Street fist fight. Fighting technique. Defense system (8 pp.). How to learn to fight at home Strikes in Russian fisticuffs

What is Russian martial arts? Who studies them? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Russia was famous for its mighty knights. In ancient times, the Slavs were engaged in various martial arts. Today, combat practices are known that were previously available only to special services. Have you ever heard of warriors? These are people who conquer not enemies, but enmity. They don't win wars, they stop them.



If you like Russian hand-to-hand combat, study it thoroughly. What is UNIBOX? This is a Combat Universal System - a unique set of classes, skills and abilities, as well as a way to accumulate, distribute and use them in tasks related to preparing a person for impeccable combat or any other extreme activity. A specialist who has studied UNIBOX methods is a person with a harmoniously developed design of such psychophysical properties that guarantee the prompt implementation of personnel functions, allow a decent increase in endurance, and maintain an increase in “personnel longevity”.

In addition, as a result of special training, a fighter acquires a gift with the help of which he can develop independently in the future, assimilating new, impeccable experience.


The concept of "Beloyar" appeared as a result of the merging of the teachings of the outstanding minds of Russian psychiatry - Bekhterev, Vygodsky, Luria, Sechenov - and the ancient generic skills of the Slavs. All theoretical calculations in the science of these famous people are based on simple rule, which our ancestors knew and interpreted it in their epics and legends: "Every thought ends with a movement, and every movement ends with a thought."

Bekhterev proved in his works that the internal contradictions of a person in his basic stage appear precisely in this chain: movement-thought and thought-movement. The development of disagreements at the final stage leads to great mental disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, sadism, prostitution, and so on.

The Beloyar system is aimed at eliminating internal contradictions through an integral movement. It consists of three stages. Here, first of all, with the help of simple exercises, fruitful therapy of ailments of the musculoskeletal system and spine is carried out. At this stage, they join different types classes in single system natural movement, precise and smooth transitions are practiced.

The beginner learns to form a goal and then achieve it, regardless of the pressure of the environment. Martial arts are not mentioned in Slavic legends. Western historians have decided that there is no such knowledge in Russia. An arbitrary response to the manifestation of hostility on the part of each people turns into a dance. Any national dance is combat uniform plastic movement.

If plasticity is combined with an accurate understanding of the work of the bone apparatus and muscles, then you get the perfect fighting style of movement. This style was owned by Russia (“He will stop a galloping horse ...”). Dancing Russians - the most best view natural movement. On this basis, specialists study the Russian national dance and use its elements in martial arts with full logical confirmation of each step.

"Siberian Vyun"

What is a Russian school martial art"Siberian Vyun"? The main aspects of its activity are cultural, spiritual, historical-philosophical, national sections. In this school, you can discover the intrapersonal potential of a person, study plasticity - the culture of movement, dynamics, coordination, spatial and temporal perception.

In this institution, you can improve the body, the musculoskeletal system, go through, study aspects of the Russian martial art, which are divided into fisticuffs and hand-to-hand combat. Fisticuffs are called the competitive culture of Russia - a male tradition. Here is the development of the practice of battle on short distance, percussion technique of legs and arms, methods of protection from blows with limbs, manners of movements.

Hand-to-hand combat is called practical fighting fight(behavioral model), consisting of many cumulative elements - shock and throwing techniques, various technical developments, mastering ways of moving at different distances, putting a person out of balance (both mental and physical), psychophysics, acrobatics, biomechanics, psychological aspects of human interaction , tactics, strategies and much more.

There are also other Slavic styles: "Octopus", "Fighting Dance", "Black Lynx", "SHATUN", "Thunder".


In 1991, on December 10, the All-Russian public formation "Federation of Russian Martial Art" was created. Its main activities are:

  • statement healthy lifestyle life;
  • multifaceted human development;
  • creating conditions for practicing Russian martial arts;
  • development of the need for physical and moral modernization;
  • coordination of professional and applied training;
  • prevention of diseases, offenses and bad habits.

Within the framework of the institution, the design of ROSS (Russian Patriotic Self-Defense System) was created, which was developed by Alexander Ivanovich Retyunskikh, which has a scientific justification in the form of a doctoral dissertation and defended candidate dissertations.

In 1995, the ROSS system was patented. It is a subspecies of the Russian style of hand-to-hand combat, along with the teachings of Ryabko and Kadochnikov, and is divided into the "Warrior" and "Spetsnaz" systems, and has many international centers.

Its characteristic feature, like other subspecies of the Russian school, is the absence of such a thing as a reception. The system is built on the technique of actions, taking into account the biomechanical characteristics of a person and is based on basic movements, the options for using which depend on specific conditions and circumstances.


Russian fisticuffs originate in the ancient traditions of the people. Historically, it so happened that Russia at all times fought against foreign invaders. Not without a fight and festivities on holidays. For many centuries, certain techniques have been developed in Russian fisticuffs. In different localities they differed from each other, had characteristics. In Russia, several areas of fisticuffs were formed. The most famous of them are buza and skobar. Currently, they represent well-known schools of Russian fisticuffs. Many modern schools have been developed on the basis of traditional methods of Russian fisticuffs. For example, this applies to Radogora, whose main technique is fisticuffs. Russian fist traditions, along with martial arts, have entered modern hand-to-hand combat schools, which are widely used for self-defense during an attack and in the training of law enforcement officers.

Russian fisticuffs continue in sports as well. Many modern schools of fisticuffs and hand-to-hand fighting are developing in sports direction, regularly hold competitions, train young athletes.

Russian fisticuffs can be used for self-defense in a street fight. With a sudden attack, it is easiest to use techniques based on the natural movements of the body. They arise reflexively and therefore are complementary to the attack of the enemy. However, in any hand-to-hand combat, even street fisticuffs, it is not enough just to follow the actions of the attacker. It is important to be able to navigate the situation and outwit the enemy. To do this, you need to apply certain tactics.

In sports, fighters deliberately enter the court and engage in hand-to-hand combat. They show their professional skills, strength, dexterity, beautiful practiced movements. Spectators and fans watch this spectacle with pleasure. In ordinary life, without the need to defend against an attack, there is no need for a fight. It is easier and more expedient to prevent a fight than to risk your health and life. This applies to any person, regardless of the level of physical and combat training.

To prevent conflicts that can lead to a fight on the street, do not respond to provocations. Often street clashes begin with a question or appeal to a passerby. In such a situation, the enemy is more willing to hook, humiliate, intimidate the victim with words. With the intent to maim or kill, he would move into action without words. If in this situation one maintains restraint and calmness, as well as an internal readiness to fight back, then the enemy loses self-confidence, and he himself begins to feel fear. In such a situation, fights can be avoided.

In a street fight, you should not use a weapon, even if you have it with you. First, there is no certainty that it will not end up in the hands of the enemy, who will use it against you. Secondly, if you use it for its intended purpose, you may exceed the limits of necessary self-defense and thereby break the law. A display of weapons may stop petty hooligans, but if you're attacked by a hardened criminal, it won't stop him. Especially if he notices fear and lack of confidence whether to use weapons. That is why the skills of fisticuffs or other hand-to-hand combat are the best remedy self-defense in a street attack.

The complexity of a street fight lies in the fact that it starts suddenly, without preparation, so the ability to quickly respond to a situation, concentrate, as well as body control skills will help you stand up for yourself. At the same time, you need to take a fighting spirit - forget about fear, about pain. It helps to think better in a street fight and win it.

In any system of hand-to-hand combat, great importance is given to psychological preparation fighters. It helps to take the right attitude and use various tactics in battle.

On the basis of Russian fisticuffs, various modern schools of hand-to-hand and, directly, fisticuffs arose. Many of them are known not only in Russia, but all over the world. Some are more focused on fighting in the conditions of military operations, others pursue as their goal not only training in combat techniques, but also the preservation of traditions. In any case, Russian fisticuffs continue to live and do not lose their relevance. Championships are held annually in Russia various types Russian wrestling. Even children, teenagers and women participate in some competitions. Thus, Russian fist traditions contribute to the development of sports and the familiarization of people of various categories with it. Do not forget about the role of fistfighting skills for self-defense. Everyone needs to master simple self-defense techniques.

Chapter 1
History of Russian fisticuffs

Theory of attack and defense

Russian fisticuffs originate in pagan Russia. It is impossible to know exactly the date and even the century of their origin, but the chronicler Nestor mentions fisticuffs in The Tale of Bygone Years (1048), condemning the participants in such battles. In this regard, some historians put forward a hypothesis about the origin of this "entertainment" in the 9th century or much earlier. It is not yet possible to confirm or refute such assumptions.

Despite the negative attitude towards this tradition of the Christian church, which had been established in Russia since the 10th century, fisticuffs continued to exist, like many other Russian customs, linking paganism with Christianity.

About development fisticuffs From the first mention in the annals, enough evidence has survived to the present day to judge what changes this competitive game has undergone.

Western historians of the sport sometimes argue that fisticuffs only existed in antiquity and later appeared in the British Isles in the 13th century. Such conclusions are incorrect, because it is reliably known that fisticuffs in Russia existed long before the 13th century.

In addition, images of fisticuffs were found in hieroglyphs and paintings of ancient civilizations: Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Aegean culture. On them you can see warriors fighting among themselves precisely on their fists.

Despite the variety of types of Russian fisticuffs, their uniqueness lies in the competition involving a large number of people at the same time. This fun is still associated today with big games rather than with a sports duel: a large number of people can compete in teams or every man for himself.

The next page in the development of fisticuffs can already be called Ancient Greece, where there were descriptions of the battles themselves and legends associated with their divine origin. In antiquity, fisticuffs were considered aesthetically pleasing. exercise suitable only for strong and courageous men. Even then, well-known personalities participated in fisticuffs: poets, writers, scientists, and even statesmen. It is known that Pythagoras participated in Olympic Games and practiced this sport.

In ancient civilizations, fights were fought on bare fists or with leather bandages on the hands (prototype of gloves). Russian fisticuffs are also carried out in mittens that soften blows, although this rule was not immediately widespread.

Types of Russian fisticuffs

Fisticuffs from ancient times were divided into several types according to the number of participants and the vastness of the communities facing each other.

Many are familiar with the expressions “street to street”, “settlement to settlement”, “village to village”. All of them are connected with the history of fisticuffs. In addition, there were fights-fights (“one on one”, “one on one”) of several varieties. Among the mass battles, the most popular are "wall to wall" and "hitch-dump".

wall to wall

Wall to wall (wall fight)- the most spectacular and most famous type of mass fist fights that were held on holidays or to resolve some issues between residents of different streets, workers of various professions, etc.

Each side stood in a wall (a solid line of people), which could consist of several rows, facing the other wall and, on command, tried to overcome the enemy: force them to retreat, put them to flight, thin out the wall or force them to surrender. The team that retreated outside the territory designated for battle or whose wall “torn” in one or several places lost. There was another option for determining winners and losers. The battle continued until one of the parties surrendered (for example, when most of the fighters were disabled). Then, after each retreat, during a short break, the "laggards" changed participants, tactics and setting in the wall, and then again opposed their rivals, until some kind of wall won the final victory. The last variant described was more violent, often leading to severe injury and even death to the participants, especially before the introduction of softening rules for the game. However, it was these games that gave hardening and prepared for real battles.

The attack was carried out using various military techniques: a pig (wedge), with the replacement of the fighters of the first row with the fighters of the last, etc.

Since the 16th century, foreign diplomats have noted the benefits of wall fisticuffs for the formation of endurance and strength of Russian soldiers. Everyone participated in the walls, from young men to older men. At the same time, the battle could take place in three stages: first, teenagers clashed from both sides; then unmarried youths joined the fray; Finally, adult men entered the fray. Stages could continue together or go in turn, one after the end of the other.

Today, this type of fisticuffs is the most common, it can be seen not only in historical reenactment clubs or ethnic settlements, but also during festivities, big holidays, weddings, after spectacular sports events as additional entertainment, training and display physical ability. But controversial issues are no longer resolved by fisticuffs in our days: such “wall to wall” competitions are more like fights without rules.

on my own

By myself (one by one)- a fist fight, the most revered type of fisticuffs in Russia. Two rivals converged with each other to decide which of them was right, or simply to measure their strength.

Fist fights were organized and spontaneous. In the first case, the fight could be scheduled in advance, several days in advance, or on the same day, but with the participation of the organizer, who acted as a judge. Natural battles were held, as a rule, at fairs, during festivities, less often in everyday situations.

The Russian “one-on-one” fight was very similar to traditional English boxing with with bare hands, popular around the same time. However, mitigating rules were established in Russia a little earlier: do not beat a lying person, do not use metal objects, etc. In England, such prohibitions appeared only in 1743.

An interesting type of fist fight called "blow to blow". In this variant, the participants struck each other in turn. Whom to strike first was determined by lot or by mutual agreement (a stronger one could give up the right of the first blow to an opponent if he considered him weaker than himself). Such fisticuffs had the character of entertainment and were practically not used to sort things out. At the same time, there were cases when the entire fight ended after the first blow: the opponent could not stand up due to a serious injury or due to a sudden death. Therefore, the fight "punch on blow" included stricter rules than the usual confrontation "one on one". The one receiving the blow could not defend himself (it was only allowed to cover his ears and temples with his palms facing the enemy), but the attacker, for example, should not have hit the temple. Both participants stood still and did not dodge the blows.

Another type of fisticuffs is hunting fights. The participants in these battles often fought in mittens with metal plaques sewn on them. Dodges were forbidden, as were kicks. It was possible to hook the opponent, but basically the fight was fought in open stances, without blocks and slopes. The main advantage, in addition to a quick reaction, in such a battle was physical strength and endurance, the ability to stand on one's feet and endure pain.

Sometimes fisticuffs took a more serious turn, becoming a variant of the legal court: the loser was considered the guilty party, whether he was the defendant or the plaintiff. Such a court was called "field" and existed until the death of Ivan IV (the Terrible) in 1584. The duel-field could take place both directly between the plaintiff and the defendant in the lawsuit, and between their representatives - contractual fighters. As a rule, they resorted to the "field" only when it was difficult to pass a sentence.

Fights "one on one", which took place for fun, and not to sort things out, began with hugs and kisses: the rivals showed that there was no personal enmity between them, and the fight was only "for fun".

At each level, a person masters the principles and work with a certain type of weapon, incl. with different knives. In subsequent levels, weapons are added, and the principles deepen in understanding. So, if we are talking about knives, at the first level they learn how to work with a Canarian knife, at the second - with a stone knife, and at the third - with a Navajo.

In this post, you will see examples of Spanish boxing demonstrations as a result of knife work. The demonstrations were held by the masters of the school - academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and director of the CIF "Destreza Achinech".

1. Fistfight like working with a Canarian knife

You are used to the fact that the first level is a certain level for beginners, those who have just come and have never held any weapons in their hands. But this school is knightly. There are no newbies here. And the first level here is the level of weapons, the level of certain training. As you know, both the Spanish stick of Toledo and other weapons require good skills. At the same level, they learn to work with the Canarian knife (“cuchillo canario”).

2. Fistfight like working with a stone knife

On the one hand, we learn to work with a stone knife. It is heavy and no one uses it today. However, we will need it at the third level, when we learn how to work with the Navajo. In addition, given that the stone knife is made in the image of a human fist, working with it also prepares us for fisticuffs and gives us the ability to disarm the enemy. Thus, the possession of a stone knife makes it possible to learn how to conduct hand-to-hand combat, as well as use improvised means if you are left face to face with an armed enemy.

3. Fistfight as a Navajo job

This blade is quite versatile and is literally made for reverse grip(Norman) for delivering "punching" blows.

This is what a Spanish fist fight looks like. It differs from the Russian one in technique and strikes. Such blows that are in the Spanish battle - they are not in the Russian. And, accordingly, in Russian fisticuffs there are such blows that are not in the Spanish fisticuffs. It is good to know both fisticuffs.

Spanish fisticuffs differ from Russian fisticuffs in that they have a slightly different configuration. The configuration is in the method of training and in striking. In Spanish there are 5 stages of training, and in Russian fisticuffs - 8. But for me this training method is extremely interesting. Russian is long, and Spanish is fast. It is this fistfight that is studied at the second level of our school - after unbalancing. An African fight grows out of the Spanish fist fight, where 2 sticks are in the hands, one is a shield, and the other is a striker. The training methodology is the same as in stick fighting and fist fighting, and, accordingly, exactly the same training methodology for knife fighting. As you can see, the Spanish system underlies the South African and the entire African system of martial arts. The Spanish fist fight is called Achipeque. - Professor Destreza Oleg Maltsev comments.

Russian fisticuffs are more focused on real life conditions. It can be conducted in any conditions, using any techniques. In case of an unexpected attack, the techniques of Russian fisticuffs will help to defend yourself to a greater extent. Unusual conditions for a fight and the lack of gloves can make it difficult for an experienced boxer to react quickly and defeat the opponent. Fist fighters are less dependent on the conditions in which the fight takes place, and are always "with weapons".

The differences between Russian fisticuffs and boxing also lie in the features of the stances and the way the fighters move. They are hit differently by hand. In a fist fight, the elbow works more actively. There are many other technical differences as well.

Techniques and techniques of Russian fisticuffs have been developed over the centuries, so many modern schools of hand-to-hand combat are based on them. They are more defensively oriented than attacking. But at the same time, they allow you to defend yourself in such a way as to repel the attack and overcome the opponent. Training in Russian fisticuffs must be carried out in practice. For its understanding and development, communication with a coach is of great importance. In addition to studying directly the techniques of fisticuffs, it is necessary to improve overall physical fitness.

Russian fisticuffs are characterized by speed of movement. Fighters do not take special stances before striking, since the distance between them is often minimal. Basically, they use punching techniques, performed not only with their hands, but also with their feet, and in rare cases they use grappling techniques. The basis of Russian fisticuffs is made up of hard oblique blows, which are combined with throws through the chest, sweeps and footboards. Used in fisticuffs, grips similar to sambo techniques.

M. V. Shatunov tells in detail about the features of Russian fisticuffs in the already mentioned book "Russian Fisticuffs". Fighters do not use gloves or any weapons. During the fight, they can hit the most sensitive parts of the body, as well as the back, neck and legs. They use grappling techniques to inflict more swipe. There are also technical differences in Russian fisticuffs from other fighting schools. For example, block protection is not used. The opponent's blow is deftly evaded or sought to make the blow turn out to be a sliding one. In Russian fisticuffs, wedging a blow is used when the opponent’s blow is interrupted by a counter blow, it is possible to crush the blow when the enemy is not allowed to perform the intended action. During the blow, the fighter's fist moves from the shoulder, with active movement in the elbow joint. In this case, the principle of wedge-shaped concentration is used. According to M. V. Shatunov, who has been engaged in martial arts for many years, there are no clear scenarios in Russian fisticuffs. A wide variety of techniques allows you to successfully lead into battle with any opponent. The peculiarities of Russian fisticuffs include the exact targeting of the blow. Most often, a fighter's fist is directed and reaches the opponent's arms, legs, and head. All techniques are performed very quickly, if necessary, actions can be repeated. The actions of the fighters have been worked out, and the response to the blow occurs almost automatically. In battle, aggressive emotions are manifested, which each fighter supports and nourishes in himself.

Radogora, like many other combat schools (other types of Slavic-Goritsa wrestling, the Kadochnikov system), belongs to hand-to-hand combat. However, it does not use any weapons. The fight with the enemy is carried out only with "bare hands".

Considering all distinctive features, it becomes clear why Russian fisticuffs are not just a sport or a martial art. It is of great practical importance in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, especially in case of an unexpected attack.

Technique of Russian fisticuffs

Radogora is a system of fisticuffs in which each technique is performed in a certain way and has its own purpose. It uses techniques and techniques, both traditional, developed over the centuries, and modern, developed by A. K. Belov. There are techniques that allow you to strike the enemy with your hands, head and legs. Experienced fighters of Radogora have good control over their body, react quickly and in almost any situation they can resist the attacker.

All people are divided into right-handers and left-handers, which is due to the innate characteristics of the central nervous system and upbringing. Therefore, for most people, one hand is leading, and the second is less involved in active actions. If two right-handed or left-handed people meet in battle, then it is easy for them to interact. They will have a good understanding of the intentions and actions of the enemy and can use the techniques and tactics known to them. It is much more difficult to fight with an opponent whose dominant hand is different from yours. In this case, all guidelines change and it is difficult to rebuild, concentrate and resist a strong unusual opponent. In order to become a universal fighter and win in any fight, M. V. Shatunov, who is the author of the book "Russian Fisticuffs" and has been practicing martial arts for three decades as an athlete and teacher, recommends training both hands at once. All techniques and techniques can be mastered, first, with the leading, and then with the other hand. This will simultaneously contribute to the development of motor areas in both hemispheres of the brain, which will allow you to quickly and accurately respond to what is happening during the battle. Although in a critical situation, most often a person begins to act in a familiar way, this can be beneficial. For example, with an injury to the leading hand, you can continue the fight with the other. Performing combat techniques with both hands can be useful in life in different situations.

All combat techniques in Radogor are divided into 3 groups. These include notch strikes performed along circular motion paths, wing strikes delivered with elbows and forearms, and direct strikes used in wall-to-wall combat. Also in Russian fisticuffs, head and shoulder strikes are allowed. It uses various defensive techniques, most of which are taken from the practice of wall-fighting and twisting techniques (with turns and twists).

In fisticuffs, fist strikes (different sides) are traditionally used, as well as palm strikes. In some cases, the blow is made with a palm with a retracted thumb(slap in the face) or folded in the form of a boat (crack). In combat, striking is important. To do this, you need to own a brush and be able to quickly clench and relax your fists. A. K. Belov calls these actions wedge-shaped concentration. It is carried out according to a certain scheme (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Stages of wedge-shaped concentration: 1 - relaxed hand; 2 - a compressed and tense fist; 3 - weakened fist

At the moment the arm is extended to strike the opponent, the hand must be relaxed. Directing your hand towards the target, you begin to squeeze the brush and, having reached the enemy, strike with your fist. It is during the blow that the fist should be tense, then your efforts will reach the goal, and the blow will be strong. After that, the hand is relaxed, but the hands are not completely unclenched. In this way, three stages of wedge-shaped concentration are performed.

However, this is still not enough for the blow to be strong and accurate. It is important to combine the stages of wedge-shaped concentration with the phases of your respiratory cycle (inhale - exhale - respiratory pause). With the observance of the strike technique, the fist contracts and strains as much as possible during exhalation and relaxes during the respiratory pause. At the moment of contact with the body of the enemy, the fist is compressed tightly and after a fraction of a second - as much as possible. Further, the fist is withdrawn and at the same time it is relaxed. After maximum compression of the brush, it is immediately difficult to relax and unclench it, but this is not necessary. It is enough to loosen the fist a little so that the muscles of the hand reduce the tension, but at the same time the readiness to quickly repeat the blow remains.

The study of Radogora's technique should begin with racks and the simplest techniques - notch strikes.

A stand is a special posture for the successful use of combat techniques. However good fighter can fight from any position. However, it is more convenient and effective to attack the enemy by taking a stance for a moment. It should be borne in mind that in a fist fight there is often no time to take a stance, because the enemy is very close and also attacks. However, if possible, it is better to use combat techniques from the stand. This helps to strike the enemy accurately and with maximum force.

The main counter in Radogor is the key charter (Fig. 3). The legs in this position are apart, the center of gravity of the body moves forward a little so that the heels are ready to leave the ground at any moment. In this case, one leg is supporting to a greater extent than the other. The arms are bent at the elbows and placed in front of you, palms forward. The back is a little tense. From this position it is easy to move on to attack or repel an enemy attack.

Current page: 3 (total book has 10 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]


100% +

Psychological training for professional fighters and athletes takes place in several stages. In peacetime or out of competition, they receive the necessary basic knowledge of psychology, which helps to develop the qualities necessary for a fighter. Also at this stage, various techniques of psychological self-training are mastered, which are later used before the battle and directly in hand-to-hand combat.

Of great importance to a fighter are volitional qualities(perseverance, determination, self-control). It is they who help to work for hours in training, to overcome fatigue, fear, to join the battle.

Attitude plays an important role in the psychological preparation of a fighter. Charging with anger, it is important to maintain an adequate assessment of the enemy. Do not exaggerate its superiority, you need to reveal it weak sides and be prepared for unexpected situations. If there is any information about the enemy (preferred military equipment, features of behavior), then you can mentally play some possible situations, remember your advantages and situations of their use. In conditions real fight(sports or military) the most unexpected situations can arise, so it is necessary to remain ready to rebuild and make decisions during the battle.

Posture helps to show your combat readiness (they differ depending on the martial arts). It helps to tune in, prepare for movement and attack, tones the necessary muscles and turns the body into a fighting mechanism. If the fighter took such a pose, then the enemy’s attack did not defeat him, and he is ready to continue the fight. Assuming a fighting stance, you can a short time stop to gather strength and catch your breath.

In any fight, including fisticuffs, opponents face pain. This physical suffering takes you out of combat readiness, and you need to be able to overcome it in order to win. This is especially important in a fight that is not related to sports competitions.

Pain is aggravated by fear. During the fight, when emotions fade into the background, the main thing is to maintain clarity of thought and clarity of action, often fighters do not notice minor injuries. When survival is the first priority, even severe injuries can go unnoticed. This is due to the selectivity of attention and its focus on what is more important at the moment.

Pain is less felt if the fighter is in a state of anger or rage. If he allows himself to feel pain, then this does not go unnoticed by the enemy, who immediately begins to feel his advantage. In combat, it is important to demonstrate a willingness to act without delay, so the pain does not manifest itself fully. If a fighter is not initially afraid of pain, that is, he simply does not think about it, he overcomes it and does not betray his suffering to the enemy either by facial expressions, or by groans, or by a forced position of the body.

In order to cope with yourself and maintain a combat-ready state, you can use several tricks. In fistfight, when the opponent is in close proximity, you need to act quickly, and the pain may go unnoticed. If the situation has developed in such a way that the distance between the opponents has increased, then there is time for the awareness of the injury, it is at this moment that one should not succumb to pain. In the book "Psychological self-training for hand-to-hand combat" the authors suggest using breathing technique, control of facial expressions and the adoption of a combat posture. These same techniques will help to overcome the pain after the end of the battle.

Various technologies are used in preparation for combat. Classical auto-training, modern NLP or drugs with narcotic components traditional among different peoples can be applied. All stages of preparation are aimed at overcoming fear and increasing combat readiness.

First of all, when pain occurs, it is necessary to use the soothing breathing technique. Inhale shallow, calm, then a deep long exhalation, and maintain a respiratory pause of 1 - 2 seconds. Exhalation should be twice as long as inhalation. This breath allows you to relax and calm down. A few breaths and exhalations in this rhythm help to come to your senses and begin to act.

Each fighter in the course of numerous trainings develops a certain “mask” for himself. In this way, he makes his expression impenetrable and hides his emotions and true state from the enemy. With severe pain, a grimace of suffering appears on the face. If you try to relax the muscles of the face, neck and neck, you can reduce pain and hide your condition from the enemy. The ability to quickly relax must be developed as martial arts are mastered.

Features of Russian fisticuffs

Knowledge about the technique of Russian fisticuffs was passed down in Russia from generation to generation. Children watched their fathers participate in fisticuffs, listened to the stories of their grandfathers and accumulated their experience. Folk history and wisdom are passed from mouth to mouth and thus preserved for many centuries. There are many epics and fairy tales about Russian heroes that grandmothers tell their grandchildren. FROM early years the boys in Russia listened to them, and they themselves wanted to become heroes, imitating adults, they staged street fights. AT adolescence they already knew how to conduct a fistfight and mastered the basic techniques. Traditional fisticuffs were an indispensable condition for young men to grow up and helped them become warriors.

Russian fisticuffs have similarities and differences with other types of martial arts. The author of the book “Why Philosophy for Fisticuffs” A. Yu. Telukhin explains the similarities in martial arts techniques by the psycho-physiological and anatomical features of people. People of any nationality have the same body structure and react the same way to the pain that occurs when struck. The most sensitive and vulnerable zones on their body also coincide. The musculoskeletal system has the same biomechanics for everyone, because the spine and joints, together with muscles and ligaments, are a system of levers and hinges that set our body in motion. As a result, in general terms, the techniques of martial arts of different peoples have some similarities.

All hand-to-hand combat techniques and techniques are divided into shock, throw and mixed. In martial arts based on percussion techniques, strikes are applied with different parts of the body. Russian fisticuffs are also based on percussion techniques. In it, blows to the enemy are delivered not only with the hands, but also with the feet and sometimes with the head. You can strike with your hands in different ways. You can attach to the body of the enemy with a fist (the side surface of the fist, phalanges of bent fingers and protruding knuckles on the back side), elbow.

Throwing techniques in fisticuffs are used to a lesser extent. However, you can’t do without them at all, since they allow you to unbalance the opponent and move him away. What techniques to use - each fighter decides during the battle. The more techniques and techniques he owns, the more opportunities he has to overcome his opponent.

Russian fisticuffs are divided into individual and group. In each case, their own techniques and techniques are used. For a duel, power moves are of great importance. A strong blow helps to disable an opponent at a short distance and win. In group combat, the control of the space around oneself and the ability to move in it, depending on the situation, is of particular importance. It uses techniques that allow you to repel the attack of several attackers at once.

Russian fisticuffs also differ from other martial arts in their versatility. Unlike martial arts, which have become popular sports, Russian fisticuffs do not require special conditions. Everything that a fighter knows (techniques, techniques) can be performed in any conditions, including street ones. outside sports hall, without special clothes and in any shoes, the techniques of Russian fisticuffs are fully applicable. They can be used for self-defense in case of a sudden attack. In such a situation, it is necessary to act quickly and accurately. Unlike martial arts, in Russian fisticuffs, original stances and passes with hands are not used. The emphasis is on the ability to interact with the enemy in combat. For this, spatial movements are important in any conditions, the ability to free oneself from capture, to protect oneself from a blow. Of particular importance is the ability to fight with several attackers. In this case, techniques are used that target the most vulnerable areas (strikes in the eyes, in the groin) of the opponent's body, and there are no restrictions. You can master the techniques of Russian fisticuffs in a shorter time than the techniques of many martial arts. Here we need a good physical form, strength, endurance, and there is no need to improve muscle stretch and flexibility, as, for example, in karate.

Russian fisticuffs are often compared to boxing. However, there are many differences between these martial arts. In boxing, fighters perform one on one, and Russian fisticuffs can be not only duels, but also in groups. In the book "The Art of Hand-to-Hand Combat" N. N. Oznobishin talks about how boxing has changed over time. Initially, boxers fought without gloves, which made the blows less powerful. To defeat the opponent, they used various throwing techniques, often making grabs, tripping. Boxing at first looked like hand-to-hand combat, and it was difficult to win it. Such a fight lasted a long time and ended more often because one of the opponents was exhausted. Therefore, initially, boxing was inferior to Russian fisticuffs in terms of the effectiveness of the techniques used and the ability to repel a sudden attack on the street. Gradually, boxing developed, the athletes got modern equipment, including gloves. This led to a change in combat techniques, the emergence of new techniques that allow inflicting stronger blows on the enemy. Boxing is currently spectacular views sport, and it has certain rules that allow you to watch the competition with interest. There are also forbidden tricks in boxing.

Russian fisticuffs are more focused on real life conditions. It can be conducted in any conditions, using any techniques. In case of an unexpected attack, the techniques of Russian fisticuffs will help to defend yourself to a greater extent. Unusual conditions for a fight and the lack of gloves can make it difficult for an experienced boxer to react quickly and defeat the opponent. Fist fighters are less dependent on the conditions in which the fight takes place, and are always "with weapons".

The differences between Russian fisticuffs and boxing also lie in the features of the stances and the way the fighters move. They are hit differently by hand. In a fist fight, the elbow works more actively. There are many other technical differences as well.

Techniques and techniques of Russian fisticuffs have been developed over the centuries, so many modern schools of hand-to-hand combat are based on them. They are more defensively oriented than attacking. But at the same time, they allow you to defend yourself in such a way as to repel the attack and overcome the opponent. Training in Russian fisticuffs must be carried out in practice. For its understanding and development, communication with a coach is of great importance. In addition to studying directly the techniques of fisticuffs, it is necessary to improve overall physical fitness.

Russian fisticuffs are characterized by speed of movement. Fighters do not take special stances before striking, since the distance between them is often minimal. Basically, they use punching techniques, performed not only with their hands, but also with their feet, and in rare cases they use grappling techniques. The basis of Russian fisticuffs is made up of hard oblique blows, which are combined with throws through the chest, sweeps and footboards. Used in fisticuffs, grips similar to sambo techniques.

M. V. Shatunov tells in detail about the features of Russian fisticuffs in the already mentioned book “Russian Fisticuffs”. Fighters do not use gloves or any weapons. During the fight, they can hit the most sensitive parts of the body, as well as the back, neck and legs. They use grappling techniques in order to deliver a stronger blow. There are also technical differences in Russian fisticuffs from other fighting schools. For example, block protection is not used. The opponent's blow is deftly evaded or sought to make the blow turn out to be a sliding one. In Russian fisticuffs, wedging a blow is used when the opponent’s blow is interrupted by a counter blow, it is possible to crush the blow when the enemy is not allowed to perform the intended action. During the blow, the fighter's fist moves from the shoulder, with active movement in the elbow joint. In this case, the principle of wedge-shaped concentration is used. According to M. V. Shatunov, who has been engaged in martial arts for many years, there are no clear scenarios in Russian fisticuffs. A wide variety of techniques allows you to successfully lead into battle with any opponent. The peculiarities of Russian fisticuffs include the exact targeting of the blow. Most often, a fighter's fist is directed and reaches the opponent's arms, legs, and head. All techniques are performed very quickly, if necessary, actions can be repeated. The actions of the fighters have been worked out, and the response to the blow occurs almost automatically. In battle, aggressive emotions are manifested, which each fighter supports and nourishes in himself.

Radogora, like many other combat schools (other types of Slavic-Goritsa wrestling, the Kadochnikov system), belongs to hand-to-hand combat. However, it does not use any weapons. The fight with the enemy is carried out only with "bare hands".

Given all the distinctive features, it becomes clear why Russian fisticuffs are not just a sport or a martial art. It is of great practical importance in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, especially in case of an unexpected attack.

Technique of Russian fisticuffs

Radogora is a system of fisticuffs in which each technique is performed in a certain way and has its own purpose. It uses techniques and techniques, both traditional, developed over the centuries, and modern, developed by A. K. Belov. There are techniques that allow you to strike the enemy with your hands, head and legs. Experienced fighters of Radogora have good control over their body, react quickly and in almost any situation they can resist the attacker.

All people are divided into right-handers and left-handers, which is due to the innate characteristics of the central nervous system and upbringing. Therefore, for most people, one hand is leading, and the second is less involved in active actions. If two right-handed or left-handed people meet in battle, then it is easy for them to interact. They will have a good understanding of the intentions and actions of the enemy and can use the techniques and tactics known to them. It is much more difficult to fight with an opponent whose dominant hand is different from yours. In this case, all guidelines change and it is difficult to rebuild, concentrate and resist a strong unusual opponent. In order to become a universal fighter and win in any fight, M. V. Shatunov, who is the author of the book “Russian Fisticuffs” and has been practicing martial arts for three decades as an athlete and teacher, recommends training both hands at once. All techniques and techniques can be mastered, first, with the leading, and then with the other hand. This will simultaneously contribute to the development of motor areas in both hemispheres of the brain, which will allow you to quickly and accurately respond to what is happening during the battle. Although in a critical situation, most often a person begins to act in a familiar way, this can be beneficial. For example, with an injury to the leading hand, you can continue the fight with the other. Performing combat techniques with both hands can be useful in life in different situations.

All combat techniques in Radogor are divided into 3 groups. These include notch strikes performed along circular motion paths, wing strikes delivered with elbows and forearms, and direct strikes used in wall-to-wall combat. Also in Russian fisticuffs, head and shoulder strikes are allowed. It uses various defensive techniques, most of which are taken from the practice of wall fighting and svili techniques (with turns and twists).

In fisticuffs, fist strikes (different sides) are traditionally used, as well as palm strikes. In some cases, the blow is made with the palm of the thumb retracted (slap in the face) or folded in the form of a boat (crack). In combat, striking is important. To do this, you need to own a brush and be able to quickly clench and relax your fists. A. K. Belov calls these actions wedge-shaped concentration. It is carried out according to a certain scheme (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Stages of wedge-shaped concentration: 1 - relaxed hand; 2 - a compressed and tense fist; 3 - weakened fist

At the moment the arm is extended to strike the opponent, the hand must be relaxed. Directing your hand towards the target, you begin to squeeze the brush and, having reached the enemy, strike with your fist. It is during the blow that the fist should be tense, then your efforts will reach the goal, and the blow will be strong. After that, the hand is relaxed, but the hands are not completely unclenched. In this way, three stages of wedge-shaped concentration are performed.

However, this is still not enough for the blow to be strong and accurate. It is important to combine the stages of wedge-shaped concentration with the phases of your respiratory cycle (inhale - exhale - respiratory pause). With the observance of the strike technique, the fist contracts and strains as much as possible during exhalation and relaxes during the respiratory pause. At the moment of contact with the body of the enemy, the fist is compressed tightly and after a fraction of a second - as much as possible. Further, the fist is withdrawn and at the same time it is relaxed. After maximum compression of the brush, it is immediately difficult to relax and unclench it, but this is not necessary. It is enough to loosen the fist a little so that the muscles of the hand reduce the tension, but at the same time the readiness to quickly repeat the blow remains.

The study of Radogora's technique should begin with racks and the simplest techniques - notch strikes.

A stand is a special posture for the successful use of combat techniques. However, a good fighter can fight from any position. However, it is more convenient and effective to attack the enemy by taking a stance for a moment. It should be borne in mind that in a fist fight there is often no time to take a stance, because the enemy is very close and also attacks. However, if possible, it is better to use combat techniques from the stand. This helps to strike the enemy accurately and with maximum force.

The main counter in Radogor is the key charter (Fig. 3). The legs in this position are apart, the center of gravity of the body moves forward a little so that the heels are ready to leave the ground at any moment. In this case, one leg is supporting to a greater extent than the other. The arms are bent at the elbows and placed in front of you, palms forward. The back is a little tense. From this position it is easy to move on to attack or repel an enemy attack.

Figure 3. Key charter

Another stance used in Russian fisticuffs is the retired charter (Fig. 4). It differs in that one leg is put forward and bent at the knee joint. It carries the bulk of the body. The second leg rests on the toe. Most often, this posture is used as a transitional position when performing various techniques and moving.

Figure 4. Retired charter

The simplest percussion techniques are a slap, a crack, a flare-up.

Fisticuffs were traditional not only in Russia, but also in ancient civilizations - Babylon and Greece. If the fight dragged on, then the fighters were forbidden to defend themselves, and they beat each other to the last strength.

The slap is performed with the palm of the hand with tightly clenched fingers. A blow to the face of the opponent is applied from the bottom up, through the elbow loop, at an angle of 45 ° (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Technique for performing a slap: 1 - abduction of the opponent's hand; 2 - elbow loop; 3 - hit-slap

The crack is performed with a fist or, as in the previous case, with a palm with tightly clenched fingers. Reception is carried out in several stages. First, the right elbow is retracted and the fist is rotated slightly, while a twist is felt in the muscles of the forearm. Further, the hand is advanced to the face of the opponent and a blow is struck. In this case, the principle of wedge-shaped concentration is observed. Immediately after the impact, the arm is weakened and, by inertia, moves back a little. However, the readiness for the next strike remains. In this case, the repeated blow can be the same or different (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Technique for performing a crack: 1 - abduction of the elbow and preparation of the fist; 2 - impact with the side surface of the fist

The flare has a different direction of impact. The hand moves in a vertical plane. First, by inertia, the arm is retracted (Fig. 7), then it is directed forward and upward. With a sweeping rise of the arm, the forearm is rotated at the elbow joint together with the hand (Fig. 8) and, quickly forming a fist, strike the enemy in the forehead or bridge of the nose (Fig. 9).

Figure 7. Inertial abduction of the arm back: 1 - the beginning of the movement; 2 - full abduction

Figure 8. Pre-Punch Swing

Figure 9. Preparing the fist for impact

After striking, the arm freely goes down, while the shoulder and elbow remain in a fixed state (Fig. 10). Thus, the readiness to continue the battle and deliver the next blow to the enemy is maintained (Fig. 11).

Traditionally in Russia, kicks in fisticuffs were used in extreme cases. This is due to the fact that boots were the most common footwear. A blow from such heavy shoes can easily cripple or kill the enemy, and in traditional Russian battles another goal was pursued.

Figure 10. Stabilization of the hand after inflamed

Figure 11. Preparing for the next strike

The flare can be performed in a different way - the blow is applied in a diagonal direction, and not from top to bottom (Fig. 12).

Figure 12. raspalina

The next shock technique is a notch joint. It is performed with a fist or forearm to block an opponent's blow or attack him on the upper tier. This technique is usually combined with another, for example, buzdygan (Fig. 13). When performing techniques, one hand moves away from itself and takes the opponent's hand to the side (Fig. 14). At this time, a blow is struck to the enemy with the fist of the second hand (Fig. 15).

Figure 13. Preparing for a notch

Figure 14. Notch

Figure 15. Buzdygan

The next shock technique is an underground joint. A blow to the enemy is delivered with a fist or forearm, while the entire arm moves strictly horizontally (Fig. 16). The reception is similar to a crack, but is performed in a different plane (Fig. 17).

Figure 16. Position in front of the underground joint

Figure 17. Ground joint

To master the technique of Radogora, it is necessary, first of all, to learn how to move. To do this, you can practice in performing a bunch of key charter - stabbing - key charter.

Next, comes the butt joint. Reception is performed with the other hand, in the direction from the hip. They strike with a fist from the bottom up, aiming at the opponent's chin. You can beat off the attacking hand of the enemy with this blow. The blow is applied with the side surface of the fist from the side of the thumb (Fig. 18).

Figure 18. Relative joint

Another notch percussion technique is the plow joint. The blow is applied with a fist, while the hand moves almost vertically - from the bottom up. Previously, the enemy is attracted to himself (Fig. 19). During the execution of the reception, they transfer the center of gravity of their body to the knee, which gives the blow a greater force (Fig. 20).

Figure 19. Pulling the enemy

Figure 20. Underplow joint

Traditional battles in Russia took place in stages. First, fisticuffs were fought between children, then between young men and unmarried young men, and only after that did adult men fight.

The reception of the fisticuffs of the ratovishe includes elements of a blow and a push at the same time. The blow is delivered close to the approaching enemy across the chest with the forearm (Fig. 21). In this case, the active arm is in a half-bent position. This technique allows you to move the enemy away and carry out an attack - to strike with the other hand on the open parts of the body (Fig. 22).

Figure 21. Ratovishche

Figure 22. Ratovishche with an attack

In the traditional for Russia fisticuffs "wall to wall" the fighters stood in formation with their left foot and shoulder forward. This does not seem to be a very stable position, however, the fighters stood tightly, partially covered each other, and this allowed them to keep the formation and freely use their right hand.

The next technique is the chopper (mzen). It is used in close combat. The blow is applied to the enemy with the entire surface of the forearm on the head and hands (Fig. 23). This is done with a swing or a less wide range of motion. The impact force is directed from top to bottom diagonally.

Figure 23. Chipper

The same group of techniques includes elbow strikes - chips. It's easy to complete them. The difference is a blow to the head. In this case, the chipping is performed by moving the arm from the shoulder with a circular amplitude (Fig. 24).

Figure 24. Chip on the head

From the wing, you can apply notch strikes, for example, a crack (Fig. 25). Immediately after that, they move to the chip and finish off the enemy with the elbow (Fig. 26).

Figure 25. Wing crack

Figure 26. Chipping with two hands

Radogora is based on percussion techniques, but wrestling techniques are also used in it. Most often they are auxiliary, but they can also be used as a transition from Russian fisticuffs to other martial arts ( power struggle). However, most often, after wrestling techniques, they again switch to shock. For example, if the enemy made an oblique flare, then it is effective to use a hall (Fig. 27).

Figure 27. Grip vs oblique fire

After that, a plow joint can be applied to it (Fig. 28, 29).

Figure 28. Transition to attack

Figure 29. Underplow joint after breaking

Radogora's moves are very effective if the fight is at short or medium range. In this case, the enemy should be attacked along the upper or middle tier. In other combat conditions, it is better to use the techniques of other combat schools.

Further, the techniques and techniques of wall fighting, also related to Radogora, are described. The main defensive technique is flicker containment. It can be simple and double. This technique helps to keep the opponent at a distance and prevent him from performing the intended technique (Fig. 30).

Figure 30. Double flickering containment

For protection, the Greco-Roman technique (Fig. 31), cabbage rolls (Fig. 32) and alignments (double Greco-Roman protection) are also used. Greco-Roman defense helps to close the head from the attacking enemy with direct blows. When performing this technique, you can cover your chest with your hand (Fig. 33).

Figure 31. Greco-Roman defense

Figure 32. Stuffed cabbage

Figure 33. Greco-Roman protection with chest cover

In wall combat, attacking shock techniques are used. A direct blow to the coupler is distinguished by speed and stunning effect, although it is not the most pronounced in terms of strength. The technique is suitable for wedge-in blows to the head and upper body of the enemy during a simultaneous attack (Fig. 34.35).

by the most powerful blow is a swing joint. Reception is performed with a wide range of hand movements. The elbow of the active arm is preliminarily pulled back so as to press the shoulder blade on the back (Fig. 40). A punch is applied to the center of the opponent's chest in the area of ​​the solar plexus.

Figure 40. Preparation for swing joint

Actively working with the shoulder, the arm is thrown forward, while simultaneously performing double twisting of the fist and torso (Fig. 41)

Figure 41. Swing joint

The next direct blow of the Russian fisticuffs is called the undercurrent. The blow is performed with a fist and all the force is put into it (Fig. 42). Push the hand forward, first, with the forearm. This helps knock down the opponent's hands.

Next, the hand is moved closer to the opponent's face. All actions are performed quickly and accurately. When striking, the center of gravity of the body is transferred forward. Too much swing can cause a fall due to inertia, so you need to measure the force of impact and the amplitude of movement (Fig. 43).

Figure 42. Position before inflow

Figure 43. Technique for performing a subflow: 1 - preparing the hand for a strike; 2 - subflow

Another shock technique is a stretch joint. The hand with the fist moves forward simultaneously with a slight slight turn of the upper body (Fig. 44). In this case, the force of the movement of the body is transferred by inertia to the fist. During extension and impact, the arm twists outward.

Figure 44 Tension joint

A thrusting blow resembles the actions of a swordsman. This technique is accompanied by a deviation of the upper body and allows you to skip a counter blow along the chest (Fig. 45). During a fist fight, this allows you to reduce the force of a direct blow to the opponent.

Figure 45. Technique for performing a thrusting blow: 1 - position before the blow; 2 - stabbing; 3 - deviation of the body and abduction of the arm

The following technique of Russian fisticuffs is distinguished by great power - a scythe (a direct blow from a scythe). The hand moves only horizontally during the reception, so the blow falls mainly on the upper body of the opponent. If the enemy is lower in stature, then you can attack him with a scythe on the head. When performing the reception, the force is transferred from one shoulder to the other and further, as the arm moves forward, to the fist. In this case, the upper body is rotated, which enhances the blow (Fig. 46). Kosach is used in combination with other techniques, for example, a combination of flickering restraint - slap - kosach is often performed in battle.

Figure 46. Kosach

The last shock technique in Radogor is buzdygan. It is also notable for its great strength, especially when striking an opponent's head. To perform the reception, the position "key charter" is required. First, the arm bent at the elbow is pulled back and up with the elbow. At the same time, it is actively working shoulder joint. Further, the arm is sharply pushed forward and at the same time the elbow is turned inward. At the same time rotate the fist in such a way that thumb turned out to be below (Fig. 47).