition, you will be shown an interpretation of your BMI as developed by the WHO (World Health Organization).


Body mass index: -


Ideal weight

One of the most accurate calculation methods ideal weight is the formula Brock. It takes into account the ratio of weight, height, body type and age of a person. It has been proven that with age, the weight of both women and men gradually increases - this is a normal physiological process. And kilograms, which some consider "superfluous", in fact, they may not be.

To use Brock's formula, you must first determine your body type. To do this, you must specify another additional parameter - the value of the circumference of the wrist (it is also called the "Soloviev index").

The ideal solution or formula that will show whether you are overweight does not actually exist. However, there are still methods to measure the percentage of fat in your body. On this page, we offer you a fat calculator with which you can calculate your body fat, which will give you a more detailed idea of ​​​​how to further reduce excess weight.

Calculate body fat

Result: approximately fat (or) in your body.

Dissatisfied with the result?
Find the best solution for you.

Norm and ideal level of fat

There is no single figure that would show the ideal level, because a lot depends on age, gender and some other indicators. However, it is safe to say that in women, the minimum amount of fat without harm to health can be 10-14% (for the stronger sex - 2-4%). Is it dangerous to be low? It is known that an excessively low proportion of fat provokes problems associated with metabolism. However, it should be noted that conventional scales with the function of determining the level of adipose tissue are not an accurate instrument and often the result shown by them is underestimated and incorrect. Therefore, it is worth using the calculator present on this page.

There are alternative measurement methods, such as using a device that sends a small amount of current through the body, thereby measuring the amount of fat. Or another method, which consists in using a device called "caliper", which is considered more accurate than the first method.

Why is it almost impossible to get the perfect formula for calculating body fat? The thing is that people have different physiques, and if you calculate the “standard” formula, which is usually based on body weight and height of a person, then in the end the advice and recommendations will be the same for both a 90-kilogram bodybuilder and a person who has such the same weight, but not attending the gym at all, and this is already a fundamentally wrong decision. Because the most effective way is the determination of the percentage of fat in total body weight. After all, in this way you can find out in percent the degree of "dryness" or, conversely, obesity.

In order to make measurements as accurately and as close to the exact result as possible, it is necessary to take into account a number of the following factors:

  • The weight . It is recommended to weigh yourself in the morning, ideally: in the morning, on an empty stomach, before meals and after going to the toilet. It is also advisable to remove all clothing.
  • Height . Measure without socks, shoes.
  • Waist . Women need to measure horizontally, at the level of the most minimal width of the abdominal cavity.
  • Hips . In this case, on the contrary, you need to choose the largest circle around the hips horizontally.
  • Neck . The measuring tape is applied around the neck just below the Adam's apple in a horizontal position.

The degree of physical activity is taken into account when calculating on the calculator:

  • Sedentary lifestyle - office work, reading literature, watching TV, any other inactive activities.
  • Moderate activity - walking (an hour a day), running, swimming, light sports (eg tennis).
  • Active lifestyle - more than 2 hours of walking per day, physical work or active species sports.

Fat Percentage Calculator

The proposed calculator allows you to calculate the approximate percentage of body fat, as well as muscle mass. The main formula embedded in the calculator is the Jackson-Pollock formula. Measurements are made as follows: with the help of two fingers, you need to pinch the skin and pull it away from the muscles, grabbing subcutaneous fat. Then measure the thickness of the fold with a ruler or tape and enter the data obtained.

Do not forget that the calculator will not give an extremely accurate result, since the error is usually a few percent.