"forbidden" tricks. Deadly BI technique

The elephant does not need to trumpet his strength, it is quite revealing to fill up one or two trees.


Almost everything that directly indicates a certain primacy of martial arts in the world of martial arts is limited by prohibitions on the use of certain techniques - this, by and large, is a vivid example of a simple and most importantly almost unconscious transfer of the principles of martial arts to the entire, so to speak, world of martial arts.
All martial arts, for security reasons, prohibit the use of techniques aimed at causing the greatest possible damage to the enemy. This is naturally quite reasonable - but not for a real battle, where it is just necessary maximum effect- "forbidden" tricks various martial arts this is the most effective techniques for real hand-to-hand combat:

1. Bites- can be applied to the throat, ears, fingers, nose, lips and all this in close combat, as well as in prone combat. (Unfortunately, there is a serious limitation for bites - the risk of contracting AIDS or Hepatitis B, but when there is a fight to the death, you don’t really have to choose - sometimes, after all, destroying the enemy can be more important than even your own survival.)

2. Hair grabs and pulls- firstly, to help the blow - adding up, thus, two forces opposite in direction. Second, a hair grab can be an effective start for throwing or knocking down using the neck or balance. And thirdly, simply to gain control over the enemy.

4. – groin is the second target in real fight- it is the construction of equipment based on priorities for defeat that is the fundamental difference between real combat systems and martial arts.

5. Blows to the neck. The throat is a concentration of arteries and veins. This is the trachea, Adam's apple, carotid artery, vagus nerve. These are the airways. Therefore, we can say that the throat is the third target in a real battle.

6. Attacks from the back- provide a whole range of possibilities, from striking the painful points of the back and back of the head and ending with choking techniques and painful effects on the cervical vertebrae.

7. Hitting from behind. Blows that the enemy does not see and, accordingly, does not even group for protection - can be devastating even when applied with little force. Targets: spine, kidneys, coccyx, neck, cervical vertebrae, base of skull, back of skull.

8. Attacks on the spine- It is obvious that spinal injuries are very life-threatening. But in fact, direct strike attacks of the middle and lower sections of the spine require high accuracy and are therefore ineffective in real combat - attacks of the cervical vertebrae are more effective in real hand-to-hand combat.

9. Painful effects on the cervical vertebrae- attacks of the cervical vertebrae, due to the possibility of causing very serious injuries, are expressly prohibited in combat sports and it is precisely because of this possibility that techniques based on painful effects on the cervical vertebrae should become in real hand-to-hand combat the main method of fighting at close range and in a state of capture with the enemy.

10. Chokes- in real hand-to-hand combat, this is the main means for, so to speak, the complete neutralization of the enemy. And knowledge of both suffocating techniques and methods of protection against them should be one of the key provisions in the entire system of real hand-to-hand combat.

11. - when falling on the head, the mass of the whole body presses on the cervical vertebrae, to which the force of the throw itself is also applied.

12. Headbutts. Especially in the face, on the nose, lips, teeth and chin - due to the close distance and the rather high force of blows - they are almost irresistible in real hand-to-hand combat.

13. Knee and shin strikes- in principle, strikes to the knees and shins are used in many martial arts in which kicks are used. But here we are talking more about unexpected and powerful blows against the natural flexion of the knee joint, aimed solely at causing maximum damage adversary.

14. Usage- for example, the basis of martial arts is a smooth and even surface, not only because training and competitions are held in the gym, but also because any obstacles simply will not allow the athlete to reach their potential.

15. Group attack- in principle, it is impossible in martial arts - this is not even out of the question. But on the other hand, this is the main type of attack on the street, and the technique and tactics of the hand-to-hand combat system should be adapted to it.

16. – when competing, a person cannot fully realize such qualities as cruelty and anger – due to certain rules and restrictions, this is simply excluded in the athlete’s training system, but in real conditions, for example, when several people with weapons are attacked, it is simply necessary to use any advantages, including the ability to be extremely cruel. That is, here we are talking about cruelty, as the choice of the most effective way to defeat the enemy and the rejection of any restrictions on the use of means for this.

17. Use to defeat the enemy - everything that can give even the slightest advantage in battle should be used. And it is obvious that such a requirement is practically impossible to implement in sports competitions limited by the rules, therefore, the use of martial arts techniques for conducting real hand-to-hand fights is not enough to fully reveal the possibilities of defeating the enemy.

18. - just run away. It's silly and ridiculous in all combat sports, but in the real world it's simple and effective. The concept of cowardice, in self-defense and real hand-to-hand combat, is completely excluded, only the ability to survive matters here. (But, on the other hand, such a rule can only be applied when there is only one person - for other cases, it is necessary to use the maximum effective ways hand-to-hand combat, the purpose of which is to work in any situation.)

19. Use for protection- And also any items as weapons. I think that it is this focus that is one of the fundamental differences between real hand-to-hand combat systems and martial arts. (And achieving an advantage due to the possibility of using various objects as weapons is probably one of the foundations for effective real hand-to-hand combat.)

20. "Beat". Especially from a standing position, and especially with your feet, in real hand-to-hand combat, it may simply be the only way to quickly defeat a physically stronger opponent.

21. enemy- I think that it is the construction of a hand-to-hand combat system based on the possibility of finishing off the enemy, and from almost any position, that can make such a system extremely effective - in real hand-to-hand combat, the attacked should not stand up after the attack - at least for a while.

22. impact- in real hand-to-hand combat, this is not some kind of independent goal, but so to speak side effect expressions of cruelty and anger.

23. Focus on- like any weapon, a real hand-to-hand combat system, first of all, should be aimed at killing the enemy - that is, the system should be designed only for situations where it is necessary and possible to completely neutralize the enemy, even at the cost of his life. And that is why the system of real hand-to-hand combat cannot be used as a way to achieve any superiority over another person, but only as a way to survive in a real threat to life.

(Also, often the person himself limits his ability to protect himself by various principles and complexes, and they emerge from the subconscious at the most inopportune moment, such as:
Can't beat
Can't hit first
Can't hit below the belt
Can't be kicked in the back
You can not beat the lying
In the end - and best of all - you can't hit at all)

That is, the bottom line is that, on the one hand, “forbidden techniques” and the use of systems based on restrictions in the preparation of techniques form motor patterns that are automatically transferred to a real fight, thus being simply imperceptible limits on the possibilities for its conduct. On the other hand, the most effective techniques and methods for conducting real hand-to-hand combat remain practically unexplored precisely because of sports orientation martial arts. (A boxer automatically calculates the defense against a punch, but it’s worth delivering, for example, a simple punch with his fingers, and he simply may not have time to react due to the almost subconscious calculation of the opponent’s arm length, formed by years of training and fights. A wrestler, attacking, quite habitually does not notice his open painful points - simply because the fighting techniques do not take into account the possibility of counterattacking these points)
Thus, it can be said that the real hand-to-hand combat is, as it were, the opposite, or the reverse side of martial arts - everything that is prohibited in martial arts should, directly, be welcomed in real hand-to-hand combat systems.

An interesting video - one against two opponents - it would seem that everything is simple - "bang" and "bang" everything - but I think in reality this is not an accident, but years of training.


Before you start working with these points, it would be nice to master, this will help you this one is not complicated effective video well. Especially for you, it contains all the knowledge and experience of more than one boxer that will teach you how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Working with levers and grips is a very effective technique. street fight, but they require a lot more time and preparation in order for you to use them in combat. The so-called melee is most often practiced in military structures, it allows you to neutralize the enemy by using his own forces.

The main levers of pressure are the joints. Elbows, shoulders, hand and fingers. You must be ready to grab the attacking person by one of these levers, and turn it into an unnatural position, the enemy will not be able to resist the pain and therefore his body will go by inertia where you let it go.

If you like this technique the best way studying it will of course work with a trainer, but if you don’t have such an opportunity, then take a couple of tricks into service and work with a friend.

The simplest and most practical are grips on the hand and on the elbow.

1. When you are struck directly, grab the wrist with two or one hand and break it up, when the person goes down by momentum, you can immediately finish him off with a knee to the head.

2. From a side impact, you can bend down, grab the attacking hand by the wrist and take the elbow to break. By bending your opponent, you can also finish him on active points with your knees, such as the liver or kidneys.

Also, do not forget that in order to deliver a strong painful blow, you must be in good shape, so do not forget or just . You will need to disappear for hours on the sports ground or in the gym, just make a simple weekly workout schedule and practice it regularly.

And if you like knees and elbows, then you should think about stuffing them, as you must be prepared for the fact that you can miss the target. And in general, stuffing is useful for a non-growing organism. Start by lightly hitting soft surfaces and gradually increase the force and hardness of the surface you are hitting.

Choose a more suitable technique for yourself, hone it regularly and you will not be equal.

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And I end here and say goodbye to you. Subscribe to my blog and do not forget to like and repost. Good luck!

Exist martial arts which you have never heard of. Believe me: they are in no way inferior to karate and boxing. And sometimes with their help you can take a person's life.


Angkor (the capital city of the Khmer Empire of the 9th-15th centuries) is the birthplace of this unknown art. It means "beating the lion". And not just like that. According to the legends, one of the warriors, who mastered the techniques of the bokator, was able to kill a lion with one blow of the knee.

We don't know if this is true. But one thing is sure one hundred percent: this is not the easiest art. Reason: It is based on the imitation of the movements of various animals. Therefore, there are more than ten thousand receptions in the bokator.

Source: conceptcreative.org

No rules

XVIII-XIX centuries - quiet horror: it was at this time that the combat technique was born in the USA, according to which the fighters fought to the death rather than for life. The only rule is no rules. Therefore, it was possible to remain in the ring without eyes and with bitten off genitals: participants often sharpened their teeth in order to cause as much harm as possible to the enemy.

This art has not taken root in the civilized world. But if you suddenly see such a performance somewhere, bypass it by the tenth road.

Source: thefilmstage.com


breakneck speed accurate strikes to vital organs, strangulation and fractures - all this was included in the martial art, which was founded in 1980 in Peru by former marine and criminal Roberto Puig Bezada. Bakom includes elements of jiu-jitsu and vale tudo. Also (according to the rules) participants can carry concealed weapons.

Source: gentside.com


Ledrite is a deadly advanced Muay Thai. The difference lies in the fact that the main goal is to quickly put the enemy on the ground and finish him off with a fatal blow (elbow to the temple or knee to the throat). Usually only one is left alive after a fight.

Ledrit is practiced by fighters from the Thai Royal Army.

Source: fanfiction.net


West Africa borrowed boxing techniques from Ancient Egypt. But instead of gloves, the fighters wrap solid ropes on their hands, and steel chains on their feet. Another interesting fact- Before the fight, the participants smoke marijuana.

Source: bronies.de


Why use force when you can do everything with your mind? Therefore, skilled fighters came up with a martial art called "System". Main principle- impact on pain points human (elbows, knees, ankles, neck and abdomen).

Detail: The system does not exclude the use of weapons. Therefore, pain points will be doubly happy with sharp and cutting objects.

Source: goldbergblog.com

Build a deck

American prisons are harsh correctional institutions. All because the prisoners do not have normal opportunities to have fun. Therefore, they fight and even come up with new martial arts. One of them is "Build a deck": prisoners scatter cards on the floor. One of them has to pick it up while the other two try to beat him up.

Learning to protect yourself, you need to know that there are so-called, forbidden, which will cause serious injury to your opponent and may create problems with law enforcement.

What are prohibited practices?

Forbidden are such techniques, the use of which leads to serious consequences and threatens the health, or even the life of the attacker who attacked you. We will not talk about the nuances of our judicial system, but the reality is that if you were attacked on the street, in defense you gouged out the scoundrel's eyes, then you can end up behind bars and pay this person a lifetime pension. Therefore, it would be good to know and understand what your street fighter art can lead to.

A blow to the throat can be deadly, breaking the throat cartilage and leading to death by suffocation. A good side blow delivered to the temple with the knuckles of the fist can also be fatal. From a blow with the base of the palm from below to the nose, death can also occur, caused by displacement of the nasal cartilage into the brain. From a choke hold, the enemy will also die if you do not remove the hold in time. Using it can also lead to the death of the enemy. Cuts of the neck and back of the thigh, where large arteries pass, are very dangerous. Without medical attention from such cuts, a person loses consciousness after a few minutes from blood loss, and then death occurs. Craniocerebral injuries inflicted by various clubs, nunchucks, brass knuckles and tonfas can also lead to tragedy.

Now, about techniques that are not fatal, but leading to serious injuries. This includes all blows to the eyes that can deprive a person of sight. Blows on the ears with palms, deafening. Various fractures of the arms and legs, blows to the joints in heavy shoes. Strong blows with brass knuckles to the abdomen can cause internal organs and consequently disability.

Injure the enemy as little as possible if possible. If it is possible not to hit the head with a club, hit the hands, it is very painful and completely discourages the desire to continue the attack. Think before you break your arm. Would it be enough just to break a finger? If you have a knife in your hand, try to limit yourself to light cuts on your hands, this is also very painful, and the sight of your own blood will make the villain leave you alone. Or cut his forehead. There is a thick bone on the forehead. There will be no harm to health, except for a scar on the forehead in the future and a blood-drenched face in the present.

Once again about the realities of life

But, sometimes, circumstances develop in such a way that you have to fight not for life, but for death, saving your life, or the life of loved ones. If you see that the enemy's intentions are not just to rob, but to kill you. If there are several attackers, then you may not have a choice and will have to act with maximum strength and cruelty. Here it would be appropriate to recall the British proverb: "Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six."

Once face to face with the enemy, only you decide whether to use forbidden self-defense techniques. What are the consequences of this and whether their use will be justified.

The video is posted in the public domain on a third-party resource, the editors of the blog are not responsible for the content of the video and its quality and do not guarantee its availability and the ability to view it in the future

That's all for me. See you on my blog pages.

"The biathlon champion is far from being an army shooter. Here I am, for example, if I know a couple of ways to kill, then this is not a guarantee that in right moment I don't wear pants. Sincerely, asshole Lyokha!"

Deadly technique is a gloomy, but integral part of BI - after all, the initial task of any martial art is to defeat the enemy, and this can be done reliably only by depriving him of his life. Like Applegate, the American melee expert: "Kill or be killed."

"Kill a man with bare hands extremely difficult, even with several years of experience behind him. The psychological factor, his mother ... Checked.Grinfrom the forum of A. Kochergin.

Killing a person with bare hands is a special skill, technically not the most difficult, but requiring a special psychological attitude, unacceptable in modern society, which is sharply negative about any aggression and cruelty, although it allows such manifestations in special situations - protecting those in power, destroying the enemy in period of military conflicts, less often in self-defense.

"Even a penetrating gunshot wound to the head, a 9 mm caliber is not yet an unconditional sign on the grave ... Salman Raduev, for example, Kutuzov ... ". A. Kachergin, Karate Master.

A person is, in fact, a rather "survivable bastard", which is sometimes not so easy to kill, especially without a weapon. On the other hand - very often - a person dies in everyday fights from "simple" blows to the head, to the heart, solar plexus, spleen, liver and kidneys. It happens that losing consciousness from a boxer's hook in the jaw, a person falls with the back of his head on a stone (the parebric rule), gets a heart attack from a painful shock when hit in the groin, etc.

"Not every blow to every brow is fatal, even if it is a knee to the coca!Respectfully yours, body armor A. Kochergin."

All of these cases are exceptions, and in fact, such a technique is not considered in BI as deadly - because it does not give any guarantee that the enemy will be incapacitated, especially FOREVER. Especially if it is not weakened by diseases, age and lifestyle, but a strong and prepared opponent without health problems - a strong heart, a healthy liver, elastic blood vessels, a normal pain threshold, strong bones and good muscle defense.

All materials in this article are intended to warn BI adherents against using truly dangerous techniques in self-defense situations in order to avoid a fatal outcome for the attacker.

The art of killing without weapons is probably the highest skill for a professional liquidator. The main difficulty of this skill is not that any of the methods of such a murder cannot guarantee you 100% completion of the task, but it also exposes the performer to a real threat - he has no advantages over the victim, except for the effect of surprise and special preparation. Even killing with a knife and a garrote is considered a difficult task among professional killers, who often prefer to act from afar (sniper fire, as an option).

So what is this technique.

I think that there are only 3 ways to intentionally kill a person with BI techniques - and all of them are aimed at the enemy’s neck area.

1 Way. Strangulation is a method as old as the world, requiring no small physical effort (suffocation with fingers), and skill - as with strangulation with forearms.

Finger suffocation.

The guillotine is a variant of strangulation with the forearms.

Suffocating effect on the respiratory and circulatory tract (depletion of oxygen reserves, blocking the flow of blood to the brain).

Forearm strangulation options.

There are ways to strangle the victim with the collar of her clothes, but we will not consider them.

Most the right way to strangle is to hold the victim in the grip for a sufficient time for death to occur - more than 30 seconds (fainting occurs much earlier - 10 - 20 seconds).

The most reliable deadly technique is strangulation with the forearm while resting the opposite hand on the back of the head. Hadaka-jime or "Japanese grip".

2 way. Break neck vertebrae.

Option when approaching from behind to a person sitting on a chair.

Option when approaching from the front.

Twisting, pinching, breaking of the cervical and dorsal vertebrae (spinal cord injury).

Options for twisting the cervical vertebrae in the prone wrestling.

Breaking the opponent's neck is not a simple technical method that leads to the painful death of the victim. Fortunately (for the victim), it is not easy to perform this elimination option, because the access to the reception, the ratio of the body of the performer to the body of the victim have specific features that complicate the task. In addition, in this technique, the physical strength of the performer, experience in conducting such techniques is also very important.

The most common way to break a neck.

3 way. The simplest, but also the most unreliable method is a strong blow to the throat - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bAdam's apple (Adam's apple). with a strong blow, you can destroy this vital area, which dooms a person to suffocation and death.

The best option for hitting is with a "fork".

Impact on the larynx and trachea (pain shock, blockage of breathing, bleeding).

A strong horizontal blow to the throat from the front leads to the fact that the larynx and / or even (with a corresponding blow) the cervical vertebra breaks.

"A kick to the throat does not guarantee death - unless, of course, you have a blow as powerful as a kick from a horse."

"In Moscow, I just gave the guys from the Moscow Region IUKKK a neck (or rather, a larynx) and a big guy hit it a couple of times (I forgot what to call it) - damn it, just shook off my head a little..." A. Kochergin.

Only a really strong blow to the throat can kill.

A variant of this technique is the impact on the hole under the Adam's apple - metered pressure - an excellent self-defense technique, a strong deep poke - possibly murder.

The advantage of a blow to the throat is that the enemy is killed, literally, in one movement - a strong blow to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Adam's apple. There is no need to say that a strong blow is a relative concept, and for some a half-strength blow will be fatal, and for some, all the force will not be enough for the desired effect. With reservations, this technique can be recommended for female self-defense - women, as a rule, do not have enough strength to send such a blow to the next world of the enemy (destroy the trachea), but in order to shock, that is, cause pain and vomiting spasms, quite.

The blow is applied with a hand folded with a "fork".

If the throat area of ​​the opponent is closed by the chin lowered to the chest, then before the attack, one should raise his head with a light blow to the nose from below.

The most optimal blow to open the throat is on the nose with the edge of the index fingers closed together, with the palm of your hand facing your face.

Other options for throat strikes - with the edge of the palm, fist and hoof - are less effective, since they do not have high accuracy due to the shape of the striking surface or require specific training - to position yourself relative to the enemy in a special way, etc.

Unlike a blow to the throat, the methods of strangulation and neck twisting are very common - they are very rarely used immediately, that is, they require special preliminary work - to stun the enemy, to shock with a blow, to turn his back to himself, to go behind his back, to transfer the enemy before strangling to parterre or lying position.

Repulsing the blow - pass behind the back - strangulation - fracture of the neck

A shock blow before strangulation is applied to the chin, jaw, back of the head (when attacking from behind), in order to stun. If you do not use a relaxing blow, then all the same, the victim must be transferred to a state in which she will not be able to actively resist before performing the main technique. All this requires additional and no small skill in hand-to-hand combat.

Block - a blow to the chin with the left - a blow with the right elbow to the jaw - a capture and fracture of the neck over the shoulder.

Other deadly techniques.

It is also possible to kill an enemy during the battle unintentionally, that is, by accident.

This usually happens in the following situations:

Rabbit punch. There is a particularly vulnerable cerebellum, the danger of death is very high.This technique is very dangerous, and therefore it is forbidden in all even the toughest martial arts. "Rabbit Kick" was banned even in the brutal English prize boxing. A blow to the back of the head is used as a "dirty fight" technique - in sports boxing and wrestling - they beat, as if by accident, with the forearm, palm, etc.A similar technique is used when attacking an opponent from behind in a real fight - the blow is delivered with the base of the palm from below. The opponent falls into a semi-conscious state and can be taken for a choke hold or a broken neck.

A blow to the temple. The temple is dangerous zone on the side of the face - between the eye and ear - the place is very vulnerable. Here, close to the surface, there is an artery and a vagus nerve. TEMPORAL BONE thin, breaks, and then the fragments can get into the brain. A person is so arranged that his side is worse protected. Any blows to the head from the side are also traumatic because with them the brain in the skull shakes more than with straight ones, and hemorrhage can occur.Many muay thai fighters were sent to this area by elbow strikes (at one time it was also banned in MMA).

Filtrum. Atgift with the base of the palm just below the nose -in the region of the nasolabial fold, the base of the palm, fist,the second joint of the middle finger ("hiraken"),causes a fracture of the maxilla and sometimes a fracture of the base of the skull. With a fracture of the base of the skull, the chances of survival are 50/50.

Nose. There are cases of killing with a strong, crushing blow from below or from above on the bridge of the nose with a fist - a hammer, but they are rare. Deadly - bite off the enemy's nose completely.

Jaw punch. It is not dangerous in itself, although a broken jaw is not the most pleasant thing, but because it causes loss of consciousness, and you fall hitting the back of your head. There is a comic rule - if there is a parebrik, then falling - you will definitely hit your head on it.

Chin.A strong, sharp, blow to the chin from the bottom up is dangerous because if the enemy does not expect, then a fracture of his cervical vertebra is possible, and this is paralysis or death.

A blow to the heart. The heart is the most important organ, which is closed by nature by the skeleton of the bones of the chest. However, you can "get through" to it - with a strong blow of the fist or with the edge of the fist (hammer fist). A strong blow to chest, you can both start the heart during resuscitation, and stop it in a living one ( reflex cardiac arrest).

Solar plexus. With a strong qualified uppercut (from below - inward), and even on the inhalation of the enemy, it is possible to mortally hit the victim, especially if muscle corset not too strong.

Kidneys. Very dangerous area on the body. Strikes on the kidneys, so beloved by the security forces of all countries (if you hit with the right object, for example, plastic bottle half-filled with liquid, there will be no traces, and the effect is painful and destructive), are prohibited in martial arts. A mere mortal does not have a strong muscular defense in this area, and the muscles do not particularly protect this zone, therefore - do not turn your back to the enemy in a fight for a long time.

A clear, concentrated blow to the kidneys leads to the fact that the kidney fails or breaks off and hemorrhage and death occur.

Liver. Very vulnerable, and therefore hidden under the ribs. Those who like to break the diet (lovers of the green snake) have this area somewhat larger and therefore even more vulnerable to a strong blow.

Spleen. See the liver - a delivered blow, especially with a knee - may well kill.

Draw conclusions and do not use dangerous techniques.