What does it take to have a flat tummy? Belly in a woman's life

Helpful Hints

The eternal female problem - where to hide the stomach? It can be seen even when you put on clothes in several layers, and what can we say about tight dresses? You may not dream!

Unfortunately, abdominal exercises do not help everyone and not always. Because all the figures, and, consequently, the bellies, are very individual. Each type of stomach needs its own approach.

So, we determine our type of abdomen and choose the appropriate strategy for getting rid of it.

1. Belly due to stress

Such a stomach, as the name implies, appears due to stress. Most of the fat in such a belly is located in front of it in the navel. To the touch, the abdomen is more hard than soft.

How is it formed? During a stressful event, our body begins to produce the hormone cortisol, which signals the body to quickly harvest belly fat.

What to do?

Drink no more than two cups of coffee a day, but it is better to completely exclude it;

Before going to bed, take baths with relaxing oils;

get enough sleep;

Do not exhaust yourself in training, switch to yoga and long walks;

Include in your diet foods that are rich in magnesium (nuts, leafy vegetables, seeds).

Top tip: Before bed, you can lower your cortisol levels with yoga, and chamomile tea will calm your nerves.

Belly types

2. Hanging belly

Such a belly appears due to lack of physical activity and not proper nutrition. People with such bellies tend to have an irresistible craving for sweets, and they lead sedentary image life.

As already mentioned, such a belly is the result of a complete lack of physical activity and the predominance of refined carbohydrates (cakes, cakes, white bread) and sweets in the diet. As a result, fat accumulates not only on the abdomen, but also on the hips and legs.

What to do?

Give up alcoholic beverages, as they are pure sugar, which is the main enemy of the waist and slows down the breakdown of fats;

Eat homemade food and fresh produce;

lean on good fats, fish, nuts, as well as vegetables, meat and eggs;

Add to your life physical activity: move more and do yoga.

Important advice: stop eating sweets and cakes, seizing stress. Learn to enjoy your hobby and sport. Find yourself a worthy occupation so as not to think about problems and food.

3. Bloated belly

Such a belly appears due to a poor diet or due to intolerance to some product, allergies. As a rule, in the morning the stomach is flat, but during the day it swells because there is too much gas in the intestines and indigestion occurs.

What to do?

Find out which foods lead to indigestion and eliminate them from your diet;

For a while, exclude bakery products from your diet, lean on meat, fresh vegetables, fish and chicken;

Drink more water and chew food thoroughly.

An important tip: good digestion will be promoted by a long walk after eating, and breathing exercises will also help.

Types of stomachs in women

4. Postpartum belly

This type of abdomen is found in women who have given birth and in mothers with many children. It appears after childbirth, when the uterus descends a little and becomes heavier than before pregnancy.

What to do?

Wait a little, as the stomach after childbirth will begin to recover no earlier than after 6 weeks. Do not even dream of starting to get in shape faster;

Train the muscles of the pelvis and lower abdomen to strengthen them;

Women's abs cubes and impeccably pumped up buttocks are now at the height of fashion. Girls whose forms have reached such a dubious ideal are very popular.

Their photos with emphasis on pumped up muscles we often meet in in social networks. But are their ideas correct? healthy way life? Obstetrician-gynecologists think differently ...

Harm to sports

1. Abdominal Packs
Muscular corset, brought to this state, not only supports internal organs, but pulls them together and interferes with productive work. After all, it was not for nothing that they used to say: “a woman’s stomach should be soft”, “a woman’s psyche is in her stomach”. In many cultures, the massage of this area is aimed at relaxing the tissues and releasing any tension.

Of course, this is not about replacing a beautiful belly with a layer of fat. Visceral deposits also negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.

Those who are planning to have a child should be aware that an excessive amount heavy exercise like crunches and planks make muscles abdominal wall short. During pregnancy, instead of stretching out and becoming a kind of hammock for the baby, the muscles will simply disperse.

2. Pumped up buttocks
Complete with press cubes, a pumped-up ass looks perfect. This result is achieved through regular training in the gym with heavy weight lifting. Performing such exercises, most girls do not think about the harm they bring to the body.

Each of us has special muscle- pelvic diaphragm. In men, it is closed, and in women it is expanded in the region of the cervix. Because of this feature, the beautiful half of humanity is not adapted to carrying heavy loads.

Poor women who felled wood and carried heavy bags during the war often suffered from prolapse of organs from the vagina. But today it is fashionable to carry heavy barbells with pancakes! Only the question of well-being of the current young ladies is in great doubt, because over time, the intimate muscles are greatly weakened.

3. Muscle drying
Many girls believe that body fat should not be at all. perfect body. Therefore, they indulge in all serious: cardio training, interval training, as well as debilitating diets. At the same time, such women often have a complete absence of menstruation.

Not everyone knows exactly what body fat serve as a good springboard for the conversion of testosterone to estrogens (male hormones to female ones). Without this transformation, ladies essentially deprive themselves of female hormones: hence the problems with the skin and hair.

We are not calling for the complete abandonment of training in the gym, but rather a reminder that you do not need to go to extremes!

Let's talk about our body and the myths that we have about the body. And now I would like to dwell in detail on only one part of the female body, which often causes anxiety in many women. Especially for those who have already given birth to their child - or several children. This is the belly.

This problem is familiar to many, although not all. According to my observations, there are two types of women - those in whom the roundness of the body is not very pronounced, and those in whom they are very obvious, the first category easily retains slim figure, the stomach after childbirth also quickly comes to a more or less attractive appearance.

But the second category is more difficult. For harmony, they need to control nutrition and exercise. And still, often the stomach is not at all like that. Not flat, rounded. And even if it doesn’t hang, but just sticks out slightly, it’s annoying. Including because they always ask if you are pregnant. And because the clothes now are such that you can’t hide your stomach in any way - low-waisted jeans, tight-fitting tops, short T-shirts.

And these girls are suffering. Someone is trying to do something - pumping the press (very actively), trying to reach the cubes, do not eat one, the other, the third, they are starving. Someone stops even trying to do something - and just quietly hates his stomach.

My article is more for these girls, because I also could not find a common language with my stomach for a long time. He and I both pumped the press 100-200-300 times, and did malicious massages, and I kept him on a diet. And not only after childbirth - even before. His "bulge" annoyed me fairly.

So, this is my third time in India. I often talk with Indian women about this and that. I'm watching. So, I noticed that Indian women do not have flat bellies. In general, no one. Even in young girls it protrudes slightly. Not too much but naturally. Ours would have thought that every little bit is pregnant - even at 15 years old. But no.

And here it is the norm. I shyly asked one girl: “Why? Why don't you have flat stomachs? And why don't you even aspire to it?
And she was so surprised: “Like, how else, what happens somehow differently?”
I explain to her about the plane of the abdomen, cubes, abs. Everything that we promote. Everything that is considered beautiful and right. About the fact that you need to pump the press, drive fat.
And she told me so sincerely: “But how then to give birth to children? Organs will grow to each other?

When I posted this conversation on Instagram, someone immediately reproached the girl for being stupid and not educated. He doesn't understand anything about anatomy. And I immediately remembered another story on this topic.

One girl from Russia, for quite a long time, was talking about the same thing. She came already fit, with a flat stomach. And he complains that his stomach hurts a lot. Like, not much. And the doctor told her so calmly, between times, without looking up from her papers: “Well, your adhesions are torn. Your abs squeeze your uterus, preventing it from growing.” What are spikes? This is precisely the unplanned by nature growth of various tissues of organs to each other. Here is an illiterate Indian girl for you.

Spikes are now forming in many. The official reasons include infections and operations. But I have repeatedly heard from various doctors that in women, adhesions are also formed due to the burning of the necessary subcutaneous fat in the abdomen.

Fat on the belly of a woman is needed. Sounds terrible though, right? But it is necessary, not redundant, of course. Healthy adipose tissue. In a small amount, but necessary. So that the uterus can remain mobile - either increasing or decreasing, depending on the cycle. To keep her free. For a woman to remain healthy and capable of having children (this is still an indicator women's health no matter what is said).

Then I had a similar conversation with an Ayurvedic doctor. I showed him those bellies that we consider beautiful, and he listed me a list of diseases that these women probably have. And almost every time it sounded - infertility or problems with bearing. He showed me what kind of belly should be, according to Ayurveda, for those women who are given roundness by nature. And again - a slightly protruding tummy. Even for those who do not have roundness at all, a mobile belly is a sign of women's health.

It got me interested. I went to see the "ideals" of beauty over the past few hundred years. So. Never in history has a woman had a flat stomach and cubes on it. Never. Look at any works of art - frescoes, sculptures, paintings - everywhere there is a place for a beautiful belly. It is always slightly rounded. Now they would say - a little pregnant. In many verses, the roundness of not only the hips, chest, but also the abdomen is sung. And we have such a twist.

And the stomach was always moving, it was alive. She breathed them. What a horror, right? He puffed up and deflated! He was relaxed. But this is the best prevention of female diseases. Belly breathing provides the pelvic organs with blood, keeps them healthy. It's like an internal massage of the most needed places. Depending on the day of the cycle, the stomach may be slightly larger or slightly smaller - and this is normal. And it turned out to be really beautiful. I looked at some of the masterpieces with bated breath. I've never seen before female figure like this. How perfect she is in her seeming imperfection.

Returning to the conversation with the Indian woman. She tells me: “It’s ugly and unnatural when there are cubes on the stomach”

And I think - but really, where do we get such standards in our head? After all, a slightly rounded female belly is beautiful, especially in combination with other roundness.

Where do we get these ideals from? Who slipped us these values, and so masterfully that we have already swallowed and believed? One of the versions that exist is the influence of fashion, which is created by gay men. Coco Chanel talked about this in particular. That men who did not understand the female body and could not love it, are trying to turn women into boys, disfiguring female beauty.

Indeed, if you look at the models, many of them are just that. Without feminine bulges, broad shoulders, narrow hips, flat bellies. Even the gait is not from the hip, as is natural for a woman, but constrained, straight, sweeping and masculine. And women, ordinary women who have everything in place - such clothes only disfigure and make you feel ugly. Fitting yourself to the molds that are in fashion magazines, which are also run by gay men.

Then who did we trust? And why? Those who never loved women and did not know? Do we want to end up as men? And perfect slim stomach with cubes is male version. They really have roundness in this place only from a lazy lifestyle and a lot of food. They do not need mobility in this area, they also do not bear children, and their breathing is different. If we want to remain women, then why do we strive for this plane and cubes? Why do we download the press, barely leaving the hospital? Why do we mock our stomach and torture it, rape it? But “belly” in Russian also means “life”.

The belly is really life. Life in it is born, grows, and so a person comes into this world. The belly of a healthy woman is always alive - it breathes, moves, changes shape and size depending on the day of the cycle. And yes, one of the sexiest dances is not a striptease on a pole, but a belly dance. A dance in which the belly is free to move.

Of course, you can bend the stick and grow a belly to the knees. Like, and so very even. And why work if a flat stomach is the lot of men? We have two extremes in this matter -. But neither one nor the other is beautiful and feminine. Both are skewed, a misunderstanding of female beauty, following the wrong course.

Do you think men like your cubes? Personally, I have repeatedly heard from different men that a woman’s super-flat belly is not inspiring. Like that huge fold.

This is a reason to stop raping yourself and chasing something incomprehensible. This is an occasion to reconsider your ideals regarding the body. This is a reason to strive for healthy female beauty - and all three components are important: beauty, health and femininity.

Yes, you should take care of your body. , live an active life. Relax your beloved tummy. Live an active life, do not sit all the time in one place. Muscles are best strengthened when you are moving. And also, thank you. Including your beloved belly. Thank him for giving me the opportunity to experience the joys of motherhood. And accept your whole body as it was given to you from above.

PS and the best tummy is still the one where someone lives ❤

Olga Valyaeva

Pumped up flat tummy - every girl's dream. When they talk about this sexy part of the female body, they don’t mean a huge mountain of muscles that bodybuilders can boast of, but a really spectacular attractive female tummy that looks something like this:

But, before we talk about ways to help achieve such a result as in the photo, everyone should answer a few important questions.

  • Do you do abdominal work at the end of your workout?
  • When working on the press, how many repetitions do you perform: 50, 100 or more?
  • Do you too side slopes necessary for working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen, squats and lowering the legs?
  • Do you use ab exercises to fight belly fat?
  • Do you follow a diet or do you think that it is necessary only for professional athletes?
  • Do you like to have a snack after a workout? Or do you prefer tea with sandwiches or biscuits?

If your answer to all questions is “no”, then the result will appear soon, because you are doing everything right. If, however, in the answers, albeit not in all, there is “yes”, then the article is required reading, since much of what you are doing is not only wrong, but also harmful. The situation needs to be corrected urgently.

There are many ways to have an attractive tummy for lazy young ladies who are not used to heavy physical exertion. But these wonderful ways cannot help you become pumped up and beautiful. They can only slightly change your appearance.

Here is the first of these, allowing you to have a flat stomach in a couple of minutes:

Handsomely? It doesn't seem like much!

Method #2 He likes those who do not like the first option. But, in principle, the way of desperate and cheerful guys is not too different from the first option.

Method number 3. It's also not perfect, but at least it gives hope to get closer to cherished dream. True, it requires much more time, and is suitable for those who like to sit on social networks.

If you put aside the jokes, then it’s worth saying that work on beautiful press is a complex and lengthy process.

Only the one who is properly informed, who is distinguished by perseverance and diligence. After a certain time, he will be able to boast of a sporty, toned, flat and erotic tummy.

Saying that the job of "building" a flat tummy is hard doesn't mean you have to be prepared for grueling, hours-long workouts that seem to have no end to sets and reps.

To start shaping the tummy of your dreams, you need to achieve two components of success:

AT female body bring the amount of subcutaneous fat to 16% of the total weight.

  • For this, no matter how trite it may sound, you need the right diet, or, more simply, a diet. Without this, the dream will remain a dream - you will NEVER be able to boast of beautiful abs. The only exceptions are those lucky few who naturally have a low body fat content. For everyone else who cannot boast of natural thinness, the fulfillment of this paragraph is a prerequisite.

Choosing the right diet can help: nutritionists, fitness trainer, or specialized sports sites from the Internet (in a pinch). Here, by the way, a lot of information that helps to burn subcutaneous fat. These are not various "miraculous" foods and drinks, not high-speed diets, but the recommendations of experts on proper nutrition, which are aimed at the gradual and systematic burning of existing subcutaneous deposits. Using them, in the future you can learn to control your daily diet on your own.

  • For the formation of the abdominal press, the thickness of its muscles must be suitable. To achieve this, one cannot do without a complex special exercises. Physical activity is the only way to achieve the desired muscle thickness. A number of these physical exercises are familiar to everyone since childhood, which is why many people who have decided to lose weight in the evening turn to them first of all.

However, no matter how strange it may sound, they are just useless in the fight for a flat tummy. For example, the most "stupid" in the struggle for the study of the muscles of the press is an exercise that consists in raising and lowering the legs.

It will be right to pump the lower abdomen, limit the work of the legs, but include the pelvis in it.

Another useless exercise side crunches designed to grow oblique muscles. Performing it regularly, you will achieve an increase in the width of the waist, but the press will remain unchanged.

There are only 2 basic exercises for training the abdominal muscles. Both are efficient and effective. All other varieties are only their derivatives. The first is the lying crunch, the second is the reverse crunch.

To start it, lie down on the floor, pressing firmly to the floor. lumbar, and bending your knees, as shown in the figure. Grasping your neck with your hands, spread your elbows to the sides. For whom this position is uncomfortable, you can cross your arms over your chest.

Hands behind the head happen to create in the lower sections neck muscles extra stress. For example, when there is not enough strength to complete the last approaches, a person, trying to finish the approach, pushes himself with all his might in the neck, not realizing that by doing this he injures the cervical vertebrae. You need to remember that you can never help yourself in this way. It is easier to complete the approach by crossing your arms over your chest.

Having accepted starting position, and having decided on the hands, we begin the exercise: rounding very slowly upper part back (as if twisting), trying to reach the knees. Do not tear your feet and lower back off the floor! They must be "glued" to the floor tightly. This can be achieved by constant tension of the abdominal muscles.

After lifting up the upper body is over, you need to smoothly return to the starting position (without jerking). But you can't put your head on the floor. It should be on weight until the end of the whole approach. The neck, at the same time, is straight and tense. It may be difficult at first, but the execution will accelerate over time. The main thing is to learn how to perform the exercise technically and correctly.

Reverse twist.

The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, but a rigid support for the hands is required - the lower crossbar of the Swedish wall, stairs, etc. will do. The presence of support is mandatory, since it is necessary to firmly fix the torso. Twisting is done by moving up the hips. Important: lift the hips up due to the work of the pelvis, and not due to the efforts of the hips and legs. That is, the technique will be incorrect if the legs rise sharply up. Correct there will be smooth leg raises due to the work of the pelvic muscles.

You can complicate the exercises by lifting straight legs up. But, it's not for beginners. For them, the legs should be bent at the knees, as shown in the figure: the tighter the legs are pressed to the chest, the easier it is to complete the approach. During execution, sudden movements and jerks are unacceptable. The right pace worked out after a few workouts. For starters, the main thing is technique.

Training rules

You need to start training with the study of the press. This is correct, firstly, because the rules of fitness say that work must begin with the most weaknesses. Secondly, working out the press is a good warm-up before the main workout.

It is enough to give the muscles of the press twice a week. The number of approaches in this case should not exceed 5 times. This is done so that the abdominal muscles have the opportunity to rest and recover after a workout.

A lot of time on the press is not worth spending. For one approach and rest, as a rule, a little less than a minute is enough. For the entire block, consisting of 4-5 approaches, therefore, it will take about 15 minutes. At the same time, as it was said, it is not worth chasing speed. The main thing is to learn how to perform all the exercises correctly technically in order to get a beautiful belly. Let the regulations remain for professionals.

The number of repetitions in the approaches is selected individually. There is no single opinion on this matter. But, all fitness instructors are unanimous in that the exercises should be performed technically competently and before the appearance of a "burning" in the muscles, i.e. to failure.

The press cannot be pumped. You don’t need to be afraid of this, if you don’t go to extremes, accompanied by taking pharmacological drugs, conducting regular intensive training before bodybuilding performances, etc.

As you can see, a flat and beautiful tummy - the dream of all girls - is quite achievable. But, you need to not just dream, but take actions that contribute to its translation into reality.

Where to begin?

Of course, you need to start with a revision of the power system. You need to choose a diet that will reduce weight and reduce body fat. Without this item, you will not be able to have a flat stomach.

Start downloading the press. It's only 15 minutes of time daily and 2 exercises.

Don't expect instant results. No need to quit classes after two weeks - the press will become visible later.

In other ways, the result cannot be achieved: there is no "secret" method, just as there is no "super diet" and "secrets from the stars." Only motivation, patience, work and faith in success can achieve what you want - to the delight of yourself and the envy of others.

Flat tummy and small waist

Video: Thin waist and flat stomach

Every woman dreams of having a flat tummy. And it is desirable to receive it as soon as possible. How to achieve the perfect result and get a flat stomach in the shortest possible time?

In order to get a flat tummy, you need to correctly combine physical exercises, diet, special massage and.

Diet for a flat stomach

Without a special diet, getting a flat stomach is almost impossible. Today, a number of diets have been developed, which differ in time of application and content. Some of them are designed for a week, others for a month - you should choose what will be more comfortable.

First of all, you should pay attention to diets for a flat stomach, which exclude sweet and fatty. The most relevant are kefir, buckwheat and rice diets. Rice diet, among other things, will cleanse the body of toxins, and you will get not just a flat stomach, but also a thinner waist.

If time does not really limit you, and you do not want to rush, you can pay attention to fibrous foods. It fills the stomach and dulls the feeling of hunger, while not causing unpleasant consequences such as flatulence or constipation.

The basis of the diet for a flat stomach should be grain food, vegetables that are rich in fiber.

For example, it can be brown rice, apples, cucumbers, legumes, zucchini, seaweed and leafy greens. Sometimes you can add fiber by artificial means buying it in the store. In this case, you need to drink more water and monitor the stool.

The diet for a flat stomach necessarily includes fruits. But remember that fruit is a separate dish, not an addition to food. Best Option are pears and apples, as well as orange and grapefruit.

You need to eat in small portions and often. Do not forget about protein, be sure to eat fish with vegetables twice a week. Dress salads with vegetable oils, not mayonnaise or sour cream.

Exercises for a flat stomach

Without special exercises, a flat stomach is also not achieved. Exercises start with aerobic exercise. The task of this part of the classes is to shake up the body, stretch the muscles and raise the tone. In fact, this part is a warm-up.

Particular attention should be paid to the zone of the waist and abdomen (see)

Combine active exercises with static ones - leaning to the side, freeze for a few seconds at the bottom point. Do at least five exercises within seven minutes.

Now you can proceed to the strength part of the exercises. If you have not trained before, then this part should not take you more than 15 minutes. In the future, you can increase the time up to 30 minutes.
An excellent complex will help you:

A set of exercises for a flat stomach

In this complex, all exercises for the press must be done one after another without rest. First set of the first exercise. Then a set of the second, third. Collectively, this is called a "circle". Beginners should do a circle 1 time, but after a couple of weeks you need to move on to 2 and even 3 circles. And even more if you are very interested in the result.

Note: You need to complete this set of ab exercises with an additional set of crunches (50 reps).

Press crunch exercises
You should start the complex with this exercise for the press, and then do it a second time - the last one. Take a lying position on the floor, bend your knees. The hands can be clasped behind the back of the head, but this may tempt you to help yourself by pushing your head. It is better to keep your fingertips at the temples. Without lowering your chin to your chest, “fold” your torso with the force of the press. Press the lower back firmly to the floor and do not tear off until the end of the repetitions.
Press exercises - diagonal crunches
Starting position - lying on the floor as with ordinary twists, but with a big amendment. The ankle of one leg should rest on the knee of the other. Bend one arm and place it behind your head. Without lowering your chin to your chest, bring your elbow to the opposite knee. Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds. Perform an equal number of repetitions on each side.
Press exercises - reverse crunches for three counts
Lying on your back on the floor, raise your legs bent at the knees, and put your hands behind your head. This is the starting position. The sequence of movements is as follows. First, you tighten your abs and pull your knees towards your chest. Once! Then stretch straight legs. Two! You return to the starting position. Three! And all this counts as one repetition.
Press exercises - twisting for three counts
The starting position is the same as for normal twists. But the exercise is done in three stages. First, you slightly raise your shoulders off the floor. Once! Then higher. Two! Then even higher. Three! Slowly lower the body, but do not lie on your back on the floor, stop 5-10 cm. From this position, start a new repetition. In other words, don't let your abs relax for the entire set.
Exercises on the press - bike
Put your hands behind your head, bend one leg at the knee and lift. The other leg is extended forward and "hangs" a few centimeters from the floor. Stretch your opposite shoulder to the raised knee, hold for a second, then repeat the same movement, changing the position of the legs.

The first days of exercise will be very difficult, because the muscles will hurt and whine. But you can't skip a workout if you want to achieve a flat stomach in a week. Therefore, initially it is worth setting yourself up and overcoming your laziness and other problems.

Performing such exercises can lead to health problems. Yes, and the stomach will turn out convex, not flat.

Exercises for a flat stomach must be performed lying on the mat, at a fast pace. Try to do them correctly, do not try to cheat. Why deceive yourself? For good result each exercise must be performed 20 times. The exercises themselves are very simple and familiar to everyone - these are various twists, scissors, lifting the buttocks, lying on your back, cycling, etc.

Any ab exercise you know will do. For a change and enhance the effect of twisting, you can perform it with a ball (see).

By the way, a fairly simple exercise helps many girls - pulling in the stomach. It is very simple and effective exercise. At first, it may seem uncomfortable, but after a week the stomach will become flat and beautiful.

A good exercise for a flat stomach is considered -. It perfectly strengthens the muscles and keeps them in good shape.

Helpful Hints

  • Cleansing the body gives an amazing and fast effect. But it is best not to get carried away with various cleaning preparations and consult a doctor who will help you properly carry out the cleaning procedure.
  • The ideal flatness of the abdomen is influenced not only by diets and exercise stress. Sometimes, in order to get a beautiful tummy, it's enough learn to relax. After all, stress is reflected in our waist, contributing to an increase in fat in this area. The more stress, the more fat the body accumulates. Yoga techniques and breathing exercises can help here.
  • Very useful for the abdomen massage. It can be manual or carried out using anti-cellulite massagers and silicone cups. But this method is contraindicated for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pressure problems.
  • In addition, quitting smoking and alcohol gives excellent results. After all, it not only adversely affects our health, but also affects the figure. Alcohol is very high-calorie, especially beer is dangerous for the waist, which increases the stomach. And smoking slows down the metabolism and does not go well with a flat stomach.
  • And of course, do not forget to keep your posture. After all, the stomach is especially noticeable in those who always stoop. The body begins to take on an irregular shape, the internal organs are displaced, and the stomach protrudes.