The golden three of gymnastic exercises from Mantak Chia: facial skin rejuvenation in the first place

EXERCISES FOR THE EYES - improve vision. Mantek Chia

Exercise 1.

Circular eye movements 10-16 times in each direction. Movements are performed slowly and evenly. We mentally draw a line with our eyes. It is very important that the line is straight. As a rule, you are so tense that your field of vision becomes very narrow. A healthy person is able to freely rotate his eyes.

Limiting the circular movement of the eyes suggests that there is information that you have not worked through or paid attention to. In the place that your eye jumps, you should stop and carefully examine.

There are things from which you turn away, do not want to climb, understand, solve problems until the "fried rooster pecks." From a medical point of view, the restriction of the rotational ability of the eyes indicates a possible stroke.
The received information should be accepted and parsed.

The easiest way to do this is through exercises that will help restore the eye's ability to make circular movements.
Exercise 2.

Figure-of-eight eye movements. The central pivot point is the bridge of the nose. Performed 10-16 times in each direction.
Exercise 3

Eye turns left and right 10-16 times.
Exercise 4

Turning the eyes up and down 10-16 times.
Exercise 5

Focusing the gaze on the tip of the nose with the transfer of focus to a distant point. The point can be removed from you at a distance of 2 to 20 meters.
Exercise 6

Exercise 2 is repeated.
Exercise 7

Exercise 1 is repeated.


With the tips of the little fingers or middle fingers, we carry out 36 times in each direction circular movements in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corners of the eyes. A very important paired point of qing-ming is located here, then the outer corners of the eyes are massaged.

With the outer side of the first and second phalanxes of the index fingers, carry out reciprocating massaging movements along the upper eye orbit, which is located in the fossa between the eye and under the eyebrow arch. There are 14 movements.

The same is done in the region of the lower orbit of the eye. We close our eyes. The tips of the index and thumb grab and pull upper eyelid, then release. The exercise is performed 6 times. Same with the lower eyelid.

Then we rub our palms so that they are properly heated and apply to the eyes, perform 10 circular motions eyes on each side. Close your eyes, then slowly open them wide and slowly close them again.
After doing the exercises, we sit for a while with our eyes closed in a relaxed position.
For other vision enhancement techniques, see Taoist Practices for Vision Improvement by Chia Mantak, Lewansky Robert T.

The third method is to sit on the floor with a straight back and place the left foot on top of the right. Rub your entire foot, especially the point yongquan, 36 times. Change legs and repeat, bringing the energy down to the legs and then back to the head.
The first method is the most effective, especially for those people who are already meditators and can gradually bring the energy into the head. This technique is also very powerful for those who have no experience of meditation. In this case, it will take more time, but will also give good results. The second technique is for those who have no experience in meditation and cannot control their mind well. The third method is good for any conditions and times, because rubbing the feet is generally good for health.
I emphasize again that these methods were kept in the utmost secrecy. Many books talk about this, but they never reveal the underlying secrets. Although the method is simple, its effectiveness is great because it has already helped so many people.

Heating up the oven

The next method for increasing male sexual potency is a variant of the deer exercise called "keeping the fire in the golden furnace." To perform this exercise, stand in a horseback position or sit on the edge of a chair with your scrotum hanging down freely. In addition, this exercise can be performed while lying on the right side, with the right leg extended and the left knee bent so that the testicles can hang freely. The left hand can rest on a pillow, while the right hand supports the head with the thumb and the ear with the rest of the fingers.
To perform this exercise, rub your palms together until they are hot. With one hand, take the scrotum, as if in a cup, and with the other rub lower part abdomen (lower Dantian) back and forth at least 100–300 times. As you rub your lower abdomen, inhale and tighten the muscles in your anus, perineum, and buttocks. Hold your breath and muscle tension for as long as possible. Try to bring the generated energy up the spine to the brain and then back down the front of the body to the navel. After a while, you can switch hands and use the other hand to rub. If you are doing the exercise lying down, roll over to the other side.

Diagram 35
Support the scrotum and rub the cauldron. It stimulates the production of hormones and sperm to heal impotence

Pill field massage (lower Dantian)

This exercise is a variant of "heating the oven" and is simply called the Pill field massage. To perform it, the man quickly rubs his palms together until they are warmed up, then with one hand he strongly squeezes the base of the thigh at the level of the groin, and with the other hand he strongly presses on the lower Dantian. The man begins to rub the base of the right thigh with his hand, then proceeds to the base of the left thigh, and then massages the area of ​​the lower Dantian. Hands should not press on the genitals or even touch them. Rub each area thirty-six times in that order. When you rub the area of ​​the lower Dantian, the strength of the massage should make the penis rise up and move. This shows that the energy is reaching the penis and scrotum area. This technique heals impotence and increases the energy of a man. This indirectly stimulates the prostate gland and increases the production of seminal fluid.

Harmonization of tendons, marrow and bones

To perform this exercise, sit on a mat or bed with your legs extended forward and your hands relaxed on your knees. Inhaling, bend your elbows, press your elbows to your sides, and clench your hands into fists, holding them with your palms up. Pull up the genitals and anus and firmly squeeze the buttocks. Stretch your legs with tension, pulling your toes back towards you. Continue to forcefully bend your arms up. Rotate your wrists so that your palms remain facing up and your eyes can look at the back of your hand. Breathe air into the lower Dantian. Hold this position for as long as you feel comfortable, focusing the energy one to two inches below the navel.
Exhale and as you exhale, bend your body forward and touch your toes (or knees if you can't reach your toes). Breathe in, come back in initial position sitting and relax. Take a breath and do it all over again. Start with ten reps, working up to thirty-six or one hundred reps. You can do this exercise in the morning after getting up or in the evening before going to bed.

The secret Taoist method of urination

Another technique that strengthens the kidneys is standing on tiptoe to urinate. In order to enhance the sexual abilities of a man, it is very important to strengthen his kidneys. Regular exercise of this exercise helps to heal impotence and prevent premature ejaculation - this is also associated with strengthening the kidneys. It is very simple and consists in the fact that urine must be emitted while standing on tiptoe, while keeping your back and waist straight. Grit your teeth, lock your buttocks, tense your abdominal muscles, and expel urine forcefully while exhaling slowly. This process strengthens and tones the energy of the kidneys.
Impotence and poor sexual ability are usually associated with other symptoms of weak kidney energy, such as easy fatigue, laziness and lack of willpower to achieve one's goals. You can easily determine your sexual strength by observing the strength of your urination. How strong is it? If it is strong, then the sexual power is in order. If it is weak and ends with dripping, then the sexual faculties are weakened.
Another simple method for strengthening the kidneys and therefore increasing the sexual powers is as follows. Sit on a stool, bench or floor. Bend your knees and place your hands on your knees. Lean back to a 45° angle, then return to the starting position. Do as many deviations as you can and repeat this exercise at least ten times a day. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles well. A strong belly is another sign of good sexual ability.

Six exercises for the kidneys and back

Below are a few exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, waist and lower back. Strong back and lower abdomen indicate strong sexual potency, and also help with premature ejaculation, lumbago, pain in the lower back and with all sorts of problems of the genitourinary system. These exercises and movements also increase the energy of the kidneys.

First exercise:
Lie on your back on the floor or on a mat with your legs extended at an angle of 80-90 degrees; Start slowly lowering your legs to the left to an angle of 45 degrees; Then return them to their original position. Then slowly lower your legs to the right to a 45° angle. Return them to their original state. You can do this exercise 10-12 times in one sitting.

Second exercise:
Lie back on the mat. Raise both legs so that they form a 45 degree angle; with earth. Then cross your legs with each other three to four times. Repeat this exercise ten to twenty times.

Third exercise:
Lie on your back on the floor or on a mat. Keeping your hands on your waist, raise upper part body to an angle of 45 degrees; from the floor. Stay in this state for as long as you can, then lower your body to the floor. Repeat this exercise 10-12 times or more if you wish.

Fourth exercise:
Lying on your stomach on the mat with your hands on your head near your ears, slowly lift your upper body off the floor. Stay in this position for as long as you can, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat the exercise ten times.

Fifth exercise:
Lying on your stomach on the floor or on a mat, clasp both hands behind you at waist level. At the same time, lift your upper and lower body off the floor so that only your stomach touches the ground. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Lower both parts of your body to the floor. Repeat ten times.

Sixth exercise:
Lying on your back, alternately lift one leg at a time and keep it in the raised position for as long as possible. Do this ten times.
The above set of exercises should be performed daily, preferably in the morning.
Next exercise taken from Baduanjing ("Eight pieces of brocade", a form of qigong). It is very beneficial for the kidneys. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your side, tongue pressed to the palate. Breathe in. Bend forward at the waist, exhaling as the body goes down. If you can, touch the floor with your palms. Inhale while straightening. Keep your arms extended above your head during the straightening, and when you reach the most straightened state, stand on your tiptoes. Lowering your heels to the floor, exhale and at the same time place your fists on the kidneys, on the back below chest. Relax for a moment. Inhale, pressing your fists against your kidneys with force and leaning back as much as possible. Exhale as you return back to the starting position. Repeat ten times.

How to enlarge and lengthen the penis

Inhale air through the nose into the throat, from where swallow it and push it down into the stomach. Don't keep it in your chest. Then the air, which you can feel as energy, will appear as a ball rolling down the front of the body under the abdominal muscles. When the air reaches the lowest part of the abdomen, press it into the penis itself. This penis enlargement exercise is different from the scrotal contraction because it pushes air into the scrotum.
When you direct the air into the penis, press the three middle fingers of your left hand to the point Huiyin located between the anus and the scrotum. This pressure prevents the air energy from flowing back into the body. The energy is located in the penis itself.
Resume normal breathing, still keeping the fingers of your left hand on the point Huiyin. At the same time, start exercising directly on the penis. Drag it back and forth, straightening it with smooth rhythmic movements up to thirty-six times. Then rub the head of the penis with your thumb. This should give him an erection. If there is no erection, keep pressing on the head of the penis and rubbing it until it rises.
Then grasp the base of the penis tightly right hand and, squeezing it just as tightly, slip your hand forward about an inch. Thus, the energy of the air is locked in the body of the penis itself and pushed forward to its head. Feel the pressure being pushed forward towards the glans and maintain it, but do not squeeze the penis too hard.
Then stretch the penis to the right and rotate it with stirring motions thirty-six times clockwise and counterclockwise. Then stretch the penis to the left and rotate it thirty-six more times clockwise and counterclockwise. Simultaneously maintain external pressure in the trapped air.
This exercise massages the entire genitourinary system, including the penis, prostate, veins, arteries and their surrounding nerves; while there is a beneficial stimulation of the bladder and kidneys. The energy of many organs of the body flows into the penis; the tone and functioning of all of them are improved.
At the end of the manipulation of the penis, gently beat the tense penis 36 times inner part right thigh, still maintaining the air lock. Then beat the inside of the left thigh 36 times.
After completing this gymnastics, place the penis for one minute in warm water. This will help him absorb the warm energy. Jan and expand. This ends the massage of the penis. This should cause him to grow about an inch in one or two months of practice. Depending on the individual structure of the body, further growth can be achieved.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the penis

For centuries, techniques have been sought to reduce the sensitivity of the penis as a way to prevent premature ejaculation. I myself prefer the methods of Sexual Kung Fu to those outlined below, but still I do not discourage anyone from trying other methods with due precautions.
Some men wear coarse underwear. The tissue rubs against the penis, and nerve sensation may gradually decrease. Many manuals advised sticking the penis every day in the sand or in a bag of rice. Sand, however, can get under the skin and cause irritation and infection. Rice can cut or skin the penis.
These methods can lead to a reduction in overstimulation, but they are primitive, painful, and dangerous. They miss the point: the naked penis is perfect when it is used with an understanding of its laws, when it is carefully trained, and when everything happens with the irresistible power of love.

Strengthening your erection

This method allows a man to have stronger, healthier and more vigorous erections. Place your thumb on the top of the base of the penis and your index finger on the bottom of the base. Inhale, hold your breath and squeeze the shaft of the penis in a wave-like manner towards its head. Thumb, index finger and little finger create such a pressure that the blood is squeezed out to the head of the penis. Hold this grip for as long as you can hold your breath. Repeat nine times. This drives the blood into the penis, from which it cannot return. As you hold your breath, count to nine and squeeze a little closer to the head of your penis on each count. This technique strengthens the penis and with it the whole body.

Reflex massage of the penis

On the penis, you can perform the same healthy reflex massage that you can do on your hands, on your feet, on your ears. This follows from the fact that in some parts of the body there are reflex zones that are associated with various parts of the body and with internal organs. The structure of the internal organs can be displayed on the body and head of the penis in the same way as it is done on the sole of the foot.

This massage is both pleasant and very healthy. This becomes clear from how quickly pleasurable sensations spread to other parts of the body when you lightly rub your penis. This massage consists of two parts.
(A) Zone massage– is performed with the thumb and forefinger, starting from the base of the penis and moving along the entire shaft of the penis in both directions - towards the head and back, towards the base - with circular movements on the upper and lower sides of the shaft of the penis.
(B) "Rubbing the turtle's head"- to massage the head of the penis, hold it between your index and middle fingers. Massage the tip of the penis with your thumb in a circular motion with gentle pressure on the head. This area is associated with the prostate gland, and its massage is very beneficial. Repeat this massage 100-300 times in both directions. This will energize the prostate gland.

Diagram 36
Reflex zones of the penis

Various zones penis connected to vital organs

Exercise notes: Don't ejaculate. If you feel too energized, do the big draw or slow down the massage.
This massage creates sexual potential by strengthening the prostate gland. This exercise also helps prevent prostate cancer. It can be performed a hundred times daily.

Indian Rope Burning Massage

Rub the palms of your hands together until they are hot. Support the penis with one hand, and firmly squeeze the base of the penis with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. Move back and forth from nine to thirty-six times - this is the technique of "burning the Indian rope." It stimulates the kidneys. Repeating the same technique in the middle of the penis stimulates the digestive system. Massage near the head of the penis stimulates the heart, lungs and respiratory system.
With one hand, support the penis in a raised position, and with the other, perform the rope burning technique.

Four ways to increase sperm count

1. Massage by squeezing the testicles: This exercise stimulates the production of sperm and hormones and increases a man's sexual potency. To do this, rub your palms together until they are hot. With one hand lift the penis and with the other grab the testicles and gently squeeze them. Gradually squeeze them more and more with short and definite contractions while sipping on them. Do at least 100 compressions, then switch hands and repeat on the other side.
2. Testicle flailing: Just like the previous one, this exercise stimulates the production of sperm and hormones. Rub your hands together until they are hot and lift your penis with one hand. With the other hand, take the testicles in a cup and start shaking them, gradually increasing the intensity of shaking. Shake the testicles for three to five minutes. Change hand and repeat.
3. Patting the testicles: Rub your hands together again until they are hot. With one hand, lift the penis, and with the other, gently tap and pat the testicles, gradually increasing the pace and strength of the pats. (Don't push it too hard.) Do this for three to five minutes and then switch hands and repeat on the other side. Pat also on the base of the penis at the attachment of the scrotum and on the perineum.
4. Massage by local pressure on the testicles: Rub your hands, making them hot. Hold the penis with one hand, and with the thumb of the other hand, massage the testicles in a circular motion in both directions for at least three to five minutes (100-300 times). Change hands and repeat in both directions 100-300 times.
All these exercises increase sexual potency and hormone production, stimulate energy ching and the prostate gland and store energy in the penis and in the lower energy centers. After completing these exercises, you can practice Seminal Kung Fu to transform the sexual energy to the higher centers. If you lose energy when you ejaculate, you will definitely not reach your goal.

prostate massage

In addition to the turtle head massage, you can also massage the prostate directly. To do this, insert your index finger into the anus. The hand should be in a rubber glove lubricated with saliva, petroleum jelly or massage oil. Gently insert your finger and massage the prostate gland. You can insert your finger into and out of the anal sphincter at varying pace for maximum stimulation. You can also create a vibration of the sphincter, which also stimulates a large number of local nerve endings and the prostate gland. You can also click on the dot Huiyin on the crotch. Rubbing this point back and forth hundreds of times will also stimulate the prostate gland.
The prostate gland is also stimulated by pressure on the points around the anus. First, wash your anus thoroughly with mild soap and water. Press and rub around the sphincter. This will stimulate the prostate and all higher endocrine glands, including the pineal and pituitary glands. This The best way support, harmonize and increase blood circulation.

Anal Pump Squeeze Exercise

Inhale through the nose, draw in the anal sphincter and muscles around the anus, and hold your breath while the "pump is on". You squeeze the anus as if you were holding back from bowel movements. This stimulates the prostate gland. The method is easy and efficient and can be done anywhere, anytime. To make full use of this exercise, it is important to compress the sphincter with maximum effort. Exhale slowly and relax. This is an easy way to relieve stress and tension while at the same time increase sexual potential and fill the body with energy.
Eventually you will have a feeling of warmth in your groin and anus. This sensation may spread to the back and up to the head, then returning to the solar plexus and to the navel. By constantly squeezing your anal muscles, you can energize your prostate and Cooper glands and improve circulation, strengthen your penis, and gain control of your ejaculation. After some time of practice, you can test the strength of your rectum by trying to suck warm water from the bath into the anus while doing this exercise. (Try to keep the water clean.)
It is said that the last act of a person before death is to have a bowel movement and that a weak rectum is indicative of poor health. When performing this technique, the sphincter will never become weak. Maintaining a strong and healthy prostate is one of the secrets to a long life. healthy life.
So flex your muscles and rub yourself to good health!

Linguistic Kung Fu

The first and foremost strategic tool in making love is the tongue. Learn to perfectly manipulate this erotic weapon. The tongue has a marvelous ability to stimulate the senses and can, on its own, run a brilliant love campaign. By practicing linguistic kung fu, one can master this weapon to perfection.
The tongue combines more virtues for the bedroom than any other organ of the body. It is warm and humid. Its rough, file-like surface resists sliding. In addition to these perfect properties suitable for erotic arousal, it can also vary in size and shape. He can deliver sharp blows quickly and strongly, the variety of forms of his movement is limitless.
The tongue has amazing sensitivity. It has been observed that pinhead-sized depressions are perceived by the tongue as matchhead-sized depressions - such is the unique ability of the tongue to enhance tactile sensations. More importantly, the tongue is the main vehicle for channeling your energy. qi to your mistress before the start of sexual intercourse - because he is the main switch in the flow of energy qi, flowing in the Microcosmic Orbit. When you kiss or lick a woman hard, your life energy flows into her and hers into you. A strong tongue is like a magic wand that brings bliss to everything it touches and closes the arc that connects two life forces.
The following are the basic exercises of language kung fu.
1. Tongue-snake: Pass the thread through the orange and secure the end of the thread next to the orange with a piece of toothpick. Hang the orange at mouth level. Then suddenly hit the orange with your tongue, as a viper does. "Shoot" the tongue straight out of the mouth, making it very hard and pointed. As you practice, increase the speed of "shooting". These "snake movements" are useful in stimulating the breasts, genitals, and ears. The ears are especially sensitive because there are dozens of acupuncture points on each ear which, when activated by the energy flowing through the tongue qi connected to all organs of the body.
2. Tongue-hook: Using the same orange, stick your tongue as far down as possible towards your chin. Bend the tip of your tongue forward. Lick the orange as if you want to hook it. This movement is especially exciting for the genitals; if you touch a woman's G-spot, it can cause the release of the "elixir of the moon", a female secretion that the Taoists believe contains a super-powerful essence yin.
3. Spanking Tongue: In the presence of the same hanging orange, stick your tongue far forward and take it as far as possible to the left. Then sharply move the tongue to the right, slapping the orange hard with the hard edge of the tongue. Then move your tongue all the way to the right and slap the orange with your tongue as it moves quickly to the left. Slap the orange from all sides, increasing the force and frequency of the strokes. Teach this to your mistress; she can use this skill to arouse your "jade shaft" (the ancient Chinese name for the penis). This exercise will greatly increase the dexterity and mobility of your mouth to great pleasure your mistress.
After some practice, you should be able to "dribble" the orange. Keep it balanced on the tip, on the surface and on the ribs of the tongue. Use the orange within the first month; in the second month, you can use grapefruit for this. In the third month, gradually move to a suspended glass jar filled with small steel balls or nails, starting with a half-pound weight and working up to a pound. As you progress, you can increase the size of the jar.

healthy spine and kidneys - the key to the youth of the whole organism. Internal organs cannot function normally due to poor posture. This is due to the constant sitting at work or at home, poor body fitness and rare physical activity. This problem is especially acute in overweight people. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to correct posture.


Taoist teacher, qigong master and creator of the Tao Healing System Mantak Chia claims that back strengthening exercises have a much greater effect on the body than we think. They strengthen lumbar region and heal the kidneys, normalize posture and strengthen the eyes, skin and ears.

posture correction

Posture exercises from Mantak Chia are surprisingly simple and do not take much time. But they will help you increase the size of your lungs, improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines. There are only three exercises, they are very short, which means you can do them anytime, anywhere.

  • Strengthening the kidneys and lower back
    the effect: helps to strengthen the lower back and improve the kidneys, helps to ground and balance the body.

    How to perform: Stand up straight, feet together, toes pointing straight ahead. Tilt your torso forward and down without bending your knees. The face is looking up, the fingers are trying to reach the floor. Feel the stretch in your lower back muscles. Hold this for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

  • Back straightening
    the effect: corrects posture, provides proper nutrition of the organs of vision, rejuvenating the eyes, strengthens and straightens the back, opens the chest, improves oxygen circulation in the blood.

    How to perform: Stand with a straight back and slowly throw the back of your head back. Stay in this position for 15 seconds, breathing deeply, evenly and calmly. Do it several times a day at a convenient time.

  • Stretching the spine up
    the effect: increases the volume of the lungs and facilitates breathing, improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, stimulates the function of the genital organs, tightens the abdomen, stimulates the blood supply to the eyes, relieves fatigue and gives vigor.

    How to perform: Stand up straight, legs at a distance of 30 cm from each other, close your fingers in the lock. Take a slow, deep breath as you raise your folded arms above your head, palms up. Try to stand on your toes. Look straight ahead or up. As you exhale, lower your arms down. Repeat 6 times.

  • Posture Correction with the help of wellness practices from Mantak Chia - simple and effective way the transformation of negative emotions into positive ones, the release of the body from painful tension, the strengthening and rejuvenation of the senses and internal organs.


    Remember that a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle is a direct path to aging and decrepitude of the whole organism. Find out what good habits you should develop right now to prolong youth.

    Old age does not mean that you need to give up on yourself and wait for the end of life. By learning to cope with stress, you will look at many things differently and stop being a hostage to circumstances.

    From today, do not be lazy to devote time to these simple exercises. You will soon feel relief. Be sure to share this information with your loved ones!


    Taoism ascribes powerful creative and rejuvenating effects to sexual energy. She has the main role in the procreation; however, during a period when a person does not need to take care of this, sexual energy can be used for other equally important purposes. For example, in the technique of Healing Love, this energy serves to heal the internal organs and glands, improve the activity of the brain and purify the energy channels of the Microcosmic Orbit. In more advanced versions of Genital Energy Massage, sexual energy is used to restore the red bone marrow responsible for the production of red blood cells. The second name for sexual energy is the Chinese term Qing Qi.

    Sexual energy massage is one of the most important techniques in Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Methodology. In fact, this massage is the first step for beginners on the way to Weight Lifting with the help of Chi. Massage enhances the flow of sexual energy and sex hormones to the internal organs, improves blood flow and promotes better Qi circulation in the center of sexual energy. In addition, this massage causes a surge of internal energy to the genitals, increasing the production of Qing Qi.

    The use of Sexual-Energy Massage allows you to cure prostatitis in men, and women to improve their well-being during menstruation.

    Earlier we said that the accumulation of external energy with the help of Bone Breathing can be considered as a meditative approach to the cultivation of Ni. However, the maximum effectiveness of Bone Filling with Qi can be achieved only by combining external Qi with sexual energy. This chapter explains how the sexual energy can be distributed to all the organs of the body in order to subsequently combine it with Qi coming from outside. The ultimate goal of this association is the improvement and rejuvenation of the red bone marrow. This is the essence of the Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method.


    This section provides brief explanations of the three methods for extracting sexual energy and sex hormones. Each of the methods allows you to increase the production of sexual energy, and therefore develop the personal strength of the practitioner. At first glance, it may seem that the exercises described in this chapter are similar to similar exercises from other books on Taoist healing techniques. However, the use of the Sexual-Energy Massage technique in the Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method can significantly improve the properties of Qing Qi. Massage techniques and individual exercises, such as Energy Locking, cause the Qing Qi accumulated in the body to be released. This makes sexual energy available for conscious use. This is the difference between the Sexual Energy Massage and the Healing Love technique, which additionally requires sexual stimulation.

    Attention men and women! Sexual energy massage classes are contraindicated for those who suffer from sexually transmitted diseases (or skin diseases in the genital area), since during the exercise the infection can spread to internal organs

    1. Healing Love
    This healing and rejuvenation technique does not belong to the Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method, although it is very important to prevent excessive loss of Qing Qi as a result of sexual activity. In addition, the exercises of the Healing Love complex contribute to the maximum opening of the Microcosmic Orbit for the circulation of sexual energy; this has a beneficial effect on the rejuvenation and healing of the internal organs and glands of the body. When performing the Healing Love exercises, a process occurs that is the opposite of the usual release of sexual energy outward as a result of sexual intercourse. Qing Qi is released, but then rises up the torso, increasing the resistance of the internal organs of the body. Exercises from this complex allow you to direct sexual energy into the Microcosmic Orbit, formed as a result of practicing more complex types of Taoist healing techniques.

    NOTE: The release of sexual energy from energy massage or Chi Lifting implies that your sexual energy center is filled with sufficient reserve. For those who suffer from chronic impotence, kidney diseases, general weakness or functional disorders of the internal organs, we recommend that you go through the Healing Love complex before practicing the Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method to develop the required amount of Qing Qi.

    2. Sexual energy massage
    This type of massage is the main element of the Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method. It not only releases Qing Qi stored in the sexual energy center, but also increases the production of sex hormones that stimulate the activity of the hypothalamus, pineal gland, and pituitary gland. It is believed that active stimulation of the pituitary gland slows down the production of the aging hormone, on which, in fact, life expectancy depends.

    Healing Love Exercises prevent the loss of Qing Qi and help rejuvenate the internal organs of a person. Sexual energy, which is formed in large quantities as a result of Sexual Energy Massage, penetrates bones of the skeleton, rejuvenating the red bone marrow and stimulating the activity of the endocrine glands.

    3. Lifting a Weight with Qi
    "- This set of exercises to a much greater extent releases the sexual energy stored within us and stimulates the secretion of sex hormones. At the same time, the fascial layers that support the genital and other internal organs are strengthened, the red bone marrow is rejuvenated, and the increased secretion of sex hormones stimulates the pituitary gland. Qi refers to the most physically difficult exercises in the entire Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Methodology.

    It is not recommended to learn these exercises without prior preparation; and even with sufficient experience and detailed recommendations, one should approach this series of exercises with the utmost care. We recommend that you first master Sexual Energy Massage, using massage before lifting weights will prepare the genitals, and energy massage after exercise will restore sexual energy reserves and prevent possible formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. As a result of Weight Lifting with Qi, enough sexual energy is produced in the body, so that there is no need to regularly perform the Healing Love set of exercises (although the latter can be used during sexual intercourse).

    4. Three types of weight lifting exercises in the general context of the Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Technique

    Sexual-energy massage causes a more intense release of sexual energy than Healing Love; in addition, energy massage significantly safer exercise for lifting weights. Two exercises, the Energy Lock and the Genital Contraction, were created based on the Healing Love technique. These non-sex exercises are now used to direct Qi into the Microcosmic Orbit in the Neigong Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Technique. The application of the Energy Lock in the sexual area is described in Appendix 1.


    To learn how to perform the Energy Lock, read the guidelines below. In further classes, check the correct execution by brief description at the end of the chapter.

    1. General information
    The Energy Locking Exercise should be performed before and after the Sexual Energy Massage. Breathing is done through the nose; at the same time, the genitals, perineum and anus are pulled up, stimulating the rise of Qing Qi from the lower part abdominal cavity to the higher energy centers. Putting together three fingers of one hand in the form of a "beak", press them on a point located in the perineum in front of the anus - in this way you will "short" the energy rising with each breath, preventing it from returning back (Fig. 3-1). Clench your teeth and buttocks tightly: this will activate the Intracranial and Coccygeal Pumps, which will also help move Ding Qi to the crown of the head (Figure 3-2).

    WARNING As you advance Qing Qi towards the head, remember that the sexual energy must not be left inside the skull for long periods of time. At the end of each exercise, remember to lower Qing Qi through the Functional Channel of the Microcosmic Orbit to the navel (see Chapter 6 for details). On this occasion, the ancient Chinese warned: "Be afraid to cook your own brain!"

    If you are not sure what kind of energy - cold or hot - is in you, it is better to accumulate it in the navel.

    a. Five Stops
    When doing Qing Qi Energy Locking, Qi passes through five points that serve as energy mini-pumps: the sacrum, T-11 and C-7 points, the base of the skull, and the parietal region. As Qing Qi moves up to the crown of the head, activate all the indicated points one by one, starting with the Coccygeal Pump.

    You need to do this in stages: making nine short breaths To raise Qing Qi from the perineal region, simultaneously make nine contractions of the muscles of the lower torso. Each time Qing Qi reaches the next stop, start the next breathing cycle from the starting position - from the genitals (remember to hold the sexual energy at the point of the last stop; see Fig. 3-2).

    b. Where to press
    Looking at fig. 3-3, determine in yourself the point of the Gates of Life and Death (the point of Hui-yin, the bottom of the perineum) - it is located between the external genitalia and the anus.

    Feel for a small indentation in front of the anus with your finger and focus on this point.

    c. Finger pressure technique
    Fold three fingers of one hand in the shape of a "beak". After each inhalation, quickly press with folded fingers at the point of the Gate of Life and Death, thus fixing the new position of Qing Qi rising from the perineum upwards. After inhaling a new portion of air, stop the pressure on the point, resuming it at the moment of holding the breath after the end of the breath (for women: if this causes discomfort, you can remove your fingers). Press on the point of the Gates of Life and Death for as long as the holding of the breath and muscle tension; then release your fingers. Do not press on the point at the moment of inhalation - this may prevent Qing Qi from rising to the next stop.

    d. Activation of the intracranial and coccygeal
    pumps using muscle contractions
    Each of the five stops along the Qing Qi movement path is a mini-energy pump that sends energy further. But most of all, attention should be focused on the points of the Intracranial and Coccygeal Pumps. The contraction of the muscles of the lower part of the body contributes to the rise of Qing Qi up to the sacrococcygeal zone. As you direct the energy to the sacrum and from there up along the spine, remember to tilt the sacrum back, squeezing the muscles of the buttocks and slightly pulling up the perineum and anus (Fig. 3-4a). When the Coccygeal Pump is activated, a vacuum is formed behind the wall of the urogenital diaphragm, due to which Qing Qi rises from the center that stores sexual energy.

    To activate the Intracranial Pump, first of all, press the back of the tongue against the hard palate (the tip of the tongue rests against the gum of the front lower teeth; see Fig. 3-4b). Slightly clenching your teeth, press your chin to your chest. Take a small breath through your nose, gaining 10% of the usual volume of air into your chest; simultaneously pull up the genitals and internal organs of the abdominal cavity, pressing with three fingers a point in the perineum. At the same time, raise your eyes up, looking with your mind's eye from the inside at the parietal bone. Continue the exercise.

    NOTE Never strain the muscles of the chest - this can lead to stagnation of energy in the heart!

    e. Sequence of execution
    Men raise Qing Qi from the vulva to the perineum with Testicular Breathing. Women use Ovarian Breathing while lightly squeezing the vagina to concentrate Qing Qi in the Ovarian Palace area (see Chapter 6 for more on this). To gradually bring sexual energy to the point of the first stop, use short, vigorous breaths. Remember to press with your fingers as described above to keep the Qing Qi at each new waypoint. After taking the first breath, squeeze the muscles of the perineum, pulling up the genitals and the anus. On the next inhalation, pull up the back of the anus, directing the sexual energy towards the sacrum.

    Repeat nine cycles of muscular contractions, directing Qing Qi to the coccyx. The entire sequence of nine breaths and muscle contractions must be repeated from the beginning (i.e. from the center of sexual energy in the perineum), moving Qing Qi from one stopping point to the next. In principle, it is advisable to do more than one cycle of nine breaths and muscle contractions, raising Qing Qi from the sexual energy center to each stopping point. It is recommended to fix Qing Qi at each of the stopping points by doing several cycles of nine movements at each point. It may take one to two weeks for each stopping point to open. After opening all Five Stops, do an Energy Lock using all the stops at the same time; concentrate as much as possible on the most difficult to open breakpoints. After the final ninth breath, release the muscular tension; then repeat the exercise again.

    f. Gradual mastery of the Energy Locking exercise (for men and women)
    (1) First stopping point - sacrum
    a) Pay special attention to the condition of the genitals
    b) Feeling the movement of Qing Qi, inhale, pulling up the organs of the perineum. Direct the sexual energy into the perineum. With the three fingers of the hand together as above, apply pressure to the Gate of Life and Death point with each contraction of the perineal muscles, releasing the pressure slightly before contracting again.

    c) Inhale while contracting the anus. Pull Ding Qi to the anus.
    d) Inhale, contract the muscles of the anal sphincter, pull the sexual energy to the back of the anus.

    Take the next breath and tilt the sacrum back, squeezing gluteal muscles. This will activate the coccygeal pump. Advance Qing Qi to the sacrococcygeal zone.

    O Taking nine short breaths and nine muscle contractions, draw Qing Qi from the sexual energy center to the coccyx (Figure 3-5).

    g) Exhale while holding Qing Qi in the sacrococcygeal zone; while concentrating your attention on the genitals.

    (2) Second stopping point - point T-11
    a) Repeat all the previous steps, pulling Ding Qi from the coccyx to the T-11 area.

    b) Taking nine short breaths and nine muscle contractions, pull Qing Qi from the sexual energy center to the T-11 point on the spine (simultaneously arch the spine, activating the mini-energy pump at the T-11 point).

    c) Exhale, holding the energy in the T-11 area and concentrating on the genitals.
    (3) Third stopping point - point C-7

    a) Repeat the steps as above, pulling Qing Qi from T-11 to C-7.

    b) Taking nine short breaths and nine muscle contractions, pull Qing Qi from the sexual energy center to point C-7 (simultaneously arch cervical region of the spine and lightly press the chin to the chest, activating the energy mini-pump at point T-11).

    c) Exhale, holding the energy in the C-7 area and concentrating on the genitals.

    (4) Fourth stopping point - base of skull
    a) Repeat all the preliminary steps, directing Qing Qi from point C-7 to the base of the skull.

    b) Taking nine short breaths and nine muscle contractions, pull Qing Qi from the sexual energy center to the base of the skull to activate the Intracranial Pump (again lightly press the chin to the chest).

    c) Exhale, holding the energy at the base of the skull and concentrating on the genitals.

    (5) Fifth stopping point - crown
    a) After repeating the preparatory steps, pull Qing Qi from the base of the skull to the top of the head (Figure 3-6).

    b) Taking nine short breaths and nine muscle contractions, pull Ding Qi from the sexual energy center to the crown of the head (Figure 3-7).

    c) Exhale and relax, rotating Qing Qi around the crown nine times in an outward spiral and nine times in a converging one.

    d) Finally, collect the energy at the navel.

    e. Completion of the Energy Lock exercise
    For men: Place both palms on the navel area, with your left hand covering your right. After gathering the energy in this area, mentally cause the Chi to spiral outward (36 times clockwise) and inward (24 times counterclockwise) (Figure 3-8a).

    For women: Place both palms on the navel area, right hand covering the left. After gathering the energy in this area, mentally have Dee spiral outward (counterclockwise 36 times) and inward (clockwise 24 times) (Figure 3-86).

    K. Post-Energy Lockout Massage
    In conclusion, we will perform a massage that will increase blood circulation and movement of Di in the center of sexual energy. Take a piece of silk in a circular motion rub the perineum, sacrum and coccyx. Massage should be started from the perineum, making from 9 to 18 circular movements clockwise, then the same number of times counterclockwise (Fig. 3-9). The sacrum and coccyx are rubbed in the same way.

    The exercises in this book have benefited thousands of people around the world. Do-In is a must for anyone who wants to achieve maximum performance, good health and smartness, and, perhaps, the only effective remedy, which allows you to feel the unity of the body, mind and spirit.

    Whatever your goal, Do-In will help you arrive at your destination. As you develop strength, you will cultivate grace. Your spine will become more flexible, and your tendons and lumbar muscles the force of elasticity will be infused. Under the influence of subtle internal alchemy, the wisdom of your body will awaken. You will get rid of the blockages of your innate vitality, bring the spine into good condition and refresh the body by opening the flow of Qi along the meridians. You will be able to discover and develop your Second Brain, which is located in the abdominal cavity, and gain the ability to connect with the life-giving force of the Universe.

    The most important principle of Do-In is to have fun. The purpose of these exercises is to make life more joyful. When doing Do-In, smile. Smiling creates a feeling of freedom and relaxation in the body and mind. Have fun creating a beautiful and strong body.

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