Drying nutrition and training program. Are there body drying exercises for girls? Training during drying: a set of exercises

Greetings, my beloved readers. This time I will talk about body drying exercises for girls. You will learn what drying is, what effect it should lead to, how to adhere proper diet and what exercises to do. We will also talk about stress, contraindications and products that are not suitable for a diet. This topic is quite extensive, and your knowledge base will be noticeably replenished. And, most importantly, you will learn how to use drying for the benefit of your body.

Drying refers to carbohydrate starvation, due to which the layer is quickly burned. subcutaneous fat. This is one of the most effective and fastest ways to lose weight. What is important, the muscle mass of the body does not decrease, only fat disappears. As a result, the relief of the body is formed. Drying is often used by professional athletes and people who are fond of bodybuilding.

Drying the body at home - the rules

There are only 5 rules to follow:

  1. Stick to fractional nutrition to maintain proper metabolism in the body
  2. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily
  3. Do not eat porridge after dinner
  4. Keep counting calories and gradually reduce their number
  5. Do not eat 2 hours before exercise and 2 hours after exercise

The goal is not to lose weight as quickly as possible and form a relief, but to do it right, without harming the body and your own health. It must also be remembered that it is impossible to start drying until a certain muscle mass has been gained.

Drying preparation

So, drying is based on carbohydrate starvation. The body receives much fewer calories than with a normal diet, and this is a serious test for it. You can not immediately give up carbohydrates. Your own body will not understand this and will react in the most logical way - it will begin to stock up on fat reserves for the future.

In order to avoid this, it is necessary to gradually reduce portions of food, adding more vegetables to the menu and trying to find a dietary replacement for foods high in carbohydrates. It is advisable to review the diet two to four weeks before drying, during which a different diet will operate.

Down with stress

Unfortunately, stress is a frequent companion of drying. Deprived of the usual number of calories, the body begins to strike. Fatigue, loss of strength, unwillingness to do anything can lead even a very purposeful person astray. As I said, in the period of preparation for a future diet, it is important not to drastically deprive yourself of high-calorie foods so as not to harm your health. The body must have time to prepare for future tests, and then they will be noticeably easier.

How long to dry

Each person is individual, and for some, carbohydrate starvation is easier, but for someone it is more difficult. But the total duration of drying should not be more than 5 weeks. During this time, your body will not only have time to adapt to the new regimen and new power loads, but also get rid of unnecessary fat, and will be able to prepare to return to a normal diet. Try to endure all 5 weeks, because the last 7 days will allow the body to return to normal.

Drying contraindications

Despite a heavily modified diet and mandatory physical exercise, drying is not a super-difficult test for a healthy person. But, of course, there are contraindications. These include:

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver

If there are any suspicions about your own health, then you should undergo an examination.

Principles and features of the diet during drying

The key to a good result is not only correctly selected menus and physical exercise but also careful planning. Recalculation of the required calorie intake that the body should receive occurs daily. Parameters such as weight, gender and age are taken into account.

The menu is adjusted every day, and it must include natural products rich in proteins. They will help support and develop muscle mass. Vitamin complexes, as well as protein and keratin, can also provide support to the body.

Nutrition program and menu

The preparatory period usually takes at least two weeks, but can be longer - up to six weeks. The diet changes slowly and insignificantly. This is not yet a complete diet, we are only preparing the body for it. There are a lot of products in the diet, and they are varied. Proteins account for 60%, fats - 20%, carbohydrates - another 20%. However, already at this stage, most sweets, starchy foods and fast food should be abandoned. The last week of the preparatory period is the first in drying.

The second period lasts three weeks, that is, it is already a strict diet combined with exercise. There are very few carbohydrates in food, while the main attention is paid to foods with a significant protein content (80%). There are also very few fats.

The third period (week 5 of drying) allows the body to get out of a rather rigid diet regimen. The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates returns to balanced proportions. After the end of the last week, you need to maintain a commitment to a healthy diet, otherwise the result will be quickly lost and everything will have to be repeated again.

Daily Calorie Calculation

To calculate the norm, different formulas and different methods are used. It is clear that if we are talking about losing weight with a significant decrease in the fat component, then the number of calories should be reduced quite noticeably compared to a normal diet.

I recommend using the following formula - the desired weight in kg is multiplied by 24. This will give us the number of calories per day that we can get from food. True, this formula is valid if you are trying to lose weight by no more than 10 kg. If the task is to lose weight by more than 10 kg, then the calculations should be carried out in 3 stages.

Let's say you want to lose 30 pounds. This figure is divided into 3 equal parts of 10 kg. Then the calculation will look like this:

  • (current weight-10 kg) x 24
  • (new weight - 10 kg) x 24
  • (new weight-10kg) x 24

Determination of the ratio of bju

The ratio of bju in a normal diet usually looks like this:

  • Proteins about 30-40%
  • Fat about 20-25%
  • Carbohydrates about 40-50%

The rates for drying, broken down by week, are listed below. It should be remembered that one gram of protein contains 4 kcal, one gram of fat contains 9 kcal, and one gram of carbohydrates also contains 4 kcal.

What can you eat

During the diet should be included in the diet:

  • Buckwheat porridge
  • Legumes
  • Fruits
  • Cottage cheese
  • Milk
  • Lean meat
  • Vegetables

What to include on the menu

I will go through each of the five weeks in detail.

In the 1st week, you need to consume 2 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight daily. Prohibited foods are leaving the menu gradually. The emphasis should be on fiber (white fish, egg whites, cereals, cottage cheese), while fruits should not be given so much attention. Condiments, oils and salt are kept to a minimum. The amount of protein should not exceed 60%, fats account for no more than 20%, the rest is carbohydrates.

During the 2nd week, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 1 g per 1 kg of weight. Protein intake reaches a maximum level of up to 80%, salt completely disappears from the diet. The percentage of fat remains unchanged. I recommend eating cottage cheese (preferably low-fat), beef, kefir, chicken breast, fish, bran, cabbage, herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers.

The third week brings with it another reduction in the amount of carbohydrates to 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight. During this period, the smell of acetone in the mouth or from the skin may appear, dizziness becomes common. If these symptoms appear, you can drink some sweet juice. The amount of water consumed is reduced to one and a half liters per day. The diet is dominated by milk, chicken breasts, egg white and bran (three times a day). You can also use multivitamin complexes.

In the fourth week there is a choice - to continue to eat as in the second or as in the third week. If you feel that the body may not have enough strength, come back for the second week, it is a little easier to pass.

The last seven days are spent in the same way as the first week.

What to take off the menu

The following items are clearly excluded from the menu:

  • Any sweets. Eat fruits and honey instead
  • Milk fat
  • Flour products (replace with cereals, but not more than 200 g)
  • Animal fats (replace with fish)

Nutrition after drying - a healthy diet

Drying gives a relatively fast result, and it is really visible. The only problem is that to maintain a good shape, you must eat a healthy diet. Alas, you should not expect that after five weeks of abstinence from sweets, you will be able to eat sweets again.

accustom yourself to healthy eating, otherwise all the results that cost you so much effort will be wasted. remember, that fast carbohydrates they do not doze off and are just waiting for the chance to transform into subcutaneous fat again.

Properly selected exercises will make drying much more effective, help to deal with problem areas. You should not stop doing fitness while dieting, but you don’t need to overwork yourself either. The body is already in a stressful situation, and it does not need an excessive load. True, almost all exercises are performed with a short rest between sets (up to 1 minute), or without rest.

Make sure you have a workout plan. This can be done on your own, but the advice of a competent specialist (by the way, you can safely write to me through the section feedback) would also be redundant. Pay attention to problem areas (buttocks, abdominal muscles).

Which Is Better: Workouts or Cardio?

In fact, there is no consensus on what is better to choose - exercise equipment or cardio. It is generally accepted that cardio is better suited for weight loss, since more calories are spent, and the fat burning process itself is activated faster.

However latest research show that strength training can be just as effective. Most likely, you should stick to some kind of middle ground, paying attention to both approaches. After working on simulators, the metabolism remains accelerated for another 12 hours.

Training during drying: a set of exercises

A qualified trainer will help you choose a complex, taking into account the characteristics of your body and body. For beginners, the following scheme can be recommended:

  • Pushups
  • Incline dumbbell row
  • Squats
  • jumping rope
  • Raising the legs in a hanging position on the horizontal bar

Trainings are held 5 times a week, the days off are usually Monday and Sunday. The complex can be supplemented with new exercises as the results improve.

Drying exercises for girls at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to use the services of professional trainers. Yes, and going to the gym after work may not be free time. This does not mean that training should be abandoned. They can be replaced by the following exercises:

  • Plie squats
  • Work with dumbbells for hands
  • Squats with and without weights
  • Abdominal muscle training

If you are worried that your knowledge is not enough to choose the right exercises and load, write to me using the feedback section. I will definitely try to help you.

Correct determination of weight for training when drying the body for girls

You can achieve good results with light weights and with a large number of repetitions of exercises. In other words, no super-heavy or even just heavy weights will have to be lifted and pushed. The combination of cardio and strength training is great.

How many reps to do

Beginners can complete 3-4 sets for each of the exercises. On average, it is recommended to repeat the scheme 9 times. If you feel that you are capable of more, you can increase the number of repetitions. Rest between sets should be very short, no more than 2 minutes (recommended)

Drying exercises for girls in the gym

AT gym opportunities to work with own body much more than at home. During drying are often used:

  • Squats
  • thrust upper block to the chest
  • Twisting
  • Bench press in the prone position
  • Squats with dumbbells in front of you
  • Push ups
  • Smith machine squats
  • Barbell Chest Press
  • Exercises for quadriceps legs and abs

The number of approaches is determined individually.

Is it easy for a man to become the owner of a beautiful slim body on which every muscle is clearly visible and there is no fat? Professional bodybuilders have the answer to this question.

Fortunately, not only bodybuilders, but also men far from sports, can bring their body into tone, if you know the instructions. efficient drying body.

What is drying?

the main goal of drying the body for men is to preserve muscle tissue

The concept, which originated among bodybuilders, is now widely heard by many. Drying is the process of getting rid offat under the skin the result of which is an attractive relief of the body. Bodybuilders need it to gain a toned body, while for ordinary men, drying will also allow you to lose unnecessary kilograms.

The process consists of two elements - the implementation of a complex of general or special strength exercises and consumption of certain foods. In the absence of one of them, drying will not bring the desired benefit.

Famous cutting exercises

despite all the usefulness of push-ups, pumping up using only one exercise will not work for you

Why is bodybuilding so attractive? The fact that you can train at home or in the gym. Drying is no exception: it is done in comfortable conditions or under the supervision of a qualified trainer outside the usual home.

It is undesirable to exhaust yourself in the gym every day - it is recommended to go out into the fresh air twice a week and perform recovery runs at an easy pace.

Video training:

Training program for beginners

during training, the heart rate should be kept at the level of 120-140 beats per minute - ideal for fat burning

For those men who first started drying the body, it is useful to know - the desired result will bring only circular training, performed at high speed with the shortest possible rest interval. For example, there are 5 exercises. You need to repeat each 20-30 times, break for a couple of seconds, then move on to the next one. This will give you the first round. After rest (2-3 minutes per early stages) the second round begins, then (if possible) the third.

Performing light aerobic exercises (jogging, walking) at the end of a workout for 10-15 minutes - great way relax tired muscles.

Similar training will takemore than 30 minutesnovice athlete. Experienced bodybuilders advise first doing 3 circular workouts weekly, gradually bringing their number to five. The following is an example of a weekly program.


  • push-ups from the floor - 20 times;
  • hanging leg raises - 20 times;
  • with a light load (dumbbell 2-3 kg is suitable) - 20 times;
  • tilt dumbbell row - 15 times;
  • - 1 minute.

Between exercises, a break of no more than 5 seconds, circles are performed with a two-minute rest interval. Number of circles - 2; elapsed time - about half an hour.


Active recovery - jogging 5-7 km.


A visit to the gym, including the following works:

  • dumbbell bench press with vertical block pull;
  • barbell curls (lower grip);
  • lifting feet on socks;
  • deadlift squats;
  • dilution of arms with dumbbells to the sides.

Perform each exercise 20-25 times. Between sets, rest is no more than 10 seconds, circles - 2, the duration of the workout is 30-40 minutes.


Active recovery - run 5-10 km at a comfortable pace.


A repetition of the Monday complex.


Recovery cross - 5-10 km.


Day off from sports.

Rest day does not involve lying on the couch - walking or low-intensity physical activity is welcome.

If the training is performed by a man who does not have a basic physical training, the number of repetitions of the exercise is reduced to 10-15, and the rest time is also increased by 25%. As the body adapts to the loads, the prescribed complex is performed.

If the program above is given to the athlete with ease, it is replenished with new exercises. Gradually, the number of circuit training is brought tofive weekly.

How long will drying take? The duration depends on the goals and the current physique. For men with a small layer of fat, it will take a month, for more obese representatives of the stronger sex - 10-12 weeks.

A little about nutrition

the more often you eat, the better the drying results will be

Even if a man works hard at home and in the gym, there is no guarantee that he will be able to achieve results. The latter is guaranteed only if the diet is observed, the features of which are:

  • obligatory breakfast;
  • proportional distribution of food taken per day (breakfast - 20%, lunch - 50%, dinner - 30%);
  • elimination of saturated fats from the diet (milk, cheese, chicken yolk, butter, lamb, pork, mayonnaise);
  • categorical exclusion from the menu of sweets, especially fast carbohydrates (buffets, chocolate, ice cream, cookies);
  • salted and canned foods are prohibited;
  • it is permissible to make a couple of additional meals between the three main meals, while eating fruits or vegetables;
  • do not eat before bed;
  • do not eat 2 hours before and after training;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water (it is her, and not any liquid!);
  • welcome the consumption of mineral and vitamin complexes;
  • alcohol and smoking are excluded;
  • control the amount of sugar absorbed (when slowing down weight loss, reduce or eliminate).

The total calorie content of food intake is reduced by 400-600 kcal compared to the usual.

If a man shows willpower and fulfills the prescriptions regarding nutrition, he will undoubtedly succeed. It is easy to realize this by reading the reviews of people who have put their body to the test.

Men's reviews

Denis, Syktyvkar:

« For a month of training, I threw off 10 kg, and I didn’t lose a single gram in working weight. Started with three, came to six workouts a week. Of these, 4 power, 2 - cardio. That's all. The main thing is willpower and desire.

Andrey, Moscow:

“I began to eat every 3-4 hours in small volumes. I removed all chemicals from the diet, focused on cereals in the morning, chicken meat with cereals for lunch, cottage cheese for dinner. In a month and a half, I lost almost 8 kg. There were 3 strength and 3 cardio weekly. On my day off I ride a bike. I plan to renew circuit training and swing for 4 episodes.

Victor, Tyumen:

“Before the summer I wanted to dry out. It was difficult to give up carbohydrates, but I held on. He adhered to a protein diet and achieved his result in 2 months.

Artem, Novorossiysk:

Proper drying of the body for men involves an integrated approach to changing nutrition and training. This is the only sure way to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat, maintain muscle volume and ensure the drawing of contours.

Before switching to the drying mode, the ratio of fat and muscle is calculated for individual parameters. Depending on age, the indicators will be different. If for a 30-year-old man the norm is 16-20%, for those under 50 the numbers will be lower - 12-18%. When exceeding 25% in the first case and 28% in the second:

  • proceeds to drying the body, making a menu for a month by day;
  • reduce the weight of shells by 1/3;
  • increase the number of repetitions and sessions;
  • minimally reduce the rest time between sets;
  • include drying at home and the gym.

Relief nutrition program for men

When compiling training program and diets are based on body drying lasts 1.5 months, and calculate calories by week. The diet involves a limited intake of fats and carbohydrates.

BJU in men when drying is calculated according to the formula: body weight x 13.7 + height x 5 and minus years. With systematic sports loads the final figure is multiplied by 1.6, when working in the gym 4-8 times a month - by 1.4.

To properly dry for relief, athletes also adhere to certain dietary rules:

  1. Don't skip breakfast. Refusal to eat in the morning slows down the metabolism.
  2. Eat every 3 hours. A fractional menu for drying the body for every day increases metabolism. Moreover, frequent meals prevent the occurrence of bouts of hunger.
  3. Completely exclude fast carbohydrates from the diet, limit the intake of slow carbohydrates to 200 - 70 g per day.
  4. 2/3 of the diet is eaten up to 15 hours. In the first half of the day, digestion is more active and food is quickly absorbed.
  5. Have dinner 4 hours before bedtime.

An example of a menu for drying the body for men for every day

The program is designed in such a way that the body receives the necessary nutrients, but at the expense of "sugar" reserves, it takes the energy of their fat depots and removes decay products in a timely manner.


Every morning Start with 1-2 glasses of warm water with lemon.

  1. For breakfast, eat 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese with berries or an orange.
  2. Have a snack chicken breast with steamed buckwheat, washed down with unsalted tomato juice.
  3. For lunch, baked or boiled veal with 100 g of brown rice, vegetable salad with a spoonful of vegetable oil are prepared.
  4. For an afternoon snack, they eat 3 eggs, a fermented milk product with bran.
  5. For dinner - stew with meat and vegetables.
  6. Drink before bed.

Menu for men on Tuesday

  1. 3 eggs, 150 g cottage cheese, unsweetened fruit.
  2. Baked fish with brown rice, cabbage and carrot salad with linseed, sesame or olive oil.
  3. Fish soup, boiled shrimps + baked broccoli and cauliflower with garlic-lemon sauce.
  4. 50 g unsalted cheese, 60 g cashews.
  5. Salmon steak in the oven + 100 g baked potatoes in their skins.

Home menu for drying on Wednesday

  1. Omelette for a couple of 3 eggs, kefir with bran.
  2. Rice with spinach + half an avocado.
  3. Steamed beef cutlets or paella with mussels + salad.
  4. Smoothie with green apple, parsley, spinach, sorrel, kefir, half an avocado + 6 walnuts.
  5. Meat in foil + baked zucchini with eggplant.

Food for drying on Thursday

  1. Oatmeal with berries + yogurt with 2 tablespoons of bran.
  2. White meat chicken + a serving of rye flour pasta + lettuce + tomato + cucumber
  3. Eggplant or zucchini stuffed with beef and rice, peppers in tomato sauce.
  4. 6 proteins + 60 g almonds + 50 g cheese.
  5. Homemade veal boiled pork + cabbage salad + kefir.

Menu for Friday

  1. Steamed buckwheat + kefir with bran.
  2. Avocado + 4 proteins.
  3. Risotto from unpolished rice with seafood.
  4. Cottage cheese + 6 walnuts.
  5. Baked shrimp in milk sauce + vegetables.
  6. sporpitis.

Men's Saturday Nutrition Program

  1. Unsweetened cottage cheese casserole with berries and yogurt + 2 liters of bran.
  2. Baked or boiled turkey with a portion of radish salad, Beijing cabbage, green onions.
  3. Risotto with brown rice with mushrooms.
  4. 6 proteins + a handful of pumpkin seeds + a slice of cheese.
  5. Seafood salad.
  6. Protein.


protein day

  1. 5 proteins + granular cottage cheese with bran.
  2. Mussels in lemon sauce.
  3. Eggplant stuffed with meat or mussels.
  4. Squids stuffed with mushrooms and eggs without cream sauce.
  5. Salmon steak or hake in the oven (slow cooker) with lemon juice.

It is possible to dry the body of a man for a month only on condition cuts portion sizes up to 200 g and compliance with the daily calorie intake. Permissible Quantity slowly digestible carbohydrates per day in the first week- 2g / 1kg of body weight. So, with a weight of 80 kg, only 160 g is required, with 85 kg - 170 g.

Diet for a month

Menu On the second seven days has more restrictions. Allowed intake of carbohydrates1 g / 1 kg of weight. Foods with a glycemic index above 40 are allowed only before lunch. Portions of cereals, side dishes from cereals are equal to 6 tbsp. l. From the menu clean up cheeses, starchy and sweet root vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes.

How to dry guys at 3 and 4 weeks

Reduce carbohydrate intake up to 0.7 g / 1 kg of weight. 80% of the menu is proteins. The calorie content of the diet does not exceed 1500 kcal. However, there can be no universal advice for fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes. One needs to make the body lean, the second to get into another weight category or achieve muscle separation. Therefore, everyone adapts the proposed diet option for themselves, based on goals, metabolic characteristics, and load level.

What to do if health deteriorates

Powerlessness, apathy, the taste of acetone in the mouth are signs of ketone poisoning. To relieve discomfort daily intake of carbohydrates bring to 200-300 g and increase the consumption of clean water. If you do not drink about 3 liters of fluid per day, the body will suffer from dehydration. So that it does not linger in the tissues, from the diet clean up salt. After stabilization of the condition, they return to the sports diet again.

For maximum fat burning, professional athletes resort to drying. This technology is observed not only by those preparing for bodybuilding competitions, it is also suitable for women and girls who want to correct their forms. It is also important to take into account in the complex,. When starting a training program for cutting the body, you need to remember that regularity is important here, it is also important to follow the chosen workouts, working with high intensity, volume, or strength style.

Nutrition and drying training

A fast pace is recommended, without abusing weights, it is better to do more exercise, but with smaller loads, each time performing at least 15-20. Muscle work should be about 40 seconds with pauses of a minute and a half to maintain relief.

The recipe for the method is simple - multiple repetitions and a minimum of rest between sets start the process of drying the body due to the fact that the body begins to use fat as an energy source during training.

Drying training program

Regularity and consistency are very important the program can last 4 - 12 weeks, six days of training with one day of rest. 2-4, 6, 7 approaches are performed with short breaks. In the beginning, it is imperative to perform a warm-up and stretching of the muscles on which the loads are directed. The approximate plan is:

  • 1 day - classes for the muscles of the chest, triceps and abs;
  • 2 - for the back and biceps;
  • 3 - legs, shoulders, and again for the press;
  • Day 4 - skip;
  • 5 - again press, chest and triceps;
  • 6 - swing the back and biceps;
  • 7 - for legs, shoulders and press.

We spend energy

When choosing a training system, you need to take into account that the most energy-intensive exercises are heavy with free weight in basic program designed to involve many joints at the same time. Ready complexes include:

  • squats;
  • bench presses;
  • deadlifts and inclined rods;
  • pull-ups;
  • push-ups on bars.


In important approaches and frequency of exercises, rest between them. It is better to use the pumping technique, often repeating the same movements in the exercises. It increases the muscles by filling them with blood and sugars. Accelerates after training Xia metabolism destroying adipose tissue.

You do multiple repetitions short exercises with less massive weight, in the final, experts say, it would be nice to feel "burning" in the involved muscle.

It is advisable to add intensity to the drying training program for men and professional athletes, compacting approaches in the same interval, and reducing rest time.

cardio exercises

Daily cardio loads in the gym should be continued after classes in the gym, as well as in the mornings, on weekends. Let's say walk, run, swim.

15-20 minutes are enough, pushing up, bouncing, jogging, performed with 5-7 repetitions, without respite. Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest, jumping from a squat is also effective.


It is useful to combine both techniques, strength training and pumping, then it is recommended to alternate them weekly. Adding to Workouts at the End of a Superset Abs reduces fat new layer on the stomach e.


In high-intensity classes in the gym, they last only a quarter to a third of an hour, supplementing their usual programs. They combine medium intensity with maximum intensity and adapt perfectly to a wide range of sports. High-intensity style is acceptable jump rope, ride a bike, even play football. On the example of running, drying exercises look like this:

  • Stage 1 - warm-up;
  • 2 - minute with 65-75% of max effort
  • 3- half a minute of maximum speed;

This run is repeated 10 times.

It is recommended to exercise at high intensity three times a week if available and strength training, and 4 times if there are none. It is advisable not to repeat the techniques for a long time in order to avoid muscle addiction. We must not forget in the training program for cutting and nutrition, which should be complete for the entire period.

Style low intensity long-term cardio is also useful, here you can do up to 1 hour. NPC is good for overweight people who can't stand it high loads, breakneck speed and weight - not for them. 3 times a week is enough, with long sessions, the longer the better for the destruction of fats. Classes should be at low intensity, to slight fatigue, not exhaustion.

Video: Training while drying

Many of those who want to lose weight and prepare the body for the summer need good program for drying the body, but first we will answer a couple of questions: why do you exercise? Although no, in another way: why do you need to train? Because it is big difference. After all, many people work out in the gym to burn calories and relieve stress, or they just like to sweat. But athletes train. Their goal is to be able to become faster, stronger and more resilient. They train to get better. And while their goal determines the nature of their training, it all leads to the lean and muscular physique that so many people who just "work out" so strive for.

If you want to transform your body and take yourself to the next level, it's time to train with a goal - for the kind of achievement you really want. And the program for drying the body, which we will offer, can help you with this.

This program will help you improve your speed, agility, intelligence and explosiveness. This is development in all directions, and this is what will help you dry out perfectly without losing muscle. This body-drying workout for men will make you a top-notch athlete who looks the part.

What does a set of exercises for drying the body look like?

Alternate workouts under options A and B three times a week. Rest between each session for at least one day. So, in the first week, you can do workout A on Monday and Friday, and workout B on Wednesday. Next week, on Wednesday, you will already be doing workout A, and on Monday and Friday, dedicate training to option B. Repeat this sequence of actions for a total of six weeks.

Body Drying Exercises for Men: Option A

lower body

Do exercises for drying the body for men according to the following scheme: we perform one set of each exercise one after another. For example, we do the first exercise, then immediately proceed to the second and then to the third. This is one round. Our goal is 4 such rounds.

That's where the real thrill and pleasure comes in: our goal is to complete the round in 6 minutes, resting as needed. It's good if you finished the round earlier than this time. Then you really have the opportunity to relax. But at this time, you can do more stretching exercises.

Exercise 1. Deadlift

Do 5 reps in week 1, 4 reps in week 2, and 3 reps in week 3. Then we simply repeat this cycle, starting from the 4th week and up to the 6th. At the same time, make sure that with a decrease in the number of repetitions, there is an increase in weight on the bar.

On the last rep of each set, try to hold the top deadlift position for 10 seconds. Make sure your shoulders and chest are down and your abs and glutes are tight.

Prepare the projectile - load the barbell with the right amount of plates and place it close to the legs. Bend your knees and with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders, grab the barbell. Keeping your back straight, begin to lift the projectile. Concentrate the load when lifting on the heels and hips. Start the movement with your legs, and before that, take your pelvis back a little. After standing up with the barbell, fix your position, pause briefly and lower the barbell while keeping your back straight. The bar itself should be kept as close to the body as possible, it should seem to slide over the legs when lifted. Although the exercise is more suitable for mass gain, cutting the body in the gym will not be as impressive without it.

Exercise 2. Jumping from a sitting position on a bench with weight

The exercise should be performed with dumbbells, but you can try without weight first. Sit on a bench, place your arms at your sides and explosively from a sitting position try to jump up. Lift off the floor with your heels, and then return to starting position. To increase the load, take one dumbbell in each hand. It is enough to do 10 such repetitions.

Exercise 3 Side lunges with loops

Take a round rubber loop and stand with both feet on it, fix the other two ends in your palms. Holding the loops with your hands, take small steps to the left in the amount of 10 repetitions. Do the same with your right foot, holding the loops securely with your hands.

"Finisher" - 20 cup squats

Take a heavy dumbbell (from 20 kg), hold it vertically at one end in front of your chest. Spread your legs a little further than shoulder width and squat from this position, trying to keep your back straight. The bottom point of the squat is when your thighs are at least parallel to the floor, you need to reach your knees with your elbows. At the bottom point, we make a short pause and return to the starting position. Do 20 of these reps and move on to your upper body workout.

Upper body.

Here we also perform the exercises one after the other. There are 4 rounds in total. Our goal is still the same - to finish the round in the same 6 minutes. The training program for drying the body for men on the upper body consists of several simple, but very intense exercises.

Exercise 1. Pull-ups with a simplified angle

Hang on the bar, grip back at shoulder width. The legs should be straightened, connected together and slightly raised in front of you. We bring the shoulder blades together and pull ourselves up as high as possible. The collection at the top point should be higher than the crossbar itself. We do not change the position of the legs. On the final repetitions, you can linger for 10 seconds in the top position. Make sure you do fewer reps each week, but with a higher load. To do this, you can wear a belt with a weight or hold dumbbells between your legs.

Exercise 2. Explosive push-ups

Take a lying position, arms straightened and slightly wider than shoulders. We bring our legs together, and they are also straightened. We go down until we touch the floor with the chest. We pause at the bottom and push off from the bottom point as much as possible. The movement must be done carefully, landing on your hands after repulsions. It is enough to do 10 repetitions. If you find it too difficult to do this exercise, then you can try similar push-ups from a bench or step.

Exercise 3

Lie on your left side with your legs extended forward and placed on the bench parallel to the floor. Top part body rests on the left elbow and left forearm. Fix the body in such a position that it forms a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds. Then repeat the same thing, but on the right side. Try to keep a straight line for half a minute and do not let your hips go down.

Upper Body Finisher: Low Bar Pull-Ups

Set the height of the bar to your waist. Overhand grip, arms shoulder-width apart. We stretch the legs and body forward, bring the shoulder blades together and pull ourselves up to the crossbar. Perform as many reps as possible in three sets with a 20 second break. With each workout, try to increase this number of repetitions.

Body Drying Exercises for Men: Option B

Training for drying the body should be varied so that the body does not have time to get used to the loads. Therefore, we offer you the second version of the set of exercises, which we will also use during the week.

lower body

The whole complex of drying the body according to option B and the exercises are performed sequentially one after another. Here, as in option A, you need to do 4 rounds, each of which has a set of exercises that we will describe below. The goal is to finish each round within 6 minutes.

Exercise 1. Lifting the pelvis with a barbell

Sit on the floor, lean your shoulder blades on the bench, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Place a barbell between your thighs and try to raise your hips from the starting position so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Do 10 repetitions in the first week, and two less the next, but with more weight on the bar. On the final rep, try to hold the position at the top for 10 seconds.

Exercise 2. Walking lunges with dumbbells

Grab a dumbbell in each hand and hold it at hip level. Take a long step forward and lower your body until you bend at the knee of the protruding leg to 90 degrees. From this position, push yourself forward, returning to the starting position, and immediately step further, but on the other foot. Do 5 of these reps on each leg.

Exercise 3. "Skater" with loops

Attach the rubber loops to the post and to the torso. Move to the left, creating resistance and try to jump from this position to the left, landing on your right foot, turning your left under you. Do the same, moving to the right, and landing when jumping on left leg. Do 5 reps on each leg.

"Finisher" of the lower body: Mahi kettlebell

Choose a kettlebell that you can lift 15-20 times. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend at the waist and grab the kettlebell with your hands. Bring it between your legs and explosively bring it to shoulder level, and then return to its original position. Do 15-20 such swings. In total, at least 50 repetitions should be done with a short rest interval between sets of 10-20 seconds. On the next workout take more weight if you can do 50 reps in this session.

upper body

Our tasks and goals here are the same - we perform all the exercises in sequence, and we try to fit each round in 6 minutes. The number of rounds is 4.

Exercise 1. Overhead Press

Grasp the bar with a straight grip, place your hands slightly beyond shoulder width. Starting position - barbell at shoulder level and upper part chest. Bend your knees slightly, and then sharply lift the bar up, helping yourself with your legs.

Do 5 repetitions in one set, but week by week increase the weight on the bar. On the final repetition, you can hold the bar at the top for 10 seconds. If there is no barbell, then you can perform the exercise with dumbbells.

Exercise 2 incline bench neutral grip

Grab two dumbbells and lie down on an incline bench. The dumbbells should hang directly under your shoulders. Then we simply pull them simultaneously to the chest, bringing the shoulder blades together. Do 10 reps in each set.

Exercise 3. Farmer's gait with dumbbells in one hand

A fairly simple exercise, but it allows you to pump your grip, shoulder and abs muscles, and most importantly, burn fat. Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell right hand, this will create an asymmetric load and allow you to work out the stabilizer muscles. Keep your chest and back straight and just walk like that for 30 seconds. After that, take the projectile with your left hand and do the same. To complicate the exercise, you can walk with dumbbells on an outstretched arm or over your head.

"Finisher" of the upper body: push-ups with narrow setting hands

Take a lying position, hands directly under the shoulders, legs extended and straightened. Keep your body straight and bend your elbows as you lower until your chest touches the floor. At the bottom point, we make a short pause and return to the starting position. Try to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible during the exercise.

We do as many push-ups as we can in one set. Then a short rest for 20 seconds and two more exhausting approaches. Every workout, try to increase the number of repetitions in this exercise.

Will this body drying program help you?

The whole set of exercises for drying the body is designed for you to work, overcoming yourself. It is quite difficult to finish one round in 6 minutes, while doing the required number of repetitions. This indicates the high intensity of such a complex, and this is always a significant expenditure of calories. We are sure that after reading this article, you know exactly what exercises to do on drying the body. If you submit to this program, then you can definitely consider yourself a full-fledged athlete with the appropriate physical capabilities.